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On this episode, Stassi and her BFF Katie Maloney review their top 10 favorite friendship moments from before and during Vanderpump Rules. They discuss a messy pre-VPR Vegas trip with their then boyfriends, traveling together in Europe (or anywhere really), working at SUR, honeymooning in Bora Bora, and more!  See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

01:30:11 4/28/2017


Straight Up with Stassie. Hi, everyone. I'm Stassie Schroeder. She's the star of Bravo's Vanderpump Rules. I'm here to talk about pop culture, reality TV, celeb gossip, relationships. Stassie's new podcast is a hilarious look at the world and everyone in it. I wanna give my opinion on everything. And she's never one to hold back on any topic because that's what I do best, judge. This is straight up with Stassie. You guys, I'm so sad. Khaleesi's, I'm so depressed. I don't even think you could understand. I've spent the last 2 or 3 days trying to find the will to be happy, and do my podcast and finish up work that I should have been doing before I left for Europe, respond to emails. I don't know. Just you know, I've been attempting to be a functioning adult, but I'm sad because I'm at home, and I'm not in Europe anymore. Like, I've had those moments where I've come back from a trip, and I just feel down because well, I mean, obviously, you just, like, had the best time of your life, and then you come home and you're like, what does life even mean? That's where I'm at, except times that by 666. That is where I'm at right now. It's like an all time low in terms of, like, where my heart, head, and soul is at. I wake up every morning just wanting to eat carbs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner all over again. I just miss everything about Europe. I miss drinking red wine during the day. I mean, it's a struggle right now, and the struggle is very real. It's interesting because I had the best trip one of the best trips I've ever been on, but at the same time, so many things went wrong. I mean, hello. There was a terrorist attack in Paris while I was there. So, like, things weren't the absolute best. Like, they probably could have gone a little smoother, but it was it was incredible. And I'm gonna dedicate this whole podcast to talking about it. I thought about having a guest on because I love you know, I've told you guys this before. It's really hard for me to just talk by myself and, like, stare at the wall. Right now I'm staring at my shoes because I don't have anyone to bounce anything off of. But I just didn't feel like having a guest would do it justice. Because if I didn't have a guest that if I had a guest that wasn't there, then, well, like, do they really care? And if I had a guest on, say, Rachel or Katie or somebody who was there, well, then we're just, like, bragging about our trip. Right? So I'm just gonna attempt to do this by myself. If any of y'all have been to Europe, you know. You know. You know. You know how much fun it is. So let me just start from the beginning. First of all, we were tricked in the beginning. Yes. Tricked. Because we had, like, the smoothest flight ever. So let me just back up. Katie, Kristen, Rachel, and I decided a couple weeks ago, why don't we just go to Europe? Actually, in all fairness, Katie was at SIR with our friend Diana. Yes. Diana, who Kristen said suck a dick to, on Vanderpump Rules. Katie texted me saying, how would you feel about going to Europe in 2 weeks? And I said, as long as you, like, figure out all of the flight information and Airbnb your hotel stuff, I'll you book it. I'll Venmo you. Yo, Lo. I mean, what do I have to lose right now? All I'm doing is sitting at home watching TV with my dogs. Like, I should probably go, yeah, I should probably take someone up on a trip. What happened to the year of yes? I'll tell you what happened. 2017. So I just feel like maybe I should start saying yes more because 2018 became, like, the year of no. It became the year of staying home. Wait. No. That didn't make sense. It's still 2017. So 2016 was the year of yes. 2017 has been the year of no, the year of being home, the year of the bachelor wine and dogs. That is what it's been. So I said, yeah, Katie. Hook a sister up. Absolutely. I'm down. Whatever you want. So she says, well, I was already gonna go to Copenhagen, you know, alone because my best one of my best friends lives there. That's true. One of her best friends lives in Copenhagen. Shout out to Stephanie. She's on mister Robot. She's, like, the hot Russian girl. Yeah. So then she goes, well, why don't we meet Diana in Paris after? Fabulous. Of course, Katie. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I'll do whatever you want. So we decide, let's go to Copenhagen in Paris. Kristen initially says no because she's well, is now, but was going on a trip with her boyfriend to Turks and Caicos. And then I tell Rachel and Rachel at well, we're drunk at Neiman Marcus at the bar and she says yes and books her flight on her phone within 5 minutes, so that was easy. Then Kristen has FOMO and decides to come as well. So that is how this all started. Cut to 2 weeks later when we're getting on our flight, go to the airport. Everything was just it was such a good day. The Uber was easy. The airport was easy. The security line was, like, I don't know, 3 people long. We go to, like, James Beach restaurant in the airport, have a couple margaritas, take, like, a quarter of a zany, get on the flight, watch a couple movies, fall asleep, and the next thing you know, I'm in Copenhagen, Denmark. I mean, it could not have been an easier traveling sitch. Like, every time that I've gone to New York has not been nearly as easy as what it was like going from LAX to Copenhagen. It's probably also because Katie chose a flight that was at 4:30 PM so, like, I didn't have to, like, wake up early. It's always those early flights that piss me off because I never know. Do I stay awake all night or do I go to sleep early and then wake up early? Like, what is what's the best thing to do? And it stresses me out. It makes my face have pimples. It's just no. So this 4:30 afternoon flight was absolutely perfect, and I highly recommend it for anyone who's looking into buying overseas flights. Don't do the early morning s**t. It just f**ks with you way too much. So we land in Copenhagen, and I post a video of my airport outfit. It was adorable. There might have been a couple too many monogram items on me, but I I loved it. So what I was wearing was, a black trench over whatever it was that I had on. The black trench by Morgan Clifford. Shout out to her because I always pimp her out. She doesn't pay me. She probably should, but I just love her coat so much. And she monogrammed the back of my trench with my initials, s s, and then I had this, like, newsboy cab driver no. Like, newsboy wannabe limo driver, black cap on. It kind of also looked evil, like I was a soldier. So my s s on the back, my weird black hat, then I have a Burberry scarf that Rachel gave me for Christmas that she put my initials on. So there's another SS. Then I also have, a necklace by Smith and Mara that that has my initials s s, again, on a gold pill. I'd like to think that that pill is either a Xanax or an Adderall. Then I had my name Stasi in my vintage when I say vintage, I mean, like, season 1 Vanderpump Rules, nameplate necklace. So that's a lot of Stasse and initials all over me. And then just just to make myself look a little more evil if I didn't already realize it, I had black leather fingerless gloves that were gloves that were embellished with black crystals. Kind of looked like a costume. But I posted it on Instagram and I got a lot of people writing me that I was wildly inappropriate because s s had something to do with Adolf Hitler and Nazism. Okay. So I get I start getting all of these messages, and most of them are these comments aren't very nice. Like, no one was just, like, looking out for their girl, being like, hey, Stavs. You might wanna take that off. Like, you might offend some people, especially since, like, the Nazis, like, you know, didn't they did some s**t in Denmark that people aren't very happy about. No one really said it like that. It like, all of the comments were, like, you're such an insensitive a*****e. You're stupid and ignorant. How could you be walking around with s s? I'm, like, seriously? Like, I didn't know. So, like, I googled it, and, apparently, the SS was a major paramilitary organization under Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party, AKA the Nazis. So I'm, like, what do I do? Like, do I not wear my initials? Because somebody might think that I'm, like, representing Nazis. But, like, I'm not representing Nazis. Like, what? Then I realized, well, my nameplate is Stasi. That is what the East German secret police were called. They weren't very nice either. In fact, they were one of the most repressive secret police agencies. So another thing that's not fun. Then just to just to add on to that, I look like a Nazi. I look like I'm part of Hitler's Aryan team. And even furthermore, my last name is Schroeder, which is very German. So I'm kind of having a little panic. I get off the plane all happy. I just had, like, the best airport situation ever. Everyone knows I love flying. I love everything about airports and planes and flying and all of that. And then I get off, and everyone tells me that I look like a walking billboard for Adolf Hitler. I don't know what to do because everything that I have is monogrammed, and I love my initials. And it's one of those things where it's like, well, I know that I don't mean that. So should I just be able like, do I take it off, and am I hurting people's feelings? Am I offending people? Are people even associating me with that when I walk by? I mean, I didn't know that. Should I just not wear the clothes that I brought, the jacket and my sweater that I or my scarf that I brought because my initials might be a little offensive or a lot offensive? I don't know. I really don't know the answer. So I decided to say, f**k it. These are my initials. I shouldn't have to pretend that they're not my initials. And if somebody comes up to me or gives me a dirty look, I'll just be like, I'm not a Nazi. So I was prepared to say, I'm not a Nazi everywhere I went. I almost learned it in Danish. I s**t you not. So I calmed down a bit. I calmed down a bit. We get in, this, I guess, cab. It wasn't Uber. We didn't have Uber there. And, oh my gosh, I love how in Europe when you get in those van cabs, like, you can face each other. Like, the seats aren't just behind each other. You face each other in the back. Love that so much. I love sitting backwards. It's just like it feels wrong in some way. Like, that is exciting to me, sitting backwards in a moving vehicle. So we get in there, and we get dropped off at our Airbnb. So we decided to Airbnb because we wanted to feel like locals. I highly recommend this. I kind of think that I'm not gonna stay at hotels anymore. I this was only, like well, this was my first time Airbnb ing on, like, my account, but I've stayed with other people at their Airbnbs, and I never really understood how awesome it was until this time. I mean it. You really feel like locals. When