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On Display with Melissa Gorga
01:12:02 3/23/2023


I'm done with the cold, my bones are hurt and I'm tired, I'm like, You're 80, you don't stop me. I want these bones are my boy. God, I got to trade them in right now. Welcome to another episode of On Display with Melissa Gorga. Guys, I'm so excited this one's a special one today. She is one of the best housewives of the franchise in history. No, hold on. I read on that, huh? You got to keep the bloopers in. Do it again. No, no, no, no, no, no. No. All right. She is. She is the I wrote this guy. I wrote it. She is the best housewife in franchise history and the reason why I can't talk like this because it doesn't line in right now. And she is. She is the love of my life. She is the most stunning girl I've ever laid eyes on. But you know, I can't see it because my eyes OK. I can't believe they wake up to her every morning. You don't. Crisis is hurting my heart. I tried to let you do this. Now I can just say that that just hurt my heart. Finish, no. What you logic. You tried to do the introduction. It did not work for you because I can't see. No, you talked a million miles a minute. You couldn't talk fast enough. You still didn't even like. Welcome to another episode. Welcome to another episode of On Display with Melissa Gorga. Guys, I'm so excited for this one today. She's the most beautiful housewife in franchise history, and she is the love of my life. She's the most stunning girl I've ever laid eyes on. And I can't believe that I wake up every morning to you. I just think and be when you walk, when you walk and I'm behind you. God, I breathe their air. You don't even know me with a spoon. Is that my end? Oh, wow, wow. I just feel like I need to like, redo that for you right away. Well, was it terrible? It wasn't. It was a good try had it was your first time introducing on display. Listen, guys, we not going to get it today that Joe actually asked me if he can do the intro today. And I was like, You know what? You entered? You interrupt me every freaking time. Anyway, go ahead. You want to introduce me today. He wrote out what he wants to say. And you guys just heard it. That was his introduction. Here's the problem. Here's the problem. Here's why this year this has never happened to me. I'm like Super Joe. I really do. I feel like I'm Superman, but I'm losing my eyesight. I am. You're losing your eyesight and I'm losing my hearing. She can't hear. She's always like, Wow, wow, I don't hear it and I am deaf. Like, everyone has to repeat. And then I learned when people put masks on. I was really deaf. I was like, Wait, I never knew. I read lips like, I legit read everybody's lips. Like if I go to a doctor's office, they still wear the mask. I don't know what the person saying behind the desk. I'm like, Come again, come again. What was that like? I stare at them in their eyes. I don't know what they're saying. You, I'm driving, I drive in my car and I was calling my credit card and I couldn't see the number I'm looking for. I can't. I'm down the wrong number. I keep calling, so I take a picture of it and I got to take a picture of it on my phone and I still miss Newman on it. Open it up to call me. We are not that old. This is crazy, you know, so you're going to have to need those little reader thingies. Soon, as I hit 40, I know I refused to wear glasses. No, it's a reader you can't refuse. It's so handsome to wear glasses. I don't think it looks good with my bald head. Yes, it does. Yeah. Did you ever? Well, turn you on? Sure. Anything of anything new and revived? How will get anything new by? Me too. Yeah. Feelings are mutual. Yup. Yup. So Joe's not. He also can't speak today. He said 10 things wrong already. Just before when we were sitting here talking about this for a minute about the podcast. He got Invisalign today. I just got him just two hours. Yeah. So you are talking with a little guy. I'm so jealous. Frank attending a new chopper's. He's got new ones. I know when he smiles, I'm like, Look at you. You look like machine food. A Britney frank. Everyone's getting new teeth. What are these teeth called? What do they venture? No. Well, no. They got veneers, veneers, got veneers. I call them ventures. I was offered veneers, but I said, Let me try this first because I really do have to give you veneers. Yeah, but you know, you trying to teeth and I get accused of having veneers all the time. Everyone always thinks that I have fake. When I first met you, many of those teeth were like, Unbelievable. They are. I mean, you know what really attracted me when I first met? Somebody asked this question. I said, What attracted you to Melissa? You know what attracted me to you, right? Everything. Oh, come on. That's such a boring answer. Yeah. Listen, I like you to be a little more right now. I want you to say, like, no recap your kneecap. I loved the way your kneecap is a track, because that to me, is real love. Like if you're attracted to it. No, really. What really attracted me first when it made me was attracted. Maybe look at you was your hair shoes. I saw that hair and I, you know, I waited to take my thick, black curly hair like your daughter. Yes, I love the hair, and it was just an eye catcher for me. And then what else, though? Just the hair? No. And really mean now if you're going to start? Talking myself talk a little bit now, I just can't really be in love with you, really. You know, it was just kind of everything, really nothing will be bothered me. I'm not. I'm not going to. No, no. I was asking your questions. The question was not that, though, just if you're going to ask me this