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Gals on the Go

Brooke and Danielle are alone this week to REINTRODUCE themselves!  Gals on the Go has been a show for over 2 years now and the gals have experienced a lot of growth and change in that time.  In this episode, the gals talk about where they are from, how they ended up at the same school, and how they became friends back in 2013.   GALS ON THE GO MERCH!!!! ***SALE 20% off everything from 11/27-11/30*** Check out the business of the week, It's Especially Lucky Brooke's Coffee Machine: Danielle's Fave, Pink Free People Hoodie: Gals On The Go Instagram Brooke's Youtube Channel Brooke's Instagram Danielle's Youtube Channel Danielle's Instagram

Dumb Gay Podcast with Julie Goldman & Brandy Howard
01:41:55 12/31/2024


Uh-huh. It's all s**t. It's all just dumb gay politics. America's gotten kinda white, but we're not gonna let it go down like that because we got a dumb gay podcast, a dumb gay political podcast. We probably don't have all the facts, but we got opinions and we'll public backtrack. That's why it's a dumb gay podcast, a dumb gay political podcast. Oh, it's all s**t. It's all s**t. Oh, it's all s**t. It's all s**t. I mean, are we gonna die? I don't know. I I you're extreme. I am extreme. It's all s**t. Uh-uh. This s**t is bananas. B a s. This s**t is Trump and t dumb gay s**t happening in the world like we're talking about reality TV. Happy New Year's Eve, girl. Happy New Year's Eve. It's the last day of Karma 24. Oh. You know, we we we passed our I think our our anniversary was, like, December 2nd, but we've officially been doing this podcast for 8 f**king years. Wow. 8. Wow. Wow. What a year? What a long time to not succeed at anything. What a long time to keep hey. I'm still trying to make it. I mean I mean, there's nothing like going home or FaceTiming your family at the holidays and them being like, so Are you still doing that little podcast? Yeah. Yep. Mhmm. Sure am. Mhmm. Sure am. But you know what? Let's let's just, if I may. Healing and a thriving 2025 and Healing and a thriving now. And that's right. Thrive 25, you guys. Healing and a thriving 2025, and it is f**king on. Yep. Tomorrow starts the healing and thriving. Keep that drop. We will be dropping it, memo. I want it in our system. I'll put it in the system. And then the systems go I'll put it on the system we have. Oh. Let me let me That's our other drops. I wanna add it to our drops. I mean I can I'll definite okay. I'll I'll replace because we've got, like all dumb. Just dumb. We don't need that. Dumb. Dumb. We don't well, applause will keep. That's like a sitcom. That's like news. That's okay. I like applause. I think that was fine. Okay. We love that. I like that one. We need that one. Okay. Yeah. You never you can only go to the same two buttons every time. I know because I don't remember any of the other ones. Woah. Alright. Woo. Yeah. Okay. I mean I mean Hey. Is that your partner, but a junk is good? Yeah. That's the one we gotta lose. Yeah. I think we don't need that. We got healing and a thriving go there. Healing and healing. It will go here. And by the way, for anyone going, g*****n, they're flat, we're doing that on purpose. Yeah. Because it's the now Ashley Darby who needs to be credited for the wonderful song of healing and thriving, now she sounds great here. She has a good voice. Is good. Ashley's got a good voice. Yeah. And, you know, and then, of course, I did not wanna do her dirty by playing the g The the live performance. The g g and g and a. G and a event because she got she just got nervous. Right. And sometimes when we get nervous, it was a physicality takes over, and there's literally nothing to do about it. Projecting too loud. Yep. You know what I mean? And it was the sound system. So Just so We are trying in thrive 25 to and I'm talking not I'm talking talking about thrive 25. I'm talking about January. We would like to get miss Darby herself Yes. Here. Yes. We would love to have her on the the this podcast. Yes. She is responsible for the theme of 2025 Yep. Which is thrive 25. Yep. And, we really wanna have Ashley on. Yep. She has a beautiful voice. Yep. We've made fun of her so much over the years, and we wanna share that with her. Yep. She's brought us so much joy and laughter and fun. And, we love housewives of Potomac is currently on, so she probably won't come on just simply because I'm manifesting she will. I'm gonna not even put the no. I'm putting the yes. Like, who asks her on podcasts? I don't know. Now, ma'am, we do, being that we we're gonna we got Zoe's, you know, Sage. Just so you guys know, if you're not on our Patreon, go and join for free. We you can join for free, and you get nothing, but I am gonna post Julie Lang. She's, original 14 one of our original 14 listeners. She's one of our original 14 patrons. Mhmm. She joined the Patreon right away Mhmm. Back in 2018. She always gives us this New Year's thing. What about like the ritual? Like a ritual. And we're gonna post it on, our Patreon page. Google Julie Brady Patreon and check out the tiers. You can join for a year. You you for less than $40, you can join for a f**king year, and you can get an extra podcast by us once It's really nothing, and I see that we have many, many, many well, not only do we have many many Patreon patreon patrons? Patrons? Yeah. Patreons, patrons. We also have many, many, people who are trying to be in the family for free, and I just wanna urge them, go to the lowest tier. Just join join and get in the fun. Yeah. Get the What are we doing? You're not you're you're you're you're you're on the outskirts. You don't wanna be on the outskirts. Just come on in. The lowest tier gets you 1 podcast a week, hour 1 hour long podcast. We don't not do it. We do it every single week. Oh my god. And there's so many to chew catch up on. We're doing it. We did it Christmas week. We're doing it f**king New Year's. Yep. So then if you want the next tier up, again, you can join for a year and you save, like, 10 or 15%. I don't know what it is. I think it's 10%. You get 3 audio podcasts a week if you join the next tier up. And then if you wanna do you can also do video where you get you can do audio and video, 3 a week, 3 hour long podcast a week. You guys, that's a lot. What's cool now is that you can join for the whole year, and you don't even have to think about it again. No. Because god knows if I could do that with Disney plus, Paramount, Peac**k And at a discount. Acorn. Exactly. I would. But, no, I do it monthly, and it's annoying. And it bugs And it bugs, and I and I spent 100 and 1,000 of dollars. 100 of I mean 100 of 1,000 of dollars. And if I could join those for less than $40 for the year, you'd give me. That's right. So we gotta jam and get to some gifts. We do have a lot of gifts. So if you're an in a bah humbug and you're just like, I hate this f**king pirate, just, like, fast forward it, girl. So Yeah. Fast forward it. Just fast forward it, girl. That's it. Girl. It's all Fast forward it. So I do wanna say we get a gift from someone in New York who never gives their name. They send it from Bug Nutsville. And Okay. So I want Bug Nutsville. If you want us to talk about your gift, you're gonna have to send us a message. You can you can email us. You can send us through Patreon. We always look at our DMs on Patreon. You can do Julie Brandi podcast at Gmail. That's also where if you if you go to our website,, where you can send us your pictures for the drug den bulletin board. Oh, god. We have so many pictures and Christmas cards, and I'm not even gonna get into those today. So Bug Nutsville, if you want us to talk about your gift, email us juliebrandie podcast. You guys, we are gonna get to the Christmas cards, and you guys all sent cute ones, but we have to get to just to the gifts. And we're already too late at this point. And what would we say, Fast forward, girl. Fast forward, girl. Fast forward, girl. Fast forward. This here is from Rudy Torres. Now we love f**king Rudy. He has given us many voluptuous gifts over the years. His memo, that's the clown that sits in the back of I love it. He sent us that clown that's in on our if you are a subscriber to our Patreon video, we love Rudy. He's rich. He also got us the bird Oh, I love the bird thing. We have a bird thing. And by the way, there's camera in it. Yeah. And Rudy made us into the luxury market of bird watchers, and it's really a squirrel watcher. We love Rudy. That's the bottom line. And, look, I can tell he's f**king rich in this photo. We finally have his photo. Oh, hello, my friends. Happy holidays. It's been a year since I've reached out, and I wanted you to know that I'm alive and still an OG lurker. I am finally sending a picture for the drug den bulletin board. I had to wait until I lost weight to send my friends a pic. Here's a pic of my husband and me. I'm the one with dark hair. I actually met you both at the Heather show in Vegas during BravoCon. I was front row wearing your shirt. Well, since my love language is gift giving, here you go. You have everything you need to make some shroom tea in in dumb and gay. Enjoy. Hopefully, I will get to see you guys on tour in 2025. Lots of love, Rudy Torres, from Oklahoma. That's right. We'd already know. We always know he's from Oklahoma. Guess what we don't know? What his f**king husband's name is? Good one, Rudy. He's like, f**k my husband. He doesn't even listen. Yeah. Because remember how his husband the thing with the bird feeder was that the husband, they already had one. Not it was a bird the bird camera thing. Yeah. They had one, and the husband saw it in the closet, and Rudy had it for, like, a bunch of long time and was, like, resent it. And he's like, oh, I forgot that a second. Well, he said I think he said he got it by accident or something, but that's how long it took him to send it to us. But Love it. I need everyone to know that it's so beautifully wrapped, like, all of this. I mean, you're gonna have to do it. My mom, my mom loves gifts. She loves Prezis. I do. Look at it. Oh my god. It looks like it was wrapped at, like, f**king Neiman's or something. It's so pretty. Let's put this in our Christmas Tupperware, my mom. The topping we're gonna save. We're gonna k. This is the s**t you do. I've been teaching how to amass a holiday, you know, thing. And on top of Rudy's gift, there's these, like I don't know. What is this? Like I don't know. Is that Holly? Yeah. Holly. With red berries. Acorn I don't know. Cheer and s**t. Anyway, we're gonna we'll put these, like, like, we'll go, mom, and we'll put these on the bookshelf Yes. Like that. Oh, that's so nice. Yes. How Pam how Pam Howard is it? Very Pam. It's a really beautiful, f**king Rudy. Very, very pretty. The wrapping is so gorgeous. It's it's it's it's, robins, red robin birds. And then there's, like, this beautiful paper that's brown, but it's of trees with all red robins everywhere or cardinals cardinals cardinals. Oh, I could be wrong, but I think it's a red tipped cardinal from the from the southern region. Oh, he got all his ornaments. Oh, cool. So this says nasty by nature, and it's temporary. This is what we get for not opening it while you still had your holiday tree. Oh my god. Oh my god. That's so Oh my god. What is it? It's a set of 2 cups, mocha express, 2 espresso cups, and 2 gold tone stirrers. But look at this. Look at this. Look at this. You know what? He also got it Look at this. He got Look at how gorgeous it is. It's in a gorgeous tin. It is Bialetti is the brand. It's so, like Looks very baller and Italian. Oh my god. It's so pretty. I love that f**king tin. Holy s**t. Look at this. Oh my god. Shut the f**k up. That is so cute. What is that? It's a espresso maker. Yes. You got an espresso maker when you love espresso? Yes. But, I mean, you got one for your house that I drink it here? Yes. Look at the little cups. Oh my god. Those are so pretty. And then they come with gold stirrers. Shut the front door. Oh my god. How beautiful. It is so whimsical and beautiful. It's a beautiful Wonka. It's amazing. And look at all these. Love it. And then he got you a bunch of freeze dried candy, and by you, I mean you. There's a bunch of these in here, my mouth. Ugh. You know you love little amazing. You know you love little candies. I love candies. These are almost like little candy corns, and the only person on the whole entire planet who likes candy corn I love candy corn. In my mouth. So let's this box. This is like that. We can't even describe it to you guys. It's it's giving beautiful Italian A Moroccan? I don't even know. Circuit. Yeah. It's so cool. It's like it is giving you, like, the