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01:09:41 12/18/2024


It's my pod. It's my pod. You know what's so funny is that I hate when people call podcasts pod. And now all of a sudden, I, like, I can't stop. It's like it's this weird tic that I have. Yeah. Why are you doing that? Because I don't like it. Oh. You know how you just recognize something that irks you and then all of a sudden, because you think about it so much, you start doing the thing that irks you? Do you have another example? No. I don't. Peeps. I like Peeps. When I used to call I'll start doing it again when I call people Peeps. Whatever. Anyway, I didn't mean to start the podcast that way. That's what I'm let's circle back. Okay. Didn't mean to go into it like that. Lo, cielo, lo French, thanks for hanging out with me Always. Today. I wanna just, like, start off first by giving a chin implant update. Oh, yeah. Because I'm sure everyone's very concerned Super worried. Very worried, you know, worried about my well-being, what's gonna happen to my face. Like, it's important. It's important. If you didn't listen to the last episode, I was talking to Beau, and then I was like, my fake chin hurts. Mhmm. It feels like not that it's knocked out of place, but, like, could what's wrong with it? Right. I got it 20 years ago. So, like, do I need a new do I need a new one? What's what's this itch? What's the deal? And then 2 days later I don't know why it was 2 days later. Feels like it was 2 days later. Yeah. I was taking off my makeup at night, you know, doing my skin care routine, and I noticed that my chin was just like a little brown Mhmm. Like, black and blue. And I'm like, is that like dirt? Like, did I not get did I just wipe something on me? After further inspection, it looks like well, I'll be honest. It looks like an injection gone wrong. Yeah. Definitely. That's that's what it looks like. It like that time when I it looked like I had that giant bruise on my neck from getting Botox in my neck, that's what it looked like. Yeah. However, I did not get Botox in my chin. Right. Do people get Botox in their chin? Maybe. Okay. Well, I didn't. Yeah. I did. But it wasn't like a round bruise. It was like a It shaped very strangely. Yeah. It is now, at this point, I can barely cover it up. I have so much makeup on my chin right now, and you can still I can see it. See it. Yeah. It is hardcore black today. Yeah. Now, it's it feels like it's only getting worse, but it doesn't hurt anymore. Yeah. 2 days ago, it was like purple. Yes. It was dark purple. It does not hurt, but it is blacker than ever. I wonder if Messer head butted you and did knock the chin implant out of place. Like, I wonder if it's a combination of both. Well, then riddle me this. It doesn't hurt anymore. So did the chin implant just fall back in place? Yeah. Maybe it just settled. But, like, why would the why would the bruise be that big and weirdly shaped? I don't know. What's so crazy is that I did have Botox bruises I saw those. On my neck Yeah. Around the same time. So it looks like someone happened to you. Someone took me by the throat. Yeah. But they're, like, 2 different types of looking bruises. Like, the Botox ones are long gone, but this one remains. Mhmm. It's livelier than ever. Has Hartford commented on it? No. Wow. Which is so strange. That is strange. She's usually very observant 100 percent. Of your face. She even even yesterday when I got her out of the car, she goes, you don't have makeup on? And I'm, like, no. And she said, why? And I was, like, I didn't work today. And I was, like so she notices in the dark me not having makeup on Right. But not the giant bruise on my chin. Weird. But it has to be Messer Yeah. Because he's always his head is always, like, flinging back into my chin or, like, he has a weapon of some sort, like, a stick or something, and I get or, like, you know what really pisses me off, which, like, they're cute. The toys are cute. But the fake broom with the fake mop Oh, he loves to clean. He loves to clean, and he always has these fake mops and brooms that he's pretending to wipe the floor. Clean clean the floor. Clean clean the floor. That's what we say with him. I get whacked All the time. All the time. Yeah. And I'm like, these are dangerous. These are child weapons. Yeah. Because I was holding him the other day and he had the Elsa microphone and he was singing, which was so cute. But then all of a sudden, it was my turn and he jammed that thing right in my mouth and I was like. Oh. That's what I mean. That's what I mean. He's not gentle. Messer is a dangerous boy. Yeah. And I'm gonna I'm assuming that it's him. It's just how did I not notice in the moment? How was I not like, wow, that hurt when it did happen? Whatever happened? I can't tell you. Yeah. You know? Maybe you did and you just you didn't even you wrote it off. Well, now I'm, like, super and hyper aware of it. So I had the night from hell. Oh. You know because you were alone last night. Oh, no. That was fine. Oh. Like, but yeah. Last night, it was just me and the kids. Beau went to go watch a football game. Yeah. And they were actually they were ease they were fine. Oh, great. What was your night from hell then? My night from hell started at 1 AM. So I went I've been, like, complaining about the fact that, like, Messer ever since the daylight savings or whatever. He, like, wakes up so much earlier, and it sucks, whatever. I'm used to that now. Okay. I'm used to the early 5 AM waking up. It's like sometimes we'll make it till 6. In the beginning, it was like 4:30. But, like, now you know, now if it's 5, 5:30, I'm like, I can survive the day. But last night and I went to bed early, like, I texted Beau. I was like, going to bed. Just like, don't try not to wake me, whatever. Then at 1 AM because it was my night and my morning. Because Beau and I alternate Right. Who has to deal with the kids at night and in the morning. And that's so nice of you because he went out that he gets to sleep in for, like, this much longer. That much longer. Yeah. 1 AM. Oh, no. Messer is up, screaming bloody murder. I mean, I'm like, it almost as if something's wrong or bad dream or I don't know, but, like, I go in, give him the choo cho, pacifier, try and soothe him, do all of the things. I mean, all of the things. Nothing will work. Nothing will work. And I'm, like, freezing because, like, at that point in the night, I'd already, like, taken off my sweatshirt and my sweatpants and my socks. So I'm just in, like, a t shirt, and I'm, like, f**k. I've been in here for, like, half an hour. I'm like, I have to put you back in the crib and, like, go I'm like, I'll I'm gonna go put on my winter wardrobe Right. Come back in. Nothing worked. I was in that room for over 2 hours. Oh my gosh. I went and got pillows. I made a bed on the floor. Yeah. I tried that. He didn't like that. He kept getting up in his little sleep sack, walking around the room crying. I'm like, I don't understand how Hartford isn't waking up right now. Like, this is it's insane and it's going on so long. I started crying. Oh, no. Tears running on my face because I was just so tired. And I'm like, nothing will work. Like, nothing is working to the point I went I put him back in the crib then went to Beau. And I was like, Beau, you might. I know that, like, this is not your night, but you might actually have to be the one to do this. Because I don't know what it is. I've talked about this on The Good, The Bad, The Baby, but, like, men can just sleep upright. Right. You know, Bo can fall asleep on the couch in the middle of, like Yeah. He sleeps in that chair. In the living room. He can sleep in the rocking chair. He sleeps in Ubers just sitting upright. Yeah. Like, he can so it's easy for him to be in the rocking chair and him also get some snooze Right. While he holds Messer. Whereas if I go and sit on that rocking chair, I'm awake. I might as well have a Celsius or make some coffee. But it sounds like even if you were sitting on the chair, Messer wasn't calming down. He he would calm down for a little bit. And then when I would move him back, it was And then he was okay. Yeah. I wonder if he had a really bad dream. Who the f**k knows? All I know is that I wake up at 355. So, like, we must have fallen asleep, like, somewhere after the 2 hour mark. Right. But I was awake for sure that I know for 2 hours Okay. In that room with him. And then I put him in his crib. Well, you know, it's, like, now almost 4 in the morning. I go to sleep, and then sure enough, he wakes up again at 5. Oh my god. And I'm like, what is with this kid? Yeah. What the actual f is with this kid? I thought for sure because he was awake for those 2 hours that he would then just, like, sleep in because he needed it. Yeah. At that point, I was like, Beau, I know this is my time, but I'm telling you, I will not survive Right. The day. I won't I won't be, a well human being. You have to be the 1. Go do your dad thing. Sleep upright. Like, you just got to. And so he went and did that, and then that lasted an hour. So I've been up since 6. But, you know, that is Oh my god. That has been my night. The sleep regression, I forgot all about that. Yeah. It's funny because I feel like when you have a baby, they talk about, like, the newborn phase and how awful that is with sleep. But nobody talks about how, like, you're still not getting sleep. No. It's it's the newborn phase, you're at least prepared for it because you know that it's what what it is. You know what to expect. Regular. Right? Like, every 3 hours or whatever it is. So you're like Yeah. And then they, you know, they stretch over time, and it it's always it feels like when you're in the newborn phase, it's always getting better. Right. Okay. You know, there's hope Yeah. In the newborn phase. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. But toddlers, it just randomly comes out of nowhere. Right. We're like, what the hell Yeah. Is this? What what is this? Did you Google your your wonder weeks? Oh, I Googled 15 month regression. And sure enough, that's, like, 15 month regression because they're probably learning something new or teething or blah blah. But I'm like, you could look up a regression for every single month and it would say the exact same thing. Right. There is no there's nothing you can do except just, like, wait it out. Well, if you think about it too, like, there are nights when I wake up and I'm awake for, like, an hour in the middle of the night. I just know how to, like, control my emotions. No. I understand what's happening and I self soothe. But, like, he doesn't know how to do that. Fair. You know? And he does have teeth. He doesn't have a phone to look at TikTok and be like, I'm okay. I'm safe. He can't scroll. Yeah. Okay. You know, that makes me feel better. But if it happens again Yeah. Well Like, the way that I'm so today, I'm in such a better mood because well, first of all, we're recording this on a Friday, so it's Outlander Day. Every Friday is a holiday. Every Friday is a holiday. And I love when that holiday of Outlander Friday falls on the day that I don't have to be the one to wake up with them the next morning. Which you would think that that would be the right time because, like, it's not like I'm going out and doing anything. So, like, I just watch Outlander and can go to sleep early. But there's just something I'll be like, no. This is my actual Friday night. This is my version of fun, and I'm gonna watch Outlander sleep and not wake up if a baby cries and be like Bo has to handle it. Well, so he stepped in for you last night at a certain point. So does that shift your days or you guys just kind of it's like a a little pass card? Oh, no. Last week, there was not one day that I actually got to, like, sleep past 7:30. Oh, okay. Because Of different things. Because of different things. Okay. That the kids were I could just hear that they were being extra hard, and I'm, like, I can't let them do this alone. Okay. So it's not like a flip flop, like, oh, since I slept in the chair for you last night, now you have to get up for me today No. Tomorrow. If we were gonna do that, I'd be, like, you weren't in there making a floor fort Okay. So it would be hard to, like, holding holding keeping score. We're not I don't think we're keeping score with this one. Okay. No. Like, no. Yeah. But, like, if something happens where he's extra difficult again tonight, I mean, I'm gonna help. But just to know that it's not my responsibility Right. Just soothes the soul a little. Okay. You know, to know that it's not on me. But I do have a little bit of, like, Sunday scaries because, you know, like I've said, for the week the weekends, TGIF it's only TGIF because of Friday. Right. No longer are the weekends what I look forward to. Right. They'll become fun again one day. Yes. They will one day. I know that this is like, you know, a polarizing subject. But for parents, for I 95% of parents, I swear, will agree with me that the weekends are harder than the week. Yeah. Because you don't have school, you don't have daycare, you don't have work that's, like, occupying your mind. Yeah. It's like everyone is there together in the house Yes. Hanging out Yes. For 2 days straight. That's it. You you have to make sure you have to constantly be on your s**t with your kids. There's no relaxing time. There is no going to the bathroom by yourself. There is no it is just you are in the trenches where it's like when I'm during the day, Monday through Friday, if I have to work, do things, working is easy compared to being a mom. Yeah. Mommy is the hardest job in the world. Like, do you still look forward to the weekend? Yeah. I have a busy weekend coming up. What are you gonna do? Okay. So I have lunch with my cousin tomorrow, Saturday. And then, well, we were gonna go to the Beverly Hills Hotel tomorrow night because they're having 12 days of souffles where they have a different flavor every day. Yeah. But tomorrow night is cranberry orange, and it's the only one on the menu that I'm not, like, really thrilled about. The other ones, for example, are like gingerbread or like fall apple pumpkin spice or like Yeah. That's a good point. Whatever chocolate, like, cranberry orange. No. I feel you. And although I am a cranberry girly, not in my desserts. Right. And Alex was like, I like a fruit and cream combo. And I was like, no. I need I'm not gonna go spend that much money for a cranberry and orange souffle. Sorry. Which one are you most looking forward to? If you could the or the Polo Lounge souffle Mhmm. Which is like to die. Yeah. I've had the funfetti one. I'm gonna be honest. I'm gonna be real with you. It's underwhelming. Really? The chocolate the standard classic chocolate that they have. And I'm a funfetti girly Yeah. Until I die. Yeah. To me, it was just like I've never had the funfetti. I've only had the chocolate. Oh, let's see what they do. Okay. Pumpkin spice, sugar cookie. That sounds like a good one. Mhmm. Cranberry orange, butter brown butter apple pie. That sounds delicious too. White chocolate vanilla. Yum. Oh, this would be I think this would be mine. Maple bourbon pecan pie. Yum. Literally, when I looked at the list, I was like, any of them. No. Except the next one is candy cane. Oh, candy cane would be weird. Sick. Spiced gingerbread, polo lounge, pink velvet, yum. Butterscotch toffee, yeah. Mhmm. Peppermint chocolate chip, cool. Eggnog, risky. Risky. Super risky. That could go, Ian. I love eggnog, but that could go either way. No. It's the maple burp why can't I talk today? Bourbon. Oh, I know why. Your chin. No. Because I haven't been I haven't been sleeping. Oh. Maple bourbon pecan pie. Yeah. That's it. You know what you need to have? I don't know if you saw it in my kitchen, but I ordered so, like, one of my favorite Christmas, like, desserts from New Orleans is the Cajun Kringle Cake. So it's the shape of Oh, I saw you post about that. So it's the shape of, like, a Mardi Gras, whatever. Yeah. You know, king cake. But it's it tastes maple y. It's got the nuts. It's all I don't even know, actually. Is it the is it like praline? Maybe. Or is it a cake? Is it sugar or is it a cake? Well, it's like king cake. So it's like Oh. It gives donut vibes Right. But you have an icing. There's like a a little filling ish in it. Oh. I I bet you it's like a praline icing or something, like a praline maple icing. I don't know. All I know is that my grandma always had it for Christmases, and I'm like, I'm gonna see if I can actually just order one to the house. You can. What's that site called that just delivers everything? Not Amazon? It's like Postmates. What do you mean? It's like you ship you can get food shipped. Don't ever get food shipped. Oh, f**kity f**k. I have to be able to, like, say what I don't know, but I'm excited to try it. Kringle Cake New Orleans. I feel like that's what I typed in. Gold belly. Oh, yes. Yeah. Okay. Cool. Yeah. You know what's great? When you can get someone a gift they wouldn't necessarily get for themselves that's a little bit luxurious, you know, they just, like, don't know what they're missing, My go to for that is Quince, quality gifts at an affordable price, but I also just, like, shop at Quince for myself. Let's be real because I am very into having somewhat of a capsule wardrobe that will last me a really long time. So when I need any, like, of my basics, whether it's, like, cashmere sweaters or, like, linen sets or, you know, things like that, I go to Quince because they are so much more affordable than other places. And the way that they're able to do this is because they partner directly with top other places, and the way that they're able to do this is because they partner directly with top factories. So they're cutting out the cost of the middleman, which passes the savings onto us. So, like, if you see me in a cashmere sweater, it's probably from Quince. Their cashmere sweaters, they start at just $50. There is this gold ring, like, even jewelry. This gold ring with pave diamonds, yes, diamonds that I got on Quince. It's this croissant ring. It's stunning. I wear it almost every single day on my middle finger. That is from Quintz and for a fraction of the price. So if you're looking to get yourself something or for somebody else, gift luxury this holiday season without the luxury price tag. Go to /stassy for 365 day returns plus free shipping on your order. That's to get free shipping and 365 day returns. You've probably heard of Ozempic or Wegovy. I mean, you have to be living in a cave if you haven't. I mean, let's be real. But there's a lot of questions about it. And a lot of the time, the main question that people wanna know is is my insurance going to cover it? Well, that is where Roe comes in. So Roe can help you understand if GLP ones are right for you and your goals, but that's just the beginning. Roe members have support throughout the whole entire process. That means no insurance paperwork and you'll have access to your provider on demand for any questions. Plus, you can sign up online from the comfort of your own home, which is another thing that people say. So they're just like, that means I have to go find a doctor and then take time off work, drive, commute, all that, like, sit in the waiting room. No. You don't. Not with Roe. That means no waiting for an in person doctor's appointment, no commute to the doctor's office, and no waiting rooms. So join the over 250,000 people who have already chosen Roe to access GLP ones. Go to to find out if you're covered for free. That's For boxed warning and full safety information, go to Prescription only. So that's what the maple pecan is giving. Yeah. And I feel like that should be the day that you go. Do you Okay. Do you get to decide when you go? Don't go on candy cane. No. We're figuring it out. We're figuring out a different day in the next week. So instead of that, I'm just gonna have a nice night in on Saturday, most likely. And then Sunday, I have another lunch plan with a former colleague. And then Sunday night, I have my neighborhood ornament exchange party. So I'm, like, fully booked. That's so cute. Thank you. That's such a good gift idea for like, it's fun. It's like a white elephant, but it's with ornaments. And so you get fun cute ones. You can steal them. You still do, like, the numbers and everything, but then you hang it on your tree and it's like a cute I think, little addition. Adorable. Yeah. You know what? Let's talk about gift giving. Okay. I have so many thoughts about gift giving. I've seen them. I mean, I've said I I am not a gift person. You're a good gift giver, though. I will say. Are you serious? Yes. As somebody who's received gifts from you, you're a good gift giver. Maybe it's because you know me really well now, so you, like, know what I would like, but it's you are. Are you surprised? Yes. Really? Yes. Why? Because I don't think I am because I think I buy for myself. I literally buy things that I think that I would want. Maybe we just like the same thing. And so then I'm like so I'm like, oh, I'm being selfish, but that's the only way I know. I'm like, okay. But I would want this. So, like Yeah. I would have to agree gifts you've given. Thank you. They're thoughtful and different. It's not like the same you know what? You know? I think I'm a good gift giver with Beau too. See? Maybe it's just the people you know really well. Yeah. I think I I don't give gifts that often. And not just so I'm