Is fired. Welcome to the s**t show. Things are going to get weird, weird. It's your fave billion kilowatt hours. And you're listening to barely famous f**kers. Happy Friday, y'all. This is a new episode of Barely Famous, it's Monday for me, Friday for y'all, but I have Jordy Cray here with me today. I'm so f**king pumped because this man has all the f**king tea all the time. So get ready. This one's going to be a gossipy, juicy episode of Barely Famous. Hello. Hi. I, first of all, thank you for coming on, I'm sorry, I'm late. I had chaos at my house this morning. So I was texting in my group chat and I was like, I'm going to have Jordy on go by Jordan or Jordan, either one. Yeah. OK. So I was calling you Jordy, and I was like, I'm going to have him on. And they were giving me all the f**king TV. I only know right now the only celebrity gossip that I'm familiar with is the Selena Gomez and Hailey, and I'm like, OK, I don't. Yeah, I literally have no idea. Like, I live under a rock, so they're giving me all the s**t to talk about. So I was like, All right, let me ask him everything. I love it. So are you ready for this wild? I am. I'm so excited to talk to you. It's kind of weird, though, because I've watched you for so long. I'm like, Oh my God, but I'm excited. That's so funny. No, I think I came across you on my for you page one day and I was just like, I have to follow him. I followed you. And then we kind of have like six degrees of separation or whatever because you worked with the police and did all of that. So what all did you do for them? So I did a deep dive on them, just on my own without any knowledge or anything like that. And then their publicist, who we know, yeah, reached out to me and basically just said that she likes, you know, the way I recover news like I may not recover news, report news. And I don't know, we kind of became friends after that. Yeah, yeah. No, I love her. She's so great. So that worked out. And I oh, it's always so weird in this industry, like how people connect. Like I met Lindsay with her. Like, what the f**k, really? Yeah. I didn't even meet her when I started doing the podcast with her, I hadn't even met her in person. Oh, OK. Yeah, and you guys are still like really close friends, right? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And we do the podcast together. We record every week and stuff. And so it was just like a small world, you know, like this whole, the whole situation. So how did you get into doing all of this? I am just nosey. Really, I I yeah, I was just I started to talk a year ago, just out of nowhere. Well, not out of nowhere. I was on Instagram one day and I was looking at Hayley Duff's Instagram account. And not that many people I follow follow Hailey, but I obviously follow Hilary Duff. So I was able to see that Hilary Duff had not like any of Hailey's posts since January 2021. And then that set me down this rabbit hole rabbit hole where I was like, OK, so Hailey follows Hillary's husband. Hillary's husband does not follow Hailey, and that was like, Oh my God, I haven't seen them in pictures together in a long time, and I uncovered this beef between them. And I was like, Is it political? Because January 2021, you know, I don't know what it is. Do they just not like Hillary's husband? What is it? And then that went. My first video went viral, and then after that, I kind of shot myself in the foot, though, because now people expect these, like very elaborate and, you know, deep dives where I'm like, Oh God, take so much work. But it's fun. They do. I'm sure we so what is the drama? Because I just saw that ticktalk. The girl said it in my group chat and they were like, That was the video. What is there a beef? Yeah, I love Hillary. I actually love both of them. And when Hillary just recently came out with her little capsule collection with kids and the kids clothing line, I think it's true. Carter, yes, I first of all, I just love her like everything about Hillary obsessed. So what is their beef? Is there not beef? There's beef? Yeah, I do. We know what it is. Yeah. So I had we do. Yeah, I mean, I think I knew because someone close to the situation, I can't say who it was, but someone freaked out, of course, and said, Yes, there is beef, but it's not political, although they do have different political beliefs. What I am told allegedly that Haley and Hillary's husband, they don't mesh really well. Haley's husband or Haley herself and Hillary's Haley herself and Hillary's husband got it. Okay. Yes. And that's the team. Yeah, well, the tea is that what they said was Haley and her fiance are still close with Hillary's ex Mike Comrie and gone after you. Hillary's current husband apparently did not like that. I mean, that is a tough situation. I feel like that's relatable to a lot of families, and I'm very much like a normal, not normal, a common beef. I would say that sucks. It does because I like the most. But yeah, but I guess I mean, at some point you got to do what's best for you and your family. So if that means, you know, I guess I don't know because I don't have I'm not close with my siblings, so I don't know. We just share a dad, you know, so that one's Typekit. But there's always I feel like in the industry, there's always like family feuds except for like the Kardashians. So, you know, that's that is what it is. But family feuds are my favorite, how they're my favorite because everybody can relate to that or not. Yeah, of course. No. And I love the tick tock that you did that was like that. Your life is sometimes messier than the celebrities. And I was wrong. It is. That's why I'm like, I'm not judging anybody. I've done way worse s**t than half of these people on here. So I don't give a f**k. I mean, I'll I'll still at all. I don't care sucks. That's why I make fun of myself because I'm like, If I don't make fun of myself, other people are going to rip me the f**k to shreds so I don't give a s**t. I will always drag myself or someone drags me. It's like Eminem from eight mile. Yeah, I'm telling you. Yeah. So catch me up on the drama with Kelsea Ballerini and her whole situation because my best friend put me on to Kelsea and I don't really know anything about her outside of her actual music. So like, what's the T? So. I love Kelsey, too. I just saw her in concert in September. She's great. So she and her husband, Morgan, divorced over the summer, and he came out with the song within like five minutes called Over For You, which basically was him saying that he was blindsided by this divorce. You know, he never saw it coming. And Kelsey kept it. They never did. They never do bulls**t. So Kelsey kept it cute. Didn't really say anything, but she dropped her six song EP on Valentine's Day and basically responded to that song. And even, you know, one of her songs she's like, Were you blindsided or were you just blind? And then she did the call her daddy interview. And then that was it. And then the same day, all these Page Six articles saying that she had cheated on her husband with Drew from The Chainsmokers. I'm