win, honestly. It's like the win. Yes. So whimsical. The win is like that. Here, try one of these. Let's see what the candy corn is doing. Alright. This is freeze dried candy. Freeze dried candy. Rudy, thank you so much. We're not even gonna thank your f**king husband since we don't know his name, and you probably just, like, is it sour? What what is it? It's a little sour, but it's a little sweet. Oh, yeah. Pucker punch crunch, it's called. Oh, we love a sour. Mhmm. There's other flavors, I think. I just saw on when I was perusing for funny things to send you on Instagram Uh-huh. As we do. Apparently, there's the world's most sour candy. Oh, f**k. And people did, like, a challenge. Oh, yeah. And some people who literally, like, put it We gotta do that for the Patreon. So I need to find it. And it's a one ball Uh-huh. And they take it and they go and some people can put it in their whole mouth and they're like, but then one person so bad. Yeah. One girl went like this with her tongue, and she went and, like, she could like, it it was an instant like, they can't even be alive. Yeah. So we need I need to try it. We need to do that for the Patreon for sure. This is beautiful. I'm even obsessed with our new, holiday decorations for next year where we're always gonna know these are from our BB Rudy and our Timmy, and we're gonna put these in the bookshelf, Timmy. So exciting. Beautiful. Just I feel Gorgeous. Like, I'm bummed. I know it's just that the universe takes you where you need to go, but I am bummed that Angelie's holiday tree kinda sucked this year, but next year, it's not going to. And now we have all these more ornaments too because Bug Nutsville sent us some Jonathan Adler ornaments, but we're not even gonna talk about Bug Nutsville unless Bug Nut lets us know who Bug Nut is. That's right. I just love that now we have these, and we'll just, like, put I love it. Somewhere. Right? I love that you said we're gonna put it on the thing. Yes. On the bookshelf. Yep. And so now we're gonna go to Selena Guess who spoils us like there just are no words. I mean, there's Selena is in the she's in the she's in the upper echelon of, like, the spoilers. And, like, god forbid, I don't think she has children, but I really hope she's barren because we will never when she starts having kids, we won't keep getting gifts. Yeah. So just, like, please don't have any kids, Selena. Guess. So there's so much Selena already got us the amazing thing of Kamala Harris. This artist and I and I'm sure that was very expensive. There was only however many made of the print, and we literally emailed the artist to come on the podcast. That's how obsessed we are with it, and he just ignored and that's fine. And then you know what he should. You know? You're on for 8 years and you still only have 14 listeners. Why should I come on? All the way to the point where gift baskets I mean, it's it's just this but this box, it's crazy, and this didn't even come in the box. And this is Paris Hilton slimming dog beard spray. Oh. Okay. So this is already crazy. This isn't a separate box. This isn't even in the Christmas box. Oh my god. It's living. Totally. This is fun when you wanna wash your dog's beard. We're gonna So okay. Iconic pet deodorize and detangle. Oh, iconic pet deodorize and detangle. Oh, Selena. Thank you. I can't wait to try this. His beard has to grow back a little bit because we got it cut off. But Yeah. But it hasn't been stinking on him. No. To it. I'm gonna let it grow just a little like a goatee. Yeah. Like a tiny goatee. And his tuft does not look like a mohawk like it was supposed to. So we're gonna need them to shape that. Yeah. She'll we'll move him to a mohawk. But that top hair is quite cute. It's so cute. His face is cute. Along the lines of Rudy and the we got the Christmas ornaments, and we got the the holly berry situation. Yeah. What are these? A pine cone. Selena got us stockings That are so chic. Okay? I can't wait. They're white stockings with our initials. And we didn't get to them in time for this year, but they will be hung next year for sure. Frits has been he's been bugging Selena. Like, he's in the box, and I'm actually just I have this new thing that I do where when a dog puts patina on something Mhmm. That it then becomes, like, more homey because you always remember, like, oh, because long after the dog's gone, you're you still have the thing that they did that to. You know what I mean? And the funnily enough, the one that he was constantly messing with now he eats Frites, which for those of you who are just, you know, new here, Julie, we lost our dog Nacho this year, and Julie got a Brussels Griffon. His name is Frits. That's Belgian. K for fries. And Frits loves to chew on hair, and these are it's a, basically, a fur top and then a woven comfy, like, a sweater. The bottom of the stocking, the sock part is like a sweater, a cable knit sweater. The top is white fur, and then there's, like, a ball with a tassel. And he's been chewing the tassel, but mainly on the j, which I think is so, so cute. And so we found these hangers on Amazon that we're gonna use so we can hang them next to the tree next year. She gave a a stocking that has a paw on it too in my mouth. Oh my god. For all the animals. All the animals are lots of animal treats and then a stocking with a v. Okay. So inside inside the stocking, I have a pop up trash bin for the car. Lots of stickers. Oh, it's Star Trek stickers. Yes. Oh my god. In oh, it's all Star Trek s**t. I'm dying, and I just got my new oh my god. I just got my new book too, and I get Oh. And she's yeah. She's been she got her new notebook, so she's been, really dying for stickers. Here's a Ridge slim a slim wallet. Oh, cool. That's cool. I definitely need that for going out. Yeah. When we go out with your with your little, you know, various I got that. Fanny pack. An AirTag? Oh, cool. Because she knows you lose everything. Here. She sent she sent a note. Now I do think that a lot of this stuff fell out. So there are other things Good. For you in here, and I think she addresses it. In her note here's her note, my mouth. I wanna say, I got a sticker of Paris Hilton, hitting a f**king pipe in an elevator, and she goes, I'm smoking pot and eating burgers that are old. Paris Hilton 2007, and then I got a notebook. Oh, good. Well, that's her mugshot? Yeah. It's Paris's mugshot, which we loved. Love. And my notebook that I've been currently using for the Patreon because I use a notebook is about to run out, and my favorite favorite favorite are spiral only notebooks. I like notebooks with the spiral because you can just open them, and it doesn't break the sides. You're gonna read because my mouth Selena, she's already opening the stickers. We're gonna lose all the f**king stickers. This is going on for half hour. What are we gonna do? I know. Oh, god. Hey, guys. Hope you ladies love these gifts, and I hope you both have a great holiday. Just wanted to send some love and share a prosperous year. I hope you get it tight in 2025, stay alive in 2025, and thrive in 2025 because without you b***hes, I think we might all be lost. Your stockings are basic, but what is inside hopefully is not. Most are self explanatory, but a few notes just for fun. The animals got a bunch, and I didn't realize it wouldn't fit in the stocking. That's okay. I am sure they will go through it all very quickly. That's why Frits won't get out of the box. One present for Brandy has a little chain, but the chain is not as good as what it is holding. So please swap it as needed. So what that is is it's a pill. Oh, cool. A pill necklace. Yes. It's a pill necklace. So she's saying, basically, the charm is baller and the chain might be Oh, okay. Okay. You know? Okay. But so it's really, really cool. Ugh. Along with my family tradition, I spent the same on both of you. Some presents are bigger than others, but the value is all even out. If you don't like them, please feel free to regift. I am just happy to be able to support you and give. Lastly, everything else in the box is obvious as to what it is, but the piece de resistance is the small brown box. Had to make sure our puzzle princess Brandy had a challenge. Have fun, and don't delay. There's cash in there for you 2 to share. What's the little brown box? So I think there's this puzzle box Oh, cool. Which Julie is loves too, Selena, because it looks like it's from the olden days. Yeah. We figure this out together, and then we get some f**king cash. Oh, how cool. They're just inside. Amazing. This is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much. I mean, I We're not going to we're not gonna tell what the dogs got because we don't have time. No. But, Selena, it it's a ton, and it's so much treats. This is beyond beyond. This? A peachy folder mouse Oh. Pad? Let me because, you know, you say you love the peachy folder, my mouth. Oh my god. That's amazing. Listen to the Patreon. She's one of our she's one of our Patreon subscribers that listens to the catalog the whole way through, which we really love. Because, otherwise, it our work doesn't matter. You know what I mean? It doesn't. The the the random podcast we we recorded in you know, who knows? f**king March 2019, like, Selena might have listened to that this year, and it makes us feel like what we do matters. Yeah. And it makes us love Selena so much Amazing. So, so much. And so yeah. And I'm sure in one of those randoms, you said how much you love peachy folders and f**king Ambrose, and you walking around being a tool in the eighties here. So these say Julienne Brandy. Okay. I got, like, titty. Like, are these titty things? Okay. As a small what is this? Oh. These are Yes. These are Wait. These are nipple covers. Say hello to that no bra feeling. She got us nipple covers. These are amazing. I think it's I think it's supposed oh, wait. There that's oh, it doesn't oh. Oh, I see. The sticker, Selena. She already took it out. You have to keep it no. Don't put it on a shirt. It has I know. But I just need to see what's doing with it. No. You can't put it on shirts. They're gonna get lint. Only put it on skin. Wow. Oh, honey, I am I already have these, but these are really nice. Actually, I'll probably take yours. Yeah. Because I think you're nothing can be done about those nips. I left. A bra, but I want Yeah. No. My boots can't be. You can go braless. I can't. I love these. So the I got 2 of those. That's amazing. I just wanna say with Selena, I love that. She must come from a family with siblings because she said that everything is of the same value. That is so f**king funny, and we don't even care about that. And you could I don't care. There's this from I think it's from yours too. Oh my god. It's a f**king battery pack for the f**king g*****n phone. I mean, we know the piece de resistance is the f**king puzzle with the cash in it and just getting to do the puzzle, we will. But we got these robes. And thank god the robes are covered. Because like I said, Selena, Frits has been in Julie can't stop looking at the stairs. That's the thing. That's like when you get your kid all this expensive stuff, and then all they care about is the stickers. You know? That's for you. Here's the robes. They're robes? Robes. Oh my god. Like like like like what Anne was wearing so I could walk around when you come over with my titties hanging out. She was right on time with the robes. You are getting some tit when you come over next time. I'm gonna be in a robe. Oh, and you're not even gonna know and you wanna die. People covers off. I'm not. You've got them. So I'm gonna answer the door in one of these robes and be like, hi. Are you ready to record? And you're gonna be like, If you guys wanna get in out. We we, oh, I found a bone buried in there via free. Listen, Anne Flora and Amy Jackson, who were the the match from the butchlorette. These 2 b***hes put robes on the map, okay, for 2025. It should be called robe 25. You're right. I I'm I'm I can't wait to just Selena, thank you so much. And, Rudy, thank you so much. Just thank you. This is amazing. I don't even know. I can't I'm speechless. Well, guess what, everyone? It's time for our new segment, Elon Musk is a monster. In 1971, under the South African sun, was born a boy so dear to a gorgeous model and an engineer. He was smart and hungry for more. By 10 he programmed to come a door. But because of his brains and diminutive size, bullies beat him till he was hospitalized. Little boy thrown down a flight of stairs. He knows that life is hopelessly unfair, so he bows those bullies. He'll remember his name. They'll all remember Elon Musk when he gets revenge. It's 1995. Can you see? Elon's 24, and he's angry. He