This episode of On Display is brought to you by Huggies. Special delivery diapers. Bring that same energy you had 30 minutes ago. Talk all that s**t that you were talking 30 minutes ago, don't come here and try to like tiptoe around the situation. OK, so this next guest is someone who I am a huge fan of. She's a reality TV star. She's on The Real Housewives of Miami, and she's an extremely successful businesswoman. She's also a mom to four gorgeous kids. Ladies and gentlemen, Larsa Pippen, I mean, I'm pretty excited to be out here with you. I know I'm excited to have you. You know you're the first like Miami girl I've spoken to, so I'm excited about that. I haven't spoken to a Miami girl yet. OK, well, it's hot, spicy on this side of town. I know you guys came back and came back with a vengeance and we will get into that. But I want to say, like you guys jumped out to like a fan favorite like quickly. Like everyone was going really, really crazy over Miami. I watched it, and I don't watch all the Housewives franchises because I'm overwhelmed with Housewives and I'm just like, sometimes I have to like, decompress. But I did watch it because my mother is also very, very obsessed with it. So and she's a fan. She's a major fan of you. She loves you so much. Donna Marco's a fan, but how has it been? How has it been since you've, like, come back on? How are you feeling about everything? Talk to me about your life for a minute. I feel like it's like better this time around. I mean, you know, like you have a family on there. I feel like when I did it 10 years ago, I was married to Scotty and I kind of was like, I wanted to like, make sure that his brand wasn't going to be jeopardized by, like a crazy girl on the show, you know, so I was really protective over my family. My kids were a lot younger. So I feel like this time around, I think I'm more like, comfortable, you know, I'm more comfortable being on the show. I'm, you know, just more open. I think I can tell that you are one hundred percent more comfortable in your skin this time around. Like you can just tell you can. You're not holding back. You're saying what you want to say. You're owning who you are, you're owning what your life is, you're owning how gorgeous you are and what your body looks like, you know, so I I can appreciate it honestly, and I see it, and I think the fans can see that too. Like, why do you think that is that you're more comfortable this time? Is it is it because you're no longer with Scotty or like, what do you think it is? I don't know. I think like, I'm the kind of person I'm really consumed in, like whatever I do. So like I was with Scotty from the time I was 21 years old. So that was like my life. You know, it was like I had four kids like super early. So I was so consumed with like Scotty and my kids. And then like, now it's like my kids are already like, you know, doing what they love to do in their own lane. So it's like, this is like the time for me to focus on, you know, do things that I want to do, do things that I enjoy doing right. And I think we're very similar that way. Obviously, I've been with Joe since I'm twenty four and I just started popping out babies within the first year. And then, you know, I feel like that's what consumed me. I was always just a little wife, a little mommy. I didn't really have something of my own other than being a mom, and I are raising these kids. And I think when I got more comfortable and just was ready to like, be like, Wait, I actually have things that I want to do and that like I want to create and I'm actually pretty creative deep down inside, like, let me move. Let me do things. I feel like it. Kind of. I feel like there's a difference from season three when I first jump on the show till season 13, which is now where you can just stand there and you just own it. And it's also something where you're not married. There's almost like nothing they can hold over your head. Also, right? I think in your case, like you guys are a good tag team. So it's like for you guys, like I, I ride with you guys like you guys are. No one's going to like, mess your family up because you guys are so like United. And I feel like with Scotty, not like he's not like, he doesn't like the camera. He doesn't want to be like on a he never wanted to be on TV like that. You know, I think so. It would put more pressure on us, you know? And so I did it that one season he hated it and I was like, Okay, forget it. Thanks for letting me do it and I won't do it again, right? So I think you have to have a partner that, like wants to ride that wave with you, right? Of course. Like it makes it might the girls who the husbands are like on board and they have a like a career that is like works with it, men who are like the CEOs of like big companies you have like they are just like, Get out of here, I can't they can't be embarrassed at the Christmas party. But guys like and it's like, you know, Scotty's a celebrity in his own right. He's a massive star, so it's like, I can see him saying, like, Listen, we're already doing this. We don't need to add this, and you are going to feel guilty 24 hours a day, just almost bringing him down because sometimes you do feel like you make a deal with the devil joining the show. I mean, personally, don't ask me about that this week, because this week I actually I feel like I've been put in situations. I'm