you go to a hotel, you don't have that much square footage. You don't know where to put your suitcase. Everyone's in the way of each other. There's not a lot of space. It's not that comfortable. You don't have your privacy. But with renting an apartment, you have everything you want. You can pick this how many bedrooms, how many beds, how many like, what size. It's just fantastic. And I really do love I know I already said it, like, 3 times, but f**k it. I'll say it again. I love feeling like I am a local or trying to trick people into thinking that I'm a local. So we get to our apartment, and it's 3 flights of stairs up. No elevator because it's, like, a hardcore historical apartment. Like, I mean, built in, like, the 1800. So cool, so beautiful, right in the middle of the town, but, like, 3 stairs is a lot. And, they're all, like, stone ish, like, stony. You know? And I brought 3 pieces of luggage, one of which was over the limit of how much I could bring. So that big one weighed a lot. The other 2 weighed a lot, just not as much as the big one. So I'm like, this this'll this'll be fun. I can't wait for this. Bring my 3 suitcases up these 3 flights of stairs. That was enough of a workout for probably 4 months. So once we get into the apartment, it literally looks like what you would think a stereotypical Copenhagen Danish apartment would look like. We have 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, this beautiful, like I don't it it wasn't a fireplace. It was, like, some sort of, like, old time heater thing, but it looked like a work of art. Like, I would've bought it as a sculpture for my apartment if I could. That's how beautiful it was. And we just kinda felt really at home. But then the lady who, who rented out the apartment to us gave me some devastating news. Are you ready for it? Because, well, she was very nice, and she brought out a big map and showed us a bunch of places to go. And I said, where do we shop? And then she looked at me, which for a while, it felt like a really long time. Maybe it was only 2 seconds. Maybe it was only one second. But in that moment, I knew something was up. And she says, oh, you can't shop until Tuesday. I'm sorry. What? It's Saturday, and we leave Wednesday at, like, 6 in the morning. So Saturday, Sunday, Monday, I'm going to be in this town, and I can't shop? Like, what? Why? She informs me because it's Easter weekend. To which I respond, I might not be, like, a hardcore practicing Catholic, but I was 100% baptized Roman Catholic. I know a little bit about Easter, and I definitely know that Sunday is a thing, but Easter Monday? Never heard of that being a thing. So why can't I shop on Monday? I could I could forfeit my Saturday. I could forfeit my Easter Sunday and not shop. But Monday? I mean, every time I've heard of Copenhagen whenever Katie told me about Copenhagen because she's been there before, everyone talks about the shopping and the brands and designers there and that you will find things there that you cannot find here. And everybody dresses differently and appreciates different types of styles and aesthetics. And I have been so excited to go shopping in Copenhagen for so long. To be told that I will only be able to do that on my last day, it felt like someone burnt my shoe rack down. Yeah. Or, like, stole my dogs and kicked them out of the window or, like, if I lost my bedazzled ranch or if someone shaved my head while I was sleeping. Like, that is what it felt like when she told me that. But I got over it because I was in Europe, and I was not gonna let anyone knock me down even if I couldn't shop. Speaking of shopping, y'all know that I love designer stuff, but you know that I love a bargain and I like searching for things. I don't like buying things full price if I don't have to. I mean, why would anyone wanna do that if they don't have to? That's why I've always said that, like, online shopping is my it's my Xanax. It's my therapy. It's one of the main things that calms me down if I'm worked up or upset, and I just I love it. Thredup, that's thredup, is a website that sells used clothes, handbags, shoes, you name it, from nice stores. Okay? I'm talking there was a pair of Valentino shoes, which are normally, like, $900. There were a pair of shoes that I found for a $100. Okay? There was a $300 Tory Burch bag for only $91, and there was a Theory skirt. Okay? This skirt retailed for a $180 and was sold for $1.99. That is rape. That's insane. $1.99? They have so many different brands, so many different designers, Lululemon, Gap, J. Crew, Banana Republic, Anthropologie, Anthropology, and Taylor. Like, whatever you want, they have it telling you. You get s**t for, like, 90% off. It's insane. And, plus, it's just, like, fun to, like, scroll through the website and, like, dig for things. I mean, it's fun for me. But if you go to, and that's, s t a s s I, and enter my promo code, Stassi, at the end, you'll get an additional 40% off your first order. So just think about this right now. You're already getting things for, like, next to nothing. So, like, you're already getting items that are, like, 90% off, and then put another 40% off on top of that. I suggest this is what I suggest because it's only your first order that you get 40% off. I suggest you really buy a lot in your first order so that you can get that discount because that is gonna go such a long way. If you use my promo code for the 40% off promo code for only one item, I mean, what's the point when you can use it for, like, a 1000000 items. Right? So go to, use my promo code, Stassy, again in the end, and get 40% off. Shopping is the best. Welcome to Play It, a new podcast network featuring radio and TV personalities talking business, sports, tech, entertainment, and more. Play it at play dot it. Okay. So I'm gonna keep going with my trip. Trip. It's, like, kind of like the way that I'm doing this podcast, it's a stream of consciousness Europe, like, here's my trip, listen to my thoughts all about it kind of thing. So it might be a little all over the place. It might not be all over the place. This is how wanna do it, and I feel like I wanna do my Europe trip justice. So just bear with me. So after the kind lady leaves and I get over, the fact that I'm not gonna be able to shop, we're, like, let's go explore. So we go out, go walk around, go have a glass of wine, just look at everything. It it's stunning. Copenhagen is one of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen, and everyone there was really nice. So we go back to the hotel I mean, the Airbnb, and we get ready to go out for the night. Copenhagen, just to warn you, a lot of people smoke indoors. So just be aware. We went to, like, a 1000000 bars and pubs, and bars and pubs are my favorite. I'm really not a club person unless I'm in Vegas, and it's, like, only for 1 or 2 nights. Like, there's only so much I can do of, like, a club vibe. I feel like I got that out of my system when I was 20, which is so depressing. You know? It's so I wish I still liked it. I wish it was still fun for me to go to a club. It is every once in a while, but I prefer to go to bars or lounges or, you know, hotel bars or anything like that. Places where I can sit and talk to people. I don't like not being able to hear my own thoughts. It just gives me anxiety. What does that say about myself now that I and now that I just heard myself say that out loud, what does it say about myself that I have to hear my own thoughts? Like, my thoughts are that important that my own self needs to hear my own thoughts? Like, is that incredibly narcissistic of me? Is that s s of me? I'll let you decide. So we go to a bunch of pubs. They're all filled with smoke. So we keep taking breaks to, like, go outside and get fresh air. And Stephanie, the local Danish I guess, local Dane, is that what you would call it? I would think so. She makes friends with a group of dudes that are at the table next to us. They teach us how to play a Copenhagen drinking game, and it was really fun. They were also 19. So we leave this bar, this pub, and we, like, follow them around. I guess we, like, just joined forces with this 19 year old group of gentlemen. I'm, like, do do any of us do we know them? We're just, like, following them around wherever like, they're just bossing us. They're very kind and very nice, but I kind of, like, didn't realize it at first. Like, we're they're just telling us where to go with them. Like, do we not have free will? What is what is happening? So we just keep going to different pubs and bars, and it's a great time, but I'm just slowly starting to realize, this is odd. They're, like, 9 to 10 years younger than me. My sister's older than these people. I could have babysat these people. Actually, my, like, my sister could have babysat these people. That's how young they were. So I felt a little a little like an elder, if that makes sense. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but we're following around 19 year olds. And this is when I realized, yep. We're following around 19 year olds when they make us go to a club. So we've gone from, like, 4 pubs and bars, and then I see them go, okay. Let's wait in this line. And my braddiness kicks in. I'm like, no. I'm not waiting in a line. No. And I don't even like clubs. It's also, like, 3 o'clock in the morning, and none of us have slept. So can I at least walk back to the Airbnb? I mean, Rachel wanted to go too because, let's be honest, Rachel and I are always the first ones to go to bed for the most part. So they're like, no. You have to stay. You have to stay. Like, at least, like, go to the club. And Katie was so excited to be in Copenhagen, so she kept begging us. And I'm like, seriously? Like, I we're exhausted. We we have not slept at all. Like, it's 3 o'clock in the morning. I don't even know what time it is, like, at home. I will go to a club if you really want me to, but I'm not waiting in a line. Then I look at the door guy, and he's, like, it's $20, however much money it was to get in. I'm, like, and I'm definitely not paying to get into a club after I wait in line. Like, abso f**king lily nods. So I say, if you 19 year old dudes wanna hang out with us, then we're going across the street to that club. There's no line. There's no cover. Probably isn't as cool, but whatevs. So we go inside. Everyone's dancing. Me and Rachel are kinda staying by the bar like the old losers that we are just like, alright. So, like, how long until we can, like, sneak out? Right? But everyone had told me, all of our friends decided I'm not allowed to walk around by myself. Why? I don't know. I feel like I'm very capable. Like, why can't I go off and walk by myself if I want to? Especially if I'm wearing s s initials everywhere. Like, who the f**k is gonna mess with me? Who is gonna mess with a chick who's wearing s s everywhere? No one. Any who. Finally, we're there long enough to where it's, like, okay. Rachel and I will go. We're capable. At least let Rachel and I go. I feel like we're slaves at this point, you know, because everybody's scared of being in Europe and getting lost or letting somebody go off by themselves. What? Because, like, I've never walked by myself before. So Rachel and I leave. We're allowed to go. We go back to the apartment. Katie