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Karma & Chaos with Kail Lowry & Becky Hayter

Join Kail Lowry and Becky Hayter as these two rekindle their friendship and navigate the highs, lows, and hilarious in-betweens of life in their 30s. They'll dive into the joys and challenges of raising families, staying true to friendships, and keeping up with pop culture - all while embracing the unpredictable mix of karma and chaos that life throws at them. With Kail's unfiltered outlook and Becky's infectious humor, Karma & Chaos is a refreshing, real, and relatable take on modern adulthood. New episodes every Tuesday!

00:54:32 9/22/2023


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Things are about to change around here. Each week, we catch up with Hollywood's hottest girl posse Keltie Knight, Becca Tobin and Jac Vanek. Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to the LadyGang. I am Becca Tobin across. From this call tonight to my right is Jac Vantiq. I'm slurring my words. I just love how we're like, Let's do this fast. And so you just I see you talking fast. You're not. We had they were so long. We had so much talk about that. Like, We don't bore you. Yeah, I don't know. Are you going to be very good week? Yes, it is bad week. Oh, no. OK, so I'm going to go first. OK. So I don't want to like toot my own horn or anything, but a few you have to say it's time for oh s**t, it's time for. There you go. Never done this before. I don't want to toot my own horn, but I never really look at my numbers. I'm not really a numbers. I'd like to see where I look Lammers every day. I know you love my numbers, but if I did, when Zac and I got married in December, last last December, almost two years ago, we did a thing with Brides magazine and brides online. And so we agreed to let them do a little like three minute or 90 second even video for the YouTube channel. And I never really looked back at it again. It aired and then you know it or it went on the YouTube channel, and that was it, and I never really whatever. So then I was up for some campaign and someone asked if I had ever done anything on YouTube or if I've ever been featured on YouTube. So I was like, Oh yeah, I did this bride's thing. Let me go back and look, they had all their YouTube videos ranked most viewed. I'm number one by over a million views. Whoa. No. Like Michael Phelps, his wedding was on there, guys. No, that's it. I am aware I not. I don't remember the total views. Again, I'm not in good numbers person, but I was just thinking this has to be some sort of mistake. But it wasn't. You sure. And this way, more s**t for you, for your wedding? No kidding. This was on their YouTube that I got this funny. That's freaking Carino your power. I'm just kidding. No, that's not a good. It was exciting. Here's my bad week. I wore a new pair of jeans to a dinner last night, and I love them. I want to size down Beccause. I was very bloated for a little while, like I kind of fluctuated, and I think a little bit had to do with my period bulls**t. Right? Boring. I wear these high waisted pants. They're just tiny bit teeny, tiny, a little tight. And they're high waisted and they're white and they're super cute. And I sat down for dinner and I was in crippling pain. Something happens when you wear to tie to pants where you have gas or something that gets trapped. So then I couldn't eat anything at the dinner. Oh, it was so painful and I had to just grin and bear it Beccause it wasn't good. Like, I couldn't undo my pain during the whatever dinner. And then I got home, took my pants off. I was still in such bad pain. But I've heard that you're supposed to lay on your left side if you've trapped gas in your body Beccause o line your intestines or something. So I was lying on my left side, left hand side. And the gas. It wasn't even like a far it was, it was literally an eruption. It was. It was just all this air that had been trapped from my HIGH-WAISTED pants. So girls, beware. Lisa came out finally. What can you? Three hours later. So it was hot. It was really terrible things you do for the sake of far right. All idiot, you. You couldn't have taken them off. I mean, I'm button down now. She was with people. She wasn't with us. If she was with us from the front shirt on, you could unbutton them underneath at this restaurant. Was George Adrian Grenier. Now who cares about him and Chace Crawford? Who really cares? You're so much more famous than both of those. Yeah, well, not really, you guys. So, you know, I think our shows 10 years ago thinking this is a sort of a hotspot. What if, God forbid, I just forgot to button my pants pocket? What if that was the top herself and pops it? Exactly. Yeah. So yeah, who's next? I'll go. I have a new word. It's your hair looks great, by the way. I got a dyed. I love the color and I cut it. I feel like it's kind of dark. It is darker, but I love it. Thanks. Who did it? My roommate, flight attendant, shows her. Damn, she's like the only person I trust with my hair. OK, New Term being Casper. And it's when a guy goes, you know, but then you see him out like hot yoga or you see him at a coffee shop and he is like, just like, super sweet and nice. And it's like, you know, we should catch up and get coffee, but then doesn't respond to any of your texts. So he's multiple, timely ghost. Oh, the friendly go, you're getting cash burn. I had one of those I've had in my dating days. I have been one of those who a lot of people now in Venice Beccause they can't get away. I do that with friends or with potential friends. I really have friendly. I am a friendly ghost when it comes to people who are my friend. Well, the problem is, is that there's people who are your friends. And then there's people who were your friends that want to still stay in your friendship world. And then there's people who want to be your friends. And then some of them, you know, like, I have certain friends that I love and I would love to see you, but you're like 10th on my list of things to do after like, take a bath. Oh yeah. So it's like, I'm friendly. Like, Yeah, we we should definitely get dinner some time. Or like, I'd love to see you. I really miss you. Like, that's true. But like, I don't miss you enough to like, not take a bath. There's not enough days in the year to go see somebody that you wouldn't really want to say. And when you're in a relationship or you're married, I'm sorry, Jac, whatever to count you out. That's why I hang out with more friends. I know it's true. But you have to choose if you're working a lot and you have a significant other, you have to make time for both. And that leaves very little time for other things like friends. It sucks, but it's true. Yeah. Coucher, good week. That was my good week. What's your bad week that didn't actually happen to me? I got it. My bad week is I met this guy recently and I was doing my normal like Instagram stock. But I. And this is the last time I'll do this. But I had smoked some weird and I was doing it when I was a little bit high trying to go to bed. And so I'm like looking through his photos. Get to his ex-girlfriend photos, go to her page, obviously start looking through her photos and like way down on the field like 2014. Oh, go to like a happy birthday photo of them both. And I'm like reading through the comments and then I end up going to bed. I wake up the next morning and I see that she's watched my Instagram Stories. So then I go back to the photo and I accidentally liked the comment from the ex-boyfriend on her photo. Are you kidding me? Holy s**t. Nope. So she you know, have you heard from him since? Yeah. I mean, it was an act. So it's like, I don't even think they talk. But she probably was like, Why is this random b***h found out for stop? You know, what's so funny is that before people got Instagram savvy, I didn't realize until later what movie later that you can see who's viewed your stories? Yes. And a friend of mine was stalking like every day watching Instagram Stories of her current boyfriends and every single day. And she's like, That's it. I'm a psychopath. She is a psycho. She looks like a psycho, but they can't tell when you look on their profile. No, it's only just viewing your story. And then I heard that they could see how many times they've, you know, that's a lot. Thank God, unless except for one of my friends is telling me that there's now is an Instagram tracker, that it is like a third party thing you have to download and then you can see who looks at your profile. I mean, it's ridiculous. People know when I unfollow them Beccause they, you know, I have an app. Yeah, that happened to me too, Beccause I went through a spree where I unfollowed everybody that I've dated that I no longer talk to. And that part, OK? I looked at this guy's profile, and the next day, like within 20 minutes, the unfollowed me, yeah, whole loser. I'm like, You're paying too much attention to this. I was doing it in a massive sweep. What I love about my husband is that there's all these really obnoxious people from Atlanta who will bump into him and say things along the lines of You don't follow me on Instagram. Why would he? And he literally looks them square in the face. And it's like, and he's done this to this girl twice. And now I swear to God. And why would he follow some random girl from L.A.? She thinks their friend is it and such a s**tty thing like you don't even deserve a response? And we're like, OK, let's