Media Roundtable

"Media Roundtable: What is a Download?"

Calling all Chief Audio Officers-it's time for another all-new episode of the Media Roundtable: Special Edition! To give you the tools to ask the right questions, we're bringing you a deep dive into an issue that has plagued the industry since its inception - "What is a Download?" And we couldn't ask for a better group of guides on this journey. Making his hosting debut is long-time guest, Oxford Road EVP of Strategy & Insights, Giles Martin. Joining him are fellow Oxford Road Luminary and VP of Media Operations, Miranda Romano, along with special guests Bryan Barletta, Partner and Founder at Sounds Profitable, and Pete Birsinger, CEO & Founder of Podscribe. The question of "What is a Download?" is a surprisingly tricky one. Our industry leaders have worked hard to ensure our podcast compasses are pointing north (or as close to it as possible). This is the story of how they did it, and what's next for all the CAOs who are navigating with these same tools.

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