not one of those people that, like, in my family, we all get everyone gifts, like or friends, like, we all get each other get like, that's just no. And I don't really care. Gift giving is not my love language. It is just not of course, I love and, like, I appreciate a nice gift and, like, that's thoughtful and what like, sweet and everything, but I don't feel, like, bummed if Right. If I don't get anything. Totally. If I were to wake up on Christmas, like, I already told Bo, I was like, listen. I don't wanna actually get gifts for each other. Like, I don't need anything. We don't, you know, whatever. But I want our kids to be able to see that we receive gifts and give them to each other also. Oh, cute. That it's, like, not just for the kids. Like, mommy and daddy matter too. Yeah. So I'm, like, should I order myself something and just, like, wrap it? Yeah. Like, I'm trying Even something you already have. Just put, like, a piece of jewelry in a really nice box and be, like Yeah. Thank you. I love it. No. 100%. I just want them to see that, like, oh, mommy and daddy give each other gifts too. That's cute. So I'm not like a a gift giving I don't know. Like, I give gifts, but I don't I get stressed. Yeah. Like, I get I get stressed about it and I'll add to your stress. Okay. I bought you a Christmas gift. I bought you one. Oh, okay. I did. And I think I did a really good job on yours, actually. I hope I did a good job. But but it doesn't matter if you did or not. I know. But also, the reason I got it is because it's, like, relevant to stuff that's been going on. Like, it it will be you'll be, like, oh, I understand why you got this. I don't just, like, go and I'm I don't have a list where I'm, like, oh, I have to get Stacia a gift. It's like I thought of it, and I was, like, oh, this would be good for Christmas. Oh, okay. Well, I was like, I wanna get Lo a gift. You were on my list. Oh, that's nice. But I think I did a good job. You can report back. I can What if I post on Instagram and I'm like, you guys, this f**king sucks. No. I know you'll like it. I know you'll like it. Like, the and especially the way I'm tying it to what I'm you you will like it. There's always a story. Yeah. There's a narrative. There has to be a narrative and a story. Like, I've been thinking, like, what do I get for Sonia, my my nanny? Like, last year, it's like, we always, like, give bonuses and then also, like, a massage or, like, getting her nails done or something like that. 1 day 1 year, I did, like, a really nice candle. I'm like, I don't wanna do the same thing every year. Right. So I was googling, like, I feel like I've been googling it all week being like, what are, like, really nice things to get friends that, like, aren't your best friends or, like, what just Right. People who you work with or whatever. Because I'm just like, I don't will she like, a cashmere throw blanket? Will that match her aesthetic? Would she like a cashmere sweater? Right. But maybe that's the color that she wouldn't like. Would she like, something for her kitchen because she really loves cooking and entertaining? Sonia really likes to cook. So what if you got her I well, I figured out what I Oh, okay. I I pulled the trigger on something. Do you think she listens to this? Well, I'm not gonna say it. Okay. I don't know. But like, I have been stressing and I realized like, I I procrastinate Mhmm. With although, do you think right now is procrastinating? No. Right now is like go time. Oh, so this is what everybody? I've at least for me, I haven't gotten stuff from my parents or anything yet. Interesting. Because online, lots of things aren't gonna come in by Christmas at this point. Who are you ordering from? I don't know. I was just googling stuff. Yeah. It's like it you do have to look at shipping dates. Okay. I guess, the stuff that I'm getting my parents is not, like, customized or anything like that. It's pretty, like, easily shippable stuff. I'm just gonna end up Amazon priming 3 days before Yeah. A million things. Yeah. The way I order Hartford and Messer's Christmas presents in, like, September Right. Like, that's done. How like, is it just because you think of it and you're like, oh, this will be for Christmas? Because I wanna get ahead of it. Because I wanna make sure I'm, like That's funny. They I wanna be prepared For them. For them. Yeah. Like, their stuff has been sitting all over the place in the attic, in my closet, like, literally all of fall. When you were a kid, did you ever find your parents' hidden present stash before Christmas? Oh, real talk. And if your children are listening to this podcast, it's time to pause. That's how that's how I found out about Santa. No. My Oh. Freaking mom put my gifts in her shoe closet. The one place you would go. Like, what was she thinking? And it was so I felt I I feel bad for this person. I had a babysitter over at the time. And so this babysitter had to sit there and, like, talk me off the ledge. And this babysitter, her younger sister was my friend, like, in our cla*s. Yeah. You might have met her, actually. I don't know. Caroline Waters. Oh, yeah. So it was her older sister who was babysitting me, and she was like, seriously, don't feel she's like, don't feel bad. Caroline has never believed in Santa because she always knew that it would just be physically impossible. And I'm like, really? I just will never forget that. I'm like, she's never believed in Santa? And I to this day, actually, I've never verified that with her and been like, so you just never because you're, like, it's impossible. Right. But no. That's how I found out, and it was devastating. So she didn't lie and say, like, oh, these are from your mom, but Santa also brings something. No. Because my mom wrote already. Oh, they were already wrapped. They were wrapped. And they said to Nastasia from Santa. Oh, no. I'm like I found about I found out about Santa on Easter. This is a fun one. Yeah. So the Easter bunny came, brought me my Easter basket in the morning. So excited. We get ready to go to church. Did you believe in the Easter bunny? Oh, hell, yeah. I don't think I did. I believed in all the things. Tooth fairy, Easter bunny. Tooth fairy for sure. All the things. Easter bunny never felt real. I think it was, like, right at the age where you're starting to get skeptical. Yeah. But I was an only child. So, like, I didn't have older siblings telling me anything. I I just fully was in it. And as we're walking out to church, I look at what my mom bought my grandparents, candy wise, from Steve's. And I was like, why did the Easter bunny get me the same exact candy that you got mom and papa? And my mom was like, well, I have something to tell you. No way. And she told me that the Easter bunny she, like, made it, you know, the spirit of Easter and all the things. I cried for an hour. Wait. Hold on. She told you about the Easter bunny? Yes. Oh, okay. I cried for an hour. And then, like, a couple hours later, I put it together. And I was like, does that mean that Santa's not real either? And she was like, mhmm. And that was the worst day of my life. It's so sad. It's so sad. Like, what are you gonna do? That's so sad. No. I'm not prepared for my kids to go through that. And I think kids are learning earlier and earlier now. Like, I think I was 8 or 9. Yeah. I feel like I was 9 years old. That feels right. It feels like kids now, like, especially because school and stuff, they, like, tell each other. Okay. That's why we gotta make the magic of Christmas as big as possible. So, like, I'm not mad at Elf on the Shelf. Is it annoying? Yes. Did I start 5 days too late this month because I forgot I kept reminding myself every day. Now I put it in our calendar. So at 9:30 PM, every single night, Bo and I's phone go off where it says move Elf. Yeah. And I'll text him because I'll already be in bed. And I'll be like, yo. Yeah. Just verifying that they're gonna move the elf. Okay? The way her eyes, like, light up whenever I come over and she's like, do you see Ginger snap? And she shows me, like, where the elf is that day. Like, she's fully into it. No. She is. But also a problem with Messer because he's only 1, and he has a tantrum every f**king morning when he spots it because he's not allowed to touch it. Right. Because the magic will go away. Yeah. He doesn't understand that. He doesn't understand words. He's gonna have to find out. So it's like, god, this is annoying. Like, I can't wait for next year. What he can understand. Yeah. Like, no. You can't touch it, bro. But he is gonna be so rambunctious that if it's within reach, he is the boy who will for sure touch it and Hartford will freak out. Yeah. No. 100%, it will be life ending Yeah. For her. Yeah. Like, it really will. There's a really funny TikTok. I know I've sent it to you before of kids just freaking out because one of them touched the elf, and they all think the magic's gone and they're all gonna get nothing for Christmas. It's so sad. That is so sad. Also, like, what monster genius came up with Elf on the Shelf? I have no idea. Monster because it is so like, I've woken up in the middle of the night because I like, last year, we I didn't have the on the alarm Right. On the phone, and I was like, rose from the dead to, like, go and move the damn elf. And I'm just like, I all and everyone trying to outdo each other Right. With all, like, the elf things. Like, look at this, you know, the elf with the toilet paper and then all that. I'm like, no. Yeah. Can we just move it? Can we just for this period? Just move it. Well, no. Beau's been putting it in, like, situations. Different outfits. Well, I thought, also, I saw that he he had he put it with cookies, and she freaked out. Yeah. She did he did do that. He did that once, but he's been changing outfits. Like, today, when you go upstairs, sunglasses on, like, a jacket, and, oh, the door pole portal. Okay. The portal to the North Pole, which Harper doesn't believe is the portal to the North Pole because she's like, the elf wouldn't fit. And I'm like, well, she did, but she's magic and she can shrink. I'm trying to explain that. She was asking me last night when it was just me and her, you know. So Santa's coming down the fireplace. She's like, how's he gonna fit? And I was like, the fireplace stretches like in the Santa Claus movies. It stretches. She's like, it becomes bigger. And I'm like, yes. She's like, but why? And I'm like, don't start with the why. Just say magic. I do. But when I say magic, but why? Because it's magic. But why? We don't know. Magic is magic. She doesn't stop asking why. It's why, why, why, why. And then finally, I literally just, like, I feel like such a horrible mom. I'll just be like I get on my phone. I'm