and Kristen finally show up. We all go to bed. Most of us go to bed. And every single night, I woke up at 4 in the morning, and I even took a sleeping pill. It's so hard when you're jet lagged to, like, get on a schedule. Like, you really actively, like, have to try. So I guess it wasn't 3 in the morning when I got back. So I must have gotten back from the bar earlier because I remember waking up at 4 in the morning and Kristen was awake and we were trying to figure out what to do, and it was just, like, we have to force ourselves back to sleep. That was just, like, a side note about jet lag. I mean, it's, like, not the best. Anyway, so the next morning, Katie goes off and spends time with Stephanie and her family and me, Rachel, and Kristen go explore the city. So we went and found this Italian restaurant that had the best cacio e pepe I've ever had. Shout out to Taylor Strecker for teaching me how to pronounce that because she knows I really love that dish. I drink red wine during the day. I'm gonna say that 57 more times probably on this podcast. I just had such a good time. I had a hot dog. Okay. So there's this thing that you guys should know about me right now. You know, I go I go through phases with things. And right now, I've always loved hot dogs. Like, that's what I love about that's the only thing I like about sports and sports games. Like, I like sports events because I like when everyone's happy and, like, you know, rooting for something. But, really, I don't care that much that people are rooting for something. I like that there's hot dogs and beer. And I don't mean fancy hot dogs. I mean, your stereotypical ballpark hot dog with as many condiments minus chili as you can get on them. Like, I'm talking relish, onions, ketchup, mustard, all that on there. Maybe cheese if I see some. I can do without the cheese if it's you know, it's fine. I can but those 4, those other 4 needs to be on it. So whenever I see, like, a hot dog at a new place, like, I have to to see if I like it. So there were hot dog stands everywhere. I got a hot dog from Copenhagen. That was super awesome. We walked really far. I we saw this, like, amusement park. It's so far we walked. And then, like, towards the end, like, we were exhausted. It was probably, like, 4 in the afternoon. And me, Kristen, and Rachel just like this is, like, woah. Like, walking is like a thing. It's, like, really tiring. Maybe we should pop into a bar and get a drink or a beer or something before we get a cab back because I'm definitely not walking back. So we go into this we see this Irish pub and we go inside. And everyone is silent. I mean silent. And it's like a gorgeous old time looking it looks like an old English Irish pub. It was beautiful. The architecture, the interior, everything about it was just so stunningly, like, old in, like, a really beautiful way. If you I'm not explaining it properly, but everybody was silent. And it was full of people and even families. The families, the kids were even silent. So we're confused. I'm like, this we might have walked into awake. That's where my brain goes. I'm like, I'm pretty sure that there's an 89% possibility that someone just died and all of these people were just at that person's funeral, and then they made the wake happen at this Irish pub because there's no other explanation for why no one's talking. Like, I wouldn't even talk. I would whisper to Rachel and Kristen, like, do you do you think you could order me a beer? I don't care what kind. What what kind are you getting? Oh, you're getting red wine. Shoot. Okay. Well, no. I don't want wine. Wait. Oh, wait. Kristen, you're getting a c**ktail. No. I don't I don't want a c**ktail. I don't want a c**ktail. Why isn't why isn't anyone talking? I I feel like you should believe. I don't know. No. Just give me a beer. I don't care. I don't care. Any any type of beer, Like, a light beer. Just give me that one. Yeah. That that's I I couldn't that's that's that's how it was. So come to find out, thanks to people looking at our Snapchat, Everyone was watching a soccer game, I think it was. I mean, I've I've never seen people at a bar so quiet watching a sports game. You know, like, I'm used to LA or New Orleans. You know, like, when you go to a bar in New Orleans, you watch a Saints game. That s**t is not quiet. When you go to Big Wang's in LA and everyone's watching whatever college football game they're obsessed with, yeah, s**t's not quiet there either. But, apparently, in Copenhagen, when you watch sports, you respect that s**t, and you're quiet. So we leave and get a cab back. Hey, guys. I wanna take a break here and talk about something. If you've listened to my show or breathed oxygen for that matter, you know that life can be messy and far from perfect. Turns out, same thing goes for your skin. Mederma to the rescue. Mederma is the number one doctor and pharmacist recommended brand that is clinically shown to reduce the appearance of scars. Moderna advanced scar gel is the only one per day scar care product that's clinically shown to reduce the appearance of scars. Moderna is trusted by consumers and health care professionals alike. Moderna advanced scar gel contains the patented ingredient, cepelin, which is clinically shown to reduce the appearance of scars. Just once a day as part of your routine, Mederma is cost effective and convenient. Other scar care products may appear cost effective at first, but they must be applied multiple times a day. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that you're not really saving time or money there. Look. You have enough to worry about every day, but don't let your skin be one of them. Check out Moderna today. Look for it in the first aid section or visit to learn more about Moderna's growing family of skin care solutions. Welcome to Play It, a new podcast network featuring radio and TV personalities talking business, sports, tech, entertainment, and more. Play it at play dot it. She's never one to hold back on any topic. This is straight up with Stassie. Now another thing to know, and I don't know if it was because of Easter weekend, but things close early in Copenhagen, like the shops. I mean, they were only open one day, but restaurants, all of that. So we decided to go to the grocery every day, and Rachel cooked us dinner, dinner on Easter. That was super fun. And she found a way, hold up, to make ranch dip because let me tell you, they do not have ranch in Europe. Don't expect it anywhere. In fact, I don't even think they know what the word ranch means. But Rachel found something at the grocery store to mix with something else, to mix with something else, to make ranch dip. That is commitment to ranch life in the most respectable way ever. So after that, Katie comes back. We all go to sleep. We're going to sleep relatively early almost every night because we're trying to get, like, the jet lag out of the way, and we're trying to, like, get on somewhat of a schedule. But sure enough, 4 AM rolls around except this time, sirens. Rachel wakes me up, and she's, like, sassy. Some something's going on because, obviously, Rachel and I always share a room since we have the same sleep patterns, similar sleep patterns. So she wakes me up, and the whole room is filled from the window with red and blue siren lights. And I hear, like, sounds and all that stuff. So I quickly get up, and I look out the window, and there's a fire truck, police officers, like, everyone surrounding our apartment, our apartment. So, like, what the f**k is happening? What did Chris and Katie do? They were still in bed, so they didn't do anything. I decide, okay. I should probably go outside and see what all the ruckus is. I go outside. They were really mad I went outside. The Copenhagen police do not like people to go outside. They sent me back in. I felt like Copenhagen police shamed. Like, couldn't I just inquire about what was going on? I mean, it's surrounding the apartment that I'm staying in. Apparently not. At that point, we're up. Our adrenaline is running is rushing. Like, Katie and Kristen wake up for a little bit. Katie goes back to sleep, but Kristen and I could not get back to sleep to save our lives. 30% because jet lag, but 30% because I got all of these tweets about something that Gina, Arianne, and La la did, I guess, on an Instagram live. So that was fun, but that doesn't even matter. Not even gonna we're not even gonna go there. So Kristen and I are like, what do we do? Like, what do we do? Like, we can't go back to sleep. I mean, if we take a Xanax, then we're not gonna we're gonna sleep until noon, and then we're missing the whole day. So we have to just, like, I guess, stay awake. What do you wanna watch? So we decide on the simple life. That's right. Kristen, Dodi, and I, at 4 in the morning until, like, 10 in the morning or 11 in the morning until Katie got up, decide to find a way to buy The Simple Life because you can't just I I'm pretty sure we bought it. Yes. We looked on Netflix. We looked on Hulu. We looked everywhere. I looked on YouTube. You couldn't get it for free. Pretty sure we went on some website. Maybe it was Amazon Prime, and I bought The Simple Life. So I'd want you to just picture this. We're in gorgeous Europe, gorgeous Copenhagen, Denmark in this old historic beautiful Danish apartment that was made 100 of years ago. And Kristen and I are on the couch with our iPhone 7, not even the plus, watching the Simple Life. So it wasn't a it wasn't a computer. It wasn't an iPad. It was the iPhone 7, the small one, just to reiterate that, watching the simple life for hours. This is like, how moronic are we? Don't judge. It was comforting. We just wanted to laugh. We didn't wanna watch anything, says Sarios. So finally, Katie wakes up, and this is the great Easter Monday, Easter Monday where things are closed. If I'm such an idiot that I don't know that Easter Monday is a thing, please tweet me or email me and explain it to me because I, I most likely sound like an idiot a*****e right now. But I've never known anything about Easter Monday. I also have a bad memory because of all of the Xanax and that I've taken for, like, 10 years. So, like, there's that as well. You know? Easter Monday rolls around. Katie finally wakes up, comes in, watches me and Kristen as we're watching The Simple Life. Sure she judged us. We finally get our butts out, and we're able to find a few things to do. But for the most part, it's just, like, more exploring and all that stuff because most things are closed. We make, Easter Monday dinner again. That was really nice. And the next day, Tuesday, I'm finally able to shop. Really cool. Really awesome. I found some designers that I've never heard of before. That was really fun. And for the most part, that was our Danish trip. Kristen had to go back to the US, so then we all the rest of us go meet Diana, suck dick Diana, in Paris. Oh, oh, Paris. Paris, 185% changed my life. I legitimately don't think I have ever felt more in love and felt more at home in a city. I always, like, said that about New York. I'm like, I think I might just be a New Yorker. I love New York so much, but I all I've always loved New Orleans so much, and I love LA. Paris is like if everything in my soul threw up, it would be Paris. There's fashion. There's