like, I don't even have these kind of conversations with people at dinner. I don't go to restaurants and argue with women. I just don't do that. You know, I know, I know, like it puts you in a different like. Situation, you know, it's definitely something you have to get used to, and I feel like the you know what, I was just back last season, I felt like I didn't want to like, be like a psycho on the show. And I took, took, took Melissa. I was I left the couple times crying because I was like, It's not me. It's not really me to like, belittle another woman. Do you know what I'm saying? I don't do that. But then you get to a point where you're like, Hey, let me tell you what time it is. If you want me to tell you, I will tell you, like, I'll show you because I can argue and I can fight back. I just don't want to, you know, I just I'm not like that, but I could be like that. If you need me to, I can check you right. So I felt like last season, like in the beginning, I was literally like leaving crying because I was like, some of the people on the show just didn't understand boundaries. And like, you know, I don't leave my kids my home, like, I don't leave my situation to go and be around some barbaric type of people, you know? So it's like, it's just it makes you feel like, you know, this last season that we just finished. I was a psychopath, by the way. I was like, No, you the f**k up? No, you said, you're like, No, I'm like, I'm like, Oh my God, you're like, Who am I? I'm like, We're what this last look is. Literally, I've never fought with anyone. I'm like, I'm not a fighter. Like, I'm like, That's done like peaceful person. Like, I'm not even like that. But apparently there's a side to me that, like every now and then comes now she's in there. She's well, you know, the crazy part is in me after so many years, and now that you're getting back into it, it's almost like we're trained fighters. Like I am a professional verbal argument like I can argue or like I can literally. Now you're like, good for it right now. You're like, OK, you're like, if you're like, you're a slight attorney, you're a slight attorney. Because every scene that I'm in and especially me, you know, I don't know if you watch Jersey, do you watch Jersey? No, your show is my favorite one, by the way. I watch, Oh, I'm so happy. Thank you for your show, but I've always been, you know, I watch it with Lawrence. Oh, OK. So I guess we have a mutual friend also who is an amazing woman, by the way. So, yeah, do you watch it with Lauren? I know I get Lauren's text and she's like, I will kill everyone. Yeah, they're watching it. And I'm like, Oh my god, OK. They said that about Melissa. That like, no, like no. Like, she'll start texting and we just like we make. It's crazy now. It's crazy. But knowing my position on the show a lot of times, for some reason I have people coming at me or making things up about me or wanting to prove, which is the hard part for me. And I'll ask you about this for yourself. But like, I feel like someone's always out there to try to prove that I'm a bad person or try to prove like she's not what she says she is like. And it's a constant battle where I feel like I'm an attorney at some points and I'm literally arguing the jury with my own argument. And like I have, I'm like, Listen, after this, I'm just going to go to law school because I am the best Aguero there is is argument or word I was, I don't know. I'm not sure if that's good enough. I totally get what you're saying because it was kind of like that for me too. And now I feel like I'm fine for I'm good for it, by the way. Now I'm like you, I'm good for it. If you say something, that's not true. I think for me, what gets on my nerves is like, I can't go anywhere without people talking about me, like my divorce, my this. Every time I'm seen with someone, it's like, I have to get like the backlash, right? But some of the girls on the show, it's like they do the bare minimum and expect to get like the most now. It doesn't work like that. Like, no. So if you want me to be open and honest and be open and honest as well, you know it doesn't, it doesn't work like that. Well, it's not. It's totally not fair. We definitely have some people who drag their feet on this show and they stay very Switzerland or they they roll the show. But don't you feel like that's only when the cameras are on? Because when the cameras are off, they're like the biggest mouth, right? Like, I have a couple of girls, I'm like, Why don't you say this when the cameras are on? One hundred percent bring that same energy you had 30 minutes ago. Like, talk all that s**t that you were talking 30 minutes ago. Don't come here and try to like tiptoe around the situation where I almost like a bad thing. We definitely have one or two like that. We definitely do want to mention any names you want to say anyone who is right. I believe you. We have a couple that are like that, too. But what is so are you? You're completely divorced right now, right? Are you a single girl? You're single girl. Are you dating? I mean, I feel like dating is hard. It is. How do you date right now? So girls like where I'd say I'd be like you, where you know, three kids high profile marriage that you had whatever it is like, how do you go into dating at this point? I feel like I I'm kind of mentally in a place of like I was married to a really