like, because it is. And start scrolling some things. I'm like, I can't I can't have eye contact with you anymore. Oh my god. I can't do it. Oh, that's funny. But, yeah, the things that we have to do to make Christmases and the holidays so magical, I guess, now because they're gonna find out sooner. I know. Yeah. No. It's really sad. But back to gift giving. Yes. Okay. I really love this ornament idea. Yeah. Isn't it cute? I feel like first of all, families that do white elephant Mhmm. Or secret Santa, I prefer white elephant. Yeah. Like, how annoying is secret Santa? I hate it. You know what? It depends because I'm having a conundrum this year with my family where the white elephant maximum is $30 and I don't think that's high enough. So I would rather do a secret Santa Okay. Or a white elephant that is 60. Okay. So you actually get something good. Right. Okay. I get it. I get it. You know? Secret Santa's fine. Like, I don't like it. Unless you get, like, weird Uncle Joe. No. But that's no. It's but that's exactly why it's not fine. Right. Because you're forced to get a gift for someone you most likely don't feel like getting a gift for. Right. Like, white elephant is the way to go because there's competition there. Okay. So 30 Cost is good. $30 maximum. Give me some ideas. I would probably do nice candles. How many candles can you get for $30 that are nice? 1. Great point. Mhmm. A really nice, frame. That's a good idea. A nice frame like a 5 by 7. Okay. Do I put a picture of myself in it? My dog? No. It's for this Well, I know. But you have to You could put a white elephant. A photo of a white elephant. Oh, that's a really good idea. And then they can choose what to whoever gets it can choose who doesn't want a nice True. 5 by 7 frame? Okay. I like that idea a lot. Do I have to keep thinking? One more. One more. I would say a a set granted I think you could find, like, a pair a pair of, like, either 2 champagne flutes or 2 wine glasses or something that's, like, really cute that you could find for $30. Okay. But then in my brain, if I'm doing that, I would wanna also include a bottle, but that goes over the max the minimum maximum. Yeah. But you you can't go over them? You can, but I don't I just my argument is that I feel like the maximum should be a little higher these days. Let's adjust for inflation. No. For sure. Like, $60 is a nice amount where, like, you could buy something really nice for someone that they wouldn't normally buy for themselves and you feel value and, like, I brought this really nice thing I put thought into and I'm getting something really cool. Well, it depends on what group of people is doing the white elephant. Is this, like, your coworkers? Keep it at 30. Right. Is this your family? Maybe do 60. It's my family. Okay. Maybe do 60. But it's, like, is this your, like, close group of friends? Do 60. Is this your neighborhood? Do 30. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Totally. It's like, it depends on, like, how close you are Right. With the people because that would be so annoying if I was going to a neighborhood white elephant and I had to, like, spend $60 and get her get a nice thing. But I'm like, I don't know you guys that well. So Alex went to a White Elephant for our friend group. Uh-huh. The max the maximum was 60. She got a skincare fridge. That's what she contributed, which I was like, great gift. Yeah. That's really fun. Yeah. Cute. Whatever. She received a champagne pong set. So, like, plastic champagne flutes and ping pong balls, not with a bottle of champagne. She got gypped. She got fully fully like, somebody was like, oh, the maximum 60, I'm gonna spend 12. Oh, that sucks. I know. I felt so bad for her. No. That really does. But but also, it's not about gifts this holiday season. Okay. But, like, let's be respectful. No. I know. Totally, let's be respectful. I haven't been a part of a white elephant 7 years. Oh, you're missing out. I don't really know a lot of people. You do know a lot of people. You just don't hang out with them. I just I've it's just me, Bo, and the kids now. You want me to do a white elephant in January with, like, people we like? No. Why? Because I'm not a gift person. And so, like, that's just like adding another extra spice. Competition. It's the stealing. I do like the competition and the stealing. I will never forget this one time because the SIR Girls, what back when we worked at SIR before Vanderpump Rules, we would always do, like, a girl's Christmas party, and we would do White Elephant. You know, I was dark passengering and psycho even before the show started filming. Of course. I will never forget this one time. A girl brought this Victoria's Secret, this pink silky, like, light pink silky robe, and I wanted it so bad. Mhmm. And mind you, I was poor as f**k during this time. So that robe mattered. Right. It mattered. Mhmm. And I was able to steal it. I was convincing all the people I, like, claimed it. Like, I did all the things. You were the first steal? No. Like, I was talking about it. Like, how like, in the circle being, like, that is going to be mine. Like, I am so obsessed with this. I will wear this every day. Who you know, I I did the I did the thing verbally. Uh-huh. So that everyone knew back on fire. Oh, it did. And do you wanna know so I did I I stole it. Then someone went after me, wasn't even a sir girl, who was just invited by, I'm pretty sure, Christina Kelly. It was. Oh. Yeah. I should have told this story with Christina Kelly. Invited by her. And I was like, you don't even go here. And when she wasn't looking I'm not joking. You guys, I was 21. You stole it. I hit it. Shut up. And everyone I locked myself in one of the bedrooms, like, giggling with somebody else. Yeah. Probably, it was, like, Chris and Doty or something. And everyone went on a drunken hunt looking for this robe. This girl was so upset because this wasn't, like, her main group of friends and, like, well, then you probably shouldn't have come. And nobody suspected you after you talked a big game like that? Maybe they did, but it's, like, now such a blur. I mean, I eventually was, like, this is where it is. I did it. Oh, you gave it back? Yeah. I gave it back. Oh, I fully thought you were gonna take it home, and it's still hanging in your closet. No. I've I eventually admitted it. I just had to torture her a little bit. Oh my god. It was psychotic. It was truly psychotic behavior. But, you know, we all need to go through those crazy days Mhmm. In life. You know, you grow and learn from them. And you know what? Moral of the story, don't go to a friend group's white elephant Right. If you're not prepared to deal with that friend group. Right. Also, I do feel like when you say when you see something, you're like, that's mine. And you, like, make a big deal of it and then you seal it and there's still a seal available. Because, you know, normally Yeah. You make 2 steals max. No. For sure. That makes the other person feel bad. I don't care. No. It makes it makes people, like, wanna f**k with you and go and get it. I guess it depends on You have to be you have to put, like, poker face me, like, oh, I think I want that. Okay. And then you slowly, like, put it, like, under your chair and just cross your legs and you're, like, mhmm, we're done. I'm a bit rusty. I think That's what I would do. I think it depends on the group of people. Right. If they have a sense of humor, if they're competitive, if they care, I don't know. I am rusty. I don't I don't know what it's like out there in the white elephant world. Right. Well, people who really know you would know not to cross you. But that girl, she just didn't know? She didn't. No. That sucks. She, like, really didn't know. But I would like to do what next year, I think it would be fun Mhmm. To plan a white elephant situation. Totally. Because, like, all of this gift giving is stressful. Mhmm. I used to cry when I would get gifts I don't like. My mom tells the story every year. Yeah. That she's like, she would cry growing up. And it's not that I it was a bratty cry. It was because I felt bad Mhmm. That my parents were excited about giving me something that I didn't like. Right. I felt guilty. What would you do if Hartford cried if when she got a gift from you that you put a lot of thought into? I would be like, Scorpio moon, recognize a Scorpio moon, girl. I got you. I wouldn't care. But I don't get my feelings hurt when somebody doesn't like the gift. I don't know why I think Beau would care. If I didn't like what he got me. No. If Hartford didn't like what you guys got her, he would get his feelings hurt. A 100%. Yeah. Maybe. He would. He wouldn't get it. I've just been so hardened by Hartford. This girl worships her father Yeah. And her brother. And sometimes, she loves me. Sometimes, she literally walks through the door from school and does not make eye contact and walks right past me. No. But can we talk about the other day when she came home and she looks through the window and she was like, mommy. And then she ran in and gave you the biggest hug and started kissing you. It was like, I'm so happy to see you. I know. It's you never know what you're gonna get. I'm just saying that I've I've gotten all sorts of Well, we need to publicize the good ones too. Yeah. No. She can be so sweet. That whole morning, she was crying saying she didn't wanna go to school. She didn't wanna leave her mommy. And I'm like, well, this is new. Yeah. And I like it. Yeah. She was so sweet. No. She can be very, very sweet, and she's getting way better at, like, words about words of affirmation. Right. Like, telling me that she loves me because I think she can see that, like, that matters Right. To me. Mhmm. You know? And she's getting better at giving me hugs and kisses because I think she can see that it matters. But I still have been hardened by her. Right. So, like, if I gave her a gift and she didn't like it, I don't You'd be like, alright. But I also know exactly what to get her so that no one knows that girl like I do. True. No one. There will never be a gift that she receives from me that she wouldn't like. Probably because I'm gonna ask her, what do you want? Right. What are you into right now? You know what I mean? I'm not gonna go in for the surprise. Right. That's why I tell both That's always a gamble. No. I don't like surprises either. It's like just no to the surprise of it all. Right. Just get what tell somebody what you want so that there's no disappointment. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Totally. The holiday time is my favorite time. That also means more parties, more socializing, more having to get done up, which means having your hair look legit. And so I'm here to talk about Ouai products because they are some of my favorite hair products. Like, I cannot live without the detox shampoo. Like, even just the name detox shampoo. Like, the second I saw the name of it, I was like, this is for me because, like, it cleanses all the product build up, you know, the hard water deposits, dirt oil, like, any other impurities. It just, like, gets all the things out, and it's safe for all hair types, including color treated or keratin treated hair, Brazilian blowouts, like, everything. So the detox shampoo is one of my go tos. The other one that I can't live without, the leave in conditioner which also serves as a perfume for me and also Hartford because I use this leave in conditioner on Hartford. It just detangles. It hydrates. It fights frizz and, like, it just I love the smell of it. So, like, if anyone's, like, what perfume do you use? Well, it's the Ouai leave in conditioner. That's what I use. So if you wanna have just gorge hair this holiday season, get on your way to save for the holiday. Go to for 15% off-site wide and enter promo code Stasse. That's for 15% off with code Stasse. Making sure my kids, like, have all the nutrition and healthy things that they need is so stressful because I cannot force my kids to eat what they don't wanna eat, which is why vitamins are so important. And when I realized, oh, like, I need to start giving Hartford vitamins, I had no idea where to turn because what I grew up with was just like what my parents were giving me was no, not it. Okay? Basically, just candy in disguise with, you know, sugar, unhealthy chemicals and just like other gummy junk that I'm like, this is probably not what's right. And then I was introduced to Hya, and that was just a game changer because Hya is formulated with the help of nutritional experts, and they are pressed with a blend of 12 organic fruits and veggies then supercharged with 15 essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin d, b 12, c, zinc, folate, and all the others to help support all the things that you worry about with your kids, like immunity, energy, brain function, mood, concentration, teeth, bones, all the things. And you can just rest easy knowing that it's non GMO, vegan, dairy free, allergy free, gelatin free, nut free, and everything else that you can imagine. What makes it easy is that Hartford loves them. So I know that they taste good. I haven't tried it, but like she runs around the house like asking for vitamin and that's vitamin in Italian. And so I know that they're good. They taste good since she's asking for multiple all day long. And right now, we've worked out a special deal with Hiya for their best selling children's vitamin. You can receive 50% off your first order. To claim this deal, you must go to This deal is not available on the regular website, so go to hiyaheal and get your kids the full body nourishment they need to grow into healthy adults. Gifts stress me out, especially, you sent me a Instagram reel the other day. Oh, yeah. Because you know that I have this thing about opening gifts in front of people. Mhmm. You hate it. My blood runs cold. My the hairs on my, like, arms stick up, and I just feel deeply uncomfortable opening presents in front first of all, it's like it's quiet because you have to unwrap it, and you're like, how do I fill this void, this silent space with, like, what do I say? Oh my god. You shouldn't have a so many Because everybody's watching you, and all the eyes are on you. And that's like the pressure is there. Uh-huh. And so, like, that already the unwrapping part is not fun. And then when you see it, it's like there's so much pressure on you already that, like, even if you do love it, you feel awkward saying how much you love it. I just no matter what, I feel awkward. And if I don't love it, I have to pretend, you know. And everyone wants to do you know what's the worst? People do this to me a lot. And sometimes it happens. Uh-huh. You're gonna cry when you open this. People tell me that. You're gonna cry. I'm like, way to set that expectation. f**king pressure. Like, what are you joking? Are you joking? Yeah. Like, you can't say that to me. What kinds of gifts have followed, like, super personal gifts? Yes. Follow that? Yeah. Okay. Personalized things. What's one that did make you cry? Oh, when, well, I don't know if this person told me that it was gonna make me cry. Uh-huh. I'm just, like, remembering that this one did. When I'm on tour or a book tour and people give me personalized things of my kids. Mhmm. Like, when I got the little photo of Messer Oh, yeah. Looking like a like A little gentleman. A little, like, 1800 gentleman in that, like, circle frame. Like, that made me cry. Like, there there are a few things when, like, people incorporate stuff with my children that, like, make me cry. And I it used to be like that when people would be, like, during the, like, next level basic, like, era when, like, people bring me things of me and Beau, but now it's like, I don't cry over Beau. Just like yeah. I love it. Yeah. He's my husband. But, you know, it's like now, it's like my kids. Yeah. But when somebody tells me you're gonna cry, then there's no way it's happening now. Mhmm. Literally, no way in hell. No. Like, I couldn't even try and muster up a tear even if I wanted to. Like, I it just it's not. But opening gifts in front of people and, like, at baby showers Oh, yeah. That's the worst. No one And you, like, have to hold up the the little onesie? Yeah. And you hold up, like, the oh, they got me a breast pump. No one Like No one visited. No one Yeah. Attending your baby shower because a flying f**k about what you're receiving. Why we have to open the presents in front at birthday parties, we don't do that. Mhmm. We don't open birthday presents at birthday parties. That used to be a thing. When we were kids. Yeah. Thank God, it's not anymore. Yeah. No. That's no. Absolutely not. But, like, for real, my least favorite part of Christmas is if I'm in, like, a big group family setting Yeah. Present opening time. So funny because I feel like that used to be my favorite. It's my favorite one. It was just my kids. Like, in the morning Yeah. When they wake up or when Hartford, you know, Messer was a baby last year. He wasn't really, you know Right. Like, that that's my favorite part, watching her open things. Yeah. But everyone else, and we're all, like, oh, this one's for you, gives me hives. No. I distinctly remember one Christmas where everyone just went ham and it was crazy. And the following Christmas, it was like, okay. This year, we're gonna watch as somebody opens a gift and they're gonna have the ability to they because because you have to look at the person in the eye and say thank you, right, after every single gift. And it, like, slowed it down. So everyone was grateful. Good. And the eye contact. Oh, yeah. You know? Even if you hate it. And the thank you. Oh, like It's just Thank you. I love it. It just feels like a formality. It is. I don't wanna live like that. I don't wanna live in formalities. I wanna live my truth. So you should going back to the TikTok I sent you, you should maybe try out the Asian culture. Yes. Because in the Asian culture, it's like the opposite It's the opposite. When you receive a gift. Yeah. So Lo sent me this Instagram reel, and they were talking about how in Asian culture, if someone brings you a gift, it would be rude to be like, oh my god. Thank you. And open it up right away and be and be excited about it because that would make it seem like you're greedy. Right. So what you do in Asian culture is you take it, you put it aside, you don't f**king mention it, you open it when they leave. Yeah. Dream. That's a dream. But but then this it was on like a podcast interview. So then they compared it to the American culture where it's the exact opposite where if you don't open it immediately, have a huge reaction and, like, freak out and thank the person a 1000000 times over, then you're rude. Yes. So it's like, wait, what's Yeah. What's happening? No. I just I I wish we would all just put our gifts aside and open them in private. Also, I wanna have a moment with the gift Yeah. Without having the without having the eyes on me. Do you think that, like, the big reaction for gifts and this big thank you and whatever is because people don't write thank you cards anymore? So now it's like a very in the moment. Like, oh, if I have this big reaction and thank them, then I don't need to write a thank you card. Because I would assume if I took it home and had my moment and opened it there, then I would be like, oh, I wanna write them a thank you card or, like, shoot them a thank you text to be like, hey, I really loved this. Uh-huh. That's an excellent question. I just feel like it's been like this for so long that I don't even know. Yeah. I don't even know the answer to that. I just feel like thank you cards were so much more regular when I was growing up, and now they're not. And I don't know if that's because, like, texting and Facebook has changed things, but it used to be like, no, you write your thank you cards and you put them in the mail. You don't trust. I know. And thank you. Birthday is coming up, so I'm gonna have to write a bunch. There you go. And then the whole, like, do I write it from Hartford's position or from me? Like Oh my god. That's right. 3rd person? 