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Natasha Leggero and Moshe Kasher co-guest-host a podcast featuring the great Tito Ortiz. The whole gang chats about Tito coming out of retirement, why all girls should learn jujitsu, and how Bryan's tumor helped reshape his perspective.

Coffee Convos with Kail Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley
01:26:42 1/23/2019


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Are you alive and well, I'm alive. I'm not. Well, OK, well, neither am I. I'm unwell, unwell, definitely unwell. I got my coffee, my 50 ounce water right here. I'm you're going to hear a lot of sniffling today. I'm just getting over being sick and congested and all that good stuff. So but we have a ton of stuff to catch up on, so I am excited about that. I know. So what have you been doing? Well, so this past weekend we did Isaac. It was Isaac's ninth birthday on Friday and then Saturday I had his birthday party. So it's just like kind of everything happening at one time. And then Sunday we had basketball. So you know what I have to say about the birthday party thing? You know, I was really excited to have Isaac a birthday party because the last two years he didn't get like a party. We had like stuff. We like, did something, and I invited like everyone that he wanted to invite. They got an invitation and only maybe four or five people RSVP had come. Then everybody showed up like pretty. Almost almost everyone that we invited actually showed up. So I was like, Well, s**t, because I didn't even get a cake big enough for this. Oh, I don't. They don't RSVP anymore. Like, thank God, I had cookies. Like, I don't. I had cookies and the cake. People got like a sliver of cake. It's like one single spoonful, right? Because I was trying to make it all work. And then, you know what? It's so frickin weird about this. So Isaac has a little I won't say names because I don't I don't want to blow anyone's spot up. Isaac has a little friend in his class that we invited who came and, you know, Chris's family was there and they were like his aunt came up to me and was like, How do you know them? And I was like, I don't know the boys in the eyes of cla*s. And she was like, Well, that's Chris's cousin. I was like, This world is way too frickin small. Like way too small. Way too small. Too close for comfort. So we had it at this place called main event, and it was so freaking cool. Indie like I think they have like a it's kind of like a big Dave and Buster's, but like way cleaner, nicer, just like way better. And then they have like a bowling area, a laser tag area they have. And then they have this thing called the ropes, the gravity ropes. Have you have you heard or seen anything like that? Yes. So they had that and I was all like pumped up because I was like, I've jumped out of planes. I've swam with sharks like I can for sure do this. So I convinced I and there's like a zip line at the end that you have to like, get. That's how you get off. And I was like, didn't realize what it was. And it was like a whole obstacle course, like in the air. And I was terrified. And Isaac's like, Mom, what's wrong? And I'm like holding onto the pole for dear life. Yet you've jumped out of moving planes. And that's when people were like my friends, like my kids. How do I say this? My friends who came that have kids that are friends with Isaac, they were like, What are you doing? Like, Why are you freaking out? But I guess like knowing that I would be responsible for my own death, essentially, like if I took a wrong step was like, Oh, it was like, I didn't trust myself. Like when you jump out of planes, like a tandem skydive. They are responsible for the parachute and stuff like that. And then, you know what I mean? So like, that's what I was about to say. Like, you trust somebody else more than you trust yourself. We've got to work on that. Yeah, for sure. Like, I definitely need therapy for sure. So what did you do this weekend? Actually, on the birthday party topic, we had received a message over the week about a good idea, and I wanted to share it with everyone because I know tons of moms listen and we're all trying to share ideas and just like, be smarter and work less harder or whatever it's called work smarter, not harder. Yes, that. So this lady said, Listening to your podcast today, talking about birthday parties, I come from a family with four children. We would have a birthday party on our even years and then on our odd years, we would choose our favorite dinner and have friends over. It seemed to work really well. Love the podcast. I love that idea. I love that that. I do love that. So I thought, hmm, maybe maybe we can we can copy her. Honestly, though, because, you know, birthday parties are super expensive, and I was telling my friend to like, you know, it's weird because when my when I take my kids to go do something or go somewhere, like for even just guys own or, you know, we go on like a little like weekend trip, like we went to the indoor water park or whatever. My kids seem to talk about that longer and like, they're wanting to go back so bad. But like, my kids really don't. And I'm not calling them ungrateful or anything. I'm just saying, like, they don't really talk about their birthday party, like they don't care as much. And so it's like more like, I'm doing all this work and they don't care as much as they would to go do something. And even having like a dinner at the house or something as sounds like nicer, I feel like. Agreed. Agreed. I feel like birthday parties. It's almost like Christmas. You know, you plan for it for so long and then it's such a short period of time that it last and then it's over. Actually, we got stuck at Isaac's birthday party because there was a high speed chase outside and then they blocked off all the exits. So no, my friend Kathy and I like, we drove together because our sons are our friends. And it was like 45 minutes away. And so when the party was over, I'm not going to lie to you like I was ready to just like, go home. Like I had been around people all Friday, all Saturday, like I was ready to go home and the kids had a movie night scheduled and I was just irritated because we ended up being there two hours longer than the party. The party was like 12:30 to 3:30, and we ended up not leaving until 5:30 because of this high speed chase. And then there was a crash, all the things where all the exits were cancelled and I was just like, I like, cancelled. All the exits were closed. So I was just ready to go. I was over it. Oh my gosh, wall. So this weekend was a very relaxing weekend for me, so it sounds a bit different than what you experience. Actually, Will's parents picked Jackson up from school on Friday and then of course, had the holiday on Monday, so he didn't have school. So he stayed with Will's parents from Friday night until Monday morning, mid-afternoon. So it was nice. Do you ever feel like your kids need a break from like you and you need a break from your kids? Because I feel like a lot of people can relate? Oh yeah, my kids always had a break for me. They always were like, Oh my gosh, yeah. So I felt like it was getting that time like we had not had a break since before Christmas. So I was like, OK, it's about that time that you go and hang with Baba and Papa for a little bit. So he did, and we just had a relaxing weekend at home. Yeah. And went to dinner and went to see the mall. And I loved the movie and Will was like, it was just like, OK, like, there wasn't a lot happening. I mean, I definitely wish that there was like a better outcome because like I told you when I saw it, it definitely had me wanting to become cocaine kill. So like, I like, I for sure contemplated that. And then like at the end, when he goes, you know, I don't want to say it, but like, I was like, f**k, like, now I'm reconsidering my new revelation, you know? Yeah. See, I I don't know. I was just really into it. But I think anything with Clint Eastwood in it and I'm a super fan of the elderly, you know, I have like a soft spot. So I think that's just why I like really loved it. But yeah, if you haven't seen it, I would suggest going to see you will would probably be like, Don't waste your time. No, I liked it. I thought it was good. This might sound strange, but whenever I go to the grocery store, I find myself thinking of better things I could be doing with my time if I didn't have to be doing this. So like playing with my kids, talking on the phone or maybe taking a nap? Can you tell that I don't like grocery shopping? Yes. So the truth is, I'm all about spending my time as wisely as possible and not wasting it on boring tasks. Thankfully, I discovered Instacart. It's a great service that delivers groceries to you in as little as one hour or at a time that works with your schedule. And with kale on this, with our busy schedules, having to go to the grocery store is not ideal. It's such a process and it just takes up so much time. Instacart allows you to skip all of that hassle. I love it because I get to get a chore done that I truly dread. And in Indiana, they shop all of my favorite stores. So Publix, Kroger, Costco, Aldi, CVS. It takes me forever in the grocery store and this just saves me a ton of time. All you have to do is download the app or go to Instacart dot com and shop the groceries you need from your favorite local retailers. Then your shopper gathers your groceries, contacting you if necessary, and then deliver them to you at a time that you select. So it's that simple. Instacart keeps hot items, hot and cold, items cold, plus they offer exclusive coupons, helping you save money on all of your paint. Plus, they offer exclusive coupons helping you save money on all your pantry staples. Try Instacart and get $10 off your first order to get this limited time offer. Go to Instacart dot com or download the mobile app and enter promo code coffee at checkout. That's $10 off your first order today. Instacart dot com or through the mobile app. And don't forget to enter our Code Coffee, Instacart dot com or through the mobile app with our code coffee at checkout. Speaking, speaking of will, he asked me the other day What the f**k was wrong with us? Why does he listen to our podcast? Probably. I'm like, What is wrong? Like