palaces. There's history. There's wine. There's food and bread and cheese and meats all the time, and there are catacombs with tons of skulls. I mean, everything I could have asked for minus ranch is in Paris. I loved every single second of being in Paris. So I'll just get into that then. We take our flight to Paris. Kristen goes home. We meet Diana, get to our apartment, and our apartment's even better than the Danish one. I really felt like a local in Paris because we were in Marais on the same street as the actual Chanel store. Like, everything that I wanted or could have wanted, every cafe, every restaurant, every bar, every shop, everything was just right there on our street. And when I walked into the apartment, it was huge. Only 2 bedroom, but you would not have known that. The biggest living room with, like, an open layout for the kitchen and the dining area, and then there was a master room, and then you had to walk down a spiral staircase to get to the lower level room that looked like a haunted cave. That's where me and Rachel stayed, obviously, because we're more of sleepers. So the apartment was amazing, and it made us feel totally like we told you I was gonna say this a lot. We're locals. And they had, like, a giant TV that worked, and, like, I could go on Amazon Prime. I could go on Netflix. I could go on YouTube so we could listen to music as we were getting ready. We didn't get ready in our bathrooms. Like, we all got ready in the living room. So it was just like a major girl party. It was so much fun. And so we decided, well, what are we gonna watch? I'm one of those people that every time I wake up in the morning, I can't just, like, be in silence. Even actually when I'm at my apartment, I prefer to either listen to podcasts or what or, like, have TV on. Music, I'm, like, a little too sensitive and emotional. I'm too much of a cancer to listen to music all the time because every song that comes on, I like to feel it. God. I'm a weirdo. It's like when I went through my breakup, like, I only listen to sad s**t because I just like to feel what I'm feeling. Or, like, if I'm going out or if I'm in a good mood, I like to listen to the happiest s**t ever. I just music just makes me feel more feelings than I'm already feeling. That was the dumbest sentence I've ever put together, but it does. So every morning, I have to wake up and put on TV. Or, like, when I'm going to bed, I'll put on TV until I'm ready to actually go put like, get into the actual bed. Like, I'll watch it on the sofa. I never have a TV in my bedroom because then I would just have even worse sleeping problems than I already do. So I decided let's watch when Gossip Girl goes to Paris, when Blair and Serena go to Paris, and let's write down every place we see them go to because I am basic. So that's what we did. I bullied everyone into watching that. But then I also bullied everyone into watching Midnight in Paris, and, we wrote down every place in Midnight in Paris. We wrote down every place that Carrie Bradshaw went in Sex and the City season 6 and American Girl in Paris. Don't judge me because I just wanna see that s**t. I wanna see the s**t that I've seen on TV. I actually wanted to see everything. I didn't wanna sleep at all when I was in Paris because I I felt like 5 days 5 nights wasn't even enough. I'm pretty sure, yes, 5 nights was not enough for me to see Paris. So after that stalking Blair, Serena, Carrie Bradshaw, Owen Wilson, we had dinner at Hotel Costas. I might be saying it wrong. If you ever go to Paris and you don't go to this restaurant, you're a fool. It was the most stereotypical cool Parisian restaurant I've ever been to, and it was just, like, such a great kickoff to our trip. Because the whole day, we just walked around. We saw Notre Dame. We just I think we walked 7 miles. Every single day, we walked 6 to 9 miles, which I didn't even mind. I actually really liked walking in Paris. That's another reason I know that I am meant to be there, that that city is so me because if I'm not b***hing about walking 9 miles, you know I must really love this place. So, yes, we go to Hotel Costas. We go to sleep that night, wake up. We do more touristy things. I bought a painting. We went and saw the Louvre, well, the outside of it because nobody else wanted to spend time on it even though I had researched all the things I wanted to see in the Louvre. So if you're thinking about taking a girls' trip, maybe you don't go with that many people so that you can do whatever you wanna do. Just saying. Then we go to the Shamsie Lizzie. Then we go home, and all of a sudden, everybody's tweeting us or texting us or emailing or calling saying that they hope we're okay. And we don't understand what's going on. So we go on to Daily Mail, and I check everything. And, apparently, a few hours after we left the Shamzi Lazay was when the ISIS terrorist attack happened where someone shot 2 police officers. I think one died. I'm not sure if the other one died. What? Do you know how crazy that is? Everyone had been saying Paris might not be safe right now. It might not be the best idea, And I'm always like, whatever. Nothing's a good idea. Like, I could get in a car accident. I could have a heart attack right now. Like, I am not that healthy. Like, there's so many things that could happen to me, so I'm not gonna not go to Paris because something might happen. And then something happens. Granted we're safe, but something happens, and it really makes you think, like, holy s**t. Something actually happened. And I'm so sorry that just cut off you guys. So after over 2 years of doing this podcast, my card finally is full. So it cut off my podcast, and I just had to spend the last hour trying to figure out how to fix it. Luckily, I found another little card thing laying around somewhere hidden. Well, wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have that. Okay. So I was talking about the terrorist attack, and my heart goes out to any victims' families. I could not even imagine what that would be like. I'm not making light of that whatsoever. So I just basically want to bring to I I I guess I just want everybody who's going on a trip or ever thinks about these things, you it can actually happen. So I'm not saying be scared. I'm saying to be aware because that whole afternoon night, that was supposed to be our big going out night. We had dinner reservations at this place called Kong, which is actually the Carrie Bradshaw restaurant where she meets up with the Russian's ex wife. Yes. Basic b. And then a club, but, like, not like a club club, like a cool, like, underground place where we had, like, a table called Le Bon, I think, at a hotel. And so we were gonna be out all night long, but we were all in, like, such a just such a somber mood, of course. Everyone was texting us. It was just a little it it was weird to be in the same city when something like that happens, and it kind of ended up being the most mellow night that we had. So just my heart goes out to everyone, and and let's all just, you know, think about the victim of that. So the rest of the trip is incredibly amazing. We went to, like, Lafayette mall. I've never been to a mall in Europe, and I'm never gonna go again. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. The mall is like an actual palace. Like, it's shaped like a palace. It looks like a palace. It's decorated like a palace, but it's a mall. And I've never seen so many shoes in my life to the point where I couldn't buy anything. Has that ever happened to y'all where there's so many options that you can't do anything? I had been looking forward to going to this mall because everyone talks about it, and I was like, I have to I I can't leave without getting a pair of shoes. I bought sunglasses. Yeah. I bought my initials for, like, my Chloe bag. Cool. More SS stuff. But, like, I really shoes are my thing. They're my favorite. And so Katie and I went down to the shoes floor, okay, the shoe floor, and I have never been more overwhelmed. I mean shoes everywhere. Every designer, every top designer you can think of, every low designer you can think of, everything was there. Every it was like all of the Internet, all the shoes on the Internet just s**t out right there onto that floor. And there were too many options. There were too many things that I saw. I couldn't focus. I couldn't pay attention because everywhere I turned was a new shoe that I didn't had not seen before or a shoe that I had been looking at for months and wanted to get, and I just couldn't narrow it down. It was absolutely insane. So if you're going to Paris and you're going to that Lafayette mall, I just want you to be prepared. It's kinda difficult. So let me tell you about my favorite day. Before we left for our trip, I I spent I spent those 2 weeks watching Parisian movies, watching anything that was Paris themed. Okay? And I made a quite a few lists of things that I wanted to do and things I wanted to see. I emailed everyone. I was texting with everyone. Like, I wanted to make the most out of this trip. And I said, does anyone have nonnegotiables? Like, I know what my nonnegotiables are. Like, things that like, a couple of things that if you don't do, you're going to be really upset. So I asked everybody. No one really had nonnegotiables, I guess, except for me. But I knew that I had to go to Versailles because I am obsessed with Marie Antoinette. I'm telling you, I can answer probably almost every any question about her. And I wanted to go to the catacombs. Those were 2 things that I really wanted to do. Now I wasn't sure that everyone would be into the catacombs. Turns out they were. So this day that I was able to plan, we went to Versailles and then at night I had been planning for us all to go to Moulin Rouge because I've been obsessed with that movie since I was a teenager. So, I mean, come on. And I didn't know anything about it. So I'm not I'm not even gonna get to Moulin Rouge yet. Okay? We're gonna talk about Versailles. I have seen the movie Marie Antoinette by Sofia Coppola probably 78 times. I am obsessed with it. I am fascinated by the history of Marie Antoinette. Even the fact that she's was beheaded. I mean, all of it. I just love the whole story of it. I love everything. Well, not everything she stood for. It's actually actually kind of f**ked up. I love all of you know, like, the Disney version of what Marie Antoinette stood for. I love that she changed fashion. I love that she was fun, and she seemed kinda cray. I just everything about, like, her aesthetic is just it was so over the top and so extreme and so cool. Like, nothing like that exists. If you see Versailles, nothing like that exists. I have dreamt about seeing Versailles for as long as I can remember, and that was my number one nonnegotiable. I could forfeit the catacombs for Versailles. That is going to be the one thing that I have to do if I go to Paris. So everyone let me be the dictator that day. The night before, I buy all of our tickets for Versailles. I'm like, okay. We need to figure out a metro route because it's 15 miles away or 18 miles away, but that doesn't seem like a lot. But it is far, So you have to take the metro or a car, I guess, if you want, but that's not fun. So it's really kind of tricky in terms of