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When Reality Hits with Brittany Cartwright

Brittany welcomes back The Valley star Jasmine Goode. They dive into Jasmine's apartment hunt, spontaneous trampoline-building adventures, and hilarious pool parties in LA. The duo spills behind-the-scenes tea on filming The Valley, from awkward boat trips to surprise baby news. Plus, they play a wild game of 'Would You Rather' that sparks some Hooters nostalgia and reveals their choices in hilariously awkward and embarrassing scenarios.

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On Display with Melissa Gorga
00:52:31 7/28/2022


If anyone listening to this podcast and thinks like I'm walking around, bah humbug or woe is me, not at all, like ten times blessed. So. What's up, guys, I'm so glad to have you back for another episode of Melissa Gorga on display. I literally cannot believe that we are like almost done with July. If you live on the East Coast, you know that summers in Jersey and in New York, they go so quick. Like by the time the kids get out of school, it's the Fourth of July. And then it's the end of July. And then we're like, we're like, literally like salivating to just hold on to August because it's the home stretch. And that's only like another four weeks. So it's insane. We are like holding on to every moment here. If you're like me, I don't know, like the moms out there, I don't know if you ever have five minutes to yourself, but like, I literally don't ever even have like five minutes alone, ever. Like, even in the morning, you know how much you love that cup of coffee in the morning? Like, I come down my stairs, I make a cup of coffee and usually the kids are already at school. Now it's like one by one. They start shuffling down the stairs and looking at me and they're hungry, and I'm like, Oh my God, like, why are you home? And I just, I don't know. I'm already like, OK, when does school start? They need like a routine and they need stuff to do, and it's crazy. Does that make me a bad mom? But like, I love to be home alone in the morning and when they come down the stairs, I'm just like, What? Why are you here? I don't know if I'll ever, ever not love my alone time in the morning for my cup of coffee, but DM me on Instagram. If you feel me because I love to read your comments and I love to know that you know I'm normal because I don't know. Like, I like summer, but then I'm just like, they need to go to school. Like, when do they go back to school? My summers flying by, especially because we're building the house right now, we're almost done. So I can't wait to give you guys an update on the house, too. But you're going to love love. Love this next guest. He is someone I have known for quite a while. You've seen him on television as one of the Shahs of Sunset. I know you guys are so excited. He's my Bravo brother. Guys, I got the one and only Reza Farahan. First of all, welcome to Melissa Gorga on display. I'm so I just play this play. I display each and every day, every day. I'm so happy that my god, finally, I love you and I miss you so much. You know you're definitely one of my favorites. Always have been like, I feel like since the first day we met, we just clicked. Like, I was like, He's my kind of guy like, you know, right, right here. And although we don't see each other or connect as much as I would like, I feel like you guys, you and Joe are right there and like, we stay connected on social media and I feel like I'm a part of your lives. I know that's the thing about social media. We all get to like, sit with you. Wait, hold on. I always see you just like I see the mustache on. I see the mustache off. Ladies and gentlemen, today we have the mustache is on. We have like a little beard working. Have you taken it off recently? Do you go back and forth still? You know, I like I like to change, you know, the facial hair game. And I, yeah, I like to keep it like, you know, fresh, fresh and new. Sometimes you post like throwback photos and they are the most gorgeous for I love it. When you throw up like these older photos of your young younger, you're probably like 18, 19, 20. How old are you in some of these, like supermodel and you're still the most handsome man. But I'm a supermodel. You're so kind. I had fun girl. Like, Yes, I really appreciate it as much then, because I didn't know how good it was because I grew up, like with a bunch of like white people feeling like I was too dark. My hair was too dark. I should have been light skinned and like blonde with blue eyes. And then you realized later on in life how great those things that make you different really are so special. And why didn't they appreciate it more when it was happening then? I know it's always should occur to whatev, right? Like if I can go back to even my 20 year old self right now. Oh my God. Like, it's just not fair. Like, we need that knowledge. Just we should get like we should hit 40. This is what I always say. We should hit 40, right? And then they should just like, send you back 20 years and it's like, OK, knowing what you know, you got one last try. Here you go. You're 20. Like, I don't know. I always think we should just be scaled back one time and get one more time around. Well, I think that's Antonio, right? It's like whatever you learn, like you're like, here you go. Here are those like nuggets now don't suffer. You may suffer in other departments, but at least don't let your mother watch you suffer. And the things that I can share with you that. Here's a golden nugget. Don't suffer in this department. Exactly. Know, and that's, you know, that's the great piece that I get is to share my knowledge with her. Sometimes she just rolls her eyes at me and looks at me and I'm like, you know, she looks at me like cross-eyed and I'm like, Are you good? Like, you look angry. And all I did was like, Chew, I tip my coffee wrong to be totally anything is just wrong, and I giggle a little inside every time she gives me like this little weird attitude because I'm like, Oh my god, I did this st. Like, I'm getting it all back. Everything they say is true. It comes right back to you. She wrote. Either me, yeah, karma. All of the seeds that we plant and we water good or bad. They come back 10 times. It's quick. Sometimes it's 20 years later, but it's. No, you have no idea. Like, I get it back with her so much and I had her at a young age. So I'm like a young mom with her, like having a 16 year old daughter, you know? And it's just, it's crazy. It's crazy. But I am trying to teach her for her to go look at your fine a*s as old as you are. Find F for a woman that had three kids knocking it out of the park. It is like if I were someone coming up watching you, I'd be like, It is a lot of pressure. You make it