question right now, it wasn't about looks. It was what is the one thing about Melissa that really attracted you to her besides for her, looks like. So what was it about me that you really like that had nothing to do with with my looks? What attracted viewers question what attracted me to you the most was that you were just the go getter. She was a hustler. She she was working three jobs and she was going to college. She was just about to graduate college, and she she was becoming a schoolteacher. And I am a workaholic. I work a lot, and that's what attracted me to you. You were just like a go getter. You weren't like this girl that I was meeting. That was just like, Hey, give me a credit card or, you know, you were just like, I was hustling and I like that that I had. I think I had three jobs. Yeah, like, you have to keep up with me. Like what? People have to keep up with me. And you were you were a hustler. Like now, she she she works the hustler. Yeah, she moves. If she was lazy, I'd get crazy. I'm like, I. Come on. I wish I knew why I'm on the move. When I when I met her guys, I was like, Listen, I got to go. I like vacations. I got to move. I want to go out. I want to go to dinners. In the beginning, I'm going to be on. She's a little she was. You were a little bit more because she was going to baby stages. She wanted to be home a lot, baby. Oh, you mean when I first had our babies? Yeah, you, we first got married. Yeah. Yes, you do. Through the baby stages, you were kind of like boring. You want to be home and I'm like, Oh, because I have to. If we went out at night, I'd have to get up with the newborns are like even a two year old. The next morning, they would come in my room at 6:00 a.m. That's an excuse. I would leave at five o'clock in the morning. What's the difference? I'm just saying it wasn't as fun to me to go out when we had babies as it what is it is for me now. Like now I'm like, Let's go, you want to go, let's go because my kids don't need their asses wiped anymore. You know, she was a great mom, too. She would get up every night. I never, not once. I don't think I've ever made me want out of three children. Got to put the babies. I never did. Never. I don't think you've. I've never you know why I worked so hard that I was in a coma when I had them. I could not get there. A fire truck could be in a room and and I wouldn't wake up. I was so tired for. That's why it was good that I didn't work really. The first five years that we were married before Housewives. I mean, I worked in your office, but that was like not, you know, easier during the day stuff, but like, I didn't work. I stayed home with kids the first five years because I did all the baby years with them. I never bothered. You never asked you to babysit like you would call it, which is horrible. But like, I literally did it all the first five years. And then after the five years it was over, I felt like, you know, Antonio was five. Gino, everybody was turning into toddlers. If anything, Joey got, you know, Joey got the least amount of a working mommy because he's the baby. He got the he got the most working mommy, should I say right? But Antonio had me home with her till she was five, and she's, you know, and then once Joey went to was by the time Joey really went to preschool and kindergarten, then I started working. No, I'm sorry. I started working when Joey was born. So he really got screwed. Think about it because I started the Housewives when he was two months old. Yeah, so Joey only knows a working mom, right? Antonia got the first five years, pretty much without me working. Yeah. And you're going to keep working. Now I know that's going to stop. I want you to work to unite 97 and kind of, you know, you keep working. And now what if I in the beginning, guys, I used to be like, Were you going, You're not going to go to work, stay home, take care of a house to watch the kids cook a nice dinner. I want the house nice and clean now my go to work. Get out, go makes them pay the bills. Let's go, make some money. We decided the truth is, though, I know it's a woman's world today. I want to sit home. I want to. I want to sit home, hang out, you know, watch some soap operas throughout the day. And what if I decided tomorrow that I don't want to work anymore, right? I don't want to do anything at all. Zero, I don't want to have envy. I don't want to do my podcast. I don't want to be on the Housewives. I don't want to do all. I don't want to work with all the brands I'm working with. I don't feel like dealing with Instagram anymore. What if I just say, You know what, Joe? I decided, I don't want to go to work, then what are you going to do about it? No, you're going to go to work. Even though you go to work, you call me every day and you still bust my balls. Why are you? What are you doing anymore? I'm like, What? What? So no, you're going to work. Keep busy, please. I keep hearing your little lisp. Shout out to Montvale Orthodontics. They did my Invisalign. They do, they do Joey's. They did Joey's braces. They did. And Tony is Invisalign. They de jure. They're awesome. You know what I didn't like about that. You're going to look like you're going to talk funny because this since day one? It gets a little sore tonight. Are going to be sore. I want to kiss you and make out less have no, not with that. You can't kiss with that in your mouth. We can. No, you can't. That's I forgot to tell you. We can't kiss for six months. Come on, let's make out. Look at the. We don't make out as much anymore. We really know what happened because to me, it's like kind of funny when you like like if you want to like, why does it go? It's