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The Adam and Dr. Drew Show

Comedian French Stewart stopped by to speak with the fellas. They also talk about 70's pop culture and Adam gets annoyed by the word..."annoying."

Adam Carolla Show
02:15:33 10/2/2024


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Hey, fans of freedom and open discussion, I'm heading over to Substack and there's an ad free audio and video version of the Adam Carolla show that's going to be waiting there in the near future. You'll even be able to watch AMC's live unedited as we record it, participate in the show via live chat. That'll be coming up very soon. You also get an ad free version of the Adam Kurland Dr. Drew show. You also get an exclusive to my new podcast. Beat it out, right? Share unpolished ideas with my comedian buddies. The first series of episodes is going to be Jay More. You'll get all this and more for the low, low price of nine bucks a month. A pittance for all. We're going to bring you subscribe now and Adam Substack, and I'll see all of you in our new speakeasy called Substack. And from Carolla One Studios in Glendale, California, this is the Adam Carolla show. Adam's gas today, Dana Gould, plus author and business executive Jennifer Shay, and we'll do the news in trending topics with Jason Mayhem Miller and now wishing a happy one 100th birthday to former president Jimmy Carter and a happy one hundred ninety eight birthday to current President Joe Biden. Adam Carolla. Yeah, get it on. Got to get on a bigger mandate. Get it on. Dana Gould, the comedian's comedian is back in studio. Always great to see it, Dana. Thank you. Dan has got a podcast, The Dana Gould Hours, available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and wherever you find finer podcasts. Also, dates coming up as well the comedy Fort Fort Collins. That's October 18th and 19th, and then off to Largo at the Coronet. That's out now L.A. 24th October and then Punchline San Francisco. That'll be November 7th through the night. Yeah, I used to go work out at the Coronet Theater there, where the Largo before it was Largo or when it was Largo. All I know. Good. See, you may mayhem Miller. But I always told people when you took the Groundlings and you went from Writer's Lab to advance their intermediate or whatever that was, there would be a year off. Sometimes, you know they'd be like it skewed. The Groundlings writer's lab is a lot of writing them checks, right? That's the writers. My brain makes your brain stand on pad and most importantly, your checkbook chair, the writer's labs. You can write us checks. But the one thing I'll say in the Groundlings, of course, I will say to them they would go Luck's going to be a year and a half between this class and the next cla*s. Sort of like saying in a weird way, it's like, well, between your junior year and your senior year of high school, you're going to have a year and a half. You have a gap year. Yeah, but there will be tutors you can use for free. And it said they would send you can go Cynthia Spaghetti. Mindy Sterling is doing her class over at the coronet on Thursday night and you could go for free and Mindy is a g*****n genius. Mindy Sterling is, you know, I did improv with her while did and I was like, Oh, I am really out of my league. It's like, Well, you know, dangerous is going to be terrible. I mean, people don't know about improv is much like doing jujitsu versus being a tough guy. They train, they train, they train, they train and a lot and so much technique. That's true. You know, where it comes out is tough guy, and it comes out as funny, but it's really technique and skill. Like, if you ever see those shows, like somebody like many people who don't know know Mindy, she's out for business in Austin Powers. Movies like They do an improv and they don't leave any meat on that bone like they use. They use everything they use. But I also I I always feel that people could benefit from that. Conversationally forget about professionally, you know, people like so many people like you're just talking to and you go, you know how when you're going through the airport and there's the Cinnabons open and the person across the aisle starts going, No, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now. And it's like, Stop yelling now in the middle of my story, just stop those. Stop yelling No. In the middle of my story. I know you have something to say, but stop leading with it yelling No. Right, right. Yes and yes and yes. And yeah, not only that, but that's all because my life is my life is me going, I hate raisins. Why are the raisins everywhere? I don't like raisins or, you know, and so long ago, I just say to push all out of the way, a best day of my life. All right, I'll move on to the next premise that I think that's all I get. And by professional comedians, which is the scary part. Well, that's the. And as a as a professional comedian, when I am in a conversation with anybody, my interior monologue is ask them about themself, don't talk about yourself, ask them about themselves. Don't talk about yourself like it's it's a good habit to learn, but it never comes natural to me. It's like, No, it's no. It's it's counter to. I've always had my foot on my own throat. Yes. So that's where I ended up at the coronet. You know, all those millions of years years ago, the show at the coronet is Plan nine from outer space live that we do every Halloween season. Oh, and it's Ed Wood's 100th birthday. This year, as it is, it would be would have been, yes, he passed and and he he died of drink or, as they say, in Ireland, we lost him to the lake. And but it was his he would be 100. Jimmy Carter turned 100 this week. I do wonder when you are that age, do you wake up every morning when your eyes wake up at one hundred and say, you got to be kidding me? Yeah, another one. I always do like I do. I used to do the job, but I felt I feel bad for Jimmy Carter because he hasn't been in office in forty five years. But every once in a while, when a really s**t president comes down the pike, he's got to turn on the TV and see Sean Hannity's fat head gone. We haven't seen this kind of gross incompetence. Jimmy Carter, it's like I build houses for black people. Get me out of the Gimme a break. It's been forty five years. Pick another bad president that you hated, that you can use the current president that you hate even more. To me, even this is brutal. Even people, even Democrats, give him the most passive aggressive compliment, which is a Model X presidency. Yeah. Right, right, right. X right? I know. But what do people want? My ex-wife calls me. I'm a five star ex-husband. Yeah. What have you had to turn on the comedian to turn on the TV and go, I haven't seen comedian, a comedian this bad since data. Could you're just be retired 40 years ago? Still slagging you? Yeah. But you read about these people in India that are like a hundred and eighteen and you want to please. All right. Someone killed me. Also, they're always they give you the key to longevity. But I'm always like, I'm out. You know what I mean? They go, OK, no prayers. And they go, No, staying up after. And then you got to pick your own vegetables and I'm like, All right, let's wrap it up here. I yeah. And you wonder, like, those is the dumbest that we headline from. I'm sure you guys talked about it a week ago that somebody got arrested because somebody in Sweden used their suicide pod. Oh, I hear that they might look it up. They marketed a suicide pod, and it kinda looks like a jet ski who really looks like a jet ski with a bubble top. Wow. There's only one reason if you go to the suicide pod aisle, you know what they're selling there. I think that's what my dad called his first apartment after he moved out after the divorce, the suicide suicide pod. By the way, all we do is the oak woods, the Oak Ridge. All we do is argue here about how to kill death row prisoners. Should we just send them to Sweden and just sit in the pod or Canada even closer, I think solve two problems you get. I you. It's kind of a combination of surviving Typekit. You put them on a Long Island island. Mm hmm. I got you. Put them all on an island. Yes, thank you. Yeah. Still in it and put some cameras on there and watch the fox do the running man. Yeah. All right. There is a suicide. Yeah. And then the president's plane crashes. He's in the island. Snake Plissken has to get him out. Listen, Dana, I know you love movies. I wrote this movie already somebody. Dawson, somewhere out there, there's pedophile. This is basically the same thing. We take all the pedophiles. And we just put them on the devil's island. I mean, it's not. You watch the movie Papillon. It's not an unheard of thing. It's called French Guyana. They just take all their prisoners that they don't hang around gay parade. They just dump them. Ironically, no. All right. They just drop you off on an island. That's the way they used to do it. And we're always trying to figure out what to do with the pedophiles. You know what I mean? Because it's sort of like the murderers, you know, we go, All right, kill that guy or lock him up. But the pedophiles are like, This guy's got a disease, but what do we do? We castrate him, right? Does he stay in? He didn't murder anyone. So do we keep him in prison for life if he didn't murder anybody? But no, he is going to act out again if we let him out. That's where the island comes in, right? But on the island, groups start to form clicks, you know? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Like anything else like warrior's a little bit. You know you got your worry. Yeah, well, you got your shirt, a twink guys over there and you got your bare guys. You know, you got a pedophile, you got groups that like this and like that, and they just start breaking off. Yeah. It's like any group of sets. Lord of the Flies. Laura. Laura. Five Laura Files had a file. I have it right. But then. Coming home from the jamboree in Bermuda, the plane goes down. Right. The Cub Scout plan and the back story is that is the Sun like it starts. Lights up is in their house, you know, and there's a picture of mom who's dad and 15 year old son going, dad. I want to go to another one of these lame jamborees and that and the dad going. You're an Eagle Scout, you. That was before mom died. You know, like, leave me alone. Like, he's going goth now. Yeah, sure. Yeah. But he's like and the dad's like all the years of training to become an Eagle Scout and probably your little brother's going, you know, the eight year old and all that. Well, of course. OK, one more. One more jamboree for the Eagle Scout. And then when the plane goes down. Yeah. And Dad dies in the flight in the pines, that guy has to kick into his eagle. Now he's tie and not setting up. You know, the Eagle Scout comes. He becomes the leader once once again before mom died before he wants the classic hero's journey hero's journey. That's right, right? And now they have to traverse the island. Right. But the plane fell off the radar, but according to Nora Ad and the United States government, that island doesn't exist, right? It's all been part of a, you know, fast and furious situation. This is a governmental thing where they've been shipping all these pedophiles. No one's pushed it through Congress, so that doesn't exist. So. So they got the one guy who's the ex seal team guy. So we got to get them off that Isaac. That island doesn't exist. Now, get back to your post, you know what I mean? And he's going nuts. So he gets to gather his ragtag group of ex Navy SEALs guys and does the amphibious landing to free the kids? And prior to that, the kids don't know what's going on. And here's the kids land on the island. They don't see anybody at first, but they do see monkeys have blown out. Buttholes also don't know what's going on. We're so geared strain of monkey. Yeah, and there's always that and the birds have blown out. But what's going on? There's that scene where the first kid, probably the fat kid, sees the pedophile gang over there and goes, Oh, we're shaving, search, waving and running toward them, you know? And that that's the head guy, the guy the Eagle Scouts like, no, don't go down there just like devoured sexually by them. That's when they all freeze in their tracks. Are we taking casting now? I mean, yeah. Jeremy Irons, I don't know who, Jeremy. I could definitely be tribal, but there's multiple gang. OK, you know he's just one of us. You just go by these giant piles of children's shoes. Yeah, that's that's right. Oh yeah. So I'm with you on that. I would worry now that will stop you when I get to the point, that doesn't work. It keeps going. The movie, I have an actual couple legitimate movies, and one of them was a Kris Kristofferson movie. I have terrible news. Oh, don't. Oh no. Yeah, I watch it about a month ago and I was doing a race in Laguna Seca. And when, when we're done, we always go to the Airbnb that night and then I force everyone to watch horrible 70s movies. I think. OK. Never mind. Go ahead. All right. This one is called vigilante force and it stars Kris Kristofferson and Jan Michael Vincent. OK, so it's perfect. Now I can tell you about some of these 70s movies because I also then watch Thunderbolt Lightfoot. Sure, which is a which is Michael Caminos first movie, which is insane because it's one thing to watch a four minute trailer and go, I really don't know what that movie is about. It's another thing to watch the entire movie and have no idea what this movie was about. Isn't there a trunk load of chickens or something in that movie? There's everything except for whatever makes sense. Yeah, it's a and it's a weird quasi romance between that. Well, they always had to have that, and they had to have cars doing burn and sort of a weird romance between gay romance. Yeah, between the nuns and the way the tiny Eastwood and not Kurt Russell now. Well, I'll I'll think of that. You know, Jeff Bridges, Jeff Bridges and it's it's like Top Gun is like a gay romance. It's weird in that it's like dirty. Every 70s movie premise was basically. I'm in my muscle car. The cops are chasing me, and at some point you just dive into the passenger side window and go, Wow, we're both on the run. And that somehow we're together for the rest of our lives, even though I don't think it would work out that way. Mathematically, if it's a random person jumped in your car, but you're both fleeing the man, right? And the minute you jump into the car, they cut to the wide where you're driving out of frame. Cue eastbound and down four on the floor and trucking. So do you remember life? The movie I was thinking about just a because I keep confusing Kris Kristofferson and Sam Elliott. Yeah, basically, it says a couple of things. Mainly mustaches on. Yeah, and just it's sort of it's sort of like just because you're not fat doesn't make you hot, but really their game was being fair. Tell me about it. Sinewy, you know what I mean? Like, their thing was, they were both sinewy, so the shirt would always come off, but never to reveal the big