Today, Jonathan connects with Francie Wayland, a private investigator, to discuss a case with great personal significance to her. Her friend, Tara Breckenridge, disappeared from the Houston area on August 3, 1992. Police had a suspect, but Tara's remains were never recovered, and no arrest was ever made. Now, over 30 years later, Jonathan taps in to Tara in order to uncover new leads on where the body may be hidden, and why it has taken so long to find her. If you have any information on the disappearance of Tara Breckenridge, please contact Francie at ATX Investigations, 512-900-5817. You can also email Francie at And remember, if you want to connect with Jonathan and possibly be a part of the podcast, follow @jonathanmarkmedium on Instagram and send him a DM, or drop us an email via This is a Redd Rock Music Podcast IG: @reddrockmusic