like their mother asked me something. How was your day? And I know it's like, it's it's me saying, Keltie, you know what? I need to talk to you about something. It really bothers me when you shoot daggers at me when I'm talking and it's like. Yeah, yeah. And what else? Yes. You feel like an idiot. Yeah, definitely. Beccause I think I also have a bad resting b***h face. So if that was a real comment, I'm sorry. No, no, no, no, no. You know, I think we're out of we were acting like we were acting. All right. Good week. So we've had Candace twice on the podcast. Our hormone expert lady and I ended up finally getting my hormones tested and I was estrogen dominant. Were you? I don't remember. Anyway, so she sends us like PDF with some supplements and stuff that she should suggests and then like a little cream. And I started out about a month and a half ago, and I feel awesome. Just so good. Do I have more energy and what it really helped me as she kind of explained that when you wake up in the morning, you have, like the most cortisol. Well, for me anyway. And then throughout the day, it like really goes down. But around one o'clock in the afternoon is when you think your energy starts to tank and your feel good vibes, your cortisol starts to tank. And so there's different supplements and stuff you can take so that at that like lunch hour, it kind of keeps you propped up like matcha and different things. And so I started doing that and I haven't had that like one p.m. exhaustion, sleep or like home from work. And just before, like, I'm I'm like more sane throughout the whole day. I'm feeling really good. Were your hormones like super messed up Beccause of Hashimoto's and s**t? Well, yeah, it's kind of a weird thing Beccause it's like the age of your body. I don't know how much it affected like these hormones cause. She's really looking at like estrogen and progesterone and stuff like that. And for Hashimoto's, they don't actually test that. They test like that. So it's like T4, T3, TSA says that you get different hormone. But I do think that some of the symptoms that I might have felt and thought they were thyroid might have been hormonal. But obviously it's like a big circle and it all plays together. But anyway, I feel great good and I know a lot of our girls went and did that test and like, I followed that. And so if you're feeling good, I'm happy for you. If it didn't work for you. I have a question for you. Are you somebody who all your life, you get out of bed easily like you pop out of bed? Yeah, I guarantee you. I mean, I know I'm the opposite. So that would mean your cortisol levels. Your progesterone heavy is out what that means. No, no causal Beccause that's what it is. So when you have a for, allegedly, when you get, when you have when you have low progesterone, progesterone is what keeps you pregnant. So when you get your homeless tested high, estrogen is progesterone, you know, that's why you kind of have that. I don't know. Listen, I want you not what I need to be. You know, sometimes like you get your PMS and then when you get your period, you poop and you like kind of feel better when you get your period. That's Beccause your progesterone drops or whatever. Anyway, I think allegedly, anyway, I feel great. Let's listen to that, though. Yeah, we don't know what we're talking about lot. But Caroline does Carolyn. What was her name? Is Candice. OK. Don't listen, Carolyn. We don't know. She is a voyeur. Next hour, we're going to let her know. Only Carolyn. I know. I don't know how I thought of that. OK. It has been a long day, bad week. And then we'll move on. I'm feeling so sad Beccause as you guys know, last summer I went to rehab her Diet Coke and I quit drinking Diet Coke. You're back on it now. I'm not back on it. But there are certain times in my life over the past year that I've allowed myself to have a Diet Coke to be just like a social person, like I can have a beer. So I. I'm cool. Insane. So like when I go to the movies, I always have popcorn and a Diet Coke, and I'm like, It's not in the house. I don't keep it in the house. I have to go buy it. And so when else? So when I get kind of stressed out, this happened four times of the year, so I had a stressed out day yesterday and I was picking up prescription and I got a Diet Coke and I drank it secretly in my car on the way home and I didn't want anyone to know. So I put the bottle right in the garage as soon as I got home and said Chris would never know and be like, Why are drinking Diet Coke? And then today I bought a can at lunch. That's two Diet Cokes in like, Oh, you're back on, stop yourself, you're back. I want you like, I'm done now. I'm just I'm saying it out loud Beccause I do not want to get back on the crack. If I can quit smoking, you can quit Diet Coke. Do you prefer a Diet Coke like from the fountain or a can or bottle a can or a giant fountain and lots of ice? I feel like a fountain, as always. I talk about it. I'm going to thirsty anyway. I'm going to listen. I don't know what's happened to me. I've been disappointed, but I need you guys to send me strength and godspeed. Godspeed. Who's coming? OK, well, we have some funny people coming and we love them so much skinny, confidential him and her movie. Oh, my God, I'm sorry, Jordan. This episode of LadyGang is brought to you by healthy wonderful pistachios, and if you are new here, you don't know this, but if you're a long time lady listener, you know that oftentimes we've gone on tangents about just how delicious a pistachio is. And if you're looking for a delicious and nutritious snack that packs a real protein punch, then crack into a good source of protein with tasty, healthy, wonderful pistachios. Each one ounce serving of wonderful pistachios contains six grams of protein, giving you over 10 percent of your daily value. It's one of the highest protein nuts out there, but that's not all. Pistachios are also known for their fiber, which you all know what that's good for and better for you unsaturated fats, which may help keep you feeling full longer. Pistachios are so easy you can put them in your car and put them in your purse. You can put them anywhere. The honey mustard flavor is insane and the best part. Wonderful pistachios come in a variety of flavors and sizes perfect for sharing with your family or taking them with you on your summer adventure. So whether you're dropping off your kids, running between meetings, fueling up, try a healthy and tasty snack this summer. Step out of your shell. Wonderful pistachios. Be your no go to snack. Check out Wonderful Pistachios Dakar to learn more about how these little green mouthfuls of joy can power your day. You're listening to the LadyGang. Today we have with us a media mogul power couple, the Lauren and Michael of the Skinny Confidential. If you haven't heard of the him and her podcast, maybe you've read Lauren's book The Skinny Confidential, A Babe, Sexy, Sassy Fitness and lifestyle guide. What about her fitness and nutrition ibok or her bombshell bodyguard? An online fitness membership? Oh okay, well, why not her YouTube channel or her blog or their app? Yes, it's true. These two have really managed to infiltrate and conquer all aspects of the media world with their health conscious, beautiful message of major rail net sharing, healthy wrap recipes, cosmetic tips, organizational habits, and what it's like to find true love before you met in middle school and now run their own branded empire. Not to mention had the most magical Cabo wedding of all time. Shape Women's Health magazine and Huffington Post Self Magazine. Who what we're all talking about the skinny, confidential. And now the LadyGang has invited them back to get the skinny on how long they had to test their coconut lube. Please welcome back, Lauren and Mike. It was about a year. We're still are still testing, but we're still testing. I want to tell you something that is damn good lube. It is. Yeah, yeah, you can eat it like it. Suck it up it. Yeah, I can't say that. I don't think, but it's good. It's really good. And yeah, it's like still like it's it's like an invention by necessity, you know? Well, maybe you guys want to play if you guys. So yeah, we thought our favorite friend was buying coconut oil jars and digging his dirty fingers in them. He works on furniture. He's really cute, though, and he came to us and he's like, We need to find something where we can squeeze it out of the bottle and a light bulb went off. Yeah. And you know, it was like, we thought it was also missing a few things like, you know, some people don't like the good for coconut taste. He's literally eating them like, right? And so we, you know, we're like, okay, but like, change the scent a little bit. We want to have a little stevia in there for a little taste or flavor, you know, and want to get the consistency right? You know, we also have we have some extension products coming out that I'm excited, not quite ready to talk. Oh, new stuff. Other lubes are like a toy. All of the above a toy. Yeah, this isn't skinny confidential. It's Michael and his partner, and I'm just a tester and an advisor. You get the best job of any yeast. Infections went into the testing of the coconut. No yeast infections Beccause I swear it takes it away. You taught me the best tip, though, about the tampon. It is the best tip. It is the only thing that works. The tampon goes up with the coconut oil on it, and it's going to be used induction 