everything, that's the better question, because what is wrong with you? Honestly, though, I'm just getting, well, I'm your biggest fan. Biggest, biggest fan. I want to talk about the lottery because we got so many messages and there's two specifically that I want to read, because obviously this happens way more times than not. Oh, God, what you said, oh god, why? So the first lady says I was listening to today's episode about the guy who was charging for a lottery ticket and people didn't notice something very similar has happened to me at restaurant. So I wanted to make you aware when you eat out at a restaurant, the charge typically doesn't close for a day or two because they have to add in the tips on three separate occasions at three separate restaurants. I've noticed my card getting charge more than what I tip the waitstaff anywhere from two dollars up to nine once. It doesn't seem like a lot, but most people don't follow up with your bank statements and don't notice. I just wanted to let you know to keep your receipts after eating out. I called the restaurants each time and they gave me back the money that the waitstaff added on their own tips. Crazy people out there love you guys. Oh wow. That was the first one. I never keep my receipts. I actually tell them, you keep the receipt because I hate having extra paper. Well, because like now that everything's electronic, when I like do my accounting and stuff like that, I can just I just like go into my like bank statement and I like, let my accountant know like, I don't I'm not going to save the physical receipts. But then I think about it and I'm like, Maybe I should be, because just like we were talking about at the cash register, I'm not going to notice if like one or two or three dollars are added. Chances are, but I don't even know that I would notice. Like not, I'm not trying to sound. Any type of way, but I don't think that I would even notice something as big as ten dollars. Well, yeah, because I feel like I just don't have time to be looking. And maybe I do have time and I need to make time. I have bookkeepers and they're not going to know they're not going to. You know what I mean? Like, I'm going to look at the receipt, and I probably wouldn't even remember what I spent two or three days ago if I went to Applebee's. You know what I mean? Like, I need to be on top of it. Because if that happened to one person in three different restaurants, who the hell knows how many times has happened to me? Exactly. I'm going to start investigating my bank statements. That's it. Like, I've had enough, honestly, like, I'm going to have to let my bookkeepers know I just got a new accountant because I'm trying to. I really am trying to get my finances 100 percent in order and like, work on that. That's like, not really a I wouldn't say like a New Year's goal, but like it's like a lifestyle goal that I need to do. So I'm definitely going to do my best. I mean, at least if I keep keep the receipts for like two or three days. And then I can throw them out instead of not taking at all, at all. Yeah, something. But then this next one, this person was slick, Rick, because oh god, I cannot, OK? I used to work at Target. It was my first job when I was 16. Anyone who shops at Target knows that if you buy certain products, you get a free gift card to use later. Well, nobody knows that. Everybody knows that, Gil. Nobody knows that. Well, this other cashier would ring up the guest items and get prompted to scan the free gift cards. So we keep those in our drawers. He decided to grab two gift cards, load the money on the top one and give the customer the bottom gift card and keep the one that had the money for himself. He was eventually caught because he would buy big items with multiple $5 gift cards. It was obviously a little fishy. Love the podcast. It was the first one that I ever listened to. So, first of all, thank you for listening and being a new listener. And secondly, the person that you worked with or work with here slick Rick, and he needs help. OK, I have a story like that. That's crazy, though, because I've never gotten a $5 gift card. I have an iPod, but I have definitely like what kinds of things do I need to buy to get that? Well, it'll say, like if you're shopping in Target, you know, those little tags that be like on the shelves, it'll be like this little hanging tags and it'll, yeah, talk about the cards. Also, sometimes they'll do it like on laundry detergent, if you buy like two downy unstoppably or something. Oh, then they're like thirteen or fourteen dollars apiece. So you buy two and then they'll give them, you know, a $5 gift card to use. Also, there's this app for Wal-Mart, if anyone shops at Wal-Mart. It's called savings catcher, you just use it and scan your receipt at the end and they'll do like a scan in local stores. And if they find any of your items in a like, cheaper and another store, you'll get the money back. Well, did you know that, have you? Yeah. So like, you just scan your receipt and then they put it like, you take it into the story, they put it on a gift card or whatever, and then you can use it. So one time I saved up like two months worth of groceries, and I kept scanning and scanning and scanning, and I ended up having, like $100 back. Wow. Yeah. But I have a story like that. Target one. I was told by a little birdie that so when you have a Best Buy card, like a rewards card, essentially like after you get like the gift cards or whatever, like all your points, go on the card. Well, people like don't forget or like they'll want to go. Add the points later, and an employee was adding all the all the purchases onto their point card and like went in and like bought big ticket items with the points. Like a big TV, I think I was told that they bought like a camera and then eventually they got caught and got fired. But because people would go in to add their points later to onto their card and the points would already be taken from them, basically like they would buy something big in, their points would be taken. Why are people so freaking life scammers? Honestly, like, they're definitely crafty. I'll give them that because I have worked in retail for a long time and like, I guess, I never thought to do that, like I wasn't going to scam people of their like points in their purchases and stuff. So you're definitely crafty. But I know that first of all, you just need to do your regular job like you're doing too much. Yeah, yeah, you're doing the most. You need to do less. I feel like the busier my schedule gets, the more I appreciate my home. And that's the truth. Being home makes me happy because it's filled with everything I love and making just how I like it so much easier now thanks to online furniture shopping and Joy Bird. The company behind it all. 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I'm so f**king sick and tired of just like talking about them and in a way that it affects me and in way that it doesn't affect me. I'm just tired of their f**king names. I'm tired of Janelle's name, I'm tired of David's name, and I don't really care about Barbara now, so I'm just tired of them and the media, and I'm tired of seeing myself in the media for it. And I know it's like, Oh, well, then stop talking about her. But it's like, I never talk about her when it's when I'm not talked about first, I'm always defending myself. So that's number one. I don't know what the f**k happened for Barbara to say, Let's get lit and go kill kale. Like, I don't know what I did to her and I don't. I've always gotten along with her. And she said that, too when she released a statement to the media. She said that the beef with Janelle is the beef with Janelle Janelle, and she doesn't have any problems with you. And that was a joke and that she's known you for 10 years, so it was really a joke. So maybe she was just joking and. It came out is not a joke because of the amount of guns that they have access to. I don't know it. It really comes down to principle for me, so. I'm I'm really just tired of I'm hurt in a sense that I'm part of a franchise that's not protecting its cast mates, I guess like it was, it's a slap on the wrist for their producer to call them and be like, you have to issue a statement apologizing to kill. Like, I'm not looking for an apology. That's not what I'm looking for, like, it's just the principle you if if this was an everyday situation or if it was me threatening them, it would be all hell would break loose. But because it's them and it's supposed to be a joke, and they were drunk and it was not a big deal, like, I'm just supposed to not take it seriously and and I'm not up in arms about it. I'm not freaking out. I'm not yelling. I'm not crying. I'm not any of that. I just simply don't want to film if they're going to continue to do these, these behaviors that just completely go unnoticed. Like, I, you know, I'm afraid to go to a reunion where Janelle and David are there. And even if they're there in the same city at the on the same weekend, but a different day, I still like, I'm not protected. Offset Does that make sense like I'm not protected if I'm walking in the store or if I'm at my hotel like I'm not. They don't send security with us. So that's number one. And now, you know, Bar wants to say, Let's go kill, kill. To be completely honest, I'm not. I do think that if they all sat down and had a drunken conversation, David would make it happen, to be completely honest. So I just I don't want to mess with that. Like, he's allowed, he can go with her. He just can't be on set. Got it. And that's what I'm so that's like, what I mean is like if I'm walking the streets and, you know, walking to dinner or something, or I'm at my hotel minding my business, I don't know what could happen. And I just I'm so sick and tired of everything getting swept under the rug like just everything. So to me, it's like, don't ask to film with me until you talk to my attorney, like, something's going to be done. And if not, then I I walk away and I feel fine about it because I have other avenues of income. Correct. This is very correct. So that's that wish them the best. So anyhow, enough of that, now that we have clarification, we're Gucci. I didn't want to talk about something that a mom had sent us, and we've