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Barely Famous

This week Kail gets the exclusive on why Leah Van Dale AKA Carmella made her impromptu exit from the WWE after a twelve year career. For the first and only time Leah opens up about the disappointment she is feeling as a new mom facing an unplanned career change in the midst of celebrating the birth of her child. Kail and Leah discuss the fundamental differences between men and women's return to work after having a baby, how she hopes to see things change for women in sports and what her plans are for the future. This conversation is raw, unfiltered and most importantly relatable.

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On Display with Melissa Gorga
01:03:35 8/25/2022


Yes, turn this world around it, every nation has to have the good times here. Forget about the bad times. Oh yeah. OK, everyone, I am very excited for my next guest. She honestly does it all. She's a comedian. She's a podcast hosts of the Juicy Scoop. She's an actress, and she's a New York Times bestselling author. Ladies and gentlemen, Heather McDonald is here with me today. Hi, Melissa. Hi, I'm so excited to talk to you. You, too. I follow you on Instagram and I get to see like little snippets of your show and like hot topics that you talk about. I feel like you can be honestly like the next Wendy Williams. Like, you're you're very like, I like what you have to say. I honestly do like, listen to you and I miss Wendy because I really love her. And she was like one of my favorites, and I feel like you can do that. Actually, that's kind of when I was putting my podcast together, which has been over seven years. I thought about, you know, how she did her show and how she does hot topics alone. And I always thought that was really cool. And so I do a lot of shows completely by myself where I just go through the topics that I talk about it. And I think my years of standup and writing makes it that I'm one of the few people that can like, do it, whether I have a guest or not. So I mean, I appreciate you saying that, you know? Yeah, I do. I feel terrible about what happened with Wendy. You know, it just is really unfortunate. But I see the other side of the production company and the staff and that she just like, I just read this long article on it, and she just wasn't able to come back and and be the way she was. I think she's battling a few things, but it was unfortunate because she really did accomplished so much as a single host in daytime that so few people have been able to do. So I just wish her the best. And hopefully you now will get to enjoy her again. In the meantime. I'm happy for Sherri, though I think she is definitely the best choice. Oh, one hundred percent. And when I watched the documentary on her, I fell in love with her even more like just to see all of her struggles, like through her marriage and what she used to cover up in, like, Oh my god, it's rough. I always loved her, though I feel like she's great. But anyway, so over here talking about Wendy, we're talking about Heather today. So talk to me a little bit about. So for your podcast, what do you do exactly? Do you just bring on like some random people to like talk, to talk to you, to like, bump off the topics or like, how does it usually go for your podcast? Well, I mean, I I called it juicy scoop when I created it because I was like, You know what? I just want it to be. Whatever I feel is really juicy, though I'm a comedian, I'm in the comedy, you know, genre of podcasting. I also am like, if some of these really intriguing me, you know, like a girl who went missing or like a crazy murder once in a while, I will do stuff that isn't necessarily funny, but I just really like just basically talking about whatever's going on in the news hot topic, pop culture wise, relationship wise. And then I'll just kind of go deeper. Whether it's by myself, I'll go deeper into like how it relates to me or why I think so many people can relate to this story because everybody's had a sister in law who's gotten married or whatever the case might be that we're talking about that week. So I yes. And then I have a handful of like regular other comedians that I had worked with in the past that I brought on my show that now are like regulars and come on the show at least once or twice a month. And so those shows are just those are like, honestly a little bit easier because I'm not carrying the whole thing myself, but. And then once in a while, I'll have like, you know, guess that that are here to tell their story. Like, I just had Holly and Bridget from from, you know, girls next door. And and one of the best compliments I got, which I got a lot of confidence and press after that one is they said, someone said, you know, I saw that they were your guest and they put on so many shows. And I've heard from Holly so many times. I'm like, I'm not going learn anything new. Right? And sure enough, like Heather brought out all the juice that we never heard before, and that's where I'm always. That's where I feel like, honestly, I kind of shy and I just think I've done this a long time, and I I get like, right, you know, right to the stuff that because I'll go and I'll see what other interviews they've done. And I've been like, OK, that was good, but these are still my 17 questions or whatever in my head. Right? And then I'll I'll create an interview that is different so that they benefit. And then also the listeners are hearing something new. Yeah. Well, you know what? I think that comes along with actually making people feel comfortable enough to speak and like, maybe tell you something different that they haven't told someone else. I feel like that's the gift of like Gab. So I watch your little clips that you put on Instagram, and I am so interested in talking to you about shadow banning because I know you're doing. Dealing with this that you were know, because is this real because I feel like my NBA has said, no, this is real. No, I kind of think it happens to that. But OK, this is what happened. Wait for listeners. Guys who don't know shadow banning is like. So if you're on Instagram, you'll suddenly feel like you're not getting a lot of likes or there's not a lot of people viewing your stories and just everything feels like it's on like a halt. And people say that Instagram shadow bands, which means that kind of like, don't show your stuff to everyone, rather. Is that what you would say? I mean, I think there's different levels of it. I don't know. This is what I know about doing everything I do. I do it consecutively and some things get. I mean, I have a nine million point one tick tock and I have a two point five ticktalk million and I've got ones that I put on the exact same time that I think are great, that the exact same like quality and everything. And for some reason, it only got, you know, 30000 views. And I'm like, I can't figure it out. No 25 year old social media expert can figure it out. That's life. So I saw that Bethenny Frankel was, you know, b***hing about the Kardashians, saying that she thinks they have shadow banned her videos because she does. All these reviews of makeup and skincare lines is her new thing. Yes. And she she went through the Kim Kardashian one and it got some press because it's Kim Kardashian's. It's not peculiar WikiLeaks from the Wal-Mart or whatever. So it got some press. And then she was convinced that her videos weren't getting as much views and that and she went after them and said, how awful they are. And they're they're they're drug dealers. And they why? Why does the media keep feeding them to us? So I was like, This is ridiculous. Like, you know, you don't have to report on them. I don't have to report on them. Page Six doesn't have to, but if Page does, Page Six does. You don't have to write about the Page Six article like you don't. No one has to see or talk about them, you know, right? And so but I also was like, Come on, you really think like Kris Jenner went and like called whoever's in charge of tick tock and was like, Don't show Bethenny Frankel thing. So I'm like, Whoa, you know, I've talked about Bethenny Frankel, and I've had a video that didn't get as many views. Maybe Bethenny Frankel is, you know, shadow banning me and I did it, and it was one of those jokes. I only probably had one other. And it was when I was in college that kind of like literally kind of bombed like nobody really got that. I was joking, like