famous guy that was really cute, that had a good body that was really successful, that gave me four gorgeous kids. So where the hell are you going to find a guy that can, like, fill in if it doesn't have to be all of them, but a few of those boxes, it's kind of hard. It's not that I thought it was going to be easier, to be honest with you. And then once I like, started dating, I'm like, I'm going to have to like, come to the realization that I'm not going to get it all. Like, I was not going to have everything great run. I had a great run. I had a great relationship like the first, you know, it was meant for twenty three years. Wow. What he thought. I did not realize that that's a risk because you got married so young. Yeah, I mean, my son is playing for the Lakers. Like, imagine like my son's 21 years old, like, Oh my god, that it is insane. It's insane, Antonia. So my daughter just turned 17, which is insane, too. And that's like, I can't. I have someone I could drive, which to me is crazy, don't you? So great to see your kids grow up and like you guys are, my kids are like my best friends. I do everything with them. Yeah, well, that's the that's that's obviously the special part, and that's what reality shows that we're on. That's the one thing. It's like the family bond is the family bond, and that's how and I feel like you run the same roads with your kids. That is one thing. We are not breaking around here. There's a lot of things we will do. There's a lot of, you know, scenes will be in. But when it comes to our immediate family, like it's no, it's no, it's like we're backing each other up till the end. There's no dividing here unless you, you know, unless there's a real reason to, then that's going to happen. But I feel like you are close with your kids. I can totally see that you have them with you all the time. And they're older, they're older, they they're older. But like, I feel like I like Scott, and I never went on vacation without our kids. We took our kids everywhere we went. We would just take a lot of help and like, hang out the kids all day. I would make sure they eat dinner. I would like, you know, read the Bible with them. I would like say a prayer with them, whatever, put them to sleep, and then I would go out. And maybe that was because I had three boys and my boys were wild when they were little like they were sure I was like, I have to make sure they're in bed before I go up. So like, everyone is like, You're such a night owl. I'm like, I've been a night owl my whole life. Like, imagine like, you know, my nights would start at 10:30 because I had to make sure my kids were in bed. Right, right. Summer is here, so ladies, let's get out and look glowing, whether you're by the pool, on the beach or just at the Jersey Shore. We all want that dewy look. But dewy summer skin isn't just for your face. With the right products, you can get a full body glow. OCA skin care and body care products help you get your skin ready for every summer. Look, Osias products are the perfect addition to your body care line up for summer because you know we all want that amazing, vibrant skin experience. Radiant summer skin with oceans on diarrhea, algae, body oil. It's a rich, never greasy, luxurious body oil that's fragrant with sunny citrus and notes of sweet passion fruit. And you can try and doria algae body oil in oceans. Total body glow tree, OK? 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OK, and it's official. Do you ever regret that? Does it? Is it true to say like the grass is greener, not greener on the other side, two women who are like teetering back and forth? No, I feel like for me, I think it's like if you can be on your own, if you're not leaving for someone else and you're OK being alone until like you meet that right person. Like, for me, I feel like I'm happier alone. Like, it's kind of messed up, but I feel like I'm happier alone. It's not messed up. It's a beautiful thing, actually, that you can sit there and say, like, I don't need anyone, I'm good. And if I meet somebody great, but I have my kids in my life and that's that, that's that's exactly where I am. But I do feel like, you know, I feel like, you know, relationships are great. They're really hard. And I feel like I had a great relationship for so long and a lot of people like, for me, it's not like I'm running to get into another one. I'm like my whole adult life. I was like chasing behind a man. Do you know what I mean? Like making sure and making sure? Was the bus making sure that all these kids and now I feel like I'm not choosing anything. I'm just like comfortable, and I'm just kind of like, you know, it's about you right now. Yeah, totally. It is. And you have this platform. I know that. So being on reality TV is some of the reason that you came back and joined it just for the platform of being able to. I know you have a jewelry line, right, that's just came out. Tell me a little bit about that. I have a jewelry line at Saks Fifth Avenue. It's online as well. It's just really cute. Like, I'll show you like, really? Oh my god, beautiful. If you guys can see this is like the most gorgeous rings on right now. It's just cute stuff that like stackable bracelets, necklaces, earrings, stuff that you would wear all the time. And for me, like I wear jewelry all the time, like I'm one of those girls that are like, go to the gym with