received this message lots of times over and over again just have never really touched on it in depth. And the question was wondering if you and Carl can talk about the well-known controversy of vaccines. I'm a mother of three and have always said I'd never be that mom. But recently I've read so many horrifying stories about vaccines like the MMR, some absolutely devastating stories. I vaccinated my two older girls and never even thought twice about it, but now I'm paranoid to vaccinate my five month old baby boy. I would love to know both of your opinions. P.S. African love you both and always look forward to coffee on this. Awesome. I definitely think this is a controversial topic, and I don't want to lose listeners because of my opinions, but I I did vaccinate Isaac because to me, I didn't know any better and I gave I let them vaccinate him with whatever they basically said that he needed. And I feel like I was ignorant and didn't do research and didn't know any better with Lincoln. I knew a little bit more and I started to research more. And that's when I think the conversations of vaccines started to really be going on with me and my my friends that became moms. And just there were there were documentaries on Netflix and all kinds of just news that I would try to look into. Lincoln did not get all of his vaccines. I definitely picked and choosed chose which ones I felt like were necessary. And he did not get them all at once, so he did one or two vaccines at a time. And again, those were the ones that I felt that he needed Lux's 18 months and he is not vaccinated. He hasn't really ever been sick. And I, for me, I just I think the more research that I do and the more educated I have become, I just don't. I just don't vaccinate him. So that's my opinion, and I don't I don't judge, you know, Lindsey, if she chooses to vaccinate or anyone else who chooses to vaccinate, that's your prerogative. You're a parent. You know what's best for your child? And I'm not here to judge, you know, Harvey did. I think I talked about it on the podcast. He texted me asking how I felt about Lincoln getting a flu shot because I guess he told me that Lauren is like a big believer in vaccines. So, you know, I said, whatever you guys choose to do with your son is fine. But my son's not getting the flu vaccine right and. I will reiterate what you just said, what people choose to do with their kids is their business, and what I choose to do with mine is, you know, what works for me. However, I don't want to like convince anybody to vaccinate, not to vaccinate, not my place or, you know, position. However, we did vaccinate and we did it on an alternate schedule, so it wasn't on the schedule. That is like the recommended schedule, and I did do some research before vaccinating. And what I found was that. There had been links from the MMR vaccine to autism, and that definitely scared me a lot because I think autism is more prevalent in boys. So yeah, that really, really scared me and I was like, OK, I need to talk to the pediatrician about this because this could not be good. You know, I need more information than what I've just found on the internet. I need like a professional opinion and to be perfectly honest. My pediatrician and any of the other moms that I've talked to in regards to vaccine, all pediatricians are 100 percent pro vaccine. So you're going to get that one like medical side and you've got to consider to that. It's a business, you know, as I was just about to say, I didn't want to cut you off, but vaccines are a business so and that are the sad reality of it. But it just is. And so after talking to my pediatrician and, you know, telling him my concerns about, you know, the vaccines. I told him that I would like to split the MMR vaccine because that's what I had read all over the internet that if you're going to vaccinate for it to split up the vaccine and supposedly in some articles, it states that there is no link with autism and vaccines. I believe it's very possible that that there is. And they're saying in some articles that it's because of the combined vaccines, like the combination of them. So I did it on an alternate schedule and then spaced them out very far and have had no issues. And I do do the flu shot. So personally, I can't take the flu shot because I get sick every time. Like, I took the flu shot one year and I got the swine flu, and then the next year I took it. I got two types of flu. I got type A and type B, so I can't take the flu shot will take it and Jackson takes it and knock on wood. They have not had any issues, so I really think that it's good to educate yourself. Read as much as you can and don't take other people's opinions, you know, when it comes to your child because you know what's best for your kid, and that's just, I'm going to leave it at that. Honestly, though, just to piggyback off what you're saying to is like. I'm not saying be like me, but don't shove your opinions down your friends who have kids throats like nobody wants to hear it. That's why I don't preach about non vaccination anti-vax. I just don't do it. And if people ask me about it, then I'll have a conversation. But I'm not just going to, like, go out there and like, freak out about it and shove it down your throat. Like, Don't be that mom, if you. And also, if you don't want your kid around my kid because he's not vaccinated, that's your prerogative, too. I'm not here to, you know? I don't know. Start and ask you a parenting argument about it, but yeah, I like what Lindsey said. Just do your research and come up with. I mean, if you have questions, I mean, I'm not, I'm not a doctor, Lindsay's not a doctor, but do your research and talk to her. My, my pediatrician has been so great. All three of my kids go to the same place and they do not push vaccines. They ask me, Do I want to vaccinate? And they just they don't push it at all. Which was surprising to me because I have a friend who his child was is not allowed to go to the practice and not that practice their their pediatrician because he, his family chose not to vaccinate so they won't see him anymore. Wow. So anyways, moving on. Moving on. Did you know that sleep deprivation is now officially a global health epidemic? According to the Department of Health and Human Services, by 2020, 40 percent of U.S. adults will have issues related to lack of sleep. We all love our kids, but to be honest, a lot of the time, they're the reason we don't get the sleep we need. The good news is that we have found this amazing new app. That's the magical bedtime cure for kids and parents. It's mushy twilight a lifesaver at the end of a busy day. Moshi Twilight is an app that features sleep stories, guided relaxation, streaming music tracks and soothing soundscapes that help calm little minds when the lights go out. The enchanting stories feature both new and classic characters from the much loved, supremely surreal world of Moshi. All the content has been created by the award winning team behind Moshi Monsters, Music, books and movies. For what is typically $39, you can try it for free tonight. This offer enables you to access over 20 hours of original sleep content, as well as the ability to share across up to three devices so kids don't have to fight over who uses it. Check out the reviews to see for yourself how much people are really loving Moshi Twilight. Then try it on your kids. We would love to hear you talking about a story or character that your kid has loved. Try it for free tonight to redeem your exclusive code. Download the Moshi Twilight app, go to Settings, register your account and redeem your code combo sleep. That's code C o in v o s l e p promotion end April 1st, 2019. OK. Do you remember when we were talking a few weeks ago about the lady who was scamming on Go Fund Me for the firefighters? Yes, like saying yes, she had a husband. Yes, OK. So. This woman went on, Dr. Phil. Oh my God. This woman for the fight, the firefighters skimmer. Yes, she went on. Dr. Phil and I watched like the interview, and she has like a long history of scams and they're not like all go fund me scams. That was just one of them. The scam that we were talking about was the Go Fund Me scam. With her saying that she had a firefighter husband, Dr. Phil calls her out on this. Not only did she create the Go fund me, but she created like a completely fictitious person. And also, like posted things on her Facebook like for their anniversary and like crazy stuff that would make people believe that she actually was with this person that didn't even exist. And when Dr. Phil asked her, you know, like, did she have basically a fetish for firefighters? She said no, that the reason that she made it up was because people would believe her because he could always, like, be on duty or whatever, you know, they call it, for a firefighter. And so she would never really have to present him to people. So what was uncovered? We know that she did this. Wait, wait, wait. So she had been making up this person prior to the fires, like way before the fires? Yes. Yes. Like in the event of she had been, Dr. Phil basically was alluding to the fact that she had a fantasy or fetish of being with a firefighter. And I think this was like maybe before this Shane person that she made up was before the fires and then she made the Go Fund Me account when the fires like happened. So I think the person already existed, but I'm not 100 percent. What the f**k? Sure on that. But what was uncovered next was like a complete web of lies. Not only did she create like the fantasy husband, but she also attended. Other people's children were hers and even wore like a fake baby bump. And no, she didn't. Yes. And then three of the victims that she like made their kids be her kids or said that their kids were her kids. She they went on to Dr. Phil and faced her. And what did she say? How did she react? She was. I mean, I personally feel like there's obviously like mental something going on clearly, right? Yeah. But obviously these mothers were livid as they should have been, and this woman also had baby shower. She lied about being pregnant like six or seven times. What did she like show around? What did she like, give around? I don't know. Like, no, no, no, no, she told people. When she would have, when she would