only like 10 percent of my followers got that. I was making fun of the fact that she thinks she's being Shadowgun. So then I was like, I think I'm being shadow bound by the power of Bethenny Frankel because I've talked about Bethenny Frankel in my show and then I'm like, Should I explain this? And I just like, let it sit all weekend. And then like, last night, I was like, to anybody that got that, I was joking like, No, I don't think Bethenny Frankel did that to me. However, she did ban me from Tik Tok this week. No, she did not. I'm not paying me. She blocked me, blocked me. She Oh, you're blocked. OK, well, that's what power to do. I can't watch the Tic talks anymore, you know? But yes, of course, she's not doing anything to me, and I don't think the Kardashians are doing anything to her. And that was just me kind of my way of being like, Can we all do stuff like, I'm just kind of sick of, like people being so dramatic about like, I'm getting death threats and done it. I get it. Like, we've all been there and you get some haters. I had a bunch of Selena Gomez robots after me one time. It is kind of scary to see those little snake emojis and stuff. But do I think that like I need to call the LAPD for surveillance? No, I don't. Like, just stop it, right? Like, just you can put away your phone. You can not answer. You can like. But I mean, I just think everyone is just so dramatic and she's just so dramatic. And she knows by doing what she's doing, she's getting more press by going after them that if she went after somebody that doesn't have, you know, 100 billion followers. So listen, I think since she's jumped off that show, she's found multiple ways to say yes, to stay active, to stay relevant, whatever you want to call it. Because she like, I was like, Oh, I didn't know she revered beauty products. I had no idea. And then all of a sudden I was seeing her everywhere doing that. I guess it's all about she's the queen of reinventing herself and like putting new content out there. She she had her own beauty line, right? She had a beauty line like nine years ago that like someone on Tik Tok discovered, and then that girl did it to talk about it. And then she blocked her like, you know, like the story changes all the time. Like, but whatever, it's good. I believe that she's one of those people. I think she's really smart. Really funny. Totally fascinating to watch. Yes. But I think there's always an intention behind it. Like, are you ever? Are you ever just starting to watch somebody that did something before? And then all of a sudden they're like doing cooking recipes and you're like, OK, let me just check. Oh, that they already got a cookbook deal, OK? They got a cooked a cooking book deal. Yeah, I figured, like, why else would you be doing it? Why else are you baking for me on Instagram? Right? Yeah, like there's always like, so I'm like, there's something in the works in that. Yeah, there's always a reason behind everything and the reasons why are always there. Yeah. And if the reasons are why, for her to start her own line of makeup and products, I mean, it would make sense if she said, OK, you guys, you've seen me test everything from the expensive to the to the inexpensive, and I told you what was good. I took all of that knowledge I got with the team, and now here is a beauty baby. And it's, you know, makeup and skin care, and it's only two steps and. It packs nicely and it stacks and all this market she's complaining about. That's what it is. So it's coming, it's coming and I'm a I'm a celebrity predictor and like, that's one hundred percent coming and it might be a great products in the end, it really might like blow everyone else's away. It could very well could. And guess what? That was some great lead up to the big shebang. But anyway, enough about Bethenny Frankel, good for her that we're all just like discussing. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of choices that are out there, whether you're shopping for cereal or toilet paper? There are so many options when it comes to finding skincare products that actually work. It's even more overwhelming. That's why we are so excited to partner with Apostrophe, the sponsor of this episode. Apostrophe is a prescription skincare company that provides access to oral and topical medications that use clinically proven ingredients to help clear acne. Guys, honestly, I use this stuff, and it has really been like a lifesaver for me. I always break out right around my mouth, and this has really been the only thing that has ever cleared it. We have a special deal for our audience. Get your first visit for only $5 at Melissa when you use our code. Melissa, that's a savings of $15. This code is only available to our listeners guys. To get started, just go to Melissa and click Begin Visit, then use code Melissa at signup and you'll get your first visit for only $5. Thank you apostrophe for sponsoring this episode. All right. Let me ask you so on a recent podcast that you've done. My girlfriend sent it to me and she just sent me the part that I guess or she said, Go to spot 50, they're talking to you. So you have to give me the scoop. Like, What do you think? Obviously, you know, I can't say too much about what happened on like the actual episode, but what were your thoughts? Is my theory. Here is my theory of everything that happened to you. Okay? Based on everything that I've seen watching the show, reading the show and also just being like a female who's been in weddings chosen not to attend weddings, have friendships that have ended all of it. OK, so I think that there is a girl that was in your group trying to be on the show that felt like, Oh, I've got this little nugget of gossip that I'm going to dangle. And that gossip. Got to got to Teresa. And you guys had a discussion about how it's bulls**t. And Teresa's like, I got your back. Well, we won't make it part of the season you get through the whole season. And unbeknownst to you, there still may be some gossip going on about it. And then this other girl that's actually cast in the show, I think, then felt nudged by producers or other cast mates to now bring up this element of this supposed kiss that happened between you and not your husband. And it came up while you're filming in the finale the third day and and it it coming out with cameras and everything, you were like, What the f**k? Like, I thought we had an alliance. How is this even being said, even though it didn't come from Teresa? And then I think Teresa was like, But I didn't say it, but it was like, This is your whole theory. This this is my theory, but I'm like, But you didn't stop it, but you were like, but you didn't stop and you were so hurt because you felt you were like on a great movie. You had a great season. Maybe you felt really tired. Maybe you felt like you guys each had supported each other. You maybe each have kept things private for each other as two couples going forward. And at that point, it was just like, You know what? I'm so hurt. I'm so not in the right mind that there's no way that we can go to this thing and and and not feel phony or possibly not, you know, in any way, be accused of like not make it like a per date has to go perfect. And you guys went, then it'd be your fault. So I just felt like you couldn't win. Like you couldn't win if you went and you couldn't win if you didn't go. And sometimes I do think in situations like that, even though it's a wedding and it's a big day, I do think sometimes it is the more mature thing to do to not attend. Same thing with a funeral. Same thing with a funeral. Like if if there's so much family drama in something and you feel like not safe or yeah, you know, when you have that family drama and people don't talk, they don't see each other. But it's like, Oh, now I die, now they want to come see me, right? Like, that's a good thing. The Italians say that, like, tell them not to come to my funeral. I haven't seen him in 20 years. I don't want him to see me when I'm dead. That's how that's how it's right. Or you go to attend the or you want to attend the funeral and you know that whoever is your enemy within the family or doesn't think highly of you. You're like, How many people did they poison before I got there that now think of me, you know, like, I'd rather just mourn on my own and then but then in turn, they're like, Can you believe she didn't attend the funeral? And you're like, You're damned if you do, damned