look easy. You look good. The house looks good. The kids look good. The husband is happy like and the body is tight and right and still looking like a thank you. Thank you. That's very sweet. I think that's like a double edged sword, because sometimes she's also like, you know, like the boys at school, like they want me to face time you. And it's so annoying. So I try to like, dress appropriately when I know I'm going to be like around and not like with my like half shirts or whatever I really want to wear deep down inside. So I try to make that as easy as possible. I'm noticing that the most, probably with Geno, my middle one, because he's a boy and subjective. Yes, and he'll be like, Is that what you're going to wear? Like, are you coming to the school like that? Like, it was his eighth grade graduation in June, and he was like, I don't think you should come and I'm like, Geno. And he's like, Yeah, like, you're like famous. It's weird, mom. Like, just don't come. I'm like, Oh, you're going to have no parents. Like, he's actually the most like, I would say, awkward or uncomfortable with like that. The fame family. Do you know what I'm saying? Like, he's definitely doesn't. My little one is a ham. He doesn't know what to do or who to do it to, or who to show who to talk to. But like Gino's, definitely like mom, just just stand over there, you know? Yeah, I see it with all of my girlfriends that I went to high school with who were like sexy and cute and were out there. Their kids are way more conservative because they were like trying to tone their mom down the whole time. Yes, they're constantly like, I watch them now. They're way more uptight about it because their mom got to be wild and free. So like, isn't that funny how that works? But I try to not be embarrassing, so I try to be like that, that equal bit of like, Oh yeah, you know, but like, I guess so too, I got to live. You know how old you are going to be in this body? I'm not sure. Hell yeah. Let me tell you, the fame thing is so hard because like you know, there was news about Shahs in the press recently. Like, Yes, when that news comes. Melissa, there's regardless of how prepared you are financially, which knock on wood, I'm good. The whole thing about like, wait a minute, like, I'm not going to be living my life on TV anymore, like, right? There's this whole thing that like it is. Reza, I feel you with this because this is something and I want to talk about the fact that they just canceled shows and how you feel about all of this. And I, you know, Joe prepares me a lot for the day that they either fire me or they cancel the show because he says, You know, I see these women, you guys, I'm scared, Melissa. It's become my life. I mean, I've literally been on the show since I'm we would do Summer Bride Bravo's together in 12 years ago, 12 years ago. Yeah. And can I see you guys practicing for like that? No. At BravoCon for the upfronts that I wasn't invited to all day. It was like, No, I know it's it's like and you, by the way, let me tell you about you when it comes to upfronts, guys. For those of you who don't know when Bravo had their upfronts, which is, you know, where you're kind of like showcasing what Bravo has this year to like the press, that's basically what an upfront is. They used Reza. They had Reza go on stage and speak for Bravo, like on behalf of Bravo, right? I feel like they chose you a lot for a lot of things. You're very well spoken. You're very well like you. You know, you have a lot of different categories and you checked off a lot of boxes. They used you a lot to say, like Bravo's Back, we have a lot of shows and Reza would come out on stage and talk about Bravo. So I can't I can only imagine like what it feels like, and I feel like Joe preps me all the time when he says, are, you can't lose it like. This can't be your whole world. He's always wanting to make sure that there is life after Bravo because you never know right when it was going to happen. And no, you do know, you do know because nothing lasts forever. Right? It's inevitable. It's inevitable. And it's just like where you are emotionally, spiritually and you know where you are with it. And I feel like it was such a blessing. And it was like we had a good amount of time. It ended before I wanted it to end. But I'm also not like a Jacqueline Laurita where I get to watch it continue without me like that. We're very much like that. We're both different. If I had, that would hurt 10 weight, so just just paint a picture for me. Do they call you first? Do they tell you this is not happening any more before they put it in the press? How does this go? So first and foremost, we thought it was going to happen twice. Like we, you know, something happened and then it did it. And then I started to get this weird like sinking feeling. And we had a zoom and it was with our production company owner who never zooms with us. And I saw that in the subject line. It was only me going nuts. Then MJ and Mike was not on that zoom. And then I hit up the O.G., which was me on the set on Jay and Mike, and I was like, Yo, what's up? And he's like, Yeah, I'm not on that zoom. And so we end up having a zoom. And they were like, there was also a TMZ article about like potentially the network talking to three of us without Mike about a potential other project. So we heard something about this other potential. And I was like, Wait a minute, are you distracting me from a shock funeral? And then my tears just started like, Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I know it's so crazy, and it's just it. Listen, it's like a divorce, you know, like that has become your career for for how long? I mean, I know you're in real estate, too, and we're going to talk about your real estate because I want to know all about it. But you know, that's definitely a huge piece of who you are. It's your baby. It's your legacy. It's something that I was so proud of. It was I literally later on that day, I was walking around. I was like, If I'm not a shop sunset anymore, what am I like? Who am like all of those like, you know, like, I was like, Oh, these existential conversations? And it was really, really, really hard, just emotionally. And then all of a sudden it was like, you know, it was a beautiful time. I was so grateful for it. And. That is what it is, it's like sometimes it's there's things that are beyond your control and you need to tell yourself like, listen, we had a great run, right? We were a hit show on Bravo for many, many years. The Kardashians and eventually, right? I mean, like, like everything, everything eventually comes to an end and it is bound to happen to our show too. And I'm prepared. But like, you're never fully prepared because you sit there and you say, Was there a piece of you