like weird two years of marriage and then they stop making out. And it's not that I stop me get out. It's just sometimes I think it's giggly, like it makes me giggle. Like, if you like, put your tongue down my throat, like, what are you doing? So I want to put my hand on her cheek and like, rub it down. Oh my god. Look, I just start biting her top lip and like, work my way down. All right. Well, anyway, can we get to a different subject? And it's like, you're like, No, it's like, it's insane. Why? Oh, why does all women just keep if you guys hear me slurp? And I just mean, we're actually doing the podcast from home today. So you might hear a dog bark, you might hear a child's cell phone because he never lowers it. The lights are flickering in this room because I feel there's a ghost in here or something. I don't know what's happening, but I see a flicker and I'm drinking the most amazing cup of camomile with honey, and I'm having a Milano cookie. They're like old school. The best hands down. I can't have a cookie. I take my things out to see it's going to help you not eat so many snacks. So when I had Invisalign, it was such a pain in the a*s to take them out that I'd be like, All right, I'm skipping the snack because you can't just walk by and throw it in your mouth anymore. I'll be honest, if I don't feel because they grinded a couple of my teeth, you know, so it feels when I took it out before, yeah, they make the space, they make the speech. I just said, I'm not going to have any coffee. You got to take them out. What was it that was a microwave? You know, it's like, what was that? All of our appliances make all these crazy noises. You're going to hear a bunch of crazy noises to you, just jobs. You never heard of the microwave and you're scared me. For some reason, I don't know what the hell. Oh, jeez. Anyway, it's my birthday. Oh, it's a birthday. Happy birthday. That's come in. It's come in. Tomorrow's my birthday. There you go. I don't even ask. Here we go. Listen, those parties you buy me age 18 years together, like 19. How many is it? So I keep trying to figure out if Antonius, 17, she's going to turn 18. We are married 18 years, right? We're going to be 19 and August 18 and a half then correct. Whatever Antonia is, we're one year past her. I'll be honest. She'll get like, What do you buy a woman that has everything I really she has? Do you get stamps? And I buy myself, really? I do. Oh, stop, would you? No, no, no. I'm not saying this in a dig. I'm saying if I see something and I want it, I buy my What is the song? She wants it? She yeah, she is it my credit card? I'm like, Whoa, look at this Neiman Marcus. The thing that being the day, I don't use your credit card. Okay, honey, I got my own money, but you still use mine. I go, use your own. I use my do. I miss independent. Yeah. She takes the points on and on and on and gets all my points. I we my points. Oh my God, our Amex points are like gold. Got to talk to the points guy about that. Brian Kelly. He's amazing. He'll teach you how to use all your points. I get all first cla*s. I get so many points for Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue, and I got two awesome. People really have to learn to utilize their points and because Joe is in construction, so he puts an unbelievable amount of money constantly each month, right? So it's like we get we make so much money off our points. This is like a successful way to be. And let me just tell you that points, guy Brian Kelly, who's amazing taught us all about Use all your points. I'm going to ask him, how do you keep the points away from your wife? He's got to have a solution for that. No, you just use them unless you know you're going to make them go to waste. You have to use the points or else they're going to go back to your birthday. Like, what do you what do you? I've I've done. I've taken you to two hotels, right? You did one here. Not one a couple of years. Days of beauty. I've taken you away on vacation. I've bought your bags and shoes and jewelry. I mean, I mean, what? OK, so what? What is it this year? I don't know. I think something, honey, it's tomorrow. So do you have it upstairs? Is it headed in your truck? Like, what is? Should I go searcher back? That's so funny. Hit it in your truck because I know you sometimes you, but you hide stuff in that truck. You know, I'm going to go check that truck out in the middle there. Here we go, guys. See, like, what do you do in the truck? Why? Who's in the truck? Hey, who's that you're talking to? It's your mother who you think it is. I am a nosey she's jealous. I'm not jealous. I'm nosy. Like, I don't want to know every jealous a little bit about Typekit. We go back to what you're buying me for my birthday gift. You say I'm jealous. What are you thinking about buying me? Why are you so jealous? Oh my god. Would you love me? How much you love me? I love you. And that's why. I'm jealous. Isn't it crazy, but you are. I can't look at you, all I see is this these things? Did you die without me? Would you die? Yes. What are we talking about right now? You would shoot me for my birthday. Then what am I going to buy? OK, you don't have? No, I don't know. I mean, really, I'm very happy about what we're going to do. We're going to go to my favorite place. But honestly, I'm I'm stumped. I'm buying you something for your birthday. I don't know what to get. So why don't you know, kind of kidding my why? I do get insulted, though if there's not like a card or something to acknowledge, just a card is fine. I want to do something I say, Let's do something different about you. There's a lot of husbands out there and wives too. That