if you don't. Yeah, I was mourning. And how could I go and have so I had so much anxiety about attending? And so it's like, I mean, I've had it. I mean, I have I have stayed home. I have told like a bride, a really good friend of mine. We just weren't in a good place and I was like, I you. You have plenty of bridesmaids, which Teresa did to you, plenty of bridesmaids. You have plenty of people there like, I'm going to wish you well from afar. And our friendship was this was, you know, 20, 30, 25 years ago and our friendship totally survived. She came to my wedding a few years later, and then many years later, she got divorced. And we're still really good friends today, right? But I kind of chose like for me as a what I was at twenty five or whatever. I kind of was like, Wow, I'm just so have so much anxiety about attending. And also it was why even go then? Yeah. And also for me, at that age, it was really expensive and and it took like a 40 year old friend of mine to give me that advice. At 25, I was like, Everyone's going to think I'm a horrible friend, everyone's going to. But everyone's also going to be mean to me when I get to this thing. And it's like, So I think, you know, like I said, I think I think it did. I think I mean, I think you did the right thing and I also think you did the right thing in when she did ask you in the final hour to be in it. I think at that point, too, it's. Like, no, we're good, like I don't need to be a bridesmaid at this point in my life, like I also said if if I was Teresa's like inner close to Teresa, or even if she asked me if I was like, let's say I was a housewife and she asked me to be in it, I'd be like, You know what? Teresa, your daughters are all so gorgeous. They've never been bridesmaids before. They should be the only bridesmaid. Have someone read, have someone to sing a song, but like only have your four daughters as your bridesmaids, then you're not. Then you're not hurting anyone's feelings and. And that's the way it should be. They should have. They should have stood out as the only girls. That's my personal opinion. Honestly, that's my I thought that's how it was going to go from the very beginning as well. I was completely in shock when I heard there was some other like a bunch of different like random people that were going to be there especially well. Then Delores was asked later when Deena dropped out. And then I was like, Now you're asking to lawyers and she's accepting, like, for me, that was like, I didn't get that whole thing either. There was a lot of extra things going on towards the end that just seemed like it was like, you know, Oh, well, now I want this, and now I'm going to do you and I it just for me, it just didn't make sense. If I'm being completely honest and obviously I can't say a lot, I will tell you with your little theory, you're not 100 percent right. So you will OK. Yeah, it's good that I have something to look forward to. What I watch is exciting for you. You need to watch. I don't really. I don't want to always be right. Yes, I like surprises. You're going to say, I think you're going to be. My pride was wrong. OK? It's not a bad theory, though. What you have there, there's pieces, you know, but that you're right about. But I do think you'll be surprised on like the main, like the main thing. No one has actually picked up on yet, which I think is hysterical. And that's obviously something I can't say, right? But I think people will get it. They will get my decision. They'll get Jo's decision. OK, well, I have a I have another question and I guess you can't say anything, but I would like to bring up another thing is the whole Deena thing. So then Deena says, I'm not going to go. This is what I've read. Right? Deena says I'm not going to attend because I don't want to be filmed. Which to me made no sense because I've been a guest at filmed weddings and you simply don't have to sign if you don't want to film and you will not be on the show. Exactly. And you don't allow them to put a mic on you. And you know what? You don't have to have conversations with people, either. You know, if you're, you can. But if you didn't sign, they will not show you. So it does not matter. So obviously that does not make sense to me or to anyone. So I think she just honestly was having anxiety about going, which I can see why, you know, with everything she's been through with the ex-husband being arrested and certain people she knowing like her sister and and Dolores, like supposedly writing letters on his behalf like his attorney asked them to, and they did. And that's just weird. But then what I thought was weird is that after she didn't go, did she like did? But did she then did those posts, like, did she then wake up the next day like, you know, or and see everything and kind it like her to like, f**k, did I do the right thing? Like, sometimes it's like, I don't know, because I wonder if she somewhat regretted it, because then she was writing those like cryptic posts about like new chapters and things ending. And I'm like, Wait, I thought, you guys are good and you just didn't want to like. I wonder if, like she was almost having a little turmoil about like regretting, not regretting not going. No, I mean, I honestly, I can't confirm any of it, but it they were literally traveling Europe right together and posting pictures together as couples. And then it was like zero posting for the wedding. I don't know. I know that. And then when when I saw that now Dolores was in also, I was like, Hmm. Because we all know that Deena was very uncomfortable with whatever letter that went on and that that stems from, like so much like long ago way before this. Yeah. You know, so something seems off. I'm not, you know, I don't know. Maybe one day when somebody wants to explain it, they will. If not, who knows. But yeah, I thought it was definitely odd that she didn't come because they've spent so much time together in the last months. They've been posting each other all over the place, all over vacations and whatever. So I mean, there's a lot of rumors swirling that the two, you know, the guys had some business fall out and all of that. So. I mean, I don't know. It's wow that that that's always hard, that that happens, that happens. You know, you think the guys are all best friends. I've had situations where I'm like back in the day where I was friends with someone and they the girl, the wife was like, Oh, I think our. Eyes are going to do some business together, and I was like, please, let's not make let's never let, let's like not like, what is the idea? Let's not like it all sounds good, like on your third like glass of whiskey over a fancy cube, but like, let's not. And so maybe some something of some level happen, and that always puts the women in such a weird position. So, I mean, they've been friends a long time. So hopefully this will be something where it's like, OK, it was just a day and it was, you know, and I saw Gina at a Theresa's engagement party and I love her. I was good to catch up with her. She's she's a sweet salt, you know, she doesn't like the spotlight. I can tell you that she's not one who likes the spotlight or wants to be in a lot of pictures. Or, you know, she's definitely shire when it comes to that. You know, and I don't know if that's gotten worse as she's gotten older because obviously she wanted to do reality television at one point. But I know that she's definitely a little bit more reserved now, and she's not into it anymore. So who knows? Yeah. I mean, I interviewed her a really long time ago and I was probably like, you know, one of the only interviews that she did, and it was very eye-opening and like, I, I mean, the stuff she said was pretty fascinating because we didn't really know all the secrets that we know now. So she kind of broke that open between like her and Danielle and the reunion and Caroline and and that was all like, really fascinating too about their family and everything. So that, yeah, it was it was great. Hey, everyone, this is Heather Dubrow, and do I have some exciting news for you? We are launching a variety of new episodes that are going to have amazing special guests. Some of my close friends and so much more. It's going to be really fun and we're going to get to hear the fans, new friends and get an inside look of my world. We're really excited for you to listen and join in for How did you rose world on podcast? Fun episodes drop on Thursdays