like, Well, that's f**king convenient. This article that comes out when Kelsey decides to tell her side, I'm like, They're always trying to silence a woman like, let her share her side. You know, I'm not really buying that. He was blindsided. Kelsey was in therapy with him and everything. I'm like, Come on, they always men always say they're f**king blindsided, but they don't f**king listen. Right? Like, that's the thing is that they're not listening to their partners a lot of the time. And so it's like, how many times do I have to tell you how I'm feeling before it actually gets the f**k through to you? Because it was the same thing for my divorce. It was like, Yeah, I literally my hands are tied at this point. Nothing is changing. OK, so divorced he got. I mean, I'm glad she's able to get her side out a little bit, but it does suck that, you know, they can't even get her side out without. Right? Kind of doing that for him. See, like when he said when they got together, he's nine years older than her two. I don't know why everybody is overlooking that. I'm like, I didn't know who the f**k I was at twenty two years old. So I'm like, You grow so much in your 20s, so you're not the same person you are when you're, oh, twenty nine. Absolutely not. That's a huge part. Like I just said, I think on my last and last week's episode, I said I literally my biggest advice is don't get married in your 20s, like specifically in your early 20s because you know you're still a baby. Like, I look back and I'm like 22, 23, even up to 25. I was a f**king baby. Like, it took me, you know, four kids and three baby dads to realize, like, you know, you got to pick your battles, you got to, you know, really, really think about long term, you know, and I wasn't doing that when I was in my early 20s. So how old are you? I am 33. I got married when I was 31. OK. So I would say you're married now or not married? Yeah. OK. Awesome. I love that for you. Does he ever want to get on social media now? Hell, no, he doesn't have any social media. He's the complete opposite of me, which thank God, because can you imagine, like two of me, we would kill each other, some like each other? Yeah, no. He's good, does he? Does he ever like, look at what you're doing and like, does he want the tea on all the celebrities too? Or does he not give a s**t? He doesn't give a s**t, but thank God for him because he really talks me off the ledge a lot, because it's really hard sometimes dealing with trolls that come with social media. And he tells me all the time, don't respond. And if you're going to respond, respond with humor, do not get defensive about it because then they feed off that s**t. And this is true trying to learn that. But sometimes I'm like, Who the f**k are you talking to? You're not talking to me like that, you know? You know, Fat Mike. Yeah, no, I get that. They just they're they're relentless. And what's crazy is that I was so like, I will literally just stew on sometimes like what the trolls will say. But then there's like double the amount of supporters. It's so, so f**king hard to get through to like a hater. Anyway, you're never going to change their mind. So it's like we might as well just not even respond with humor. You know what I mean, because you've been on TV since you were 16, so how is it for you when everybody told you since you were 16, who the f**k you are and trying to like change their perception? But do you just like give up that? It's like, think whatever you want? I mean, like, how is that for you? Yeah, at this point, I just I'm just like, whatever, you know, I can't change your mind. And only now, really, since I left the show am I like, OK, I can't change everybody's minds. I can't even change. I mean, think about everyday people that are not on TV that don't have shows, you know? And Kristen, my best friend, she was the one that told me that she's like, you know, everyday people in your life when you have an opinion about them, it's really hard to change that. So imagine, you know, for trolls, they have these feelings about reality stars or celebrities or whatever, and they're not going to change their mind just because you said one thing to them, like, that's not how it works. I just at this point, I just throw my throw the towel in. I don't care. You know, if you don't like me, that's fine. I'm sure it'll happen for you to at some point you're just gonna be like, This is for the birds. Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. By that point, it's a lot and you can't change people's minds. I mean, whatever. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. OK, so one other TikTok that I did see that I was like, What in the f**k is this? I have to talk to Jordan about it. Is the Kim Zolciak. Yeah, is there a deep dive coming? Because did you do a deep dive on that? Yes, I did do a deep dive. Wait, so that's I think you liked the first part of that. And I think that's when you started following. Okay, well, I think I did a video on him and I remember seeing you follow me and I was like, Whoa, I was like, Oh my God. Wait. So it's been going back that far. I did a deep dive back in October. OK. I've just been doing updates since then because of the foreclosure situation that's happening. Is it happening? What is the what is the lake? What do you mean? Not anymore. How does the bank just decide? No, just kidding. We're not going to foreclose on your house anymore. Like, how the f**k does that? How so? This happened back in November, where you know it was saved? I don't know if they had someone bail them out of it or if they filed bankruptcy. I don't really know how they fixed it, but they did it again. So the foreclosure was canceled. I mean, good for her, good for her. But I don't know that this is the top. I mean, I get that watching reality TV. I don't know them personally, but I could tell from watching them. I don't like them, just OK. I just don't think it's going to skew. All right. I want to take a break really quick because I need to talk to you guys about a better sex life. You know, like, everyone should just take a second to think about whether you want better sex or not, because I know I want to have better sex immediately, 100 percent. 