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Sport Illustrated Swimsuit model, Nicole Williams English is sharing what it was like posing for the cover at eight months pregnant and creating the ultimate swimsuit for this summer.

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Barely Famous
01:13:44 10/7/2022


Is fired. Welcome to the s**t show. Things are going to get weird, weird. It's your fave billion kilowatt hours. And you're listening to barely famous f**kers. Hello, suckers. Hi, kill it, Kristen, I'm going to try not to move today, I'm also going to try not to chew my gum create and I both were throwing up this morning and I don't know what kind of virus we have, but I literally pulled into the school parking lot to drop Lux off and. I look at I happen to look in my rearview mirror and here goes Creed throwing up, and I was dropping him off next, so I don't know what's going on. So I text Christian and I'm like, What is going to help keep my stomach? What's the contents of my stomach inside my stomach? And she was like peppermint. So I went to the store and got peppermint gum, which is definitely not my first choice. But if you guys hear me chewing gum, I apologize in advance. I just wanted to be able to podcast today still and kind of stuck it out. Is it helping? Is the question? I don't know. I just put it in my mouth. So OK in about like 10, 15 minutes. I just I don't feel well between the weather. I'm like hot, I'm irritable. I could go back to sleep right now. Like, Right the f**k now. And normally I don't like, I don't fall asleep that easily. So we're going to see how the day progresses. You sound your throat sounds scratchy, too. Yeah. And I just last night, TMI, but like last night, throwing up and s**tting was not a good time. Oh no. And time. And so yeah. And then I was eating saltines in my bed. And of course, the kids came in my bed and then they wanted some, and then they got saltines all in my bed. So I was slept in crumbs and I'm just like, I'm ready for the weekend. Do you not have like a. I don't want to say like, I don't know if it's a sensory thing, but like. Like, does that you're able to sleep in problems like I physically cannot sleep in certain circumstances, crumbs being one of them, I feel every single one and I can't. I mean, I, I definitely felt them. It was not a good time. But when you have kids and when you have four of them, you just learn to. I mean, I can't tell you how many times like co-sleeping. One of my children has pets in the bed at like two a.m.. I'm not changing the sheets. At two a.m., I'm putting a towel down. I'll sleep on the spot. And then they get the dry spot and then I'll change the sheets in the morning. I don't give a f**k who's judging me. This is what we're doing. I have four f**king kids and a full time job. I don't have time for people judging me. OK? I can not. I know, first of all, that sounds like an awful time, so chalk that up again on the on the con list of children, which is ever growing. I still have yet to add s**t to a pro. I can't sleep in crumbs, I cannot sleep in leggings like I get physically angry. I jump out of the bed like I know. No, the leggings thing for me. First of all, you know this about me, but the listeners do not. If I'm wearing leggings during the day, the second I step into my house, they're already coming off. Yeah. And I will walk to my bedroom with no pants on to change into something else immediately. I don't even want to sit on my couch with leggings on like they're great for going out and whatever. But like, I do not want to be in my house restricted. It's not happening. Yeah, because you typically like to wear shorts or you like to wear sweatpants. Yeah, I don't. I hate the like tight feeling of anything. Yeah, drives me. Absolutely f**king insane. Also, when you pull and my legs like crazy often honestly. And I don't really care. But like, I can't do the whole like wearing shorts when you have prickly legs and bad thing, because that also drives me insane. So I always have to wear. I'm very specific. I only wear the stars above brand from target sleep like pants to sleep in. That's it. I don't care. Like, it's the only thing I can tolerate their soft. It's great. I'm not sleeping my legs touch each other. It's great. I will sleep in shorts or underwear. No, I'm not sleeping with pants on. And if your legs are hairy, you're fine with them touching and like, it doesn't bother you. I just put the blanket between them. So no, I'm serious. Like, I cannot wearing pants too. Like, I'm in my office, like my workplace and I'm in my sports bra right now. I mean, I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised immediately. As soon as I stepped in this office, I was like, I need to take these clothes off like I hate. I just, I don't know. It's like the older I get, the more I'm not willing to tolerate. As far as my clothes go, I feel like once upon a time, I would wear literally the most uncomfortable clothes as long as it looked good, and I would just make it happen. Yeah, see, I was never like that. I always was that kid that was like getting naked, rubbing stuff off, b***hing about like elastic bands and lace itching and something, you know, I was always complaining and it's just carried over into adulthood. So my mom basically wants to throw me out the window so she like, ready to offer you? Yeah, that's OK. It's all right. OK, so I sent you a Tik Tok last night. Let's see what it was, because I don't even remember. OK. I remember now when I was not a Tik Tok. I'm completely, yeah, my friend. I was scrolling on Facebook last night and my friend posted something about the original post says Once you stop posting and snapping regularly on Instagram, you just never go back to doing it. You also realize how sharing every detail of your life from the moment you wake up every day isn't normal and you feel overexposed. It also makes complete strangers over familiar with you. And then my friend, like, reposted it and said she deleted it a while ago and she'll never go back. So I wanted to touch on this because I feel like when I was going through my months and months and months of depression, I stopped going on my stories every day like I used to show my my face on my stories every single day from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed. Yes. And that was part of, you know, making sure my engagement was up and showing my face on my stories and like having people resonate with me to, like, keep up with the content and blah blah blah blah blah. Ever since I started Lexapro and I've been better with my mental health is getting better. I mean, obviously I have my days. I resonate with that so much. I haven't. I still don't get on my stories like I used to. Like, I just it really does make me feel uncomfortable, like reading that post. I literally was like, Wow, like, I have never related harder. Well, I think too, like for your situation, social media is your job. So obviously, you're always going to have to be on it to some degree, which I think is, you know, knowing that you have to show up in. In that fashion, even when you don't want to, you don't really have the luxury of just like not that kind of puts a pressure on you. But also it's not normal, like it's literally just not normal to like, want to see everybody's waking minute like I, I go on everybody else's Instagrams for work and stuff. I'm very rarely on mine, and if I post anything to my story, it's like a fricking quote that I thought was funny, like. I just am not I used to be super active on social media until I started having to do it as part of my job. Like for everybody else, and now I could give two s**ts about going on my own Instagram or, you know, engaging in any fashion with any more people than I already do during my workday. I just don't care. It's so weird. Like, it's the closest thing that I could relate this to is when I stopped filming for three months and then I went back to the show. It was really, really difficult for me to put myself back in a place where I was willing to talk about all these things on camera, and that's why I ultimately was like, OK, this is not that three months off was like, the what is it called like a preface for what I was like. I just had so much fun on my time off, I felt like myself again. I didn't feel defensive. I didn't feel, you know, all of these things. And so when I tried to go back, I was like, OK, no know. And now I'm not on the show and I feel like I do feel like myself again. I'm starting to feel like I can live a little bit. But then also with the social media thing, I was just like, It's just weird. Like, I don't want to put every single waking moment of my life on my stories anymore. But at the same time, like people don't understand that social media is a full time job for some people, and I do still have to post on there because I have to. I do get brand deals, so I don't know. I just wanted to touch on that because when you take a step back from anything that goes for anyone, not I mean what? Not just anyone that's on TV or in, you know, a social media influencer. But like when you take a step back and really just like breathe for a minute, you notice a lot of s**t. Oh, for sure. I mean, that's why I'm like, I am like, no one. People watch her out of everybody I know. Like, I just like even in social settings, I watch people and I can just like, see different dynamics and stuff. And it's like, I'm like, This is not at all. It seems literally like it's very much like that. And I mean, we've talked about it on. I can't tell you for how long at this point, but social media at the end of the day is f**king toxic. Like, there is nothing like there's not that many positives that come out of being connected in the way that we're able to be connected on social media. For some things, it's really good for raising awareness for things. It's good for calling attention to different issues. It's good for small businesses. Yeah. Well, it was good for small businesses until, you know, everybody wanted to, like, essentially block engagement in different ways from different platforms. If you're not paying for ads and whatnot and you know, at this point, it's just like it's all keeping up with the Joneses, everybody wants to do what everybody else is doing. Everybody wants to have what everybody else is showing, and everybody thinks that, Oh, you must live a perfect life, because that's what I'm seeing in the frickin 15 second Instagram clip. And it's just like, no, like it just perpetuating toxicity. And I can't deal with it. It's so annoying. All right. Busy season is back in full force because I have kids and sports. I