creates Zip 2 with 28 ks. Makes 307,000,000 in 1400 days. In 1999, Musk squares his shell. Co found a company named Pay Pal. He fights because his CEO doesn't want the company to be a part of Windows. Little boy thrown down a flight of stairs. Knows that life is hopelessly unfair, but he'll make money. They'll remember his name. They'll all remember Elon Musk when he gets revenge. Elon Musk when he gets revenge. He's got 200,000,000 cash on hand. SpaceX is the next part of his plan. Rockets on Mars and astronauts to send. He meets with Russians to buy ICBMs. Meanwhile, he finds Tesla from financial gain, creates a new kind of electric powertrain. Open Solar City, it's a solar power grid, the largest solar company in the United States. So now he's got solar rockets as a prelim. Do you see now bullies beat the s**t out of him? He'll land on Mars as his finest hour, infinite energy from solar power, and he'll laugh as he gets revenge. Little boy thrown down a flight of stairs. He knows that life is hopelessly unfair. There was the highest paid CEO for what it's worth. Elon Musk is clearly planning to destroy the Earth, and he's had revenge. And he's had revenge, and he's had revenge. And he's had revenge. This is our brand new segment called Elon Musk is a monster, and it's about Elon Musk being a monster. And, oh, let me count the ways, ma'am. Okay. So look. Elon Musk is a f**king monster, and that's just the truth. I don't care if you have a Tesla, want a Tesla, or just love Teslas. Elon Musk has lost his g*****n mind, and he is a monster. He has 12 kids by 3 different women, and many suspect that he's the father of Amber Heard's 2 stupid children who were both born by a surrogate, bringing that to a whopping total of 14 children by 4 mothers. Any other man who behaves like that, like, let's say, Nick Cannon or FLDS queen, Mormon, Cody Brown, is clowned mercilessly. Clowned, clowned, clowned to the end of time. And you know what? Widely considered, to be factually vulgar and gross. Absolutely. Mormon Cody Brown. But somehow not Downtown Julie Brown. Mormon Cody Brown. Somehow not Elon Musk. Never Somehow not. Mentioned. Well, hopefully, now's his time. His monstrosity doesn't stop with him arrogantly unraising 85 children. Unraising. There's the rockets and Mars and him walking around with uncut emeralds in his pockets during college. His bragging, his toddler body, his cringey jumping up and down at his own events, his online bullying and misogyny, his incessant and incorrect denial of the coronavirus, him buying Twitter and renaming it x, and then taking away the block function, which namely serves to protect who? Anyone? Anyone? Hello. Hello. Hello. Awkward. Who do we think he hates the most? Women. His toxic workplace culture at Tesla and at X, his tantrums, his meetings with Trump, his obsession with cryptocurrency, and now apparently his own agency within the federal government. Which brings us to today. I'm sure we could have spent 5 more minutes on the list of terrible toxic qualities and behaviors that make Elon Musk a monster, but it's the last week of karma 24. We just spent 30 minutes unwrapping gifts and such is life. If you need more deets, just ask Siri. She'll be happy to tell you. Well, apparently, over the beautiful and sacred week of beautiful and sacred sacred week of Christmas, all hell broke loose with Elon Musk and the maga monsters on x ter aka x aka Twitter. Now I wasn't paying attention or, I mean, I kind of that's not true. I was barely paying attention. Right. I should say I was barely paying attention. I would say the last since Christmas till now, I'm just barely paying attention in general. Cats and stuff on Instagram. Oh, a 100,000,000. I'm living A 100,000,000. Luckily for me, rent free on Twitter. I am looking at cats, dogs, and people falling. I had about a 22 hour exchange with your parents on a certain lady falling out of a golf cart. Right. I was involved in that too. Yes. And I still can't say I'm still not watching it because I am. Because that's what's keeping me alive. So I'm barely paying attention. Whatever. And it was confusing. And with the way he does the timeline now, if you don't get in on the beginning of something, you just get lost, which is the other problem. That is the problem. So, thankfully, for our 14 listeners in some bizarre turn of events, Brandy, like she said, is now chronically on x Twitter. So she's got it all mapped out for us. Okay. It's super, super confusing. It's very, very meta. I didn't even wanna use the word meta. I didn't appreciate that word being co opted No s**t. By that f**king other monster. Meta. Just, yeah. Exactly. That's the other monster. It's all very inside baseball, and it's so, so confusing because you can't talk about it without talking about right wing conservative MAGA podcasters. And I don't expect that a lot of, you know, I would say I would if I had to estimate, I would say 7 of our 14 listeners, and that includes my mom, they don't know from right wing podcasts. Like, they're here out of some weird sense of obligation. Right. So they don't pay attention to, like, this space. And, like, even you, yourself, like Uh-huh. You don't know half the time, like, I'll be, like, whoever, and nobody, like, wait, who? And it's like, oh, okay. So because of that, it's so, so, so confusing, you guys, and and I'm very intimidated to try and do this, but I'm just gonna try to do it and hope you guys understand. So, ma'am, why don't you pull up while I'm doing this what the h one b bill thing is? I will say this while she's pulling that up. If this wasn't political, it would be the exact kind of thing that we would discuss on our Wednesday Patreon. Because on our Wednesday Patreons, which you can join for less than $40 for a whole year, we do it's called the wrong side of the take. So on Wednesdays, we have to give a take. This whole subject is definitely going to require a take from everyone, and we are surely gonna get it wrong. Not only am I gonna just hopefully, we can explain it right, But wherever we land, is somebody gonna be offended? We would normally do this, but it's way too political. But it would be fun to do it on our Patreon. Also, the thing with our wrong side of the takes is those usually require, like, a bit of a deep dive. Mhmm. You know? Mhmm. And this is reminding me of that because, honey, this is a deep, deep, deep dive. So what had happened was well, quick note on that. Jamie Foxx named his current comedy special What Had Happened Was, and I just need everyone to know that, Maumau and I shopped a comedy news show, in 2017 called What Had Happened Was. And that show, by the way, now exists. That's the That comedy news show exists. Exists, and now the title exists via Jamie Foxx. Yes. So but we were early in the game, and we got pretty far with that show called What Had Happened Was. But, anyway, this is the story of the great Christmas h one b debate Yes. Of 2024. So, ma'am, tell us what h one b is. H dash one b is a non immigrant visa program that allows employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in the United States. Meaning, these are people that can come here not as immigrants. They're not at the wall. They're not knocking on the door to become a citizen necessarily, but some do. Be an immigrant that's not at the wall. But I'm saying if I'm MAGA Okay. This is what we're vision visioning. Because MAGA thinks there's a wall around the whole entire country. Yes. Yes. Okay. And that when immigrants come, they're at the wall. Okay. Because the wall keeps people out because they're idiots. Okay. So They don't wanna become citizens? It's not that they might not don't want to, but that's not what they're doing here. They are the visa is for them to work for a 3 year time. Okay. It can be extended to 6 years. It's a visiting work It's a visiting work program, and, the h dash 1 b is particularly for the tech space, and there are other visas with all different there's h two, there's h three, there's h two o, there's h four five. H n one two There's h n one five. Disease. H one n one Yeah. Exactly. There's SARS. There's all of the ones. There's the powder that you mail to kill people. Exactly. There's the ambiance. So there's, you know, scallops and whatever. So Exactly. Agriculture has 1, meaning farming. Scallops 1. Yep. There's still there's farming. On the scallops visa. You can come in Yep. Do the farming, then you go. Yes. That is what I came in on branding. Daniel Einstein. My husband told me it was scallop visa. So, yes. For my pussy. For my it was pussy visa. And, they brought me here with 17 other women. Seriously. And, they said you're all here for pussy visa. And we said, okay. But you know what? Only I was the one who stayed. And now I was, like, 17 other Russians in an Einstein bagel truck. Like, that's why I'm being a bagel truck. They said because you're in Pussy Visa, but we're an Einstein truck. Then, that's it. What happened is that when I became first lady, they said, we can't tell. We can't show everyone that Melania was here on Pussy Visa. In an Einstein bagel truck. They go, how did these b***hes get here in an Einstein bagel truck? That's why it became Einstein Visa. Right. Just so just to make it clear, h dash 1 b is a specific sector for the most part, while there are other ones for other ones as well. So there's a lot of different work visas for for foreign, workers. Okay? So the great Christmas h dash 1 b, is that what it is? It is the h dash one b, which employs foreign workers in specialty occupations. Okay. And as we've learned Tech. Tech. The well, the biggest one right now is tech. So the the great h one b f**king MAGA debate that occurred over Christmas 2024. Well, it will it will go down. It it honestly is going to be as well, I don't know if it'll be as, like, how how how long it will stand the test of time. But, certainly, in the recap of this year, it it was a very consequential thing of this year. Like, very, very, very it's a huge deal. Right. We haven't seen just in a in a in a larger sense, Trump gets elected in November. And by, you know, basically December f**king 26th, which is it's basically, less than a month later or something such as the the MAGA party, the Republican party is fighting. Fighting. So and it's pretty interesting. Yeah. So as we know, Elon Musk and if you don't know this and you think that this is fake news, you're wrong. So this isn't just, you know, a neoliberal f**king pedophile elitist who loves getting the chromosome baby blood? Yeah. I want the f**king scallop gene from the beginning. To where to drink. So the scallop baby blood. Like, who loves exploding, you know, babies heads in the Middle East? Love it. Like, I want babies to be bombed in the Middle East. That's my favorite thing. Oh my god. There's nothing better than You know what else? Of genocide, super victim herb, genocide. Huge huge supporter. So that's not what this is. This is actually just a fact. It's true. It's been shown. Elon Musk bought Twitter, and the reason that he bought it is for whatever his own f**king white male grievance, f**king bulls**t, his immigrant grievance. Uh-huh. He needed conservative voices amplified. Oh. Felt like they were being pushed down. He wanted to buy Twitter. He took a huge loss. He looks like a big fat f**king dumb clown, dancing clown, and he has 1. And who cares? He's the richest man in the world. So what does he care? This is all just a playground for him to ruin our entire country. Like our beautiful songstress said at the beginning, he wanted his revenge. He's getting it. I gotta tell you. That song sent me Thank you. In a 1,000,000 different ways. Thank you. Thank you. We should actually give her credit because if you guys want to go, you go to the go to YouTube and find it, she there's an I don't know if it even gives her credit. There's a cartoon that goes with it. The the car. Important to watch the cartoon. I, that song was, a, a, inspirational, but, b, it was mind opening in the fact that the the in the one small thought that he is trying to destroy the world. Right. And you can still have empathy and go, oh, wow. He was bullied to the point where he was thrown down the stairs and went into a coma. Right. And then and now he's he forever changed. That's why he's he has arrested development. He jumps up and down like a f**king stupid toddler. Yeah. He needs to be punched. Yeah. And he's mad, and his grievances it is very, very real. So Which is why he's got 4 different moms and has 14 kids and impregnates whoever he can and hates women and whatever it is and and his you know? But the fact that he's a super villain who's playing the long con Yeah. Is