have the baby, she told people that it would be like stillborn or that she had a white outer edge or no, no, no, because these people that are coming to those showers can't be different people unless she's moving around, maybe. But like, how do you keep how do you keep up with that? Many lies like, I'm not going to lie. I've told a liar a few in my lifetime and I get caught because I tell myself because they're f**king hard to keep up with. Yeah, like lies when you tell a lie and you have to tell another lie to cover that lie. So because you forget the lie, you can't forget the truth. Yeah. So she made fake baby bumps and wore them, and I even got like a belly button and like everything. So like when her shirts were tight, it would look like the belly button. And Dr. Phil called her out about her having a baby shower. And she was like, Yeah, that she did. And he said, Well, what did you do with this stuff like that you got and you weren't even pregnant? And she said, Well, I like re gifted it to other friends who had babies or was having a shower, or I donated it to whatever it's like. You could tell this woman was lying about everything I was about to say. I was about to say, You don't even know if that's the truth. Like, How are you even having a conversation with her? It's crazy. And I mean, she looked kind of deranged, you know, like, have you ever seen somebody that you're just like, OK, that person doesn't as well? But I wonder if that's like kind of like Munchausen syndrome munch. And by proxy, what is that? So you. I never told you about what is the show? It's called. Gypsies revenge. Have you seen that? No. So Munchausen by proxy is where in this specific show, the mother. Made her perfectly fine daughter very, very, very, very sick and convinced the daughter that she had cancer and she couldn't walk, and so she was wheelchair bound, but really she could. She could walk and you just get a lot of attention for, you know, your daughter being sick. She got a new house, a new car. She got a trip to Disneyland. She got all kinds of help from the state because she convinced these doctors that her daughter was sick and they would give her her teeth rotted out. She shaved her daughter's head because she would get attention for taking care of her daughter, her sick daughter. She would get all kinds of like things and attention. So like, maybe it's the same thing for her. Like, I don't know how that works. If you can have Munchausen by proxy and not do it in like a way where it's like medical related. Well, I don't want to diagnose her, but that's what it sounds like. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Or if that's like, like, what is that? I don't, because I mean, it would be medical related with the pregnancies. That is the strangest thing that I've ever like. You created a whole like fake life and you have people believing that you're pregnant, you're not. And I'm like, I'm so sad to like, convince people you're pregnant and having miscarriages when you're in fact not or like, again, like, how do you keep up with lies? And nobody would want to probably be with you because they would find out very quickly what kind, what kind of time you're on. You know what I mean, like they would? That's really sickening, honestly. So I hope she gets the frickin help she needs. Same, same. And I don't think going on Dr. Phil and. Having like a spotlight on her, I feel like she thrives was probably not the best. Like, yeah, right? You know what's crazy? And this is selfish what I'm about to say, but like when I hear stories like that, I'm like, I don't know how people will really sit there and call me a horrible mom and a train wreck because I'm like, There are people doing much, much worse. Like, much, much worse, like skimming firefighters and people who, you know, really are going through it because of those fires or, you know, trying to conceive or whatever. And here's this woman like creating fake lives, not even just like one fake life like fake lives. Yeah, like this lady, I can't. When I saw that and I watched the interviews, it was almost like dreadful to watch because you could just tell that she was lying to cover up like the lie. So I was. This is this is too much. OK, let's be real here for a minute. One thing that I really dread is bra shopping specifically because of the whole annoying fitting room process. And that's why I was so excited when I learned about an online bra company called ThirdLove. 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But I am thankful for them that they do have Cole because it's not like she's missing a father figure or anything like that. So I'm in Cole. So great that to like, take Aubree on as his own, you know? Right? Yeah, I know that's how it is. That's so heartbreaking. When I saw, you know them going to the center first off, I just had a pit in my stomach because I knew that it was like going down the avenue of he wasn't going to show, and she gave up his rights to his other daughter. Wow. Her name's Paisley. Sure. Paisley, I'm pretty sure he signed off rights, and I'm pretty sure I read that. Well, it's so sad because I feel like kids that just have the dysfunction in their life like that. It's in Chelsea situation. It's really sad because she has such a functional situation. And yeah, currently, and it's not fair to Aubree to have that functional life and then to have it like in and out of her life. The dysfunction, like, that's not fair. I almost feel like why? Would Adam sign off rights to Paisley and not to Aubrey like? I did ask the moms with Taylor, Paisley's mom. Mm hmm. And it was almost like, I think Paisley, she said, calls her husband, dad and stuff like that. So, you know, she can have some normalcy and an actual like like she doesn't have to think about them. Like, I'm sure Taylor will explain it one day and they'll be able to look back on like Teen Mom videos and stuff like that. But like, she'll be able to explain it. Like, why not? Why not do the same thing for Aubree? Exactly. Because I mean, she is the one that's suffering and to just see her face. I think she said like. He's not going to be there, or there's no doubt or, you know, whatever it was that she said that was heartbreaking because I feel like having a parent that's in and out is worse than having a parent just not be there at all agreed because it's like you just and you don't know you're messing up, right? Like, you know, I didn't have I didn't meet my dad. I didn't meet my dad until I was almost eight years old. And to me, I never had to wonder, Oh, is my dad coming? Is my dad calling? Is my dad coming to pick me up like I never had to worry about that? Is he going to show up for this? Is he going to show up for that? I didn't have that. It was like, my dad's not here, so I don't know what I'm missing. And that's essentially his loss, you know? And then my mom was in and out. And so it was, is my mom coming? Is my mom? I'm going to be f**ked up. Is my mom going to, you know, pick me up from my friend's house when she's supposed to like what? You know what I mean? And so like that to me, the uncertainty was, you know, it's kind of like Aubree with her dad, and I don't think that's fair. So it's like at this point, Adam, sign off your f**king rights and let her have a normal like, I'm not. That's not that her childhood is not normal. I mean, it's not with the cameras and adam and stuff, but like, let her let Cole raise her. He's already doing such a good job. Why not just let it? You signed off one. Why not sign off Aubree, too? Well, exactly. And I just want to applaud Chelsea because honestly and Cole, that would not be an easy situation. And I'm just sayin if that was going on, I would. I would not deal with it very well. So they handle it really, really, really well. They do very well. Calling all love birds, you need to hear about Zola, the wedding company that will do anything for love. Zola is reinventing the wedding planning and registry experience to make the happiest moment in couples lives even happier. From engagement to wedding and decorating your first home. Zola takes the stress out of wedding planning by providing free wedding websites, your dream wedding registry, affordable, save the dates and invitations, and easy to use planning tools. We love that you can conveniently manage everything online, all in one place. Think of how much time you'll save. Just planning your wedding. 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It was kind of in a period where it was like. Nobody's going to screw. That's my ex-husband, and I care for him in that way, so you're not going to screw him over like I felt like kind of protected, even though him and I didn't work out like I kind of felt protective over him. And so I was like, already having a bad first impression, I guess. And then. I didn't know that Hobby wanted me to meet her at that time, and he didn't really say that to me, and so I kind of felt like they were kind of planning it behind my back, but like he never introduced us. Not that I would have wanted to meet her anyway, because I just wasn't ready for it. But I mean, there are things that have that have happened that I just feel like she's not permanent and I don't. It's just a lot of stuff that I'm trying to keep off camera, and I just don't want to stir the pot or anything like that. And so I just. Let me update you because I don't know how much I talked about so two weeks ago, I guess it was, I talked to her at the one of Lincoln's basketball games. I told you that, no, we have not. So. Here she comes in my old car, which is already, like, weird, but whatever. And Harvey is not there. Harvey is not there. And so I was like, Great, this is going to be uncomfortable because it's their week. It's Harvey's week with Lincoln. So I'm coming. I don't think I had. I don't know if I had the baby. I think it was just me. And so obviously, Lorne and I were kind of forced to talk because Harvey wasn't there and I didn't have the other kids or whatever. And, you know, I was nice to her. I didn't say anything. And then she had messaged me on Instagram, like the next day and was like, You know, I hope that this isn't overstepping. Like, I'm sorry for what I said, et cetera, et cetera. Great. I didn't respond right away because