have four kids, as you guys know. And you also know that cooking is not my favorite thing. It's just not I. It's not convenient, but that's where splendid spoon comes into play. They give you the fuel you need to tackle everything on your plate with plant based ready to eat meals delivered right to your door so you can choose from over 50 ready to eat meals shipped right to your door on repeat, from breakfast smoothies to lunch bowls to noodle dinners. Light soups for recent days, which is perfect and you can customize your meal plan to fit your schedule, which is absolutely chaotic during football season. I cannot stress to you how much this changed my life with the convenience factor. That's really what it boils down to for me. It's been great, and I thought you would absolutely love this because this is not like traditional meal prep services where, like you have to like, actually cook. I was so impressed when you were telling me about it that it's just like ready to eat. Mm hmm. Yeah, that's what I needed. That's exactly what I needed with four kids on the go. I didn't have time. I mean, sometimes we're grabbing breakfast in the car and eating it on the way to school. So it's really nice when they have breakfast, smoothies and things like that, and even lunch bowls for when the kids are home early from school or they have a day off. It's just super simple. So if you guys want to fuel up for busy days with splendid spoon, you can get started today with $120 off your first three boxes at splendid famous. That's $120 off at splendid famous. I was going to say, like if I was to post about like. My real morning and me throwing up and then throwing up and then having them run and get peppermint stuff to still come to work and s**t like that, like, I would get more hate for that. Like the real s**t than I would if I posted like a happy morning didn't show Creed at all. And then, like, I posted books on my story or whatever before Creed threw up. I guess I would get more praise for being fake essentially than I would for showing the real raw s**t. Well, that's it's funny because I was like, Oh, we want to see the real you until you do. And it's not something that you like or resonate with, or it's not cool and you're like, Why are you even on here? Well, pretty. It's not. It's not pretty right? And I'm just like, I just don't care. Like, I actually get more annoyed and I will literally. I'm not. Not that I'm calling any of you guys out, but everybody I work with. I get more annoyed when I know that you've got s**t going on and you're posting on your s**t as if everything's fine. I get actually annoyed. Not at me, not at you, but I'm talking about any, any of you guys in general that I work with when I know, like, give me and give me like, OK, so you be honest, be f**king honest. OK. And it was only when you were going through an extremely toxic relationship and like, you know, something would have happened maybe the night before. And I'm, you know, I'm traumatized. Obviously, now you're traumatized and you're hopping on your story like, good morning, Instagram. Everything's sunshine and roses. Like, I want to know the face. I just got my a*s handed to me the night before. Right? And I'm literally just like, OK, no. Like, it's not even like, I shouldn't even say annoyed. It's just very much like, Wow, this is f**king toxic. The world that we live in, that one, you feel the need that you have to go on there and act fake as f**k when things are not OK. And to that, people are like praising you for doing that, which makes me feel like you need to do it even more. And they have no idea what's going on behind closed f**king doors like that. I will say I think I shot myself in the foot a little bit during that time because. Trolls and haters will put the timeline together, and it'll be like, OK, I was happy all these days or was fine all these days, Kill showed up on her Instagram Story all these days, but really, you're right. Like at night the night before I was fighting for my well-being, right? So like just situations like that, really just and that's literally everybody I work with. Part of their job is social media and showing up. So obviously, like I know, I end up knowing like the deepest, darkest parts of everybody's lives, and then I also see what's actually being shown on social media for a job. And it's very much just like, Wow, these people really have no f**king idea. But then they want to talk about, Oh, were your biggest supporters and you know, you just don't know. You just really don't know. So it's like, don't always just think that everything's OK because someone's showing their face on Instagram. Don't assume that someone's happy because they smiled on Instagram. It's just and they don't s**t on them when they don't show up on online. Don't be like, Oh, well, they're not active today. Like, OK, are you? Are you showing your face on Instagram? 24 seven? No. Probably not. So it's just a very. I definitely get that it's a huge industry that was built on the back of like being able to have pretty much instant access because everything is, you know, we want instant gratification, including like seeing our favorite people at basically any time. But I I definitely think the people who are out there that are not actually operating their own social media channels and they just basically do it, they pre-record, get told, say whatever, whatever, and they're not physically on it. They're probably better off like mental health wise, not being on it. I don't quote me on this, but I believe Post Malone is one of those people. I think so, too. I don't think that he goes on his own social media like he might go, he might go on it sometimes or whatever. But I do think that like he has like a like a content or like a social media manager that pretty much posts whatever. And I honestly don't knock him for it because social media is toxic. And I mean, here I am just. I'm just in in some ways it is so toxic, and in some ways I am so f**king thankful for it because I am able to create an income from it, so it is like a double edged sword for sure. But yeah, I wanted to touch on that because I definitely noticed in myself like it just feels weird to put my face on my stories and tell people about it. Like last night, I took a couple of pictures of the things that I bought for Creed's room because the boys rooms are almost done upstairs in the house, and Creed was like the only one left that I was like, OK, I need to buckle down and like, finish his room or whatever. So the package just started coming and I took pictures of some of the stuff that came that I already started setting up. I'm lying. I didn't do it. Someone else did it, but I said I took pictures of them and I was. I literally went to my Instagram Story to start posting them, and I was like, This feels so weird, and I literally deleted them and didn't post. I tweeted that I started getting some of the stuff for his room, and I talked about, I think, on the podcast and stuff like, I just haven't started working on upstairs too much like Isaac's room need some finishing touch. They all need some finishing touches. But like, I literally felt like I was just like violating my own personal space by I'm going to sell you the pictures right now. You're going to be like kale. That's not even a big deal. These are the two pictures I went to go post. And then I was like, Never mind, I'm just going to wait until it's done and I'll post like one picture. I don't need to post the whole like progress and whatever. And also there's like Styrofoam on the floor and stuff. So I also didn't want to get attacked for that. So I was like, OK, we're not going to do this well. And it's also very much like, OK, so I think that you feel. A sense of like community coming from your social media because you've been on it for so long, so you're like, oh, like essentially you're like, These are my friends, right? Which, you know, obviously has not worked. I've learned, I've learned my f**king lesson. I will never. Kristen, I know you've heard me say it before, but I promise you today. Mark my f**king words. October 5th, 2020 to all of you listening right now, I will never and no offense to anyone that's listening. That is a good person. That may be a good friend. I will never in my life be friend and think that someone is my best friend or one of my best friends from social media ever f**king again. OK, we'll see. Anyway, we'll see. That was a good PSA, though. But keeping it real today, that sounds convincing, but not to me. Oh, I like so you develop like relationships and friendships with longtime followers and you know, people that you think you resonate with and whatnot. So naturally, I feel like it's basically an extension of almost like a group chat to you. You're like, Oh, I'm going to send my friends like these pictures. Except the difference is that if you were to send those photos into, you know, our group chat with, like me, you and Alexa. Mm hmm. Nobody's going to like, sit there and rip you to shreds for, you know, I don't f**king like this. Why do your curtains have wrinkles in them? Why did you choose that color? Why is there f**king styrofoam on the floor? Oh my god, I hate it. Like, you're going to get so like the dumbest s**t just because people are on there and they just like, felt like, I don't know, maybe they had a bad day, or they just want to antagonize the s**t out of you hoping for a reaction? I don't really know. But like, that's the difference, right? Like that, right? There is the difference. It's like if social media were a positive place where it's like, if you have nothing nice to say, keep f**king scrolling and shut your mouth, right? It'd be a very different scenario. But really, the issues and the toxicity stemmed from people who are saying s**t behind a keyboard that would never say this s**t to your face. Oh, 100 percent. I don't know if you follow Rep. Mazal on. Tick tock, her Instagram, she's an attorney. I f**king love her, she's so funny. She posted something along those lines yesterday and I was scrolling on TikTok and it was like. Somebody that doesn't have a picture like coming at her for something and she was like, you are literally talking s**t to me. And you have no profile picture and you're literally nobody like, please do like you're wasting your own f**king time. It's ridiculous. It's just like, first of all, I just want to know the major troll accounts. OK, this is my my I always question, do you wanna have f**king jobs? Like, Why do you put so much time? They will claim that they have jobs, bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, husband, children's happy