incredible. Yeah. And I believe it. Well, thank you. Welcome. I just, like, did that work. Oh, yeah. You like that fun? I was just doing it. I was, like, watching TV. Yeah. Totally. But we should give her credit, and I don't know her name because the thing that I did was with a attached with a cartoon. But you guys can look up Elon Musk song on YouTube. Basically, he bought Twitter, and he wanted to what he's proposed as his free speech moment. And what the truth was that he ended up doing because he's incapable of being a neutral. Mhmm. He he he's not neutral. He's biased, and he's got his grievance. So there's a famous story now. I don't know if this part's true. K. But there is a famous rumored story that he was at some f**king baseball game or, like, maybe it was a Super Bowl. I think it was a Super Bowl, actually. Mhmm. Joe Biden incidentally, we were at chef chef Stew's house at Super Bowl, and Joe Biden did a tweet. Oh. And his tweet, like, blasted off and did really well. And whatever f**king go, whoever Joe Biden what a dumb f**king thing Joe Biden said. And Elon Musk was sitting at the actual Super Bowl, and he was f**king pissed off that Joe Biden's tweet was doing better than his. And he goes to his whole staff who I'm sure is like, why am I f**king working on the Super Bowl? Isn't this a national holiday in America? And he tells his staff, like, that's f**king bulls**t. His tweet doesn't do better than mine. And that was the start, and that would have been February of this year, Karma 24, of where Elon Musk starts. I can't turn my s**t on without him in my timeline. Like, I don't follow you. Yep. I don't follow you. Oh, I'm sure he's in everyone's timeline. He is, and that's what he told his his his staff. He's like, Joe Biden doesn't do better than me, and it's like, I don't know if you knew this without the president, but okay. No. No. Yeah. Doesn't matter because when you're the supervillain of the world and you think that you need world domination, now it's all coming together. And that's exactly when it started. So that that's the rumor. Now that I don't know. But the fact is this, during the election, he 100% suppressed democratic news, democratic voices, liberal voices, and I'm not even just talking about, like, pundits and f**king podcasters and influencers. I'm talking about congress. They were being suppressed their voices on Twitter, and conservative voices, MAGA voices were being amplified, period. There's full studies that have come out, like Mhmm. Scientific data that researched, you know, analytics of Twitter, and it's a fact. Now that Super Bowl thing is I just heard that, and I don't know if that's true. But this other thing is a fact. He he amplified them and mute suppressed liberals and Democrats, and here we are. Now here we are. So it is what it is. Such is life. We are f**king here, and there's nothing we can do about it. But we do know that Elon Musk got a huge, huge hand in that. Now it's just like the same way now maybe, you know, Mark Zuckerberg didn't realize he was doing it in 2016, but Russia did. And they did their fake news thing on Facebook, and it worked. And anytime you can get control of the narrative, you're gonna get what you want to happen, especially when we're in a voting democratic society. So that's what happened. So that brings us to now where this fight in the MAGA world breaks out on where, of all places, Twitter. And it is indirectly involving Elon Musk. It was a, I think, a probably very confusing space for him to be in. Who does he suppress? Who does he amplify? Because now Trump has made him and Vivek Ramaswamy Mhmm. The head of the department of government efficiency. Vivek Ramaswamy is also a tech guy. Mhmm. And Ran for president against Trump. Total douche. A total douche. I mean, he when you hear the words, he has a face, like, that wants to get punched or whatever Yeah. Begging to be punched. Yeah. Like, that I cannot this this guy has a face that's like that. You've hated him since he ran the president. He opened his mouth. You can tell he's a liar. He's a weasel. He's a scumbag. He's a douche. He's a f**king little twat. He's a hypocrite. He's a flip flopper. Yeah. He's a nerd. Hate his guts. He has a tiny dick, and he's radiating tiny dick energy, and he can just literally f**k off to the sun. So that's him. He's with Elon Musk. Trump also radiating the tiny dick energy. Gets them to do the The party of tiny dick? Yeah. The party of tiny dicks. It really is. Just like make America tiny dick again. I mean, honestly, it's guys with little t t, t two two t t's. And then they're gonna, you know, we're gonna of government efficiency. Okay. We're gonna cut Social Security. We're gonna take away veterans benefits. We're gonna do all this. We're gonna cut we're gonna get totally get rid of the Department of Education. Okay. You Go right ahead. Work it, b***h. Work. Knock yourself out. Okay? Knock yourself out. So that's where that is, just to catch y'all up. So on a couple days after Christmas or the next day, somewhere in that vicinity. If By the way, Elon Musk did make a public statement while vicinity. By the way, Elon Musk did make a public statement while campaigning with Trump that Americans will face hardship and will have less social security and Medicare and Medicaid and less affordable health care, and they're going to have to go through that. Yeah. Said that publicly. Name. Yeah. And you still voted for it. Voted for it. So that's what's been crazy with this thing that we haven't even gotten to telling you, and we're 20 minutes in. I need to catch everybody up. And we're pissed that you voted. You not obviously, not one person here is listening. Right. But anyone who voted for Trump voted for Elon Musk and is now you voted for exactly what is happening, and we want to happen to you. What We have been wishing the swift f**king, like, like, revenge with the quickness, and it suddenly started to happen a couple days after Christmas. It's like, wow. Damn. He ain't even f**king inaugurated yet, and the s**t's popping off. So that's why it's great. So here's the deal. So, basically, some kind of conversation got started about h dash 1 b. Okay? H one n one. And we all know, everybody knows, but, again, this is another thing to catch you up. The entire election was lost and won on immigration. A lot of Democrats and people in the middle and libertarians and whoever, they switch sides, and they went to Trump because they are, exhausted by immigration, whatever whatever that looks like in your neck of the woods, and it looks different for many different regions in this country. They're seeing things in their city or their town or their whatever. People's resources are being exhausted. There's all kinds of things going on, and then Trump just spoke to the most base, like fear and There was that. Graves and resentment and grievance. And there is a lot of resentment in this country about that. However, one side spoke of it in a very compassionate way where they were trying to figure out how to open up more resources and help and blah to do while the other side was trying to make those people almost like a, you know, like a scapegoat or like a like a Yeah. Like a like a evil problem. And most people then went apparently and believed that. Well, the the bottom line is whatever you believed, the majority of this country, and this is the truth, wants to stop the aggressive influx of people from other countries. And and it's on you if you decide to make that one area. This is all countries. In your mind and in everyone's mind, it it all needs to be said. The majority and that's what happened in this election, and it is crystal clear. So there is no use in holding on to whatever whatever whatever. The bottom line is Americans are the majority of Americans want immigration to stop. And whether it stops for a while, whether the numbers just dwindle, how whatever needs to happen, it's too much. It's too overwhelming, and people are resentful, and they don't want it. And that's why they voted the way they voted. So now this fight starts to pop off on Twitter because, hilariously actually, hilariously, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswami. I guess they thought that didn't apply to anyone they needed for their workforce. Right. So on Twitter, it it becomes a conversation about this visa, which brings over, I guess, temporary, immigrants into the country, which Julie described at the beginning. It's a lot of tech jobs. It's a lot of engineering jobs. It might even be medical in some cases, you know, whether it be research scientists. I'm not really sure who qualifies for this certain visa, but it's that type of thing. It's a lot of, like, secondary education, like, work, which doesn't matter. And, also, Julie said they were they're not even necessarily applying to become citizens, but they're here to do that work. The conversation starts to pop off on Twitter where Elon Musk is put into a conundrum because he, of course, wants these workers. They they pretty much make up all of Tesla, I'm sure, and SpaceX and everything else. It starts really popping off with a tweet from Vivek Ramaswami who sends this tweet out, and this is where everything starts to, like, implode on Twitter. The reason top tech companies often hire foreign born and first generation engineers over American born Americans isn't because of an innate American IQ deficit, parenthesis, a lazy and wrong explanation. A key part of it comes down to the c word, culture. Tough questions demand tough answers and if we're really serious about fixing the problem, we have to confront the truth. So here's what Vivek says the truth is. Our American culture has venerated mediocrity over excellence for way too long, at least since the nineties and likely longer. That doesn't start in college, it starts young. A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math Olympiad champ or the jock over the valedictorian will not produce the best engineers. A culture that venerates Corey from Boy Meets World or Zack and Slater over Screech, who, by the way, s**t on women literally. And I love Corey from Boy Meets World. No. I love Boy Meets World. I'm a little worried. f**king twat in Saved by the Bell or Stefan over Steve Urkel in Family Matters will not produce the best engineers. Oh, we know Steve Urkel was, like, the most popular on the whole show. The most popular on he's okay. No one even knows there's someone on their name, Stefan. No. What? He fact. I know multiple set of immigrant parents in the nineties who actively limited how much their kids could watch those TV shows precisely because they promoted mediocrity, and their kids went on to become wildly successful STEM graduates. More movies like Whiplash, fewer reruns of Friends, more math tutoring, fewer sleepovers, more weekend science competitions, fewer Saturday morning cartoons, more books, less TV, more creating, less chilling, more extracurriculars, less hanging out at the mall. This literally sounds like a person who didn't have any friends and is mad. This sounds like a person who didn't have a girlfriend until he was 30 and is mad. This is so lame. Most normal American parents look skeptically at those kinds of parents. More normal American kids view such those kinds of kids with scorn. If you grow up aspiring to normalcy, normalcy is what you'll achieve. Now close your eyes and visualize which families you knew in the nineties or even now who raise their kids according to one model versus the other. Be brutally honest. Normalcy doesn't cut it in a hyper competitive global market for technical talent. And, if we pretend like it does, we'll have our asses handed to us by China. This can be our Sputnik moment. We've wakened from slumber before and we can do it again. Trump's election, hopefully, marks the beginning of a new golden era in America, but only if our culture fully wakes up. A culture that once again prioritizes achievement over normalcy, excellence over mediocrity, nerdiness over conformity, hard work over laziness. That's the work we have cut out for us. Rather than wallowing in victimhood and just wishing or legislating alternative hiring practices into existence, I'm confident we can do it. I just wanna say that, Kim Kardashian got dragged to f**king filth and hell for saying that people need to get up and work. Get off your a*s and work. And what he's saying here is not only just get off your a*s and work. It's saying that I would argue that it's saying to, like, lightweight abuse your kids. It's Whiplash is one of the most disturbing Yep. Movies I've ever seen. It's it's abusive in nature with that movie whiplash. Yeah. It's like said more