like once you're married for so many years, you're kind of just like, What do I get them for Mother's Day and Father's Day and birthdays? And it's like you just run out of things, right? Like a lot of times, it's the most simple thing that would make like the biggest impact. Yeah, it's a simple gift that like it was like thoughtful, that like I remember one day we were driving by this store and you really liked that Buddha in the window and like, you bought it for me or something, you know? Yeah, that's what I would like to do. But I know you don't have this. We don't know, not the time. We just don't you everything you say you liked. I go by, you know, you make me buy. I mean, I feel like for us at this point, it's more about like experiencing things opposed to like the gifts. So it's like it is a fun night together. It is the fun little vacation or a weekend getaway. I feel like that's the best thing for a lot of married couples, too, that have kids. It's like, Yeah, we can get a bag or like some new shoes or something, but like to go away with your husband for a night or two, or even just one night and have a dinner and wake up and have breakfast the next morning. I feel like those are the best short. Those especially right, just like something along those lines, could be a memory. Seven memories, you know, and listening only since I'm 34, you know, so it's like thirty four. I don't have a lot of you set you up a nice dinner car bone in the city were gone with the kids. I'm very happy about that. First of all, that's my favorite food, my favorite place and all three kids. Did you tell them they're not going to any sports or doing anything tomorrow? Yeah. Well, yeah, you better tell them the mom's birthday and we're all going to go and it's got these cute a little city in New York City dinner together. I love it. That's all that makes me happy. I wanted to buy a new lingerie since you know that that's not a gift for me. That would not be for me. You have worn one in 17. We've been married like all of my underwear. Looks like lingerie. No, but I want to lingerie. Like what happened today? I don't know. It's really not about you, though, because we've always like the spice. Yeah, you wear it at once in a blue, you know? Hi, guys. Let me tell you about Cozy Earth. Cozy Earth makes everything from cozy loungewear to incredibly soft baths where an even amazingly comfortable bedding. We've heard so many great things about this company from friends and coworkers, and that's why we had to give it a try ourselves. And let me just tell you I'm obsessed with everything that they have. We recently just tried out their bedsheets. They're so comfy, they feel amazing. And I also got a pair of their pajamas, which I've been wearing literally every single night. I really, truly love everything that they have, and when they say cozy, they mean cozy. That is what they are known for. The fabric is so breathable and it feels way cooler than like traditional cotton and that I am such a stickler for it. Like I need comfortable fabric to sleep and between the pajamas and the sheets, I'm so happy. Plus, they've been one of Oprah's favorite things for five years in a row. She herself said that the bedding is the softest ever, and I can't even tell you I 100 percent agree with her. I mean, guys have Oprah loves it, then we love it too. And you don't have to worry about these products ever having any short lifespan because cozy earths enhance fabric prevents all that pilling, which makes these sheets last so much longer than traditional bed sheets. So listen to this Cozy Earth provided an exclusive offer for my listeners today. 35 percent off sitewide when you use code Melissa 35. That's right. Go to Cozy Earth dot com and enter code Melissa, 35, at checkout and you will get 35 percent off sitewide. That's a deal you guys cannot miss. Hey, guys, we all know the pain of driving to the gym, changing in and out of workout clothes and showing up to do some exercises that are dull and demotivating. Well, let's just say goodbye to the boring old workout and start saying hello to the new way to stay fit. That's right. I'm here to tell you all about Peloton. Peloton is more than just a bike company. They actually make treadmills, rowers and other great, high quality workout equipment. With Peloton, you can discover a whole new world of exciting classes that change. Working out from another dreaded test is something that you actually want to stick with. And I'll tell you one other thing I love about Peloton are the music select workouts. You can always find something that'll keep you moving, whether it's a pop music cycling ride, an upbeat walk through a park or a scenic row through eBay. And no matter where you're starting from, Peloton's expert instructors are there to guide you with contagious energy and supportive instruction at every single level. Try Peloton Tread Row or bikes risk free with a 30 day at home trial. New members only not available in remote locations see additional terms at one home dash trial. All right, well, this show, Joe, would not be as successful as it is without you because people love when you come on. So I bring Joe on every like, I don't know, four or five episodes. We throw a little Joe Gorga in because people will just dummy and beg for him. So we'd like to throw a little couples episode in every like four or five episodes. So, you know, it would not be it would not be on display without Joe Gorga. OK, so what I did was ask questions from my listeners and their questions for you. So I went through them. There were, oh my god, thousands. Somebody asked you right? They asked about who