lives, a $400 home. I mean a $400000 home squat. I'm like, Wait, I need to go back because I need a $400 home. So they'll say all of this. They'll say that they have all of these things, but they're still like, if I came home and that was in a relationship and, well, I am, but you get what I'm trying to say, and my partner was like, I caught them commenting and hate posting on things. I would leave them in a heartbeat. Like, that's so embarrassing that, well, it's very embarrassing. And it's also just like, what else could you be doing at that time? Like, maybe something that's actually making you happy because there's no way like, I mean, if you're gaining pleasure from tearing somebody else down, you're a f**king psychopath. And I don't care. Well, also I another I think it was another attorney that I follow. I follow attorneys because I want to be one. So I'm like, OK, maybe if I like, do this, I will. If I surround myself with these people like, I will actually do it, I'll do it anyway. But anyway. No, it wasn't an attorney, it was Kita, if you guys follow Keita on Instagram or TikTok. She was saying just because you dim somebody else's light does not guarantee your own shine. So I could tell you, I could tell someone, Oh, you're fat, you're ugly. You're never going anywhere in life. But that doesn't guarantee me to do anything better. No. And utterly, people who are doing better than you are not going to do those things. They're not going to give a f**k. I it's just weird, it's very weird behavior, I've never understood it. It's very much like y'all are still in high school and you never like got out of it. It's weird. But were the wrong ones were the ones that always are wrong and I could go on all day about social media. It's not my fave. It's probably honestly, people ask me, like, what's my least favorite part of my job? Honestly, it's probably social media because it's just like nasty comments for no reason. Hmm. Negative space puts me in a bad mood. It's just not a good time. I've talked about it really well before, and I really just want to get my stuff together for my body, I want to have a healthy lifestyle for my kids. And I've done that at home lab test with Everly well before I did the food sensitivity kit, the women's health test and I just ordered the metabolism test. I I just want to be healthy if you've been experiencing symptoms and don't really know where to start. I really well is a good option because they're committed to listening and supporting your journey. And once you get your results, you can take them to your physician so you're not paying hundreds and hundreds of dollars at the doctor to have the testing done. Karl, you've been telling me about a really well for. Honestly, it feels like you're over a year at this point, and I am so excited because I just ordered a few tests myself and I also got the metabolism test after we were talking about it. So I'm really, really excited to see what that comes back with. I might not love the results, but at least I'll have the answers. Yeah, exactly. So I'm pumped. It says that it tests three hormones that can influence your metabolism and may help you understand unexpected changes in weight and energy, which I think you and I both suffer with both things. So I'm really excited to do it, and I'm super happy you told me about it. Yeah, of course. I absolutely love this test and I think they're great. And for listeners of this show, I really well as offering a special discount of 20 percent off and at home lab test at a really barely famous. That's a really, barely famous for 20 percent off your next at home lab tests Everleigh barely famous. What about what you texted me about last night, about tour? Oh my God. OK, so well, I texted you about it because you're obviously a football mom, but I play fantasy football a lot in two leagues this year, ones like all girls. One is couples. By the time I won. Yeah, so I like play and I pay attention and whenever I like, I like football. So I was watching the game to always like last week, two weeks ago, I was watching a game and to so to. I don't know how to say his last name. I think it's like Tagovailoa or something like that. So probably watching that. But he's my. So probably butchered that. No big deal. Very sorry. I don't know how to say the last name, but he is my quarterback and one of my leagues. I had just picked him up literally two weeks ago, picked him up because my other quarterback got hurt. So I'm watching the game. Zack and actually Zack and I were watching the game and all of a sudden I look up and he is he like. He took a really bad hit and was like laying on the ground, then like, got up to like, walk away and is stumbling like you can very clearly tell that he's concussed. Like, there's no f**king way. There's no question. Yeah, there's no f**king way, right? So I'm just like, Oh my God, like, that's bad. And I feel for anybody who gets in caught like, who has got a concussion because I've had two in my life, then I still suffer from issues from. So it's like a serious issue that I'm pretty passionate about, and I don't think that there's enough like awareness about s**t that can happen from it. So I'm over here like, damn, like, that's really bad. He's going to be out. Like, what's going on? Well, then I say that he passed the f**king concussion protocol and I'm like, You need to go figure out what the f**k your protocol is because there's no way that he should have. Like, there's no way he passed that. Absolutely no way. No. Well, so then he ends up playing. I thought, he's gonna be out last week because of the concussion. Like the week following, I thought, He's gonna be out. No, this motherf**ker comes out and plays, gets nailed again and is now. I don't know if you know too much about concussions, but there's like signs of like instant signs of brain injury. And one of them is like, You do this thing with like, you're it's like your arms and your hands like flex or something. And it's a reaction like to a brain injury. Basically, that's like a you can't help it from happening. So he lays on the field and just does this crazy thing. You have to like, watch the video or look it up the picture, and he does this thing with his hands where they all like. Like everything, just like locks up and I I literally instantly felt sick to my stomach, I was like, he is so injured, like he's like CTE, right? And I'm like, his brain is so injured. Like, I will be shocked if he can walk again after that one. Like, I was just like, Holy s**t. So Zach was watching that one with me, and I'm like the fact that he played the fact that it happened two weeks in a row, like he should've never been out on the field. Well, that's I was going to say that I was going to say, you know, wasn't the NFL pushing him to get back on the field or did he try to advocate for advocate for himself? Did he have anyone advocating for him to take time off like? Because that's something that so there's obviously a tick tock that you sent and it was Jalen Hurts. No, it was. No, it hurt. Oh, Jalen Ramsey, Jalen Ramsey was talking about, you know, he's kind of tired of the NFL making, you know, they're fining players for socks. They're fighting players for basically dumb s**t like trivial s**t. But they're not talking about the safety of players. The safety of players should be the number one. Situation, the number one priority of the NFL and especially I mean, we've seen CTE, we've seen with the Aaron Hernandez, we've and many other players we've seen so much happened like, why are we not taking this seriously? Why are we not taking that more seriously than f**king sock fine. So like, I don't understand that. And he was kind of advocating for essentially advocating for tours. So is that am I pronouncing his name right? Yes, it is first names to. I don't know how to say his last name. It's like tiger by. I think. It's very long, it's a very long last name, so. OK. Yeah. I mean, so Jalen Ramsey talks about player safety should be the one of the most important things that we're talking about. And I agree with him. I think that young kids, these young kids looking up to their favor and AFL players are watching every game, they're seeing all of this and they may, you know, not that it's the NFL players responsibility because they don't choose to be, you know, idols and things like that. But it gives college athletes and high school athletes and even below an excuse to get back on the field when they're clearly not ready. Well, so I was. That's why I like kind of send it to you because I was thinking, like, I mean, OK, so Lincoln plays tackle now. What's like the. Like rules surrounding like them taking hits, are there any like I know he's young, but. Like, is there any type of. Like, what are the safety protocols? We had to sign a concussion waiver just saying like, I might have to get it to let me actually get it, to look it up so I can read it. I haven't seen, you know, any players, thankfully on our level, because Lincoln's eight, you were nine, you. And so I haven't seen any. Concussion type like hits that have caused concussions that, you know, players weren't able to get back on the field just because they don't have that type of strength yet where we play. But let me look up what the just because it's like, I just like wonder like, OK, so like, when does that start? And then at what point is it like your safety more important than the f**king game? So I don't know the situation of, you know, did he advocated to advocate for himself to get back on? Or was it like, Oh, well, you pa*s. So you're playing like, I don't know. But there was just, no, there's no way this says this gives like symptoms and signs of a concussion. And then there's a bunch of them and it says experienced by children, teens. And then there's another side of the list that says observed by parents, coaches and teammates, what should happen if my child or teen might have a concussion and it says the athlete must leave the game practice or activity immediately? This is Delaware law, and it's in place to protect your child. They should not re-enter play until seen in and evaluated by a physician. When in doubt, the athlete sits out. Remember, it's better to miss one game than to miss the whole season. If an athlete continues to play when he or she might have a concussion, there could be serious medical consequences, even death. Second, impact syndrome also, if a concussion has occurred or suspected, the CDC advises that you take or that you ask your children health care provider when they can safely return to other activities as examples of school drive, a car ride, a bike, etc.. Athletes