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On Display with Melissa Gorga

It's a fun, couple-filled podcast this week as Melissa and Joe are joined by Rachel and John Fuda.  

Whether it's shady castmates starting their own rumors about RHONJ's future, the struggles of being in the passenger seat with your crazy driving partner, or the recently re-ignited fascination with the Menendez brothers case, these four have a lot to talk about.  

We also get an update on Baby #4 from the Fudas, and John very honestly answers if he truly knew what he was getting into when Rachel joined the franchise. 

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On Display with Melissa Gorga
01:01:43 2/15/2024


We are driving the Citroen C4 ex on Dublin's most speedbump road, as voted by an online poll to test Citroen's progressive hydraulic cushion suspension. The music is coming from a vinyl record, playing on a record player set up in the backseat. There comes a speed bump. Let's see if this record skips. Aid went off without a scratch. Buka testified in a citron today. Visit Citra, Dorothy, Hello, cla*s. Welcome to Burglar Bootcamp, where we teach you how to get into houses and keep you out of jail. Now does one house you should never even attempt. It's the phone watch house. They respond in just 15 seconds to break ins and smoke 50. I got one for my own place for a great price. Purely for research, of course. Get the alarm ! Burglars fear the most for just 49 euro. Don't be alarmed. Be phone watched friends. February 29th Monitoring fees apply. And I'm sorry that this is the s**t that you have to deal with, but oh my God, it's so great for the rest of us. I. What's up, guys, welcome to another episode of On Display. Well, listen, it's binge watching season, so I figured these guys would be perfect to have on this show this week. They're the two ladies from the greatest podcast, causing a scene today I have with me, Sarah and Natalie. Hi, girls. Hi. How are you? Well, it's nice to meet you guys and talk to you guys. I know we're so excited. Thank you. This is going to be really fun. Is I heard you're excited. I'm I'm just hung over. I just I. I drank too much last night. You know what, Superboy? I'm curious, what were you drinking? This is disgusting because I started off with Sancerre, which is like my jam. I love songs there. Wow. Wow. Is right? No, I'm like, I'm very like, kind of picky about my OK, whatever. So I started off with answer and then I like. Drink said Cab, and then I went to a SAV blog, I mean, I everyone. You were all over the place. Yeah, it's not good and it's like, I'm so stupid. Like why I was sitting in my apartment. You're dehydrated. That's what's happening. You need water right now. I have water and a coffee. We are you girls on the East Coast or the West Coast, East Coast, your east coast. You know, we're getting a huge snowstorm in the morning. Are you like preparing for all this? We're supposed to get a lot of snow tomorrow. I'm like battening down the cape. Yeah, we're supposed to get like five to eight inches. OK, full disclosure, I'm Florida. So like technically East Coast, but like not getting snow this time of year. OK, so we have one New Yorker. OK, and all right. So, yeah, so Natalie, you're going to get a lot of snow tomorrow, right? That's happened in case you didn't know. So you could sleep in all day. And like I know, I wish it was today. Well, NOAA's today. I wish I could be on my car. It's but it's OK. It was a good game last night. It was first off. Tell all my listeners rather about the podcast that you guys have causing us here. Just give them a little synopsis on it all. I'll do my little spiel that we always do. So 2020 was a wacky time for everyone, and so like a lot of people, Natalie had been like, I want to start a podcast. I'm like, You know what? I'll do it with you. Why not? What do we have to lose? We're all sitting in our homes, were all borderline psychotic, were miserable. Let's do it. And so at that time, it was like all we were all doing was drinking every night or binge watching shows at a rapid pace. And so we were like, Let's just start a podcast where we talk about what we're watching and what everyone's talking. You know, it was the only conversations you have anyways. You go out, you're like, What are you guys watching? Like, Oh, have you seen the show? So we just took it and ran, and it's been a lot of fun, especially because we are not afraid to come on and say what we hate. And so often we disagree or we agree, or you never know what we're going to like, end up watching and liking or hating. It's always it's always a wild ride over over on our our side. Yes, exactly. I have nothing. I have nothing to add. I read that pretty much wraps it up. We're definitely going to get into like a little later in the podcast things that I'm watching, and I need all of your opinions on all of it. So we're going to get into that. But Sarah, now you guys are really no strangers right to sports. Sarah, your father in law is one of the greatest hockey players of all time. Wayne Gretzky, right? Yes, that is. That is true, which is pretty amazing. And Natalie, your dad is the famous sports commentator, Joe Buck. That's crazy. Yeah, I mean, that's insane. You guys both have pretty famous fam-. What? Like, give me your what is your Super Bowl? What did you feel about the Super Bowl? Tell me all your thoughts. I know you both watched with your five glasses of different wines and all that. I was not. I'm embarrassed to say I got two kids who were wild. I did not get to get drunk, so don't brag. I'm not hung over. There's nothing worse. I'm sorry than when I'm hung over and somebody like, Well, I'm not hung over. Like, I know I'm your class like shot. No, I wish I could. I just I mean, Melissa, you know, you go through the phases where I yeah, right. I got an eight month old, OK, so every day is a hangover for me. I couldn't add to it. So I was with two girlfriends yesterday that they both have younger kids than I do, and I was like pouring the wine. I'm going to have another glass and she's like, Oh, I gotta get up in the morning with this baby. And like, she was like, I have to put this one to bed later. I'm like, Oh, I know. Trust me, it's not great. You're different phases of life where you're just like, It's not worth it because I have to deal with this child and be hung over at the same time. Totally, totally. But I did watch the Super Bowl so I can talk. OK? OK, so let's talk about it a little bit. First of all, the game in itself, I thought, was great, right? We're going to just say that with the whole tie in the kick in I saw of it was it was good up until hour. It was good. I feel like in the third and fourth quarter, like the first half, I was like, This is the most boring thing I've ever seen. But also like Super Bowls, you're not. It's not really a high scoring game, so right? That's fine. So everyone that I was with was feeling the exact same way they were like, This is the most boring Super Bowl we've ever watch. Like, Where's Usher? Bring me Usher and. And like, we were bored and then we all say, Oh, so I think everyone is going to agree with it was boring in the beginning and got better right as it went on, which I'm sure they love. Like, I'm sure that's what the NFL like. It was like a movie like it built and then it just carried on. But I'm with you. I was there for Usher. I was patiently waiting. OK, so