was older. What was our age different? Oh, I get to the question, I want to get to it right now. Well, here I'm going to get to it right now, right? I'm going to get to I'm going to jump because I'm kind of like running my show business wants to run the show today. Well, I was getting to a point here. You're going to see where I'm getting. OK, go ahead. So, so here we go, guys. We're going to start. We're going to give you some of the fan questions. So here was one of them that Joe thought was interesting. They wanted to know what the age gap is between you. And I guess people don't know that. OK, so here the age gap between us is I'm 48 and Melissa's 43, she'll be 44. No, we're talking age right now. I'm 43 and one day she's 40. For me, I'm 43. So basically five years apart, but holding three, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48. But the internet says that Melissa is 43 and I'm 42. No, I know the internet always has your name wrong. Like when people read about you in the press, they write, Joe Gorga, 42, I'm like, What the. OK, so we are five years apart. I think people don't know. They might think that you're. Well, here's the problem. I think you're a lot older than me, but you here's the five years old. Here's what everybody know. I look younger than you. So that's why they thought I was 42 in your 40s. I don't think so. Come on. You know what? Basically, when I was in eighth grade, you were a senior. Or freshmen in a senior or something I would have never dated, you know, so it's not that odd. We're not that far apart. He is five years older than me, but that's about it. That's the age gap. Nothing too crazy. I do like it. I look at what a man's a little bit older. I do like that. Although nowadays I think, like if I had to redo it, all these women who are my age are definitely going younger. So maybe like somewhere around like thirty eight, you can't even handle me. You want to handle a younger guy? Yeah, they're actually listen. The younger guys didn't come from your generation, so they're whole different beast. Those sons of b***hes wash dishes. They know how to do their laundry. They let the wife go out every night. They sit home and babysit. They babysit. Literally, I call it, babysit your own children, OK? Those 30 year old Antonio are the men to get right now because they are, but they function themselves. I like these new wave women. It's the new wave women. What do you mean? They don't get married? They just they're into one thing and they can take care of my daughters. Come here, honey. Come here. Come here, baby. I know. Push it, push it. Oh, won't stop. That's all right. It's only when you're playing with that thing. I mean, you know it. Now that I think about it, I probably go with that 42 year old guy that you're supposed to be. You got him. You got him. I know. OK, there you go. I got you right here. It's so funny. It always says on the internet shows 42. He's not, but you'll take it. Joe's 40 with your teeth. Joe's 42. He's missing his leg. He's missing. Is that, you know, it's all kinds of nonsense. I can't not not not this past six months. I can't even I'm like, Whoa, what is happening? OK, what's the best? Here's another question What's the best advice that Melissa has ever given to Joe? These are your questions, babe. They have questions for you. Well, what's the best advice I have ever given you think of things that when you are, you know what? I want to switch the question a little like, what is it that you know? Let me ask Melissa, because she's going to tell me the right thing to do. Like is there is is there a subject where you're like, Oh, no, Melissa's really good at this? Let me ask her like something like that that, you know, like, this is Melissa's thing, and we come back to that question, really? I mean, I'm not. No, I'm not being sarcastic. No, we cannot know just what I want to think about that. No, because you're not going to think because we're going to jump on to the next thing. No, I will think I'm trying to think and I'm you think, what do you get advice from me on clothes? Oh yeah, close you without you. You, you put my work, my wardrobe together. Yeah. You don't know how to dress up. So I just cleaned up my wardrobe. You have made me. You made no. You have made me a better person. Were forgiving and forgetting. Is that advice? Yes. Yes. But is it also wardrobe? As well as there are two things that I'm really good at, and it's just to say I dress nice because of you. OK. This is true. I do dress you better than she does put an outfit out, and then I'll go in the room and out. If I don't, let's just put it this way. If I don't put the outfit out and I allow him to just go in his closet and come back out dressed, I'm almost always like, Turn around, go back in. Like, It's like, I'm talking to my child. I'm like, What is that? And like, put on what I put out. He's like, Why? Oh, my arms don't look good in that shirt? I'm like, I don't care. It's a nice shirt. You want me. She doesn't want me to look good because then the women look at me. She asked me to look, I like you to look good. I'm not one of those. OK, here's your next question. Oh, this is funny. What are your nicknames for each other? Do we? I don't think we do that. We don't have Nick. No, I'm like, I call you like, babe. I'm like, Hi, Ray. I don't know. I don't have it. We definitely don't have nicknames. Oh, my god, is that make us weird? We don't have nicknames. Does every couple have nicknames? Do you have nicknames like you? Call me, Melissa? M.S. Yeah. You say malice. But that's. Is that an AA? I call you babe or M.S. Is that a nickname, babe? I just call you, Joe, I guess, cause you're just like, Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go do this. All right. I need my listeners in the room. White painted gray painted black. Change this change that changes this chandelier. Change that. All right, guys. Let me tell you about care of care of is a subscription service that ships high quality, personalized vitamin supplements and powders conveniently to your door every single month. Everyone is different, especially when it comes to health needs and goals. 