Feel Good Podcast with Kimberly Snyder

Unlock the Power: Discover the 6 Key Benefits of Amino Acids for Optimal Body Function

This week's topic is: Unlock the Power: Discover the 6 Key Benefits of Amino Acids for Optimal Body Function

What's really wonderful about this show today is it's sort of locking an inner power, if you will, from ingesting certain foods and even supplements that contain these amino acids. This is something that we all want to learn about and is very easy to do.

By the way, eating a plant-based diet is something that I also paid special extra attention to when I was pregnant because amino acids and protein in general become very important when we're pregnant. We'll get into the benefits today and highlight how we get these foods, sources into our body, how we benefit and how we really maximize this power that comes from utilizing amino acids in our life.

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USE LINK: hiyahealth.com

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