should not be left alone. Concussions can have more serious effect on the young developing brain whose development extends into young adulthood. Be aware that symptoms. Oh, sometimes athletes try to hide their symptoms so that they can still play. Have your child be seen by a physician, even if symptoms resolve. Yeah. So. That all sounds great, but it's like up to somebody else to enforce it, right, like it's up to the parents in your situation to enforce it. So it's kind of like if you have like super eager sports parents who are like, No, f**k this, you're fine. Then then what? I don't know. So it's like terrifying, but like, I mean, literally, I like my brain condition came from getting a concussion at a young age. There was no like protocols back then of like how to help heal your brain and stuff like that. I literally went back to school the next day and I didn't know that something was severely wrong with me outside of getting like migraines and vertigo until I was 18. So I got my concussion at five and it didn't show itself till 18. That's insane. So it's just like, you know, I was talking to Zach about it after, you know, to which was the second hit and had to get carted off the field because he was like, Really not OK. And Zach was telling you, there's been a ton of different football players who have actually, like, been super good but quit for fear of getting injured like that or getting CTE or whatever like. Because of safety, like safety protocols are like not great and safety is not really a priority for. I'm only speaking on the Netflix, that's all I was talking about, but like the fact that people have been really good at their jobs and had to leave their jobs for fear of safety and issues throughout the rest of their life, that's a problem. That's a huge problem. I mean, and hopefully the NFL will take this seriously. I hope that one. I hope that too is OK. I hope that he's able to fully recover, if not recover to the best of his ability. But I hope this is a serious lesson and wakeup call for the NFL. Yeah, it was. It was really scary. And I just was like, I have two sons to kill. I just want to know her take on it, since Lincoln is into like every f**king thing like this. I, I mean, I feel like in Lincoln's case, like if you if he hit his head, didn't think it was that bad, would he be pissed if you tried to get him not to play? He might be a little irritated, but Lincoln is very. I'm almost like over the top with Lincoln. I will. Take him to the doctor. It's going to sound so stupid, but like I'll take him to the doctor for any f**king thing like I took on his nose bleed wouldn't stop for an hour and I took him to the doctor. You know what I mean? So like, I am. And he gets regular nosebleeds all the time. So and not related to sports. So I'm just like a little over the top where like Harvey now, before it was the opposite. Like, I would kind of wait to see like, let's wait it out, let's see how he feels and a little bit and probably like, No, we need to like if he had a cough, he was like, No, we need to take him to urgent care. And I'm like, Absolutely not. Now it's the opposite where I'm like, Let's take him in. I'd rather be safe than sorry than, you know, and Harvey's like, No, you know, he doesn't need that, and I'll still take him, you know what I mean? So he Lincoln might be irritated, but Lincoln very much trust me when it comes to medical stuff, OK? I mean, that's good. Yeah. And so I don't think that would be a problem at all. I think if it was Lux Lux would be like, I'm not going to the doctor, but. Well, I mean, Lux pays the damn bills. We say this all the time, right? Right, right, right. He's he's an exception, obviously. Well, I mean, yeah, I definitely hope to. I makes a full recovery. And like, I would be curious to know if anybody else has anybody listening has experienced like concussions and like. What their thoughts are on that whole situation, so I know it was being widely talked about after last week's game, for sure. Yeah. Mm-Hmm. Now a word from our sponsor, BetterHelp. I absolutely love therapy, you guys. No, I go once or twice a week. It can be super, super challenging to train your brain to stay in like that problem-solving mode when you get a just a challenge in life or something like that. But you've got to learn how to find your own solutions, and there's no better feeling than knowing you tackle the problem that maybe you couldn't deal with before. So a therapist can help you become a better problem solver, making it easier to accomplish your goals no matter how big or small. I've been in therapy this month. Will be three years. Yes. Which I feel like is such a huge accomplishment. So congratulations to you. You're also the one who got me into therapy, so we know my thoughts on therapy. We're huge advocates together and also just individually. I think every single person could use input therapy. There's there's nothing to lose, everything to gain. So huge advocates. I know a ton of our listeners have actually message us saying that they started using better help because of us and have started their therapy journeys, and I couldn't be more excited for them because it's just it's such a great tool if you're able to use it and better help makes it so easy for everybody to be able to get into therapy. So if you guys want to be a better problem solver, therapy can help get you there. Visit barely today to get 10 percent off your first month. That's better. barely. You sent me something else about gender reveals in a four on an Instagram DM. Oh, that's right, I did send that to you and I I. People are getting insane with these gender roles. At first I was like, kind of jealous a little bit because I well, for one, I didn't find out for three of my kids what I was having, so I didn't give a s**t. Then when I had Creed one, I couldn't have a gender reveal or a baby shower because I it was during quarantine and to. I didn't get to have a gender reveal, which it was a boy anyway, so but not that that's any less special, but you guys got me so anyway. Now I had like before I was like jealous, like people get to have two parties, they get to have their gender reveal and they get to have a baby shower or a sprinkle or whatever. And now I kind of have just like a different opinion. Like now I just feel like no offense. But like I have four kids and anyone who has a gender reveal like. No offense, but I don't care what your piece is. No, I feel the exact same way. Look, I know that the I know the the tick tock or whatever I said it was more about like the dangers of them, like people are actually polluting the planet, the water. A couple of the tick tock that I sent her was a couple in Brazil actually are under investigation for polluting a waterfall which contaminated the water in their area of Brazil, which is our nature. Yeah. So which is already in the middle chicken? Yeah. Like huge drought. So people are really going above and beyond for these crazy gender reveals. And like most of us have kids, so we don't give a s**t. If your baby is a boy or girl, like if we're in your life, we're going to love that baby. Whether it's a boy or girl, just literally just cut a slice of cake and see what it is because I don't give a f**k. Well, once again, I feel like it's literally for social media. It's right, it's right. It's for reaction is for, yeah, it's for likes, it's for all of that. And you know, this is no hate or shade towards anyone that's had one because they were trendy and at one point I wanted one. So I'm not saying, you know, whatever I'm just saying, like, I don't give a f**k for you to go pollute the water for me to see what you're having like, you could literally pop, balloon and tell me what you're having, and I'm going to be just as excited for you, right? I mean, I don't know if it's because I'm so antisocial and have social anxiety, but just the thought of like I would never do a gender reveal, like if I ever get pregnant, everyone's going to be lucky if they know I'm pregnant because like, I'm not going to say s**t. Like if I don't have to tell, I'm not telling. I don't want a f**king gender reveal. I don't want a f**king baby shower. I don't want any of it. So I had a baby shower with. Isaac and Janet threw it in their basement for me. And then. I don't know why people turned are going away party when Harvey and I got orders to Dover, to Delaware. I was nine weeks pregnant, literally nine weeks pregnant, and it was supposed to be a going away party. And like, I didn't register, I didn't. Most people didn't bring gifts. I think I got like a diaper tower in like a couple of other things. It wasn't even a sprinkle. Like, I wouldn't even have called it a sprinkle. And then nothing for Lux, nothing for Creed. You know, I just I don't know. How did you go about like like, how do you f**king like how do you decide who needs to know that you're pregnant? Like, I don't, I don't. I don't understand that part. Like to me, I'm like, Nobody needs to know besides, like the f**king parents and like, I guess if you want to tell like family. But. I just don't I don't understand. I don't understand the whole I got to tell f**king everyone that you're pregnant thing. I think it's more for like the first. One or two? But like, why do you care often, because it's like, oh yeah, we thought like, I don't understand. But it's a tick tock tick like parents telling their kids that they were, you know, they were going to have a sibling or whatever. And the child looks at the parent and goes, When did you guys have sex? And it's just like, and then I've seen, like other ones that are so funny and they're like walking around with this, with this belly. It's so embarrassing because people know that I had sex like men that I see in a co-worker, like they know that I had sex. And so like when I thought about that, it was like, Wow, that's such a good point. Like, I didn't think about that when I was in high school and I had a whole f**king baby in my belly like, Oh, really? I knew that I had sex, but yeah, I had intercourse with a person to get it. Oh my God. No. But like, that's that's how I feel about it. Like, I don't like hello. I think the baby bump is big enough announcement of like, Oh yeah, we definitely thought so. Like, I don't. I just get it for people who like, I feel like it's A.. And this could just be a double standard in my mind. But like for people who have been actively trying and struggling, I get why it's like such like a f**king accomplishment, right? Like, you want to share your accomplishments with people. So like, I get that when like, you know, whether it's like infertility or anything like that where