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Bring more pleasure and satisfaction to your bedroom with thousands of products to choose from. Just go to Adam and Eve dot com, select any one item. It can be an adventurous new toy or anything that you want to try and enter code famous at checkout that's famous among us at Adam and Eve dot com. This is an exclusive offer specific to this podcast, so be sure to use code famous to get your discount. Plus 100 percent free shipping. Use code famous. Kim is famous for being just correct me, if I'm wrong, let me just get like, give the breakdown so Kim is famous for being married to. An MLB player is that right now she was on Real Housewives of Atlanta. The first few seasons, and she married Croix, who was played for the NFL. NFL. Oh, OK. So, OK, so he doesn't play for the NFL more. No, but I used to follow. There's one of the daughters not was a real real. I used to follow her very much like I saw a tick tock last night, and it was like before I moved to Miami and then Miami. Like what Miami did to that? Yeah. Not not the Zolciak Biermann, but that's essentially like what I got from the girls that the got it. They are very much. Plastic, yeah. Yeah. They look just like him. Let me let me pull one out. Let me pull one of the girls up. Wait, so brio. But she lives like a f**king lavish lifestyle and I am jealous of that. Like, she's always going somewhere. She's always doing something. OK? She looks just like her mom really does. I'm looking at her on her Instagram right now. She looks different again than the last time I saw her. I feel like she may be getting less fillers because I mean, she's hot regardless, but she definitely is not getting as many fillers as she was before Breo. Yeah, I'm just surprised that they're getting it so young because they're only in their mid 20s. But I mean, to each their own. I guess that. I mean, I can't. I don't even. Maybe you can speak just a little bit because you've grown up on TV. I can't even imagine how it must be for people to always comment on your appearance, especially at a young age, to some shirt f**ks with you, some in some way. Maybe that has something to do with that. A hundred percent. I take back my plastic comment because she looks brilliant. Way better than she did the last. Yeah, she looks way better than she did the last time I looked on her page, but she does look identical to her mom. I wonder, like what the tea is about the house going back and forth on foreclosure because I feel like maybe so. She was on Real Housewives because she was married to the NFL player or separate from the NFL's separate. She met him while she was on the show. So how did she get on the show and how did she get money to be on the show? Like, I'm not, I'm not fault. She had a sugar daddy. His name is Big Poppa and I'm not lying. That's like a real thing that was on the show. His name is Big Poppa, and he would just pay for her lifestyle. No, no, no, no, no, no. So, OK, so we're talking here meets a sugar daddy. And becomes wealthy from this pretty much, or she was already wealthy. I don't know how she got her money beforehand, but yeah, he was definitely buying her all kinds of s**t. Yeah, the Big Poppa storyline was huge the first few seasons of Real Housewives of Atlanta. OK. And so she already had kids at this point, or she did not have she had two kids. Yes, she had she had two kids at that point. Yeah. OK, so they have a different dad than the other. I think for kids, yeah, and they they aren't like full siblings. They're half sisters. They have different dads. So she has three baby dads. Yeah, I think so. Yep. So why do people come for me, because I don't I don't have money like Kim or what? I don't know why. They don't know when they come for you all the time. I think people just I just hate on you because they've watched you grow up. So it's easy for them to get hate on you. But I don't know, you get unfairly treated. So Bristol and Arianna don't have the same do. No. And then the other four kids are from the NFL player, do they have four other kids? I think they have three together. But yeah, the rest are from Kroy. And he's not in the NFL anymore now. I don't know what he does now, but I have so many questions like I don't know if it's just from like, I'll be honest with you. Like being on TV and getting large sums of money at such a young age. I should have. I should be multi multi multimillionaire at this point. But I did, and I was not taught to properly invest my money or, you know, do those things until later on. And thankfully, I'm doing those things now. But you know, the first thing I think of now, you know, from the outside, I guess, because I'm not on the show anymore is like, are they investing their money? Are you paying your bills like? Not that I want to count other people's pockets, but I want to know how to continuously make the wealth keep going. And so I guess like if you are having a Big Poppa and you're making money and then you're married to a former NFL player, how in the world does your house go under foreclosure? Not once, but twice, maybe. Three. Like, I'm so mind f**ked by this. Like when you see them on Instagram and on social media, you just see this huge, lavish lifestyle with like. Loads of money, endless trips, endless Botox, endless this endless that like what the f**k? I know there's like my comment section is always like off the chain, and there's a lot of people that say like where the money might be going, but I'm not going to. I mean, I can't speculate on that. And also, I'm not stupid. I'm not going to get sued for saying some s**t that I don't know. So I'm like, y'all can have at that, but I ain't got me mean. I don't know where it went. Yeah, thanks. You're like, I got my money in check, so it doesn't matter. But somebody else's. OK, so that's interesting. I'm just so blown away. Like, this is so interesting to me, like I have, so I need to talk to him. Like, Why does your house keep going under foreclosure? Does she give a reason? She called us all haters and said, it's lies. Ma'am. Kim, I know, I know. Yes, she doesn't she's not doesn't admit to anything that's what like my whole thing. I think that's my big reasoning for not really liking the families. They're not transparent. If you own your s**t and own your story, that's one thing. But if you're just going to say that we're all haters and you know, we're all full of s**t, Mike, clearly we're where there's smoke, there's fire there, so something ain't adding up there. The mapping mapping the map is not mapping out, literally. So you did the deed. So you're going to keep doing updates on that. I'm going to follow the updates because I need to know all the things. So where where did this love for celebrity gossip come from? I think it's always been a thing. Yeah, I've always been super obsessed. We're like close in the same age. So I grew up with like Britney, the Spice Girls, Christina. So, yes, always just super obsessed with all things celebrity TV, celebrity gossip. And it wasn't until. I guess a few years ago, I made a Facebook group where I was doing pop culture stuff and people kept suggesting that I go on Tik Tok, but Tik Tok kind of intimidated me a little bit just because there's so many other creators out there. But I was like, I might as well just kind of do my own thing because I knew that. I have cut kind of like what it takes to do that kind of stuff, but it was just kind of getting out of my own way and just saying, All right, we're just going to do this thing and. I'll show people what I made up, and I grew up like with Perez Hilton and all that kind of celebrity gossip, but I made a very conscious effort to not be Perez Hilton. No offense to him. He's he does his own thing. But I am very conscious of not body shaming people. I don't out gay men. I try to show all sides of the stories and I