like a 20 carat necklace and people, are you really working out like that? I'm like, Oh, I forgot it from last night. You walk out with it like, you're that girl that falls asleep with all her jewelry on, and it doesn't bother her 1000 percent because it's funny with my friend's face time in the morning, they're like, You slept with that necklace. I don't even notice that I'm like, Yeah, oh my god, I literally rip every piece of jewelry off my body. The second I walk in the door, I can't put like sweats on and take my jewelry off fast enough. I literally start ripping it out of my ears. It's crazy, I think, with the sweats thing because I'm like that, too. As soon as I get home, I want to get comfortable for sure. But we're like, Mom, so you want to like, put your hair up and like, start tightening up the healthy guys. So yeah, for sure. Literally. So it's called LA summary correct. And what was like, what made you want to start doing is what was your like inspiration for the jewelry? Is there a certain reason why I feel like I've always design jewelry? My dad used to always have, you know, things made for me. I was always into like drawing stuff and making my own pieces, and I would always keep my friend's jewelry for their birthdays, for their children's birthdays because I, for me, everything like that I wear as far as jewelry, I know who gave it to me. I know what year it was. So I feel like you can give someone a gift. But if you give someone a piece of jewelry, they'll remember it forever, right? And so that's kind of why I wanted to do last some. I love it. I have to check it out. I need to grab a couple of pieces. And for everyone out there, it's at Saks Fifth Avenue and it's also on a large, summery recom. So like, tell me a little bit. Talk to me about the show a little bit. First of all, you know your producers, Nate is your producer, right? Yeah, I love. They're awesome. They produced the first two seasons for me, like my, you know, when I first came on my freshman year and they were, they are not. They are tough. I feel like from what I remember and I love them all, by the way, what they are like. They bring it out of you. They make you say it. They will look at you cross-eyed. If you, you know, they'll look at you sideways. If you're not going to like, say, what you're feeling and they really pull it out of you. Do you feel the pressure? Like, do you ever like feel like, what am I doing here? Like, obviously, you're not doing it for the money. Let's be real. I feel like I'm just like in a place of like, you know, Melissa before I never talked like I was. I was the kind of person I was in a marriage. And like, I never I never said one bad thing about Scotty. And like, I would take a beating publicly for people like not knowing who I was a person. Like, obviously my friends, I've had friends for 20 years. You know, I really just want like forever. And I feel like I never would talk. So it's like, this is like my time to, like, express what I want to say and like. So now I'm kind of like a big mouth. We're like, Wait, I've been holding this in for so many years. I'm ready to go like, Oh my God, give me the mic and I'll just go, hang on everyone that needs like, I'm like. But the thing with me is, I feel like when I criticize someone, it's almost like, I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm like the oldest of, like five kids. So I like, do it in a loving way. I'm like, I love you so much, but like, yeah, I love you so much, but you like to go wherever you want. I love you. So. Much, but like, you're not being honest, like I said, in a way that's like big sister vibes, you know what I mean? Yes, yes, yes, I like that. I don't say to belittle like the girls, it's not even my personality. I used to be a cheerleader like, I am everyone's biggest cheerleader. You know, like, I will rock with you till the wheels fall off. Whatever you want to do, you want to rob a bank. I'll drive the getaway car. Right, right. You're a girls girl. You're definitely a girls girl. Yeah. So but it's just like, now I'm at the point where I'm like, I have like, I call people out, like, I'm the one. It's like crazy. Well, I'm kind of in shock because that wasn't who you are, and I can see that there's definitely like and we didn't see the second season yet. That's about to come out. Is our third one of the new one? What didn't come out the second, OK? So yeah, we didn't see that, but I'm excited. I like this. I feel like your goals for women who are kind of starting like the second chapter in a way where it's like you raise the babies, you did the whole marriage thing, you tried your hard as you were an amazing wife and amazing mom. But now you're like, Hold on, like, let me stand up. This time it's about me, and there's just something so empowering about and almost like, you know, there's women out there, trust me, they are watching. They are seeing that they're at home like, you know, maybe in a bad marriage or like trying to figure things out and you do inspire them, you know, and like people like us or people who are out there getting their second chances are on reality TV. It's an inspiration to them, you know, so you have to look at it that way, too. And I'm like, I want you to speak up, speak up. It's like, What are we going to do? Is sit back forever. It was really fun. Yes, yes. This is what you need to speak