and Fridays. Tune in on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. But I have a question for you, because with the fact that you guys now you have a podcast and everything do is that is that a problem? Do you think like with so many housewives having podcast, do you think that Bravo? Because Bravo is always for me. They're very like, Oh, you can't interview them while they're filming or we have to listen in or we need to listen to it before. And I'm like, Well, how do how do they are? Are you at a level where they can't control the fact that you have this outside business? Or do they try to do that? You know, it's a very interesting question, and it makes a lot of sense because and the truth is like, it's it's, you know, we have to save a lot of what we say for the actual show or opposed to like if we have this platform, if I'm sitting here telling you everything that just happened, obviously that's a problem. And I feel like some housewives are better at understanding that than others, and they know which Housewives will probably let them down and which ones will not. So it's tricky because they have to give in the Bravo world if they give permission to one. It's very hard not to give permission to all you know, so it is tricky. There are a lot of restrictions. I cannot interview a Bravo celebrity, a Bravolebrity without permission from Bravo. So if you notice I haven't, I haven't interviewed one person that's on my actual show yet because, right? Yes. So yes, they're extremely strict about it. They know certain. They know which one of their girls are probably going to follow the rules and which ones are probably not. But with that said, if they've let so many have podcast, they can't take that away. So I think they just go and Bravo doesn't play. So like if you say or do something that you can't do, we do get the email from the very higher ups, the attorneys, everyone we get, like I say, you mentioned this and that's going to be, you know, a problem. So we do. We do. You know, we get slapped on the wrist here and there. But yeah, I think it's one of those things where Bravo probably wishes we all wouldn't do podcasts. Let's be real, right? I mean, it's just we're we're giving away a lot of information. We're talking, but I really try to center my podcast on who I'm speaking with, right? So I'm not here to just talk about The Real Housewives of New Jersey all day. Obviously, there's a big situation that just happened. So I like to get especially someone like you who is so into it and knows everything, and you're just in the know in the Housewives world. But with other guests are like when Joe and I are on because everyone loves when I have my sisters on or when Joe is on the show with me. People love to just hear our everyday life just like what we did today, how we handled the situation with the kids or our relationship or sex they love. When Joe gives advice on, you know, sex. So a lot of my podcast, we do talk about stuff like that and and I think that's where I try to go. I bet I I know that most and most of most of the girls that have their own podcast have formed it to be something other than the Housewife now. Right? Yeah. So which is smart and I think it's it's good. I was just wondering if like, you know what the deal was, but I mean, you're very good at predicting things. What did you have any new predictions for for like the Housewives? Like, are you predicting anything about the New York girls with this new show everybody's talking about? Like, Great, do you wanna hear something funny? I was in Montauk this week and it was my anniversary and Joe's first. I saw the photos. Very cute. Yes, thank you. We every year we do something because we got married on his 30th birthday, so we always try to do something. I'm just sitting in. Ramona comes walking up. She's there in the Hamptons, and she's she has her little lace up. Like, I don't know, her boobs are pop. I have to say they looked really good. She had her little short shorts on. She had her hat on. She's walking around with a little toe and I'm just like, she lives. This woman lives. I didn't know she was going to be there and she's like, you know, she was talking about how she thinks she's done with reality television. She no longer wants to do it. She was telling us, she's just like, OK, let me do, let me do my Ramona. Oh my god, please, Heather. OK, OK. Oh my God. Listen, I first, like, I didn't know that was you or not, but like then I saw this of like, Oh my god. Listen, you know what? I don't even know if I wanted to show anymore. So happy, you know, traveling. I'm doing this whole real estate thing and people are just know that I really have a knowledge for homes. And I'm like, You know what? I don't even know if I want to deal with this bulls**t anymore. I mean, I'm not. Never say never. But you know what I was like, I don't know. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Oh my god, that was f**king so spot on. That was amazing. No, no. That's literally how she talks. Like, I know because the thing is like, Listen, I do. Crushes a lot of people do impressions, and a lot of people do impressions better than I do like boys. But there's certain people like a Ramona that I don't only do their voice, but I know how their brain works. So like, I can literally put myself in any situation and I'm like, I'm and yeah, I know what she's going to say and like. That's why I'm scared to think that she won't come back because I have so much fun. I think she is this, and I filmed the girls trip with her. We needed her like, I'm telling you, we needed her like she was always came out of left field and said something so crazy or so ridiculous or so rude that we were like, Wow, like, Ramona brings content she does because she's just. But you know what I love about Ramona that cause. And there's just popped into my head is that, you know, as we watch the show for a long, you know, years and years and years, sometimes someone that you loved in season one or two. Now it's season six, something that we all loved in season one or two. They're almost doing like a caricature of themselves, right? You know, they're almost like putting it on or they're thinking, Well, this is my character. This is my role. So I'm going to keep with it. I'm going to keep doing. I'm going to do these goofy things and wear these costumes, whatever. And it's like Ramona. Seriously. And if you watch what I always get jealous of is when, like a younger, newer, listserve, juicy scoop, it's like, OK, I just started watching, you know, Real Housewives of New Jersey from the beginning. And like all the comments, are like, I'm so jealous. Like, You're going to have so much fun, like starting from the beginning. But if you watch New York from the beginning. Ramona is stick your foot in her mouth saying these things. She actually, she doesn't put anything on. She doesn't like, Go OK, I better get really wasted tonight so that I have a good so I at least make a scene like she doesn't know she this is how her brain works. And it's like. Like it or not, you know, she's doing the one thing that we ask of these women, which is just be f**king real. It's a reality show. Be real, right? Don't say producers do or say all day long. Yeah, yeah. Don't produce your thing. Don't call you know each other on the phone the night before and plan on who you know, like. And we know that sometimes happens, and I think the audience is becoming so sophisticated that we can see through it. Oh my gosh, it's. And we're not enjoying it. Like, they're not enjoying it. They're like, What the f**k is this? You know? And so I that's why I like her, and it's like she is a woman of a certain means, a different generation. And you, like, accept it and see. But I do love the idea of having to cast. I think that is so smart. And I think it's something that all the, you know, all the cities could follow and keep, keep the girls that want to keep doing it into their 50s and 60s. And let's continue to watch their lives, but then have a show featuring girls that are like, you know, in their early 30s or something like that and see a whole different thing. They're kind of doing it also with this girl friends in Paris. I think that might that might. I think they're trying that out seeing like, can we do different girlfriends where the girls aren't married yet and they're just friends and they're like in their early thirties or late twenties? So but I'm