share, like my own life and my own vulnerabilities with that because you never know who you're reaching with that kind of stuff. So I kind of wanted to be someone that talks about pop culture, but also has morals about it. That's why I call myself politely messy. I was going to say that. So I read your bio because I I followed you, but I never read your bio. So when I went to go look at something, I saw politely messy. And I love that I actually had Perez Hilton on this podcast a while back a couple of months ago. And he he has apologized, actually not just on my podcast, but on other platforms about how he has reported on celebrity gossip and the way that he's done things. And, you know, that's between him and whoever, whatever higher power he believes in. But yeah, he, you know, it's just one of those things where I guess everyone has their own way of. You know, you set yourself apart with, you know, being politely messy. He was setting herself apart and, you know, whatever ways he was doing that. But yeah, did you see I actually saw this on Perez Hilton's Instagram some interview with Pink talking about Christina Aguilera. And they didn't like each other from the set of Lady Gaga. Was it Lady Marmalade? Yeah. Yes. What the f**k is that just now coming to light? Or has that always been news that's always been used and they've both talked about it before? Are they like they were both? Yeah, they've been on Watch What Happens Live and shared their side of the story before. It's not. They made up a long time ago, like years ago, they even did a song together, which they haven't released, but they've made up for years. So I guess now that she mentioned it again, people are kind of like bringing it back up and they're like, Oh my God, she's shading Christina. I'm like, I mean, they definitely didn't like each other at one point, but it's been. It's been cool for several years now. I love them both, but I love them both. Yeah, I mean, I sadly haven't heard any good things about Christina like in person. But as far as her music goes and like her style and stuff like, I definitely have been a fan over the years and I think. Well, I was and say equally a fan of like Britney and Christina, like I never I never was like picking sides when it came to those two. I always had all their albums. But yeah, I never heard good things about you like in person, which really is sad. But I've always heard to not meet the person like a celebrity that you love because they're going to disappoint you. So in terms, I'm not shocked. Yeah, I've heard the same, unfortunately, but I don't know. Maybe she's changed over the years? I don't know. She might be nice now. I don't know. Yeah, maybe she's definitely had some scandalous moments over the years as well. I don't really feel like Pink has ever had, like any scandals that I ever really knew about. Hmm. No, I think she did a lot of her s**t before she got famous. And then she kind of got all that out of our system and then, you know, got famous and then became a mom. Love that for her. And I think she proposed to her husband at one point, like she, he proposed she did. And then she said no, and then she turned around and proposed to him. And I'm kind of obsessed with that. Like, I feel like I don't know. I love her. I was hot. I haven't seen him. Who in a long time, what's his name again? Something hard, very, very hard. Yeah, I carry her with him. Carey Hart. It's been a minute since I looked him up. Oh yeah, he's aged pretty well, too. Yeah, no, he really has. And she's hot, too, I love her, like I just f**king love her. Oh yeah, yeah, she is definitely a fan of them. That's so funny. I feel like I had no idea about this beef. I thought it was brand new news, like I had no f**king clue. What do you think? Yeah, it's pretty old. The parking. Yeah, it's pretty old. Like, get the f**k with the times. Wait, so I, Meghan and K opinions are we do we think that they're broken up? Are they broken up? Do you have to? Do you know the scoop? I think I don't know, like inside our team, but just from the outside, looking in the trauma bond there is very strong with those two. I, Meghan, I've always loved Megan Fox. Jennifer's Body is one of my favorite movies of all time. But the s**t that she pulled on Sunday Super Bowl Sunday, where she tweeted the Beyonce lyrics and then deleted all the pictures of them together, and then pretty much was like, What's going on? You know, she acted like everything was fine. There was no other third person involved, even though even though she kind of fueled the fire when she responded to a fan who said, Did he cheat on you with Sophie? And she's like, Maybe I cheated on him with Sophie. She said something along the lines of that. But then she came back and released a statement saying, Everybody get f**ked. Nothing's going on. Cool it. But I'm like, you. You egged this on like she. Definitely. I think they both love attention. To be honest. What I thought, so I saw. A picture of her in the mirror with the guy with the like, what is it called like a cryptic caption. And then it was like, did they break up? Do they not break up? And that was on Super Bowl Sunday and like that whole thing? Yeah. And I think that they really lived for the comparison between the two of them and then Travis and Kourtney Kardashian. I think they really loved that whole thing. But what? What the hell happened like? Ah, I don't know. Like, it's they're weird. You know who they remind me of? Do you remember Carmen Electra and Dave Navarro? Do you have them? Yes, that's I get more of the vibe from that. You're so f**king right. What in the hell are you? You're like, I know I'm right. Of course I'm right. You need a shower. You need merch that says Jordy is always right because we have the killer's always forties. I know I need to get a shirt. Oh my god, that's so funny. Oh my gosh, you're right. Let me Google. Whatever happened to Carmen Electra? I'm Googling. I follow her on Instagram, but she doesn't really post too much, she was that b***h for a long time. I know many. Yeah, she was I don't know where she went, but I would like to see more Carmen Electra because I love her. Oh my gosh. First of all, that's not even her real name. How crazy. I know Prince gave her that name, did you know that? No, Howard Prince gave her that name. They were friends and he yeah, he gave her that name. Carmen Electra. Is that wild? That is so crazy. I want a celebrity to give me a nickname. What would your nickname be? Hmm. Well, I don't know. What would you what nickname would you give me? Oh, God, I don't know. Let me I'll have to get back to you on that one. Make a tick talk, but you're pretty savage, so you wouldn't it would be savage kill. I mean, you're definitely very savage. You've had to be. I mean, yeah, just call me savage. That's it. I love ZocDoc, this has been a lifesaver for me, especially because I have so many kids and it's just hard when we're in between sports, where in between this and that dinner school, all of the things and we can't, you know, spare the extra hour is in the car, 30 minutes. They are 30 minutes back to the doctor. So I downloaded the free ZocDoc app. This is perfect if you've been doing on a health problem or if you are resorting to your group chat trying to get medical advice, you're probably not going to find good quality advice there. So definitely get ZocDoc. There are thousands of medical professionals on ZocDoc that are there to help you, so they literally listen like a friend and give you actual care and expert advice. ZocDoc helps you find expert doctors and medical professionals that specialize in the care you need and deliver the type of experience you want. 