I wanted to kind of get my thoughts in order and like not respond in like a country way or anything, because I mean, I felt pretty good about it. I really did. And then a bunch of Twitter trolls are messaging me on Twitter saying that Lauren is liking a bunch of comments about me on Instagram after the episode aired. So I don't like that. Pick a side and f**king stay there if you want. If you don't like me, that's fine, but don't apologize to me. And then your online liking comments that are negative like people. So one of them was like kills three times your size. She'll always be miserable. You keep your relationship flourishing or something like that. And she liked it. And then she responded another to somebody else, like a paragraph. Oh, I don't understand. Like, that's not something that I would hold a grudge about, et cetera, et cetera, sending like hearts and stuff like that like caller. And then don't apologize to me. Don't send me a message on Instagram apologizing and, you know, saying that you're glad that we talked or whatever. Like, don't do that because your actions are the worst. Right. And that's what I'm not OK with it. So I told Harvey, like, handle this or I will, because I don't want to say something that everyone would regret. And now we're all in drama and stuff like that, like, that's something that we're not going to do. Like, I'm not. I don't take s**t from anybody, and I'm not about to start taking it from her. So figure it out. Right, and then it's just been not me and Harvey are fine like we're getting along, but I'm not going to be nice to you now because I tried being nice to you and that's what you did. So have a great day, right? Yeah. I just. Obviously, people are again seeing what has been produced, so I think it was over dramatize. If that's a word for the fact that y'all were talking at Lincoln's game and from what I saw, just knowing you was, I could tell by your body language that you were uncomfortable because you didn't really know what was going on and what was trying to be like pulled on you. So tell. They don't set me up. And the other thing, too was like, I'm not going to lie, it's very irritating. I don't know if irritating is the right word that soccer game they didn't show. Harvey's entire family came his mom, his dad, his sister, Lauren, Lauren's best friend, her husband, like so many people. And then it was just me, and I'm not like. It's not pity me, that's not what it is, it's just very uncomfortable when it's nobody's in my corner. So and maybe that's my own fault. Maybe that is self-inflicted. It could be, but it's very uncomfortable. But they did cut it to make it look like I was mean, mugging the s**t out of them. And if you know me and you're around me on a regular basis, I'm blind as a bat, like I'm blind and I have resting b***h face. So I was for sure not mean mugging anybody at all. Not purposely, anyway. But yeah, no, it's and then there was a scene yesterday on the episode where they're riding bikes. Isaac and Lincoln are riding bikes. And again, the entire family is there. It's Harvey's parents and Harvey sister and her son and this person's best friend and that person and this person. It's like always, there's always people around. It's never just Harvey and Lauren and then me or Harvey Moore. And with Lincoln, like, it's never that way, ever. So I mean, it's a little intimidating, and it's frustrating for me because it's like. I don't know what conversations are having. I don't know what they're filming when I'm not there and I don't I didn't know that they were planning to have me meet Loren at the game. Have you never talked to me about that? So it's just little things like that that's really frustrating. And you're the type of person that, OK, it could look one way on camera, but knowing you personally in uncomfortable situations, you're going to pull back like you're not going to try to, like, create controversy. So I felt like it was more of you. Being uncomfortable is what I saw. Yeah, for sure. And I mean, not for nothing like VR. And I took a while to get to where we were at. But I think it was more like, these are my kids that they're coming into. So it's more like, Don't pressure me to meet anybody until I feel like I'm ready. They're my kids, you know what I mean? Like, I right? And just like Lauren said, I don't know if it was yesterday's episode or the one before that. She was like, You know, I very quickly was allowing Isaac to be around Lauren. Like, It's not. It's not that I don't trust her in that way, like around my kids, I just I don't like when people are say one thing and do another on and off camera like, I'm just not. Can we talk about how I found the most amazing brand of flats that are just a stylist as they are comfortable because I'm in love with the rocky sneakers? It's the everyday flat for life on the go. They're fashionable, classic, comfortable and come in four different styles. The flat, the point, the loafer. And for women and girls. They just recently launched the sneaker, which are the ones I love the most. Of course, it's great that they're adorable and that they have all of the different styles to choose from. But those aren't the only reasons why we love our Rothy's. We're obsessed because they're made from recycled plastic water bottles so we can feel good about wearing them. It will blow your mind, though, considering that they're also the soft tissue that you'll ever put on your feet. Personally, I love Rothy's. 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So all this child support stuff is about to play out on Teen Mom and on Twitter, I accidentally somebody said something about child support and I accidentally said that I don't get child support from Joe and Hobie. And I meant to say I don't get child support from Harvey, but I don't know what. Like, half of my brain was like custody. Oh, I have 50 50 with Harvey and Joe, and then I it. It was a mistake. I didn't mean to tweet it. I said that I didn't get child support from Joe, and I have gotten child support from Joe and Joe sent the screenshots to these trolls right of him making his payments. Mm hmm. And I got frustrated because I'm like, Well, so I'm paying him back the child support since we've had 50-50 because I don't need it. And then on top of that, I'm taking on the response, the full responsibility of health insurance and all of his school lunches, all of his sports, et cetera. So like, I kind of felt annoyed by that, but the Twitter trolls are lighting me up for it like I just it was a mistake. I wasn't thinking when I was tweeting, like, I didn't reread it. And so like, half of my brain was like, Oh, respond to the child support thing and half my brain was like reading it as if I had 50 50 custody with Joe and Harvey. So anyway, that was I'm just clarifying that, well, you misread stuff all the time or like I who you are? Yeah, yeah. So because I'll text you and then you'll be like, Oh, wait, yeah, no, I didn't mean anything by I wasn't trying to lie or anything like that. Like, I definitely have gotten child support from Joe, but definitely paying it back. So I don't really know why. He even felt the nerve felt the need rather. I mean, I guess he probably was getting lit up by trolls, too. So I get it. Joe and I are fine. We work things out. We and I are still fine. So that's that I'm just not filming until further notice. So moving on. So there was some stuff that happened in the news. I know people are probably sick of hearing us talk about this. No, they're not. But no, JonBenet. And I addressed this on my Instagram Story about my feelings about it because I literally got hundreds of messages about the JonBenet killer confession and the supposed pedophile that can best said that he never loved anyone like he did JonBenet. Yet he let her slip and her head bashed in half and he watched her die. OK, so I just want to tell you guys, I'm not a part of this case, and I'm not even trying to act like I am. But from what I've read, this guy has been fully investigated throughout the process of investigations and has been cleared that he was not the person that did it. And I am going to stick to the brother did it. And that's truly how I feel. I feel like this guy is just trying to get attention. I think that he fully knows that he didn't do it and knows that they couldn't prove that he did it, and that's why he made erroneous statements like this. But yeah, that's that's how I feel about it. I definitely don't think he did it for sure. I don't know if I believe the brother did it. I definitely think the brother, the mom and the dad all know what happened in that home, and they all covered for each other. I still don't know who f**king did it, and it drives me crazy because something tells me that it was more the mother and the brother and the dad knew, and it just helped them cover it up. But anyhoo, I don't think that that crazy guy did it. I don't. I think the brother did it with a flashlight. And I think they panicked. And I think the mom was like, If we don't cover this up, then we're going to lose both of our kids. I think that was more of the situation. But that's just my opinion could be true, could not be true. I wasn't there. So I'm going to carry on now to something else. This was something that was really interesting to me and things that like you just don't think about, but you do think about this woman. Send us a message and asked about when are you supposed to stop bathing boys? She said, I know girls are different, but I don't trust my son to get his pets and bits kill. When did you stop bathing and start trusting Lindsey? I've heard you say before that your son takes a shower in the morning. So does he just shower on his own sometimes? I don't want to hold my son back and be bathing him when he's eight or something. Love the podcast. I actually really like this is a good topic. Yeah, this is definitely a good question. Because honestly. I don't know if it's just me, I don't trust my kids. I don't trust them. Isaac's nine And when he's taken a long time in the shower, I will literally yell into the bathroom like, make sure you get your armpits and your butt, like, wash your a*s. Like, I want to make sure that it's just one of those things where it's like. And then like, this really