movies like whiplash. When I heard that tweet from him, and it is hard to hear it. It's better to read it, so we urge you guys to go look it up and read it for yourself. He wasn't just saying, maybe you guys should think nerds are hot. If he had just literally said, well, maybe if we made nerds hot instead of f**king bullied them, things would be different. This isn't just about him having a tiny dick and not being hot. This is about him telling parents, you need to raise your kids the way we raise our kids in f**king India or China or wherever these very high ex excelling countries do it. Like and that means what? Being, like, you can't watch movies and very very disciplinarian and It sounds just grievance, grievance, grievance, and it's like the thing is it's like, okay. I I can't even believe I'm even gonna say this, but Tomi Lahren responded to him, and she said agree and disagree here. I'm like, oh my god. Oh my god. Am I about to wait? Nothing wrong with being a jock or prom queen. We don't need to be a nation full of socially awkward nerds either. It takes all kinds. And I have to agree with her. I have to agree with her. It takes all kinds. And that's what he's missing and that is what I think is so offensive about what he's saying is that the world doesn't revolve or evolve when every single person is just a nerd, let's say, AKA quote unquote or a or an engineer or a doctor or a lawyer. We need artists and poets and writers and And losers. And losers and people who are who are actually happy not excelling, you know, as a CEO in a company, but is is content to have a family and get their hands dirty and build s**t and go to a construction site and or go to a factory. And we want all kinds of people who are pleased and displeased with a number of different layers of how life should be and all kinds of different ways that we have friends and family and blah blah blah. Parenting. I took it as a direct, like, insult to the way. And, yeah, and there's a lot of f**king wack a*s parenting. But at the same time, I would argue a lot of these kids that were raised that way, you know, constantly to, like, practice piano or f**king spelling bee or whatever those things may be, like, very, very you know, it's like a lot of those kids are super traumatized. I'm not saying they shouldn't be. Like, again, throw the shoe at the head. Like, you know what? You're very successful now, and and a lot of us go like this. Well, g*****n, mom. Why didn't you ever throw a shoe at my head? It's like I had you didn't even look at my report card. You know? It's I'm not criticizing one way or the other, but the thing that he's doing is that he is criticizing. Agreed, and that's why I'm I cannot believe I'm kind of agreeing with Tomi Lahren. And, also, I'm also saying to him, you are being he's being judgmental and he's coming from a grievance rather than coming from the good of a society. You look at this society and you go there it does take all kinds and there does take all kinds of parenting and there are all kinds of families and there's all kinds of ways to you know, I'm glad I had sleepovers. I was scared to go to a sleepover. It was in order for me to, to go over my fears was to go sleep over someone's house. It took 50,000,000 times before I could sleep over someone's house because I was so scared, and I didn't want to be away from my mother, and it was like a whole thing. And then to go to a class, and then to some of us, that's what we need. Some of us are more emotional than others. Some of us are more feelings than others. Some of us learn with visual pictures. I was told I was dumb in math cla*s. So in front of the class, you're an idiot. You're dumb. You don't think that's Right. Traumatizing? But then I can go and, you know, be in another class and I'm not dumb or whatever. Right. So there's I'm not gonna be a tech person. I don't like it. I don't want to do numbers. I don't wanna do math. I don't wanna do engineering. So my part of the problem, maybe, but I have to walk my path and he's coming from his f**king life of I think that if you asked him if he sat in therapy, f**king Vivek wishes he had more f**king sleepovers and wishes he had more friends and wishes he could have ridden his bike down the street with his buddies and wishes he had f**king Stranger Things walkie talkies and wishes that he could play Dungeons and Dragons in the f**king basement or look at playboys or f**king jerk off the kitties in the bathroom Right. Whatever. That's where he's to me, that's where he's coming from, and I can't and it makes me sick. And he's also saying that that's why these, you know, visas we have to use these visas because we can't create that good times of life in America, and that's f**king bulls**t. And that's offensive, and that is bulls**t. There are so many, like, minds that are being wasted that are kids that could without because they are poor or they don't get an education or, like, sitting there f**king starving to f**king a equals b equals c in the triangular f**king whatever and could work in a thing but aren't given an opportunity. And you're discounting he's discounting poverty. He's discounting people who don't have a chance. He's discounting people who, and it doesn't matter what race or whatever. I'm talking economic f**king opportunity. There are people in this country. There are plenty of people in this country who, given the opportunity, why don't you take your h one b visa and take that money and make some more schools and education where you're not censoring, but you're in fact opening up education Right. To more people and to Opportunity. Opportunity. Country for smart, smart, smart, smart, brilliant people. There's kids sitting here who are wasting away because they don't have the f**king opportunity. And for this f**k bag, this little weasel twat Yes. Alright. So that was day 1. Okay? That really set it off, the tweet you read, which was very long. And, again, we urge you to go please just read it. If you got lost in your f**king, you know, cleaning your house or cleaning up after Christmas, taking your tree down, whatever it may be in your hangover, go read the tweet because it is, it'll find a way to offend you. In one way or another, you'll see yourself in that tweet, and you'll get offended if you're if you are American. Word of that. So, please, it's it it it didn't it's it was a it was a long tweet to read, and it was hard to to follow in in the reading. So go read it yourself. So, basically, the shrapnel f**king flies around the f**king conservative right. It flies around all around Twitter, and then Vivek needs to come back 2 days after Christmas. This must have been the day after Christmas and say, okay. Back to work. Oh oh oh oh, back to real work. God. Back to real work today. Okay. So everybody was f**king out. No one can f**king handle this f**k. People couldn't wait. He was already insufferable, like Julie said, during the, during the election, they were there in the nominee process for the Republican side. So then, even Nikki Haley, who's wrong about everything No. And her gums Yes. She then she had come for him during the debates. They they they were sparring Okay. You know, during their yeah. So then this b***h, her gums are flaring up. Flaring. She can't believe that her f**king sworn enemy has stepped in s**t who s**t the pool like my mouse had. So what was going on with Nikki Haley? So Nikki Haley got very triggered, and she she respond so she quote tweeted the tweet Right. And sent it on her x, whatever. Okay. There is nothing wrong with American workers or American culture. All you have to do is look at the border and see how many want what we have. We should be investing and prioritizing in Americans, not foreign workers. Now, again, even she was offended, and she would suck Trump's dick on the side of a on the side of a road. If he said, h b one visas are where it's at, she would go, you know, swallow the jizz. Absolutely. The fact she's just not having it from Vivek. She just can't f**king stand Vivek. And, well, the thing is is that having this. Because it goes his whole tweet was about this h dash 1b visa, and this is why we need it because the whole debate, just in case we lost you in the 57 minutes we've already been doing this, and it's so confusing, but the whole debate is about we wanna keep we wanna keep farm workers out. We wanna keep, you know, people who we can destroy whole corporations who need, whether it be factories, whatever it may be, where that that rely on an immigrant, like, workforce. We wanna keep them out because of our grievance and whatever. But when it comes to tech or when it comes to science or when it comes to engineering or when it comes to robotics, oh, no. No. No. No. No. We need we need a We need foreign workers. We have to have foreign workers because Yes. Our workers in America are too dumb. So then Megan McCain's dumb f**king a*****e got involved too. She retweets it and says, by this logic, people like Dolly Parton, Travis Kelsey, Ralph Lauren, Clint Eastwood, Whitney Houston, Steven Spielberg, Chris Kyle. Who's that? I don't know. Dave Chappelle and every western here we go. Every western ranching family in the country are, quote, lazy and have added nothing to American culture. You're an imbecile. Turns out, sweetie, you're the f**king imbecile. I'm not for Trump, but I just these Democrats, and they're just so elite. And the elitism and the elite elite elite elite, And you loved wallowing in the fact that the Republicans swept the floor with us and mopped the floor, and there was red the whole country, and she's retweeting pictures of the country that all went red. And and Kamala Harris was voted, and democrats were voted, and she was living up her best life. And now you're calling that's who you voted for, b***h. That's who you wanted. That's your party who you're calling an imbecile. That's you. Yep. That's you. Because Yep. What Vivek didn't realize was that foreign is foreign is foreign is foreign is foreign. This wasn't just about certain brown people coming from the south. This is about the entire the they don't want immigrants from anywhere. You're shocked? Right. You're shocked. So you might not have voted for Trump, but just like Brandy said, that you have never you always you hang on to the side of the f**king Republican conservative cliff with your fingernails bleeding. I'm a conservative. I'm the last conservative. I'm a Republican. I'm a Republican. There are so many Republicans who hang on to this. I'm a Republican. And we talked about, oh, I'm a conservative. I don't like Trump, but I have to vote, and I'm not voting for Kamala Harris. I'm gonna hold my nose in my mouth. And I'm gonna hold my nose, and it's still the Republican party. Well, here it is. Here it is. You here's the Republican party. Now Nikki Haley, for whatever reason, I guess she's trying to, like, get voted in for something because she's a f**king 2 faced lying f**king a*****e. However, even let's say let me give her the benefit of the doubt. Let me give her the benefit of the doubt that she was f**king offended that this party that she's a part of, this guy, Vivek, who's now in the administration and by the way, she's not. She's not. Went and said that American workers are lazy and don't deserve to be and there aren't enough of them. And she was like, what the f**k are you talking about? There's lots of American workers. That's what that's what this whole party is based on. Y'all wanted America to be great again. Y'all wanted f**king no immigrants. Y'all wanted no foreign workers. You not only do not want foreign workers, you wanna act like America's on an island in a bubble under a dome that no one else can access. Right. We should only be a f**king white island in the middle of nowhere. No one should be able to penetrate it, and yet we should make all the money and get all the jobs and get all the education and all the health care and yet not have any avenues to any other country on the planet. That's what this party wants. That's who they are Right. Literally. And then you, Vivek Ramaswamy Please. Come talking about how much you love America, but that Americans are lazy and there aren't enough workers who are smart enough. Smart Smart enough. And you wanna talk about elitism. Democrats are supposed to be the elites. We're so elite. We're elite. Motherf**ker, they're every single member of Trump's cabinet is a billionaire. Billionaire. You're all billionaires. You're there's that's what's happening to all of those MAGA people is that they turned around and looked up on x and said, oh, wait. What? Oh, no. You're talking s**t about me. You're talking s**t about my mama. You're