that felt like? Are the people around me going to start treating me different? Am I still going to get the reservation and am I still going to be Reza, the guy on TV to everyone? Or am I suddenly going to have like this? Oh, I'm a regular guy presence. Oh, I'm I'm talking about moving to a small. I'm proud you like me to like a small place and just like, you know, disappearing like normal. Like, why are you noticing changes? Are you noticing anything? No, not at all. But what I do notice is how repulsed I am by people that were formerly on shows, and now they do commentary and it's all negative. I know. Don't worry, yes, you're not going to do that last night. I'm not going to mention the people's names, but like, I would never do that. It's not my thing. Reza Reza mentioned I would disappear. Well, like Kelly Dodd, or she's just the most horrible things about me. Can I just tell you? Any time I have ever seen the woman, she is run to me. She's high. I can't tell you. And she talks about my looks in the world of Housewives. If I was going to put people that you could be envious of, pardon the pun with the boutique mansion. If there were, you know, you would be on the top of that list hit lists like you've been on your show for. So many seasons you do girls trip, you have so much success. You know, you have your relationships. So if you are a former housewife or you want to be a housewife or your Kim D or Kim Ji or the money came through, you guys have had almost Haider Kim. You know, like you can look at you and be a huge hater because you're also a much younger, age wise to than the average housewife you're like on the youngest end. Yes. Yeah, I was always about 10 years younger than the rest of the crew. Now I don't I can't say too much because the Bravo gods are watching, but we are definitely starting to film and try to pull in some young blood and some younger girls, which I am extremely excited about. I can't say any names I can't guarantee, but we are filming right now and it's it's it's been fun to say the least. I mean, we've seen young guns come and go. We saw those twins that we're very proud seeing. As they came out, it was like, Bull, I don't even remember their names. They came and went so far. God, yeah, they almost like they almost knocked us off the grid. Let's put it that way. We had to like, regroup after that. People were livid over that season. Livid it. That was like insanity. It's been a while since I had a newborn of my own, but I remember it like it was yesterday. So much changes. When you're a new mom, it's exciting and it's exhausting. Trust me, I know. And something that is super important is picking the right products for your newborn. 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It seems be so painful, like, Oh, sorry, I'm sorry. So, you know, Tamra Judge unfollowed when she she told me when they took her off the show, she unfollowed every single housewife and every single Bravo person because she literally couldn't look. It was like devastating to her. Yeah, I still want to support everyone that I'm connected with, so I follow you guys I like. I see the clips and stuff, and I've stayed abreast via social media, but I can't like bring myself to watch it. It is the weirdest thing. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. I think I would need a detox as well. Like, I would need one year to be like, Don't talk to me about Bravo. Don't show me a Bravo show. Maybe I can circle back next year, but I need to like detox. All things Bravo. Yeah, it felt like, Oh my god, it's like my ex who's thriving without me. Like I like I felt like, Oh, like, I know you're buying and I hear you, I hear you, and I'm so sorry, but I feel like you are like, you are in your own right. Such an amazing human. I feel like you're a hard worker, right? You're a successful guy. I mean, you mentioned about like re finding yourself like, who are you really outside of this television show? Like, give me Reza on the daily. Like with your husband, I mean, you're in real estate. Talk to me a little about that. Totally. So, you know, yesterday I spent the entire day either looking at houses. Obviously, it was Sunday. There were open houses and the market is softening up. And a lot of people that couldn't find homes were able to find homes right now because interest rates have gone up. There's not the, you know, multiple offer situation. So that's happening. And Adam and I have been thinking he loves farming. He's obsessed with growing his own vegetables. He's been so OK. It's funny that like if you go in my closet, it's like Ben defended Boogie Eguchi life. But I spend most of my time in the backyard with my husband, like gardening. And Friday we have tickets to go to a pool area show, which is like this plant that he is in love where an unbelievable. Yeah, I have this definite life that I have, which is, you know, gold and diamonds and marble columns and purging and all that flash. But the day to day with my husband is definitely the farmer's market. And, you know, we composed and we do things that are really important to him and now me because of him. Great new series idea. The Gucci gardener Reza I love. So I love it. Melissa Adam has this show he's obsessed with. It's called Escape to the Chateau. It's a British couple who bought a chateau in France, and they it was dilapidated. They remodeled it and it has a huge farm and they turned it into a wedding venue and they grow their own fruits and vegetables. Then they cook them what wedding meal? And they officiate the weddings and the people stay in the chateau, in the hotel room. So I have literally been sending items like hotels that we could buy, like states that we could move to. My God, I just totally see you doing something like that. I mean, how amazing would that be? But are you really seriously contemplating moving out of California? So like the part of me that wants to, like crawl in a hole and not be known as like resin from shards of sunset may have to go bald like the gay friendly small towns and I have, I may have found a list of 22 cities in the most obscure places you could imagine, and I may have gone on LoopNet and searched hotels for sale in those corresponding cities and fantasize with my husband. I'm like, Oh my God, honey, we could buy this 81 room hotel for like two point whatever million and we could make it like. So yes, I've been fantasizing about it. Unbelievable. Is there like give me like, is there one at the top of your list? Like, give me a city that you really like, find so charming? Totally. It's this one city in. It's called Eureka Springs, Arkansas, Arkansas Red Rooster. I love it. There are 2000 people that live in the city, and 20 or 30 percent of them identify as LGBTQ Plus. So it's like this. Like, I