pythons or anything. Know Sinewy. Yeah. All right. I'll play that. I'll play the vigilante force, which I have no idea. I watched the entire movie. I have no idea what it was about somebody. Usually someone came back from the war in Vietnam, but. Yes. All right. Which is weird, because Kris Kristofferson is kind of a Willie Nelson dude. It was a typical American town until they found they were sitting on a half a billion dollars worth of oil. They called it God's country until all hell broke loose. So it's a powerful. We want that oil. Then it was time for vigilante force. Shirt off. Oh, God, pours out of me, lights up on Kris Kristofferson, shirtless, yeah. Looking skinny. That that's his butt. No muscles. No, no claim to fame is not being fat. He looked like a dog. I mean, again, not not fat, but you couldn't do that in the movie today. You can't have a guy take off his shirt in a movie and he just looks like a chicken breast. Hemsworth brothers just go, No, no. He looked like you looked when you're 14 with your shirt. Just like no hair. Yeah, no packs, but not fat. Never fat. This was this trailer is like it was a normal town until they found oil, and that was good until all hell broke loose. And then and then the hell was fine until they had double. And a lot of turns and a lot of turns on this. All right. Well, Jan my jan Michael Vincent, you know, sinewy as well. Yeah. All right. Here we go. Porpoise like. Mm hmm. Then it was time for vigilante force. Oh, I goodness, Kristofferson, star of Emmy award winning Alice, doesn't live here anymore. Jan Michael Vincent, Dynamic Young star of White Line Fever and Buster and Billy come together in vigilante force. Last time I tried to go back home, they gave me a parade. In one and a down and out the other, Kris Kristofferson is out twisted by a war, he could never win our war. My war is the on one one. Marching band learning now finally took the law into his own hands. All right, Jim Hill. Add to all of these every 70 movies, there was a movie. Yeah, every 70s movie. And when you good people hire me to come take care of your garbage, nobody was there telling me how to do the job. Nobody wanted to know. Sure, it was like a plumber who's going to put their shirt off now that he's got a tie. Oh, they cleaned it out. Not all the money you own in the pile. We get tired of you, I. This is like every single 70's movie in one movie, am I right there the goal? Amazing. I have no idea this movie does score right after you, but it blows up, mom. Somebody gets in the back of a pickup truck and fire something. Yeah. Linda. Oh, man. Once too often I'm going to kill you. Bernadette Peters. Bernadette Peters. Come on. You owe me money. Shirt off again in the third time. Kris Kristofferson had a shirt off. He looks like a giant baby with a beard. I'm the cops. This trailer is three minutes long. He's had the shirt off 11 times something every every twenty one point six seconds. His shirt is off. Bernadette Peters looks like her own muppet. Yeah, she does. Kris Kristofferson again. He's in the marching band, and Michael is fighting it out. You have to blow up a tin shed. It's not even a Roger Corman film changes r****ded brother. Yeah, I actually. I think that is his brother. How many Corman's can there be? You literally. It's like every. It's always just the the the what's the brand, the Costco brand. It's the court heard everything right. Yeah, I forgot. I didn't even see it. I I watch it entire two hour long movie and I force my eight, my 17 year old son to sit with me for the entire movie while there's other guys just drinking, sitting in the living room, that's all. So that's kind of it's kind of Billy Jack, which is one of the greatest of these. And what's the one I'm? Oh, f**k, no Thunderbolt and Lightfoot. Oh, we got that trailer timbre, because that was Saturday night, this was Friday the great smoky roadblock, which I believe stars Henry Fonda. It was picking up a check. Was all of this coke fueled the fact that this this movie doesn't track like you don't know what it's about the female love interest, the young Victoria prince sensuous young, sensuous young kid color woman. Not now in a movie trailer, Roger Corman's younger brother Jean Corman, the the one of the Roger Corman, is the king of the King of the Beast, the king of the beat, and a lovely man who only recently passed away. Oh, really? Close to 100. Mm hmm. You know, back then in the 70s before cable and before, you know, VHS, you had the Drive-In circuit and greenhouses. They they needed movies. They it's not like today. They needed movies that would fill the many theaters and you would get B-movie exploitation for, you know, growing up in North Hollywood. We had the guild in the El Purtell Theater and the Lorraine Theater had like three theaters kind of walking distance, but a good truck, a good walk. But you could walk and you would see whatever movie was in town. Right? So you had air conditioning, you had a double feature, sneak in some candy that that was it. And it didn't matter what the movie was. You would just see the movie right. I saw Aloha, Bobby and Rose. Sure, I didn't even know what that movie is about Dirty Mary. Crazy Larry. Yeah. One White Line Fever, White Line Fever, but these are to play. Designed by Doc Savage, William Devane. Get his hands stuffed in a food processor. Trash compactor thing in your sink. Hmm. What's the thing in your garbage disposal disposal? All like all I have under. All I have for garbage disposal is Karen Black and Trilogy of Terror. That was a garbage disposal scene, one of the greatest films of all time. One. Somebody look it up. It's a huge cult. William Devane with a hook. This before he was selling gold on Fox. Yes, thunder, some thunder, something I don't know. We got Thunderbolt and Lightfoot. So what is it? Rolling, thunder, rolling, rolling, thunder. Oh my God. I watched a damnation alley. Sure. With Jan, Michael Vincent with Jan. My my old thing is when in doubt, go to Cybertruck. Yes, starring a Cybertruck. Yes. Start a Cybertruck. Yeah, from nineteen seventy seven. Have you not seen rolling thunder? Oh, I have your next movie night. Oh, and then what about Vanishing Point? Vanishing Vanishing Point is that Gene Hackman? I don't remember it involved a Hemi CUDA or something, right? All right. I got I got Thunderbolt Lightfoot, which is again, I don't know what it's about. It's got two A-list stars in it. And the guy went from the weird story. The director went from Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, his next movie, The Deer Hunter. Hmm. Insane, insane, and then heaven's gate, wow, with Kris Kristofferson. So then how great an actor was Kris Kristofferson or was he just not fat? I think he was real. My guess is incredibly good at being Kris Kristofferson. Hmm. Uh huh.. All right. Sorry, I'll do. I'll I'll do a movie and a great songwriter, he wrote. He wrote me and Bobby McGee. Yeah, but each of us studied to improve ourselves. That's Clint Eastwood. As a priest, as a priest running. Jeff Bridges is a big car dealer. Flags him down. Jumps into the car and runs him over now he jumps into the car. We're good now for some reason. They're inseparable once he drove in as a car, even though they didn't know each other, him brought back some extra goodies. Are you out of your mind that George Kennedy, you're chasing them, trying to kill them the whole time with no backstory, no explanation. These that the junk cars down dirt hills, too? Yeah, a lot of that. A lot of car and a lot of car centric stuff to talk as you look at that shirt. A lot of collar. A lot of color mouthing off about. Now look at the armor. We had the same place. The second I hit the back. I just watched this within the last three months. Really, I swear Christ, I watched for the last six weeks. I don't mean one up for the loser department and a single bad department. What is this movie about the way the whole sale of it is? They had a howitzer cannon. Yeah, except for that doesn't show up in the last 12 minutes of the film Thunderbolt and Lightfoot. That's really close. Colonist George Kennedy, they said they used to have nightsticks on the hit, people are by their hair, the whole sale, this whole movies the guy has had Vietnam, ah, World War Two era Howitzer Gun. He's going to fire it into the side of a vault. And that's it. Lot of guys, a lot of guys that came back from the Nam, right? That's right. With a with a carnival and ask for that war. They didn't ask for that war. They didn't get it. They had spat on. That's right. Right. So I don't know what food trash compactor still can. I don't know garbage disposal. I'll never say it. This is an ad from BetterHelp. As kids, we were always learning and growing. But at some point as adults, we tend to lose that sense of curiosity and excitement. Therapy can help you continue that journey because you are back to school. ERA can come at any age and better help makes it easy to get started with affordable online therapy. You can do from anywhere. Rediscover possibility with better help. Visit BetterHelp h new direction today to get 10 percent off your first month. I watch these moves of my son and I go, do you see what you get to watch now? Because this is what we had? You know you're bored out of your brain. There's nothing going on. Kristofferson's got a shirt off for 14 time. I don't know what the story is. The plots horrible. You don't have that. You have no country for old men. That's what you get to watch whenever you want. You get to watch. Yeah. Well, that's the other thing is that you it's it's also like record stores like, we would go to the movie and see a movie and we didn't have a choice, right? We're going to see whatever's at the Drive-In, right? Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry. That's right. And you go to the record store and you'd find, Oh, this looks good and you buy it. We're now it's just like, I'm going to watch this and you go find that I'm going to listen to this and you go and you're not as exposed to stuff I had a might not like. I had a little weird moment in time. I haven't told this one in a while, but it was one of those little snapshots in your life where sometimes you just stop and you look at something and you go, Well, that's not good, or I have little moments where you take note. I do. It happens to me a lot. I sort of take note. I go, That's not good. I was doing a man show bit. It was Hanukkah with Goldberg, the wrestler. Sure, and we filmed it in a rented house up in the hills of Studio City or something does look like we needed a kitchen. We need a living room. We need whatever. And so, you know, it was a house that people ran out for production and we're like in between setups or something. And I was just kind of putting around the house and I and I saw in the kids room and this is probably. 2001 or 2002 in the kids room, there's a bank of movies of DVDs like on a shelf, on the Wall, and one of them was The Grinch, who stole Christmas. And I was like, Oh, he can watch that in July. And then I remember looking at it, going now, it's ruined. Yes, now ruined because he doesn't care. Whereas we were in our jammies running baggage, we got his back, you know, like we had. It was appointment viewing, you know, CBS Sunday night, eight o'clock The Grinch, right, was the thing to share in two Saturdays ago. I still watch Svengali on me TV, and they showed one of my favorite movies of all time TV movie. The Night Stalker, the original one with Brian McGavin, yeah, from. He's Carl Kolchak, the rat hole Shaq. Yeah, there's a there's the here's the brilliant thing about the Night Stalker. There was a series as well, and this is the first time there was a TV movie. There's a vampire in Las Vegas, modern day Las Vegas killing people, and what made the movie so great. I saw it when it came on. I was nine, but it was like, everyone's going, Yeah, but there's no such thing as vampires, right? Which was for them, for a movie that was like, Oh. It's like the world, right, right? And that may on the fourth wall, yeah. Maybe characters like, Yeah, but these aren't real. So what are we doing here, right? It was so brilliant to me at the time. I have that movie on DVD. I have that movie on Blu ray. That movie is for free on YouTube, right? But it was on. I was like, Oh my God, it's on. We have to watch it. Yeah, because you're watching it at the same time as other people. Yeah. Or there's just some weird pixie dust that's hearing a song. Come on the radio that may be in your playlist, but it's on the radio now. And the other thing about that movie, and you'll relate to this too. There's one scene and it's it's, you know, it's Darren McGavin, Simon Oakland, Ralph Meeker, all of these leathered and gin gin soaked and they're all talking. And my wife goes, Look at just this so sweaty and bloated. Yeah, and they're all probably 42, right? Yeah, they've been living on bourbon and Paul malls. Yes, I know. And all these. It's like you're in Wilford. Brimley was 26 when he made cuckoo. Don't get me started on Captain Stubing. Yes, he was 40 when he was 12. I said, All right, so comedy. I went. I just got back from Provo, Utah, where I did a dry bar set, which is clean and very clean. Couldn't do forty five minutes. You're a better man than I am. Adam Carolla. See, that's the whole. The whole thing is you could you may not think you can or you may not want to. But if somebody said to you, I don't even know the language, the topics, no, I I agree. It's most of my stuff feels topically wrong, right? Yeah, that's that. Rather than, I, you know, the s**ts in the fox, in the g*****n ads, you can carve those out and with spell check in 10 minutes, you know, like it's easier to carve those that are your act just turns into a casino when you watch it broadcast. Right, right. This melon farmer, smokey and the bandit, this lucky ducking melon farmer comes down here Monday to Friday. Right, right. I remember in that God, it was when they would replay Smokey and the Bandit, and every time Jackie Gleason would come on and he'd go, You scumbag. Like, he didn't say that in the movie. Yeah, I always feel bad for the like. We watch casino broadcast, and I feel bad for the poor audio director that has to get Robert De Niro in a booth and go, All right, you just walked in on Joe Pesci. He's having sex with your wife, right? And you're going to call him a lickety splitting melon farmer. Yeah, right. I don't think I call them that. No, I know. Well, except for don't feel sorry for him because Kyle Dunnigan is doing that voice. Oh, is that right? Yeah, they get got. Yeah, yeah. De Niro is on the East Coast. Just tell them to suck as Dick is coming back to L.A. to lay down some f**king scratch track for you, pussy. I'm not. He's an artist, you know what I mean? So they get, Oh, I didn't know that. I mean, I don't know that it's every time my soul goes. I'm not flying back to L.A. and by the way, I'm not corrupting my art. That's how I would think. It's even more of that. And I'm just get Kyle Dunnigan to say Sassafras