out is who on the show do you like not get along with? Who are you? Not who do you not vibe with the most? Probably Adriana. Adriana. OK? OK. And who was like your bestie on the show? My bestie on the show is Alexa Lisa. I feel like I'm closest to Alexa. Lisa Marisol. Like, those are like the girls I'm closest to. Marisol is hysterical. She kills me every time I come to Miami. I always had to see her. She just literally she kills me, and it always baffles me that she's a friend of the Housewives, right? She's a friend of she's not an actor. And I think she deserves like the spot because she really, really cracks me up. And I think she's hysterical. I relate when she sits there in her interviews with her pups and like, I don't know, I don't even know how that works. Yeah, it's she. I think you have to have a lot of moving parts and a lot of like, you know what I mean, like for like for me, I have so much going on, but it's like, I'm like, overwhelmed. Do you know what I mean? So maybe they want someone that's like losing their f**king minds. They need you to be losing your mind in order for you to be able to hold What are you guys hold? Oranges, peaches? What do you all know? We hold mojitos. Oh, you are nice. We hold nothing. Nothing. Oh, you get em all hito over. You know, it's kind of cool not to hold anything. You're like holding your dress and you're like, Yeah, we we. Yeah, we hold nothing. I have a funny story for you, so I don't know if you saw this already on Watch What Happens Live, but whenever you were talking about the only fans thing, OK, which I thought like the whole world was like, she has an only fans. She has an only fans. My mother texted me and I put her on blast and I put it on Instagram and she was like, Oh my God, that la. So she has it all that you need to get one like people will pay to see your feet. She makes ten thousand dollars a week or a day, or I don't know what you would, but I was the funniest thing that my mother was literally calling me to tell me. You inspired her. She needs me to get an OnlyFans. It would be amazing, and I'm going to make so much money that I literally screenshot it and put it out there. And then Andy Cohen was like laughing about it and watch what happens live. She is like hysterical, and she's inspired by your only events. Are you still making all this money there? You know, it's funny. I feel like my dad called me. My dad's like, I don't know what this OnlyFans thing is, but shut it off. Turn it off. And I was like, I don't even post things that are like crazy. And my dad was like, No, I just feel like I just keep hearing about it. And I think, like putting it on. The show was like I took a beating over it. But honestly, it's not like there's chefs on there. There are traders on there. It's it's a it's a social media platform. It kind of started like Snapchat, you know, all of our kids. I'm sure your kids are on Snapchat, where things started off or people were sending nudes. It's not like that today. That's what it started off on. So OnlyFans started off kind of in that space. But it's very mainstream right now. And so the stuff I post is not like, it's almost like it's definitely PG. It's stuff that I would post on Instagram. But ever since my dad called, he put like a curse on me. So when I'm motivated to take photos anymore, I'm like, How could he be like, Yeah, if I did it again, like, so it's like, now he's your father's telling, you know? And my and Donna Marco is calling saying, you needed OnlyFans account. Like, what is wrong with this picture? This is so funny to me. So, so I would. After you set it on the show? No, because it's it's it would blow up well, the people that watch Bravo are women. There's not that many men watching Bravo got lot of the guys that are on Bravo. Like for me, I have like, you know, I speak Arabic, so I have a lot of Middle Eastern guys that are like in Qatar and all those countries. Got it. OK. I started making ten dollars a day and then, you know, that's what she said. OK, yeah. But but I don't think I'm making $10000 dollars a day now. I'm still making a lot of money, yes, but I'm not as is focused on it as I as I probably should be. I need your mom to help me run my only thing. Oh my God, my mother would love to run over you. She wants me to show my feet. That's what she wants me to show. That's what she said. Show your feet. You have the cutest feet as what she told me. Yeah, you're my feet fetishes. You know, that's like a real thing. So I never forget going to Miami once hired a hairdresser like a random guy at the hotel that they I needed, like a hairdresser and makeup artist. This guy comes in. I'm there with Joe. He had a feet fetish. I never I never experienced that before. If you have one, I apologize whoever has one in the world. I had no idea that like a real thing. He was staring at Joe's feet. Like, I've never seen any like Joe. Can I please take a picture of them? Please, can I take a picture? He was like, Joe, so cool. Joe's like, whatever man here. Take a picture. And he's like, Can I touch them? But the way he was saying, I'm like, Can you do my hair like, you need to do my hair like Yellowstone are? You were fine. I was fine because he was a little strange. And he was out there and he was obviously like gay. And he wanted Joe. He did not like it wasn't like it was some like hot woman who was going to take my