figuring out the metro if you've never done it before. So there was that. We wake up in the morning. We all get ready. I had the perfect Versailles Marie Antoinette themed outfit. Okay? I bought these really expensive shoes online specifically for this. They're by Attico. I think that's what they're called. Yeah. I think it's a t t I c o. These beautiful pointy toed canvas flats that's embellished with pearls pearls and crystals and then has a black velvet tie up around the ankle. They're like modern Marie Antoinette. Then I had this Norma Kamali black jumpsuit that's so comfortable with another Morgan Clifford coat, but this time, it was a blue, like, a light dusty blue trench coat with my initials on it and this silk black skinny neck scarf that I tied into a bow. I mean, so modern Marie Antoinette, brains were probably exploding. I actually met a few Khaleesis that day, and every Khaleesi who came up to me at Versailles was like, oh my god. I noticed your outfit before I even knew who you were. And that was probably the biggest compliment that anyone could ever tell me. So I have full on been planning this first side trip since almost like I was in my mom's womb. You know what I'm saying? So we get on the wrong metro. We got on the metro that took us, like, 20 minutes away from which isn't that far, but there's one that takes you only 5 minutes away. So we get off on this you know? Okay. So we're supposed to get off on, like, this Versailles. We get off, and we're like, we're in the middle of nowhere. It looks like we're in the middle of a 3rd world country. Like, nothing's cute. Doesn't look like we're in France anymore. Where do we go? Who do I even call to, like, find out where we're going? It looks like we're really far away from the Palace of Versailles. So we just start walking and I'm determined to be positive because this is the day that I planned and I can't f**k this up for everyone. We keep walking. I'm like, oh, there's a cab. Like, I'm just gonna go up to the cab and I'm going to ask them to just take us. So I finally go to this cab and I do my whole, like, that whole thing. No. No. I'm like, okay. Palace of Versailles? Chateau of Versailles? I do it that does this do I does that even sound French? No. That sounds like I'm like it's, like, half Asian accent, half French accent. Whatever. Don't judge. And he laughs at me. He laughs in my face. He says, it's a 5 minute walk. I'm like, oh, so you do speak English. Cool, bro. Really? He refused to take us. I'm like, I'll pay you extra if you just take us. My friends are freezing. We're cold. We didn't dress appropriately. Please. He laughed again and refused to take us because he said that we could walk. So we had no choice but to walk. The walk was, like, 20, 25 minutes, which would have been fine, but we just didn't know where we were going. We finally get there, and we see a line that snakes so much that it's probably, like, a mile long. So I'm like, no big deal, you guys. I got our tickets yesterday, like, online. Like, we can probably skip the line. Turns out you can't. That line, that snakes, for almost a mile long, not an actual mile long, but it looks like it, those people apparently all bought their tickets ahead of time too because I went to the ticket office or the information office. I'm like, so can we skip the line because I have these tickets? No, they say. Cool. Well, is there some kind of, like, skip the line ticket I can pass? Like, I can buy some sort of, like, VIP ticket for my friends so that we can skip the line? They say no again. So I'm like, f**k. Okay. Is there any place I can buy some wine? We? They say yes. So we go and buy little mini bottles of wine. We get in line, and that actually ended up being the most fun line ever because I asked them all what their last meals would be if they were on death row. And I just love hearing their answers. So we laughed, got a little drunk, and finally go into Versailles. And let me just say, I've never connected with a place so much in my entire life. I'm not even being dramatic. I know I sound dramatic, but I swear I'm not being dramatic. I felt do you, like, do you think maybe someone who lived at Versailles might be one of my past lives? I'm not even saying Marie Antoinette. I won't even go there. There are a million people that lived there. I could have even been one of the servants. I don't care. Or one of the dogs that lived at Versailles. But for some reason, I just felt at home. So I'm on cloud 9. Cloud f**king not even 9. Cloud f**king 99. I am so excited. And I'm walking through the palace, and then all of a sudden I see the Queen's Apartments are closed for renovation. Okay. So this is the whole shopping incident in Copenhagen all over again. Like, might as well take my bedazzled ranch bottle away from me. Might as well take my dogs from me. Might as well kick me in the stomach. The Queen's apartments are closed, so you're telling me I'm seeing all of Versailles except for the Marie Antoinette area? Moment of silence for how sad I felt. And I had picked out the perfect Marie Antoinette outfit. I was so on theme. You guys, it was so sad. I had gotten everyone so excited to see Versailles, and I made them watch Marie Antoinette before we went. Like, we stayed up the night before and finished it in the morning before we went to the metro to finish Marie Antoinette, and everyone was so excited to see the Queen's apartments. They call them apartments. It's not a f**king apartment. K? If if actually, calling it an apartment makes me feel depressed about where I am at in life and, like, what my apartment is like. It's like the queen section, basically. So, yeah, that was closed, and we didn't get to see that. Nevertheless, there was a gift shop where I bought a s**t ton of Marie Antoinette crap, and we got more wine. We walked around the garden area, and I had no f**king idea just how big Versailles was. I didn't realize you could rent a little golf cart, like, with a little tour guide. Would've done that. Didn't realize you could get in a little rowboat. Would've done that too. Didn't realize that there were so many sections outside of the palace that you could go to that you couldn't even really walk to. Would've figured out a way around that, so I probably should have been a little more diligent. I just assume that you go to the Palace of Versailles and, like, you go in the palace and, like, the gardens, and that's it. I didn't realize how much there was to it. So then I find out that they do have the hamlet opened. So the hamlet was this, what do you even call it? It's like on okay. On Wikipedia, it says it's a rustic retreat in the park of the Chateau de Versailles built for Marie Antoinette in 17/83. Okay. Basically, it looks like Lisa Vanderpump's house. Like, it's not a farmhouse. It might look like a farmhouse, but it's not. It's like a mansion. It's a mansion that's meant to look like a farm because and it was, I guess, called the Queen's House because, get this, this is what I really love about Marie Antoinette. What a jokester. Part of the reason this homegirl was beheaded was because she spent so much of France's money. She was so lavish with everything, with her food, with her parties, her drink, her clothes, her hair, everything, her trips, everything, the the palace. She spent so much money and made France go into debt, and the poor got poorer, and there were people dying from starvation and homeless. So I'm getting to it. This b***h was so c**ky that she's like, you know what? I know that I'm the queen of France, and, like, I've, like, got it all. But I think I want to spend the rest of you guys' money so that I can pretend to be a peasant, so I can pretend to be poor. I s**t you not. She wanted to pretend to be a peasant, so her husband made her the hamlet. So I would say a mile away from the actual pair the actual palace is this whole little area with a mansion that's supposed to look more rustic like a farmhouse so she could be more natural and live the way that peasants live. So as so in order to pay for the hamlet, she had to make the peasants more poor and more starving so that she could live like them. Mind exploding. Incredible. I mean, who does that? Who freaking does that? Like if she was alive right now she would 100% be the star of housewives of Beverly Hills. I mean come on really spending everyone's money so that you can live like a poor person That is a whole other level of weirdness, and I appreciate the hustle. So I really wanted to go see that since I couldn't see her actual quarters in the palace, and we didn't really understand, like, how to get there. So we jumped on a little mini train that we were supposed to pay for. Cool. And, we snuck on it. And we thought it was gonna take us there, but it just took us right back where we started. So we didn't have time to go to it. So I didn't see any Marie Antoinette things. After we realized, like I think all my friends kinda got scared of me because they're like, yeah. We ran out of time. Like, I don't think we have time to walk to it, but they were scared to say, like, hey. I think we should go. And I'm like, can you guys just give me a second? Like, can I just, like, sit on the steps in the garden? Like, can I just, like, be one with the Palace of Versailles right now? Like, I need to just soak it all in. I need to breathe it. I need to feel it. I just need a moment by myself to just really appreciate the fact that I'm here right now and feel connected to it. So they gave me about 5 minutes to do that, and I really appreciated it. I'm telling you. The Palace of Versailles is something that you can't miss. So So I agree. I'm like, okay, you guys. I'm done being a brat. We can go now. I soaked it all in, and we're walking back to the metro, and I see a sign for a hot dog. But get this. It's a McDonald's hot dog. So I'm like, yo. You know I love hot dogs. They have McDonald McDonald's has hot dogs here. How come we don't? I have to try a McDonald's hot dog in Europe. Like, it's not me going in there getting a hamburger that I can get here. Like, I need to get a hot dog from McDonald's. They let me go in. Why don't our McDonald's look like that? There are touch screen things everywhere. You don't even need to, like, interact with anybody. You just go up to the touch screen, point out like, click what you want, put your card in, and then they just call out your number and you go and get it. So I ate my mini hot dog. We go back to the metro. There were some issues with the metro. I was left by myself for 45 minutes while everybody else's ticket worked, and I had to wait in a line by myself for 45 minutes in a line that only took change. I've never felt so lucky that I had change in my purse. So after we got back, it was Moulin Rouge time. You guys, I've been thinking about going to Moulin Rouge since I was, what, 13? When did that movie come out? 13, 14, 12? I don't know. I have been thinking about it for so long. I didn't know what it was like. And every time I asked somebody that had been to Paris, I'm like, should we go to Moulin Rouge? They were like, you don't have to. I'm like, why is nobody excited about this? Anyone who's been there, like, they seemed like, oh, you know, you can skip it, but I couldn't skip it. So I offered to pay for everyone. I'm