Melon Farmer, and he'll do it good enough for that one little. I believe there's one. I believe it snakes on a plane where Samuel L. Jackson says, Get these snakes up this Monday to Friday. Right, right. So that part's easy. That that that language, it's more the theme. Yeah, that that can be that can be hard. I got I did a benefit at the Skirball this weekend. And I and you know, it's one of those things where 99 percent of the people have a great time, but the one person that had a bad time needs to tell you, yeah, or is just playing in the front row with arms. Yeah. And yeah, I did a Hitler joke. Mm hmm. Right. Which but because I was at the Skirball, apparently, huh? Well, you know, I used to have to explain this to people all the time where it's like they their plan is never say the word Hitler. My thing is, is like, if we're using him as a poor example of a human being than we should be able to say, Hitler. Yeah, you know, it's not like he never existed. It's sort of like, Yeah, and if you don't, it's like, No, let's keep Hitler in the forefront of our mind. That's a good thing to point to. This is how it's how networks work, too. It's like, can't have that gangbanger smoking. It's like, well, it's not an endorsement of smoking to have the guy with the teardrops, right? Yeah. Yeah, but no smoking. It's like, Well, OK, some people smoke. Can we agree with that? Yeah. Yeah, it's OK. This guy's a bad fella. Yeah. Can he have a cigarette? Well, can't be lit. It's like, OK, the one when we start talking, she's a French w***e. Can she have a cigarette? It's 1939. She's a French baby. Can you have a cigarette? Yeah, right, right. They're like, Yeah, but we don't want to endorse drugs. It's not an endorsement. Smoking to have bad people smoking. When Spike Lee criticized Quentin Tarantino for the use of the N-word in Django. You know, it's hard because you know you defer to Spike Lee's opinion on it. But Quentin made a great point, which was, Oh, did you want me to make slavery look polite? Yeah, right? Yeah. You want me to make this era look right? Well, they were saying, Yeah, maybe you should let that stuff. So I set to about four months ago, I'm like, I need a clean 45 minutes, or I actually don't know how much time because I got a lot of conflicting information on thirty five or forty five and I'll cut it down or whatever. So I go to work to try to clean up my act, literally. But it's a process. Yeah. And it's so I go tougher than it sounds. Yeah. So I go first. So the five days before the taping of this drybar special, they have a place in Provo with their own theater. It's beautiful. It's all geared up with camera, not Provo is a beautiful, beautiful. They don't strike it or anything. It's all wired and stays there. It's like a full time studio holds about 250 people lit high ceiling. All the tech, all the tech stuff. It's great. And so I go, All right, I'm going out on the road and I'm playing a theater in Boise. But these people paid 50 bucks a ticket and they don't want to hear my Donny and Marie ask hour and ten minute set, right? So what I'm doing is I'll go, I'll do 10 or 12 minutes of the clean run in between the debaucherous s**t I've been talking about. And then I can make it. Yeah, havoc, and I'll swing back and try to do a couple more dad jokes in between more debauchery. But I don't have a forty five minute clean run because I don't want to put the good paying audience members through that when I'm on the road and totally understand. So now I go back, I get to the Ice House Sunday night, the Sunday before the Friday taping and I go, like Sunday night Ice House. f**k you, I'm doing my clean set. I got to run it. I got to run it. Once I just get up there and I go, Listen. I'm doing a clean forty five tonight, everyone starts brilliantly, how will I look out? Oh, wow. They start at this point and it was not quite 60 was 60 years ago. People were getting arrested for not doing what perp walk off stage for saying damn it. And now I'm getting a chair thrown at me for saying I'd like to keep it clean. You know, it's madness. Ronnie, did you get it back? And you know what I said? I said, I look, I'll tell you what. We'll start with a P. Diddy joke. Just that just to get you. I'll give you up some P. Diddy and I got him some horrible P. Diddy stuff. And then I just slid into What do you mean? What is your P. Diddy joke? By P. Diddy jokes, I have about three and a half of them. One one is it was more that Eric Adams, the mayor of New York, took back the key to the city that he gave to P. Diddy. He had a presser to take it back. I like when people take back symbolic, invisible stuff. Yeah. No, we can't get into the city. He can't open the bathroom at the park. So it's like, it's weird. It's like when Bill Cosby raped everyone and like, we need all those fake degrees back. Sorry, shine. He's like, They're in the trunk of my car. I never put them in the house. Well, we need them. We don't want you entering the penal system with a sack full of fake degrees from our phony baloney college. So it's weird. It's weird. Taking symbolic stuff back is a bizarre gesture. And then he had a presser to do it. He gave Eric Adams, gave a press conference before he got into trouble with other things. Three months ago and I said, OK. A couple of things I said. If he had any kind of sense of humor, he would have done the press conference where he said, I need to take the key to the city back from P. Diddy on the off chance R. Kelly's parole. Oh, great. And then the other one was he. And this is you see why this wouldn't work on Drybar. There's no there's no profanity in this. But I said, and then also then then I think it was Morehouse or when a historically black college is one of the historically black colleges also said that we've got a million dollars from P. Diddy and we're giving it back as well. But unfortunately, that already spent the money on rims and Courvoisier. So I technically no swearing Kobashi or as anybody who's ever bought it, that a strip club, apple juice, apple juice. What I couldn't. I couldn't use that. No and no means rat and pro bono. So I then slipped into my clean 45 minute set, crushed at the ice house. Cleaned it all up. Yeah, sent the tape to the guy in Provo and said, You tell me because I don't want to get up there and tell jokes that are getting cut right. Some crosses the line, carve it out and I won't do it on tape night. He watches it, does everything. Everything's good. One chunkier wit, but it was a timing thing. Doesn't come out for a few months, but anyway. OK. So then I go into angle. Number two, I go, Listen, I got about twenty three rando jokes here that I have never done in order in my life. Probably never do again. I have those and I don't know where I'm at with this act. So I need a set list or I got to figure out a cheat sheet because I'm going to walk out on stage and I'll I'll have twenty eight jokes in my head, but I have no idea what I'm what order I'm doing them in. So they go, we got a monitor in the back on the upper deck thing and we can just load it up, right? And we can just it's it's a set list. It's like Bruce Springsteen's born two runs in the middle and you know, it's just the band. It's the setlist. I just needed the setlist. I didn't need the punch line I I'm sure I have in my wallet a setlist. I know I have one on my phone. So I go, But what's the deal with the monitor? And they go, Well, it's in the back, and you could put it on the thing and I go, Can you scroll it? Because what if I got twenty eight shows in the minors could for twelve, you know, and they go, now we can't scroll it. So I go, OK, well, then I'm going to need to print out a setlist and just put it on the feedback monitor, tape it to the stage floor and blah blah blah. So then they go. Once I get there, they go. We can scroll it, which I'm always interested in. Yeah, and I'm always interested. And the other part is, I didn't know what to do in 30 minutes or thirty five minutes or like forty five. Every time everyone does forty five and it counts down from 45, I've got a countdown clock, starts at 45, goes to zero. Then there's always this one that gets you. There's a professional comedian whose name is Bob Smiley, nice guy Christian comedian. So all he does is the circuits. All he's ever done is the churches and the certainly. Why have I never heard of this guy? Oh, right. So all he does, that's all he does. He's gone on before me, so I go in there and he goes. But you know, this is a comedian. He goes, he goes, I go, man cleans new for me and he goes, Well, that's that's all I do. All I do is the clean stuff. I go, Okay, so you got this thing? And he goes, How many times you run your set? I go. Once it goes, Oh, wow, you know, you know that saying, you know that thing. Yeah. So you see the look on the person's face like a yeah, and he's and he's not he's I can tell already, by the way, you describe him, he's not psyching you out. It's just not a genuine reaction. Like, I'm going to do 40 even 45 minutes on somebody's brain one time. OK. And we're filming a special filming this, you know? Yeah. He made a face like, Oh, so I'll pray for you. He made a face like the guy in defending your life, who's the waiter at the Italian place. It goes, How many days do you have? And it goes, I got 11 days. Oh, oh oh. And he checked his phone too. All right. Anyway, Bob's a nice guy. And. So he makes a face, so I go, OK? But don't worry, you don't have to keep putting pictures of Bob Smiley. That's fine. I have a picture. He goes, I go. I got. I got my monitor. And they can scroll. So I don't care how many times I've run this, I know all the jokes. I'll just put them all in order and we'll scroll them and roll them. And I've committed nothing to memory. Order wise, I know the jokes. I know what all the jokes are, but I don't have an order, but that's on the screen and I've never really ran it before, but we're going to roll it. We can squirrel it and we can wear whatever it so. But I'm a little up in my head like forty five minute special, and it's all got to be clean in front of a sober half Mormon crap all year. And I'm like, OK, all right. And sure enough, I'd like backstage and for the first time in a long time, I'm a little nervous. Like, I'm like, All right. There's a lot of stand here. Don't stand there like, you know, cameras. Yeah, here. That's your camera. Sober crowd, you know, and they keep it and mortified. Not just the sober crowd. People that don't get drunk like people that don't drink right? It's a sober. These are this is a graham cracker crowd right now. All right. Graham crackers and milk and booze. I just go walking out there and I look up at the monitor and it's blank. And I'm like, No, I had twenty five conversations about this minor. And by the way, it was like, Don't bring your set right. You don't have to tape your sheet to the to the stage. We got the monitor monitor blank and gone. No movement on the monitor. And I'm just standing up there going, Oh, how did this happen? Oh, how so many conversations about the monitor it come on. The computer that control the monitor came unplugged and the computer went dead. It ran out of batteries. So now I like him, I. Wait a minute. Am I doing forty five minutes? And I don't know anything. I don't know anything. And also my head is thumping with like, I can't believe we talked about this monitor. But in the long run, that might have helped you. Well, I stood up there and I was like, OK, I remember the first three things I'm supposed to talk about and then the next twenty three. I don't know what order, though. I don't even know if I can summon those. So I start getting into the first thing and I see the monitor like start flickering, you know, and I was like, Oh, they've done something like, there's life or what have you. And by the time I got done with the three, I did do that pause, right? What else is going on? And I just never did that. I did that on Letterman once, really. And there was no monitor. I just like I had a three second. Tsvangirai is like, my career is over. And it feels like eternity. But you're the only person that knows even thinking, even thinking about it. I shudder. I shudder. And I just think for the grace of God, it was, Oh, I knew it, but I was like, I'm dead. I'm back, I'm a dead man. Your monitor came back to life after about the first five minutes, and then I was back and then it crashed in the standing ovation. It was great. And that the second show was great and everything. Everything was great. But then after that, after the second show. I walk no in between the first show and the second show, I'm sorry and we need a drink after this second scenario is going to drain on the three counties away the knee-high. Do you want a Shirley Temple? You want buttermilk as I I want to drink this god damn show. And there is like, we don't have any drinks. I was like, I went, I looked at Bob the other, the Christian Green I got. You want some scotch? He goes, Yeah, I'm sure I go, All right. So I go to Mike. August I go, Mike, you know, it's nine fifteen. I don't know what the rules are in Provo, Utah. Go find a bottle of Scotch. Go out and don't come back until you have some scotch. And then there's a lot of discussion while there's the state liquor store, right? And then there's the supermarket, but they don't serve the heart. I'm like, might just go out there and find some scotch. Or beyond and bring it back as so after this second show. I need a g*****n drink. And so Mike heads out and Mike comes back about 40 minutes later, he's got a bag, a shopping bag from the supermarket and he's got a six pack, a something in there. And I'm like, What do we got, Mike? And he's like that. State liquor stores closed. You can't get scotch after nine o'clock or eight o'clock or whatever this is. Could we clean up all these rules, by the way? Not only not only the guys who are traveling alcoholics, but the statutory rape travelers as well? What I didn't know it was 17 in Hawaii. Exactly. I'm from Alabama. I'm used to 12, 12 to 14 suggestion, you know, like, we just need to clean that area. And probably the same group who benefited. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. So I'm like, All right, so what do you got there, Mike? So Mike, now this is this is the beauty of Mike. Mike August is travel this nation with me so many times. I mean, if we were steamer trunk, there wouldn't be room left for sticker on it like we have been. And we've been to Ammonium outside of Baltimore three times. Like we've 15 years of nonstop traveling, which means nonstop hanging around an airport bars when the flight's delayed or the layover, the whatever. And on the writer, there is a bullet, right, there's a bottle bullet, right, so Mike knows that if we're trapped in an airport, it's a Miller Lite. And after the second show, it's a glass of scotch. OK, that's that's all Mike is. Mike has never seen me ask for. Sloe gin fans are Harvey Ball Bangor. Just yeah, do you have mail? The most diverse it'll get as I'll go. You got Miller line to go. We got Bud Light. I go, Yeah, OK, Bud Light. We got Miller. We got all drunk. Michelob Ultra. Yeah, whatever, whatever. It's just a light beer. It's fine on airplanes, in bars from 15 years of non non stop of this. And it's usually the thing is like if you don't have the Scotch, I'll take the Miller Lite. Comes back. Pulls out the six pack of. Margaritas in bottle margarita, you know, it's all corn syrup and orange dye number 14, and I go, Whoa, what's this? And he goes and have scotch. And I go, yeah, but. I I've never I don't. Why would I've never drank a fake margarita that, you know, three percent alcohol margarita, but that's all it's all going to chug in a bottle of syrup. It's all the calories and none of the box right now. This is for 14 year olds to get drunk at the park, you know, and I go, What's with the why did you get the margaritas? I know you're on your diet, you're off the beer. I go, Yeah, but but Miller Lite is ninety three calories. This is two hundred and eighty seven calories, right? Yeah. Well, you said you're dieting, trying for the smash I got. OK, OK, hold it. I was dieting for the special. It's no. But now when I walk off the stage, died over, bring on the booze so you could have got any. Never mind higher life. If you've seen me ask for an hour later, hold the margarita requests a margarita. It's only Miller Lite. Why not get a six pack of Miller Lite and you go straight at that. You're on your diet? I want. All right, that's the majesty of Mike by now. Mike's a good dude, and I'm just one out God. I better have known him longer than you. I he's he's the best in the world, but he can. And I'm like. Now, to be fair to him, he said he called me, but I didn't pick up my phone, but I would argue. He's seen me drink 700 liters of Miller Lite over the course of the last 15 years, it's like it's just Miller Lite, like, why wouldn't? Why would that not be a thing now? Do you do you? I sent when the Drybar goes out to go get well, then I became a mother, then where do they go? There's a supermarket. In the supermarket will sell beer. So you send the Miller. Yeah, but not wine and not spirits. Okay, so they're just there to confuse an utterly random. Right, right? Because certainly no one has ever gotten drunk on beer and done something they regretted. It's only wine and spirits, right? And then this this. Hmm. You know what? Now I'll tell you what, I'll complain more, but I'll save some of that because because mayhem got news right? I definitely do. An important man. Well, I watch as unimportant movies for extended periods of time. Yeah. All right. We'll take a quick break. Come back the news and mayhem right after this. Oh, Riley, auto parts. They're in the business of keeping your car on the road. O'Riley offers friendly, helpful service and the parts and knowledge you'll need for all your maintenance and repairs. I've always gone to try to live up in the hills and like, not go the one up on foothill still there. 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How is it in this day and age, people are still against something as obviously beneficial as vaccinations? It's quite simple. It's because there are people for vaccination. You just need to be for something. They'll show up and go online tomorrow and just post quietly. I like French Toast. Check in 20 minutes late on Friday, June 21st is the privilege. Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you for supporting genocide. Where do you work? And my brother's reasoning is the one that's the most original to get vaccinated. I don't know how it works, right? I don't know how zippers work, but every morning I put my faith in the science. Leave the House fairly convinced I'm not going to be in line at the bank with my door now. Dana Gould is on the Adam Carolla show, girls got a live show stand is where you can go for that. I was. This is I think this is a Dana Gould thought Dana is answering somebody via text, I'm texting my kid about what I'm going to pick. I was, I wouldn't. I wouldn't do it. Not parental. I'm writing an eBay auction. I'm trying to get a Hot Wheels case shaped like the rim of the orange wheel. Oh yeah, I was. I was leaving. I had a bunch of water bottles thrown in my backpack for leaving the dry bar and going back to the hotel for free water, you know, and always happens to me that I clear them out, but there's always one wedged in the bottom. And when I go through security, the backpack gets pulled out is the one, and the woman was nice, pulled the thing out, went through the thing, pulled the water bottle out like just sat it on the shelf as it were pulled off to the side of TSA. And she goes, I go, Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot was in there. And then she goes, So do you want to abandon the water bottle? Well, it's not a party I left behind in Vietnam. I feels way too intense. I hardly know this water bottle, but you just asked I could throw it away. I'm feeling guilt wracked with the pain, and now it's like official TSA. Talk to her like, you're going to abandon this object, you know? But she just said, throw away the trash can was right there. Well, we once when I was my first marriage, we had a very. Very expensive interior decorator who charged us once for coming over to our house to install a chair. Mm hmm. You mean you brought it in the house, all like hard wire? Yeah, yeah. I it on to the floor. All four of we had all four legs on the floor. Yeah. In dollar chair, like everyone who has a banquet room and has folding chairs and they're going to have a bar mitzvah. Yeah, put some of that kind of just brought out of the chair and set it on the floor and stall and it. That is so funny. Yeah. All right, ma'am. What do you got when you got news? And look, you can take some bets on who this person is. But a porno allegedly showing Diddy with a more famous A-list celeb being shopped around, a lawyer says Yeah. A pornographic video allegedly showing Sean Diddy Combs and an even more famous A-list celebrity is being shopped around Hollywood. How does that mean? Shopped around like that, Kardashian vids from back in the I'm going, I'm going with Wilford Brimley. Yeah, and I'm going back to captain stealing. I'm going Bieber. Yeah, this thing will. Well, so with P. Diddy, we don't know if it was a lady or fellow Bieber to Brimley as well. The arc of this episode? Yeah. In addition, there's also a case brought by a new client of Mitchell Kidd. She was raped by Combs in 2018, is said to file a lawsuit this week. The victim was not been identified publicly, but a police report treats out a few weeks ago told me about assault. And so let me say this was this was witnessed by other people where she escaped from Diddy. Are we bad people for wanting to know to see the tape? Like, is there? OK, let's try it. Let's try to figure out our sort of moral hierarchy. Mm hmm. The best place you can be morally is I don't care if this tape ever comes out. And even if you put it before me, I wouldn't watch it. That is the most sort of self-actualize yogi. Ask whatever. I'm almost there. I'm almost everyone out there. The worst is I'll pay cash to get my hands on this tape, and then I'll put it on the internet, right? That's the way most Americans want to see in two seconds of it. I want to see who it is, and that's all I need to see. I'm above you guys. I do not. We want to see. I don't want to know who it is at all. I want to be if I want to meet the other person. If I know who it is, then I want to see it then about, Oh, what does that look like? What if I don't know? It's a blurry, kind of amorphous, I don't know what of it. Justin Bieber, not J.Lo, want to see it. I want to see it more. Well, yeah, I want to see that it's him. But I don't. I don't want this. I don't need to see any calisthenics. Have you ever seen you ever see Chuck Berry, the Chuck Berry VIDEO What I've I've heard about the Chuck Berry stuff about him putting cameras in the bathroom, right? There is a video's another grainy whatever. It's kind of up there with sliced alone porn video or something. Well, I've seen the Chuck Berry video and it is one of those things like, yeah, that's I to see. And then you sit and go, Oh God, I wish I didn't see this. Oh, what's he doing? He is standing in a bathtub that a woman is sitting in and he's going number one. Uh huh.. And it's just like, Yeah, I didn't need that guy that's in there, that's in there forever, right? That's Wednesday. That's Christina Ricci. What exactly what that celebrity supposed to be a huge celebrity big star to be a big star? And is it bigger? Do they mean bigger than Diddy? Yeah, they said bigger than Diddy. So that's the thing that's making my interest perk up. It's very strange and the fact that it's being shopped around but hasn't leaked who that is. Yeah, that makes me think this might just be baloney sandwiches. Mm hmm. Because, you know, in this day and age of the internet, somebody tells somebody, tell somebody. And then 911 was an inside job, right? Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, I need a Danish brother. OK? Oh yeah. Oh my bad. Sorry is a sore point. Yeah. So you know, the whole thing just keeps getting wilder and wilder with these free cops. You know, he had videotaped all these day long sex sessions and, you know, held back because that would have free coffee free coffees like crazy sex party drug fueled had everybody messed up. You know, there's a crazy video of him kind of admitting it to Conan O'Brien, like telling how he gets these crazy parties started and he's just outright like dopers. Delight talking about it like it's something casually. Now it's turned into this really, really dark thing where you get people all on drugs to keep victims obedient and compliant. I I when you ask me what my daddy joke was, I kept having this gnawing feeling of like, Yeah, that's a that's some of it. But I had this other part that I thought of on the way to the. And I totally forgot about it, which was Diddy. Whenever they would describe what P. Diddy was up to, it was like they would go at it with the young boys in the security guard and then whatever. And then he would sit in the corner, pleasuring himself, pleasuring himself. And I was like, How come when I do it, it's called beating on it. I like to rate the noble pleasure I like. I like being able to sit and read a book for 30 minutes and that's pleasuring myself. Yeah, yeah. My step mom didn't catch me pleasuring myself when I was 15. She caught me beating off. Yeah, yeah. And then I started thinking, Oh, did she play right now? I was close enough. It was pleasuring yourself is to beating off what a brothel is to a w***ehouse, I guess. Yeah, and kind of what cuisine is the food? Yeah, OK. And then I thought it'd be so much better. Like if your wife. Was like talking to our friends and said I caught Dana. He was in a brothel, eating cuisine, pleasuring. At least he doesn't call like my Stanley does. That's a waste of time. So Continental said, I caught him in a w***ehouse jacking off eating food. He had got a You got to get divorced, you got to get a lawyer. So that was then goes to a w***ehouse, the jerk off with my first great chicken. The food there? Yeah. So the Ashton Kutcher could be Ashton Kutcher could be Kutcher. I all I know. Let's just spread rumors. You have to have you. You all right. If you are a celebrity who went to the free golf parties, then you must be worried about now that this thing was memorialized. Whatever you did in the room with the dark, the lock in the door right like now, now and then you hear something's coming out. Now you have to kind of start thinking about your status. Yes, you know what I mean? Why did he write who? Where am I on this Hollywood pecking usher? Usher suspiciously deleted all his tweets. That was one thing. So I mean, but he, you know, if you look back and I look through this, so many celebrities bragged that they went to Diddy's parties and it was such a running joke or not, just like a statement of status that I went to Diddy's parties, I went to Diddy's freak freaky. But nobody said freak offs until this year. Right now that that's out. I don't know. Many people have gone silent. Kevin Hart, another guy who's like a real Diddy buddy. So, yeah, that's a big question mark. What does he have on him? And when the FBI raided the whole place, what did they get? What videos did they get? And what are they watching right now? Of which celebrities? It's a big deal right now at the FBI. Those are kept in the X files to do the Triple X files, Scully and Mulder. I got to say that if I work for the FBI, like, I feel that way when they do this thing for, they go. We tested rats, we tested rats. Turns out, sleep deprivation makes rats turn into cannibals, and then there's always ones where they go. Turns out cocaine. And I was like, as a rat, I'd like to be in the cocaine. Rat can only watch so much pornography. So sign me up for that. Sleep deprivation one. Right. So I feel that way. It's like FBI. Like, we got to watch the footage. We got the whole human trafficking boys out of Nicaragua, some as young as four four years old being sodomized by Chuck Berry. I'd be like, Let's go. Let me see the Diddy party stuff. I want to see what Selena Gomez looks like in her underpants. I would be there, be a line out that door like there had to be conversations with the commanding officer. Like, Listen, I've seen enough footage of terrorists blowing themselves up in pizza parlors in Israel and enough pedophiles, human trash. I've seen all that. Yeah. Can I watch some Pete, any party s**t for a change and to cleanse the palate a little bit? Oh my God. All right. Listen, Bob, that's fine. But if we catch you jacket, I mean pleasure in your show again, in the viewing room, you know there's going to be consequence. Yeah, that was the strangest statement in this article. Are they called at Foggy Bottom? Oh, wow. Yeah. The lawyer who's representing this lady on the one sex assault is, she said, that she got served a drink, started to feel woozy cold, sexually assaulted her with an inanimate object and then directed another gentleman. Now about P. Diddy Combs are exposed to the family feud. Comedian Ray Combs are surely talking down. OK. Wow. Yeah. Point out, Farai. All right. Just the real thing sounds a long time ago. You Oh, God bless them. God bless the hosts the family for you. But yeah, I mean, you guys got the gist of it. There you go. Next up, we got also used to just be weekends at the Playboy Mansion. Yes. Yes. James Caan. Yeah, just that was always a freak out freak out. But it was 70s. It was just called the weekend and half's time. Yeah, it was just cocaine and, you know, playmates and and you know, James Caan. Yeah, fine. There's a really funny comedian in L.A. named Drew Landry, who's coming up in it. Yes, it really was. We were just talking in the Hugh Hefner died two months before MeToo, and he was just that. I think he saw it on. Right? Yeah. Yeah, I'm out of here. Yeah. All right. Drew Landry. Not me. Not me. Frankie Valli, 90, insists