19-year weight that should be of one of your best products. We have some stuff coming out that's going to assist in that department. Oh, wow, that's great. Yeah, I no. I mean, the idea behind was to not just create a single commodity product, but to create like a sexual wellness line. So you working on you? I love that. OK. So the last time you were here, I think we scared you with all of our girl talk. I thought, you liked it. Yeah, she really like the fabric. So I thought, Yeah, I thought I would ask you, like, what is the most disgusting thing Lauren has done lately? Ooh, what's disgusting? This is not like super disgusting, but we have to travel a lot and destroy those. Thongs can accumulate over travel time, and I'm a big fan of sending them down to the hotel laundry. And there were some regions not flicking them in your face. Yeah. So I think like that, you know, there was any other woman, my wife, be retching and you don't want to wear them as like a hat. And I don't wear deodorant either. So it's it's like. Did you try the deodorant that I suggested try to get? I got to try it. We don't want you doing it all. I'm going to get it. No, I do smell. That's what he's saying. He's like, You got to like, you smell. Are you not wearing it? Beccause, like for like a health issue? I have this weird thing with putting aluminum under my nose. I mean, the last ladybug Schmidt. Thank you. This is the only one that works for me. If you're in Cleveland, you can have that. You can have that. Please me, put it on for you. I need a lot of help after traveling to Africa in 100 degree heat with no deodorant, but like, does she ever stank? Yes, absolutely. But at least she's hot. At least two things like that you can smell real bad. Yeah, there's there's some like weird sickness in the eye, probably like like part of her pheromones. Well, you have to. Or else she would disgust you. Yeah, yeah, totally. Yeah. It's a pheromones that he's had since, like he was gonna I tell her all the time, if you were anyone else, I would have been. That is true love. That is true love. I feel like you and Zach, though, are the same way. I mean, I haven't tested the limits of that yet Beccause I I'm telling you, I use this and it works. It's aluminum free and honored those they take, like they can take like two weeks to get used to. But also you might get all the rashes too. I love a little rock Beccause I sometimes get on it and I get that right under under under. I don't feel, yeah, I do. OK. And so, Lauren, what's the most disgusting thing that Michaels? Lately. Oh, OK. She's like, I know right away, but she knows right away. You know, I keep has this idea to shape, not shave, trim his pubes. And it's just like, not a fun situation when I'm going to the bathroom and there's like little tiny pubes floating. Does he do it above the toilet? He he does it again, then doesn't wash. Yeah. And then there's like things happening in the sink. Like, I don't. It's like, I don't need his whole life story. Yeah. Like, and why can't they hide the evidence now? No. Listen, guys, I don't know how many guys are listening to this, but you know, it's sound. It's you in the car and they're both gay. You know, you have to. For me, it's like, you're going to be comfortable down there. You don't want to get out of control. And also, I think it's kind of like it's it gets to be a little too much to go to, but you can't catch every little scrap to speak on the sink and not, I mean, the toilet and not the sink. Like, you know what? That's a piling up on your finger, your brush, your teeth. That's you know what they need. Have you guys ever seen those things? It's like the the guys were like, they need one of those, but like that goes around here. Are we inventing? Yes, new invention. It is pretty genius. The pew catch her catch. All the catch your eye catching. I like like, like a hairbrush to grow. Yeah, grow like a man. Like, I don't want you to look trim to. For me, she'll conform to low learning like a full. Who are you? I do. I like hair on a man Beccause it's like, you're then your manly. And yeah, so I can see that I like that too. So I'm not going like full beard, but you could. You could go a hair shorter IRL, hair longer with the tweezers. You're going to have you. I'll have to adjust to this current therapy saving face. But do you go hairy? What do you do? No, no, no. I shave. I shake everything. And you know, everyone tells me I should wax or laser laser laser laser. You could laser your whole body. One time I got waxed and I sweat through the thing. And Oh yeah, and it was. Our laser eye is the best. I stand by it. Why? Well, number one, you only have to. You have light hair. Light is hair. Here's what it is I have. I only had to go maybe four times and now my hair just doesn't grow, and it hurts way less than waxing like it is primo. So there's like no hair down there or my arms. You're going to give him somebody I shaved in months. We know you've told me 100 is Beccause Beccause you get stubbly, right, like down below. Really? Do you shave every day? No, I feel like I'm, you know, doing what I can find behind my calendar right now. And you should laser weight for sure. You're somebody who likes efficiency. OK? You write everything down. Don't you like your my calendar calendar? It's not really. I feel like I'm the same as you like that? Yes. Tell me about your calendar skills. Everything is color coded and I timed batch. I feel like you do this to at time that, oh my god, I'm so sorry, but I'm sorry. You're don't have any lube for me. I feel like I'm about to have sex. Did you bring what I should have? This is Keltie's foreplay. Yeah. Tell me about your calendar time batching. I heard about it through Tim Ferriss, who I love and basically you. So if you wanted to PodcastOne day, you wouldn't podcast four times a month. You would do it on one day of the month and get it all done. If you wanted to shoot content for a blog, you would do it all on one day. I take all my conference calls on the same day, so what it does is your brain isn't going from task to task. I love that she's writing this down. I can't do. I love that Beccause it's really, really not good to go from all these different tasks all the time. It's better to just do them on one day, get them done and not having to deal with it, especially when you write, you know, you've got to go in non similar tasks, like if you know, if you're creative here and then you have to go into your accounting and those are that's it's difficult to do. That's different for the brain, too. So he was saying to split it up by day, yeah, split it up by day. But I like to hours one once a month I shoot content and one day a month I'm editing one day a month. I'm focused on my YouTube channel. Like I pick Dave and I block it off, and it helps me so much Beccause I have such bad. Do you have your planner calendar with you right now? Like my calendar? Yeah, I want to go digital, but also I'm very interested. So then this came up Beccause you're shaving. So do you have like a beauty day? It's in my calendar that I'm going to do, like top to bottom like brows, lashes. Yeah, I do have a beauty day where I run around and I get everything I need to get done. So like whether that's like tanning and nails and hair, he doesn't realize all these things it takes to look at them and said, Yeah, I know it's like eyebrow brought. Like, So it's like, I don't have to shave my face, which is back in the day and they're like, all transforming for me. That's what I look like under all right now. Look, the calendar. It's like all very like every little detail is planned out. And even like right now, this is giving me anxiety Beccause my driving time isn't in here. Oh, so I'll have Emily, who works with me going into that. Try that now. Oh wow, that is impressive. I have a question, though, so you guys met at such a young age. You guys are both just wired this way or did he rub off on you and you rub off like how? How do you meet somebody so you're so similar to us? It looks like we're not similar. I think, yeah, we're different words. Your work ethic is right. Come. And yeah, it's the same. I think I think it's the same. And I think what happens is when you go into I don't know if it's good or bad, but when you get with someone like that, it pushes like pushes the limits, right? Like, we're constantly pushing each other. And when one of us starts to slack, we of pick each other up. So, yeah, I think that we talked about this a lot on our show. It's like finding a partner that has, you know, doesn't have to be the exact same person, but you have to have common goals and common ambition. If you don't have that, it's difficult work. Maybe one person wants to chill out and take it easy. And maybe, you know, there's nothing wrong with this. Like, do the job and then go home. Another person wants to be turbo, right? And I think if you have people that are on want to do the same thing, you can, you know, you can have a successful relationship. But when it's two people that want to go in opposite directions, it's difficult to make it work. He definitely is a big reader. He reads like three books a week, so that's definitely rubbed off on me, and I've definitely learned a lot more being with him, I would say. But we've also known each other for so long. So when you say I'm so lucky, like I will tell you, I would be dead single right now if it wasn't for Michael. So I mean, it's it's