talking s**t about how I was raised. Yep. And it's like, yeah, girl. Yeah, girl. They don't care about you. Nope. They're all billionaires. They are the elitist. Yes. And now Megan McCain and that's why the Nikki Haley's doing that and Megan McCain too because the the back where I'm saw me doesn't matter. This ain't Trump. This is this is his his side pieces. So then after that, he steps and s**t, says now back to my real work, which again, did you mean to s**t in the pool again? He s**t right in the pool. And then you s**t again when you said real work. Okay. Because I guess your long tweet all of your tweets that you basically f**ked our country for the last 6 months, and then we now with wasn't work. Okay. So so none of this the way, he's he trolled perfectly, though, because then, like, I told you the other day, I, like, dip in and get in a fight and then I hate myself and need to leave because of exactly that. Exactly. He's the perfect example. I'm gonna I'm gonna tweet a s**tty offensive thing. There's 50,000 responses of which he responded to much of them trying to f**king explain himself Yep. And then also mode people. Right, Dunk. But there's so much response and so much to it. Now he has to say, okay. I have to get back to my real job. Will work. Right. So Very, very, patronizing and gross. Disgusting. And that is the cornerstone Yes. Of the f**king these f**k tiny dick men Tiny dick. Particularly who do this. That's what they do. That's just what they f**king do. Then he goes on, like, Fox and tries to obviously, a team of, you know, crisis coordinators got around him. We're like, you're f**ked. Okay. We're basically f**king f**ked. So he then changes it to say, we have an anti American subculture that cancels the get get ready for this, the science fair in favor of drag queen story hour. So he basically the the crisis team Gotta put it on the drag queen. Switched it all gaze. To the drag queens, switched it all to the f**king books, to paying back the student loans, every single thing to back to woke, back to microaggressions, every trigger word that the f**king dumb f**king tiny dick Republicans hate, he switched it. He's gonna be like, oh, I didn't mean to make fun of football, which I know you guys all love. I met drag queens and woke and woke. I mean, I literally one of the tweets I saw, I swear to god to you, one of the tweets I saw was, like, from a MAGA person who was like, this is blah blah blah blah blah. We need to wake up. And I was like, do you know what wake up means? Yeah. Exactly. Are you woke? Like, it means woke. Like, oh, you need to wake up? You need to wake up? I was dying. I'm, like, rolling around on my own couch, like, writhing. Okay. So then he goes and tries to spin it to drag queen story hour, you know, microaggressions, woke, and, you know, trans sports and everything that f**king makes them crazy. So fine. So then what happens is he's already garbage to us. We don't care. Like, there was nothing to save you, sir. Wow. You you f**ked yourself, and that's what you get as an immigrant who voted against immigration. So goodbye. I mean So that's there's that. Absolutely. So now here's where toddler body problem f**king development gets involved. Arrested development, of the of the land. So Elon Musk can't take it. Right? He can't take it because his entire workforce of Tesla is all h one b one visas or whatever. So he comes in. There this cannot even be doubling, tripling down. The motherf**ker just I mean, he didn't even s**t in the pool. He he made a pool that made of s**t. It was just s**t pee. He made the toilet a pool. Uh-huh. He said, here's a pool, and it was actually his big toilet. So he said MAGA is taking a page from Democrats on how to lose elections while feeling good about themselves. There's a a a person on Twitter named Neera Tanden tweeted, I'm an Indian American who was born here, and it's crystal clear that the Democratic party sees me as American and a large part of the base of the Republican Party does not. I hope Indian Americans remember this moment at next year's election. And Elon Musk said yes to to her. He said yes. And those contemptible fools who don't must be removed from the Republican party root and stem. Okay. So let's just break that down for a sec. Are you saying that the racist should be removed? Because then you're not gonna have much of a party. They all have to go. And where have you been? Where have you actually been? What he's doing. He's supervillining out. He's supervillining out. So then and he won't stop. And this went on and on and on and on till the break of dawn. He then agreed with a tweet that called some people in the MAGA movement the r****ded right. Oh my god. Okay? Much of the anger being driven towards Elon Musk today is simply disappointment being projected by the r****ded right. Oh my god. That's on that is on the fringes of the conservative movement. Oh, the fringes? Oh my god. And they're against Musk, whom they wish was an unrepentant racist like they are. And then he put exactly and it's like, it it's it's it's it's it's it's it's gaslighting at it. I'm literally it's not even gaslighting. I was on I was sitting there. I'm reading. I'm going, am I did I fall into, like did I fall into the upside down? Am I in an alternative universe? Like, I don't understand. You're all racist. Yeah. That's what you're I mean, I'm not even using that casually. I'm not being glib. Like, the entire rhetoric from the moment the f**ker came down the escalator, they're rapists, and they're this saying Mexicans. Like, that's it's it it's was racist. There's no other way to say it. I mean, it never stops. If one party weaponizes woke and listen. We can in our own family, with our own siblings, we make fun. We point. We Meaning our our Democrat brothers are Democrats like the AOC. We also be mean to AOC. Yes. When when things are, yeah. Because we we within our own party, we've stay with our party. We're in our family. We're in Yes. What to me, if I make fun of my brother and sister at home within our family, that's out of a They have to deal with that. There's a loyalty and a love and a respect and a thing that comes with that and an understanding of where everyone's been, where everyone's from, where everyone's going, where everyone is. I can talk s**t about AOC, but you can't if you're not a democrat. Right. Exactly. Exactly. Only democrats can talk s**t about her. Right. So we have all of that, whatever. But then on the other side, when it comes to Republicans and if you identify as Republican, I'm talking to you and a lot of libertarians, and you wanna f**king sit there and make fun of wokeness, you are innately and legitimately and You're prejudiced. You're prejudiced. Yeah. Actually, you're making fun of people who are trying to Discriminate. Yes. Not be prejudiced. Right. And I try to use words that aren't just racist because that's such a hot button, like, triggering words. That's that's fake. You wanna justify being prejudiced. You wanna justify your own That's it. Your your own inherent, like, discriminatory thoughts, and we're trying not to do that. And that's with all the way back, I read my tweet f**king 2 years ago that I did 4 years ago in 2020 to Lindsey Graham where he tried to dunk on somebody for being woke, and I'm like, I'd rather be woke than be a s**tbag f**king racist a*****e like you. Like, woke is not a dunk. That's somebody trying, and it's not someone f**king virtue signaling. Like like, we don't need you shouting from the f**king rooftops of everything everyone's done wrong. That's not what woke is. Virtue signaling is not woke, and it's like, it's not a dunk. They're f**king disgusting, and now all of a sudden, he's talking about people being on the our right that and that's the fringes? The rate the the racist prejudice part of your party is not the fringes. It just just isn't. No. It's not. The fringes are the ones that aren't. Exactly. The fringes are the ones that are. So he then went on later in that that same day to, like, basically declare outright war on the our right. The reason I'm in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla, and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of h one b. Take a big step back and go f**k yourself in the face. I will go to war on this issue, the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend. I just can't deal. Like, I'm gonna say it again, and I know everyone's like, I I'm I'm probably, like, canceled on 27 different levels after this podcast, but I'm like, you are willing to and I'm not even talking about Monsanto because I hate big, big farm corporations, and, you know, I'm not into to obviously, we are not into factory farming. We are not into any of that. We actually hate, like, that industry in this country, but it is crucial. Like, it's where we get our f**king food supply. Our farming is where we it's a it's a critical, critical export that we do. We export to every single other country, and export that we do. We export to every single other country, and we allow people into this country on work visas. We actually use a lot of undocumented workers to work at those farms, and these are big corporate. They're terrible work conditions. They're paid terribly. I'm not I'm not permissive any of that. I'm not. I'm just saying that, again, it's okay for you to have workers come in from out of this country, but it's not okay for anyone else. Yeah. Right. Right. And, apparently, there's also a war which we can't get into now. There's a there's a whole world that's f**king opening up about Elon Musk. Did he come here illegally? Because he is an immigrant. Right. And which visa did he had a j one or an f one? And did he violate it? Did he come here at 95? Did he have 150? Did he have a Silverado? We don't know. Was it did he get the windows tinted? Exactly. Because sometimes they're too tint and the f**king cops roll up. He was too dark. Was it too dark? 3. Was it limo level? Yeah. Was it the silicone or was it the f**king the titanium? I don't know. But either way, we are being gaslit. They're he's gaslighting the entire Republican party now. I mean, I do take solace in the fact that they're they're f**king fighting and it's a big thing, and Steve Bannon is exploding and losing. I mean, that's a whole other thing. We have his clip. You guys can listen to a g*****n 2 hour podcast with 30 minutes of gift opening. It's a f**king end of the year. That's what's doing. Okay. So, basically, it goes on and on and on and on and on. He's getting in fights. He's declaring war. He's doing the whole thing, and, it's not going well. He then while, you know, the whole reason and this is what he said. The whole reason that he bought f**king Twitter and renamed it x was for what, Memo? Free speech. Free speech. And as I said that there's there's analytical proof, documented scientific proof that he they suppressed the voices of Yes. Liberals, amplified the voice of Missouri. Right. This goes down. He declares war. Now this is one thing I didn't know. I thought we all had to pay $8 to get that f**king check mark. You and I used to be verified Yeah. Back when it was Twitter. We got that from being on TV show. It was one of the prouder moments of my life. Yes. We're now verified on Instagram, so it's fine. You have to pay. It was also wonderful storyline on Potomac where we found out that Karen pays for her check mark, $8 a month. And turns out Elon Musk gave a ton of conservative accounts, checks marks for free. And when this happened, he went around and took them all off. He de Oh my god. He's so grown. He de verified a dick ton of conservative accounts. All of our influencers have now lost verification status as well as our own page. Our and this is con this is at conservative OG. Conservative OG. Our brand did nothing. We spoke out against h b one visa visas, and it appears that Elon Musk intentionally shut us down. Is this the new status quo from America's most free, quote, unquote, social media platform? So now he's taking away their verification. He's not they they got their page taken away. They can't all their tweets are being suppressed, blah blah blah. Elon Musk then goes on his he has a burner account where the name is Adrian Dittman. Okay? Stop it. I can't make make it up. Not Adrian Dittman. Can't make it up. He basically goes on as Adrian Dittman and starts, like, trying to, like, be, like, Elon Musk is the s**t, and they're all disgusting, and they're ungrateful. But then he accidentally, like, gives it away that it's him. Like, my son, x, EON x or whatever, everyone's like, wait. I thought you were Adrian Didman. That's the name of Elon Musk's son whose name's x, Elon x or