1st person? Who the f**k? I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. I don't even I don't even wanna go there yet. I don't wanna stress myself out. But that's a really good question. I don't know. Yeah. I don't know either. But, like, what's what's wrong with just a little private opening up of your gift? Like, in Nothing. You know? There's nothing wrong with it. Do you feel uncomfortable opening gifts in front of people? You. Because I know you don't like it. Well, I don't mind when if No. Whenever you give me a gift, you say, you don't need to open it right now. Bring it home. Yeah. Good point. Like, you don't wanna see the reaction? No. Because, like, I actually wow. Oh my god. I don't wanna see if there's disappointment in your eyes. Yeah. Like, I I don't wanna see that. Let that happen behind closed doors and then lie to me. Yeah. Oh my god. I care. Yeah. You do? I'm an empath. Oh my god. But, no, in general, I don't care. Really? Yeah. I don't even care that much around you. I just know it makes you uncomfortable. Yeah. I know. But now I've made such a big thing of it that it's, like, doubly uncomfortable because I can't stop talking about it. Right. You know? So, like, I'm the problem. Like, I could be hi. No. Yeah. Like, I could fix this. Right. You know? Like, I could just rewire my brain and reset, like, the energy. I have a question. What? What are you gonna do when your kids give you gifts? I feel like I would like You're gonna have to. Open it right away and be excited about it. I think I genuinely will though because anything that they do, I'm obsessed with. So it depends on the person. What's my kids? I'm just saying. I'm just throwing out scenarios, you know. It's Yeah. My kids, like, when Hartford brings home, like But even, like, your best friends, you don't feel that way about. So, like, it's very it's very personal. Correct. What about with Beau? I know. I don't feel weird doing no. But he also respects my boundaries. He doesn't around? He doesn't sit and just, like, stare at me. Like, he doesn't just, like, he He walks away? He busies himself when he gives me oh my god. He does. Like, he's not just like, here's a gift and, like, laser beams to to my head. Like, I I have a safe space to open it. Right. So funny. I have issues. I would like to know how many people listening are like this. I'm sure there's people like you. No. I'm convinced that there is because I was just reading some comments on the last podcast episode where I talked about playing my Spotify in an Uber and how that feels too personal and I couldn't do that and not lots of people agreeing with me. So funny. I think that there are a lot of us out there that have these weird tics, one and one of them being opening gifts in front of people. Yeah. Alright. Well, we'll see when this comes out. It's just too much pressure. How do you feel about gift wrapping? I love gift I love gift wrapping. No. I'm not talking about skills because I know you have skills. I think that's why I love it because you like what you're good at. Okay. I don't have skills at the actual wrapping, taping part. I think you're pretty good at it. Have you ever seen the size of my boxes? I haven't examined them closely. Horrible. Oh, okay. But I take gift wrapping Mhmm. Seriously. I like an aesthetic. Right. Beau. Let me just tell you something. I should have saved this. I'm just gonna bring it up again on The Good, The Bad, The Baby. Okay. The other day, after we put the kids down, we're, like, sitting on the couch, and I'm like, oh, I mean, I need to put on the to do list to, like, get, like, all the gift dropping and, like, pick that out. And he's like, oh, I already did that. Stop. I'm not joking? And I'm like, what? He's like, no. I did that. Like, I ordered, it's personalized set for Hartford and Messer. And I go, no, Beau. I was like, before you show me anything right now, are you for f**king real right now? Are you messing with me? Like, you know that every year, I pick a vibe to where it like Yeah. You're like a f**king Kardashian. Yes. You know? Like, I'm sorry, but I like it. Like, I like to pick a chic vibe for my wrapping paper. I don't like when it's all there's a neon box right there, then there's one that has icicles, then there I don't I don't like it because I like it when it's I don't know, maybe like somebody else's house because that's like it's a bunch of different people, but this is my family. Right. A group of 4. A group of 4. Okay? Yeah. So I can make it aesthetically pleasing right now because it's only the 4 of us. Mhmm. Alright? So, Beau, do you still wanna continue on this journey? Like, you're not messing with me. That's, like, literally, I'm explaining this to him. Right. And he's, like, no. I really did order. He's, like, I'll show you right now. Is it nice? So Messer's is cute. It says Messer all over it. Okay. It's cute though, like Only Messer or does it have like other does it have like a rain? It has like great deer, santas and they it's kind of giving like a vintagey vibe. Like, he was I was like, oh, if it didn't say Messer all over it, I would have liked it. Because I've eased into, you know, years prior, I've been very strict with the Christmas aesthetic. Okay? This year, I leaned in to an organized hodgepodge tree because it makes me happy to see all the different ornaments and tell the stories about them with my kids and have them mean something to each person in my family. So I'm I'm loosening up when it comes to Aesthetic on Christmas. Yes. Yeah. So like colorful Christmassy wrapping wrapping paper, it would have been fine, but it says Messer all over it. Okay. So I'm like, okay. I could maybe work with this if it actually comes in and looks like this. But I'm like, I feel like you probably just got tricked in an Instagram ad, and it's going to be, like, paper thin. You're gonna be able to see through it. It's, like, not It's gonna tear when you put it around the box. 100%. Yeah. Then he shows me Hartford's. Oh, no. And I'm like Is it Elsa? No. Honestly, that would have been better. It it's like it's literally all it would have been chic for her first birthday. Uh-huh. It's all white with just a drawing, like, just black drawing. Okay. No color Okay. Of a deer head. Oh, because deer. Yeah. Yeah. Because it's like Hartford. Hartford's name, I guess, means deer crossing. Yeah. Yeah. And then it says Hartford everywhere, but no color. So Messer's and Hers, there's no correlation. There's no thread. There's nothing that and I'm like, oh, I I can't believe this happened. But he tried. No. But, like, I can't believe he didn't ask me. I can't believe he didn't ask you either. Believe he didn't ask me. Because it's something you care so much about. But also, the other side of me is, like, you guys, you have this whole to do list of stuff that's, like, stuff like that that you're always thinking of. And I can just see him in his brain being like, oh, I'm gonna take this off her plate, and I'm gonna do this. And, like, he probably did a good job. We're gonna need to 100% discuss this on The Good, The Bad, The Baby podcast because I don't even think I asked the proper follow-up questions because I was just, like, so caught off guard that, like, I don't think I've even processed it fully yet. That, like, you did what? You went and got 2 different versions of personalized wrapping paper for our kids. Santa would never choose those 2 to put together. Right. It's like, but but both. They're from they have to what? Yeah. You you could. The the ones from Santa, you could use those because Hartford would be like, mommy would never buy this. And maybe just keep it. So every year, their presents come in those, and then she's just like, this is crazy that Santa uses this paper. That's funny, but, like, Santa uses this paper. That's funny, but, like, he also took something from me, and that is the joy of picking out my own wrapping. Well, you're gonna pick it out anyway. I know. But I'm gonna feel bad. Do you know what I thought of while you were telling that story? If you guys celebrated Hanukkah, you could literally have a different aesthetic for 8 days of presents. How fun would that be? That would be really fun. That would be chic and cool. Yeah. That would actually be really And anyone who's celebrating Hanukkah, there's that idea. Yeah. I really like that idea. Yeah. You know, rapping, I love that the Kardashians are so f**king weird about their rapping. I love that it is just like They're crazy. It's so weird. And last year, Kim wrapped them in, like, SKIMS cloth. Straight. Whatever. It's just like they make a choice. Yeah. They make a choice and they go hard. And, like, I just like that they make a choice and go hard, and that's what I wanna do. Not white Hartford, black and white deer and then colorful Santa sleigh reindeer messer make it make sense. No. Yeah? No f**king way in hell. That's funny. So that's where we're at. I'm in the single girl stage of life where I go to CBS and just try to find the cutest one. Are you joking? No. Should I not? As or target a single girly, you this is something that you can actually spend, especially because you like wrapping. You could spend extra time finding really cute wrapping paper. Etsy is filled with the cutest s**t. Do you know how badly I wanna waste every last dollar I have ever made on so many different versions of wrapping paper? I don't know that anyone around me would appreciate that. Well, maybe a couple people, But really? Right? I mean Yeah. Really. I'll send you some links. Like Okay. I'm annoyed I haven't bought any yet this year. I'm annoyed that I can't buy all the wrapping paper I see on Etsy. It nowhere to put it. No point. Right. You know? Okay. Well, yes. Send me some good ones. But as much as I love wrapping and I love making everything look nice, I am not on the level yet where I'm ordering custom named wrapping paper. Well, I wasn't either. Oh, did. I was just gonna, like, I don't know, do, like, dark red and dark green with, like, velvet ribbon. Aesthetic gonna be? Like, I I was thinking just, like, dark red and dark green and, like, maybe add some gold in there and just, like, have just classic. Yeah. You know? Mhmm. Classic. If I'm venturing into color, let's start let's start safe. Right. You know? I would love like a Ralph Lauren Home plaid They have that on Etsy. Really? Everywhere on Etsy. You can yes. Make that your vibe. That's what I mean. Okay. f**k CVS. It's just easy. I know. Okay. Well, you know, happy holidays. That was fun. That was fun. Everyone, there was, like, other things I wanted to talk to, you about, but I'll just, like, save it for another time. Alright. Everyone, thanks for listening. Hope everyone enjoys our week. Bye. Bye. Whenever new moms ask me, like, okay, what baby products do you recommend? What do I need? My number one is always the Nanit baby monitor, the smart camera. Like, it has become such a huge part of both me and Beau's lives. Like, the fact that I can always look at my baby when my baby's sleeping, or I have 2 nannons in Hartford's room. I have one above her bed for when she's sleeping, and then one in the corner of her room so that if she wants to play alone in her room, I can watch and make sure. I obviously have one in Messer's nursery. And the fact that I have that peace of mind that I can always watch my kids, there is no more comforting feeling. And not just that, like, not just like watching my kids while I'm at home. If I'm out, I can watch my baby because this baby monitor allows you to see your baby from anywhere all the time. So if I'm at dinner, I can still go on to the Nanon app and see exactly what's going on with either of my kids. I also just use it religiously to, like, track, like, when a messer woke up. Like, when did this happen? Because you can track all the things on the Nanit, and it just makes it so easy. So the Nanit baby monitor is the MVP of baby gear. It's the one baby item we can't live without. And, of course, we have a special offer just for our listeners. Get 20% off your first order with code dream 20. That's now. Nanit, n a n I t dot com.