hard to find someone that has a common goal. And how often do you guys want to like rip each other's heads off Beccause you work together, live together, you're with each other all the time? And how do we get out of this? It's hard, but it must be like foreplay for you guys at this point, Beccause otherwise you wouldn't have made it. You know what I mean? I can be a little dominant, and sometimes I have to step back into a little bit more of a submissive role. I feel like all three of you guys have that same. Oh yeah, I have going on. Listen, I like strong women. But then there's also a time when you want me to just bend over. Yeah, yeah. And in shape, that's vulgar. Yes. In shape the laser. Yeah. Yeah, it's sometimes you got to figure out when to turn it off. And that can be. That's the big fight all the time, though, and like all the time, we fight, like here, the today in the car. So annoying. He wants to talk, but I don't want to talk like, just don't talk to me. What do you want to chat about his hairline? What do you want breakfast? His bank account? It's just like I was looking at me. All three of those things were not topics of any of the conversations, every role, every single day. So it's just, I mean, you definitely do fight, but it's it's definitely not perfect. Yeah. Tell you that we recover quickly. Yeah, right. Like with will be a fight. Copy me on everything. That's what I say. OK? You guys are the same human you really are. We don't. We don't carry it on. We don't take it. You personally. Yeah, it doesn't make sense. We like each other. We want to be around each other. I don't want to not be around Michael. Not in a way like I need him. I just like being around him. You know what I mean? I like that, but I think that's so important to like the person that you're with. I think a lot of people don't like, I would agree. I agree, too. I would agree. Sometimes I don't like and I'm not going to lie. Yeah, well, that's normal. Yeah, yes. And for that, yeah, yeah, for sure. He is ready for healthy. Is she's prepared something for you guys? Very special. We're unsure of what it is. So, OK. So no, this is good. So this I was in an airport recently and I saw this game and it's called hyper theatricals and it's questions for insane conversation. It's fun. Chuck Klosterman. Yeah, who's like crazy? So I have these ideas of these little stories, and I thought it'd be fun for our listeners to kind of think about what they would do. OK, so are you ready? I'm really nervous. Your best friend is taking a nap on the floor of your living room. Suddenly, you are faced with a bizarre, extra existential problem. He or she is going to die unless you kick this slumbering friend as hard as you can in the rib cage if you don't do this. He or she will never wake up. However, you can never explain your actions. If you later inform your friend that you did this to save her life, your friend will die from that. So you have to kick kick a sleeping friend in the ribs and you can't explain why. Since you can't tell your friend the truth, what excuse will you use to fabricate this seemingly unacceptable in explicit attack? I'm kicking my friend. I'd kick my friend and then pretend that I tripped, and then I'd fall on, say I like, hit my leg or something like that, and then they'll feel bad for me. Yeah, I like it. OK, yeah, I'm kicking myself. What's your excuse? I don't, even with my friends, don't even know if I'll need an excuse. But can you just run away by the time they wake up, they won't know what happened and they just woke up. If you kick them hard enough, you put them back to sleep. I watched them on my phone and I tripped. That's like the most believable excuse, always, Beccause I'm like, That was an easy way to write, Beccause everyone's going to get their friend was like a friend. I always, Oh, do you hate? Wait, I'm sorry. Can I please ask Lauren a question? It's it's really important. OK, do it by proxy fans. We have one more of these and not do your question. OK? Hard for me. How do you you enjoy being on your phone or is it just Beccause that's your job? I think right now, at this time in my life, it's time for me to put my head down and bite the bullet and work. I think that's where I'm at at this chapter. I think that that will change. But at this point right now, my job is to engage with my community. Answer questions and showcase my wife. And like I said, when I have kids, that will probably change. But right now, that's what I'm committed to doing. It's just it's like what I signed up for and I like to. I'm very intense, so I like to go all in and I have breaks a lot like all shut down, but I am on my phone like a huge majority of the day. Like everyone, though, I feel like maybe a little more well, you're like, we're all probably on our phones the same amount of time, but you're sharing your working, your and your work. I actually I don't scroll through Instagram. What I did is I followed 7000 people, and so it's like almost impossible for me to scroll a lot of a lot of its my audience. So I'll try to scroll and like, like engage, but I just try really to really stay in my own lane. And that's been practice. It's been something where I have to like, check myself and get off the internet, stop getting suctioned. I really, really try to just focus on building my brand. Wow. But it's practice. It's hard. Yeah, every day. Yeah. Work in progress. Yeah, sorry. You can ask your question. This one is so she's been waiting. OK? I know these are like seeming like a lot of death, but it's OK. So you die from natural causes. So you die. You ascend towards a warm white light. You immediately realize that you have entered the afterlife and much to your surprise, it is exactly like the cliched kindergarten version of Christian Heaven. The ground is covered by white cloud angels fly around and play the harp. You're wearing a comfortable white robe, and everyone there is aimlessly walking around, smiling broadly, perfectly content and then seeing how you will spend eternity upon your arrival. You're greeted by Jesus, and he looks exactly like stereotypical Jesus. Welcome to heaven, he says. I think you'll like it here, and I look forward to loving you unconditionally for the duration of time. But I also realize that heaven isn't exactly for everyone, so I always give newcomers a chance to go to the other place. If that's what they would prefer, are you referring to how you say in response? No, no, says Jesus. Not how. Certainly not how I would never send you to hell. But you can go somewhere that isn't here. Another viable post life option. About 18 percent of our potential residents go in that direction. Was it a place like you ask? I can't tell you, says Jesus. But if you do elect to go there, you can never come back here and you only have 20 minutes to decide. Why only 20, you ask? Beccause I'm Jesus, says Jesus. What do you do? I'm staying in the perfect heaven. Yeah, I'd stay too. Yeah. What are you doing, you're taking a risk. I'm going where you're going, but no, I mean, listen, I mean, I could break Evans, you've already made it to heaven. Why do you need to go somewhere? Yes, you. That's being overly greedy. And you know it's going to suck. I feel a bit from Jesus like a parody for cheating, though, Beccause it's like you already have like supernatural. And then are you going to let go Tristan Thompson your toe into like another situation? Are you just going to stay with Khloe K? Like, I wasn't there? I wonder how many men would what they meant. Men's answers versus women's would be in that. That is, you think the more match one of the question, I think if it was prefixed with that, we weren't already in heaven, which is like in that context of your kid, like the greatest plays that were ever. So yeah, yeah, yeah. Like what could be better? What if it's better? Tristan Thompson touched his toe in that, and it didn't turn out well for him. So your baby name trill, that was your. No, no, no, no, no. I'd be more interested to see hell, just Beccause I, you know you had to go to. But I don't want to. I don't want to stay there, but I'd like to, you know, view it. You should be like, well, the 20 minutes while you're contemplating kind of go check out the hell, then I'll come back. You know what I mean? Like to see it Beccause you can. If you don't want to, you can't. You want to do like a gym burn up. Yeah, this one. Do you like what people were saying? I wanted to side were saying, I feel like your cheek highlighter would do so well in the cloud version. You like it? You know, you look like you're pretty. You're coming in, but you got to use a damp beauty blender when you put it on. That's the trick. I feel like the damp beautyblender makes it all dewy. Yet your face looks so dewy ideas like to me Beccause I was like sweating in the car Beccause I'm not wearing deodorant. You know how your armpits smelling me from actually smell good? I'm not joking. Smell them right now. You smell your armpit. Actually, I was deodorant. It's deodorant. It's really good. I like the charcoal one. How did you find this? They sent it to me. We had it in the lady box. Yeah, they sent to me and I was like, I'm obsessed and we put on the lightbox. This seems to be your sponsor. Like, not joking. No, I know. Wait, is Gigi crackers your sponsor yet Beccause you know that you sold them out on Amazon? It's so annoying. No, they don't do any sponsors. We actually know. For those