want in Iowa and I could buy the hotel. I could buy the red stripe. I could be like the king of this town, basically. Wow. You would literally rule the whole entire town like you need to own the hotel, the restaurant, the nightclub, the drag show on Sunday. The trolley you need to like, literally run the town. Yeah. And if people were like, you look like the guy from that show, but like, I get out alive. Everyone always thinks that that's me, you know? Oh, my god. Well, what's stopping you? I mean, I don't know. It doesn't sound. I mean, you lived a life in California. I mean, I know there's a lot of money there and you're selling totally, but it's not the worst thing I ever heard. No, and California is different now. Like, I used to wear love bracelets like this and gold Rolex every single day. You can't do that in Beverly Hills anymore, like the smash and grab all that. Is it really changing? Honestly, is it that bad? It's totally that bad. Beverly Hills is a ghost town. If you go to Cartier, there's a rope. You have to put your name on a list to go to Van Cleef Arpels. You need an appointment beforehand. They won't even open the door for you. Wow. It's. You know, I was just there and I felt that I did. I said, something is quiet, like something doesn't feel, you know, I'm there all the time, obviously, for work and stuff. And the last two times I went, I was like, I feel like a silence here or something 100 percent. And I she had that restaurant right there on the corner. Villa Blanca that closed. Yes. And it used to be hustling and bustling and Beverly Hills people walking around on display with the gold and the diamonds. It was my cue to be out and about. You can't do that anymore. Right. There is a lot of crime. A lot. Totally. What are they doing? They're just walking up to you, taking your Rolex off your wrist and keeping it moving. There is a video of this guy in L.A. getting into his DUI again, and you see this like white car pull up. People got out of the white car to get him to take his watch often threw it over the fence of and like it landed somewhere back on his property. Yeah, wow. And so they get the watch. No, they didn't get the watch, but that was smart. There's a few of those videos on Sunset Boulevard, a guy coming out of his business to get in his G-Wagon and boom, you're getting stopped. Wow. What do you think the biggest? What caused this? What's the number one cause that you think really changed areas like Beverly Hills? Honestly, like, was it the pandemic, like, I don't know what happened, it literally unleashed during the pandemic. There was all the politics and all of this stuff I know which I don't get into, but it's just a mix of it all. It's like we are going through that time. And it's not just Beverly Hills, New York is suffering as well. I mean, anyone who had a Hamptons house is living in the Hamptons. They're not living in the city anymore. Everyone, like New York, is quiet. Everyone is zooming. No one drives in as much anymore. I mean, New York is still New York. It's there, but it's it's not the same just yet. It's just not, you know, I actually had to fly to New York, and it was the very first time I was flying in New York. And it was not Bravo related. But I flew it first cla*s. It was for recipe stuff and I did a Macy's live. But it was so weird being a New York and like going through the whole thing and I was staying at the of war, which is one of the hotels we would stay. It was crazy. So talk to me about your haircare line. It's called obsessed. It's called. Rather than be obsessed with big, carry me at Macy's. Like, first of all, that is huge that you're in. How are you walking around with your tablet? Do you have no product in me? No. Come on. That's huge. And Melissa, like if anyone listening to this podcast and thinks like, I'm walking around bah humbug or like, woe is me. Not at all. Like ten times blessed, you know, I literally was in a dog park one day and the my dog got into it with this other dog and I looked over and I'm like, Oh God, who am I going to have to apologize to now? And I see this blonde bombshell with this ginormous rock. And like, I could see a Rolls-Royce Dawn beyond me. So I saw the Ms. Birkin I knew, like I put it off because you were dealing with. Yeah. And I walked up to her and she was like, Oh my God, she's like, I love your show. And I was like, Thank you so much. And she's like, You have the best hair, like the biggest hair and we get into it. Turns out she's a chemist and owns a manufacturing plant. And she's like, Have you ever thought of having a product line? And she let me design the product line with her, Melissa. So she was like, Do you want to put these crazy things that we can buy that are more than what other people would do because it really cuts down your profit margin, right? It's in line with who you are like, we could put crushed diamonds in there. It would do this at this molecular level. We could do gold. We could do this thing called the king coconut, which is only found on the island of Sri Lanka. There's something called hydrolyzed pea protein, which is great for people that use like a curling iron, a hairdryer or like a flat iron because it's heat activated. So once you start using it, you unleash the benefits of the hydrolyzed pea protein that protects your hair nice. So I got into it. I need all of this, by the way. I'm sending you everything I'm going to get and I'll send you here is actually this is the dream kit that we sell may see. I think, Oh my God, that is awesome. I need this year. I bought you guys. Where can everyone find this on or rather than just typing Brasa? And you'll see that it's got we have a leave-in, we have a hair oil, we obviously have a shampoo and conditioner, we have a pomade. Kids used to tease me and call me residue when I was little in school, and I hated that word until I had a hair care line because there's no residue, but pomade washes out. It doesn't leave your hair feeling heavy. The ingredients are so good. That's why we got into Macy's. Wow, that's sick. But see, now now that's a little like silver lining there. If you if you weren't Reza right from the shots on set, she probably would have noticed your gorgeous hair either way. But that's why people say, like, there is a little stepping stone from alchemy these out because it made her want to speak. It made her want to tell you what she does 100 percent. And so there's this silver lining you could literally like, blow up with this. I mean, you're in Macy's, which is huge, which means it's an awesome product. So that alone is amazing. I'm OK. I'm so happy for you. I really like you so much and I'm writing a book which I'm so excited about. It's called Memoirs of a Geisha as opposed to a Geisha. Yes, I love it. Get