nobody is forcing him to go on stage after a viral lip sync VIDEO Sparks, that's not a good sign. Like Dana, if you walked off stage and I was like, Who's forcing you to sell to somebody point somebody said whoever is putting him on stage now is guilty of elder abuse. And I agreed, Yes, leave him. Yeah, yeah. And there are no seasons left. You know, the comment section was just on fire like bang. Everybody was asking, Who's forcing me to do it? Wow. He's the winter of his discontent, but that's all we got. This is three hundred and sixty a season, so I don't know what's going on. I'm blessed to be 90 years old and still doing what I love as long as I'm able and the audience want to come see me, well, OK, let's watch a little. It's kind of funny because he's doing a bad job of lip synching. Oh, boy. Oh my. All right. OK. It looks like an animatronic from the hall and president. Hey, tonight, you need to go home, but play his backup singers are singing. OK, here's what I'm here's what I'm saying. I just got done. I just got forced into watching Paula Abdul. What the f**k is the difference? Yeah. Yeah, neither one of them singing. Yeah, he's doing their worst job at pretending he's singing the Paula Abdul was doing, but I just watched Paula Abdul will not sing just like I watch Frankie Valli not sing. So what's what's the deal? And it's also it's not like he can't hit the notes, but he's giving it as he's now moving. He can't wait to get off. That's right. Yeah, yeah. There's no shame in not doing it. You know, I guarantee Mike August has booked his dates through 2027, and he's just push it. I mean, suspicion about they're pushing him. It's all he's doing up into my urine, forcing him to drink margaritas. It's time, and I guess all, all the other four seasons got to be gone, right? Oh yeah, he is the last people. I'm sure their grandkids are. No, that's true. Yeah. And the and the backup singers, I guess, are still singing. I guess it looked like. Yeah. I cannot tell. Yeah, he actually just recently survived COVID. Like, he's like a tough guy. He's really getting through there for sure. He just wants to make every last dollar for the inheritance. I guess I get that shirt. What is it? I think it's one of those things. If it is, if he doesn't have dates, he doesn't know what to do with himself. Yeah, but I could figure stuff out for Frankie, back for myself as I got about Frankie to do. Yeah, we're going to give. No, I just I I feel the same way, like when people go, Hey, he retired from the post office now. What's he going to do? It's like tons of stuff. Yeah, enjoy himself. Yeah, what? What do you do on a Sunday? That, yeah, seven days a week. Yeah, that stuff you like doing. Just go ahead and do it all the time you find stuff to do. But it sounds like he's loving it. He's doing it. He, you know, maybe he's got a gun to his head, but everyone's saying that, you know, someone's forcing him. He he's not being forced. He loves it. He wants to keep singing it. That's the real thing that he loves. He loves performing the way Joe Biden loves debating. Right? Yeah, you're right. And it's like, you want me to have the FBI release that tape of you and P. Diddy. You go up on stage. Oh, man, I'm shopping that deal right now. Oh my god. Oh, Frankie Valli with Robert Johnson. That's right. And here's a little Don Johnson, who's Don Johnson shares the secret to seeing so handsome in 74 Mary Right? A bad marriage will aid you the humblebrag bride. Because you're you're meeting. The premise is me being hot when I'm writing for and then you're exporting. You're kind of externalizing the why, which makes you humble again. Well, look the key to being hot. At 74 is the key to being hot at 54, which is the key to being hot at 34, which is a key to being hot at 14, which is be hot. Yeah, if you're hot, you're starting off hot and then don't f**k it up. There's no key to being hot. Start start, I don't know. Danny DeVito What's the key to being hot at 74? I was a thrill when I was 14, so I don't have any keys to success. Don Johnson Yeah. Different situations, different situations. So we really shouldn't be going to him. Yeah, for his for this information. Yeah, it's a great yeah, it's a great headline. But yeah, you've you've also be a dude helps. Yeah. Oh yeah. And I don't mean that in an I mean that in its unfair way. I don't know, but I'll give it the old Jane Fonda, just for sure. Hate factor. Yeah, I mean, she's she's turning 80. Angela Lansbury, who is only 30 and she did murder, she wrote. Not a lot of people know how to scare the s**t out of me. Know, but she is in The Manchurian Candidate. She I think she plays James Gregory's mother, but she was like two years old. Oh wow. Yeah. Happens on. Yeah. Oh jeez. All right. What else we got? Yeah. The UK Court Hand's prison terms to climate activist excuse me, who threw soup on Van Gogh's sunflowers. Good guy. Now I think they've got a couple of years. They've got to. I won't bury the lead. They only got two years and a half. I'm just saying that the climate activists who like chained themselves to the freeway and block all the traffic some ambulance could be rushing a kid for surgery or something like, you just do all this stuff with impunity because they sort of feel like God's on our side. We're saving the planet. f**k you, you're going to destroy beautiful pictures that can never be recreated or stopped traffic in an a town or whatever it is, you should be punished and people who follow you shall be dissuaded. Yeah, this one, I think that I mean, the paintings are protected. I think that they have a gla*s. Yeah, but. You're not helping, right? You're just making people angry, but the only the only message that you're getting is many people who are concerned about the climate are narcissistic showboat a*****es, right? And this is why, by the way, I would be a bad climate activist because people be like, Well, we're going to desecrate Van Gogh's painting. So I got some soup. I'd be like. What is it? Name a vegetable. Well, you got to go with a chowder. That's a great fanny. Go with the chowder. We don't have to get caught up in this pleasure. Well, is it like a chunky, hearty man type vegetable or is it just straight? Well, first off it, it could be a chowder. It could be split pea. There's New England clam chowder. There's Boston, there's different chapters, but do not go with the vegetable that's going to roll right off that deck. You need one of the main handlers. Yeah. How do you handle a hungry man? Yeah, that's got sloppy Joe, the man and sloppy Joes in the main handler's two bars that just opened over the hill. Yeah. To Mr. Yeah, they gave one of the activists, gave me the man and the themes. Right, right. Frankie Laine. Really? Frankie Laine know who's from rawhide, right? Oh, really? Who remain the man handler? Yeah, me too. We used that theme. It's a can of man handler that's in the video, a ditty. It's just him in a jam and the main handler. I think it was just a can of tomato puree and you had to add your own meat. Yeah, yeah. We said to in the 70s, we're like this close to just having a can of water. All you need is egg noodles, ground beef and seasoning. Add this it's like these to you. We're going to make this. But it was really it was like hamburger helper and all the stuff, but you had to do the hard part and the expensive part. They call that and we had that served in our high school cafeteria and they called it American chop suey. Really? How euphemistic could you? By the way, I was an American chop suey. Well, we took an Italian dish and combined it with a French dish. A sloppy Joe was the American. All right, we have. We have the commercial. I think it's after theme song when that job is done, this guy, I'll be ready to dig into something mighty good to eat. How do you handle a hungry man in the main? And I know that I one and handler says Campbell's vegetable beef, it's a meat and potatoes soup with six tender vegetables and a lean meat broth. Good. The main. Hand he even pleasuring yourself. Tragedy VIDEO What better part of two hours? Well, it's one of those tubes called Scotch Barge. Did I read that? Yeah. What was that idea? Handle a hungry man. It's a man's land, and the original title of Can't Stop the Music is Scotch broth, scotch broth. I want the way the dodo. If you know, if my dog has had a can of that, he would have to go over what the hell was in what was scotch broth. I like wooden foods go out of style like wood who's go out. Like, What was that? Like a Rochefort salad? Right, right? Someone realized that wrote for sound was blue cheese dressing, you know? Yeah, but it is that weird. Like, yeah, you can't get food in certain foods anymore. How we don't make that anymore. More now lacking was a big one. And this is unlike like the Manhattan drink is not coming back. Scotch brought the drinks come back around. You guys drinking Manhattan's now from what people drank in the 30s. Yeah, scotch broth. They'll be no second act. Yeah, you'll still even quiche. Scone quiches. A weird quiche is a weird one because quiche so quiche is egg bacon and a pie crust essentially ham cheese. Yes, it's it's egg. Yeah, it's ham. All the good stuff. It's cheese, maybe some onion stuff like that. And then a friend. That's right. And so if you ordered for breakfast, if you want like, well, I have some ham and I have some eggs and I'll have some cheese on those eggs, some money. So they have some ham over here and some toast. No one call you a homo. No, but the name quiche, a book came out called Real Men. Real men don't eat quiche. They wrote a book I didn't know, and the quiche is like way hardier and manlier than waffles or French toast pancakes. It may. Maybe it's a tie with a Denver omelet, I don't know. But yeah, it's basically an omelet just prepared to dig deep into the location. There's nothing frou frou about it, but somebody wrote a book called Real Men Don't Eat Quiche. I don't know why, but they wrote that book. And then every joke was, Hey, guys are there here. That guy over there? The new bleeding. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, just for the kings. Yeah. If you if you are in if you ever find yourself in Ewan McGregor's house and you find a T-shirt on the side of his bed, odds are it's covered in scotch broth. All right, we can't do any better than that. Oh yes. Other podcast? Oh, sure, certainly, but not us. All right, Dan, I'm going to give you a plug and Jennifer SE is coming in. She's a very interesting story. She to run Levi's and got booted for crazy reasons and now started her own clothing company, so we'll talk to her in a moment. Dan, I'll give you a plugs at the end of the show as well as mayhem. Great job, guys. We'll talk to Jennifer right after this. Pluto TV is a place for movie fans like me and TV fans like me. They've got something for everyone and it's free. I love free and I love Jersey Shore for me. Is The Godfather SpongeBob SquarePants? I am Patrick Patrick is me. Oh, Forrest Gump, come on. Criminal Minds Solving Crime After Bedtime. Whatever you love to watch, Pluto TV makes it easy with thousands of free movies and shows. Pluto TV. Stream now paying? Never. Celebrating 15 years of podcasting, here's a memorable moment from the Adam Carolla shows Ace Awards archives turning to Chris Matthews. And there's another thing I don't understand Angelina Jolie, the attractive woman. Tomb Raider Now she has no boobs. You're Jane Roberts. Is this going to hurt a career, not death? And Brad Pitt? What kind of name is Pitt? That's. When I was a kid. Yeah. John Wayne. John Pitt. I understand it. Movie stars. He'll say something that is a complete random chain of thought, and then he'll button it with what it's about. You go to the zoo, you see the chimpanzees clearly there. Clearly we are somehow related to chimpanzees to have the ice is a limp in effect to the idea, people give peanut allergy to peanuts to elephants. Is this the symbol of the Republican Party chimpanzee deficit of the Democratic Party symbols? Now, for some new, memorable moments, let's get back to the Adam Carolla show, Jennifer say is here. She's an entrepreneur, entrepreneur, a business person, a former gymnast and an American hero. Well, that's nice. Yeah, pull the mic told you that way. There you go. OK. Yeah, I was familiar with your story because I'm familiar with all the people that got screwed during COVID. Years was more egregious than most. You know, some of the stories you hear about COVID were sort of, you know, coin tosses where you go, well, the guy did refuse to come into work while someone was wearing a mask and you kind of go and maybe that's on him. But then there are others that are really egregious acts. And I know you worked for Levi Strauss in your very high up. What was your title at Levi's? I was a brand president, which is about as high as you go. Yeah, CEO is the only role above that. So way up and you climbed up a you started there in 1990. I did. I started in ninety nine. I was an entry level marketing assistant. The 90s and early 2000s weren't awesome for women in corporate America, but I stuck it out because I love the brand. And you were there in San Francisco Bay Area, basically. Yeah, I lived in San Francisco. I went to college and at Stanford, and then I moved to San Francisco and started working at Levi's not too long after that and climbed all the way up. So I don't know what your politics are or were. I think maybe had a lot of the same stuff. I had sort of grew up in Los Angeles, sort of progressive and hippie mom and down with that. I was never I was never an idiot. Like, I didn't chain myself to bulldoze it like Jane Fonda or anything, but I was a key part gay marriage, you know, like all that, and then things started changing and I was like, I'm not down with the new version of this. And many people, I know when we're doing this to the grave and I'm like, I don't like where this is heading, but you must have Stanford, Levi's, San Francisco. You must have been just sort of progressive and democratic all in. I left a left of center Democrat is what I would have called myself, and I always hated Gavin Newsom, so I know we share that and well, I'd be really happy to talk about that. That's just like a dog that has a bad feeling about a new boyfriend and an 80s movie, you know? Or it's like, why? Why is, why is rusty growling? He likes everyone like, Oh, that dog knows something sees something. But for some reason, other people aren't saying, Gavin Newsom's a sociopath and it but it. I see it clearly, but it's so obvious. Well, that's what I want to scream in every human being. He looks like American Psycho, like low literacy to him. I swear to God I want a few things. My mom said before she died was like, I'm voting for Gavin Newsom. Does it? I'm like, Why don't you? Why don't you see what I see? Why doesn't anyone talk about the fact that he was married to Kimberly Guilfoyle, which, like no one on the left cares about that now? That's weird. Well, we're making fun of her for other reasons, right on the