One Degree of Scandalous with Kato Kaelin and Tom Zenner

Ep 60: Witness Saw O.J. Simpson Dumping Weapon: "I Saw It!"

Less than two hours after a horrific double homicide, O.J. Simpson stepped out of a limo at LAX on June 12, 1994, walked to a trash can, slightly unzipped a small gym bag, and secretively emptied items into it. Watching him closely was Skip Junis, an L.A. businessman at the airport to pick up his wife. Skip is convinced Simpson was getting rid of the murder weapon and bloody clothes. Junis was another credible witness who could have been used by prosecutor Marcia Clark to help convict Simpson, but inexplicably, he was never called to testify in the trial. Junis joins Tom Zenner and Kato Kaelin to walk them and viewers through everything that happened that night. Did O.J. look suspicious? Is he certain of what he saw? Did he call 911? Watch this fascinating interview that true crime and scandal fans will hang on every word.

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