tell the truth. What did you think of Usher and the hope of? Orients, I absolutely loved it, like it was so in awe, like he was dancing on the turf and then he was rollerblading like, I didn't know what to expect. I was so happy. I think just like the Oh my god, the music, I just I was in heaven. I liked it. I know I loved it. I'm giving it a 10 out of 10. However, did not enjoy him on the grass in the first half. I don't think you get on a stage. Yeah, this is your halftime Super Bowl. I want to see you from every angle imaginable. I also I don't hate an overhead shot of like the stadium. What's going on around you? I don't need to see you like on the gra*s. Yeah, that everybody had been slipping on like exactly what I thought in the beginning. I was like, Oh, this is going to suck like this. Not now. This is not going to be enough for me because he's ushered to me. He's like every song I grew up with my whole life. I can sing every word to every lyric, to every song I'm like. Here we go. And he starts off on the grass and I'm like, Oh my God, he's chipping out. What's happening? Why? I don't pay him, but get in this guy like Rihanna pregnant and fly across us. Hang on a pole like J.Lo. Like, do something. I was like, very stressed out when it first started. The my best part was definitely the roller skates are the roller blade. I was like, All right, this is good. He almost fell. I almost wish she did because they would have made it so exciting. I saw that I was like, Oh my god, oh my God. I didn't know that I needed to see him on roller blades, but like I did like it made like the roller skating in the spinning, and he was so agile it almost made up for the turf dancing. For sure, it got better as it went on. The best part for me, just because we want to see him in true usher form was when you took his shirt off, obviously. I'm like, When you did that, now you got. Now we're paying attention to you. Go, baby. Like now do it because I wasn't paying attention before. I thought he was going to start. To be honest, like, and I am not like a stage manager. I don't know what I'm talking about, but I would have loved him to start alone, like under a spotlight like Michael Jackson vibe with his shirt off and my god hat and his abs, and he's like doing a dance. But he didn't sing some of the songs that I wanted him to sing, like, did he sing, Grab somebody sexy? Tell them, Hey, no, oh, I what I feel like maybe for a second or two that I know it's hard because they, like, sometimes turn him into Medley's. And then like, if you look away for one second, you missed. You missed it. You miss a moment. And I was wildly blown away that Alicia was there with her own song. When she started doing her thing, kept telling myself, Were they on that song together? I couldn't. I was, I don't know, they were on my boo together, but she started off singing, right? Didn't she start off by singing? She's her? Yeah, your own song. So yeah, that's cool. And voice cracks. I don't first like on the first note, and I was nervous. We'll give her that. Oh yeah, if I didn't, I didn't hear that. Well, did you also notice that his voice was really low the whole time, like I didn't get enough phone calls? You couldn't hear. So someone, I was watching it with Sadat and then one of the other guys was like, It's because he's singing live like in, I don't know, maybe we're used to them not singing, you know, like at the Super Bowl. Maybe it always is a track, but someone I was with pointed that out there. Like, he sounds really low, and so I don't know. What do I know? I think the majority of good people sing actually sing, but maybe it was his mike or something. It was like muffled or, yeah, know it wasn't clear. Like, I wanted a sound check. I'm like, What happened at the sound check? It's I don't hear him loud and clear. He didn't do a lot of singing, which I'm not mad at because he's a dancer also. So like, I do want to see if I had to pick. I'd rather see him move and dance because he's one of the great, amazing. Like, you know, there's only a few that can dance like that. Who's the other one? Chris Brown, right? There's like a yeah, yeah, people who can like, move their body. So it's like, I don't mind if you're not singing, but then I need you to like full on choreography, like, I need all of that with your a*s. We were laughing because I was watching it with a bunch of other moms who have little kids and after, like halfway through when he really started turning it up, all of us were like, Do we drive to Miami? Like, We need to be in the club like this? Got us excited. Like, I feel like when he ended, everybody wanted more. Yeah, everyone's talking about going to Vegas. Towards the end, which I was like, We should have had this in the beginning. I have not had my bachelorette yet. Sarah and I were texting, I'm like, do we just go to usher? I got to go and I got a girl that he comes up to and like dances on, like, I'm sure, like a stripper. Did you have a male stripper at your Bachelor or Bachelorette party now? I had Usher. I had an actor and I touched his abs and it was like, You know, that's how I roll. That's that's definitely what you should do. It's not the worst idea. I saw one of my fellow Housewives, Kenya got all you know, he like, schmoozed her, was dancing with her in the stands. I was like, What is happening here? I was jealous. I was like, Jesus, I should have went with you to that. She, like, left BravoCon and went to the concert and I was like, Hello, like, I would have taken a ride with you there. I love that. She's like my guest. She pieced out, went to his concert and then came back like, that was great. Wait, so let me tell you about this. Me and my friends have like this conspiracy theory. OK, that like we were sitting there probably a little too buzzed, right? I definitely was. They were taking it easy. I was like pouring my wine. Do you ever think, Ah, is this totally crazy? And you guys might be like, You're nuts? But like, I feel like there's like the Illuminati of sports. Like, it's very like, OK, they're going to pick who's going to win? They're going to pick, who's going to go to the Super Bowl. They're like, Taylor needs to be there. This is not about winning or losing. This is a money thing. This is all about entertainment. We are entertaining people. And like, you're going and like, there's a main guy at the NFL, and he talks to all the main head coaches and says, You're losing today, you're winning today. Make it happen. Like, Are we crazy? Or Could this be a fake? You sound like my husband. No, I don't. I don't think you're crazy because I'm also on the side of like TikTok, where it's like this and this like these conspiracy theories, but I don't think. What everybody was saying, Oh my God, this is so rigged because somebody had predicted it was going to be the Niners and the Ravens, and it almost was or something. I don't think that's rigged. I think whoever's in the Super Bowl is in the Super Bowl, but I feel like, yeah, there's I'm sure stuff around it that's like the calls. Like a couple Super Bowls ago, the Chiefs had a call go their way, and that's how they won the Super Bowl. And it's like, who's telling the refs? Like, it's just the the rules and the refs. All that stuff gets dicey for me. I think because it's just by the end of the day, it's a business, right? You're right, it's a hundred percent. I mean, and I think the Taylor thing blew