bugs me for kids, people in general. I do not like when people rub the bar of soap on their body. You're not cleaning the dirt off if you don't use a loofah or a washcloth. And he's like, What? My dad's, I just rub the soap on my body and I'm like, Well, where you're not at your dad, you're going to use a washcloth over here. And then when you get out of shower, we're going to put deodorant on, like, that's just how it is. So sometimes I'll ask him if he needs help washing his hair still. Both of the boys, Isaac and Lincoln Lincoln, I think, was babied a lot more than Isaac was, and so it's taken a lot longer for Lincoln. Again, Lincoln's like, Well, I can just wrap this up on my body. No, get African washcloth and wash your a*s. Like, wash it. So to this day, I'm like, Please, like, I'm reminding them, I think Lincoln started showering like legit showering when he was four. I don't think so for that because I just like I said, I don't trust them in the shower. Like I just they need to wash their parts and they're. What did she call it, bitten? It's in pits. And I love that. Oh yeah, for sure. So yes, I have talked about bathing Jackson on the podcast before, and it honestly depends. When he turned four is when I kind of stopped their frequent baths and he was kind of going between baths and shower. It was like the introduction of the shower. And when I started, I would bathe him and do everything and then let him just kind of, you know, once I did it, I would tell him, like, OK, well, you know, rub the loofah like on your body and this is how you do it. And so I kind of like, shot him. And then he would just kind of be in the shower by himself thinking that he was free ranging and then I would get him out. And then not until this summer did I start making him wash himself like his hair and his body. And I still check and make sure he gets like all the soap out and make sure that he's actually wash his body. I can tell, like if the loofah has soap on it, obviously he's washed. If it doesn't, then clearly he hasn't. He's not wrong, but probably about twice a week. I'll go in there and wash his hair really good conditioning and wash his body or watch him wash his body. And so that's still kind of like the phase that we're in now. It's he's washing himself, washing his hair. I don't have to show him as much anymore because he's kind of like getting it. I started letting him brush his teeth. I still brush it once a day. So he does like in the mornings and then at night I'll brush his teeth and then I still put lotion on him because he's very skin and he gets dry. So I do. But he tries to do it on his own, and it's like maybe one leg gets covered and then the rest of the body is just ashy dry. Yeah, but it's funny to kind of like see the bathroom in the state it's in when he does it all by himself versus when I do it, because the bathroom's exactly the way it should look whenever I do it. And when Jackson does, it looks like a cyclone came through the bathroom. So, yeah. Uh-Huh. Yeah, but yeah, I don't, you know, if there's like a specific age, I would say, like at four is kind of when you should start introducing them to the shower and introducing them to, OK, your body gets washed and your hair gets washed. And I'm not going to do this for the rest of your life, so you need to wash out your butt crack together. You need to wash off your bits like, you know, call me in the bathroom. Mom is the soap out of my hair and I'm like, Well, thank God, you washed it. So let me look. And sometimes I'll forget to like, turn his head and like, get it out of the side of his ears and his face and the face washing is hard because it's like Lincoln Isaac's like at that age where he needs to use like a face wash, like not just Oh, wow, water, you know what I mean? We have to get to that yet. So I'm like, You have to wash your face and like, That's the thing is like you. You don't just put water on your face like you need to wash it, so it's definitely a learning curve, but I can't believe like I've really taught two boys to shower already. Like I need to maybe have a sit down conversation with their dads, though, because they need to be using like a washcloth or a loofah. Damn it. Yeah, exactly. Like why? Sure. Yeah, straight up bar of soap like between their a*s crack. No, that's not a thing. Oh my gosh. Oh, and then this was this was another fun question. What do you guys do with your kid's teeth once they lose them? Recently, at my parents house, they showed me and my sister all of our baby teeth that we had lost his kids. My sister was completely disgusted and to me, this was sentimental, but not something that I would ever want to be gifted or given back to me and made me question what to do with my own children. Keep them for me forever, or keep them and give them back to my kids or just throw them away. I'm torn. OK, so this is something that I've definitely thought about because I definitely kept mine as a kid like my mom. Let me keep them. As an adult, I don't give one single f**k about my baby teeth. So if my mom was to hand me my teeth today, I would throw them in the trash because I don't give one single f**k. So to me and I, I don't judge if you care about that and it's sentimental to you, like, I'm not judging for me. So for my kids, if they want to keep them, that's fine. But I have not been keeping them because I just. I don't care about them, and I I mean, I care about my kids, I don't care about the teeth, and I don't think that they care either. I think if the parent makes it a big deal and wants to keep them, then the kids are going to be like, Oh my gosh, you have to keep them, you know what I mean? S. Jackson, I feel like that would be something that he would want to see, like later down the road. Oh, see, because he's that, can you keep him? Yeah. I mean, I want it to be a dentist my whole life, so like I kept them, but then I don't know what happened to them. Right? Well. So like, imagine like having a jar of teeth sitting at the house. Yeah, there's these little things like jars or whatever that you can get to like, store your teeth. But I'm just kind of confused, like, where would I put that? And if somebody came into my house and robbed me, like when they saw that, what would they think they'd run for the f**kin hills? I have in my downstairs, I have three like big Tupperware containers labeled with their names Isaac Lincoln Logs, and I put all like, Is there something? I don't keep all their paintings and drawings, but if there's something that's like really cute are important to them. I put it in their pictures that I, you know, I go through and put new pictures up, so I put like the old ones of them. If I was to keep their teeth or if they wanted to keep their teeth, I'd probably put them in a bag or something and then put them in their memory box. And then when they take that with them, you know, when they move out or whatever, they have their teeth, if they want them. I just think it's I'm not interested, like, are you going to make a necklace out of those? Or Huh? Well, I don't know. Like, do you draw holes in them and make a choker like, I'm not sure, right? Yeah. If somebody broke into my house and saw a container of baby teeth, they would probably be terrified. And that's when they would grab you right? They would not rob you. They wouldn't. Has Jackson lost new teeth yet? No, not okay. Not if you're going to have to update us and let us know if you do decide to keep them or if he doesn't want to, if he wants to keep them, because I would be curious to know if you keep them. Well, I will let you guys know when we get to that point, and I'm hoping that it's still like a while away. But in other news, I did want to talk about some crazy Florida news that I saw. And yeah, I was just kind of like, Wow, it's Florida again. It's always Florida. The zookeeper was killed this morning in an alligator enclosure of the Naples Zoo while he was attempting to sexually assault a 12 foot long reptile. Sexually assault the alligator. Yes. Not like he got killed trying to feed it or take care of it. He got. He got killed trying to. How do you how does one sexually assault a frickin alligator? Well, what is wrong with, you know? Twenty four year old Jimmy Olsen was engaged in full sexual intercourse with one of the younger reptiles when he was surprised by one of the larger animals which attacked from behind. The young man was caught by the throat, by the alligator who dragged him underwater and drowned him. Jimmy Olsen death took place around 6:00 a.m. this morning, but his disappearance was noticed only an hour later by other employees. They discovered his dismembered body floating in the pool of the alligator enclosure around 8:30 a.m.. The images captured by the security camera showed that Mr. Olsen had clearly placed himself in a very vulnerable position. He had his pants around his knees and was lying down on top of one of the animals with his back to the others. The poor guy didn't stand a chance. We can see him being dragged into the water and then he disappeared from sight. He was probably dead within 30 seconds of the attack. I'm speechless, like I don't have words. And it shows like the picture of this guy, like with the animal and yeah. So what is wrong with people? I literally have no words, so I don't even have a comment on that because I literally just don't like, I don't have words. So, so many people messaged us this article because obviously it was of great interest to a lot of you who were listening. So I investigated and obviously got my magnifying glass out and got on the internet. And when I type in this headline, no. First of all, let me backtrack. I looked at this picture and I was like, This person looks like Steve Irwin in this picture, like, this is not this person that works at the zoo. So type it in and start searching. There's literally like five articles that come up, which goes ahead and tells me, probably not true, because if it's something this crazy that happened, it would have been all over the internet. It was a hoax. It was a hoax. Correct, that it was investigated and it was just basically bull, it was it was fake news. Yeah, it was fake news that basically the picture was a Scottish man who works at a crocodile park in Spain named Gavin