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I I unfortunately, there's not that many like updates to give now, but I really loved doing all of the deep dives on the crystals and I just did one on the Palin family and that was the most fun I've ever had doing. I think the Palin family that was off the chain like, you know, Bristol, Bristol, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, what's the t-? What's the deep dive there? Well, their family has gone through so many scandals and I'd covered each one, so I need to go follow all the scandals. Kale Dallas. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but that deep dive is great. Oh, did you just post it recently? Should I pull it up really quick? Yeah, it was last month. Yeah. OK, so I'll I'll check into that on once we get off here. But so do you know Bristol personally? Did you ever meet her? I can't remember if I met her in person or not, like one of the reunion, I want to say. Yes, I did meet her, but I don't know. I don't remember for sure. So I don't want to say I don't want her to come back and be like, we never met in person. I don't remember. I feel like we did it. I don't remember us outside of her getting pregnant as a teen, I don't remember any scandals, really. You do remember her baby daddy and playing a posing for Playgirl and you know him alleging all those things about their family. You don't remember that? No. Wait. Oh my God. They all got into it like a no. Bristol's ex, like Levi Johnston, her baby daddy posed for Playboy. First one Playgirl. Playgirl? Yeah. And their family got into that big family brawl, got like 2014. You don't remember any of that. They they they went through it. And I uncover all of it. You know, what's crazy to me is that like and I'm this is I have respect for Bristol. I have no beef. So I. She she comes from a very well-known family, and she got pregnant young, just like Jamie Lynn Spears, right, comes from a very wealthy, well known family. Yeah. This is where I struggle with being in the public eye and where how I come from nothing and I'm on this show and I don't get opportunities like Dancing With the Stars, but Bristol gets opportunity to do Dancing With the Stars. You know, things like that. And so that's where I get frustrated because I feel like I've worked so f**king hard to get to where I am now. And yes, I am fully aware of how messy I can be and how messy I have been in the past. But so is Snooki. You know, Snooki is f**king messy as hell. Yeah, that's true. Sloppy and kind of all over the place, and she really turned around and redeemed herself. And I feel like I work really hard to try to do that. And every single time I try, something else is brought up from my past or something else comes up or, you know, something. So things are along those lines. And so I have a hard time, you know, with how Bristol got to do Dancing With the Stars, but like. I can't get an opportunity like that, you know, and I've tried really hard, so it's it's so interesting to me how certain people get a second chance and certain people don't. Right? You are you weren't extended the same grace as a lot of people are. Which isn't it isn't fair. Like Snooki was on the f**king face of Cheez-Its. And I'm like, what? I f**king loved it. I said it to my team and I was like, This is fantastic. Like, How can I do this? Like, I used to be messy, and I'm not. I mean, I don't feel like I'm messy anymore, but I'm definitely less messy. No, it's true. I mean, she was arrested on national TV being drunk in public. So how does that happen? I wonder how that happens. That's that's where I'm at. With that, I get really frustrated with like who people are willing to give a second chance to do you feel like? Because I also follow gay man with a spray tan and I'm obsessed with him. Do you feel like you get compared to other people who do celebrity gossip, celebrity gossip and deep dives at all? Not really, because I don't know anybody else that shares their own life while they're doing it. Right, right, right, right, right. That's what I think. I kind of created my own lane with that. Yeah. And I think it makes me more relatable, hopefully, because I mean, I share about my struggles with addiction and everything. So I'm an open book. So I'm still A. about them. I'm going to spill tea about myself to wait. OK, so your addiction situation? I did watch that tech talk where you talked about you drank a lot, right? Yeah. So you're in recovery now. Are you a recovering alcoholic? Yeah, nine years. Wow, that is incredible. I'm so proud of you. My mom basically holick, so I completely honestly. I think sometimes people don't take alcoholism as seriously as they do drug addiction. But I don't think that people understand that alcohol withdrawals are, I think, one of, if not the only drug that the withdrawals themselves. You can die, probably kill you. Yeah, yeah. Like, you can get really, really sick from other drug withdraws, but the alcohol withdraws will kill you. And I don't think that people really understand how serious that is. So I'm incredibly proud of you because that's so hard. That's so f**king hard. Thank you. And that's another reason why I respect you so much, because you're the only one. I'm the Teen Mom franchise that did not have parents that helped you in any sort of way because you really came from nothing and built yourself up and created this family for yourself. That's I'm always like, Why are y'all hating on kale so much? Look at where the f**k she came from and look at where you are now. I think part of it is that. I faced a lot of adversity growing up and even now, not as much now, but growing up, I did. And I think the people in the same situation did not get themselves out of it and did not beat the odds against them. And so I think those are truly the people that are mad at me and hate me and troll me. I think the one that's true adversity and don't get themselves out of the situation. And we know part of it is because I was able to get a paycheck and I was able to kind of pay for my, my schooling and things like that. And I have to give credit where credit is due. That is from the show. You know, if it wasn't for the show, I think I would have struggled a lot longer. I definitely still would have beat the odds, but it would have been harder, right? But again, I searched for the opportunity I went looking for. I'm pregnant. What? Not