everything we knew and everything we thought we knew out of the football water. I mean that. Yeah, I think you're I could go on for days, but it's a little much. Did you notice? And obviously, this is like the biggest game. It's not like it's a Chiefs, just a solo Chiefs game, and we're just there to see Taylor. Did you notice that they, like, barely showed her? They showed her feel that way, three or four compared to the other? I guess I don't. I don't know what tomorrow. I'm wondering if she's like, if her people went up to Goodell or somebody and was like, Hey, I'm going to be here, but please do not show me as much like this is actually his night, and then I notice it. Thank God she did not get up on that podium with Britney Mahomes and like, stand up there with Travis. I would have lost my mind. I really felt like it was a good amount of Taylor and I were Swifties. But Sarah and I have the ship is kind of sailing with them. Need a break. It's we need a break. But I felt like last night it was a nice bow. And we're done. A new year brings new goals, right, but what about your skin and care goals? It's not too late to start. 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It's like, OK, they didn't show Taylor quote unquote that much, but I didn't watch the whole game, and I felt like every time I watch, I saw her. I did not see any other. And I don't mean like, of course, they're not going to show, you know, I don't know. I just was where the Libya, they showed Bradley Mahomes once, but it's like, we're good on that. You know, why are you guys like? Same exact thing. I was like, and I, you know, I love to look at Olivia. I just think she's gorgeous, by the way, and she's just like a nice like girl and her family and all these things. But I'm like, Is it crazy? I don't think they showed her one time. No, I think not one. I think that's crazy. Was she anybody? She was not. So she that might be a reason why it probably as she did come out and say like she was not going to be in a box because it was like $2 million or like going to the box. It was insane. So see, like we love a relatable like, thanks for giving us a little insight. You know what I mean? Because people probably figure like, Oh, they're all in boxes, but why are you saying, why are you saying that? Because she wasn't in a box they wouldn't show her? I feel like they show people who aren't in boxes. Yeah, but you could find her out there on those streets. Oh yeah, you're going to have to like carve a second during the Super Bowl. Hey, tell Al on Camera B to go to Section 437 row 14 seats six seven eight Zuma. They're just probably wasn't time to show. You know, I show. I know, but maybe that's maybe I don't know. I would say that would be the only reason as well if there was a reason why other otherwise I was like God show or one time. Her man is also a stud on that team. You know, it's like a stud stud. Right? And then I think to myself, like our do, we only bow down to like two. You have to be a musician to really be a mega mega mega. Like I saw Beyonce say all night, we saw Jay-Z. We saw Taylor. They did show Leonardo DiCaprio correct like. And people are saying that he was like doing coke or something on camera watching this, that they would look like he was doing like his head was down. Yes, I knew he was saying, I feel good on him. I don't. I like, I don't know. I'm like, What? Please, you know what? Please show me Beyonce. Hey, over Leonardo DiCaprio. Like, what are you doing, Marilyn? They're doing. I know. I agree. Oh, you're a Chiefs fan? OK? You're a Niners fan. No way. No, I feel like it because it was Vegas. All the celebrities just went like, I feel like it was a act. I mean, yeah, who did they show? Lady Gaga? Yeah, I can't remember. I just remember seeing everybody they did. You know, there was a lot of people there, I would say more than average, definitely. Because it's Vegas, right? All right. Well, let's like, you know, I just I'm so happy you guys agreed with that with Olivia, because that was something everything I wanted to say. By the way, you guys have beat me to it and set it. So I'm glad we think alike because what you said with Usher, what you said about Olivia like these were all things that have been on my mind and that I've been thinking about. And so I know I'm not crazy now, and I'm not like the only one. Think of these things. So that's good. Just the other girlfriends and wives, you know? For sure for sure. They're their men are on the field all the time. It's really, I know it's crazy. Well, did you hear about how Britney was like? Did you see the brother trying to get into love? Did you guys see that? And like, I felt bad for him. He was literally saying, like, I'm his brother and she's like, whatever she just goes and does her little dance, and you're all like, like, what are you doing? You're still feeding into the frenzy of everybody not liking it. Like, why just he's your brother? Bring him in. I'd be like, There's like, I have my way. So and I would run and be like, Guys, hello, let him in like I just could. I'm like, Where is the mother in law? Like, is everyone not like, but like, maybe that created for life? No, that's it. If I did that to my brother in law, I would definitely hear about it from my husband. And like, it's not what I want to hear. So I feel like maybe she knew like, this is nothing like maybe she runs the show. I, it seems like she doesn't give a flying f**k who was going to get upset with her, who was going to get mad with her. She danced like, look stressed out. She just started to dance. Yeah, I was like, Wow, wow, whatever. I thought it was. I thought, honestly, when I think Natalie sent it to me or someone posted it when I saw it, I thought it was going to be like, You know, you watch a clip and it's like, OK, they clickbait. I'm like, Oh, no, she really? She did OK, we're not letting him in. OK, God, we're on the same page. My first thought was that maybe she wasn't looking and doing that little dance at that time, and they, like, just stick together. There was one part of me that was like, Maybe this is all like for our eyes to see, but didn't really happen. You know, I thought that and then I watched it 100 times, and I think that that's exactly how it happened. But that was continuous. I was like a Pam. Yeah, you could. Well, whatever I would get you made that are behaving that way, I'm just saying, Yeah. Anyway, I want to get back to your podcast. You guys just had Jamie Lynn Sigler on who I love The Sopranos. I am like a huge obviously, I'm over here, out here in Jersey. How is she and was like, where you are, you guys Sopranos fans? So we had her on. We had her on a couple of years ago, but I just started sopranos for the first time with my husband. We've been wanting to start it for a couple of years and finally we committed and so we're almost done with season one. But I was like, We have to have her back because now that I watch it and I get it, this is totally different. And she's just the best. She's so cool. She's so like her energy is just like, don't give a f**k. Like she's honestly one of the coolest people ever. Like, she really is. And she's so knowledgeable, like hearing her stories. Natalie and I are both like, our mouths are on the floor. Wow, she does such a good job of I feel like it's always dicey. It's like when you're talking to somebody that's been on a TV show and like, that's what they're known