it's like a struggle, I totally get it. But when you're like on, you're like, I don't know when you guys like, just got married five days ago and then you come back from your honeymoon and you're like, Oh, I'm pregnant, like, we already knew what you were doing on your honeymoon. Like, we didn't need an announcement confirming that y'all did it on your thing. Well, I just OK. Like whatever. I guess to each their own like, obviously, I don't judge people that do it. I just would. I just that's not the way I look at it. We're like Corey would have like 18 parties if he could, if we like have maybe like kind of a gender reveal, a diaper raffle like on its own, literally he'd make every step. Yeah, yeah. He'd be like, Oh, baby's delivery party, right? Baby delivery, the sippin see like the whole nine yards. And I'm just like, No. Like, please, no. I'm everyone again. Everyone's going to be lucky if they ever find out if I get pregnant. Also, like, not for nothing but most, and I'm not trying them all. So don't get your panties in a f**king bunch. Most babies are not cute at first. So like, I also have a different perspective on like. The newborn picture posting, well, so let's wait until they're a little cuter, like let's wait until about six months. So like I saw the like there, I feel like we went through a huge trend of newborn photos. So I think the trend is still the name blanket, which I'm guilty of doing, and the name blanket or the name on like a wooden sign in the hospital or like in the hospital. A little clear thing with the blanket down and the big bow or like the little blue hat or whatever. So I like, look at it and I'm just like, um, like, OK, for the name thing, why are we keeping them secret? Well, that is a little tricky. Well, no, I'm literally asking you, like, why are we keeping them secret? So for me with Lux, I genuinely didn't have one. Well, we knew for Creed, I had two that I really liked, but I couldn't decide on and I really needed to see him. I really liked Cannon and I was just like, He doesn't look like, like when I birthed him, he didn't look like a cannon to me. Are you serious? Because if any of your kids looked like a cannon, it was that one, right? That one is more for me. Like, I don't want to hear your opinions on the name that I picked out for my child. Also, I know for a lot of other people that I, you know, don't steal my baby name kind of thing because I've seen multiple like even I'm not going to specify which baby died, but one of the aunts wanted to name the baby, whatever the boy. And then the sister stole the name. Oh, so s**t like that is like reasons why for me, I just haven't with, especially with Lux once I named him. I didn't want to post what I was considering because I didn't want critique or criticism or whatever which I got anyway after I named him. And then same for Creed. People were like, what? Actually, I got a lot of hate for Lincoln's name. Oh, she's trying too hard. She's trying so hard to be trendy this that the third I'm like, his name is Lincoln Marshall. Like, if nothing else is a strong name. Lincoln is a great name. Marshall is a great name. Like, there's nothing. I'm not trying to be like, there's nothing trendy about it, you know what I mean? So I don't know for many other people. But like Kylie Jenner, like, what are we doing here? I don't get that. I also just am very much like, why are people so invested in what the f**k people are naming their kids? It's not your kid, and who cares? So I just think don't like. Yeah. Am I guilty of being like, who was it that in their kid Apple? I think it was like Gwyneth Paltrow or something. And at first I was young when she had her kids, so I was like, Apple, what the f**k kind of name is that? But like now, I might say that. But then I move on with my day. I'm not going to go like, you really shouldn't have named your kid Apple. You should have named it this, this, this or this. Like, I don't give a s**t name. You can remember literally. I have said like names to people for like previous children, and they'd be like, Oh my God, don't do that. Like Lux was one of them when I told, like some of my close friends like that was in the running when I'm Murphy, I really liked Murphy at the time. I think Chelsea was the only one that supported me on the name Murphy. And so, you know, there was just. I was all for climber, so right, Lincoln's number one choice for Lux was climber, whether it was a boy or girl, so climber was was in Lux's running or, sorry, Lincoln's running, but it was not in my running. It was never in my lists. I tried. I rode in on that. That was never. And then for Creed, the boys were like, What about Austin? Yeah. Nope. That's a little basic. I love the name, but no. They also liked. It was Austin, and they liked there was another one that was like super. Lincoln and luck, Lincoln and Isaac both wanted Austin. But there was another one that was like super, just like, not for me. And also for me, I don't want other kids to have the same name in the classroom, like when I named Isaac Isaac. Joe's mom did not she did not want me to name him, Isaac, she did not like that name. I loved it because of Isaac Hanson and I didn't. I had never met another Isaac, but I know now I know it's really common, which it's in the Bible and s**t like that. And then Lincoln. There's one other Lincoln in Lincoln's football like, holy cow, it's not on his team or in his division, but there's another Lincoln, which I'm like. Devastated by that. But if I ever meet another luxe or another creed. I'm throwing hands, I just feel like like why? OK, so you said Joe's mom didn't like Isaac, why the f**k not just her, but why do grandparents think that they get a f**king say you named your kids right? Right? I mean, I don't really like the name Jonathan. See, I just I'm just like you, didn't you already named your kids? I hate that s**t when, like the grandparents insert themselves so f**king hard as if it's like, like, Oh, the one, I f**king hate this, OK, when the f**king grandparents feel like we're having a baby? No, we are not like having them pushing this s**t out of my vagina. So you can you can stay right in your lane. No, Jen, it was never like that. She was. She was. She was fine. She now I don't think she ever was like, we were having a baby. I don't think she ever did that. I don't think Harvey's parents today or curses. Well, first of all, Chris is family. Let me, not me not saying you not shut the f**k up. You are. So nobody did that to me. But I'm just thinking back to the fact that Joe, if we had a girl, so he wanted a girl, I wanted a boy. So the deal was he would get to name the girl. I would get to name the boy. I really liked Christian, but he had an uncle, Christian, that he absolutely was like, No. And. He wanted to know if we had a girl, wanted to name her Brooklyn, OK. And like. No, it makes me cringe now because I literally know like 10 Brooklyn's. OK, I mean, yes, I definitely I definitely know a lot of Brooklyn's also like I know so many, even like 16 and pregnant, my episode aired. I think the episode before me or like a couple before me named her daughter Brooklyn, and then Lex's little one of his little girlfriends is Brooklyn. I just know so many Brooklyn's. I'm like, Thank God, because I know more Brooklyn's that I know of Isaac's. You know what I mean? Yes. I just casually look towards the canal and I saw what I thought was a mannequin. August 2nd, 1998 The body of a brilliant young scientist is found dead near the campus of Georgetown University. It was a gruesome scene walking up to the body. It became apparent that there had been a sexual assault for more than six years. D.C. police had no leads and no suspects. Then another disturbing discovery. She wasn't his only victim. As these cases went on, the more the victims resisted, the more violent he became. One man committing a series of heinous crimes against women. But then he just stops. Ten years go by then 20. What would it take to finally crack the case wide open? I'm Paul Wagner. Join me for unknown subject. Season three of Utopias American Nightmare podcast series, available October 4th on all podcast platforms. I also have another opinion that's probably going to get shut for, but let's hear it. I feel like. It's like a well known fact that obviously the f**king moms are the ones doing the hard s**t to like, bring this kid and you know where this is going. I agree with you. So I feel like obviously it should be a conversation like the dad should get like to pick some that he likes, like just to consider in the running. Yeah. But like, no, that's it. Should it be his f**king choice of what the f**k the name is? Because what did you do besides bring crayons to the group project and then leave? You dropped one ingredient and you pissed off? Thank you. Yeah. No, literally. I if you ask any of my kids what their dads contributed to their childbirth basketball shorts, they will tell you that they sat there in basketball shorts. They contributed nothing but trauma. OK, so they were all you know. But that's my that's, you know, obviously everybody, every guy in my life. But I say this, who disagrees wholeheartedly. They do a great job for us. It's hard for us. And I'm like, But what did you do? You literally dropped a little bit of poison into my body and we created something, but I carried it. I felt the pain. I felt the back pain, the nausea, the heartburn, the indigestion, the cramps, the stretch marks the f**king bloating, the f**king. I had to drop 80 pounds after every f**king week, every f**king birth. And then I push this baby out, epidural or no epidural. It sucks. And then I get to breastfeed if I want or not. And nine times out of 10, I know this isn't everybody. So don't come for my neck. The dads do not help. Well, that's like a big thing. Going on into on TikTok right now is like women talking about being whether it's they have kids and they're the primary parent or they're just like the primary person in the relationship, the default parent, the primary parent. It's not funny. It's not funny. I saw this like, I watched comedians and stuff, and I'm like, the one comedian was talking about how, like the school called him for something regarding his daughter, and he was like, You have my wife's information and the grandmother's information, and you chose to call me like, That's not funny to me. You're not. I'm not laughing. I'm not f**king laughing. Because f**king pick your own your s**t. Pick your s**t up. Help me with the child. I'm not going to ask you for me to go take a shower. You're going to I'm going to go take a shower. Here's your child. That's me with