now I'm saying at the time, I'm like, I'm pregnant. What the f**k do I do? How do I get out of the situation? Teen Mom season one or 16 and pregnant season one was already airing, so I went and looked for that opportunity. You have to have that mindset that you're going to go look for ways to get the f**k out. And that was the reason why I wanted to do the show was because, I mean, Kaitlin and Tyler's parents, the situation was similar, but they still were in their lives. And so in that way, I definitely related to them. But you know, Tyler has if I if I am not wrong, I'm pretty sure his mom has been like a really good support system for them. So, yeah, you know, my my story was a little bit different in that way. I didn't have I haven't talked to my mom in six years. So almost as long as you've been sober, I haven't talked to my mom or seen them. I mean, sometimes that's necessary, though you have to love people from a distance and wish them well, you know? Are there any parts of the show that you miss? I'm really miss some of the people that I worked with, like on my crew. Yeah, I was thinking about it yesterday, and I'm kind of embarrassed because throughout the process of filming the camera crew, you know, they see a lot, right? Like, they see when we don't want to film certain things, they see when we have attitudes, they see when we're being difficult, they see all of these things. And I'm thinking back yesterday, I was driving in the car and I was like, Wow, like, some of my favorite camera operators saw me just be a total c**t, like they've seen be a total a*****e. And then they've also seen me be who I like to think of myself as like me on my best days, and they've also just seen me at my worst. I really, really, really, really miss my, my producer, my most recent producer, Patrick. And you actually remind me of him. I don't. Yeah, have you seen him before? Yeah. So you very much remind me of him. He's such a good time. He's such good energy. He always has tea and gossip. I mean, he was truly my favorite producer that I've ever worked with because he and I don't want to get him in trouble. But like he wanted me to tell my story the way that it was going. And I think that MTV didn't love that because he really did look out for me. And he was like, he understood that like, we could work together and give the tea and like, you know, film what they want to film. But it has to be done in a way that makes sense for us and for me too. But they didn't like that, and so they cut him from from me. And then the last season, before I left, I didn't have a producer. It was just whoever was available to him. So I mean, it is what it is. But I I have a confession. So earlier, like this week because I knew that we were going to have a conversation I watch like the evolution of kale on YouTube on MTV posted. Uh huh.. There were so many moments I forgot about. You're 16 and pregnant when you're like, Hold back. But you know, like, I don't know why that takes me out every single time I see that. Like, I forgot about that. Like the way we got raped. I didn't have like the stirrups to put your feet in. Yeah, I needed to push off of him holding my foot. I don't think people realize why I was so upset. Like, I need you to hold my foot so I can bear it down. I couldn't feel anything. So it's like you just let go. And now, how am I supposed to push this f**king child out of being like, What do you want me to do? Oh my god, it's so funny. I mean, to be fair, I think a lot of people forget a lot of the stuff. Like there was another scene where Joe and I are arguing and I had asked his brother to watch Isaac, which he was normally doing anyway. And the camera crew filmed me physically give his brother cash OK for watching Isaac and. And at a later time, we were filming or something, and they said I didn't pay him and I was like, No, the camera crew was here watching me while they were filming while I paid him, but they couldn't get involved like legally or whatever the case was, could not legally get involved. So they weren't even allowed to say on camera, like, yes, she paid you. And so that was like a whole thing, too. But I don't even remember if they ended up airing that or not. Poverty, all the. Yeah, seriously, that's funny. What other celebrity do you have for me? Anything good celebrity? Well, I know the stuff that's going on with Hailey and Selena is pretty crazy. My thing is I I don't understand why Hailey hasn't learned her lesson yet. Selena's fans do not play well. OK, so this is what I know so far. Selena and Hailey have had beef over the years, whatever. But Hailey claims there's no beef. They took a picture together. But then I, when I saw this profile on Twitter that had all these things that Selena has done over the years and like, they were just like attacking Selena and basically on Hailey side. And then something about Kylie came up because of the Instagram following or something along those lines. Does does Kylie have a hand in any of the Selena and Hailey stuff? Or is it just the Selena and Kylie stuff about Instagram? It's it's started. It started to get kind of like amassed a little bit. I was I didn't know who was fighting with who at one point because it and then Taylor Swift somehow got dragged it. I don't know like what happened because to be honest, I think I have PTSD from Selena Gomez's fans because they've attacked me and I haven't even really said like anything really bad about Selena. But Hailey needs to watch out just because they're they're crazy. They're passionate. But what is the actual beef is that Hailey married someone that Selena dated. Is that like where it all starts? A lot of people are saying that Hailey is like obsessed with Selena and, you know, is always like shading her or something like that. I I think she might be jealous of her, but that's just my opinion. OK, so because there's definitely times where I've been stuck on like my significant others x, I mean, not anymore, but when I was young. Oh yeah, oh yeah, absolutely. And I think I struggle with it now, too. It's just like comparing, like, why did you go from that to me? Like what was like, I don't know. It's just weird. So Haley has a tattoo of a g behind her ear, and she got this after Selena did. Yeah, allegedly, I don't know what's the G4? I don't know what the G would stand for. For Hayley, I don't know why she would get a. Obviously, Selina would get it because, you know, Gomez, but oh, I thought, I thought I read that Selena's got Selena got hers for her little sister, but I don't know what her little sister's name is. Oh, I don't know either, but that would make sense, too. So why did Hayley get it? I don't know. That's what I'm wondering. And then the the Twitter that I pulled up on, I pull it up to read some of the tweets because I was like, People really they you have to pick a side with that and you can't. The fans are not. They're not allowing you to be like me now. And so they says every time Selena Gomez mentioned or did something related to Justin and Hailey Bieber after