right. All right. Coming up, you're in a bastion of progressive left. Think you're thinking all the right things? You're doing all the right things. You're a success story because you're a woman and it's all the way up the food chain and one of America's most trusted, long running brands. Yeah, 1853 loved the brand. I mean, I loved it since I was a kid. I went to Moscow when I was six years old and competed in the very first goodwill games, which you may never hear about as a gymnast before the wall came down. This is 1986. Ted Turner did this like rogue Olympic competition because of all the boycotts in the early 80s. I brought 20 pairs of five ones to trade with the Russians. Wow. All right, so you're living your dream. It's an amazing story. And it's the kind of story that everyone on the left would cheer for sure. A woman who rose the ranks? Absolutely. Right now, COVID comes around. Where are you when COVID comes around sort of in your head or politically or whatever you hate Gavin Newsom? I hate Gavin, but I'm still very much identified with the left, so I might have gotten there later than you. Right? But literally March 30th, even before March 30th, but March 30th in San Francisco was the day they announced that schools would be closing. Public School 2020 2020. Sorry. Yes. No. That's all right. It's it's tough to keep track of the dates. Yeah, from that moment, my husband and I were like. Hell, no, this is wrong. You can't do this, you can't close the schools, right? Kids rely on the schools, moms rely on the supplies. You can't do this. And by the way, everyone says, Oh, we didn't know, we did already know in March of 2020. Yes. Well, we know didn't hurt young people. Exactly. We know that the median age of death coming out of Italy was 82. Right. I like that the fact that the scientists and the policymakers big claim to fame is we didn't know s**t. And like all of them, what are you doing in this position? If you didn't know by the way, you're lying, you did not stop. But still, that your excuses. I'm an idiot. Right? Well, even if you did now I think censoring clothes like all of it's wrong. You can never lock people down on an absolutist on this at this point. Never. Now where's your husband? Well, first off, how old are your kids? I have four kids. They are wide ranging in age. They are 20 right now. Sorry for that time. At that time, I had one in college Public University Berkeley, one in high school, one an elementary school and one in pre-school. Wow. I had like the full gamut of range. I do. Right. All right. So everyone's in public, on public, right? And now they're going to close everything. Yeah. Now where is your husband on this stuff? Because that can be an issue now where we're like this together together. But we were literally the only people in San Francisco having the two of us against the entire city. Did your husband have a job that may be affected by certain thoughts, like reopening schools? No. My husband is a stay at home dad, and so he was more aggressive because he had nothing to fear. That son of a b***h? Yeah. Yeah. It's all mine all day. It's a good day. But he was like, OK, everyone, I don't care. So I got an ally, so they shut the schools and. You start making some noise about it at some point, but I'm like no one. That's the thing. I mean, I had a big job, but I had no social media thought like, I'm just I'm just a mom. I mean, I had a big job. But you know, if you were against lockdowns from the beginning, you quickly, as you said, you know, everybody, you know, everybody across the country who is pushing back in the beginning. There's like five of us total. So quickly we called ourselves the open schools moms. We sort of banded together and started to strategize about how to, you know, protect, push back and and we all kind of built followings over time. Right. And I didn't really, I don't know. I just was like, I'm a mom. My kids are in public school. I get to do this. I didn't really think it would be a big deal, but quickly most of my friends abandoned me. Many in my family abandoned me and have stuck there, and it became clear that it was an incredibly controversial view and that it would be a choice to continue and to risk whatever I would risk, and I chose to continue. I don't think, as I've stated on this show many times and what you experience and sort of what I experience is I don't think it was a controversial stance. I don't think the people who demonized you thought it was a controversial stance. What they thought was you have outed yourself as a conservative and that's why you were attacked. And I, that's what that's what it was. If it's in a bubble, see, what they did is they used certain stances as it's basically like someone in Hamas sees a guy with a yarmulke and goes, I'm going to let you go, What are you doing? It's just a three inch doily on the back. Yeah, he's a Jew. He outed himself. He put a target with the yarmulke. As a Jew and I kill Jews. So I see when you make the stance, is you out your son? Now it doesn't need to be accurate. And by the way, all you're talking is not going to work on that. Like if you if you go. Hold on. I'm for gay marriage. Yeah, I got a kid who's transitioning. I want legal. Decriminalize marijuana and prostitution. I go. My kids are brown. Yeah, right? They don't care. Then you're doing something that is against what we do, and you're kind of outing yourself as either your MAGA or just a troublemaker. But either way, we're coming. We're coming after you hard. So I think I agree. But one, if you put yourself back into the first half of 2020, I actually do think people were legitimately bought in and afraid in the very earliest, the various earliest iteration of this, those same people were still going to Trader Joe's and shopping and going about and doing so. But that definitely people I worked with and lived near in San Francisco who didn't leave home for over a year. There are the like psychotic there. There's that strata and they exist and there's every version of them. But most people, yes, at first off, when they close the schools. At the beginning, I had a couple of kids at school. I was sort of agnostic about it's like, All right, close it for two weeks. What do I care like? And who cares? But you thought it would be two weeks? Yeah, I listen. It became very clear to me very early what was going on very early. It became very clear, and I started talking about it very early, like two weeks, three weeks, and I started spouting off about stuff. And then I got a lot of stuff, I'm sure. But I'm heard from people and it would be from, you know, there's a professional side and there's a personal side, there's a familiar side, there's oh, there's there's every shot. And they also these people are empowered with some sort of self-righteous, self-assured chutzpah that I know not where this comes from, that you think you can tell me how life works, even though I'm much more a much smarter and more successful than you are. But you're going to tell me you do how it works. Yeah, right? So you started this and what happened in the workplace for you? Well, I mean, it was bad in my entire city. It wasn't. And you know, Levi's is just a part of the city, and I will say, you know, I focus my. Protestation on schools and children, playgrounds in San Francisco were closed 10 months, so playgrounds, masking of toddlers, my daughter was three at the time. Yes, I focused there because I thought that would be less controversial. I thought we could all kind of agree to do what was right by children. I was wrong about that. People were posting my address online. They were posting, you know, phone numbers to call Levi's to, you know that I was like this walking, talking ethics violation. And it was ugly. I mean, people really people chased me down the street. A woman came up to me and told me she wouldn't care. When my children died, I was a murderer. I deserved it. So that's what it was like living in San Francisco. So a year in my husband, I moved and we left and we went to Denver, which you might argue is, you know, frying pan into the fire. But the schools were open and we missed not one day as soon as we got there and they welcomed us in. What was Levi Strauss, a company like for you in this period? Well, I got promoted in October of 2020. That's when I became the brand president. So, you know, so this didn't slow your roll. No, not not for a while. Well, when was there an issue with the company and your stance on this? You know, I think it was difficult. There were people in the community that were coming after me, and that's very difficult reputationally, I guess, for for a company. And so here here's what happened, though in the fall of 2020, all the private schools open. Mm-Hmm. You remember that? Yeah. So everyone I knew. I mean, I'm the only one I knew in San Francisco that worked in like a real job, a corporate job that sent her kids to public school. So at that point, I really was like, I'm not reversing course because this is it's grotesque. Yes. I mean, it's so incredibly hypocritical. They claim to be protecting the vulnerable. And yet the rich people in gated communities are sending their children to $70000 a year. Fifth grade classes at whatever private academy and then ironically, call you racist when you say, I want to open the schools are elitist or something. Yeah, and my line was that the closed public schools was the most structurally racist policy since Jim Crow, which I stand by. Yeah. So then the question for you is. How did you initially deal with the slings and the arrows? Did you try to explain things to people? That's a mistake right away, but at least we know now. Yeah, it was a mistake, which I outgrew very quickly. But yes, it became apparent. But I did the exactly what you said earlier. You know, I I have gay friends. I've marched for gay marriage. I'm pro-choice, my children are mixed race. And then you realize that that's not what this is about. They call you the names to try to silence you when they realize you won't be silenced. It's really just for the other people to hear so they don't get called those same names. Right. So and I always say the name, name calling and not engaging on the argument. It's the it's the purview of those with no argument. So it's not worth engaging if you want to engage me on the merits. Fine. Let's do that. But but yes, I did it first, probably for a good six months. I tried to defend myself. Yeah, because you think, Well, wait a minute, I'm for the kids. You're calling me names like, I don't care about kids, but no, no, I want you to help the kids. Yeah, I mean, I'm no longer a Democrat, but I'm like, These are the liberal policies I thought we all agreed on. I'm for not censoring. I'm for standing up for the vulnerable, the kids. 60 percent of the kids in San Francisco. Public schools are low income. Yeah, like these? What now? I I it's sort of upside down world because it really you're saying I went to schools open and they're saying because you hate kids, you know, and it's it's so perverted. I gross. Yeah, I told everyone to f**k off almost immediately. That was my aunt. That was my angle because I was like, We're dealing with jihadists at this point, like there's nothing to do but blow them up. Yeah, I couldn't even try. I new reasoning with these idiots, especially, yeah, Hollywood. Yeah, my husband did that. That's more his style. He's very combative and I'm like, I have a nice like corporate lady diplomatic tone. I try to convince people with facts and data. Yeah. Well, it would be nice if they were convinced of all, but I don't do it any more. But yeah, but I yeah, I stayed. I laughed. I moved to Denver. The schools were open. My younger children, you know, started elementary school there. Denver is its own kind of thing, and it's brought a lot of weed more than California even. It's kind of amazing. And after a difficult year, I I chose to resign. I mean, I had already relocated to Denver. You had a daughter at Berkeley, right, son, sorry, a son. Did he push back? No. Well, you dodged a bullet there. Did he push back on you? Oh, I thought you meant on the lockdown. Sorry. Yeah. He did not push back on the lockdowns or me. He was quiet with his head down a dodge because a lot of, you know, 19 year olds at Berkeley think they know everything can easily go after a parent for this stance. I think my older children were pretty embarrassed that you were making a ruckus. Yes, yes. But we were fine. OK, so that, I think, speaks to the relationship. Yeah, that's good. Yeah, yeah. But it wasn't bad. I mean, I get it. No, I get it, too. You don't want your mom out there being a Republican or just if you're at Berkeley, whatever you're saying, everyone's telling her to shut up. Who wants to be part of that? Well, it's a calling. They're saying your mom is an all right fascist and all the other stuff. Not a good kid doesn't want you at Berkeley. Does not want this mom to be a Christian. Nationalist schools to be open. You are far right, troll. You know, like, I love that I like. I mean, you're right. I didn't even know what QAnon was. That was. Do I still have not had anyone explain to me what Q and on exactly is other than your part of it? Right? Because you want schools open. It's some weird thing where I like Trump is sending, so I think it's on the down and out, so you don't have to worry about it anymore. And we moved on a project 20 25. Right. That's right. Well, we got to worry about. Yeah, I just make up s**t every every couple of years and say, That's right, right? I mean, I think when I was called a Christian nationalist as a Jewish atheist is when I realized that there's just no logic here. Oh, Dennis Prager, Super Jew was called, you know? Oh, right. You know, he was. He was called an anti-Semite. And Larry Elder, super black man with a new white white face of black supremacy. So they don't really. It doesn't matter. They don't have boundaries in terms of what they're capable of. Right? All that is true. I just didn't know that going in. Now you didn't know you're dealing with crazy people and also people that have no shame, like they don't pause and go like you're 50 something year old person who's calling this other taxpayer and decent citizen. This thing, like I like the way they throw around racist. It's shameful. Like that. What business you're calling? That's a really heavy allegation. Now, no one believes it, and no one believes you and you don't believe you. But it's still pretty disgusting to call somebody racist just for no good reason. Yeah, I didn't realize how. Eager and almost desperate people were to sort of wrap themselves in false virtue and yell at other people and be like busy bodies trying to sort of secure the moral high ground, whether they believe it or not doesn't matter. Like I just I didn't know that about people. It's a sad testimonial, I will say, and a rude awakening. It's a rude awakening and like a disappointment, you know, like, extremely disappointing, dreamily disappointing. These are friends I had for 35 years. Yeah, I