hearing different things. I'm hearing like the girls from New York, the younger cast, some are having like cold feet and stuff as they should. But. Well, yes. I mean, I think it's genius to go ahead and like, show us like a younger New York right now because I think, yeah, although the legacy I would love to always watch the ladies and where they're going in life, and you never want to see Luann get married if she gets married. I want to see Sonia find love or sell that house right? Like, we want to see things. But I do love the idea of like young New York moms and like that whole thing where they're just like, they're finding like the preschool that their kid needs to go to because it's so high end and it's $50000 to send them to preschool or whatever it is like, I'm interested in that. When I joined The Real Housewives of New Jersey, I was 30 years old, so it was like I joined with like children all over my arms and hanging. And I feel like even Jersey, which you will see, is trying to cast some more of that that that you'll probably see some new faces up and coming. And I think it's genius because we need to stick with some of our regulars but also bring in some new or else how does it kind of get. But I mean, do I I mean, I do think if there's enough air time and money to go around right, I do like the idea of sticking women with women that they really are friends with that are really their age, that it really are going through life like to get to the point of like being Golden Girls. It's f**king it's great. Like, we don't need to let any of those ladies go. But you also can't blame, like Ramona for not completely hitting it off with, you know, Leah or. She's not going to write. I mean, these girl, yeah, she's like, come on. All my friends are like 65 and that I've hung out with all like, that's why I'm hanging out with that's who I'm talking to now. I have to act like, like, I would be friends with this woman, right? Yeah. And like and like someone like Ramona, who's Catholic, is going to be end 60, you know, three or whatever she is is going to be like, happy for Leah, who is leaving Catholicism for Judaism. I understand people do that, but like I can see well, if if Ramona acted like she was happy for Leah, then we'd be like, Ramona's not telling the truth, right? Like, you know what I mean? She it was, it would not be. She's going to. She's going to be like, Oh, oh, OK. Like, Yeah, it's to her. It's going to be weird. And to a lot of people, it might be kind of weird to other people are probably listening to this and be like, I hate either. I don't care if you leave your religion, go to another religion. I'm saying I know how Ramona's mind works and you know, the fact that I don't even remember if that was a part of the story, but I was just thinking of something in which she wouldn't be on the same page with Leah about. And I just, you know, it doesn't mean she doesn't like her. Doesn't mean that she doesn't wish her well, like mesh s**t. Yeah, it's like it doesn't. So, you know, you want like everyone's screen for like, we want this and we're marching in the streets for like, you know, Bravo to show us something different and then they give them something different. And everyone's like, Well, that was the worst season ever, right? And I'm like, Well, what did you expect? Like, just keep like have girls that are actually friends that actually have some history and some connection and have stuff in common. Remember that dating thing eharmony? Yeah. Have you ever heard of eharmony? eHarmony is based on they believe that the best couples are the ones that have the most in common and like they take this like long five hour test, right? And whoever matters in those things together, they were like opposites don't don't attract, you know, forever. They don't like good at all. So it's like kind of like, so just see it as eharmony. It doesn't mean that it's like that. They're shunning anybody. But I mean, it's just like, that's that's why it's fun to watch a bunch of Jersey girls talk and mash. And you guys, you know, entertain a certain way that like a California girl does it or you have these bigger, more elaborate baptism parties where, like me, a girl in California would be like, What are we just going to like lunch after? Like, How are we going to have like everything in Jersey? Yeah, it's big. Yes. Yeah, every party is massive. Yeah. And I appreciate watching that different thing. Like, we want to watch a different culture and a different upbringing like that is fun, right? So I get it when it's different, that's what makes it good. And that's what makes it interesting to the rest of the world. It's like, right, I guess that's what is even on our case, we are divided slightly because we're just different. Like, I feel like some of our girls are very similar. And then there's the other side that feels very different just in the way that we handle Instagram, just in the way we speak, in the way we're like, it's just so crazy how it's like you just flock to who is most like you and who you agree with. And that's how we get, like, divided in a cast because I'm like, Oh, like, what is she doing? I would never say something like that. I would never act that way. Or what is she wearing or why is she acting like this? And it's like whoever is agreeing with me, they're my friends, right? Because it's like, we're on the same page here. So it's very hard to kind of intertwine and like, get with the other people because you just have nothing in common with that. And it's where like the divides happen on The Real Housewives. But moving away from The Real Housewives of New Jersey, I heard that you had a very scary situation in. Was it a comedy show that you did? Oh yes, February 5th I was at the Improv in in Phoenix, so it's not hot February 5th. It's like normal weather. And I went to lunch with my son because he goes to college there and he was in the audience. And it was the first show of the night my friend Justin went up before me. I had like a late lunch, so I wasn't hungry or anything. I never drink. Before I perform, I plenty of water, took a nap in the day and I go out to do my stuff and within like. Like, two minutes all of a sudden, I'm like seeing these like spots and stuff, and I'm like, Whoa, like, what the f**k is this? I feel dizzy. I better like, Walk this off. How am I going to get through not only this show, but a meet and greet and then another show, right? And I fainted and it was like caught on camera because they filmed everything and I like, chose to share it just because, like, people were talking about it and I was like, Well, I might as well share it right. And I just completely fainted. And because I was alone on stage, I think if like I was just by myself and I felt that kind of dizziness, I would have, you know, grabbed a chair or drab someone, or I would have sat down and it would have passed. But because I was completely by myself with nothing, you can't even hold like Mike Stand. I just went back and I hit the back of my head so hard that I didn't have any bleeding outside or anything, but I did have a cracked skull and bleeding of the brain. And I, I mean, I went to the hospital. I took every test there possibly could be, which is good. I know there's nothing wrong with me as far as like EKG, heart had all of it, but it was really scary because I was like, Do I have a ticking time round? Do I'm like, Are you going to tell me I was like a huge tumor in my head or something I didn't know about? I had no idea. And you know, and then it got a lot of got a lot of press because of what it looked like. And also the joke I said before was like, not that funny. So then like people that wanted to like rip on me were like, like all these fake conservative guys on YouTube were like, Oh, this is my tricks aren't funny. I'm like, Dude, I agree. It was like, Oh, I do an hour and 15, like, this isn't my great greatest moment. But in it, I just was. I was bragging about how many shots I'd gotten because I wanted people to know that, like I, I'm following the f**king rules. And so I'm like, I've had, you know, two Pfizer, one Moderna. I a flu shot. I also had the first of the shingles because I'm old. And then you passed out right after that. Yeah. And then I go and then I'd say and and I've never gotten COVID, so I go. So clearly, Jesus loves me the most because I'd always joke that like, you know, Oh, Jesus loves me because I never got