they married, they married. So one of the first ones is right after the Bieber's wedding, Selena released a song that she had finished since February of that same year. And then it's the one of the lyrics says, in two months you replaced us. It's like, Lose you to love me or something. Mm-Hmm. Yeah. And then it says Selena had all the promotion of her song and next album, talking about Justin that he didn't love her anymore, that she made the song because of a person. Justin broke up with her just because just she just because she wants Justin to listen to the album. But I thought they dated when she was like 13 or like, really young. They were super young. I don't like what his dick, that good that y'all are still talking about this. Like, you know, like, isn't that great? I mean, I don't know. Well, actually, I don't know. I mean, there's pictures of him swimming that I've seen before that's leaked out. Like, it looks great, but I don't know. It must be that great, you know? But Justin isn't as cute as he used to be, in my opinion. I don't know. He used to be Justin used to really have it going on. Yeah, definitely. But he's still cute, but I don't know. Just like, not like a one, you know what I mean? Yeah, maybe he's a two, not a two. It says that even though, OK, so Selena was liking pictures and like things about Justin and her relationship, like months and months afterwards or like months ago. These are, I mean, I don't understand the obsession. And then she and you're reading it. So Twitter that you're reading right now is that people that are on Hailey side? I think so. That's what Hayley, have stance. What are what are Hayley Sands called? What does she do? What does she do? I just think she's so pretty. So I don't know. I have no clue. The explosive new season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey is back. And if you're anything like me, you can't get enough. That's why I'm here to tell you all about some of my favorite podcasts and why. PodcastOne is the number one destination for all things jersey. First up here from one of our favorite Italian bombshells. Hey everyone, it's your favorite jersey housewife, Melissa Gorga. Make sure to check out season two of Melissa Gorga on display. Family takes center stage this season and the ultimate OG is spilling all the tea. Hear it straight from the queen herself. Namazi b***hes is all new every Wednesday, and if you haven't listened yet, here's what you've been missing me. 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And so I don't really know who else did her daily skin care ticktalk, and four hours later, Selena Gomez uploaded her first skincare, Tik Tok and everyone noticed that she was obviously making fun of Haley's, but she said she was making sh. But she said making those mocking gesture, circling the eyes and showing her middle finger had zero bad intentions. And then it said Haley's photo came out in the examples of inspiration for Selena's outfits that her show selects her show, stylists showed on Instagram. So, yeah, these people are definitely against Selena. Oh, I feel bad for them, though I hope Selena's fans do not get a hold of that Twitter thread. They're probably already on it. But yeah, Selena fans will not rest until they have justice for her. Did you watch the call her daddy interview with Hailey? Yeah, and what a disappointment that was because she wasn't promoting anything. She was just kind of she was almost talking in riddles. It would seem like, I'm like, What are you talking about? Like it? Wasn't you anything? Yeah. I'm like, If you're going to do an interview, at least give something like give. She gave us nothing, nothing. She gave us nothing. I need to know. So are you, team Selena? Are your team neutral or what are you, Selena? Selena. OK, yeah, I. Remember a Selena and Demi Lovato beef, and I feel like I remember Demi allegedly speaking, I don't want to get sued. Allegedly. Demi Lovato this was years ago bullying. We think of it was during COVID. Demi Lovato was allegedly running a troll page against Selena. I heard that too. I don't believe that. I don't think. I just can't see Demi having that much time to do it. I think one could argue it was COVID, and we all had a lot of time on our hands. But I don't think that she she would do that. I don't think she cares like that. But I don't know. Who knows? I like that MeToo. Yeah, I like them. I like all of them. I don't have to. I don't have issues. I don't know enough. You know, but I am. I don't know if I like the Beerman, you know, like, that's where I'm at. So so far, where team pink team Christina team your team, Selena? I don't have. I don't know if I have an opinion yet. I need to go down a rabbit hole. I think he'll beat Selena once you get three. Yeah. OK. OK. OK. And then who else do we talk about the we're obviously Team Chrisley. We love the Kris Lees and we're not Team Biermann Zolciak not happening. Yeah. Now we're always. We're always team kale. I mean, we're always thinking, we're always team kale. Always. I have dating profiles. We do this on every episode and I read like Tinder and dating profiles and we react to them. So I'm about to read you some. Oh my gosh, it's been so long since I've been on Tinder. Oh, like. Were you on Tinder? Yeah, yeah. I was on call them at one point. And was it a good time? Did you? What did you have any crazy dating stories defined? Good time. How did you meet your husband? You're online. You're married, right? Yeah, yeah. We met online. I've never gotten a chance to do like the dating apps and stuff because I always find myself in crazy situations like on my own without them. However, I've learned a lot from these dating profiles funny profiles to like, engage scary profiles that I want to stay away from. So in the event that I ever do end up on an app, I'm definitely going to have like a really good catchy profile. First, yeah, yeah, you got to get someone's attention. And I will say that with the bad comes the good because I wasn't looking for a relationship when I met my husband. But then when I met him, and this is like one of those moments where I thought would never happen to me. Literally everything that I've ever gone through in my life made sense when I met my husband. Oh, that makes me so happy for you. That's so like because you just never know. You never know. Yeah, it happened right away. I was like, Oh, wow, there you are. It was very dark in the same field or how to know now because I know you work in health care, right? Yup. And what does he do? Accounting. Accounting. OK? Actual accounting or defense? Yeah. Actual accounting. OK. I saw Janelle from Teen Mom did some tech talk or something where she put like accounting job and people didn't understand what she was talking about. But I think she was referring to her OnlyFans job and she called it accounting. But I was like. Wait, why is she verified on TikTok? And you're not. Can we talk about that for a second? Why aren't you verifying somebody? I don't know. You know what I did a long time ago? I think