Hart, and that the image that was posted on the article was in fact a crocodile, not an alligator. So the story was completely fake. So now what is wrong with people that you're basically fantasizing about this because otherwise you don't come up with a story like that? Correct. I'm just like, OK, who does this? Who makes up a story like that, first of all? Secondly, the fact that so many people. Believed it, probably because it came from Florida, and we all know that everything that goes on in Florida is really weird. So obviously this would be like a believable Florida thing scenario, right? Yeah, but sexual intercourse with an alligator or a crocodile like this person would have had to have been on one. Moving on, I do want to ask you a question that we got on the podcast. Instagram This question is for Lindsey. I was listening to another podcast and was wondering if you listen to other podcasts. If so, how do you feel about discussing family matters on air? She says it personally would offend me that my family was airing out dirty laundry and in regards to relationships with my siblings, especially if you were not there to to clarify your opinion and defend yourself. Love the podcast. You and Kill are both inspiring. You guys are definitions of mambas. Well, thanks. Yes. Actually, there were many messages that I received over the weekend about things that were said about me on another podcast, and I will keep things brief. There's always two sides to a story, and then there's the truth with facts that can be proven. I appreciate the prayers and also sarcasm. Sometimes God closes doors because it's time to move forward. And he knows that you won't move unless circumstances force you to. So I am thankful for the transition and my current life, and we are going to move on to another topic about when it's appropriate to start having sex after having a baby. Oh, I mean, I love what you said, but that topic sounds very interesting and I can't wait to tell my stories. So there was a mom and I feel like this is so common and I feel like people just don't know what is appropriate. I know that a lot of times after you have a baby, you don't want to be touched. And then I've heard people also say that their sex drive is heightened, so I've heard a lot of different things. Me too. So I thought in the beginning I thought the six weeks thing because, you know, they say, no, no sexual intercourse for six weeks after the baby. I thought that was because like, your vagina is healing and like, it's probably kind of big. So I thought, that's why. And so I definitely use that as an excuse to not be touched both with eyes after Isaac and after Lincoln, because I did not want to be touched. I did not want to have sex and I was quite frankly, very turned off just by Joe and Harvey at the time. Like, I just like, Don't touch me, don't call me like I just did not want to be around them. I definitely thought that that was what it was for. Like, it has to heal and stuff. But no, it's yeah, it may need some healing, but it's mainly for because you're so fertile. Oh wow. In those six weeks, that's what I was told by my doctor. Yes, I'm healing, but you, you're the most fertile at that time, like your uterus was already ready and prepped and the vitamins and all of that stuff. That's why I like Irish twins, the twins that are born in the same year. Like, that's a big thing. And yeah, so so this woman says that I'm a first time brand new mama to a beautiful baby boy. He'll be eight weeks old soon. My fiancee and I have been together for over six years, and this has been a huge blessing for us. But I have a question for you guys saying that you both have had babies. I've I've really never been a huge sexual person, and while we were pregnant, I didn't do it often because I was so miserable. I've been on antidepressants most of my twenties, and I think it's made my libido low. I haven't had a real urge to have sex yet, but after nine months with no surprise, my fiance is dying and I'm nervous. I don't. Don't get me wrong, we've done other things but haven't had legit sex. How long did it take you guys to wait after birth? And did it change how it felt? Or was it painful for the first few times? So obviously you answered. But how long did it take you to get back in the saddle? I think after after Lincoln was born, I don't know if Harvey and I ever had sex because I was just like, that was not. I think that was more like relationship s**t than it was like after having a baby. So that was like a long time, and I made a lot of excuses and same thing for Joe, and I was like. Ten weeks, maybe more, because I just I didn't I wasn't interested anymore, like I just didn't even. I'm not going to lie to you guys, I definitely had sex with Chris like. Fairly shortly after, I had looks like two weeks. Whoa. Like, I don't even know if it was that long, so it really just depends on the person and I think, yeah, it definitely hurt. Like at first you're hurt because you're like, you just had a baby come out. But she just said that she's, what, eight weeks postpartum? Yes. I mean, I would think that it might be a little sore even, but I shouldn't be, like, painful, I think definitely see a doctor if it's like painful. Well, as far as I was concerned, I'm a very big stickler on like whatever my physician says is what I'm going to do. So I was right at the actually the day after I had my six week checkup. So I got cleared and everything was good and I felt like I had plenty of time to heal and was feeling semi back to like my old self. And yeah, so it was like six weeks in a day, I guess that. We had sex, so. I don't know, I think it just depends for every person. It didn't hurt for me because I feel like I gave my body the time that it needed to fully heal. Like at two weeks, I would have not been ready, like I did not want to be touched. But it wasn't because I didn't like love him or want to be with him. It wasn't any reasons like that. It was just I felt like my body had been through a lot in the past nine months and then to give birth and all of that that I just needed the time to heal. Make sure you do. Your kid goes to like, that's so important. Yeah, I always think of Khloe Kardashian whenever we talk about keyholes or anytime I hear what do doing keep going for sizes because I think one time she was like on something and she was like, I'm doing Kegels right now. Oh, I am too. Like right now. Like same. So same because I just feel like there. Yeah, you don't know how important they are until you have a child. Like, don't let those vaginal walls slip, you know? Kayla, I'm serious. I can not. So I wanted to kind of update everybody on what we have coming up. Kyle and I are going to L.A. in February. Just wait like two weeks away. Yeah, yeah, two weeks away. And we are going to have five guest. We're not going to release the names, but they are guest that you guys have requested over and over. So I think that you'll be really excited to hear what we have going on. But it will be my first time being away from Jackson for that many days. So I'm having, like all of the feelings already, like my mother in law is coming to stay and I have everything already planned and typical me fashion. But I am nervous. I feel like I have all of the emotions like I. I want to go and it's going to be so good for the podcast and it's going to be so good for so many things. But then it's almost like mom guilt innocence, which I shouldn't have because obviously, like, I need to go and we need to do it. But I don't know. I always just feel guilty for just doing normal stuff. Yeah, I think that's, you know, common, I think a lot of moms feel it, I feel it sometimes too. I'm I will actually be in Dallas before L.A. because I plan my sister's baby shower. And it's I am giving up two days of mine that I have with the kids because of it. And so like, I was like, Am I? Should I really have done this? Like, should I have? Like I could, I have planned it better where it wasn't going to be on one of my days, but in order to make it work for my sister, I was like, Well, I have to give up two of my days, which, you know, and they give up their day sometimes like we switch and stuff. So I get it. I get where you're coming from. And just like, you know, being away is is hard and then you have to give up like the the reins essentially for like the control thing and knowing how exactly how the day is going to go and being kind of we're going to be completely on a different coast. But the good thing is we have face time they can call and it is for work. It's not like you're leaving him to go party, you know what I mean? I just think it's because I feel like I enjoy so much why we do that. Sometimes, even though it's work, I don't view it. It doesn't feel like it. Yeah, I feel the same way. That's where the mom guilt sinks in, because it's like when you're doing something that you actually love doing. It doesn't feel like I feel like that dreaded work trip. Right? I agree. I definitely agree with like, it's like our work is so fun. Like, we get to go, Yeah, we're going to be podcasting and interviewing and doing stuff that is related to business, but it's like it doesn't feel like it. So it almost feels like we're going on a girls trip. Exactly, exactly. So we're excited and can't wait to share with you guys who you're going to get to listen to. Hopefully, very soon. So I think that's all we have time for today. If you guys have not done it yet, go to Coffee Convos Podcast dot com. We have a ton of hoodies left and would love to ship them out to you guys. So Coffee Convos Podcast dot com. And if you guys have not followed us on at Coffee Convos Podcast on Instagram, you can follow us over there. We give all updates there on anything that is podcast related. And also, if you have not subscribe to us on iTunes, you can do that by going to the Purple Podcast app on your iPhone and typing in Coffee Convos. You click Coffee Convos, click subscribe and click the FACA. You can also leave us a written review. We love to read those and we will talk to you guys next week. See us? This podcast is brought to you by with podcast network. Check out all of our shows, including the Brain Candy podcast, I Don't Get It, Bates and Babies Coffee Convos, and let's talk about it.