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Selection varies by location while supplies last discount taking the time of purchase. Visit Lowe' McPhee's bonus points for details. Right. So you go the changing chandelier is that was another question. Let's talk about that real quick because I think that's so funny. One of the questions were like, Did you change your chandelier is because of the reviews like from the fan reviews or something they obviously don't know. Melissa Gordon. Go ahead. I know the answer to that is no. But no, I did see the reviews. Half of you loved them. Half of you hated them. I would say more of you compared them to like a thing. Like everybody had like a word for them, like they were either umbrellas or they were jellyfish or they were mentors. What are those things called like? There were so many different things. You guys were comparing these chandelier style, which I thought was hysterical. Honestly, I did work with a designer with that. She really, really loved them. I was on the fence with them for a second. And during COVID, we kind of. And I did. I did know I wanted to do something with chains, but I couldn't really find the right thing and we did try to just like get in the house before Christmas. Honestly, guys like we were not even close to done with our house yet. We have so much to do. We still have so much work on the outside. We have the whole backyard, we have porches we have. We're not done with the house, but the people don't realize how hard it was to COVID. And even now you can't. You still, now you can't get electrical panels and services. There's developments waiting a year. One whole year now that's good. It's it's been a ride. And if you've been shout out to all the developers and the builders out there that are built to COVID and dealt with that nonsense and that mess, it is so, so difficult. Well, in our case, we we literally we built this house in nine months, but we really wanted to get in before Christmas and we literally got in. Like I want to say, two weeks before Christmas, so we took what was available, what we can try knowing that I was working with the lighting company that said here, try this out. See if you like it. I had another one that I was like on the fence with that I also loved wasn't going to come in for two months later. So I was like, All right. We tried it and then I switched it out for this more crystal long hanging one that you could see in all the rooms. And I decided I like this one better. So that's basically what happened. Like, I don't I could care less. And I love everyone's outside opinions. But at the end of the day, like, this is my house, I'm going to do what I want. I'm the one that's got to look at it. If I love it and you hate it, I do not give a s**t. OK, sorry. She she orders a dining room set. She looks at it. I like it. I love it. And then a week later, she's like my mother. I don't want it. I then she gives it away and just guys and I lose my mind. I lose my s**t. Don't anymore. I did. I used to. I'm saying I used up like what I really did, because then I'm like, Oh my God. And she's like, Paint the room. Also, like, I didn't show this my kitchen table. I ordered a whole kitchen table and I purposely got the smaller round one thinking it would be great. And then I was like, Nope, no, good to small. I need the larger sides. Inches been like six inches bigger, and now it's not six inches, 10 inches bigger. No sense. Okay, whatever. It's much better. So we had to ship it all the way back for six. You know what? I do this a lot, and the point was I just wanted to get into the house and I realize it's a luxury. We're sitting in this room that it was white, right? And then it went gray. And now it's a dark gray. Yes, no. But who cares? I'm playing with colors. This is what people do. Anybody who just does it once and done good for them. But like I have a luxury of I have you. Of course I have your people. This is what we do for a living if I have a electricians. So it's like if I want to swap out a chandelier, I'm going to swap out the chandelier and see what looks better. I'm not doing it because of any like anybody else doesn't like it. I always appreciate your feedback. But at the end of the day, if I wanted those black chandeliers, they were going to stay OK. But when I swapped them for this, like crystal long hanging one that I can now see in every room, I'm like, OK, now this goes better in the space. Are we wasting the black chandelier? No, I use it. I'm using them in one of my bringing up to Joe's building. He's going to have the hottest foir in any building will be Joe's My three black. Can you please take a picture of that when you hang those? Of course I am. What do you think I wasn't going to? They're so heavy, by the way. They're real change. They're real change. They're so happy. They're actually very cool. I don't not like them, either. Here's the problem. I just think in this space it didn't go as well as the crystal does. So here's the problem I'm building two buildings next to each other, so there's only three of them. So now I got to go buy another one two and one four and