for, like because she really is known for that for Meadow and sometimes I. You like it? People are like, OK, let's move past The Sopranos, let's talk about other projects that I'm on. She's just always like, slow down and grateful to talk about her start. And that was The Sopranos, like she's where she is today because of The Sopranos, and she's so. Like lovely, and she loves Bravo. She loves Bravo, does she? I love to hear that. I'm sure she watches Jersey. I'm going. I need to find her. She watches them all, and that's why it's so fun. So our husbands, our friends. So that's how I met her. Our husbands grew up together, and it's so funny because for so long she was just like, you know, Cutter's wife, Jamie, who I knew, but like we would text about Bravo and like, we were texting all scandal. Like, we're always just texting about Bravo. And then once I started Sopranos, I was like, Jamie, holy s**t. Like, you know, are like, You're a big deal. I was a friggin superstar as a child. No, it's crazy. But I mean, when she was on with Natalie, and I think that's why it's so refreshing and you probably get this like, it's so cool when you see people like so famous who just love Bravo, right? And are not afraid to give you their two cents. I mean, she'll go in and she cares. And I love that from like she. She's like, Oh yeah, I'm all in, and I love seeing that side of like non Bravolebrity. You know what I mean? Oh, you guys. Jennifer Lawrence sat in front of Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live, and she said to Melissa, and I fell off my couch. I literally I was like, Yeah, rewind, rewind. You, you need. You need to like, print that out in like a frame with like, Oh, I don't know why I didn't do that. Yeah, you're right. And like, put that next to your mirror so that you see that you're dead. I need to look like a meme of it. You know, when you like, just text your friends these days, I just want her to be like, Melissa. Yeah, like, every time someone speaks to me, I'm just going to shoot, you know, TV love that. That's got to feel so good to wow. Oh, well, she's like, you know, love her. We've I mean, we've had so many people comment on our show is like, I'll never forget when I was first on this show, I had P. Diddy walk right up to me. It was like my first event that I was invited to as like a celebrity. Meanwhile, I had just gotten on to this like reality show, and I was just there, like not knowing how I was even in the room. And I'm like sitting there at the table. Joe is with me. I had like, I think, you know, a publicist with me or whatever, and he just comes and walks right up to me and he goes, I'm watching you. I love what you're doing. Oh my God. And then he goes, Thank you, Jesus. I was like, I'm dead you. I've just I've just died and went to heaven. I just I was, so I just looked at him. I was like, You're like, Joe, did you see that? You seemed like he just said, Thank you, Jesus to me. Did you hear that? And like he did? Like who would have thought? No. But when that happened, it's like, if it happened now, maybe I'd be a little bit. I've been on TV for 14 years, but like year one, season one, I was like, Why do you know who I am? You know, like it was, it was crazy. It really was. That's why you're like, Oh, I've I've made it moment like right in the beginning or for sure. Did he just come in and hot? Thank you, Jesus. Yep, I went home and I was like, Wow, like people. Watch this show, Joe. Like, this is no joke. Like, everybody watches this show. You know, the best thing about Jamie, too, is that Sarah, like, just started this show. So when I first, when we interviewed her, I'm like, Sarah, this is like a very. This is like. You ask people, what's the greatest of all time, it's like Sopranos is always in the mix. Maybe no one. And friends, sopranos or like the two that pop up the most, I would say, like all of the classic shows that HBO Sunday night, it was Sopranos Night, but about Big Love. Do you guys remember Big Love when the The Multiple Wives? Oh, I do remember that. I was. What was that like watching? Oh my god. They fight over this. Over the man. What was that blondes SIG sit with with an a*s? Her last name ghost. I don't even know if she was good. There was a blonde in it. Had we been talking about. I know exactly who this. Yeah, I hate that. I can't like her name. I know the tip of my tongue. Yes. Yes, yes. Just say it. Yeah. Well, we we surveyed 70 Savage her. Chloe Sevigny. Yeah, yes. Yes. But that was good. Yeah, that was really good. That was like the show. Do you watch? Obviously. No, no. Oh, she was in it, too. But Chloe, I think it was. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I'm just looking at the right to go good. HBO like that was some good HBO TV, Aaron. All Breaking Bad. Bella Thorne. How? Bella Thorne five. Very young. It was odd, but I also loved watching them like fight for their husbands attention. Like? Yeah. Apartments that calm has helped millions of renters find their perfect places, and the beauty is they're all different. None of us are the same, right? So why should our homes be? Someone may want hardwood floors, someone else may want carpet all the way. Questionable call, but hey to each their own. Some may want a doorman. Others may say, I want to open the door myself. But apartment scam has all the right tools to help you find the place that's uniquely perfect just for you. 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Because watching Bravo, I love Jersey. My sister in law and I are very close. Like, Well, we're very good. I know. So it's it's her and I talk about it a lot because because, you know, we can't imagine being on TV, right? And like, I'm married to her brother. So like, I'm you. And so we love we love Jersey. We we love Jersey. Very, my god. Well, I love that you guys gossip about it and watch it together. I think that's probably the best part. Are you guys? Did you like the new additions that we brought in? Danielle, Rachel, Jen, Fessler? I can never get a like I sometimes say when I would be honest, like, no, I just want to know, like is, do you like them? I mean, yes, they're my cast mates, right? So, yes, like I feel like they everyone makes a good addition because I've watched Housewives for so long. Usually I come in and I hate all the new people because I'm just like first seasons hard, right? They're getting used to the cameras. They don't really know what they're doing. Sometimes they try a little too hard because they want to secure their spot. And so season one is not season one. New cast members first season is always kind of a wash for me because I just kind of ride with them. I thought Jen Hustler was like, really funny, though I really did like her and I actually did like all the additions. I thought I thought your reunion was insane. I had just given. So I'm at home watching your reunions and Vanderpump's reunions like back to back. It was a wild time. But your reunions, I don't know if they've like, spoken on it, and I don't know if you can, but I feel like it's secured everyone a second season or a second second time around. Yeah. Typekit come again. Yeah, we actually we're going to air. Not in like a month or two. I can't say exactly when, but this spring we're going to be airing again. So we filmed a whole nother like season after that reunion. That's about to air. And I think this season is so crazy off. It's just like for you or me, but