like when people were like, Oh, so the dad like the dad's babysitting? No mother f**ker. No. They're watching their child, their parenting. So what they signed up for? I can't, I f**king cannot. But it just it literally drives me f**king insane. It drives me insane. It's a common thing amongst, like all of my friends, I have kids. It's like always. Everything is on them like, Oh, well, I can't go to dinner because I can't go to dinner at nine o'clock at night because, oh, the baby might wake up. OK, so where's the f**king dad like? The dad is fully capable of staying home so that mom can have a night out. So it's weird. It's just so weird to me. And then like also the praise that like, OK, so say, like a dad takes their kids to the store. It's like, Oh my God, you're the best out of her, like, no. Like, what do you mean? But a mom does it and she's juggling 17 things and she's just doing what she's quote unquote supposed to do. Oh yeah, 100 percent. I saw it tick tock of a guy like feeling I think he had twins on a subway or something, and they were praising the f**k out of him. Like, This is what a dad should do. Well, that's true. Like, people are like, Oh my God, he's a saint. I would love if my husband did that. Like, stop giving them the chance to not do that. You need to just f**king like there was a I was just recently arguing with Chris about, you know, not I didn't want him to have the kids Friday to Monday, drop the kids off on Monday. But then I realized, You know what? No, this is great for you, for them. For me, it's going to help me out on Mondays. I'm not even arguing this like you could take them to school every other Monday one because I need a break and two, because you, you're the dad, you need to do that. Yeah, exactly. I think, you know, I mean, in your situation, I think it's common to basically just like want to fight back against f**king everything that's said, it's like initial response. But in that situation, I think we talked about that and I was like, You know what, Jason, do it. Yup. And you're right, because as long as get getting the f**king school, then what the f**k is the fight about? Let him be a dad because you know what I mean? Like, I'm I can't sit here and argue about dads not doing s**t and then not letting the dads do s**t. Right, exactly. Exactly. I can't be on both sides of the fence here, so I just gave that bottle up. Just like, I'm not going to argue you want to take him to school on Monday. That takes it off of my back. That takes it off my list of to dos on Monday. Every other Monday morning, I know that the kids will get to school and whatever. Yeah. So anyway, we love that. So from last week, did you get like a s**t ton of messages about the like, the crime stuff we were talking about, like stalkers and no. Well, maybe I maybe, but I didn't read them well, so people were posting in the barely famous group. All kinds of stuff about it. I'm excited to go there right now, pull some of the stuff they were talking about because it was so interesting to me. And I'm like, Should we talk more about like, should we get somebody on that literally specializes in sex trafficking? Yeah, because I'm now, I'm like even more. Curious about it than I was before. OK, so like so many came to the group and they posted, my 10 year old daughter was almost groomed. Oh f**k no. There was somebody who said, Yeah, they were sharing, like all types of stories about how they were almost kidnapped and like groomed for different things like potentially sex trafficking, stuff like that. And I just was like, not I know. I said, like, Oh, I'm sure more people are affected by this than we think, but like also? Was not expecting the amount of people that wrote in. Yeah, I mean, yes. And. I was shocked, I was literally shocked, and so somebody actually posted in here and they just found it. So I want to talk about. They said I have a friend who was trafficked and while I was in school, I took a few seminars on sex trafficking because Metro Detroit is a massive hub for it because of the easy access to get out of the country and water access to get just about anywhere. A couple of things strangers absolutely snatch people. That is a thing. However, sex trafficking is overwhelmingly men who manipulate and abuse their partner and then trafficked them. It starts as your standard, abusive relationship with the love bombing and isolation and control until they're being sold for sex to his friends. They there are homes in nice areas like wealthy, well put together areas where they will sell their girlfriend's body. It's so different than what we think about when we think trafficking and just so scary. Most organizations categorize pimps into three categories CEO Gorilla and Romeo. Pimp C and sometimes gorilla tend to be stranger snatchers as it's viewed as a business, and they're physically abusive towards their property as they see it. Romeo pimps are the partners who manipulate their girlfriends. Guerilla can intersect there, too, once they have the girl roped in. I just was like, holy f**k. I've never heard of these terms in my life. Never heard of it. People were talking about the dark web about how what we see is like three percent of the entire internet. The rest of it is the dark web. And yes, it actually exists. And so what are we doing to get rid of it that I don't know. So now I feel like we have to find somebody to come on to talk about the dark web, sex trafficking, all the things that go on over there that are not OK. But in fact, like, why isn't it being talked about, why are we not doing anything about it? Like, that's like, I feel like you shut down the dark web. That's would take a huge weight off of sex trafficking and selling organs and whatever f**king else it would because they can't do business. Well, I mean, not, I don't know, but I think that a lot of it has to do with like the amount of, you know, different organizations that are, like, not necessarily involved but are turning a blind eye. Where the f**k is Ashton Kutcher? We need him. We need to see him literally or. Honestly, I really I think we're just going to reach out to somebody from his team organization. Yes. And like someone understanding why this is the roads that are on the way to my house that barely have potholes that I think we can live through the potholes if we're going to use that money to, like, shut down the dark web. I don't know, shut down the rest of the internet that we don't see. Like, I'm not like I thought at one point we were running out of space for the internet, but we're not going to shut down the dark web. I was like, Wait, what? I didn't hear that. I don't know. Somebody also messaged me on Instagram last night and said, Hi, Kristen, I'm a former foster parent, and let me tell you about CPS or DCFS. Most commonly known, it's so corrupted. They are one of the main sources of human trafficking. In my opinion, it's all about the money for them, and that's not the first message that I got regarding that. And it makes me so sad. And I'm just like, Well. Oh, somebody actually message and said, Hey, Christian, I message all kills podcast and hopes that you will see it. My college professor, professor, my college professor teaches so many classes on family violence and sex trafficking, and I'm sure she would love to come on really famous and talk about and spread awareness about sex trafficking. I also have a contact with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent that is head of the Human Exploitation and Trafficking Unit in Georgia. And if you're interested, I could see if both of them would love to come on the podcast. Yes, so much. Yeah, f**k yeah. But yes, I have literally chills. Are we going to investigate the dark web? Are we going to become a part of Ashton Kutcher's organization? I mean, I think we're not cool, but no, I am. I'm going to do it. I, you know, I am. No, I meant like, I mean, like, I mean, like, I'm not cool. I just meant like, I am going to become a part of it. Like, Where do I apply? Ashton hit me up. I am genuinely so curious. So like anybody else who has like contacts and stuff. Please, please, please send them our way so we can definitely get somebody on to like, talk about this because it's like, I don't know. Obviously, I see stuff about trafficking on Tik Tok, but like, I don't really see it in like mainstream media. So it's I feel like, you know, definitely good to raise some awareness. No, I would love to raise awareness. I want to know more. I want to know all kinds of things to look out for, especially, you know, my kids, my oldest son is going to get his license in three years. You know, I want to know what he should look out for, because even though he is a boy, I feel like he could. Oh yeah, it can happen to any right. And also he has a lot of friends, so he, you know, I want him to be able to look out for other things on their cars, like the markers, the zip ties, the, you know, whatever it may be. I want him to be aware. I want Lincoln to be aware. I want, you know, I want to be able to spread awareness. So yeah, if you guys have any contacts or you have, you know, been in a position yourself and you're willing to share your story, I would love to talk to you about it. And yeah, let us know we can do a little series. We could do a little series. OK. All right. Well, I I'm going to go because I do not feel well. I just put another piece together myself. Thank you. I'm glad you made it through without puking. Yeah. Thank you guys for bearing with me. With this, I'll let you guys know what the stomach bug is and how long it lasts. I hope it's not very long because I have football practice tonight and I have a game on Saturday, so you have hosting tomorrow and I have Post Malone tomorrow, so I'm going to need to be well for him. Otherwise I will be wearing a mask and have a throw up bag with me because I'm not missing Post Malone. Well, I mean, tested for COVID and its negative. So we know it's not that. Yeah, I tested twice, actually. So yeah, no, it's definitely not that. So I we will talk to you guys next week and thank you so much for listening. Thank you, Christian, for coming on. Barely famous once again. Thanks for having me. All right. Bye bye. So you. All this month, celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with Pluto TV. Watch movies with the biggest stars like Al Haenyeo, that of Best Insider Still Soil and Luis Heraldo Mendez and Camino Amato. Plus, Pluto TV has thousands more movies and TV shows and over forty five channels in Spanish, all for free. So download the Pluto TV app on all your favorite devices and start streaming today. Pluto TV drop in. Watch Free.