would. My adage from COVID was I didn't learn anything about infectious diseases, but I learned a lot about people and it's f**king devastated. I'm so devastated. I'm devastated by how easily they can be led around by the nose, like how quickly and then how quickly they can turn on other people about stuff they'd never heard of or never heard of. Hydroxychloroquine. Ten minutes ago, they couldn't pronounce it, and now they're turning on somebody. Yeah, it's never. It's a sad test. You never heard of shelter in place, but we're spewing it like it is a thing. We knew our whole lives. I was like, What the f**k is shelter in place when Gavin started spewing it? It's sad, but you know what I realized because I was very disappointed in people in the beginning, I literally, quite literally lost almost every friend and my brother doesn't speak to me. I guess I don't speak to him anymore, either. So, you know, fair to this day. Yeah, it's been four years, is it? And now, first off, can any of these people just circle back and apologize for being wrong about everything? They were wrong? I know they still think they were wrong, but they do know that six foot distancing was made up. They don't. They know he doesn't. They don't think paper masks work or they don't work. They still think that they work. At least the people I was dealing with, they're still in that headspace. They're in that headspace. And their feeling is, this is what they think. Even if it didn't work, I was doing it because I'm a good person, I was doing it for the right reasons, and even if you were right, you did it for the wrong reasons and you're a bad person. I mean, it's so blatantly ridiculous, but that's the mindset we were. It's like, what's his bucket? Scott Galloway was on Mar a few months ago saying What? We were doing it for the right reasons and we need we need amnesty for us, but not for you. You don't get it because you were doing it for the wrong reasons. You're still a bad person, even if you were right. I mean, it's so f**ked up and doesn't make any sense, but those are the people I know, and they would do it again. In a second, they would put the paper mask back on. But my brother, a narcissist, you think? Because I think this affects narcissism. Narcissist badly. He lives here. His wife is a doctor and honestly, I think, you know, I think doctors before COVID had sort of lost standing and community it used to be every Jewish family wanted a doctor, right? You know, he's a doctor that didn't really. That wasn't true anymore. They had lost kind of status. And I think they enjoyed the increased status. And even though he's not a doctor, he was the, you know, the spouse of a health care hero. I think they really liked that banging those shots and pans out, you know, risking her life every day to go in. And that's fine. But that's narcissist. I mean, that's narcissism right there. I think my theory is that people who got hit real hard moral narcissism, I think that's true. I think that's not most. I think the most in the medical just went along with. So. The silent in the middle who went along are not narcissists, the ones they're pathetic, owning you and attacking you. Those were the narcissists. I agree with them. But the silent in the middle are pathetic, and they would probably be silent again because they would rather stand with the crowd and be wrong and stand up and do the right thing. But here's what I realized in the beginning I was like What is it like? Is there something uniquely horrible about Americans during this time that they're like, Why isn't anyone put this violates every sort of American Western value I can fathom? And then I realized this is people always this is just people across times and geographies, and this is just human nature. And somehow that made me feel better. Mm hmm. Yeah, we're not uniquely f**ked up. We're like the same f**ked up as everybody, yeah, we just never evolved from all of the policies and cowards and sheep from five hundred years ago, and it never will this. This is human nature. This is how it will be. There will always be a small percentage of people that stand up and push back slowly over time. Others will join. They'll pretend they were first. Oh yeah, they'll forget that they went along. I mean, I'll give you it. Let me give you a different example from gymnastics. So I was only gymnast. As you mentioned, I was seven time national team member. Twenty years after I left the sport, I wrote a book about abuse and the sport. I was the first gymnast to write about it in 2008, like ten years before Larry Nassar. Mm-Hmm. The U.S. Olympic Committee, USA Gymnastics. All my teammates. Everybody came for me and called me a liar because you weren't supposed to criticize respected coaches. Ten years later, Larry Nassar story broke. You know who that is? The doctor who abused 500 athletes. Every single person to a person said, We always stood with Jen. She was right and we always stood with it. And I'm like, I have this screenshots, a*****e. Like, Do you know it doesn't matter? Truth doesn't matter. Well, this is a this is a question, and I've brought this up and I had a little experiment told the story before a all of the sort of fast forward thought, but nighttime living in Santa Monica and apartment woman screaming out in the street. I come running out down the stairs. She totally got a purse snatched. I took off. You know, I go chasing the guy down 14th street wasn't a hair. I just I was bored. I didn't have it. I didn't know if I didn't think I had a choice. I was like the woman screaming and I got a run out because I'm here. And then she's like, He went that way and I was like, All right, and I just ran that way anyway. Chased the guy down the street for a while. He throws that. I really was, and I was just I was like, What are you going to do? She's screaming, I can't go into my apartment to shut the door, you know? And then once I got to her, she was like, that guy, you know, with the purse and and I just, I'm OK. Like, I was just kind of following orders, you know? But I I started to catch a guy and then he ended up throwing the purse in the briefcase down and broke open and stuff. Right? Right. But the cop showed up and then neighbors filed out and, you know, that kind of thing. But I took note that when the cop showed up and the neighbors were all hanging in the street, now when they said what went on here was, Wow, you know, this guy grabbed their purse. So we came running out like the guy was like, I come running out. I see him running now. So I start chasing of like, no, you know, none of you ran out. I ran out. Yeah, but then he ran out. Now you guys, you you filed out after the guy was gone and the cops were rolling up, then you came out. But. Exactly. Now is the guy lying or is he just wish it went this way? Or is it both or what happened? Because I think people have such a strong will of like, this is what I want. Like anybody, anybody who gets divorced or anyone who has a business partner, sue them or something, listen to their version of this relationship. I showed up every day and clean the floors with my hands. You know, it's like you never showed up once you and when you did you eight and then you left, you know, it's like I showed up. It was my I was the one who said, You know, we should. It's like you hear their version of life and you're like, Wow. Yeah. But it's also the version they wish happened. I don't think they're lying. I don't think they're lying, either. I think no one. Most people see themselves as the hero doing the right thing. They see themselves as good people. That's the problem. Yeah, right. That's what they're saying about us. They like those people, see themselves as good people. I don't know. I think they see us as like vaccine deniers who are now not uniquely no. No, they would go. They don't know. They think we're really stupid. Yes, that's that's what happened that had in front a high school education. Genres like construction. Mark Shields, genes. That's what they and so many times your brain got scrambled. Yeah. Yeah, that's fair. I got a lot of concussions. Not a bad person, though, a she just doesn't know. Well, now I'm about, you know, well, maybe now reporter, because here's what happened. So I stayed another year. I did eventually resign. We can sort of skip that year and I I I resigned in February of 2022, the very next day. Three San Francisco School Board members were recalled. I don't know if you remember that it made national news by like 75 percent. So they all agreed with me in San Francisco. It nobody would do it right. Right. All of that said, I took a little bit of time off. I went back to start interviewing. I have to work. I'm the breadwinner. As I mentioned, I've got four children, two in college at the time. And as I was interviewing for big jobs, I was very qualified for. It would always ultimately end with usually from an H.R. person. Will you apologize for what you've done? Right? And I was like the first time I got the question, I was like, what? This is two thousand twenty three. Right? Like everybody knows, the long term school closures were a terrible, terrible idea. So I said, no, why would I? I was right about everything. And it quickly became very clear to me that there was no room for me anymore in corporate America because you can't stray from the script. I mean, see readers that you read from a script, and if you've proven it doesn't matter if you were right, they don't want brave people. They lie, they say they do. They don't want that at all. They want people who will read. The script that came from legal was checked by cop comment and you just are supposed to read it. And I'd never done that. And it was OK for a time, but it wasn't okay anymore. So that's why I ended up starting my own cut to start. By the way, you should now execs dash x-y athletics. I'm wearing the I don't know what we're called a three quarter pull over quarter zip quarter zip. Oh, it's quarter, not three corner. It's quarters, it's performance fabric. It's good for running and cooler weather. If you run. I do this thing where I put on a 25 pounds vest and I walk everywhere, which is good because you get the weight, but it's good on the assist for me at work. That's a good website and go to X x Dash X y athletics dot com just to give you a plug. Thanks. Yeah, it's a it's a it's a weird world where you were completely vindicated, but people still act like you. You're sort of like, Oh, you got drunk and drove home from the party and ran over somebody and killed them or something like, Oh, actually, you would get like judgment. I've often said that if I if I accidentally killed someone in a drunk driving accident, if I don't know, I think if I embezzled money, yes, you would get less judgment, much less. I might be forgiven by my peers. Well, it with the problem. Bigger picture is you, you, you've outed yourself as a free thinker, and that's dangerous to the status quo. And the reason I got to hear AOC every three days talking about limiting this disinformation that because that is the opposite of what the government wants, they do not want free thinkers. You are free thinker. You outed yourself as a free thinker, and they're not interested in trying to govern free thinkers because they're hard to govern. It's very difficult. And the other the other problem is, is once you, whatever your realization was, the mine was covered. Then you're like, Wait a minute. Right? I don't believe in I don't believe any of it. They've been censoring. This was a lie. This was a lie. And so, you know, of course, that DIY gender ideology, which is sort of the center of the brand, Gretchen Whitmer's kidnapping plot, you know what I mean? Like, you start looking into everything, but isn't the government involved in? So what are they telling us, right? And so then you criminalize yourself at every turn because you started talking about these things. And then you really have outed yourself as a right wing Nazi Christian nationalist in their minds. I know who is an atheist, Jew or an atheist in their minds, right? You, you re-offend. And then there really is no getting back. Yeah, my argument is there is no clawing your way back into anybody's good graces, not with that group, because they didn't throw you out for legitimate reasons in the first place. So if they didn't exile you for legitimate reasons, they're never going to let you back in. You can explain to them all day and all night. So all you got to do is go plant your own flag somewhere and go do something else that doesn't involve them because there is no winner. There's no winning them back. But it's a it's a tough pill to swallow. These are friends. Like I said, you thought, you know, I was at their weddings. I was like in the room for the birth of some of their children like these are all these children are all nowadays, right? But I was there for them, right? So yeah, and I'm mocking that as like, not a thing because there's no such thing. Yeah, no. That doesn't really matter to them how often they're wrong about something or how much damage they do to young people. They just move on to the next thing. That's the interesting part of. They do the and whatever it is, I don't think of them is evil, but I think of them as cowards and cowards do evil things when they get pushed. And so their defacto, they're they're evil. They are not in a movie kind of way. No, not in a like twirling the moustache, but they're cheap power, desperate to hang on to my, you know, group status, my virtue signalling status. And I will. I mean, it's like that story the lottery. Do you remember the Shirley Jackson story from the 50s, the lottery where they stole one person to death a year in the small town? Oh no, I don't know that story. It's a famous short story. You should read it. One one one. I started by saying, I can't. I know it's something else, but I've read two books. It's a gruesome. It's a gruesome story. Anyway, this town, they basically choose a person to stoned to death. It's like the purge those movies, right? But this was before that, I think, she wrote in the fifties. And the families get in on it like everyone gets in and there's some made up trumped up charges. But it's like this. It's a purge that whatever in the in the town, it's like that. They feel pumped up and virtuous and they got rid of you. They purged the heretics in their midst and they're going to stand by that. They're not thinking that much about whether they're right or not. I mean, they do believe they're right. Yeah, I mean, they they I do. I don't know if that's like generous view, but like, they're not lying. They think they are correct in their position. I agree with that. It gets blurry and it's something I've yelled about for a million years, which is I used to pass a billboard that said like. 56000 Americans die of secondhand smoke every year, and I was like, nobody does. I can't answer that, and I talked to Dr. Drew about it, and he's like, Nobody does not know why they say 56000. They make it to. The more specific the number is, the