it's really it's just a lot like, I don't even know. Sometimes when I sit down and I watch back that reunion that you're talking about, I'm like, What was I thinking in that? Like how my reactions, which I'm actually I loved, I actually liked a lot. Yeah, no reactions from Bachelor Union, but wow, I feel like you're also always like the best dressed, but like most, you either like you're you're a beautiful woman, too. So it's like, I'm just always like, drawn to you. You know what I mean? Yeah. Well, and it's so hard. I can't imagine, like with your kit, like I know, I know that's like the Housewives thing, like, don't go for the kids. But like, I mean, I'm specifically going back to like being on the bus and all this, you know, like, I'm a mom now and I have two little girls and like, I would actually burned the, you know, I don't know how you do it or any housewife, for that matter. I don't know how you you don't go to 100 when your kids are brought into it. It is now like so difficult, especially when it's coming from one of their blood lines. Yeah, it's actually to the point where you start to feel like you're insane. Like, I'm like, Is this is this really happening? And I'm just like, How low do you go? Like, Oh yeah, I am. So yes, it's definitely. I think that's why Jersey's so compelling because we are like a family show, and it's just it is what it is, and it's just it's just the gift that keeps on giving. So like and I'm sorry that this is the s**t that you have to deal with, but oh my god, it's so great for the rest of us. Like, I'm so happy on the. Well, and I think something this would suck like, Oh, lose my mind. And I know I'm just sitting on the couch and I got these women like, if I like, like, I can still watch it and be like, Oh, well, can I tell you how I can now understand what you're saying? Because people say that about our show, the jersey girls all the time to the point that it gives them like, holy s**t anxiety like they would lose their brains over. Our fans on Instagram are crazy, crazy. Now I just watched the finale of the Salt Lake City, and I felt the same way. Finally, I was like, Wow, now this is what people mean when they say they can barely look. My eyes were closed. I was having anxiety through my body. I looked at Joe and I was like, This is what they mean when they watch our show because like, I cannot handle this woman right now, it's giving me full blown anxiety. You know, was happy they fired her. Do you think that was the right man? Sarah, I'm not happy. I'm happy. Get off my screen. I don't like the energy you give out your slimy and it's not for me like, I don't want this girl like. And the second she came on, I loved her and I I said stuff that did not age well. I'm like, Monica is the reason for the season. So did I. I was like, I was certain that Bravo was going to kind of move forward and build the cast around her because she was I loved watching her. I think what we saw was scary, but like we got slimy people on every season, like, she's not the first, but whatever you want to say, the only reason I just didn't want them to fire her is because and you can probably understand this. I don't need a whole next season of us talking about someone who's not on the show, right? So like, how were they going to have a whole season when they either can't talk about her or they're like, I don't know, why do I never? I'm not. I don't think she needed to be a housewife forever. But I was like, You got to just bring her back for next season so we can put a bow on it and be done. Because what's going to happen is, you know, the. Coming off the reunion, it's going to be fresh, and now we're going to film the whole season. We're there. How do you not talk about it? It was a huge deal. So that's the only reason why and I didn't think of that. You are correct. I'm telling you, I watch like way too much of this. I put way too much time like that. I don't know why Tom and I love like a cast member. I can tell you when you kind of hire a fan, so to speak, that has made fan accounts and has bullied multiple cast members. It's scary for like, no, I can't imagine. Like, you start to get worried and you're like, Wait a second. Like, so anyone from anywhere is going to feel like, let's hammer them, make fake accounts. Let's go totally crazy and do all of these. Not like terrible things. And then we'll get Hassid on The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Like, No, you don't want people to think like, that's the way it, you know? Yes, I can't imagine what they felt in that moment and how scary it is. Think of all the stuff that they've probably texted Monica about, like talking s**t on people talking about. I don't know if they were talking about positive or whatever. Like right now, that's like I would be freaking out if I were one of those women that she's going to screenshot our attacks and like, blast them everywhere because like that type of person, that is but the stuff with the mom, her mom not made me sad. It's like I almost want to finish watching that story. I did find that like Palin, no, and everyone did. Everyone did so that she would have really had a lot on her side, I think if this didn't happen. She fired up with like doing the fake accounts and then not taking accountability, knocking down like crying over it. The reunion is like, kind of messed with her. But I also think and like to go back to your show, and I say this a lot about like Housewives I your show is very clear. You guys are friends, your family. But like you guys are, you guys are friends, like, you're your real friends. I just don't know if like what we're seeing. It's like, maybe this needed to happen because maybe this bonded them. Like, I've just I don't get the energy that they're like real friends over there, and I haven't for a while. And so my hope is that maybe this bond with them and now they're going to be referenced, they're definitely going to need to bring in like another little Spitfire, though, if worse, right? Like, they don't have Monica bring up someone else who wasn't bullying everybody. But yeah, sure. Make sure she argues with her mother to please. Yeah. Also, that was that was something I feel like as a viewer. Like we don't often. That was like, really sad to watch. No, it was sad, and then it was like also some other qualms I had was, listen, I liked I like Mary Cosby. I think she's entertaining, but it's like, What are you doing? Like, weird and like, Why are you on this show? And she won't do anything? No, but I'm like, Why? Or How are the producers like allowing this? Yeah, that's what I mean. It's like, you're you're you're working. This is your job. Like, OK, yeah, you don't like the girls. You don't want to do it. Suck it up. Do it like you're. Why would you do this? Sorry, but like, why would you sign up for a reality TV show if you're not going to do anything? It just got weird. Like, it is weird. It's definitely odd vibes for our housewife. That's why they just like drizzle her on top of like very slightly because they know it's like an odd situation and they give a little drizzle and then they pull back. You totally are like, Yeah, it's drizzle the right word. No, you're right. That is actually a great word. They're drizzling all this little salt on top, so they get it. And then it works. I read, Oh my God. All right. And with Vanderpump, hold on. I got to ask you this. Have you guys seen Tom like French