it was right after COVID. I did a boudoir boudoir boudoir shoot or whatever, and TikTok did come back and say that like one of my videos, which I'm assuming is the behind the scenes of that shoe was why they couldn't verify me. And then they told me to make it private and reapply. So I did, and I still haven't been verified. So I don't know. At this point, I give up. I applied. They were like, Who the f**k are you? But other creators who have less followers than you are verified. I know. I don't know how that works. They didn't necessarily say, Who the f**k are you? But in no way were like, Yeah, you don't meet criteria. And it's what they told me. But I was like, What they cover? Well, Shane is thirty five. He's on. I don't know what dating app this is. Maybe he should get verified because his profile says. Six hostile women for unfulfilling sex, future divorce and co-dependency, looking for a whiny, crazy lady with misplaced sense of entitlement and lots of expectations. Bonus points if she finished dating every guy in town but now want to take it slow with me. I'd be an OBE. I'd be open to an unsatisfying hold on. I'd be open to an unsatisfying fling, but prefer a long term, soul crushing descent into booze and pills. Is that real soul crushing descent into booze and pills? Yeah, that's real. Oh my god. This is his photo. Oh, God. So we rate him one one to 10. Like, what do you rate him? Zero point five. And what do we why do we feel about his profile? I mean, I think the bio is funny because I don't think he's serious. There might be some half truth in there. Yeah, but I know that when I was, like in my early 20s, I would have been like everything he was looking for. Probably because that describes me and a lot of that he I'd be open to an unsatisfying fling but prefer a long term, soul crushing descent into booze and pills. I love that for him. I, you know, to hope he finds what he's looking for. The next one is on Bumble. His name is Bill. He's 46, and his boat, his about me says, I will ruin your life. I'm addicted to sex. I've been cheating on many women for years. I'm a narcissist who controls everything and makes you think you're crazy? Run. If you can, I will ruin your life. I've done it to so many women and I have STDs. I've been married four times. Well, I'm thinking someone got a hold of this account because there's no way he would say he has that cities. Absolutely not. It says, I'm still not over any of my exes. I've been in serious relationships with multiple women at once for years and sleeping with my ex-wife now. That's why that's why I did this. Yeah, yeah, whole. Oh, wholeheartedly. And it's a picture of him and his family, which is kind of sad. So that's Bill. How do we feel about him? What are those glasses? What are those they look like? Rip off Oakley's that's that look like. So I thought, Yeah. Zero point five. I'm also going zero point five. And you know what? A one A-plus for his wife getting into this account and making it because hopefully nobody hits him up. He doesn't deserve anyone. Yeah. Yeah, it's got its life together. OK, the next one, which is the last one. I doesn't have a name, but he's 34. I'm not your type. I stay. I don't lie. I and I don't lie. I'm never backing down. Don't think you can change me better. Just let me be me. You're scooping the cat's poop. I'm not playing. I'm not changing the s**t. I do dishes. You do laundry or vice versa. Seriously, hate your daddy. You won't want to be with me. Not allowed to talk about sports. And you won't outdo me in anything masculine. I promise. Be it be a female god. Damn. Don't tell me forever. I don't want to hear it. Don't need you. You're not my no mind games. I'll call you the f**k out that screams fragile masculinity. What the f**k is that? Like, what the f**k? That is ridiculous. First of all, if I have to stutter that many times reading your profile because I don't care what the f**k you're saying, that's a problem. That's a big problem. You know, negative zero. Yeah, we're getting net negative zero. OK. Deal. OK. Anything you are working on this year, anything you want to plug before we go. I'm just kind of working on building my Tic TAC up even more. I mean, I I've only had it for a year and I'm doing pretty good. So I'm going to try to continue to just get better at what I do. Hopefully travel a little bit more, maybe meet some other creators. That would be fun. Yeah, that would be really fun because I like to meet other creators that do the same thing because I think there's enough room for everybody on the app. We all have different styles, so I think we could all learn from each other just to be friends. And, you know, if I can, I can't compete with other people. I'll just psych myself out. I'm only competing with myself. I love that. I feel like we're definitely aligned there. Yeah, a lot of creators, reality stars, whatever, whatever you want to call them, they are very much the gatekeeper and they don't. But there's room for everybody I don't like. Just like you said, you set yourself apart by talking about yourself as well. And I feel like, you know, you and I are aligned in that way, like we just are a little bit different. And but we believe that there's room for everybody. So good for you. Yeah, yeah. I'm excited for you and I love you. I will be posting your TikTok. I'll repost some of your videos. And when you come up with a nickname for me, let me know. And will you make a take? Talk about it? Yes, absolutely. OK, perfect. I got. If Lindsay and I ever get to get, Where are you? Where do you live? I'm in Maryland. Oh, my God, you're literally right across. Yeah. Like, not the border, what the f**k? Yeah, right across the frigging line. I'm right here right now, not far from you. Oh my God, we should meet up. I would love that. Make tick. OK, I'm in a message. You my no. OK, and we'll get it. We'll try to get together. I'm leaving for Thailand in a couple of like two ten days. Oh, I'm so jealous. So maybe the next time I travel will be on a trip together because you want to travel, I want to travel. I will go create content. So, yeah, I'll message you my number and we'll try to get together. But where can people find you if they have not seen your videos so they can find me on Tik Tok at Jordi Cray, and that's way too wise. And then on Instagram, Jordi Cray with one way. One way. OK, got it. All right, thank you so much for coming on. Barely famous. I so appreciate it. Thank you. It was so good talking to you. Yes, absolutely. I'll talk to you. All right. Take care. All month long on Pluto TV streaming, the biggest Tyler Perry movies, free, what are your favorites like Madea's Witness Protection and Madea's Big Happy Family? Joy Tyler Perry as he goes on a couples retreat with Sharon Leal in Why Did I Get Married? Or Idris Elba and Gabrielle Union in the Tyler Perry directed film Daddy's Little Girls. Plus, Pluto TV has hundreds of channels with thousands more movies and TV shows available on live and on demand. 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