COVID, blah blah blah. Like, I'm joking. Obviously, I don't think Jesus loves you the most. He loves us all the same. Like, God, shut up. So anyway, I. So then the people that would comment, like God flicked me. Like he was mad. He was like, How dare you talk about me like that? He flicked me at that. Other people were like, Oh my God, she's she fainted because of the vaccines. And then other people, you know, were, I don't know. So everyone thought something different. I mean, I don't know. There it is. Weird. You good now. Everything's good. No, I'm I am totally fine. I mean, I'm totally fine. Well, thank you, Jesus for that. I mean, thank God. I mean, I was like, I can't believe this is like the one like stand up viral moment of my life. But what did everyone do in the audience? Did they start to like, scatter? And like, were they like first? They thought it was a joke. Oh, first they thought it was funny. They're laughing. And then I like, woke up like a couple of seconds. You know, it's really weird, too, though, about predicting. I was on a podcast with Josh Flagg, my podcast, and I said, I have a fainting fantasy. I've always thought, like, you know, to fate. I never imagined, Well, if you faint, no one catches you, you're going to hit your head really hard. But I always thought, like, it would be cool to like fate and then open my eyes and everybody's looking around like, like, you see in a movie. And then sure enough, it happened and I looked up and like, there was like a doctor, a female doctor. And like, I think some other nurse or something that were in the audience that came right up on stage that they immediately call like the ambulance and everything. So they were like. You know, so it was a I don't even know if it's down, maybe not even out, like maybe a less than a minute. And I like open my eyes and I'm like, I literally was like, This is a dream. This is not. You're like, it happened. I had my faint moments here. Yeah, that was it. So then I was like, I said to my, So I'm like, So. So I'm like, Oh my God, this is going to be hard to do the. You know, to get back up there and do the second show, and we're not doing the second show and I was like, Oh my God, like, I've never in my life canceled a show. That's why I was like not sympathetic to, you know, Adele. I'm like, I've never canceled a show. I felt all I can think about is all the moms that got sitters and I had a girls trip or like, came or anything like that. I felt so terrible. And then my son, who is only 19, he was a freshman at the time. I was a sophomore. He happened to be in the audience, and so I was like, Get my son, get my son. And his name is Drake. And I always call him Drake Poo, and I talk about him like Drake. People like all the. So he's walking through, and all these moms are like, Go help your mom, Drake, you poo. And I was like, Oh, my God is so horrible. So that, but that's what I want, is that actually frickin appetite right now? And then, of course, the ambulance wanted to take me, but Drake is is just like my husband and very cheap. And he was like, Mom, we're not getting in an ambulance. You'll never get that $3000 back. I, you know, we can take you, I can drive you. And I was OK to go on a normal car. But like, like, we're not wasting three grand on the ambulance. No, we have to refund these people all of their money. Yeah. Well, what? I didn't have to refund them, but I did come back. So I came back in April and had great shows. But my son was like, Mom, do you think it had anything to do with you being nervous about being being in the audience? Because throughout my life he's never seen my stand up is too young. I talk about him, you know me at least, and I was I was like, I don't think it helped. So when I come back in April, let's just go to a beautiful steak dinner the night before and then you go hang out with your friends and do not come to the show. He's like, Yeah, I don't want to go, and I go, OK, just don't come. You don't need to come. So he didn't come, but he was. He was great. It was great. He was so like, I mean, what's going to happen anywhere? But L.A. Phoenix was the best place because my sister in law, I have a wonderful relationship with and she will thank you. Yeah, she was there. And so she was like, I'm taking you to the best hospital. It's this hospital has like a neurological center. They have a Bret Michaels wing because like Bret Michaels wants like something Fallon has had at a concert in in Phoenix. And they took him there. And so like, I was like, in the best hands, if I wasn't home, like, it would have been so much worse. Good. Yeah, I wasn't like, complete. Normally, I like travel alone. I had my assistant there that weekend, which I never do. I had my opener, Justin, which I never do. So it was like it all, like it. Weirdly, like, worked out. But it was your favorite moment and you're alive. Yeah, good. Thank. Thank you, Jesus. I'm so happy for you because I wasn't everything you dreamed it would be, though. No, I've never had one yet. I've never had a moment yet in my life, and I believe it is the way I see it in the movies as well. Yes. Yeah, right? Well, the way Lisa Vanderpump fainted when she was wanted to get out of Dancing with the Stars. Like, I remember that like Krystal faints. Oh, that was genius. That was an amazing thing. Anyway, I do this reoccurring bit. OK. Yes. Call it thrilled with Gorga, so I'm excited. I'm going to ask you some rapid fire questions real quickly. Just give me your best answer. Just so we can know a little bit more about you. OK, Heather. Yes. All right. Here we go. Who is your first celebrity crush? I would probably just probably Jason Bateman. Really? OK. That's a good one. What's your favorite 80s song? Do you have a favorite 80s song? Oh, probably, Madonna, like one of her first songs. Not like a virgin, but probably holiday. Holiday, if we took a holiday. Yeah, do you sing good? I feel like you sing a lot. I think I can say, OK, yeah, I can. I can sing stuff. Yeah, you can. You can hold a tune. I like it. I yes I can. I can kill it at a karaoke. What's your biggest regret? My biggest regret is not putting a play set in my backyard when my kids were little and we didn't have a pool. And that's hands down my biggest regret, OK, I never heard anyone say this. The place that is like one of the most interesting answers I've heard yet and the fact that it was just sitting right there and you was definitely a big regret for you is not great. Now I'm going to need the best decision you've ever made. Well, the best decision I've ever made was to start a podcast. Agreed. Yet you're good outside. Besides, you know, getting married, juicy scoop, did you see Scoop? Yeah. Also a good also a good decision is just like going for like going for it and reaching out to when when I found out Chelsea Handler was going to do a weekly TV show I had, I hadn't worked in TV like regularly as a staff writer in like almost 10 years because I was with the kids and I was acting and I was selling real estate. I was always working and I was getting gigs here or there. But I wasn't really like in the business, like steady and I was I thought, You know what? I'm thirty six at the time and I'm like, If I don't get in the game now again, it's going to be too late to get in it right. So I think being aggressive and also like thinking. Like, don't put stuff off because of the age of your kids, because you're going to be a mom forever, and I'm so happy now. The last seven years, I haven't been as busy as I was four, seven years prior to that. So I am sad that I didn't do the playset, and I'm sad that I missed little kids stuff, but I almost feel it's like it worked for me. I feel like it's almost more important that you're home when they're older a little bit and you're more involved when they're older. Yes, I am totally hitting that right now because it was, yeah, the truth was they were home and the babysitter was like, Yeah, they're going to bed at eight o'clock, and they played with their toys and they ate, you know, a grilled cheese. But now it's like, I'm chasing them when I'm not around and I'm sure you get that, it's like they're like Antonio started to drive and it's like, Where are they? Where are they going? Who are they going out with? Where the mom's like, Are they going to drink? It's 10 times more important now. I know that sounds crazy, but it really is. OK. All right. So give me your your pet peeve. What is