kissing or something? The new girlfriend on Instagram now? Did you see this? Yeah, I have. OK. And now I'm not a Tom hater. I'm not, and I'm not like, I'm really not like, I'm just like, All right, he's a guy. He cheated. I'm not giving him a pass, either. I'm just not one of those like, I want to see him down. I'm not. I agree. Also like. Come on. And same with Rico. Like, yeah, what Raquel did was horrible, right? But like the bullying like, come on, it's scary that, Terry. That's really scary. Like, what if she? I don't know. Yeah, I'm almost rooting for him to, like, tell a little bit more of his story so that we can understand where the relationship was or whatever. Or just let it all go completely because I'm so over the whole set of all. But like then I saw this French kiss with this new girl and I was like, No, no, no, no, no, no. That's not the way you heal this, because now we're going to be grossed out like you show us this. I think he's just so I am not a like. I don't think any like Monica Sandoval, any whoever I don't think anyone needs it would be like burned. Like with reality TV. Everyone just relax. You know what I mean? Like, that's what makes a good show and a good a viewer is like, we got to move on like you. You just got to move on. Keep going. My issue with him started years ago because like to me, he just kind of gives me the EC. I don't know what it is. Maybe he's not my type. That's OK, but he's just like, he's just too much. He's just doing too much all the time and so like to go back on the French kiss. It's like, What can you just take a two sack? Like, we just need you to stop what you're doing for two seconds, you know, like, relax. He can't relax like he doesn't. He does. He does do a lot where I feel like if he would just show us more of his like, natural chill vibes where he's just like, Listen, this happened in my life, but I'm more, and I do agree that he would be more likable. Yeah, right now. No, you're you're right, but I don't think he can like I don't think he's capable of just pumping the brakes and relaxing. I agree. I also think that he needs to be this. He's just assumed this role since all of this has happened, and he's like, I'm just taking this to the finish line, like, I'm going to keep performing. I'm going to keep trying to be Harry Styles. I'm going to keep doing it. I'm going to keep doing it. People are going to come. They came the people went to see a show in the thick of all this like this in a way is kind of the best thing to happen to all of them. Now I was watching very loosely the new season like Ariana. Get out of the house. Yeah, get out of the house, please. And I just I need a break in the assistant that seemed so fake and weird. Like, No, I think that's like, really real. Yeah, I thought she was kind of cute and like, very uncomfortable on camera. Now she's so uncomfortable because they because they really are not speaking like they're living in the same house. So that's why I think it does come off because this girl is like, I'm just an assistant. And now I'm like the third cast member who's like dealing with these. Yeah, that would be. She was cute. Just the whole situation. She's like, Yeah, because they won't get out of the house. Neither of them. I why? Like, I don't. What is so complicated? I do think it's very odd that they're living together. That does that intrigues me. I will say that this that's intriguing to me because I'm like, when no one's around, you guys both stand in the kitchen and like, talk and we don't know what you guys are saying. You're like Khloe Kardashian, Tristan Thompson said. Very similar. Yes, where it's like, How is this functioning? I could never live with my ex, let alone like I could never. I don't even know how they even like, walk past each other in the morning, but I feel like, you know, Ariana has not. Been home a lot lately, she's been traveling, working like the girl is booked and booked. Yes. Yes. Yes. So it probably does work because he's probably had the house to himself for the last six months, you know, because she is just so busy. On display with Melissa Gorga is brought to you by progressive insurance. Hey, guys, whether you love true crime comedy, celebrity interviews, news or even motivational speakers, you call the shots on what's in your podcast queue, right? And guess what? Now you can call the shots on your auto insurance to enter the name your price tool from Progressive. The name your price tool puts you in charge of your auto insurance by working just the way it sounds. You tell Progressive how much you want to pay for car insurance, and they'll show you a variety of coverages that fit within your budget, giving you options. Now that's something you're going to want to press play on. It's easy to start a quote, and you'll be able to choose the best option for you fast. It's just one of the many ways you can save with progressive insurance. Quote today at to try the name your price tool for yourself and join the over 28 million drivers who trust progressive, progressive casualty insurance company and affiliates pricing coverage match eliminated by state law. All right. Well, anyway, want to wrap this up with you guys talking about Netflix? Give me a show. Tell my listeners because I love a good Netflix recommendation. What are you guys watching? What should my listeners watch? Give me both of your recommendations. Do you have one? Yeah, because Griselda. Just fine. OK. Love it. Love, love the same creators as Narcos, by the way. I mean, similar feel. A similar vibe really was very impressed with Sofia Vergara. Like, I really thought she was great love on the spectrum. So sweet. Season two season two's better than season one. I randomly have been seeing all these clips online. Put it on. It will put you in the best mood. It's so sweet and easy to watch that. Yeah, easy to binge. And also, this isn't Netflix. This is what HBO True Detective Season four with Jodie Foster. Like, I love all the true detectives. I have no idea where I stand with this show, and I feel like that's the general consensus. It's like, I either really love it or I really hate it, but it's very like supernatural. Like, there's some weird s**t going down in Alaska. Alaska's a weird place. Like just these little towns. I'm like, What the hell happens in Alaska after dark? Oh, it's not Alaska. It's just like in storybooks only. There's no real Alaska. No, like, it's not real. Like, I don't. This isn't a real place. Sarah, Natalie and I are very different when it comes to TV, which is why I feel like we have a space for everyone because I did not watch any of those shows. But for me, I love a documentary, so I just had to look it up because I didn't want to mess it up. This is pop. I think the nine greatest night in pop, the greatest night in pop, OK. Don't watch this is pop. I don't know what I just said the greatest night in pop it. I just watched it with Joe and I was obsessed. I was obsessed. I watch it on a plane. I love anything that's just kind of like a rant. I'll watch any documentary. I loved that. It made me emotional. It made me laugh. It made me excited. I thought it was really, really good. And I genuinely think it's for anyone like anyone could watch it and like it. I also love the Crown. I'm a Big Crown Royal Lover that's on Netflix. I highly recommend if you're into it. I know people pop in for the Diana, the Princess Diana, but if you care, start from