whatever. You know that one weird son? Yes. And it he tells everyone they're ungrateful motherf**kers. He's been amplifying them all this time. He deep platformed right wing extremist Laura Loomer. Okay? He did a tweet where he said, just a reminder that the algorithm is trying to maximize something about unregreted users. I didn't get it, but he's like he's basically like, I'm gonna block or mute you if you f**k me over. She retweets the tweet where he's threatening right wing people, and she goes, I now understand Luigi Mangione. Oh, b***h. b***h, not you. Woah. And she's obviously a full f**king monster. She's a monster. Monster. So it's Charlie Kirk. It's all of the people. It's it's they're all getting in fights with Elon Musk. If I was a Charlie Kirk said if I was a smart leftist, I would go all in on trying to create a schism between MAGA and Tech World. So now Charlie Kirk is now saying he's trying to create a narrative where this is left god. This is left wing. It's a psyop Uh-huh. That that, like, you know, democrats are doing. Mhmm. This is bots that democrats have bought. It's like, well, Laura Loomer is exists in the world, honey. She sure does. And everyone you're fighting nobody made Vivek Ramaswami. This isn't Charlie Kirk. This isn't whatever. So let's play we have Steve Bannon, and we have Laura Loomer. Just you guys here. They are both if you don't know, Steve Bannon worked for Trump. He was you know, he went to jail. He he abused the GoFundMe platform for and got all of Trump's followers to send $300,000,000 to build the wall. He stole the money. He got sent to jail. Trump pardoned him. He's now, of course, gonna be back in the administration in some way, shape, or form. He's a podcaster. Laura Loomer is also a very, very successful right wing podcaster. So we're gonna play clips where they are against Elon Musk. And at this point, Elon Musk is Trump's right hand man. So it really doesn't serve your bottom line to be getting in a fight with Elon Musk. And the most important part of that is that Trump, no matter what he has said on x or wherever, it's irrelevant because Trump, he is in a con little conundrum. Yeah. I was in it, though. Trump conundrum. He is. Not going to be some anarcho libertarian, you know, big tech run by big tech oligarchs. That is not going to happen. Okay? We haven't fought all these wars and haven't gotten here to to to to give it over to a bunch of geeks that you would stuff and that they're all reacting, being stuffed in the locker in high school. There you go. I cannot believe and and Vivek, what are you gonna do? What do we do? What what the I p 77,000,000 people voted for this. And now you're going we're not gonna So we don't want You're not gonna let the billionaire nerds tell us what to do. It's like that's what she voted for. That's what you vote. That's what you vote. Donald Trump's a f**king nerd. But also okay. So you so now in the MAGA world, we have the tech nerds over the, what, child f**king rapists? Yeah. Fat jocks? Yeah. Fat jocks. I don't understand. Donald Trump doesn't even move his body. He doesn't even do any of that. Nothing. So let's say what who who we have you like who did you like? Steve Mnuchin? So you guys were the Well, that's the I'm not a nerd. You were the fat bullies? That's all you were. So you want so you want bullies to run the run the country. That's what you want. You want bullies instead of nerds. But these are These are choices. But these are bully nerds. Bully nerds. So we've got fat bullies Well, then that's bull bully nerds. We've got bullies who are now being pushed around by rich nerds. And I think we have I think you have hit the nail on the actual tiny head. Right. Which is Is it circumcised? I think it is. I'm going to say that it is circumcised. Okay. So we've got the bullies who can't handle being told what to do by not the Trump rich people, but by the nerd rich people. Rich nerds. This is fascinating. I love it. And there were also, many say, very recent Democrats. We know Elon Musk. Yes. Because they used to be Democrat, but then they, like so they also hate that. During COVID. Right. They left because and they love to say, like, oh, the recent because now because Elon Musk was a Democrat. Because the left became all about regulation, and they love to blame Elizabeth Warren and finger point. And I would argue, and this is this is what they say. They blame Elizabeth Warren and regulation. And I would say, okay. Well, maybe if we had had a little more regulation during Obama, Elizabeth Holmes wouldn't be here because we saw many, many, many Right. Photos and videos of Obama walking hand in hand with Elizabeth f**king Holmes and her f**king lies Yep. And all of those investors. And, like Yeah. That's the reason that we're at where we're at, why we don't trust tech people. Yeah. She's the reason. Don't blame Democrats. Blame her. And that's why regulation's good. Okay. So now here's Laura Loomer. And what we need to have a conversation about is what is it going to mean for the future of our country, our national security, and the incoming Trump administration. If we have a bunch of technocrats who are also essentially welfare queens because their companies are receiving government subsidies and they wanna take over our defense industry. If you have a bunch of tech bros with 1,000,000,000 of dollars and direct unfettered access to the vice president and the president of the United States, and then they are also, you know, very cordial with our adversaries as in China and Iran. We see that Elon Musk is, having these meetings off the books with Iranian officials, with Chinese officials. What does that mean for us and the future of our constitutional republic? That he this is her with Steve Bannon, by the way. Also, I don't know. What was it like when Jared Kushner met with Saudi Arabia? What was it like when Trump met with Russia and China and North Korea? So, again, I say unto you, Brandy Right. That you are hitting something that they can't handle. They like it when the dictator or the bully goes and meets with and has backdoor dealings. He created a literal back channel. Back he's creating a back channel with everyone I just said, but now that it's technocrats, meaning nerds with money Right. You can't handle it. This is amazing. This is amazing. MAGA And they don't want Vivek Ramosami doing it because Vivek Wanda Swamy isn't white. Isn't white and it's a nerd. That's right. 1,000,000 percent. And and Vivek Ramaswami seem to think when they don't want people of color, brown people coming in this country, that it didn't mean him. Well, look what happened with it. It's it's all happening. It is all happening. All happening right now. Happening. And I say and listen. And I say to the people of color who worked for the Trump campaign, and this is a thing you can find on the Internet too. Look at the the men, particularly, the black men who worked tirelessly for the Trump campaign, and not one of them has a job in the cabinet. So that's it for this episode of our Dumb Gay podcast. Thank you guys for listening to our stupid podcast. This is a long one. We still have a few more hours left of karma 24, and anything could happen. I mean Oh my god. I'm like I'm like, I I I I'm I'm flood my my head and my brain is Yeah. Is going crazy. And I'm I'm so into it. It's given me a new level of revenge. It's giving me a new level of things to be like. And you know what? I might even say that I'm I might be even excited for for there to be awokeness in the Republican party, possibly. There might be a way an awake this might be this maybe. We'll see. But there's this is a seed for a possible awakening. Yeah. Because Why don't you guys start differentiating yourselves from the and understanding that there are racists all through your party. Yeah. And it will help all of us be able to speak openly and honestly about what we feel about immigration, and and it's okay to want an immigration policy that's more restrictive. And that doesn't mean anything bad, and it and it's like it the the I think it it's it's something Harris Kamala Harris came out and said, we need to have immigration reform, and it needs to be done with compassion and justice and with care and with a humanitarian, foundation. And what is wrong with that? Nothing. That is what we're talking about. That is the difference between people who are racist and scapegoat rather than people who look at a at a problem or an issue and try and figure out how to not hurt people. That's it. So if you're new here and you like us, but you'd rather not hear about politics or you want something else from us, we do think that our Patreon podcasts, they they can be entertaining from time to time. We have taken the Wednesday podcast and try to make them a little more topic based. If you feel like, you know, in the past, we've done this podcast now for, you know, going on 8 years our Patreon. We really encourage you guys to try it. It's how we survive. It's how we make our money. It's how we keep this one going. You know, we used to be very free form and fun, and we do that on Thursdays. Wednesdays are more topic based, and you can get a Wednesday podcast for $4 a month. That's the cheapest of anyone around. They're always an hour. They're never 20 minutes. They're never 30 minutes. They're never 45. They're an hour every single Wednesday of the month. You can do a whole year in advance where you'll get up for less than $40 a month. And then we also have podcasts on Thursday. If you sign up for $8 a month, you'll get Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Fridays, we do blind items. That's right. You can get it. If you get in now, you can also look at we did a few Fridays. We had the bachelorette. We had the bachelorette reunion. I mean, if you like the dating shows of the bachelor and the bachelorette and the f**king Beechler and the whatevereller, then you gotta check out what we did. We took a Butch Lesbo, and we f**king did a bunch of Zoom dates, and it was f**king amazing. So get in right now. We think that you'll really like it. Check it out. We could do video too. It's really fun. We love it. We love our family Yep. Our Patreon framily. Also, it's the last day of the year. Please don't forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts if you haven't yet. And if you listen on Spotify, please, please, please hit the star rating. It takes 2 seconds. We are not allowed. We don't listen on Spotify, so we can't hit the star rating to, like, patter. I I can't even go, like, on my normally, I'd go, like, on my mom's phone and my dad's phone. Right. But Spotify doesn't let you unless you really listen there. So if you do listen there, we don't even care if you hit one star. We don't give a f**k. Just hit the star. Yep. Hit the star on Spotify. We wanna get up over 500, and we wanted to get there by the end of the year, so you need to do it today. And as always, it's been real, and it's been fun. But mostly, it's been gay, and it's been dumb. And thrive 25. f**king rich nerds and bullies, b***h. Goodbye, karma 24. You were really, really good to us. Up to the last minute. And bad to us. And bad. And bad. Yeah. It's a terrible year. Well, awful. It's a horrific year, but also good. Yeah. Both. That's karma. How'd you do I? See, you've met my faithful hand in hand. He's just our little broad dine because will you not, he fought you with a candyman. Don't get strung out by the way I look. Don't judge a book by its cover. I'm not much of a man by the light of day, but by night, I'm one hell of a lover. I'm just a sweet transvestite. From transsexual transcelphate. Let me show you a ride, and maybe play you a sign. You look black. You're both pretty grooving. Or if you want something visual, there's not the 2 of us at all. We could take in an old Steve Reeves movie. I'm glad we caught you at home. Could we use your phone? We're both in a bit of a hurry. Right. We'll just say where we are then go back to the car. We don't want to be any worry. Well, you got caught with a flat world. How about that? Well, babies, don't you panic. By the light of the night, it'll all seem alright. I'll get you a satanic mechanic. I'm just a sweet transvestite girl. From transsexual, transphobic. Why don't you stay for the night? Bite. Or maybe a bite. I could show you my favorite obsession. I've been making a man with blonde hair and a tan, and he's good for relieving my Tension, I'm just a sweet transvestite. From transsexual Transylvania. Heck, I'm just a So come up to the lab and see what's on the slab. I see you shiver with anticipation. But maybe the rain is really to blame. So I'll remove the cause. But not the symptom.