more believable, right? Well, but also the more you know, it's a lie like the six feet. Well, no, I mean, sorry. But when the plumber says all the work's going to come to $2000, you got $2000. That's even worse. You get Where'd you get that vitamin? It goes? Nineteen hundred seventy eight dollars and twenty one cents, you guys, this guy's legit. That's what I'm saying. They pick up. So but it's false precision. Yeah. So I I go, Well, who's dying of second? A known does the second hand smoke, and Drew's answer is, well, they don't want you to smoke. And I go, OK, but they're lying and they go, Yeah, but they don't want you to do this thing, you know where they go. AIDS is an equal opportunity killer and you go, That's all you straight lady telling heterosexual ladies. And they're like, Yeah, well, what? So why they lie? They want you to wear condoms. I go, But they're lying, right? Yeah. But because they want you to wear condoms. So there is a governmental side of it that knows they're lying just because they want you to do. Sure. I mean, vaginas, six feet was made. Fauci knows and lied. But you're dingbat friends from San Francisco. They don't know they, but they have a Fauci candle there from Seattle, Silver Lake, Brooklyn and San Francisco. You're right, all the hot spots, huh? So, you know, we're get, I'm telling you, Dr. Drew said to me eight, 10 years ago. Why was this all play out? I just go safe spaces. Knock the gods. You just move into an acting on. Surround yourself with like minded people, right policies and and lots of mocking and shame. I am proud to say that every single person I must have called two hundred thousand people postseason sheep all throughout COVID. That's all I did. How they accept that. I don't care. I had a couple of stock answers. I was like, Get in that go. The disease can be spread through touch. I just go get under the bedpost. That was my answer. And if anyone ever said my grandfather was killed by COVID, I'd go three of my grandfathers were killed by COVID. I was just right. All I would do is mock everyone. It's not even. That's why I have to mock everyone. Die of s**t all the time. Pneumonia used to be called. What was it like the old man's best friend? This is the same s**t I know. It's total bulls**t. I'm these people would come out. I had seven family members die of COVID. You're lying to me. They're all full of s**t. That's why I would tell them if they said I had seven fans, I'd go. I had eight family members that got it. I relentlessly mocked everybody through Twitter. It's all on record and I'm way prouder of that than I am the birth of my twins. I am so proud that it's a permanent record that all I did was troll everyone and f**k with everyone, including the school system and L.A. Unified. And then you can mock them. You guys here in L.A. had I wish I long for the day when I don't know the public health bureaucrats in every city across the country, but you guys have one of the best ones. Barbara Ferrer. We had Barbara, the I called her an old witch in a sea hag and a troll, not a real doctor and not a real doctor. Endless amounts of time, Jennifer. She's horrible. All right. Well, I'll tell you more about the brand. Oh, yeah, more about the brand. That's sorry. That's OK. That's a campaign shirt. Anyway, I realize I cannot not go back to corporate America, so I decided I would take my background as an athlete, my experience in fashion and my sort of big mouth to start my own brand. We started six months ago, only athletic brand standing up for the protection of women's sports because everyone knows that males should not be allowed to compete in women's sports. Oh, you're a heretic. All right, website. X x x y Athletic Also Instagram We can see we can say hi at Jen. Say it's s e y s f. I know I didn't. I don't know how to change my Instagram handle. That's all right. I'm old. Come back when you guys hit the Fortune 100, that might be a while, but we're we're we're we're growing fast and say, Hi, I'm going to be in Casper, Wyoming, at the Rialto Casper Theater. That'll be this Friday, coming up a couple of shows. And then Nashville, I've heard saying these are back over 10. You can go to for our live shows and tell next time Sam Crawford, Dana Gould and Jennifer Say and Mayhem Miller San Bahala. Leave his voicemail at eight eight six three four one seven four four and get your tickets to see the man at Adam Cole at our car. I love reality TV on Pluto TV. Same, and I love that it's free. It gives me the freedom to watch Bravo's Real Housewives vault channel. I'm totally free to watch Bad Girls Club. I'm free for Jersey Shore love and hip hop. I'm free all day survivor. I'm free all night. With hundreds of free reality shows, you are totally free to watch what you love on Pluto TV. Pluto TV. Stream now. Hey, never. Pluto TV is a place for movie fans like me and TV fans like me. They've got something for everyone and it's free. I love free and I love Jersey Shore. For me, it's The Godfather. SpongeBob SquarePants. I am Patrick Patrick is me. 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Past Episodes

#1 ACS #1453 (feat. Pauly Shore, Matt Atchity, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #2 ACS #1780 (feat. Ari Shaffir, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2016) #3 ACS #1794 (feat. Tyler Labine, Matt Atchity, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2016) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
02:59:08 3/16/2025
#1 ACS #1446 (feat. Mike O?Malley, Jo Koy, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #2 ACS #1337 (feat. Mark Cuban) (2014) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
03:05:58 3/15/2025
#1 ACS #1445 (feat. Patrick Warburton, Dr. Bruce, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #2 ACS #1364 (feat. Pete Holmes, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #3 ACS #2149 (feat. Jay Mohr, Russ Roberts, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2017) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
03:29:56 3/14/2025
Adam kicks off the show with comedian Kellen Erskine diving right into some hot topics like why people should not bring their dogs to restaurants, dogs crapping in airlines, installing a catalytic converter guard on a prius, renting a moving truck, odds and vegas, how the lottery is actually bullshit, and a new game Katy Perry vs. Katy Porter. Jason ?Mayhem? Miller then joins the show to talk about the news including stories about Rosie O?Donnell fleeing for Ireland in the wake of Trump, children?s books, Sara Mcbride gets misgendered, and Gavin Newsom spending money on his own bust. Get. It. On. For more with Kellen Erskine: MARCH 16 NEW BREMEN, OH - LOCK ONE COMMUNITY ARTS MARCH 20 PITTSBURGH, PA - SUNKEN BUS MARCH 28 BAKSERSFIELD, CA - TEMBLOR BREWING CO. WEBSITE: PODCASTS: The Book Pile INSTAGRAM: @KellenErskineComic TWITTER: @KellenErskine
02:00:38 3/13/2025

Adam kicks off the show with a recap of his recent trip back to Malibu to check in on the rebuild efforts and has a run-in with both a Karen and a cleanup crew.

Next, comedian Adam Hunter joins the show to talk about his new special, No Direction, his friendship with Mayhem, the wide world of sports, bad realtors, and a search for ?human dynamite.?

Then, Jason "Mayhem" Miller jumps in as the guys break down the latest headlines?Gavin Newsom twisting himself into knots over transgender athletes on his own podcast, a track relay featuring a baton to the head, an ongoing controversy over transgender women in women?s spas, and the tragic story of a repeat offender murdering a Good Samaritan trying to stop a catalytic converter theft. Get it on.

For more with Adam Hunter:

NO DIRECTION - new standup special available on Spotify and Apple Music






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02:24:38 3/11/2025
Adam and Jason ?Mayhem? Miller are back with comedian Dave Landau and Joey McIntyre from New Kids on the Block. It?s a jam-packed episode covering everything from stand-up?s grunge era to boy band nostalgia. Adam and Dave Landau break down the evolution of comedy and music?why grunge wouldn?t exist without hair metal and how American culture demands constant reinvention. Plus, Adam sounds off on Randi Weingarten?s latest billionaire rant, Gavin Newsom?s painfully obvious attempt at a rebrand, and the absurdity of solar panels on churches. Then, Joey McIntyre joins the show to talk New Kids on the Block, his Boston roots, and what it?s really like to grow up in the biggest boy band on the planet. He shares stories from Broadway, his new solo tour, and even dishes on leaving Bill Burr hilarious voicemails. For More on Dave Landau: MARCH 22 @ The Roxy in Rochester, MI MARCH 27 @ Spokane Comedy Club in Spokane, WA APRIL 4+5 @Heyen?as Comedy Club in Dallas, TX APRIL 10 -@ The San Jose Impov in San Jose, TX APRIL 11-12 @The Comedy Bar in Chicago, IL WEBSITE: PODCASTS: NORMAL WORLD on Blaze TV INSTAGRAM: @dave.Landau TWITTER: @LandauDave For More on Joey McIntyre: FREEDOM? New solo album available now FREEDOM TOUR : PHASE ONE APRIL 4 - Houston, TX APRIL 5 - Dallas, TX APRIL 7 - St. Louis, MI APRIL 8 - Chicago, IL APRIL 9 - Detroit, MO APRIL 11 - TORONTO, ON WEBSITE: PODCAST: The Move with Joey McIntyre INSTAGRAM: @joeymcintyre TWITTER: @joeymcintyre Thank you for supporting our sponsors: ADAM?S LIVE SHOWS GROUND NEWS ROSETTA STONE OREILLY AUTO PARTS HUEL HOMES.COM HOME CHEF TIK TOK
02:29:47 3/11/2025
Adam kicks things off with comedian Elon Gold, breaking down the art of impressions, Jerry Seinfeld not knowing why Adam wanted to show him a Porsche 935, and why the best way for Democrats to upstage Trump at the SOTU might?ve involved volleyballs. Then, Jason ?Mayhem? Miller joins in as they tackle some jaw-dropping news?like a South Carolina convict facing execution by firing squad and a high-achieving student suing after being rejected by 16 colleges. Closing out the show, legendary comedian Carol Leifer chats with Adam about her incredible career, her new book How to Write a Funny Speech, and behind-the-scenes stories from working with Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David. Get it on. FOR MORE WITH ELON GOLD: SPECIAL : Elon Gold?s 40 Minute Comedy Special | The Laugh Factory - Available on Youtube NOW DATES: Go to March 19, 2025 - Aventura Arts & Cultural Center - Aventura, FL - FIRST SHOW SOLD OUT - SECOND SHOW ADDED TWITTER: @ elongold INSTAGRAM: @elongold FOR MORE WITH CAROL LEIFER: BOOK: HOW TO WRITE A FUNNY SPEECH written by Carol Leifer and Rick Mitchell available - March 11th DATES: Go to March 20, 2025 - Hermosa Beach - Comedy & Magic Club March 22, 2025 - Vienna, VA - The Barns of Wolf Trap TWITTER: @ carolleifer INSTAGRAM: @Carol Leifer Thank you for supporting our sponsors: Listen now to the up first podcast from NPR - we?ve done your homework!
02:25:30 3/9/2025
#1 ACS #1447 (feat. Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #2 ACS #1377 (feat. Dave Dameshek, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
02:52:25 3/9/2025
#1 ACS #1756 (feat. Vinnie Tortorich, Gina Grad & Bryan Bishop) (2016) #2 ACS #1781 (feat. Steve-O, Anant Agarwal, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2016) #3 ACS: #1802 (feat. Chris Bell, Mark Bell, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2016) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
02:38:01 3/8/2025
#1 ACS #1777 (feat. Anna Faris, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2016) #2 ACS #1457 (Joe Rogan, Cassius Morris, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
03:48:17 3/7/2025

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Adam kicks off the show with actor Seann William Scott, diving into his latest ABC sitcom, Shifting Gears. The conversation quickly turns nostalgic as they revisit the comedy classic Windy City Heat before Seann shares behind-the-scenes stories from The Dukes of Hazzard?talking car stunts, working with Johnny Knoxville, and leaving Minnesota at the ripe young age of 18 to become a movie star. Things take a turn when Adam and Seann discuss the recent chaos in California, from the devastating Malibu wildfires to the wave of Tesla arsonists. With countless classic cars lost in the fires and electric vehicles being torched in protests, the past two months have been brutal for car lovers. Jake Steinfeld then joins the show with an unbelievable story?losing his home, a lifetime?s worth of memorabilia, and, in what truly breaks Adam?s heart, his Ferrari 550. But the real kicker? California?s nightmare bureaucracy is stopping him from rebuilding. Adam and Jake go off on the state?s insane permit process, red tape, and government inefficiency that keeps disaster victims in limbo. But in classic Body by Jake fashion, he refuses to wallow, preaching his lifelong mantra: DON?T QUIT!?he even casually mentions a run for governor. Could Body by Jake become California by Jake? For more with Seann William Scott: ?Shifting Gears? season finale airs Wednesday 3/19 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on ABC and the next day on HULU INSTAGRAM: @Seannwilliamscott For more with Jake Steinfeld: WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM + TIK TOK: @officialbodybyjake
02:21:33 3/17/2025
#1 ACS #1453 (feat. Pauly Shore, Matt Atchity, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #2 ACS #1780 (feat. Ari Shaffir, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2016) #3 ACS #1794 (feat. Tyler Labine, Matt Atchity, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2016) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
02:59:08 3/16/2025
#1 ACS #1446 (feat. Mike O?Malley, Jo Koy, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #2 ACS #1337 (feat. Mark Cuban) (2014) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
03:05:58 3/15/2025
#1 ACS #1445 (feat. Patrick Warburton, Dr. Bruce, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #2 ACS #1364 (feat. Pete Holmes, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #3 ACS #2149 (feat. Jay Mohr, Russ Roberts, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2017) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
03:29:56 3/14/2025
Adam kicks off the show with comedian Kellen Erskine diving right into some hot topics like why people should not bring their dogs to restaurants, dogs crapping in airlines, installing a catalytic converter guard on a prius, renting a moving truck, odds and vegas, how the lottery is actually bullshit, and a new game Katy Perry vs. Katy Porter. Jason ?Mayhem? Miller then joins the show to talk about the news including stories about Rosie O?Donnell fleeing for Ireland in the wake of Trump, children?s books, Sara Mcbride gets misgendered, and Gavin Newsom spending money on his own bust. Get. It. On. For more with Kellen Erskine: MARCH 16 NEW BREMEN, OH - LOCK ONE COMMUNITY ARTS MARCH 20 PITTSBURGH, PA - SUNKEN BUS MARCH 28 BAKSERSFIELD, CA - TEMBLOR BREWING CO. WEBSITE: PODCASTS: The Book Pile INSTAGRAM: @KellenErskineComic TWITTER: @KellenErskine
02:00:38 3/13/2025

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