your pet peeve? My pet peeve is. When, like a someone big on Instagram or something does a post that is so incredibly thirsty, but it's like a hidden thirst trap and nobody's getting it. No one's getting it. It's like it's like the fishing for a compliment. You're so acting like, Yeah, so that's probably my biggest thing. Biggest thing. OK? All right. I like it. What was your worst date you've ever been on? Do you even remember your worst date? So my friend, like, set me up with this guy, I think I met him like once and then he was like, Let's go on a date. He was like early 30s, full attorney, tall, decent looking. So we make a plan for Friday night and he picks me up and he takes me to a rehearsal dinner. So we go to the rehearsal of this wedding that I'm not going to the following day, like he just takes me, so like I have to sit there and see him whatever, be a groomsman and go through the rehearsal part at like the Calabasas Country Club or whatever. And then instead of having like a nice rehearsal dinner, this is going to blow your Italian mind. We go to and this is 100 percent the truth. The rehearsal dinner is at Shakey's. Do you know what showcases know what is shaky? Is it Italian place that like, I don't think there's waitresses. I think it's like you go up and like, get a number and bring your tray at the table for they also besides serving pizza. They also serve fried chicken, which I always thought was so weird. And this they call mojo potatoes, which are like, cut up wedge fried potatoes. And I always thought who like, serves like pizza with potatoes and fried chicken. But Shakey's does. I don't even think it's round anymore. That was I was like, This is the worst date. This cost him nothing. And for a wedding that I'm not even like this beautiful spot to go. Have a nice rehearsal dinner where you're going to have like a beautiful word that that's definitely the worst date. OK, tell me something about you that would surprise us. What don't we know about you? I feel like we know a lot. But what? Oh, that's a that's a good one to. Probably something that would surprise people is that I have like a lot of like Catholic guilt and like that old school Catholic part of me that like, I don't want to put anyone out. I mean, it's like, you know, how like Jewish guys always joke like a Jewish mom. It's like, you don't call me anymore, and they make they make their kid feel guilty. I kind of like the opposite. Like, I don't want my kids to ever feel like they have to do something for me or like nobody. I never wanted anyone to pick me up from the airport. I never I never want to inconvenience anyone. Like any time I had a meeting, I was the one that always drove from the valley to the city. I was like, Oh, I would. No one wants to come to the valley and like, I'm just now like, get like stopping that. Like, now I'm like, This is where my show is. It's in Woodland Hills. If you want to come, I don't like to inconvenience people. I don't want to ever inconvenience people. I don't want to have them b***h about it after. Well, that's a good quality. That's actually that's a good trait. I actually didn't have bridesmaids besides my two sisters because I had some friends that, like were b***hing about being bridesmaids all the time, and I was like, You know what? I just was going to have that. I'm just not going to have any and I. And that's a regret. That's a regret that I didn't have any because I had a lot of good friends that are still my friends. And I think that can be fun, especially when you're young. Like, I got married at 29, so like. But it comes from that. Like, I just am like, Oh, what is your favorite late night snack? So like, if you're if you're going for it, you're on the couch watching your favorite show, what's in your hands? I mean, I love any kind of like creamy ice cream, something chocolatey, like a mint chocolate chip or something like that, like definitely something in the chocolate family. And what are you watching? What are you been binge watching while you're eating it? You know, I like I like a lot of Dateline, but I have to say I think maybe I'm like, I think I might like a little over Dateline and now I'm more into like a good, a good like Netflix doc like a dyke. Yeah, but only a documentary that's like two or three parts Max. I don't like any. I don't like something that's been spread out over seven that like pisses me off. Wait, give me something to watch tonight with Joe. So like for real. Do you guys watch the. Have you watched the Manti Te'o thing? What is it called Manti? I hope I say by saying his name, right? It is only two parts you can get it done in one night on Netflix. It's so juicy you will love it. It's about a football player who is very like he goes to Notre Dame with super religious and this girl starts to befriend him. And they're both Polynesian on Facebook and they start a romance. And that's all I'm going to tell you. All right. I'm watching that, and I always ask my guests what to watch that night, and it always works for us. So Joe always says, Make sure you ask them what? I'm going to watch that tonight. He'll love that anyway with the football and everything. Yeah, it's really good. And he'll probably remember it because I remembered the story when it happened. It happened 2012 and I remembered it, and I remember we did a topic on it and stuff on Chelsea lately. And like the guys were freaking out because they all knew who this guy was and stuff. And I'm like, I don't know where he is, and he was like, this, you know, Heisman Trophy hopeful. And so Joel totally like, remember the bits of the story, but I think most people don't really know the truth behind it. That's why that's why I think some I think a doc like that is really, really good. OK, that's literally what I'm going to watch tonight. OK. And listen, Heather, I always end with, if you were to treat yourself in the day, is all about you. How do you treat yourself? What do you do? I mean, definitely like wake up and go on like some good kind of like Walker hike or something. So I feel like I did something. Then I'm going to have like a really good Starbucks situation. And, you know, like, maybe make myself a breakfast. Definitely, you know, get some type of massage like a good massage and maybe some cracks come out of that massage. Like, I don't like to go to a chiropractor, but I like when like a like myself crack or like a massage person cracks me and then. Then maybe like chill by the pool and then start getting cute at like five to like go out by seven and do an Uber and like, have a full night somewhere, either dinner? Yeah, yeah. Hopefully with people by then, hopefully some people hopefully found some friends by 7:00 p.m.. Yes. And then like, have a cute night out and like booze it up as. You know, Edward, thank you so much for coming on today. You're so much fun. I love all your predictions. Keep predicting for all of us housewife fans out there and housewives. I love listening to you, everyone. Do yourself a favor and listen to the juicy scoop. She's great. She's super funny. And you have a show coming out. Your next one's in Washington, right? Seattle. I'm doing live, juicy scoops. It's me. Plus always one co-host, but maybe some surprise guest and there's all Heather McDonald dot net. So it's always a different show. And that's the first one is Minneapolis and then Chicago, then Seattle, Portland. Then I'm going to be the Saturday of BravoCon. I'm in New York, so I'll see you. Are you performing at BravoCon or yeah, I'm doing. I'm doing a live, juicy scoop and my guest is Carlos King. And so that'll be fun. But hopefully some other people will make surprise guest, but it'll be very fun. Will kind of recap what's going on like, you know, because it's going to be crazy New York, OK? And then I've got Vegas and I've got Texas, a bunch of cities in Texas and then the East Coast. So it's just September, October, November and it's all I have them record darknet, but the tickets are selling really, really well and I'm excited to just do something different instead of because I did stand up for the last year and a half. And so this is like a totally different show and it'll be fun. Awesome. Awesome. OK, well then I will see you in October at BravoCon. But until then, thank you so much for coming on. You're so much fun. I always love talking to you. So. Yes, I will see you very soon. Congrats on the show. I will miss you. Bye. Thanks.