Past Episodes

Stassi sits down with Sarah Hoover to discuss her memoir, The Motherload which is Stassi?s absolute favourite. Sarah opens up about her experiences with postpartum depression, childbirth  trauma, and those first few years of motherhood when she felt completely disconnected from her baby. It?s a raw, relatable conversation that will make every mom feel seen and less alone. They dive into the messy, beautiful truths of motherhood, the identity shifts, the boring baby classes, and  the magical moments that make it all worth it. Plus, they swap spooky ghost stories (because why not?) and how they?ve found their groove as mom?s. This episode is like a cozy chat  with your besties?honest, empowering, and a reminder that you?re not alone in the wild ride of motherhood.

This episode is sponsored by: OUAI - Go to and use code STASSI for 15% off any product. Caraway Home - Visit for an additional 10% off your next purchase or use code Stassi10 at checkout. Boll and Branch - Get 15% off, plus free shipping on your first set of sheets at Quince - Go to for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns.

01:21:38 2/12/2025

Stassi is spilling all the royal tea in this episode, and it?s all about the one and only Marie Antoinette! Joined by Even the Royals co-hosts Brooke Siffrin and Aricia Skidmore-Williams, they?re diving into the life of history?s most glamorous (and controversial) queen.

They?re breaking down the wildest rumors, the scandalous 18th-century tabloids (think TikTok drama channels), and the infamous Diamond Necklace Affair that helped topple the monarchy. Turns out, Marie was the original victim of cancel culture?hated for things she didn?t even do. Stassi opens up about her deep connection to Versailles, sharing why she?s so drawn to its opulence and drama. Together, they debate the highs and lows of royal life and tie it all together with a chat about Meghan Markle. 