Past Episodes

This week, Brandy & Julie talk to an ACTUAL MEMBER OF CONGRESS who was in the ACTUAL ROOM when Trump did his Address on Tuesday. Normally when DGP episoes are this late, they're trash... But this is one you don't want to miss!!!




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*** Dumb Gay Politics with Julie & Brandy **** Dumb Gay Podcast with Julie & Brandy **** Julie Goldman **** Brandy Howard **** Julie and Brandy *** The People's Couch *** DGP *** Gay Podcast *** Political Podcast *** Lesbian *** Bravo *** Housewives *** Queer *** Liberal **** LGBTQ **** Killer Burlesque *** Host *** Portland

00:00:00 3/6/2025

On this week's episode, Julie & Brandy enjoy a return visit from education-reform activist, and Professor of the Year (!): Shelita M Shaw. Shelita's voice is like a warm, comforting hug, and that's just what we all need right now. So, you're not gonna want to skip this one. Her attitude is right, her message is on-point, and she's taking attendance!





(Hosted by Julie & Brandy!! Starring the entire cast of Vanderpump Rules, Season 4. The only AfterShow EVER aired on Bravo. *All 12 episodes available with Patreon Subscription**)

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*** Dumb Gay Politics with Julie & Brandy **** Dumb Gay Podcast with Julie & Brandy **** Julie Goldman **** Brandy Howard **** Julie and Brandy *** The People's Couch *** DGP *** Gay Podcast *** Political Podcast *** Lesbian *** Bravo *** Housewives *** Queer *** Liberal **** LGBTQ **** Killer Burlesque *** Host *** Portland

00:00:00 2/25/2025

Last week, 52 Senate Republicans (and zero Democrats) voted to confirm Robert F Kennedy Jr. as America's newest Secretary of Health & Human Services. Scared sh*tless, and left with no other choice than to hope for the best, Julie & Brandy call enlist the help of holistic-health expert, (and dedicated RFK supporter) Stephanie Simbari. Stephanie is magical, wellness wizard, and her powers of enlightenment are strong, but it's gonna take a Christmas miracle to convince the girls that RFK Jr. is going to do ANYTHING (at all!) to Make America Healthy Again. 






(Hosted by Julie & Brandy!! Starring the entire cast of Vanderpump Rules, Season 4. The only AfterShow EVER aired on Bravo. *All 12 episodes available with Patreon Subscription**)

*** Dumb Gay Politics with Julie & Brandy **** Dumb Gay Podcast with Julie & Brandy **** Julie Goldman **** Brandy Howard **** Julie and Brandy *** The People's Couch *** DGP *** Gay Podcast *** Political Podcast *** Lesbian *** Bravo *** Housewives *** Queer *** Liberal **** LGBTQ ****
Killer Burlesque *** Host *** Portland

00:00:00 2/18/2025

This week, Julie & Brandy bring back the classic DGP segment "Eye of the Sh*tStorm" and Julie does a Spoken Word Op-Ed dedicated to one of America's dumbest b*tches: Paula White.
*** TRADE COFFEE: Go to and get 2 bags of free coffee with a new subscription!

Wrong Side of GoFundMe - 2024
Blind Item Friday - 2024
Window s Up, Sing Time - 2020
Trunkkies - 201 9




(Hosted by Julie & Brandy! Featuring the entire cast of Vanderpu mp Rules, Season 4. One of the best seasons of Vanderpump Rules, during the glory days of Bravo! Watch all 12 episodes for $5)

*** Dumb Gay Politics with Julie & Brandy **** Dumb Gay Podcast with Julie & Brandy **** Julie Goldman **** Brandy Howard **** Julie and Brandy *** The People's Couch *** DGP *** Gay Podcast *** Political Podcast *** Lesbian *** Bravo *** Housewives *** Queer *** Liberal **** LGBTQ **** Killer Burlesque *** Host *** Portland

00:00:00 2/10/2025

This week, Julie & Brandy are loud and chaotic (and borderline unbearable). They are deeply in withdrawals, and irrationally furious at Elon Musk and the MAGAts that elected him. But after an hour of raging about bullsh*t tarrifs, and government grifters, the girls get a visit from a likable Trump-impersonator, who reminds them- when all hope is lost, sometimes the only thing left to do is laugh.

Follow Trevor Trump on TikTok: @TrevorMorris245b

Check Out Our Patreon Podcast: No Politics! No Ads! Huge back catalogue!
Free Patreon Episodes:
*Wrong Side of GoFundMe - Feb 2024
*Blind Item Friday - April 2024
*Windows Up, Sing Time - Sep 2020
*Trunkkies - Feb 2019



** NUTRAFOL: Save $10 off your first month subscription + free shipping. Go to and enter promo code DGP at checkout.

*** Dumb Gay Politics with Julie & Brandy **** Dumb Gay Podcast with Julie & Brandy **** Julie Goldman **** Brandy Howard **** Julie and Brandy *** The People's Couch *** DGP *** Gay Podcast *** Political Podcast *** Lesbian *** Bravo *** Housewives *** Queer *** Liberal **** LGBTQ **** Killer Burlesque *** Host *** Portland


01:18:22 2/3/2025

This episode is giving vintage Dumb Gay Politics vibes. Trump's back, and the girls are filled with rage.

Wrong Side of Go Fund Me - Feb 2024
Blind Item Friday - April 2024
Windows Up, Sing Time - Sep 2020
Trunkkies - Feb 2019



(Hosted by Julie & Brandy!! Starring the entire cast of Vanderpump Rules, Season 4. The only AfterShow EVER aired on Bravo. *All 12 episodes available with Patreon Subscription**)

*** Dumb Gay Politics with Julie & Brandy **** Dumb Gay Podcast with Julie & Brandy **** Julie Goldman **** Brandy Howard **** Julie and Brandy *** The People's Couch *** DGP *** Gay Podcast *** Political Podcast *** Lesbian *** Bravo *** Housewives *** Queer *** Liberal **** LGBTQ ****
Killer Burlesque *** Host *** Portland

01:04:22 1/28/2025

This week, the girls celebrate Brandy's birthday and Trump's 2nd Presidential Inauguration, by doing an astrological chart reading with Patreon-Legend, and SexPot-Empath: Zoe Pasquier!

Check out our Patreon Podcast! No Politics! No Ads!  



(Hosted by Julie & Brandy!! Starring the entire cast of Vanderpump Rules, Season 4. The only AfterShow EVER aired on Bravo. *All 12 episodes available with Patreon Subscription**)

*** Dumb Gay Politics with Julie & Brandy **** Dumb Gay Podcast with Julie & Brandy **** Julie Goldman **** Brandy Howard **** Julie and Brandy *** The People's Couch *** DGP *** Gay Podcast *** Political Podcast *** Lesbian *** Bravo *** Housewives *** Queer *** Liberal **** LGBTQ **** Killer Burlesque *** Host *** Portland**

01:21:13 1/21/2025

This week, news that incarcerated firefighters were VOLUNTARILY helping the Los Angeles Fire Department... Broke. The. Internet. In honor of those heroes, Julie & Brandy interview Sam Lewis from The Anti-Recidivism Coalition. 

JOIN JULIE & BRANDY'S PATREON! (No Politics. No Ads!) 

** Wrong Side of GoFundMe: Feb 2024
** Blind Item Fr iday: April 2024
** Windows Up, Sing Time: Sep 2020
** Trunkkies: Fe b 2019 




** NUTRAFOL: Save $10 off your first month subscription + free shipping. Go to and enter promo code DGP at checkout.

** THE MATZO PROJECT: Save 15% off of your entire purchase (as many times as you want)! Just go to and enter promo code DumbGayMatzo at checkout **

*** Dumb Gay Politics with Julie & Brandy **** Dumb Gay Podcast with Julie & Brandy **** Julie Goldman **** Brandy Howard **** Julie and Brandy *** The People's Couch *** DGP *** Gay Podcast *** Political Podcast *** Lesbian *** Bravo *** Housewives *** Queer *** Liberal **** LGBTQ ****
Killer Burlesque *** Host *** Portland

01:20:16 1/13/2025

This week, Julie & Brandy briefly discuss some of the recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and Julie does a short obituary on behalf of former President Jimmy Carter.


TRUNKKIES- Feb 20 19


** Follow Julie on Instagram **
** Follow Brandy on Instagram ** 


(Hosted by Julie & Brandy!! Starring the entire cast of Vanderpump Rules, Season 4. The only AfterShow EVER aired on Bravo. *All 12 episodes available with Patreon Subscription**)

*** Dumb Gay Politics with Julie & Brandy **** Dumb Gay Podcast with Julie & Brandy **** Julie Goldman **** Brandy Howard **** Julie and Brandy *** The People's Couch *** DGP *** Gay Podcast *** Political Podcast *** Lesbian *** Bravo *** Housewives *** Queer *** Liberal **** LGBTQ **** Killer Burlesque *** Host *** Portland

01:13:18 1/6/2025

On the last day of Karma24, Julie & Brandy break down the Maga-Internet war surrounding the H-1B Visa program. Their research is light, and their takes are messy. So, listen with compassion, and take it with a grain of salt.





*** Dumb Gay Politics with Julie & Brandy **** Dumb Gay Podcast with Julie & Brandy **** Julie Goldman **** Brandy Howard **** Julie and Brandy *** The People's Couch *** DGP *** Gay Podcast *** Political Podcast *** Lesbian *** Bravo *** Housewives *** Queer *** Liberal **** LGBTQ **** Killer Burlesque *** Host *** Portland

01:41:55 12/31/2024

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