man. OK. So but it was definitely like nothing I've ever seen before. It was very serious. He was very scary in a way that I thought he looked possessed and I was like, What is happening here? You're telling me you don't put on socks and sneakers and stuff? Well, we were in Miami, had like some slides on or something, and I was like. And Joe actually has really cute feet. But it was it was crazy. I was literally like, What is this? This is a real thing, you know? But I love feet because people at the time they're like, I want to suck your feet. I wish I could suck your toes. I'm like, I've never had my toes sucked, and I don't think that would turn me on. Attention to all the ladies out there, curlers wavers, sailors. There are so many options for making our hair look curly and wavy. You know that I love to put a good wave in my hair. But let me tell you, I tried out the Infiniti Pro by Con Air Cool Air Styler a couple weeks ago, and it's amazing. The cool air styler heats, curls and cools your hair in a single pass to create gorgeous, long lasting styles with way less damage. The Cool Air Styler features a unique, cool air system that flows cool air up through channels into the outer barrel. Your hair is instantly cooled as it comes out of the heated plates and wraps around the barrel. The cool air finish sets your style and helps form long lasting curls. Plus, with three heat settings and a high heat of 400 degrees, the cool air styler is perfect for all hair types. And if you want more of the traditional use, the styler can also be used without the cool air function, and it's so easy to use just three steps. You place your hair between heated plates. You rotate the styler to wrap hair around the barrel once and you glide the styler down the hair to the ends. It's that simple. So for gorgeous, long lasting curls and waves go to right adcom in search for con air cool air styler or pick up an Infinity Pro by Con Air Cool Air Styler at your favorite retailer. All right, so there's no one, no one to talk about right now as far as dating goes. We're not dating anyone. No, I feel like, no, no, not no one. That's like no one's worth mentioning, like right now. Well, you know, I want to say that either. But you know, I just I'm I'm just you're just chillin. Yeah, OK. I don't know how you live because I feel like you're very known, you know, figure. So like if you're if you do go on a date, right? If you at dinner, do you go to dinner or do you rather like bring them home for a date? Like, how do you do that without having proper? I don't really know the rules like you. I can't ask you for advice because you've been out of the game. You don't know the rules. There I am. The worse. Don't ask me. I am the worst, too, because I like become friends with every guy. Like, I'm like, Oh, he's so cool. We're friends. And then all of a sudden they like me. But I still think that we're just friends and they'll be like, I'm like, Yeah, do you want to come over for dinner? And then like, they'll be like, It's just I. And I'm I don't even know what I'm doing. I literally like, I'm friends with everyone, and I don't think guys view me as just a friend. But I go into like when I meet guys, I'm like, Oh, we're going to be friends. He does even like me. I'll set him up with one of my girlfriends. But then, like, it's just a weird situation. Larissa Honey, you're a hot piece walking around. I mean, you're a sweet girl, but you're gorgeous. I feel like if a man is coming around, he's definitely going to want to, you know, not only talk to you, but like, he's going to be attracted. You need to be attracted. It sounds like it sounds like you're kind of like if there's someone that you're dying for, then you're going to know. I think so, because you're not going to say, like, I think we're friends, you're going to be like, I want to bite his neck. Tell you what the rules are, because I like invite them onto the beach and then I get photographed with them at the beach, and all of a sudden I'm like, I've never hung out with them alone. I only knew how many times people like. It'll be stories about me, like not even online, but like within my community or my friends. And they'll be like, You're with so-and-so. Like, Tell me everything. I'm like, What you heard is all it was. I saw him at the beach for two minutes. He came over. We had, we had a drink and he looked and I went back to the pool with my kids, all right now. But I don't know. That's why it's hard in the public eye. It's hard. I feel like you can't get away with anything you can't like. You just can't be. Especially Miami, New Jersey. When I'm in New York, there's paparazzi jersey. Not so much. I like the food stores, but I feel like Miami. It's everywhere there. Every time I go there, there's a ton more than there is over here in Jersey, so I feel like it's definitely harder for you guys. One hundred percent. I'm going to start reading some dating books. I can get some pointers I think I need. That's cute. I'm just glad that you're live in. You're living over there. All right. So listen with every guest that I have, I do this really fun segment. It's called grilled with Gorga. OK. Just answer the questions, rapid fire questions and just whatever comes to your head. Your first answer is going to be super fun. OK, you ready? OK? Your first celebrity crush, Brad Pitt. Oh, OK. I feel like