it. Get it. Yeah, it's so obvious, and it's been so cathartic and amazing and. It's funny, and it talks about like just like who I was. All the things you don't know about me and how I literally wanted to be the king of Iran, who's called the Shah of Iran. But the monarchy was abolished, and I ended up being a sharp sense that having nine seasons out Bravo. So let's talk about manifesting your destiny. Like, I still got to be the Shah. And I still got to be the main shive was the main, Shah said. I love that. Are you currently writing that right now? I'm totally. I have a ghostwriter that I'm working with because although I would love to write it out myself, it's not my forte. So I hired someone who could put my thoughts together. Yes, it makes sense. When can we expect this to come out? When are you predicting? I'm predicting April 20 23. OK, we'll see you. Look, you have a lot of stuff. Oh my God, it's totally so much going on. I love going on you as a person. You just have energy. You've always come into a room and it's like, Reza is here, you know, so you've always been like a special guy and you're doing real estate as well, right? You're totally right. Yeah, I'm in real estate. My clients are my clients. They don't like showing off or being showcased on a TV show. So like I do my business, you know, I make my money, I live my life and it's really like blessings on blessings. I'll see you at BravoCon, which I'm so excited. I was just going to ask you because a lot of times they do bring everyone to BravoCon, whether you're on the air or not. So are you going to be on Bravo? Yes, I'll be off Bravo. I'm so, I'm so excited to see you there and so excited about that. You know, you never know what the future may bring. You don't. Don't ever. And never say never. That's all I'm going to say. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of choices that are out there, whether you're shopping for cereal or toilet paper? There are so many options. It's hard to know what's best for you when it comes to finding skin care products that actually work. It's even more overwhelming. Trust me, as a mother who looks after her skin and her teenage daughter skin, I know how much of a pain it is to sort through all the different types of skincare products at the store, hoping you just find one that works. That's why we are so excited to partner with Apostrophe, the sponsor of this episode. Apostrophe is a prescription skincare company that provides access to oral and topical medications that use clinically proven ingredients to help clear acne. Simply fill out apostrophes online, consultation about your skin goals and medical history. Then snap a few selfies and a board certified dermatologist will create your first customized treatment plan. Apostrophe treats all types of acne, from the hormonal acne to facial acne and even body acne. They treat breakouts from head to toe. We have a special deal for our audience. Get your first visit with an apostrophe provider for only $5 at Melissa. When you use our code Melissa, that's a savings of fifteen dollars. The code is only available to our listeners, so do not miss out on this. To get started, just go to Melissa and click Begin Visit. Then use our code Melissa at the sign up and you'll get your first visit for only $5. Thank you apostrophe for sponsoring this episode. All right, listen, I end every segment with a little thing called grilled with Gorka. OK, rapid fire questions. I'm just going to ask you a couple of questions. You just give me your answers. Dude, let's do it. Your first celebrity crush. My friend, Tom Cruise, risky business. Oh yeah, I got you there, OK? Your favorite 80s song? Rock the Casbah, Bo. And I like that rock. I like it, I like it. I like it. I'm such an 80s girl. OK, what's your biggest regret if you ever regret? What's your biggest regret? My biggest regret, my biggest regret is probably not furthering my education to the point of like an D or a p h d, because now I look at those people with so much respect for the dedication it took because I have a lot of people in my life who are financially much more successful than an M.D., but just the dedication it takes to grind at something and like, there's a way there's people that measure and you have to get there. You know, you can't find a way. I respect. Yes. So that is my biggest regret. And what's the best decision you've ever made? My best decision I ever made was to commit myself. Relationship wise to my husband. He changed the way I am and I live. And, you know, I had a lot of like PTSD, from growing up with parents who had to flee a country and start all over, you know, while they were watching, like people being hanged back at home and like, I'd be a little kid watching them watching this stuff. He comes from like the Midwest and he's like, easy, breezy and it's a track, baby, you know, and he's just got this very calming like energy that now permeates our life and our house. Fair. Give me your pet peeve. What is your biggest pet peeve? My biggest pet peeve is someone that uses a toothpick, especially if they just uncover half of it like they leave the cover on half the toothpick, they pull it down. They use it and they put their hand here, but they make a lot of noise. They are right and they move biscuits and they stick because they're covering their hand like bears. You can't see them examining what they pulled out and then chewing it or whatever. Like, No, oh my god, I don't want to see that. I decided this is my pet peeve is, well, gee, sorry, toothpicks. Yeah. Handle it. OK, do it at home and right before she teeth with floss or something. Go to the bathroom. Do it while you're in there and come back with you. Will all perfectly gleaming, shiny Chloe. Yes, f*gs. What's the worst date you've ever been on? The worst date I've ever been on. I mean, obviously, it's going to be before your husband, I'm assuming. Totally. We got the guy behind Mars of the Quattroporte, they wrote. When they had come out and we pulled up to the valet of Buddha's belly and the valet was on the east side of the street and we were on the west side of the street. And for insurance purposes, he explained that he could not take the car and the keys on the side of the street, that he would have to pull the car around to my correct side of the street, right? So he got so angry. He got back in the car, slammed the door. Look, the b***h pulled the car, got out, slammed the door and the guy pulled the hand out to like, you know, give them the ticket he snapped it could give from the guy. So like, imagine them having to sit down and have a meeting. It was so tense. You're like, this guy's a maniac maniac. Like chill the f**k out. The guy said he just wanted him to turn around the corner. That's it, and just turn around the other way. He said, Dude, I cannot accept the car on the wrong side. We have insurance with this side of the street. You got to give me the car on the right through here, which makes sense where the business is. I'm not taking the car over there. And he literally was so like, entitled and angry. Oh, and like rich that he didn't, you know, none of that. He had no compassion for the guy that was never going to end well with you. Anyway, that's that sort of thing that wouldn't last. Oh, it was literally the food wouldn't go down. It was miserable and uncomfortable. Yeah. Your first concert you've ever been to. My first concern. Michael Jackson, oh, you've been to a Michael Jackson concert. Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson. I love George Michael Madonna. You have killed everyone in the concert category. That's pretty amazing. Tell me something about us that something about you that's going to surprise us. I feel like we know everything. But is there anything really about you that people just don't know? Yes. Like, if I come to your house and I see what you're wearing, the dishes, you have the appliance, you have the shoes that don't have a label on it, like I can tell you what type of wood it is, what kind of stone it is. I can't tell you what kind of refrigerator it is by the handle. Like, if you have a bag like I can tell you what Ortega bags are known for, what Balenciaga bags are not, you know, like that, you know, a cheap shoe when you see one totally like, if I see a stone, I know what the stone is because I know stone, right? I know, like if it's good, I know about it and I can tell you, Oh, that's beautiful lighting silverware. Because like, my mom used to have it because like, my mom was like, Yeah, so it's just something that like, you're like a walking product almanac. So I'm literally Melissa. I went to dinner with a girlfriend one time who was didn't have money and really worked hard and became a successful realtor. And one of her girlfriends who had no money started dating a rich dude. And we were going to have dinner together. And so the three of us are sitting and the friend gets up and goes to the bathroom, and my friend is like, Brad, is her purse real? And I'm like, I don't know. I have to see the inside. So she grabs her friend's purse, unzipped the purse, puts the purse in my lap. Melissa, I'm knee deep in the purse and she comes back from the bathtub. Imagine coming back to the table. I I was like thinking, I'm all up and I was like, I'm so sorry, your friend over here is shadiest by comparison of your purse was real. And I told her the only way is if I could see the lining, because that looks good on the outside. I thought it was a real purse. That's great. And if I can agree, that's why I need you with me. I need you to be my guy. I need to go around with you. I need to go to lunch. Hell yes. And the next time you're in L.A., you have me up and we need your help or style. We're going to. All right. Hold on. Almost done here. Tell me your favorite late night snacks over on the couch or what are you snacking on? Probably popcorn. I just love the crunch of the texture, the saltiness. My husband loves that we start. Yeah, it's like our thing. What was your first job you ever had? My first job was a file clerk at the law offices of Lexton Lex on Wilshire Boulevard nine one seven one Wilshire Penthouse Suite Licht and Lex L I C H T analyzed the vulnerable. You remember exactly what? What show are you binge watching right now? What are we watching? That's good. So I'm anything on I.D. or oxygen, anything like true crime. I'm obsessed with their life. How did they end up like this? Like what's going on? I'm like, all, I'm all about it. Anything non bravo. Wow. Wow. I love Basketball Wives. I can't not watch Basketball Wives. You I've never seen I know a lot of people love Basketball Wives, everyone loves it, so I always end with Tell me if the day is all about you, Reza, how do you treat yourself? So like my ultimate day would be wake up, get into my ports, whose name is gee, I put the top down and I'd roll. Go get some coffee. And it's not for Jesus. It's not for your niece. Okay? It's for the model. Like this? From the movie, from the movie battle with Angelina Jolie. Of course, because you have to understand when I was a kid, she was the real model and I saw that movie. Yes, I got old. Some people would assume it for this year. Yeah, it's definitely like, I know the gia you're talking about. Love that freakin movie. Love that whole thing down. I go get a coffee. I do my workout. One of my best girlfriends. She's the she's married and super wealthy. Her husband has 10 Grammys, and she lives like five blocks away from me. And I go to her house, show the huge motor court and we walk out in her motor court. Our trainer rolls up with a van. I hold all the equipment out of the van and sets up stations. We do a workout. Then we go to like the ivy for lunch, which is so old school. But it's like, I love the ivy. I still go there when I go because it's just it's just that thing, right? Yes. And you have a gimlet and you sit outside and you feel really fabulous and good about the world. I need to do L.A. with you next time I come to Beverly Hills. I really, really. Yeah, oh my god, Reza. This has been so much fun. My love for you, just like I really do, I've always let go. Always. Well, thanks to everyone that there is life after Bravo. You have so much going on. I can't wait to read the book. Everyone run. Don't walk to right now. Type in Reza and get his hair care line. He is known to always have the best of the best of the best, so his haircare line is going to be the best, the best for sure. And I am going to see you at BravoCon. I can't wait for months and a couple of miles away. Thank you for having me on. This was a blast because of course, I miss you and my love to Joe and I were kids and Teresa and everyone was, I love everyone on your show. I'm a huge fan of your show. I support everyone on this show and I can't wait to start watching it again because the wound heals. And then, you know, I get back on the horse and we do the damn thing. That's exactly right. Oh my god, I love you. OK, I love you too. OK, bye, baby. You. Hey, everyone, this is Heather Dubrow, and do I have some exciting news for you? We are launching a variety of new episodes that are going to have amazing special guests. Some of my close friends and so much more. It's going to be really fun and we're going to get to hear for fans, new friends and get an inside look of my world. We're really excited for you to listen and join in for How did you rose world on podcast? Fun episodes drop on Thursdays and Fridays. Tune in on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Past Episodes