Past Episodes

CC402: Lindsie and Kail have some obvious thoughts on Casey Anthony trying to make a comeback on Tiktok, Kohberger claims he's on the spectrum and Lindsie finds a new serial killer in chicago. A viral video of someone explaining how to sell used panties for money has Kail contemplating a new business but Lindsie only wants to know if this is a biohazard. A listener asks how to talk to their 12 year old daughter about their weight and Kail is not having it. Lindsie explains how she creates healthy habits with Jackson and Kail shares some recent struggles with picky eaters. We finish it off with a very FOUL Foul Play. Clasp those butts y'all! 

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01:19:05 3/6/2025

CC401: Kail gives Lindsie the rundown on the Alabama Barker Bhad Bhabie diss track drama and, wow, we are gonna need a chart for this one. Kail also gives an update on why she stopped taking her ADHD meds, Lindsie shares how she had some kind of post partum OCD or anxiety that definitely wasn't okay, and Lindsie also talks about getting Jackson on medication but not always having it be a consistent need. A listener asks how she can better herself and "fill her cup" after realizing that she doesn't really have any hobbies and it's causing a strain in her marriage.

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01:15:22 2/27/2025

CC400: To the surprise of no one, Lindsie reads that oatmeal is the healthiest breakfast food for you.. But Kail will not be participating in that. What Kail IS interested in participating in is babysitting swaps with BFFs or family members after reading about another mom's experience with this hack. A listener shares a situation that many may relate to when it comes to friendship dynamics changing during pregnancies and after birth. Kail explains how she also experienced a sense of loneliness throughout her pregnancies and how they differed. Lindsie talks about her struggle when she first let Jackson see her cry and lose her cool. Today's Foul Play is giving foul but in a good way!

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01:17:35 2/20/2025

CC399: On this month's bonus episode.. Lindsie is saying very suspicious things and one of Kail's kids unexpectedly drops a swear word during the Superbowl watch party. Kail addresses the speculations as to why we stopped hearing from Kristen all of a sudden. Because we recorded before Valentine's Day, Lindsie and Kail share their plans for Valentine's. Lastly, someone asks AITA in the Facebook group and today's Foul Play has the marriage relationship we all strive for.

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01:16:39 2/17/2025

CC398: Kail and Lindsie give their experiences with giving and receiving the silent treatment but are flabbergasted at the idea of anyone doing it to their children. Are you a LawnMower parent? Today we learn a new parenting term that Lindsie might be a part of and Kail explains how she wants self sufficient kids. And speaking of kids, another parenting article mentions the importance of teens balancing their family time which resonates with Kail. News of a lady sending fart videos to her boyfriend's ex is so unhinged and we are NOT here for it.

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01:15:42 2/13/2025

CC397: Kail and Lindsie are ready for this week to be over. Kail gives an update on her boob job and how she's been navigating co-parenting scheduling conflicts. Lindsie has ALSO been having co-parenting problems, and speaks on the Disney Dad theory that one parent always gets to be the fun parent while the other does not. A listener's daughter doesn't like swearing, and today's Foul Play makes us glad we're not school bus drivers.

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01:06:55 2/6/2025

CC396: Lindsie is having co-parenting issues that is on the verge of escalating, which Kail can relate to. Kail talks about the faux coochie emergency, their thoughts on the Blake Baldoni scandal, and is unconditional love a good thing? A listener asks a super sus question that has Kail and Lindsie concerned about the listener's relationship.

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01:20:34 1/30/2025

CC395: On this month's bonus episode... Lindsie and Kail ask their children to do as they say, and not as they do. Kail talks about new tax breaks and her stance on them as someone who came from poverty. Lindsie goes through her recent Instagram stories that had Kail and Elijah laughing in their beds the night before. Kail explains to Lindsie a new term, but not a new concept, called future faking. Listeners ask, how long should an engagement should last? And today's Foul Play teaches us about Colposcopy..

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01:25:12 1/27/2025

CC394: Lindsie gives an update on a beloved family pet and Kail plans to stay on RedNote forever. I'm sure many parents can relate to this article on Parental mental load, just as Kail and Lindsie have. They give their experiences and thoughts on how to deal with different issues. Lastly, we have listener questions and a Foul Play that has our coochies cringing. 

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01:12:16 1/23/2025

CC393: Lindsie and Kail are all in for a potential return of Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag - aka Speidi. Both of them double down on their opinions on last week's topic about spending separate time with OG family members. News of insurance companies dropping fire coverage in California months before the devasting fires has Kail and Lindsie feeling some type of way... And this Tiktok ban isn't helping. A listener asks if they should tell their BFF that they don't like their husband... Oof, we've all been there! 

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01:15:08 1/16/2025

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Premium Episodes

CC403: An article about a mom asking for extra gifts for the birthday kid's sibling has left a bad impression on Kail and Lindsie. They talk about what they'd do and what they usually do when it comes to birthdays with multiples and during the holidays. A video of Bethenny Frankel saying she sometimes has to use curse words in an efficient way with her kids sparks an interesting conversation around why this generation of kids doesn't listen like previous ones. Also, a listener asks if she's wrong to feel upset after her step kids asked to bring food to their mom's house only to find out that the mom got mad and threw it away.

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01:06:01 3/13/2025

CC402: Lindsie and Kail have some obvious thoughts on Casey Anthony trying to make a comeback on Tiktok, Kohberger claims he's on the spectrum and Lindsie finds a new serial killer in chicago. A viral video of someone explaining how to sell used panties for money has Kail contemplating a new business but Lindsie only wants to know if this is a biohazard. A listener asks how to talk to their 12 year old daughter about their weight and Kail is not having it. Lindsie explains how she creates healthy habits with Jackson and Kail shares some recent struggles with picky eaters. We finish it off with a very FOUL Foul Play. Clasp those butts y'all! 

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01:19:05 3/6/2025

CC401: Kail gives Lindsie the rundown on the Alabama Barker Bhad Bhabie diss track drama and, wow, we are gonna need a chart for this one. Kail also gives an update on why she stopped taking her ADHD meds, Lindsie shares how she had some kind of post partum OCD or anxiety that definitely wasn't okay, and Lindsie also talks about getting Jackson on medication but not always having it be a consistent need. A listener asks how she can better herself and "fill her cup" after realizing that she doesn't really have any hobbies and it's causing a strain in her marriage.

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01:15:22 2/27/2025

CC400: To the surprise of no one, Lindsie reads that oatmeal is the healthiest breakfast food for you.. But Kail will not be participating in that. What Kail IS interested in participating in is babysitting swaps with BFFs or family members after reading about another mom's experience with this hack. A listener shares a situation that many may relate to when it comes to friendship dynamics changing during pregnancies and after birth. Kail explains how she also experienced a sense of loneliness throughout her pregnancies and how they differed. Lindsie talks about her struggle when she first let Jackson see her cry and lose her cool. Today's Foul Play is giving foul but in a good way!

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01:17:35 2/20/2025

CC399: On this month's bonus episode.. Lindsie is saying very suspicious things and one of Kail's kids unexpectedly drops a swear word during the Superbowl watch party. Kail addresses the speculations as to why we stopped hearing from Kristen all of a sudden. Because we recorded before Valentine's Day, Lindsie and Kail share their plans for Valentine's. Lastly, someone asks AITA in the Facebook group and today's Foul Play has the marriage relationship we all strive for.

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01:16:39 2/17/2025

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