of us like you must, right, there are these crackers that Tanya Zuckerbrot of the Factor recommends you add to your diet to get extra fiber. Mm hmm. And I just like them Beccause their vehicle, I feel like you guys know how busy like you are. Like, I got to go and I want to get my fiber and I can just throw something on top of them and use them. I don't like eat them plain. I think people, how do they? Yeah. Are they just not like you dip it in a fork, you dip it in a guake. You put like canned salmon. I mean, I've lost weight in my job, lost 10 pounds. Do you have any with you? I don't. I'll send you some. Have you tried them after you posted? I went on Amazon to buy them and they were out. They were not there. The ones that you use. I'm going to send you guys some I think you should in the waiting box. You did. I can put food in those boxes again. Do they have an expiration? You haven't lost a while. I don't know. But man, do they make you go to the bathroom? Oh, oh yeah. Oh my gosh. Like immediately. Or just like it puts you on a regular cycle. Like, Eat them at night. You yeah, you will wake up and you will, like anyone has problems with constipation order, did you crackers? And thank me later. I'll give you gi gi. Wholly behind them is that they fuel your metabolism, right? It's like a furnace. So you know, nobody has fiber in their diet. Eat this and it makes your metabolism work harder, which makes you lose weight and makes your body work while you're resting. So you could be sitting here and your metabolism is fired up and then you're losing weight. How many hours you eat a day? Do you eat them too? I don't. I try to. I'm not nearly as good as once we learn the science behind it. Once you learn this much harder to get really convinced on any of these diets, but it's not a diet, it's just adding stuff to your diet. You're not taking anything away, you're adding to your diet. Comment about it. What do you do for fiber? A six to eight, she said. So like, I'll wake up. I'll have like three with eggs and then later on, I'll have like, you know, you kind of like tuna salad on or you could have egg salad. Wow. Oh my God. Back. It's never been so excited. Literally. She's like, Oh my God. And by the way, you're great. Yeah, your stomach feels very full. You don't feel deprived. That's my biggest thing is I don't want to feel hungry. It's distracting. And I know, you know, you're acting like that. She doesn't like being distracted. All right. When we come back. Lorna Michael are going to help you fix your life and your life is messed up, and so is ours. Hey, lady, thank you. Ask the Lady Gaga. OK, we're back. You guys know the drill and how it goes. We're jumping right in. First question comes from Ashley. Ashley says. Background I'm 26 and newly married. He was a virgin when we got together and I was, well, not. We had sex about a month into dating. At first it was fun. And although dating a virgin scared me, I thought I could just teach him the way I like to do things and mold him into the perfect sex partner. Fast forward to now we are extremely happily married and have sex regularly, like three to four times a week. The problem I got, I got a calendar that I got, in fact, that the problem is I'm into really kinky sex and he doesn't seem to be into it. We've always had good sex, sometimes great, but weren't able to really get our freak on Beccause we've always had roommates until we were married and he had to be considerate of that. He watches kinky porn like BDSM, etc. So I thought once we were married, we would both be really able to let loose. I'm not asking for anything crazy. My requests have been eating me out more and starting off with some dirty talk. He said the dirty talk makes him uncomfortable. He's very shy, but I'm his wife. Damn it. I gave him some suggestions of what to say, such as talking about how what I am. But he said, Why would I be turned on that your way? He says. I knew it. I got myself into by marrying a virgin. But he's not a virgin anymore. And knowing that I had to train him. But what do I do if he isn't open to suggestions and adding some kink into our lives? P.S. I've tried getting him a little drunk, bringing toys in, watching porn together, etc. and nothing has worked. And in fact, this face right now is shook up, shook. She has been a sugar. I think men are like dogs. You have to just train them. If you want something, you have to go slow, though they are not multitaskers. She tried, though. I mean, I think you've got to be on the same page sexually, and if you can't, if everything you've tried isn't working. I mean, sex is a big part of relationship. Yeah. I would say it's like 50 points important. It's like your love language. It sounds like there's like a little bit of pressure being put on this guy. I'm going to to like the guys say no, Beccause, you know, there's a little bit too much conversation around it, a little bit too much pressure. Like, maybe it's like uncomfortable and scared. Yeah, I mean, you can't be a virgin and all of a sudden just ratcheted up, you know, you got you got to ease into it. OK, so what are your tips? So what should she do? Yeah, I it like the practiCalliety. There is maybe a little bit less pressure and a little bit more action and a little bit less conversation about it. That's what I thought was going to say. You got to stop talking about it and just do it while you're making out in your hot and heavy to start dirty talking to him, you know, and then he'll know what it's like. You like, you know what I mean? I bet your life dirty talker. I don't know, Beccause you're so good with like vocabulary. Oh, you think I'm like, I'm like, put it in like over here they call. I try to pronounce it like Longworth. Is it wrong? You should give him one of your intros while you guys are having sex? Oh my god. Got such a good idea that it would turn them on as a reporter and put like a trench coat on. Oh, OK. Hold the microphone. Let me just make some notes. Do you have any real advice for the stroller? Yeah, I agree. Like, too much talking is sometimes a real boner killer. So, yeah, boner killer. And she said he's watching porn that he has to be into it. And I'm just like, Let's just get a little too chatty. She's just chatty, chatty girl. You're talking too much. Shut up. That's true. Just just give him like a real vanilla performance. One day I thought, That's what you like and he'll probably miss. Like, you know, the kinky side. The mild, kinky. Yeah, OK. Second question comes from anonymous and anonymous says Today at work, I was in a situation where I got really flustered and in a high pressure moment, my my mind went blank and my reaction was to cry. It's not like I sobbed, but I was so embarrassed to shed tears in front of my coworkers. Everyone was nice about it after it, but I just cringe from the pity. Any tips? I'm recovering from a total embarrassment like that in front of your peers. Any help is appreciated. I try to always remain super logical, it has to start out with, I really think it's important to think with your eye, do you OK, you've taught me that's you need credit. Michael staring at me like a gargoyle, but I think it's really important to remain logical. And how you can do that is that's practice. It's like deep breath. It's not letting your emotions overtake you. If you get too emotional, I would just say to address it, but then move on. I think when people like, say they're sorry, 100 million times, I just felt like a bigger situation. And people are so much up their own a*****es that like, even if they're talking about it for a second, it would be like the news for five minutes and then they're never going to think about it again. So it's one of those things that have to happen to me and be one of those anxious moments that I think about five million times in my head for the next 10 years. But in the reality of the situation, it's like, I'm sure nobody like, really, truly cares about it. Everyone's looking at Instagram. Yeah, true. I think it's OK to cry once it's not OK. There are people that I've worked with the past, like their entire cities, is like whenever they get pressure, put on them or someone comes to them with like an idea that's not theirs. Like they instantly go to like, Woe is me. Poor me. And to me, that's not the reputation you want. So like, crying once and getting flustered is no big deal. No one's going to remember it. You got to forgive yourself, but make sure that, like Lauren said, you do practice like some techniques to saying what you mean and not getting too emotional in meetings. Unfortunately, especially as women like, you'll instantly be labeled as like, she's so emotional that just Beccause you have feelings and like, I think it's OK to cry Beccause that means you care, but you got to like, rein it in. Cry by yourself. You tell them, Oh God, what would happen if one day I just came into a meeting with you and I start crying? You probably leave. Yeah, I be so confused. I'm not a crier. I mean, I cried in Beauty and the Beast. That's about it. Now, I'm not a choir either. I don't think you cried over Pixie one. I cry when she complains every morning. I'm not a crier. Just every morning, just when I wake up. OK, last question comes from anonymous. Anonymous says, Hey lady, it's one of my biggest dreams is to do a bike race. However, not one of my family members or friends is on board with the idea. My mom is totally against it, and I'm