Past Episodes

We?re coming to you from the Aveeno® Oat Oasis in Austin, Texas! Keltie, Becca, Jac, are feeling fresh, moisturized, and ready to celebrate all things self-care and skincare. The ladies kick things off with a fun, oat-inspired game that reveals their skincare personalities (spoiler alert: Jac?s sensitive, Becca?s meticulous, and Keltie is one application away from turning into a lizard). But you know it wouldn?t be LadyGang without some real talk so the ladies do deep dive into self-care, boundaries, and the wildest things they?ve done for skincare. Finally they weigh in on the viral "Take Yourself to Coffee" trend and share advice they wish they could give their younger selves. You don't want to miss this so, lather up that Aveeno®, get comfy, and join us for a fabulous episode of LadyGang LIVE from Austin!

00:46:31 3/12/2025

This week on LadyGang, we're joined by one of reality TV?s favorite couples?Lauren and Cameron Hamilton from Love is Blind Season 1! They?re dishing on behind-the-scenes moments from the show that started it all, sharing stories you didn?t see on camera and revealing what it was really like to fall in love sight unseen. The couple also opens up about their fertility journey, offering an honest look into this deeply personal chapter of their lives. Plus, they spill details on their hit show Hanging with the Hamiltons, where they continue to charm fans with their love, laughter, and everyday adventures. And if that?s not exciting enough, Lauren and Cameron will be joining us at LADYWORLD this September! Get ready for a mix of romance, real talk, and, of course, plenty of LadyGang vibes!

We have deals for you!!

  • Good Wipes: Get your first pack of Good Wipes FOR FREE! Buy any package, text your receipt, and get reimbursed! More info at 
  • Boll & Branch: Change the way you sleep! Get 15% off, plus free shipping on your first set of sheets at 
  • Nutrafol: Got thinning hair? Get $10 off your first month?s subscription and free shipping at and use code LGPOD
  • Quince: Give yourself the luxury you deserve! Go to for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns!
  • Cover Girl: Superboost your lashes with NEW Lash Blast Supercloud Mascara! Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL. 
  • Progressive: Wanna save on car insurance? Visit to see how much you can save!
01:07:55 3/11/2025

This week on LadyGang, the ladies roll out the pink carpet and welcome everyone to LADYWORLD?the ultimate destination for every kind of woman this September! Whether you're rocking the single life or deep in the trenches of motherhood this 3-day extravaganza is the place to be. They?re talking about the power of female friendships, finding joy in the chaos, and why LADYWORLD is the place to let loose, feel seen, and celebrate every version of womanhood. So grab a glass (of wine, coffee, or whatever?s getting you through the day) and join the fun!

We have deals for you!!

  • Happy Mammoth: Need help with your hormones! Get 15% off at and use code LADYGANG
  • Cover Girl: Superboost your lashes with NEW Lash Blast Supercloud Mascara! Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL. 
  • Spade & Sparrows: From our pal Kaitlyn Bristowe! Use code LADY at for 20% off your order!
00:24:08 3/6/2025

This week the LadyGang welcomes America?s Next Top Model alum Molly O?Connell for a raw and unfiltered conversation. She opens up about her journey with therapy, tackling shame, body image, and the pressures of the modeling world. Molly spills behind-the-scenes tea from her ANTM days and how the experience shaped her. Plus, things get spicy as she plays a round of F**, Marry, Kill* with the men of Southern Charm. Get ready for laughs, honesty, and plenty of girl talk!

We have deals for you!!

  • Hiya Health: Your kids need vitamins! Get 50% off at for the full-body nourishment your kids need!
  • LadyGang is sponsored by BetterHelp! Visit for 10% off your first month!
  • OneSkin: Worried about aging skin? Try OneSkin with 15% off using code "Lady" at 
  • Cover Girl: Superboost your lashes with NEW Lash Blast Supercloud Mascara! Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL. 
  • Progressive: Wanna save on car insurance? Visit to see how much you can save!
00:56:16 3/4/2025

Former star of The Bachelorette and host of the podcast Off the Vine, Kaitlyn Bristowe rejoins LadyGang this week for a fun and nostalgic episode! She and Keltie reminisce about their childhood best-friend days, sharing hilarious stories from growing up together. In a special moment, they even call Keltie?s mom to relive some of their funniest memories. Plus Kaitlyn shares details about her wine label Spade and Sparrows, the official wine of LADYWORLD. So grab a glass and get ready for laughs, and all the Kaitlyn-Keltie chaos!

We have deals for you!!

  • Happy Mammoth: Need help with your hormones! Get 15% off at and use code LADYGANG
  • Cover Girl: Superboost your lashes with NEW Lash Blast Supercloud Mascara! Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL. 
  • Spade & Sparrows: From our pal Kaitlyn Bristowe! Use code LADY at for 20% off your order!
00:29:33 2/27/2025

This week on LadyGang, the ladies are joined by the unstoppable Chelsea Handler! As she gears up for her milestone 50th birthday, Chelsea shares her thoughts on having confidence, hosting the Critics' Choice Awards and opens up about the power of resilience. Plus, she teases her new book, I?ll Have What She?s Having which is packed with her signature wit and wisdom and is available now at Don't miss this fun and fearless conversation!

We have deals for you!!

  • Boll & Branch: Need bedding?! Get 15% off, plus free shipping on your first set of sheets at 
  • Beam: Try Beam?s best-selling Dream Powder for up to 40% off at and use code LADYGANG
  • Cover Girl: Superboost your lashes with NEW Lash Blast Supercloud Mascara! Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL. 
  • Progressive: Wanna save on car insurance? Visit to see how much you can save!
00:57:28 2/25/2025

This week on LadyGang, the ladies take a trip down memory lane to recall an event that shaped them into who they are today. Along the way, they hilariously overshare, reminisce and belly laugh the way only best friends can. This episode is packed with ridiculous (but useful) advice, playful bickering and the humor you can always count on from the LadyGang! 