This week, Melissa welcomes her favorite guest, Joe Gorga, to the podcast to discuss the challenges of parenting teenagers, including some tough decisions they?ve had to make recently. Plus, Melissa celebrates a sweet victory with her now-famous sprinkle cookies and teases some exciting new products on the way.

They're later joined by a surprise guest, Frank Catania, who gives us the inside scoop on his son?s engagement, shares his thoughts on Dolores and Paulie, and drops spills a major secret about his own engagement to his fiance, Brittany. Tune in for some juicy updates this week! 

This week's sponsors: - The Place to Find a Place: - Find the Stay That's Ridiculously Right for You:

Happy Mammoth - Feel Like Yourself Again: , promo code: MELISSA (15% off)

Pluto.TV - Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV (Free)

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool: 

00:51:33 3/6/2025

This week Melissa invites the amazing momager and one of the realest girls in Jersey, Danielle Cabral, to talk about the one and only moment that Danielle requested to cut from RHONJ, why the dirtiest castmates on the show really have nothing to fall back on, and what she thinks is next for the beloved franchise. 

Melissa and Danielle also share their thoughts on how Dolores is playing The Traitors game, whether they would want to be traitors or faithfuls, and why Danielle would have a hard time playing a low-pro game. 

This week's sponsors: - The Place to Find a Place: - Find the Stay That's Ridiculously Right for You -

Happy Mammoth - Feel Like Yourself Again: , promo code: MELISSA (15% off)

Pluto.TV - Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV (Free)

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Sono Bello - Winter Savings Event:

01:09:19 2/27/2025

Star of Netflix's Selling the City Eleonora Srugo chats with Melissa about the casting process for the show, her falling out with Jade Chan, why Steve Gold is such great eye candy, the crazy real estate market in Manhattan, the sacrifices she made in her social life to get where she is, and dating life in the city!