Past Episodes

This week, Melissa welcomes her favorite guest, Joe Gorga, to the podcast to discuss the challenges of parenting teenagers, including some tough decisions they?ve had to make recently. Plus, Melissa celebrates a sweet victory with her now-famous sprinkle cookies and teases some exciting new products on the way.

They're later joined by a surprise guest, Frank Catania, who gives us the inside scoop on his son?s engagement, shares his thoughts on Dolores and Paulie, and drops spills a major secret about his own engagement to his fiance, Brittany. Tune in for some juicy updates this week! 

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00:51:33 3/6/2025

This week Melissa invites the amazing momager and one of the realest girls in Jersey, Danielle Cabral, to talk about the one and only moment that Danielle requested to cut from RHONJ, why the dirtiest castmates on the show really have nothing to fall back on, and what she thinks is next for the beloved franchise. 

Melissa and Danielle also share their thoughts on how Dolores is playing The Traitors game, whether they would want to be traitors or faithfuls, and why Danielle would have a hard time playing a low-pro game. 

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01:09:19 2/27/2025

Star of Netflix's Selling the City Eleonora Srugo chats with Melissa about the casting process for the show, her falling out with Jade Chan, why Steve Gold is such great eye candy, the crazy real estate market in Manhattan, the sacrifices she made in her social life to get where she is, and dating life in the city!

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00:54:05 2/20/2025

Melissa invites celebrity best-friend, CEO, and author, Loren Ridinger, onto the show to share her heartbreaking story of losing the love of her life, the very powerful way that she views grief, and her incredible advice to anyone who has dealt with the loss of a partner.  

Loren?s amazing story of grief and growth is all in her brand-new book, Scrambled or Sunny-Side Up?: Living Your Best Life after Losing Your Greatest Love, available now.  

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Pluto.TV - Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV (Free)

Rula ? Quality Therapists Who Specialize in You: (Patients typically pay $15 per session)

01:07:06 2/13/2025

Melissa invites the always entertaining Joe Gorga back onto the show to talk about Joe?s strange obsession with the local news weather segments, the many phases of Melissa Gorga (according to Joe), and their new obsession with The White Lotus. 

The two also share their plans for the Superbowl, and discuss the dilemma they have when trying to pick which team to root for this year.   

This week?s sponsors: ? The Place to Find a Place:

Belle Vitale - Hormone health that will change everything!:

Quince ? Luxury Essentials at Affordable Pricing: (Free shipping and 365-day returns)

00:47:16 2/6/2025

This week Melissa catches up with the always lovely and always faithful, Dolores Catania, to talk about how she used her own private detective skills on the latest season of The Traitors, the one competitor that the jury is still out on (even after the show), and why a life on RHONJ perfectly prepares you for a reality competition show.

Dolores also gives us an update on her amazing family, how she and Paulie are doing, and why she?s loving this stage of parenting.

This week?s sponsors: ? The Place to Find a Place:

Belle Vitale ? Improve Hormone Health and Well-Being:

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

Naked Wines ? Amazing Wines at an Affordable Price: , click ?enter voucher? and use code MELISSA for both the code and password (6 Bottles for $39.99)

Orgain ? Clean, Organic, Plant Protein Powder: (30% off order)

PlutoTV - Free Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV

Sono Bello ? Lose Stubborn Fat in One Visit:

01:07:02 1/30/2025

With Traitors back in full swing, let's revisit a chat with who ALMOST won it all last season.

Melissa invites the fan favorite from the latest season of The Traitors, Mercedes Javid (MJ), to talk all about the the pros and cons of being married to old-school men, what happens when two famous partners react to fame very differently, and the behind the scenes secrets of the hit reality show, The Traitors.

This week's sponsors: - The Place to Find a Place:

Pluto.TV - Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV (Free!)

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Prolon - Fasting with Food - Join The January Challenge:

00:48:45 1/23/2025

Melissa invites the always hilarious, Joe Gorga, back onto the show to talk about the parental dilemmas with Apple Pay, Joe?s NSFW idea for his own cookie business, and who, out of the two of them, would make the better employee. 

Melissa and Joe also give us their take on the latest season of Traitors, the team they?d want to play for on the show, and why Joe would probably blow up his game on Day 1. 

This week?s sponsors: ? The Place to Find a Place:

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

PlutoTV - Free Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool: 

00:46:21 1/16/2025

Melissa welcomes mom, hustler, and pod host, Amanda Hirsch who also happens to run one of the best Instagram accounts out there to talk about the future of RHONJ, whether that includes MG, what Andy Cohen has said about it all, and where Melissa stands with her castmates! 

They also chat about the RHONY reboot, who owned the most recent season, who got a little off course, and how these ladies stack up against OGs like Sonja Morgan and Countess Luann de Lesseps.

Plus, Sprinkles by MG and how and when you can get some! 

And which Bravolebrity is killing it on Cameo!

Thanks for supporting our sponsors!

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Prolon - Fasting with Food: (15% off 5-Day Nutrition Plan)

01:02:10 1/9/2025

Melissa is joined by the always hilarious, LadyGang, to talk about the "cheugy" (or "chuggy") feud between Millenials and GenZ, how Keltie is owning the term, "Sexy Mature," and who, out of the crew, would make a great addition to The Real Housewives. 

This week's sponsors:

Babbel - Language Learning that Actually Works: (Up to 60% off!)

PlutoTV - Free Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Prolon - Fasting with Food: (15% off 5-Day Nutrition Plan)

ZocDoc - Trusted Doctors Just a Few Taps Away:

00:59:26 12/26/2024

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