We have deals for you!!

  • Happy Mammoth: Need help with your hormones! Get 15% off at and use code LADYGANG
  • Cover Girl: Superboost your lashes with NEW Lash Blast Supercloud Mascara! Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL. 
  • Spade & Sparrows: From our pal Kaitlyn Bristowe! Use code LADY at for 20% off your order!
00:30:42 2/20/2025

This week on LadyGang, the ladies are joined by none other than Chris Kirkpatrick from NSYNC for the ultimate boy band nostalgia trip! He spills behind-the-scenes secrets from the group?s biggest moments, talks about the possibility of an NSYNC reunion, and reveals what life has been like post-boy band fame. Plus, Chris talks about his special appearance at LadyWorld, giving fans the boy band moment of their dreams! He also discusses the viral NSYNC reunion at a recent Justin Timberlake show. 

We have deals for you!!

  • Good Wipes: Get your first pack of Good Wipes FOR FREE! Buy any package, text your receipt, and get reimbursed! More info at 
  • Beam: Need help sleeping? Try Beam?s best-selling Dream Powder for up to 40% off at and use code LADYGAN G
  • Nutrafol: Got thinning hair? Get $10 off your first month?s subscription and free shipping at and use code LGPOD
  • Apostrophe: Got acne problems? Get your first visit for ONLY $5 at and use code "LADY"
  • Cover Girl: Superboost your lashes with NEW Lash Blast Supercloud Mascara! Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL. 
  • Macys: Going on vacation? Shop in-store or at for your warm OR cold weather needs!
01:19:00 2/18/2025

In this heartfelt (and hilariously honest) episode of LadyGang, the ladies get candid about their partners and love lives. They spill the tea on the best gifts they've ever received?ranging from swoon-worthy surprises to sweet-but-questionable attempts. Packed with laughter, relatable moments, and a few spicy stories, it?s an ode to love in all its perfectly imperfect glory. Whether you're head-over-heels or rolling your eyes at your partner?s quirks, this one?s for you!

We have deals for you!!

  • Happy Mammoth: Be good to your hormones! Get 15% off with code LADYGANG at 
  • Spade & Sparrows: From our pal Kaitlyn Bristowe! Use code LADY at for 20% off your order!

00:28:39 2/13/2025

On this week?s LadyGang, the ladies dive into the viral ?If Keltie is going to die? meme, and Keltie gives her dramatic take on the internet?s latest obsession with her hypothetical demise. Plus, they spill all the behind-the-scenes tea from the Grammys red carpet, including fashion hits, misses, and her viral fall. Becca debuts her new Starbucks drink obsession, and the squad debates if it's the next viral order. And finally, financial expert Alison Kosik drops by to share some real-world money advice?because let?s be honest, we could all use a little help making smarter financial decisions. Tune in for the chaos, the laughs, and a little wisdom along the way!

We have deals for you!!

  • Boll & Branch: Change the way you sleep! Get 15% off plus FREE shipping on your first set of sheets at 
  • Quince: Give yourself the luxury you deserve! Go to for FREE shipping on your order and 365-day returns!
00:52:07 2/11/2025

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Premium Episodes

The pods are closed, the weddings (or disasters) are done, and now it?s time for the Love Is Blind Season 8 Reunion recap you?ve been waiting for! Becca, Jac, and Keltie are diving into all the drama, awkward moments, and revelations from this season?s cast. Who got their redemption arc? Who?s still serving villain energy? And which couple has us actually believing in love? From unexpected breakups to reunion glow-ups and someone?s shocking new tattoo, we?re breaking down all the highs, lows, and WTF moments. So grab your wine and your gold goblet, because this LadyGang Quickie is all about Love Is Blind! 

We have deals for you!!

  • Cover Girl: Superboost your lashes with NEW Lash Blast Supercloud Mascara! Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL. 
  • Old Navy: Shop Old Navy?s StudioSmooth collection in store or online at 
  • Spade & Sparrows: From our pal Kaitlyn Bristowe! Use code LADY at for 20% off your order!
00:26:35 3/13/2025

We?re coming to you from the Aveeno® Oat Oasis in Austin, Texas! Keltie, Becca, Jac, are feeling fresh, moisturized, and ready to celebrate all things self-care and skincare. The ladies kick things off with a fun, oat-inspired game that reveals their skincare personalities (spoiler alert: Jac?s sensitive, Becca?s meticulous, and Keltie is one application away from turning into a lizard). But you know it wouldn?t be LadyGang without some real talk so the ladies do deep dive into self-care, boundaries, and the wildest things they?ve done for skincare. Finally they weigh in on the viral "Take Yourself to Coffee" trend and share advice they wish they could give their younger selves. You don't want to miss this so, lather up that Aveeno®, get comfy, and join us for a fabulous episode of LadyGang LIVE from Austin!

00:46:31 3/12/2025

This week on LadyGang, we're joined by one of reality TV?s favorite couples?Lauren and Cameron Hamilton from Love is Blind Season 1! They?re dishing on behind-the-scenes moments from the show that started it all, sharing stories you didn?t see on camera and revealing what it was really like to fall in love sight unseen. The couple also opens up about their fertility journey, offering an honest look into this deeply personal chapter of their lives. Plus, they spill details on their hit show Hanging with the Hamiltons, where they continue to charm fans with their love, laughter, and everyday adventures. And if that?s not exciting enough, Lauren and Cameron will be joining us at LADYWORLD this September! Get ready for a mix of romance, real talk, and, of course, plenty of LadyGang vibes!

We have deals for you!!

  • Good Wipes: Get your first pack of Good Wipes FOR FREE! Buy any package, text your receipt, and get reimbursed! More info at 
  • Boll & Branch: Change the way you sleep! Get 15% off, plus free shipping on your first set of sheets at 
  • Nutrafol: Got thinning hair? Get $10 off your first month?s subscription and free shipping at and use code LGPOD
  • Quince: Give yourself the luxury you deserve! Go to for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns!
  • Cover Girl: Superboost your lashes with NEW Lash Blast Supercloud Mascara! Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL. 
  • Progressive: Wanna save on car insurance? Visit to see how much you can save!
01:07:55 3/11/2025

This week on LadyGang, the ladies roll out the pink carpet and welcome everyone to LADYWORLD?the ultimate destination for every kind of woman this September! Whether you're rocking the single life or deep in the trenches of motherhood this 3-day extravaganza is the place to be. They?re talking about the power of female friendships, finding joy in the chaos, and why LADYWORLD is the place to let loose, feel seen, and celebrate every version of womanhood. So grab a glass (of wine, coffee, or whatever?s getting you through the day) and join the fun!

We have deals for you!!

  • Happy Mammoth: Need help with your hormones! Get 15% off at and use code LADYGANG
  • Cover Girl: Superboost your lashes with NEW Lash Blast Supercloud Mascara! Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL. 
  • Spade & Sparrows: From our pal Kaitlyn Bristowe! Use code LADY at for 20% off your order!
00:24:08 3/6/2025

This week the LadyGang welcomes America?s Next Top Model alum Molly O?Connell for a raw and unfiltered conversation. She opens up about her journey with therapy, tackling shame, body image, and the pressures of the modeling world. Molly spills behind-the-scenes tea from her ANTM days and how the experience shaped her. Plus, things get spicy as she plays a round of F**, Marry, Kill* with the men of Southern Charm. Get ready for laughs, honesty, and plenty of girl talk!

We have deals for you!!

  • Hiya Health: Your kids need vitamins! Get 50% off at for the full-body nourishment your kids need!
  • LadyGang is sponsored by BetterHelp! Visit for 10% off your first month!
  • OneSkin: Worried about aging skin? Try OneSkin with 15% off using code "Lady" at 
  • Cover Girl: Superboost your lashes with NEW Lash Blast Supercloud Mascara! Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL. 
  • Progressive: Wanna save on car insurance? Visit to see how much you can save!
00:56:16 3/4/2025

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