two and the other one. So it's cost me more money. So I'm kind of not happy about that. But whatever, I'm handsome. Well, we're going to get better her. I have her old envy chandeliers. Oh, you do a new building. I just built in the gym, so I'll take a picture now and that will look like those are funky chandelier. Still, they look amazing. She threw them out. She was drawing them in the garbage. I. Before I switch Chandelier, it's like I switch underwear, it's going to keep, that's me, that's who I am, and that's that we protect our post out, well, when is we're going to post it? I'm going to take a picture tomorrow. But it's not just that I switch a lot of things like and the funny thing is with the guys about the house, I know because I post it because I do work with a lot of sponsors. So that's the reason why I'll post a lot of the things I do. But the house is not nearly done. We just moved in it two months ago. We still have to do the whole outside like we're not. We're not done yet. So just stay tuned. Moving on, let's get back to more of the questions. Let's say back to relationship questions. OK, so oh, so someone asked, What are your pet peeves with each other? OK, so what is your pet peeve with me? Oh, I got. You go first. Because, you know, you know what my pet peeve is? You just copy me a lot, though. So if I say my pet peeve, you can't copy mine. What's yours? I can't stand. When you like, chew with your mouth, I give you what you don't chew with your mouth open. You'll have a conversation while you're eating. And I prefer for you to do a pause until you swallow it so far and they can chew up you. She don't realize that you do this same thing. You're going to she. When she talks, she eats and then it's OK for her to do it. Because you know what? I'm pretty way like you do not. I got to eat the food in your mouth, and I don't like it. I don't want to have the conversation. I don't want to talk and eat anymore. How about that? Not a I'm just not one of those people that just nitpick on every little thing they pick every day. I think as you get older, you get a little like like younger, if that makes sense. But I want to be like, you're not as buttoned up as you used to be. I'm going to need you to button it up. I want a little cla*s. Go get class this. I'm going to get younger. Listen, as I get older, I'm going to live life now. I have one more life. I want you to get more classy. I've been classy. I can't be any more classy and I am. What are you nuts? Honey, you lose your s**t. Sometimes, though, sometimes you just lose your s**t. Oh, by the way, this episode, I, they they go back. We'll get into weight. Don't go into the episode yet. We're going to talk about this final episode because we're in the middle of these questions. What was my pet peeve? Once we get into the episode, we lose our s**t and we go off to the left and we can't get back to the right. And we're, you know, we don't have a lot of time left. So what's your pet peeve with me? A lot. What do I always say about you? Hold on. All right. That's your and my birthday's tomorrow. Oh, there's a lot, man. You're annoying as hell. Oh no, I'm not. I know if I had, I could tell you what my pet peeve, what your pet peeve was. I know the thing that bothers you the most about why am I running a blank? And I think my head's hurting from these. You're a little slow today. I know what your biggest pet peeve is with me. You can't think of it off the top of your head when I call your phone during the day when you're at work and I'm like, Joe, did you call this guy, Joe? Did you get this done, Joe? You like, hang up on me. Know what the problem is, you know? You know what? She does my busiest time, seven o'clock in the morning, she wakes up the morning and you think it's important? I call the mirror guy I'm sitting. It was architects, engineers. I get the landscaping. She drives me nuts. I go all the way. Wow. Joe, can you come your guys? No, no. The picture. It's not even the worst thing is like, who were are you? And who's there? I hear voices. Yeah, it's the architect. That's the engineer. The where, but where? And who are the, you know? And I click, I got a hangover. You know, it's annoying when I call your phone and you don't answer. And then when you do answer, then I'm like, Where are you? Why didn't you answer? Yeah, if I don't answer for like five minutes and she's like, What were you doing? Like who I were tragically were. I should ask you questions, and I'm like, Oh, shut up. That's just out of habit. You do the same and you get mad. I like this one. Someone wants advice from us. So she said, I'm divorced and dating. How do you know when a guy is serious? I want Joe's opinion on this. How do I know when he puts everything aside and you become number one? When a guy wants to be with a woman, he once spent all the time. Every, every, every every bit of time with her. Who wants to take her to the baseball games that are football games like, let's say, if he went, What is this guy's time? He wants less guy time and spend all the time with you and do everything with you. Not all the time, but less guys. No moat to it gets into like that year after that and then you get married and then it. Maybe then he'll go to his football game again with the boys. But in the beginning, once he's he falls for you, he he pushes everybody aside to spend time with you. So when you see a guy? He puts all his effort and time into you, basically when you feel like he's making you his priority. So it's like, Hey, the guys want to go play, play baseball today, but I know it's the only day I could see you, so I'm not going to go with them. I'm going