three people have said that to me. Obviously, he's gorge. I think he's still gorgeous, by the way. Time, by the way. You what? Wait, say that again. A crush has lasted a long time. Oh yeah. I thought you said I messed with him one time. By the way, I'm like, What? When? I don't know. I guess. What is your what's your biggest regret? Like, what regret do you have? That is your biggest. I don't really have regrets. I kind of like, I feel like everything happens the way it's supposed to happen. And I don't know. I don't really regret anything. I feel like everything I've ever done and been through is like my past, you know, right? I like that. OK, what is the best decision you've ever made? Probably marrying Scottie and having four gorgeous kids? No, that's sweet. What is your pet peeve? Tell me your pet peeve. What drives you crazy? I feel like liars drive me crazy because I feel like I start calling people out now, I'm like, No, that's not where you were. No, that's not what you did. Like, I don't really like, Oh, you're on the right platform for that. So good for you. You're doing what you do best and your worst date. Worst date you've ever had. OK. Worst date ever had I went out to dinner with this guy and he told me he pursued me for a long time, we went on a date and he basically told me why he shouldn't date me while we were on the date. What and why shouldn't he date you? Give me some whatever he said, he said. I'm too much like I'm too out there. He said he doesn't normally date girls that are captain of the cheerleading squad he likes to date the girl that barely made the cut. Oh my god. Did you say then like, why are we here right now? That's what I said. I said, You know what, actually, I'm having the best time of my life. But after this, can you just take me home? And then he's like, No, like, you know, the things that are for us, for, you know, like my house needs, like rose petals and like music. And it was a vibe. But I like, never want to see him again. Yeah, that's definitely your worst date. What was your first concert? My first concern. Do you remember? Now I feel like I'm in, I don't remember anything, Melissa, do you remember everything? I remember that new kids on the block for me. I mean, I don't know. I feel like I. I have so much information in my brain. I swear to God that I like. I'm like, I could be talking to you today and tomorrow. We'll wait. When was the last time I felt like I just keep track of things? Do you like, do you go to concerts or no? Is there one that you like? I just I just went to the weekends concert today. Yeah, there you go. I've gone to everyone's concert, have gone to every like Madonna, you know, like back in the day on, say, new kids on the Block I. I've gone to everyone. You've been you've been everywhere. That's why you can't remember there's not one specific one popping in your mind. I want you to see that we are ready for. I've done all that I've like. I do all that stuff. Whenever I'm in town, I feel like I might go to their stuff and I support them. All right, it's your concert girl. Is something about you that would surprise us? I feel like we know a lot about you, but give us something that we don't know. I feel like I like looking ugly during the day. Really? Me too. I do. I feel like I. I just want to, like, look like s**t. I swear I go out of my way. When I walk my dog, I'll put on the biggest sweater and the biggest sweatpants, or people think like her body, so tore up. I feel like I like it. I like when I'm not filming. I'm like, It's so nice to look like s**t, because when I see myself dressed up all the time, I'm like, It's great. But then when you're not just like, you're like, I feel better. I don't know. It's weird. I know, and you almost get jealous of like. So for me, I see it when I'm all dressed up. Obviously, we have the whole glam team. The whole thing's happening, right? But then, like a girl that'll come in all natural, no makeup, sweat pants, hair and a bottom like, see, like I like this. Like, I want to be this right now. I feel that, yeah, I'm into like less makeup lately. I'm into like, let's just like rock our natural, like good skin and like, put our hair in a bun. But I also feel like all the girls that I know that are with guys that spend so much time looking good on the outside, all the guys cheat on them. Agreed. Some of my most beautiful friends, their husbands all cheat on them there. Why is that? Can we just talk about why is it when a man has and you look at the wives and her like, she is phenomenal. She is gorgeous. They cheat. Why is that? Well, because he probably liked her for the wrong reasons. And so like, once he's done looking at her and sick of her, it's kind of like a piece of jewelry. Like, I know, like, you know, I would jewelry line, but like something new when you're like, I love it, I love it. You look at it, look at it after like a week, you just put it down. It just looks like a regular piece of jewelry. It doesn't look, it doesn't shine the same way. It's not shining. Yeah, because because once you've had that piece of jewelry 4000 times, you're like, I'm ready for the next piece of jewelry. I'm done wearing that piece. So I do feel like I think like for people like to not cheat on each other and to be like in sync, you kind of have to not care about how the other person looks and like, really see other qualities, you