like, I will buy everyone's tickets. I talked to my publicist about it. I'm like, please arrange this. Here's my card info. We have to go. I don't want my friends to have to pay for anything because I'm dragging them to this. Dictator day. That's that's what I'm gonna call it. Versailles, Moulin Rouge day was Stasi's a dictator day. And we get ready. We get all dressed up. We go to Moulin Rouge. We sit down. The show comes on. And I'm like, oh, f**k. My heart sinks into my butt. Not joking. Because I'm looking at it, the performance, I'm like, this is, like, star search for teens. Like, what? This is, like, a this is worse than, like, a high school musical. Like, what what is happening? The opening number, like, all the dancers were off. Nothing made sense. Like, like, I it was, like, it was not what I expected. So I'm starting to laugh because it's funny and also because I'm really nervous, and I'm starting to sweat because, oh my god. This is one of our last nights here, and I just dragged everybody to Moulin Rouge, and this is what's happening. Like, oh, holy s**t. Like, everyone's gonna be so mad at me. We order a bottle of vodka. Then the show starts getting more interesting. There are, like, all these acrobatic performances, so it slowly starts getting better and better. Then it becomes f**king awesome. Like, there's a whole giant swimming pool, raises out of the floor, and a woman jumps in there naked and swims with a 1000000 snakes. There were people doing weird skating tricks and, like, hula hoop trick. Like, I mean, tricks I haven't tricks that were better than when I saw Absinthe in Vegas. And then it would go right back to, like, this weird performance where, like, with weird costumes. It's like the costume designer, like, was manic or on too much Adderall or Coke or something and, like, couldn't make any decisions and was like, I don't know if I wanna do this. Like, I don't know, like, you know, Mexican themed or if I wanna do it Parisian themed. So I'm just gonna make it both, and I'm gonna throw clowns in there. But not any clowns, like American clowns. Like, nothing had anything to do with each other. I'd like to think, like, the only way I can describe it in terms of the costumes, it's like it's like if someone wanted to put every single dream for a costume all in one show and in one person, in one costume, every theme in one costume, I had no idea what was going on. And there were so many different like, this person looked had an Egyptian costume. This person had, like, a Scottish costume. It was like, it's a small world at Disneyland for, like, adults. That's where I felt like I was, and everyone's, like, pretty much naked. Like, their boobs and s**t are all out. So, like, it was bizarre. But it ended up being we've never laughed and smiled so much. It ended up being one of the coolest shows I've ever seen. To sit in Moulin Rouge and watch this weird a*s show go back and forth from being, like, this weird, like, high school musical to, like, insanely impressive acrobatic tricks to whatever adult it's a small world s**t was going on. Like, we enjoyed every single part of it, and, honestly, thank God it worked out because I would have felt so sad if I dragged everybody there. So I recommend going. I might be 1 we, the girls that were there, recommend going. I don't know what Parisian locals say, but it was so much fun. It was, you know, it's like being in Vegas. So this is where we're at the saddest day ever, and it's the last day we're there. And mind you, every single day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, nothing but carbs, day drinking red wine in the middle of the day, having lunches for 2 hours in the most beautiful street, feeling like anything could happen. I sound so cheesy, but it's so true. Like, there's nothing more fun than walking miles, finding a cute little cafe that you that every when everybody's hungry, sitting down for a couple hours and, like, having a meal and red wine and it being normal. Like, I never drink red wine during the day ever, but red wine is, like, my absolute favorite, and it was just so much better in France. I ate so much cheese to the point where I got sick of cheese for a solid hour, only an hour. But, like, it was this is why I've woken up every morning and just wanted to eat carbs, cheese, and red wine. And every morning, we would watch because the Parisian Gossip Girl episodes just kept going, we then would just wake up and turn on Gossip Girl even when they were back in New York. So we just watched Gossip Girl every morning. So now all I wanna do is watch Gossip Girl all day long, drink wine, eat cheese so that I feel like I'm back in France when I'm actually just in the middle of West Hollywood with no central AC. Cool. So our last day rolls around, and Diana had to leave to go back to Bulgaria. So everyone's dropping like flies. It was only 3 of us left, me, Katie, and Rachel. So our catacombs trip was for that day, and, basically, that day was set aside for us to do whatever we wanted. So I'm like, listen. We've got the catacombs. We got tickets ahead of time. I'm thinking about getting a Chanel bag. I've never done this before y'all. I've never bought a new Chanel bag. I've bought used ones. Well, only 1. Yeah. No. 2. 2 used ones. So they were, like, basically, like, like, a third of what or a fourth of what they're supposed to be. But I was in Paris, and on the same exact street that I was staying on was one of the main actual Chanel stores. What are the odds of that? And I kept thinking, what if, like, if I'm ever going to buy a Chanel bag full priced with, you know, like, in the store, it can't be at Neiman Marcus in Beverly Hills. It can't be in New York. It has to be in Paris. It has to be where Coco Chanel started everything. Like, I will never I I I I will never be able to top that, honestly. So we woke up. Me, Rachel, and Katie woke up, and I'm like, let me just just think. What can we do? We wanted to go to Cafe De Flor because Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway used to go there. We wanted to see the Midnight in Paris stairs. There were so many things that we wanted to walk around and see. So we kind of just said, alright. Let's just start by walking to Cafe De Flor, and we'll just see where everything takes us. So we went to Cafe De Flor, and that's where I realized something very serious that I've never experienced before, I've never thought before. I think I'm scared of birds. I have made fun of people. Jackie Schimmel, she's scared of birds? I thought it was hysterical. Did not understand it at all. Kaitlyn Bristow from The Bachelorette, she said she was scared of birds. I didn't understand it. I lived in New York with tons of pigeons and never got scared of birds. Like, birds has never been something that I've I've ever thought about. I make fun of people who are scared of birds. But as we're sitting at Cafe De Flore, I might not even be saying it right, so judge away, and we're eating and drinking red wine again in the middle of the day, there there's a pigeon that keeps coming around me and walking around me, and I have bare legs this day. And I'm like, this is making me feel uncomfortable. Like, I'm I don't even get I wear I watch scary movies in the middle of the night by myself. Like, I don't get scared that easily, but I start my heart starts beating really fast, and this bird just keeps, like, being jerky. It's like a Sesame Street character, something with all the jerkiness. And I'm like, I I feel uncomfortable. Like, I'm I'm I'm trying to, like, lean on to Rachel and, like, just, like, why do I feel this way? Like, I'm sweating. I'm I'm just heart palpitations. I'm like, I am actually I'm scared. I'm scared of this bird. And I keep talking about it, and Katie and Rich, like, just don't talk about it. Like and it'll be fine. And so then it, like, flaps its wings a little, and I'm like, oh, like, holy s**t. Like, this bird is scary. Like, this bird's oh my god. I am scared of a bird. All of a sudden, this bird goes f**king cray, flap flaps its wings and flies a little bit into my legs. I feel the bird go into my legs with its wings and everything and its noises, and I I gave a visceral scream. I could not help it. I screamed, and Rachel screamed because she was scared seeing and hearing the bird fly up by us and touch me. Like, it was really scary. It sounds ridiculous, but it was terrifying. So after I scream, I'm mortified mortified. Everyone is looking at us like stupid Americans. Like, everyone in Paris had been so nice. I didn't understand any of that, like, stupid American thing that everybody says where, like, French people don't like us. Everyone was so nice to us the whole entire trip until now. We're sitting next to a couple, normal couple, looks just a tad older than us. I'd say late thirties, early forties, and they go, they're smoking. Like, it's just a looks at me. It's just a bed. You don't need to yell. And I'm like, I'm so sorry. I I I apologize. I'm I just I'm not I'm I I'm so sorry. Like, I knew what, like, yelling is that you don't yell at a restaurant. You just don't, but I couldn't help it. I didn't expect the bird to actually fly into my legs. Then the guy goes because the woman said this. So then the guy goes, do you even know what just happened with that terrorist attack? You can't be screaming like that. I'm like, I'm sorry. Like and they just kept going and looking at me smoking, rolling their eyes, and I'm like, I have never felt so judged in my entire life. Like, this is what this is the stupid American thing that I was hearing about. Everyone else you know, it's our last day. Everyone else has been so nice. Couldn't have just been like a a really nice run without, like, somebody being an a*****e. Nonetheless, they were kind of a*****es, and they got up and left because I screamed. Shout out to them. I'm really sorry that I did that, but, like, I really couldn't help it. The bird kept coming around. I kept getting more scared and more scared. It didn't end. And the rest of the day, I swear to God, it was, like, this weird thing. Birds kept flying at me. That's never happened. Rachel and Katie were just laughing every time because they're like, this is so weird. Birds would get up and fly straight to me when I was walking. Like, I would have to just, like, duck. It was so weird and so scary. So shout out to all of the people that are scared of birds. I now understand you. So, okay, for the rest of the day, we saw the Midnight in Paris Stairs. We went to the catacombs way underground. I I think they said, like, a 143 steps underground. That was sick to, like, go in a spiral staircase all the way underground with all of those skulls. But I felt not as at home as I did at Versailles, but I did feel at home underground with all those skulls. And I really recommend that for, anybody that's, like, interested in that kinda s**t. It's so cool. And all of the skulls are organized. So someone, the person who decided to move all of the dead bodies that were coming out of the ground and all that s**t back in the day and put them underground, whoever designed this had to take all the dead bodies and separate each bone so that all of the bones like, all of the femurs were all together. All the skulls were together. Those