scared that if I don't do it right now that I'll get too busy and old and miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime. I don't even own a bike, and I can't really go out and do it on my own Beccause I'm only 16 and I can't drive myself around. My parents are not the type who talk out their problems. What should I do? I mean, I speak on this a little bit. I think when it comes to like doing doing things and motivation and starting business or starting work out or starting a diet, I think way too many people are asking too many questions in there. But when you're asking all those questions, whether internally or externally, you're stopping yourself from taking action. So I'm a big fan of stop questioning so many things and just do it. If you have an impulse to join, do like, start take action, go step a step. And from there, you know, things are going to unfold and you can be able to just along the way. But I think so many of us are getting way too caught up in way too many questions and talking about productivity and more. Tonight, we don't spend a lot of time asking so many questions. We just kind of start and adjust along the way. I also think you you can't live by what your parents think, what your high school friends think, what what your sister thinks. I think you just have to put your blinders on and do whatever you want. I very much always been like that, and I think that that when you're like that, it just it paves the way for you and you can focus on your own lane and be to the tune of your own drum instead of worrying about what everyone else thinks. If you want to ride a bike, go get a bike and execute on it. And I'm sure at 16, she's using some kind of a social media, so there's so many good groups on Facebook, or if you're doing like Bumble Bee, if ever whatever it is or Instagram, that you could find somebody with a similar interest to go before like my partner, but don't go meet a stranger by yourself. Yes, I guarantee you can find a bike for free on Craigslist from someone that's moving and they just need it out and they can put in their trash at their apartment and they'll just like, if you come get it, you can have it. Definitely don't do that yourself. Don't do it on your own. Don't do it on your own. So start pedaling. Stop meddling, start pedaling, less, talk more action. OK, OK, well, guys, thank you for coming. You guys are coming on our podcast tomorrow. Yeah, excited. Yeah. So all your beauty and diet tips. We don't have many. What are they told you? You can't drink a lot of beer. So OK, well, that's it. Just take this year's top beauty and diet. Well, other than juju crackers, my top beauty tip is facial massage. I feel like I've talked about it every second, but that's Beccause it's changed my life Beccause it has literally made me drop five pounds from my face every morning. So what's OK? So we get so much fluid in our face? This is growth from just slipping and laying down and flying, you know? Mm hmm. So if that fluid doesn't get massaged out by lymphatic drainage, it just sits there. So have you ever woken up and you feel super puffy and your eyes are puffy? That's fluid. So you have just guys with the big like, yes, under the right. Yeah. Have you ever seen in like not to be like you got to New York and a lot of people have those bags under their eyes. It's not Beccause they're tired, it's Beccause they need lymphatic drainage and they're kind of tired, maybe doing a lot of cocaine. So facial massage just gets all that fluid out. And once you start doing it, I'm what do you? You don't get one done or you do it yourself. You can do both. OK. Eight. Contours your face. I cannot put makeup on unless I have your facial massage. What do you do? I like the Clarisonic uplift. I'm not sponsored by them or anything. I just love it. It's $350. So I have like a tutorial where you can do it with your hands, but you want to go out and down your neck and you have to go down your neck. Don't just massage your face Beccause if you don't go down your neck, the fluid will set in. You'll get a headache. So you want to go out down the neck. This is like thousands and thousands of years old. You can go up from that drainage massage, and after you do it for like five minutes straight, you'll just pee everything out, like right away. I found a girl in San Diego that does it for me, and I run to go pee after I do it. It's like crazy body lymphatic massage. Totally saying, I know, yeah, you can do a lymphatic like you could do like your arms. Like anything, God, I'm going to be in San Diego next week and you go see her. You will love her. Yeah, I'm addicted. She's amazing. If she fans do look amazing, Lauren, well, I massaged about five lbs. Of fluid all day. Hey, hey Michael, what's your beauty and health tip? Beauty and health don't lie that you do a skin routine. No, I do. I was born with OK at this point, but I'll show like interviewing so many health and skin experts like you'd have to be a total idiot to not pick up something, right? No, I just think a lot of men don't take care. I didn't know anything about skin. I mean, it's weird. You look at your face every day as a man, but I didn't ever think of it. I you we had to. I had to wait till it was like basically like my forehead was dropping over my eyes. You know, I just I think it's important to just wash your face and get like one gives me serums and lotions, you know, Dr. Tan. And now I notice it. I'm like, Holy s**t, I look dry. And so, yeah, yeah, he does a whole lot and all rubs off. And so, you know, I love your suitcase debacle. Oh my god, I love it. If you don't follow them on Instagram, you really need to, Beccause Lauren trolls Michael harder than any wife I've ever seen. But in No, it's great. It's hilarious, but you love you just love a great suitcase. What is this? I love anything that's efficient. Yeah, OK, right? So it can be a suitcase or just a procedure or anything that's efficient and in mourning. You know, I just everything that's, you know, if you like you like efficiency free. Love it. What efficient suitcase was this that you're talking about? No, there's a suitcase that I love right now. It's buy to me and I'm not going to buy them. But they should. They should. They should actually, you know it, shout out to them Beccause they did send me some suitcases. Oh, nice. But it's like this. It's this garment suitcase and you just leave hangers in there and then it has all these little compartments. And so I literally just travel, get out and then everything. All your stuff in one shot you just bought in the suitcase that you I had to preorder it, that you sit on and it drives. Oh, yeah, yeah. I mean, that's amazing. Yeah, I mean, what you said on security, you sit on it and it's a scooter and drives, you're on the airport. So are you going to use that? Oh, yeah. Oh yeah. I mean, what are you going to do to look like such a douche bag? Yeah. You know, I'm going to love you. We walk so far away from each other at the airport, so it's perfect. I don't. Yeah, I don't want to talk. I got to have. What about when you want to get chatty and have a conversation? You got to go to the game if you're worried the flight's leaving early, and I'm so there's nothing my worst. Susan, why do you feel, Susan? Beccause he's panicked. He's like panicky. Susan. OK, OK. So I like I'm the guy who likes to leisurely, relax, walk through the airport. And how are you so far ahead of her? Beccause I Beccause she is super late. So what if I go with her? I have to run through the airport, right? So I go, and I just think everything will be fine. Like, it always works out and he's just different. The only thing is your reality show? I don't know. I mean, I feel like the podcast is like, you know, you guys have a reality show. You do. I think Kristin C&B just stole that position on on. That. Now I'm excited. Listen, you're so different and you have a lot. You've a different dynamic and you could be great could be great. Sometimes I just take it one day and one day. Democracy is 24 hours straight. Yeah. OK, well, we have to go now. And efficiency, it's time to go. Make sure to check out woo foreplay and get your lube on. We love. And obviously the skinny, confidential him in her podcast. And you can also join the skinny, confidential secret Facebook group inspired by you guys. Yeah, hold on, guys. It's amazing. Game changer. Yeah, it is really, really cool. Such a fun place to be. It's great. Amazing. OK. Follow us at Becca Healthy at Jac Vanek, Athleta Gang and we will see you next Tuesday. Join the LadyGang every Tuesday at iTunes, and it's our guest one account that PodcastOnek. Thanks for listening. We all want to restore our world's natural environment. But where do we even start? How about right here with SuperValu tidy towns, we can reimagine our local areas. Every time we rewild, every time we strengthen biodiversity, every time we support our SuperValu Tidy Towns volunteers. That's real action Beccause at SuperValu, we believe that every local action makes a global impact. SuperValu Real food, real people. Real action. Your city is calling. It's time to answer. It's time to feel free now. Find taxes and more ways to travel on one out so you can feel free to taxi from scoring points with the lads to having pints with your mates or from that early morning work conference or to that late night dinner date. 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Past Episodes