season one and then a random show that my husband and I got super into. It was called super pumped. I. Look at me like I don't even know the name of anything. Sorry, guys, I have a eight month old. I don't sleep well. You just got to Google it. That's all I'm like. I'm googling it because knowing me while while Sarah is googling that if this is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. But if you like a true crime documentary, American Nightmare, yes, I just saw that to all my watch. I'm way too scared was that I wanted to believe I was so upset. We don't want to create any spoilers, but like, yeah, American Nightmare guys are so frickin good, but so confusing and like, frustrating to watch, right? Because like, you want to blame every single person you see except for what really happened because I was texting me, it's the whole time because she knows I'm not going to watch it, never going to watch that. And like the sequence in which her texts start to change and I'm like, What a wild ride you're on right now. It's 11:00 pm at night. I'm tired. I woke up to another like spoiler and then she tells, I'm like, Oh my god, how do people watch this? And like, not have a heart attack? I don't. I don't want to give it away, but like, you're not going to be disappointed in the end. OK, that's fair, because in the very beginning, you know, you'll be disappointed as the story unfolds, but it's not like it's this. You know what I'm saying, like, I don't want to say what I actually stress for that I know anything I'm going to say is going to give everything away. But like I hated when they were accusing and like when that first happened and then they kept him with the questioning. The boyfriend for I was like, Oh my God, what? This person has just been through for the last 48 hours. Detective mustard, that should be illegal. His name is detective mustard. Exit stage, right? And don't be in this job. Yes. Yes they do. Detective needs to take a walk. It was a random men and women. Thank God for thank God for women. OK, that's all that woman at the end. You know, I wanted to like, write a letter. So there's going to be someone at the end of this that you literally just want to say like, thank god for people like you. So you'll you'll see you'll see Sarah. You might actually want to watch this one. No, I know she has told me 100 times to watch it. I just like, I don't know, somewhere a lot around like pregnancy. Having kids, I can't be scared before bed. I think like my anxiety and paranoia is just piqued. And so I'm like, I can't do it. I try. I can't get away with watching something during the day. But like, especially if it's like about a girl or like kids or I just I can't do it. It'll give you anxiety. Well, I know, and I'm like, the greatest night in pop guys. If you didn't see the greatest night in pop, I just want to say, Oh my God, they bring all the greats together. And and when I mean greats, I'm talking like the greats Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Prince Bruce Springsteen, Kenny Rodger. I mean, you name them and they're they're pretty lapper like law. They're so uncomfortable in this situation. It's amazing. It's so amazing. Like, you know, insecurity, mega mega superstars put them all in a room and have them sing and from each other in front of each other. I was in shock and the only person that I got. Do you agree with this? That was so cool and so chill. And like the nicest comics was Michael Jackson. Like he was the chilliest one in the room, and I didn't know how badly I needed Lionel Richie. Like, he's so great watch. She's like King. No, I had no Lionel. He's a king. But like he was, so he did so well in those interviews for the for the documentary, I'm like, You are like, you got them. I handled that and like, he was the boss of that. He felt like it was like his project, pretty much like it felt like he was putting this together. He was going to narrate it. He just made me think and I think that's why I appreciate it. Like, if you love music, watch it. But it made me like, appreciate. They could never do that today, ever after an award show. Are you crazy till six in the morning when I saw that with him, that was stressing me out every time they showed the clock. I know, I know stuff show this is mean. Like, why did they decide to do this night? Who leaves the American Music Awards and then goes and gets in a room and does this till six a.m.? I'm like, This would never happen now. It could never. I wish it would. I almost wish that like somebody watching was like, You know what? Let's recreate. Yeah, because I would love. Are you kidding? Let's put Miley Cyrus in the same room as Taylor Swift and Kendrick Lamar. And like, literally, this would be insane. What a lazy drop in Beyoncé. Oh my god, like this is literally what's in a room. Three. J.Lo in the mix. Oh my god, please. And don't let them have their assistance. Amazing. Have you seen that there wasn't an assistant to be found? It was lovely. Have you seen MJ in the musical? Is. Are you asking the right person? Because I've seen it four times. I went back four times and brought everyone I know four times. I've seen it twice, going again to see it a third time with my. The best thing I ever saw in my life. If you guys are in the New York, if you want to go see a show, you want to make a trip up to New York, go see like, no, I literally brought my envy girls that work with me. I brought my family. I brought Joe. I brought my sisters like I was like, I could see it 17 times. I have issues with that. I'm obsessed levitating. I was levitating. Oh my god, oh my God, it was Beyonce. Oh my God. Anyway, Sarah, Natalie, you guys are so cool. I absolutely loved talking to you guys today. Thank you so much for coming on and guys, you have to listen to their podcast causing a scene. You guys are like, So good, I'm going to have to start listening more. I need all the recaps. We need you. We need you to come on ours now. And you have like a lot of fun over there, for sure. All right. We're going to definitely set that up. I need to come over there next, but thank you for coming on. Have an awesome day, sadly. Go take some Advil and you're going to enjoy your snow day. That's coming tonight tonight. Oh my god, I can't wait. Thank you. Bye, guys. Thanks so. My does. Flight 562, oh my gosh, my gosh, Brooke, we're going to miss our flight. We didn't finish the promo. Can we just recorded on the plane? I will not be that person. What if we recorded in the bathroom? You know, that is disgusting. Well, we'll just have to go off the cuff and tell everyone about our podcast right now called Gals on the Go. Well, we are two gals constantly on the move with weekly conversations about friendship, navigating your toes, relationships trends and just our exciting, chaotic lives. Ego and Danielle Carolyn, please come to the I think it's time to board now, but that should be enough, right? Yeah, I'm sure they won't use it. But in case they do new episodes of Gals on the Go drop every Wednesday, find us wherever you get your podcasts. You better dive into crime on Pluto TV, unravel the mysteries on shows like CSI and Criminal Minds, or follow the Clues and Blue Bloods and NCIS with thousands of free crime movies and TV shows. Pluto TV is the true home of crime. Download the Pluto TV app and start streaming now on live channels and on demand. You better run feel. Pluto TV stream now, PaineWebber.