are the only two bones I know. So but you get it. And they organized them all underground. Like, it was art. I wanted to when I was down there, I wanted to touch one of the bones, and I asked Katie. I was like, can I am I allowed to touch it? And she said, no. And then I saw other people touching it. So I'm like, Katie, they're touching them. She's like, well, I mean, I don't know if you're allowed to, but that's just, like, weird. Like, respect the dead. And I'm like, I wouldn't care if my skull was in here if somebody touched it. Like, I wouldn't give a s**t. Like, who what do you mean respect the dead? I didn't touch it, though. She made me feel like I was being disrespectful if I would've touched it, so I didn't. I was respectful. But so, yes, it was an incredible day. And then we walked back to the apartment because we had said we have to be back by 7 o'clock because that's when the I think it was the preliminary presidential election was going on, and they were gonna release who won. So we thought if there's gonna be another terrorist attack, it would probably be at that time. And we were a little bit right because as we were walking back, there were police everywhere with machine guns and barricades, and, like, it was actually, like, kind of scary. So we walk back, and we decide to watch midnight in pair no. I skipped something. I say they go, are you gonna buy a Chanel? And I say, I have to because in that store that's on my street, they had the exact Chanel that I wanted, my dream Chanel, the exact color of nude that I wanted with gold hardware in the exact size with the caviar leather double flap. I I it was almost like fate. So they go, okay. Let's get you a little bit more drunk then because I feel like it that would be better. So we go and have some more wine, and I call my bank, and I'm like, listen. I'm I s**t you not I do this. I'm like, listen. I'm in Paris, and I know you guys know I'm in Paris because, like, I told you guys to put a flag on my account telling you that. But, like, I'm about to spend an amount of money that, like, I normally don't spend, so can you not decline me while I'm in the Chanel Paris store? Because, like, that would be, totes, embarrassing, and I don't feel like going through that. So they set me up. I go to the store. I go to the bag. And, like, the people there don't think I'm gonna buy anything. They're like, who is this American girl? Really? And I'm like, this this? Can I have this one? And she said, that's the last one that we have, so it has to be the one that's on the rack. I'm like, what do you mean it's the last one you have? And then she starts looking it up. She's like, well, we have one in Berlin. We have one in this, like, place in Tokyo. I'm like, you don't what? They're just not at the regular store? No. Apparently, I didn't even know this. They don't make that many of these of certain purses. Whatever. So I'm like, I have to do it. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to. And if I lose my job or, like, something happens, I'll just sell it. I don't know. I have to. So I bought it, and it was the best experience ever. Like, when I purchased it, I watched them wrap it, and they even sprayed the shopping bag with perfume, with Chanel perfume. I mean, it was they were so nice to me too. It was such a cool experience. I'm like, this is worth it. If I would have bought it in Beverly Hills, it would not have been worth it. It would have been like I would have felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. Like, I don't belong. You know? Because it is true. The people in Beverly Hills are kind of a*****es. They don't treat you that well when you're in department stores. They kinda make you feel like you don't belong. I don't like it. So I've never been more thankful that I did that. So after, we go back to the apartment. We watch some more Paris themed stuff, and we decide, like, okay. Should we pack and go to sleep early because our flight back home is, like, we have to leave here at 4 in the morning? And at the last minute, we go, no. We need to go take a photo in front of the Eiffel Tower. Yeah. We had seen it from far away, but we didn't have any photos in front of it. So Rachel made dinner reservations real fast at a restaurant that overlooked the Eiffel Tower. We went and had dinner there and then walked down to the bridge in front of the Eiffel Eiffel Tower, and no one was on that bridge. And do you know what time it was? Midnight. Midnight in Paris, 3 American basic b***hes on a bridge all to themselves overlooking the Eiffel Tower. So what did we do? We played the French kiss soundtrack and danced around the bridge like little wood fairies. And that was the most sublime way to end the trip. I could not have imagined that we would have a bridge to ourselves to just do whatever the f**k we wanted in front of the Eiffel Tower, and that was that. And then we had the traveling day from hell. I don't even know if I wanna get into it. Because after we went to the Eiffel Tower, we went back home, watched Midnight in Paris again, then watched Passport to Paris. You heard that right, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, because we decided we have to just stay awake all night long because we have to leave at 4 in the morning. So watched passport to Paris, left at 4 in the morning, went to the airport, had 2 connecting flights, almost missed our connecting flight in Berlin. They held it for us. Then once we got back to Copenhagen for our next connecting flight, we were supposed to have 4 hours of downtime so that we could go to a lounge, have drinks, and a nice meal. But, no, our airline lost 3 of our bags. Each of us had a missing suitcase. And the suitcase that was missing for me, my shoes and handbags, but not my Chanel bag. Why? Because I carried that shopping bag as a carry on through every single f**king port airport for 24 hours. No joke. That is a Chanel hustle right there. I was in sweatpants. I looked like s**t. I hadn't showered, washed my face or nothing in days, but I carried that Chanel bag like a f**king queen. So lost luggage meant that we didn't have time to eat or drink, so I got another hot dog from the 711 in the airport. Side note, the hot dogs at the 711 in Copenhagen look like uncircumcised penises. And I mean that as a compliment. But it's kind of aggressive, just if you're wondering. So after that, I mean, got on our flight, took Xanax, and went home. So here I am waking up every day, depressed because I'm not in Paris anymore, waking up every day wanting carbs, wanting wine, wanting cheese. Every day I've woken up, I've watched Gossip Girl as much as possible, and it's made me feel like I'm back in Paris getting ready with my friends. I turned on the Simple Life for a bit. That made me feel like I was back in Europe. It's sad. It's, like, lonely now. I'm somebody that loves being alone, but now that I'm not in Europe with my friends, I feel like and I would I wanted to be alone so badly when I was on that trip. I'm like, oh, if I could just have some privacy. Now I don't want any privacy at all. So there you have it. I wish I could get every freaking detail about this trip, but I don't wanna bore you guys. I'm just so sad it's over. I mean, f**k my life. You know what I mean? The only thing that can make me feel better right now is telling you guys about my La La Land giveaway. Okay? So trip over. If you guys have any questions for me, email me. My email's on my Twitter and my Instagram, or tweet me or leave a comment in my Instagram photos, whatever you want, and I will answer as much as possible because I wanna talk about Europe even more. I would love to. But it's time to talk about my La La Land giveaway. Okay. Y'all know I'm obsessed with La La Land, and one of our close friends is actually the jewelry designer for La La Land. So you know that gorgeous green small pen necklace pendant that Emma Stone wears in the film? He made that, and he and I came up with this idea to do a giveaway for my Khaleesi's, my listeners. He gave me 10 necklaces. Now that's a lot. 10 is a lot, and I'm going to give away 10 to you guys. Let me explain how you can get them. Okay? Because we're gonna do this for 2 weeks, and this is the 1st week. 1st, you have to follow the jewelry designer, Kyle Chan. So it's at kyle chan designs, and that's kyle chandesigns. Follow him on Instagram or on Twitter or whatever. He's the absolute best. He's designed Katie's engagement ring. He designed a gorgeous ring for me recently. He's so f**king talented I can't even begin to explain. And it's an honor to be his friend. He's so generous with everything. And to give me 10 necklaces to give away to my listeners for nothing, that is incredibly gracious. So first, you have to follow Kyle Chan on Instagram. But this is where the fun comes in, well, at least for me. I the who this is how you're gonna do it. You have to post either an Instagram photo or a tweet or a Facebook post that's interesting, okay, that I will find interesting having to do with La La Land and my podcast, and you have to tag me and Kyle Chan in it, okay, so that I can see it. If you hashtag straight with Stasse or s u w s, that might help me. But, listen, I'm a little rough around the edges. I don't follow all the rules. All I know is that I'm gonna be paying attention over the next 2 weeks at my social media, and I'm gonna be looking at every single thing that I'm tagged in and the top 10 most interesting posts that I see, the ones that amuse me the most. Or if somebody does, like, a 1,000,000,000 posts and I'm, like, okay. This person, like, seriously wants this necklace, I will 100% take that into consideration, basically, whoever is the most thirsty for it. Doesn't that sound fun? Sounds fun for me. So I'll go over this again because we'll find out you guys will find out who wins not in next week next week's podcast, but the podcast following or maybe it's the one after that. Whatever is the amount of time of exactly 2 weeks. But you have to listen to my podcast in order to get updates. And whoever the winners are, I will DM you or someone from my team will DM you to get your address, and we will send you the green pendant necklace. So go follow kyle chan designs on Instagram. Post your most creative Instagram photo or tweet or or Facebook thing, and I'm gonna judge everything. I'm telling you, I'm seriously gonna pay attention. I'm gonna Snapchat this. I'm going to Instagram this the next couple of days so that you can see the rules again. But if you want it, I mean, I wanna hear the Khaleesi army. So let's get this La La Land theme going. Let me know if you guys have any questions. All you gotta do is tweet me. Okay. My throat's about to give out. I had so much fun actually doing this by myself because I just loved reliving Europe again. I love you guys. Love you, Khaleesi's. Till next time, till next week. With the $5 meal deal at McDonald's, you pick a McDouble or a McChicken, then get a small fry, a small drink, and a 4 piece McNuggets. That's a lot of McDonald's for not a lot of money. Price and participation may vary for a limited time only. You already have ambition for your business. It's time to transform it into your reality. 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Past Episodes

