Media Roundtable

We nailed 9 of 10 of our 2023 predictions. What's next for 2024?

"[Audio] is the last kitchen table conversation that exists in this country." - Dan Granger, Founder and CEO of Oxford Roadn Chief Audio Officers, as we plan for 2024, it's the perfect time to go back and see how well we predicted audio in 2023. Because as Churchill said, "Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." So how did Oxford Road do on our 2023 predictions? TL;DR, scary good. Like a 90% hit rate. And not to toot our own crystal ball, but for all the CAOs who care about where audio is heading, you'll want to hear what we think is coming down the RSS feed in 2024. Hosting the Media Roundtable once more is Oxford Road founder and CEO, Dan Granger, joined by fellow Podcastradamuses James Ingrassia, Spencer Semonson, and Stew Redwine. So let's re-calibrate our crystal balls and make a full tarot deck's worth of bold predictions that'll no doubt shape your year and budgets.

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