Past Episodes

This week, Melissa welcomes her favorite guest, Joe Gorga, to the podcast to discuss the challenges of parenting teenagers, including some tough decisions they?ve had to make recently. Plus, Melissa celebrates a sweet victory with her now-famous sprinkle cookies and teases some exciting new products on the way.

They're later joined by a surprise guest, Frank Catania, who gives us the inside scoop on his son?s engagement, shares his thoughts on Dolores and Paulie, and drops spills a major secret about his own engagement to his fiance, Brittany. Tune in for some juicy updates this week! 

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00:51:33 3/6/2025

This week Melissa invites the amazing momager and one of the realest girls in Jersey, Danielle Cabral, to talk about the one and only moment that Danielle requested to cut from RHONJ, why the dirtiest castmates on the show really have nothing to fall back on, and what she thinks is next for the beloved franchise. 

Melissa and Danielle also share their thoughts on how Dolores is playing The Traitors game, whether they would want to be traitors or faithfuls, and why Danielle would have a hard time playing a low-pro game. 

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01:09:19 2/27/2025

Star of Netflix's Selling the City Eleonora Srugo chats with Melissa about the casting process for the show, her falling out with Jade Chan, why Steve Gold is such great eye candy, the crazy real estate market in Manhattan, the sacrifices she made in her social life to get where she is, and dating life in the city!

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00:54:05 2/20/2025

Melissa invites celebrity best-friend, CEO, and author, Loren Ridinger, onto the show to share her heartbreaking story of losing the love of her life, the very powerful way that she views grief, and her incredible advice to anyone who has dealt with the loss of a partner.  

Loren?s amazing story of grief and growth is all in her brand-new book, Scrambled or Sunny-Side Up?: Living Your Best Life after Losing Your Greatest Love, available now.  

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Pluto.TV - Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV (Free)

Rula ? Quality Therapists Who Specialize in You: (Patients typically pay $15 per session)

01:07:06 2/13/2025

Melissa invites the always entertaining Joe Gorga back onto the show to talk about Joe?s strange obsession with the local news weather segments, the many phases of Melissa Gorga (according to Joe), and their new obsession with The White Lotus. 

The two also share their plans for the Superbowl, and discuss the dilemma they have when trying to pick which team to root for this year.   

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Quince ? Luxury Essentials at Affordable Pricing: (Free shipping and 365-day returns)

00:47:16 2/6/2025

This week Melissa catches up with the always lovely and always faithful, Dolores Catania, to talk about how she used her own private detective skills on the latest season of The Traitors, the one competitor that the jury is still out on (even after the show), and why a life on RHONJ perfectly prepares you for a reality competition show.

Dolores also gives us an update on her amazing family, how she and Paulie are doing, and why she?s loving this stage of parenting.

This week?s sponsors: ? The Place to Find a Place:

Belle Vitale ? Improve Hormone Health and Well-Being:

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

Naked Wines ? Amazing Wines at an Affordable Price: , click ?enter voucher? and use code MELISSA for both the code and password (6 Bottles for $39.99)

Orgain ? Clean, Organic, Plant Protein Powder: (30% off order)

PlutoTV - Free Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV

Sono Bello ? Lose Stubborn Fat in One Visit:

01:07:02 1/30/2025

With Traitors back in full swing, let's revisit a chat with who ALMOST won it all last season.

Melissa invites the fan favorite from the latest season of The Traitors, Mercedes Javid (MJ), to talk all about the the pros and cons of being married to old-school men, what happens when two famous partners react to fame very differently, and the behind the scenes secrets of the hit reality show, The Traitors.

This week's sponsors: - The Place to Find a Place:

Pluto.TV - Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV (Free!)

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Prolon - Fasting with Food - Join The January Challenge:

00:48:45 1/23/2025

Melissa invites the always hilarious, Joe Gorga, back onto the show to talk about the parental dilemmas with Apple Pay, Joe?s NSFW idea for his own cookie business, and who, out of the two of them, would make the better employee. 

Melissa and Joe also give us their take on the latest season of Traitors, the team they?d want to play for on the show, and why Joe would probably blow up his game on Day 1. 

This week?s sponsors: ? The Place to Find a Place:

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

PlutoTV - Free Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool: 

00:46:21 1/16/2025

Melissa welcomes mom, hustler, and pod host, Amanda Hirsch who also happens to run one of the best Instagram accounts out there to talk about the future of RHONJ, whether that includes MG, what Andy Cohen has said about it all, and where Melissa stands with her castmates! 

They also chat about the RHONY reboot, who owned the most recent season, who got a little off course, and how these ladies stack up against OGs like Sonja Morgan and Countess Luann de Lesseps.

Plus, Sprinkles by MG and how and when you can get some! 

And which Bravolebrity is killing it on Cameo!

Thanks for supporting our sponsors!

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Prolon - Fasting with Food: (15% off 5-Day Nutrition Plan)

01:02:10 1/9/2025

Melissa is joined by the always hilarious, LadyGang, to talk about the "cheugy" (or "chuggy") feud between Millenials and GenZ, how Keltie is owning the term, "Sexy Mature," and who, out of the crew, would make a great addition to The Real Housewives. 

This week's sponsors:

Babbel - Language Learning that Actually Works: (Up to 60% off!)

PlutoTV - Free Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Prolon - Fasting with Food: (15% off 5-Day Nutrition Plan)

ZocDoc - Trusted Doctors Just a Few Taps Away:

00:59:26 12/26/2024

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