Stassi sits down with Sarah Hoover to discuss her memoir, The Motherload which is Stassi?s absolute favourite. Sarah opens up about her experiences with postpartum depression, childbirth  trauma, and those first few years of motherhood when she felt completely disconnected from her baby. It?s a raw, relatable conversation that will make every mom feel seen and less alone. They dive into the messy, beautiful truths of motherhood, the identity shifts, the boring baby classes, and  the magical moments that make it all worth it. Plus, they swap spooky ghost stories (because why not?) and how they?ve found their groove as mom?s. This episode is like a cozy chat  with your besties?honest, empowering, and a reminder that you?re not alone in the wild ride of motherhood.

This episode is sponsored by: OUAI - Go to and use code STASSI for 15% off any product. Caraway Home - Visit for an additional 10% off your next purchase or use code Stassi10 at checkout. Boll and Branch - Get 15% off, plus free shipping on your first set of sheets at Quince - Go to for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns.

01:21:38 2/12/2025

Stassi is spilling all the royal tea in this episode, and it?s all about the one and only Marie Antoinette! Joined by Even the Royals co-hosts Brooke Siffrin and Aricia Skidmore-Williams, they?re diving into the life of history?s most glamorous (and controversial) queen.

They?re breaking down the wildest rumors, the scandalous 18th-century tabloids (think TikTok drama channels), and the infamous Diamond Necklace Affair that helped topple the monarchy. Turns out, Marie was the original victim of cancel culture?hated for things she didn?t even do. Stassi opens up about her deep connection to Versailles, sharing why she?s so drawn to its opulence and drama. Together, they debate the highs and lows of royal life and tie it all together with a chat about Meghan Markle. 

This episode is sponsored by: OUAI - Go to and use code STASSI for 15% off any product. Nutrafol - Get $10 off and free shipping at with code STASSI. Our pLace - Go to and enter my code STASSI at checkout to receive 10% off sitewide. Lume -Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get 15% off with promo code Stassi at! #lumepod. RO - Go to RO.CO/STASSI to see if you qualify. Hiya - Receive 50% off your first order at

01:09:46 2/5/2025

Stassi is joined by her sister Georgi for a fun-filled catch-up packed with laughs and sisterly banter. They dive into the age-old debate: who?s got it worse?middle kids or firstborns? (Hint: Stassi?s the firstborn and has opinions.) They also dish on Hartford?s Wicked-meets-Frozen birthday bash and chat about how parents today are upping their playground game to avoid mom-shaming. Stassi fangirls over Outlander?s latest time-travel twists, reminisces about rocking the Castlecore vibe before it was trendy, and wraps up with dreamy Jonathan Bailey moments. This episode is pure sisterly fun!

This episode is sponsored by: OUAI - Go to and use code STASSI for 15% off any product. Thrive Causemetics - Get an exclusive 20% off your first order at Rocket Money - Reach your financial goals faster with Rocket Money. Go to . Cook Unity - Go to for 50% off your first week. SKIMS - The Fits Everybody collection shop now at and SKIMS stores. Liquid I.V. - Get 20% off your first order of Liquid I.V. when you go to and use code STASSI

01:11:54 1/29/2025

In the short but terrible time that we thought TikTok was gone, Stassi had some big realizations?like maybe high-stress situations aren?t her thing. Thankfully, TikTok survived, and now she?s joined by hysterical TikTok star Max Balegde! They spill royal tea, laugh about Max?s sweaty hands debacle, and swap stories about Disney conspiracy theories. From Samuel L. Jackson?s unrecorded interview to Max?s rise from viral videos to international TV, this episode is packed with hilarious moments and UK vibes. All thanks to the app that almost wasn?t!

This episode is sponsored by: OUAI - Go to and use code STASSI for 15% off any product. Thrive Causemetics - Get an exclusive 20% off your first order at Progressive - Find insurance options within your budget at . Chime - Learn more at . Hiya - Receive 50% off your first order at 

01:22:54 1/22/2025

Stassi and Beau share their deeply personal story of navigating the Los Angeles wildfires, where everything changed in an instant. As they struggled to manage their fear and panic?Stassi showing hers outwardly, Beau trying to stay calm?they worked together to prepare their kids and make the emotional decision to evacuate their beloved home before winds kicked back up this week.

They reflect on how losing a home, whether you?re a celebrity or not, is about so much more than walls?it?s about memories, safety, and love. They are both consumed with thoughts of those who have lost absolutely everything they have worked hard to build. It's unimaginable. If you feel inclined to donate, at the end of the episode, they share some organizations supporting wildfire victims that are making a big difference.

This episode is sponsored by: OUAI - Go to and use code STASSI for 15% off any product. Thrive Causemetics - Get an exclusive 20% off your first order at Progressive - Find insurance options within your budget at . Thrive Market - Head to to get 30% off your first order, plus FREE $60 gift. Nutrafol - Get $10 off and free shipping at with code STASSI. Caraway - Visit for an additional 10% off your next purchase or use code Stassi10 at checkout.

01:22:38 1/17/2025

Stassi and C-O-Lo are kicking off 2025 with some major New Year's energy! After a long break with her kids, she?s feeling emotional about Hartford growing up?especially now that her daughter lives in her Elphaba outfit and has her contemplating a Frozen-meets-Wicked birthday party mashup. Stassi is on a mission to find her word of the year, taking inspo from Meghan Markle?s resilience, and spilling on how she?s tackling social anxiety as part of her New Year's goals.  Plus, she?s narrowing down her signature scent and embracing her forever love for Castlecore (she was into it before it was trendy). New year, new magic, and all the energy focused on manifesting positivity!

This episode is sponsored by: Lume -Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get 15% off with promo code Stassi at ! #lumepod. OUAI - Go to and use code STASSI for 15% off any product. RO - Go to RO.CO/STASSI to see if your insurance covers GLP-1s?for free. Hiya - Receive 50% off your first order at Our Place - Go to and enter my code STASSI at checkout to receive 10% off sitewide. Progressive - Visit to see if you could save on car insurance.

01:14:18 1/8/2025

Stassi and her bestie Taylor Strecker are diving into holiday laughs and festive fun in this special Christmas Day episode. They kick things off dreaming up Jesus? signature cocktail (espresso martini or Prosecco?) and laughing about Stassi?s idea for a gallery-worthy painting of Jesus with his drink of choice?sorry, Beau! TikTok panic is real as Stassi preps for its possible farewell, and Taylor spills the tea on hosting Anna Delvey at her holiday party. From cheetah-print ornaments to Santa Barbara Christmas plans and toddler-level Santa logistics, it?s holiday magic, laughs, and plenty of inappropriate gifts. Cheers!

This episode is sponsored by: Nutrafol - Receive $10 off your first month?s subscription and free shipping. Go to use promo code STASSI. Lightbox Jewelry - Shop lab-grown diamonds at and get 10% off your first order with code STASSI10.

01:06:50 12/25/2024

Stassi and C-O-Lo are bringing the holiday cheer and a side of awkwardness in this festive episode! Stassi dives into her deep discomfort with opening gifts in front of people (can we normalize private gift-opening, please?) and shares her hilarious white elephant story, complete with sneaky gift-hiding. They chat about the lost art of thank-you cards, go-to holiday gift ideas, and the magic of Elf on the Shelf. Plus, Stassi vents about Beau hijacking her perfectly curated wrapping aesthetic, and they swap stories about revealing the big secret about Santa. It?s all things holiday, with laughs, relatable rants, and plenty of sparkle!

This episode is sponsored by:Quince - Go to for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns. Hiya- Receive 50% off your first order at Ro - Go to RO.CO/STASSI to find out if you?re covered for free. OUAI - Go to for 15% off sitewide and enter promo code STASSI.

01:09:41 12/18/2024

Stassi?s back, and this time, Beau joins her for what?s basically a podcast date night. They kick things off with Stassi?s mysterious chin pain and dreams of a Mommy Makeover before diving into a hilarious game of questions. From social media icks like caption cringe and overused filters to conspiracies about secret celebrity tunnels with elite Starbucks, nothing?s off-limits. Stassi debates how she?d prove she?s from the future (witch or leader vibes?), and Beau dreams of a 1960s sports car while Stassi plans to splurge on Versailles antiques. It?s all fun, laughs, and a lot to talk about with these two!

This episode is sponsored by: Lume - Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get 15% off with promo code Stassi at! #lumepod. Better Help - This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. Chime - Open your account in 2 minutes at . Thrive Causemetics - Get an exclusive 20% off your first order at Our Place - Go to and enter my code STASSI at checkout to receive 10% off sitewide.

01:12:47 12/11/2024

Stassi kicks off December with her BFF Taylor Strecker for a hilarious chat that covers everything from Christmas chaos to internet trolls. Stassi shares her dream of escaping LA?s holiday monotony, and the duo swaps parenting stories, like Messer?s energy overload to Hartford tattling on bounce house kids, and Stassi hilariously ?tells on herself? as a self-proclaimed narc They dive into celebrity gossip, including Taylor?s viral Page Six moments, and dish on beauty trends like preventative facelifts. Add yin-yang twin dynamics, Stassi's awkward Moana premiere moment, and a little Lindsey Lohan glow-up admiration?it?s holiday overload!

This episode is sponsored by: Lightbox Jewelry - New customers get 10% off their first order on using the code STASSI10. Hiya- Receive 50% off your first order at Nutrafol - Recieve $10 off any order! Enjoy free shipping when you subscribe. Go to and enter the promo code STRAIGHTUPGIFT. Dreamland Baby - Go to and use my code STASSI for the BUY ONE GET ONE FREE. Caraway - Visit to take advantage of this limited-time offer for up to 20% off your next purchase. Thrive Market - Go to for 30% off your first order, plus a FREE $60 gift!

01:11:15 12/4/2024

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