This week on LadyGang, the ladies take a trip down memory lane to recall an event that shaped them into who they are today. Along the way, they hilariously overshare, reminisce and belly laugh the way only best friends can. This episode is packed with ridiculous (but useful) advice, playful bickering and the humor you can always count on from the LadyGang! 

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  • Spade & Sparrows: From our pal Kaitlyn Bristowe! Use code LADY at for 20% off your order!
00:30:42 2/20/2025

This week on LadyGang, the ladies are joined by none other than Chris Kirkpatrick from NSYNC for the ultimate boy band nostalgia trip! He spills behind-the-scenes secrets from the group?s biggest moments, talks about the possibility of an NSYNC reunion, and reveals what life has been like post-boy band fame. Plus, Chris talks about his special appearance at LadyWorld, giving fans the boy band moment of their dreams! He also discusses the viral NSYNC reunion at a recent Justin Timberlake show. 

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01:19:00 2/18/2025

In this heartfelt (and hilariously honest) episode of LadyGang, the ladies get candid about their partners and love lives. They spill the tea on the best gifts they've ever received?ranging from swoon-worthy surprises to sweet-but-questionable attempts. Packed with laughter, relatable moments, and a few spicy stories, it?s an ode to love in all its perfectly imperfect glory. Whether you're head-over-heels or rolling your eyes at your partner?s quirks, this one?s for you!

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  • Spade & Sparrows: From our pal Kaitlyn Bristowe! Use code LADY at for 20% off your order!

00:28:39 2/13/2025

On this week?s LadyGang, the ladies dive into the viral ?If Keltie is going to die? meme, and Keltie gives her dramatic take on the internet?s latest obsession with her hypothetical demise. Plus, they spill all the behind-the-scenes tea from the Grammys red carpet, including fashion hits, misses, and her viral fall. Becca debuts her new Starbucks drink obsession, and the squad debates if it's the next viral order. And finally, financial expert Alison Kosik drops by to share some real-world money advice?because let?s be honest, we could all use a little help making smarter financial decisions. Tune in for the chaos, the laughs, and a little wisdom along the way!

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00:52:07 2/11/2025

This week on LadyGang, we?re mixing things up with our own competitive (and absolutely hilarious) version of Jeopardy?and guess who?s playing along? None other than the fabulous Prince Derek! Get ready for categories like "Things Jac Would Hate," "Reality TV Royalty," and "Keltie?s Obsessions" as the gang goes head-to-head with Derek in a game that?s all about laughs, shade, and some seriously ridiculous answers. Who?s got the best knowledge of Jac?s pet peeves? Who can name all of Keltie?s weird obsessions? And most importantly, who?s walking away as the LadyGang Jeopardy champion? Tune in to find out?this episode is competitive, sassy, and full of the laughs you didn?t know you needed!

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  • OneSkin: Help your skin at the cellular level! Get 15% off with code Lady at - TELL THEM LADYGANG SENT YOU!!
  • Spade & Sparrows: From our pal Kaitlyn Bristowe! Use code LADY at for 20% off your order!
  • e.l.f.: Get your Halo Glow Powder Filter (the one Keltie uses) FOR JUST $14 at 
00:27:01 2/6/2025

Fortune Feimster is in the house, and she?s serving up ALL the juicy details. We?re talking about her brand new Netflix special (you won?t want to miss it), behind-the-scenes drama from RuPaul?s Drag Race, and the wildest stories she?s got from Hollywood?s craziest parties. From bumping elbows with her famous friends to witnessing some truly absurd shenanigans in Tinseltown, Fortune?s got no filter and is dropping the most hilarious, outrageous stories. If you?re ready for laughs, gossip, and a whole lotta sass, this episode is your vibe. Trust us?you?ll be dying for more after this one!