This episode is sponsored by: OUAI - Go to and use code STASSI for 15% off any product. Nutrafol - Get $10 off and free shipping at with code STASSI. Our pLace - Go to and enter my code STASSI at checkout to receive 10% off sitewide. Lume -Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get 15% off with promo code Stassi at! #lumepod. RO - Go to RO.CO/STASSI to see if you qualify. Hiya - Receive 50% off your first order at

01:09:46 2/5/2025

Stassi is joined by her sister Georgi for a fun-filled catch-up packed with laughs and sisterly banter. They dive into the age-old debate: who?s got it worse?middle kids or firstborns? (Hint: Stassi?s the firstborn and has opinions.) They also dish on Hartford?s Wicked-meets-Frozen birthday bash and chat about how parents today are upping their playground game to avoid mom-shaming. Stassi fangirls over Outlander?s latest time-travel twists, reminisces about rocking the Castlecore vibe before it was trendy, and wraps up with dreamy Jonathan Bailey moments. This episode is pure sisterly fun!

This episode is sponsored by: OUAI - Go to and use code STASSI for 15% off any product. Thrive Causemetics - Get an exclusive 20% off your first order at Rocket Money - Reach your financial goals faster with Rocket Money. Go to . Cook Unity - Go to for 50% off your first week. SKIMS - The Fits Everybody collection shop now at and SKIMS stores. Liquid I.V. - Get 20% off your first order of Liquid I.V. when you go to and use code STASSI

01:11:54 1/29/2025

In the short but terrible time that we thought TikTok was gone, Stassi had some big realizations?like maybe high-stress situations aren?t her thing. Thankfully, TikTok survived, and now she?s joined by hysterical TikTok star Max Balegde! They spill royal tea, laugh about Max?s sweaty hands debacle, and swap stories about Disney conspiracy theories. From Samuel L. Jackson?s unrecorded interview to Max?s rise from viral videos to international TV, this episode is packed with hilarious moments and UK vibes. All thanks to the app that almost wasn?t!

This episode is sponsored by: OUAI - Go to and use code STASSI for 15% off any product. Thrive Causemetics - Get an exclusive 20% off your first order at Progressive - Find insurance options within your budget at . Chime - Learn more at . Hiya - Receive 50% off your first order at 

01:22:54 1/22/2025

Stassi and Beau share their deeply personal story of navigating the Los Angeles wildfires, where everything changed in an instant. As they struggled to manage their fear and panic?Stassi showing hers outwardly, Beau trying to stay calm?they worked together to prepare their kids and make the emotional decision to evacuate their beloved home before winds kicked back up this week.

They reflect on how losing a home, whether you?re a celebrity or not, is about so much more than walls?it?s about memories, safety, and love. They are both consumed with thoughts of those who have lost absolutely everything they have worked hard to build. It's unimaginable. If you feel inclined to donate, at the end of the episode, they share some organizations supporting wildfire victims that are making a big difference.

This episode is sponsored by: OUAI - Go to and use code STASSI for 15% off any product. Thrive Causemetics - Get an exclusive 20% off your first order at Progressive - Find insurance options within your budget at . Thrive Market - Head to to get 30% off your first order, plus FREE $60 gift. Nutrafol - Get $10 off and free shipping at with code STASSI. Caraway - Visit for an additional 10% off your next purchase or use code Stassi10 at checkout.

01:22:38 1/17/2025

Stassi and C-O-Lo are kicking off 2025 with some major New Year's energy! After a long break with her kids, she?s feeling emotional about Hartford growing up?especially now that her daughter lives in her Elphaba outfit and has her contemplating a Frozen-meets-Wicked birthday party mashup. Stassi is on a mission to find her word of the year, taking inspo from Meghan Markle?s resilience, and spilling on how she?s tackling social anxiety as part of her New Year's goals.  Plus, she?s narrowing down her signature scent and embracing her forever love for Castlecore (she was into it before it was trendy). New year, new magic, and all the energy focused on manifesting positivity!

This episode is sponsored by: Lume -Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get 15% off with promo code Stassi at ! #lumepod. OUAI - Go to and use code STASSI for 15% off any product. RO - Go to RO.CO/STASSI to see if your insurance covers GLP-1s?for free. Hiya - Receive 50% off your first order at Our Place - Go to and enter my code STASSI at checkout to receive 10% off sitewide. Progressive - Visit to see if you could save on car insurance.

01:14:18 1/8/2025

Stassi and her bestie Taylor Strecker are diving into holiday laughs and festive fun in this special Christmas Day episode. They kick things off dreaming up Jesus? signature cocktail (espresso martini or Prosecco?) and laughing about Stassi?s idea for a gallery-worthy painting of Jesus with his drink of choice?sorry, Beau! TikTok panic is real as Stassi preps for its possible farewell, and Taylor spills the tea on hosting Anna Delvey at her holiday party. From cheetah-print ornaments to Santa Barbara Christmas plans and toddler-level Santa logistics, it?s holiday magic, laughs, and plenty of inappropriate gifts. Cheers!

This episode is sponsored by: Nutrafol - Receive $10 off your first month?s subscription and free shipping. Go to use promo code STASSI. Lightbox Jewelry - Shop lab-grown diamonds at and get 10% off your first order with code STASSI10.

01:06:50 12/25/2024

Stassi and C-O-Lo are bringing the holiday cheer and a side of awkwardness in this festive episode! Stassi dives into her deep discomfort with opening gifts in front of people (can we normalize private gift-opening, please?) and shares her hilarious white elephant story, complete with sneaky gift-hiding. They chat about the lost art of thank-you cards, go-to holiday gift ideas, and the magic of Elf on the Shelf. Plus, Stassi vents about Beau hijacking her perfectly curated wrapping aesthetic, and they swap stories about revealing the big secret about Santa. It?s all things holiday, with laughs, relatable rants, and plenty of sparkle!

This episode is sponsored by:Quince - Go to for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns. Hiya- Receive 50% off your first order at Ro - Go to RO.CO/STASSI to find out if you?re covered for free. OUAI - Go to for 15% off sitewide and enter promo code STASSI.

01:09:41 12/18/2024

Stassi?s back, and this time, Beau joins her for what?s basically a podcast date night. They kick things off with Stassi?s mysterious chin pain and dreams of a Mommy Makeover before diving into a hilarious game of questions. From social media icks like caption cringe and overused filters to conspiracies about secret celebrity tunnels with elite Starbucks, nothing?s off-limits. Stassi debates how she?d prove she?s from the future (witch or leader vibes?), and Beau dreams of a 1960s sports car while Stassi plans to splurge on Versailles antiques. It?s all fun, laughs, and a lot to talk about with these two!

This episode is sponsored by: Lume - Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get 15% off with promo code Stassi at! #lumepod. Better Help - This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. Chime - Open your account in 2 minutes at . Thrive Causemetics - Get an exclusive 20% off your first order at Our Place - Go to and enter my code STASSI at checkout to receive 10% off sitewide.

01:12:47 12/11/2024

Stassi kicks off December with her BFF Taylor Strecker for a hilarious chat that covers everything from Christmas chaos to internet trolls. Stassi shares her dream of escaping LA?s holiday monotony, and the duo swaps parenting stories, like Messer?s energy overload to Hartford tattling on bounce house kids, and Stassi hilariously ?tells on herself? as a self-proclaimed narc They dive into celebrity gossip, including Taylor?s viral Page Six moments, and dish on beauty trends like preventative facelifts. Add yin-yang twin dynamics, Stassi's awkward Moana premiere moment, and a little Lindsey Lohan glow-up admiration?it?s holiday overload!

This episode is sponsored by: Lightbox Jewelry - New customers get 10% off their first order on using the code STASSI10. Hiya- Receive 50% off your first order at Nutrafol - Recieve $10 off any order! Enjoy free shipping when you subscribe. Go to and enter the promo code STRAIGHTUPGIFT. Dreamland Baby - Go to and use my code STASSI for the BUY ONE GET ONE FREE. Caraway - Visit to take advantage of this limited-time offer for up to 20% off your next purchase. Thrive Market - Go to for 30% off your first order, plus a FREE $60 gift!

01:11:15 12/4/2024

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