know, like things that you don't really see. Right, right. It's true. You got to see what the jewelry is made of. Exactly. There you go. There we go. What is your favorite late night snack when you're watching TV? What do you eat? A chocolate chip cookies, really? Do you eat them every night? All the time? I've gained weight when I was. As soon as we finished filming the show, I was fat as how I was drinking. I never drink and the producers, like you were saying, they're like, Don't you want to have a drink, have a drink? And Marisol is the pusher. So Marisol is like, I'll make your drink, I'll be your bartender. I never used to drink. And this season I was like, I think it's time for another one. I think I gained like 10 pounds. Once you start, you can't stop. It's just one of those things like I first I didn't know you didn't drink, you just weren't a big drinker. I'm like, I'm like the kind of babysits. Like, I'll babysit one drink until it's completely watered down. And then I'm right. You're that girl. Yeah. But this season, I feel like I started drinking more and. Nothing wrong with that. I'm never going to complain about that, I like a good drinking buddy. I drink and then I get home and then I eat everything in my pantry. I'll eat cookies, I'll eat like glazed donuts. It's definitely a good way to gain weight, for sure, because we like that because I like all the sweet tutti frutti drinks. And then on top of it, I do go, I'm starving, like I want disco fries and I want fries with gravy. And that's what I want. Oh, same stuff. So good. All right. What was your first job ever had I worked at a mortgage company? You did. OK, that's interesting. The graduate, I know it's crazy. I wanted to graduate high school early and start college, and the only way you could do that was if you started a work program. So I had and my dad was obviously an entrepreneur, but I couldn't work with family, so I had to work for a mortgage company. And so I worked for a mortgage company for like two months while I was like transitioning from high school to start college. Wow. All right, so there you go, and it wasn't for your dad, I know your dad's huge in your real estate as well, right? Yeah. What is your favorite TV show right now? Like, what are you watching? Tell us what to watch. I just finished watching Blackbird. What's that? It's a show on on Apple TV, and it's so good. I need something new. OK, Blackbird. Yeah, it's so good. I've literally texted it. I posted last night. I don't know if I posted it on my story. It's what's it about. It's like if I tell you it's about this drug dealer who has to like, like a part of his plea deal. He has to go into prison like this really crazy prison and has to get this like child like sex offender to admit where he has the bodies or like, admit to where he hid the bodies. OK, got it. All right. So I feel like something Joe would like to so we can watch this together. It's based on a true story. Like, kind of like a true story. OK. All right, awesome. Listen, I always end with if the day is all about Larissa, how do you treat yourself like, what do you do if it's all about you today? I would probably have friends over. Have some rosé, get a massage. Maybe for everyone. Just chill, just chill out. That is has been so much fun. I'm so happy that we got to like, catch up a little bit. I'm loving the Larissa 2.0 on Miami. You have been amazing. And you know, I hope you eventually you will find a guy that checks all the boxes, but I love that you're just love and being with yourself right now, which is awesome and that's super inspiring. And everyone make sure it's blurry line. It's at Saks, which I need to go check it out. And also it's on our website. Lisa Marie dot com. And thanks for coming out. I'm so excited at the best time with you. I can't. I just I need to come to Miami. When I come out there, we need to go to dinner. Yes, I would love to. Yes, for sure. You can stay with me. I'm well. I'm going to come. Stay with you. I need to make a really good excuse right now to tell Joe I need to go to Miami for crowded shop. Yes. All right, honey, thank you. Have the best day. I appreciate you coming on because I get by. All right, bye. Hey, there. It's Perez Hilton. You might know me from many ways, many things, but I am most proud of being the host of the best podcast in the world to get your celebrity news and gossip. If you're not already listening to my show, then this week is definitely your time to start. I'm talking to former beauty queen Miss California herself and somebody that I have quite the past with Carrie Prejean. She was competing in the Miss USA contest when I asked her that infamous question about same sex marriage, and we had a lot of catching up to do. Maybe I apologize or she forgives me, or who knows how it's going to go? Listen and subscribe to my podcast, the AP With Me, Perez Hilton and Chris Booker every week with new episodes and juicy news every Monday, available on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Brought to you by Hyundai and the 2022 Tucson plug in hybrid EV. Learn more about the wide range of electrified vehicles at Hyundai USA dot com. Lady Gaga's newest Hyundai Vodcast live in Tampa on Live one. Do not miss it. We love Hyundai. We got to ride and film in this amazing car. We had an incredible time at the show and we know you're gonna love it.