We have deals for you!!

00:49:12 2/4/2025

This week on LadyGang, Tom Schwartz is here to spill the hottest tea on love, relationships, and all the fckbois in between. From his wild ride through the dating world to surviving Vanderpump Rules drama, Schwartz is dropping some hard truths about what he's learned?especially when it comes to those players who love to keep things messy. He?s here to tell you how to spot a fckboi, why communication is everything, and his PDA rules. Grab your wine and get ready for a dose of real talk with Schwartzy?you won?t want to miss it!

We have deals for you!!

  • Happy Mammoth: Manage your hormones! Get 15% off on your entire first order at and use code LADYGANG at checkout!
  • Prolon: Feel good in the new year! Get 15% off your 5-day fasting challenge at 
  • Good Wipes: Upgrade your restroom ritual! Grab Goodwipes at Target, Walmart, Kroger, and most local grocery stores or on Amazon!
00:32:41 1/30/2025

On this week?s LadyGang episode, we?ve got the one and only Tom Schwartz joining us for an unforgettable conversation! He spills all the tea about his famously sweaty Traitor bestie, Tom Sandoval. We dive into some hilarious (and slightly awkward) stories about Schwartz?s feet?yes, you heard that right! Then, we talk all things romance, as Tom shares some surprising insights and gives us his best love advice. Whether you're team Schwartz or just love hearing all the juicy behind-the-scenes moments from the Vanderpump Rules world, this episode is packed with laughs, love, and a whole lot of honesty. 

We have deals for you!!

  • Nutrafol: Got thinning hair? Get $10 off your first month?s subscription and free shipping at and use code LGPOD
  • Apostrophe: Be good to your skin! Get your first visit for ONLY $5 at and use code "LADY"
  • Peloton: Stay motivated! Find your push at 
00:59:13 1/28/2025
From GORPCORE, to NOCTOURISM, the LadyGang discusses all the biggest trends in fashion, lifestyle and Vaginal microbiomes for 2025. A hilarious look at what we all have to look forward to for this new year!
00:24:41 1/23/2025

We are joined by the SNACK DADDY comedian Michael Yo to discuss his new comedy special, hilarious stories from fatherhood, and Michael also tries to talk Becca out of having another kid. Plus, could Chelsea Lately ever come back to tv? Michael's review of the Golden Globes, and some epic GWBW including bleeding through pants, Jac being the new Keltie, SMUT books, AND MORE!

Check out our amazing sponsors!!

  • Apostrophe: Be good to your skin! Get your first visit for ONLY $5 at and use code "LADY"
  • Progressive: Wanna bundle your home & auto policies? See if you can save some money at 
01:02:21 1/21/2025

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Premium Episodes

This week on LadyGang, the ladies are joined by the unstoppable Chelsea Handler! As she gears up for her milestone 50th birthday, Chelsea shares her thoughts on having confidence, hosting the Critics' Choice Awards and opens up about the power of resilience. Plus, she teases her new book, I?ll Have What She?s Having which is packed with her signature wit and wisdom and is available now at Don't miss this fun and fearless conversation!

We have deals for you!!

  • Boll & Branch: Need bedding?! Get 15% off, plus free shipping on your first set of sheets at 
  • Beam: Try Beam?s best-selling Dream Powder for up to 40% off at and use code LADYGANG
  • Cover Girl: Superboost your lashes with NEW Lash Blast Supercloud Mascara! Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL. 
  • Progressive: Wanna save on car insurance? Visit to see how much you can save!
00:57:28 2/25/2025

This week on LadyGang, the ladies take a trip down memory lane to recall an event that shaped them into who they are today. Along the way, they hilariously overshare, reminisce and belly laugh the way only best friends can. This episode is packed with ridiculous (but useful) advice, playful bickering and the humor you can always count on from the LadyGang! 

We have deals for you!!

  • Happy Mammoth: Need help with your hormones! Get 15% off at and use code LADYGANG
  • Cover Girl: Superboost your lashes with NEW Lash Blast Supercloud Mascara! Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL. 
  • Spade & Sparrows: From our pal Kaitlyn Bristowe! Use code LADY at for 20% off your order!
00:30:42 2/20/2025

This week on LadyGang, the ladies are joined by none other than Chris Kirkpatrick from NSYNC for the ultimate boy band nostalgia trip! He spills behind-the-scenes secrets from the group?s biggest moments, talks about the possibility of an NSYNC reunion, and reveals what life has been like post-boy band fame. Plus, Chris talks about his special appearance at LadyWorld, giving fans the boy band moment of their dreams! He also discusses the viral NSYNC reunion at a recent Justin Timberlake show. 

We have deals for you!!

  • Good Wipes: Get your first pack of Good Wipes FOR FREE! Buy any package, text your receipt, and get reimbursed! More info at 
  • Beam: Need help sleeping? Try Beam?s best-selling Dream Powder for up to 40% off at and use code LADYGAN G
  • Nutrafol: Got thinning hair? Get $10 off your first month?s subscription and free shipping at and use code LGPOD
  • Apostrophe: Got acne problems? Get your first visit for ONLY $5 at and use code "LADY"
  • Cover Girl: Superboost your lashes with NEW Lash Blast Supercloud Mascara! Only from Easy, Breezy, Beautiful COVERGIRL. 
  • Macys: Going on vacation? Shop in-store or at for your warm OR cold weather needs!
01:19:00 2/18/2025

In this heartfelt (and hilariously honest) episode of LadyGang, the ladies get candid about their partners and love lives. They spill the tea on the best gifts they've ever received?ranging from swoon-worthy surprises to sweet-but-questionable attempts. Packed with laughter, relatable moments, and a few spicy stories, it?s an ode to love in all its perfectly imperfect glory. Whether you're head-over-heels or rolling your eyes at your partner?s quirks, this one?s for you!

We have deals for you!!

  • Happy Mammoth: Be good to your hormones! Get 15% off with code LADYGANG at 
  • Spade & Sparrows: From our pal Kaitlyn Bristowe! Use code LADY at for 20% off your order!

00:28:39 2/13/2025

On this week?s LadyGang, the ladies dive into the viral ?If Keltie is going to die? meme, and Keltie gives her dramatic take on the internet?s latest obsession with her hypothetical demise. Plus, they spill all the behind-the-scenes tea from the Grammys red carpet, including fashion hits, misses, and her viral fall. Becca debuts her new Starbucks drink obsession, and the squad debates if it's the next viral order. And finally, financial expert Alison Kosik drops by to share some real-world money advice?because let?s be honest, we could all use a little help making smarter financial decisions. Tune in for the chaos, the laughs, and a little wisdom along the way!

We have deals for you!!

  • Boll & Branch: Change the way you sleep! Get 15% off plus FREE shipping on your first set of sheets at 
  • Quince: Give yourself the luxury you deserve! Go to for FREE shipping on your order and 365-day returns!
00:52:07 2/11/2025

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