We have deals for you!!

  • Naked Wines: Get 6 bottles for $39.99 with shipping included at - click Enter Voucher and use code MELISSA for both the code and password!
  • Orgain: Want more protein? Go to and use code ONDISPLAY for 30% off your order!
  • AquaTru: Stay hydrated! Get 20% off any AquaTru purifier with code MELISSA at 
  • Need a place? Head to - THE place to find a place!
  • Traveling? Head to - Booking dot YEAH!
00:54:05 2/20/2025

Melissa invites celebrity best-friend, CEO, and author, Loren Ridinger, onto the show to share her heartbreaking story of losing the love of her life, the very powerful way that she views grief, and her incredible advice to anyone who has dealt with the loss of a partner.  

Loren?s amazing story of grief and growth is all in her brand-new book, Scrambled or Sunny-Side Up?: Living Your Best Life after Losing Your Greatest Love, available now.  

This week?s sponsors: - The Place to Find a Place:

Belle Vitale ? Improve Hormone Health and Well-Being: or , promo code: BV15 (15% off) 

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

Prolon - Fasting with Food: (15% off + $40 Bonus Gift) 

Pluto.TV - Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV (Free)

Rula ? Quality Therapists Who Specialize in You: (Patients typically pay $15 per session)

01:07:06 2/13/2025

Melissa invites the always entertaining Joe Gorga back onto the show to talk about Joe?s strange obsession with the local news weather segments, the many phases of Melissa Gorga (according to Joe), and their new obsession with The White Lotus. 

The two also share their plans for the Superbowl, and discuss the dilemma they have when trying to pick which team to root for this year.   

This week?s sponsors: ? The Place to Find a Place:

Belle Vitale - Hormone health that will change everything!:

Quince ? Luxury Essentials at Affordable Pricing: (Free shipping and 365-day returns)

00:47:16 2/6/2025

This week Melissa catches up with the always lovely and always faithful, Dolores Catania, to talk about how she used her own private detective skills on the latest season of The Traitors, the one competitor that the jury is still out on (even after the show), and why a life on RHONJ perfectly prepares you for a reality competition show.

Dolores also gives us an update on her amazing family, how she and Paulie are doing, and why she?s loving this stage of parenting.

This week?s sponsors: ? The Place to Find a Place:

Belle Vitale ? Improve Hormone Health and Well-Being:

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

Naked Wines ? Amazing Wines at an Affordable Price: , click ?enter voucher? and use code MELISSA for both the code and password (6 Bottles for $39.99)

Orgain ? Clean, Organic, Plant Protein Powder: (30% off order)

PlutoTV - Free Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV

Sono Bello ? Lose Stubborn Fat in One Visit:

01:07:02 1/30/2025

With Traitors back in full swing, let's revisit a chat with who ALMOST won it all last season.

Melissa invites the fan favorite from the latest season of The Traitors, Mercedes Javid (MJ), to talk all about the the pros and cons of being married to old-school men, what happens when two famous partners react to fame very differently, and the behind the scenes secrets of the hit reality show, The Traitors.

This week's sponsors: - The Place to Find a Place:

Pluto.TV - Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV (Free!)

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Prolon - Fasting with Food - Join The January Challenge:

00:48:45 1/23/2025

Melissa invites the always hilarious, Joe Gorga, back onto the show to talk about the parental dilemmas with Apple Pay, Joe?s NSFW idea for his own cookie business, and who, out of the two of them, would make the better employee. 

Melissa and Joe also give us their take on the latest season of Traitors, the team they?d want to play for on the show, and why Joe would probably blow up his game on Day 1. 

This week?s sponsors: ? The Place to Find a Place:

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

PlutoTV - Free Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool: 

00:46:21 1/16/2025

Melissa welcomes mom, hustler, and pod host, Amanda Hirsch who also happens to run one of the best Instagram accounts out there to talk about the future of RHONJ, whether that includes MG, what Andy Cohen has said about it all, and where Melissa stands with her castmates! 

They also chat about the RHONY reboot, who owned the most recent season, who got a little off course, and how these ladies stack up against OGs like Sonja Morgan and Countess Luann de Lesseps.

Plus, Sprinkles by MG and how and when you can get some! 

And which Bravolebrity is killing it on Cameo!

Thanks for supporting our sponsors!

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Prolon - Fasting with Food: (15% off 5-Day Nutrition Plan)

01:02:10 1/9/2025

Melissa is joined by the always hilarious, LadyGang, to talk about the "cheugy" (or "chuggy") feud between Millenials and GenZ, how Keltie is owning the term, "Sexy Mature," and who, out of the crew, would make a great addition to The Real Housewives. 

This week's sponsors:

Babbel - Language Learning that Actually Works: (Up to 60% off!)

PlutoTV - Free Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Prolon - Fasting with Food: (15% off 5-Day Nutrition Plan)

ZocDoc - Trusted Doctors Just a Few Taps Away:

00:59:26 12/26/2024

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