1. Harry Chapin Taxi Breakdown (2010) 2. Christy Canyon and Bill Simmons football Sunday (2010) 3. Alison's first official day (2011) 4. Rotten Tomatoes Game (2014) Hosted by Chris Laxamana and Giovanni Giorgio Request clips: Classics@adamcarolla.com TWITTER: https://twitter.com/chrislaxamana https://twitter.com/giovannigiorgio INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/chrislaxamana1 https://twitter.com/giovannigiorgio Website: https://www.podcastone.com/carolla-classics Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/carolla-classics/id1454001697?mt=2 Support the show: Visit TommyJohn.com/Classics for 20% off your first order!