to go to lunch with you instead. That's right. That's when you know he's serious. Yeah, when a guy is like, Listen, if you want to say if you want to go to dinner and he's like, Well, I'm going to go out with the guys or any starts in the gut once in a while, once in a while. But when a guy always when it's it's a lot going on, he's not that into you, right? So when he's when he doesn't spend the time on you, you know, that's not the right one. You've got to become you got to become number one when you become number one. You'll know when you become number one, you'll feel it. You'll feel it. And that's when he's ready. OK, so that's the guy you take seriously. Yeah, OK. Every guy knows it because all my friends, they went down like, that's into you will never make you feel like you're taking time away from him. Like you're taking his time. Like going with a bunch of guys like, like, say, there's 12 guys. We're all hanging out. One by one, you start missing. They're not showing up. Where are you? Oh, I'm with Melissa. I'm going out, Melissa. I'm going to Melissa. I got there, you know, and that's they love it. They feel it. That's it. They're gone. Then all of a sudden they get engaged and it's over. It's even with your sons and your boys, right? They're young, right? They're all young and they start. Once they meet a girl like they spend less time with their friends than they have their Friday nights with their girlfriends. We saw Geno do that for a minute. I also tell my daughter that too, like she's going to college with a girlfriend, and she hasn't announced yet, but she has picked a college. I'll let her do that, but I tell her all the time like, OK, you're going with a girlfriend. But like, you never know. Like when your girlfriend gets a boyfriend, they tend to like, you can't just expect. Sometimes your girlfriends get a boyfriend or they find, and then they spend all their time with her boyfriend and then like, That's what happens. That's just life. So you can't go in expecting to just be with this one specific friend because the one specific friend may find a boyfriend or get busier, you know? Then how about that friend that when when you get that girl and he tells you she sucks? Oh, come on, let's go. Let's go, come, hang out with the guys. Don't be with her. What do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, when they try to downplay and they try to break you up because now they're all alone. Oh, you mean your friends that try to pull you away from when, like, if you're you're in a relationship and they're getting jealous because they don't have your time anymore? Right, right. So like your friends, try to be like, I don't go with her. Come on, come with me. Yeah, that's terrible. That sucks, too. That's a part of relationships, too, though like a lot of girls that are single, they have like they're going out buddies and even guys. And then one of them get in a relationship and the other one gets pissed because it's like they lost their buddy to go out with all the time. That's a hard thing to too. And then whoever's in the relationship, you feel bad. You try to, like, make time for the friend because you used to go to dinner was and go out with them every night. And now you're home watching Netflix and chill and every night. And then you got that friend. You got good friends that loved loved the situation, that you're in a relationship that they're like, Yes, they root for you. Then you got that one friend that this tries to do everything they possibly can to get you out of relationships. And you don't realize a lot of people don't realize. And then you leave that person and you're like, Oh my God, and what did I do? What did I do? Well, the truth is, a real friend should really always support real love and not be threatened by it. Always. They should not be threatened by it. So watch who you hang out where I am. OK, we got a couple more questions, and then we're going to talk about this fun episode that we had this week. We got some family questions, too. They say, Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Your kids, your career? Ten years, huh? I was on vacation. I'm being Florida. I'm moving to Florida. I don't know that we're definitely going to Florida now. I'm moving. See, we have two different visions of like the getting old thing, and that's we're not going to be old in ten years by any means, but like, but I'm moving to Florida first for tax reasons. I'm gone. I got, yeah, tax reasons. I'm going to live six months in Florida, six months and one day I'm living in Florida and I want to come back to Jersey in the winter like, you know, not in winter most of the summers. So here's my thing you would like to go get a house in like Fort Lauderdale or Miami or something. And I, to me, retirement is like the penthouse in New York City. Like, I love New York, like I just want a penthouse in New York overlooking like Central Park. We'll come visit and we'll go see New York. I'm done with the cold. My bones are hurt and I'm tired. I'm like, You're 80, you don't stop. I want these bones are my God. I got to trade them in. Right now, I'm on construction sites all day. I'm walking around. I don't even want to go out to my car in the cold weather. I'm like this. Well, because you go out so early when it's still like frostbite. I'm in the winter. I leave 5:30 in the morning. I'm out there all day walking these sites where you know, I'm done with the cold. I hate it. I want to walk outside. It's nice and warm. You want to work out. You feel good. Let's go for a run. Let's go. Nine Jersey like. The f**king site you see yourself in Florida, definitely 100 percent. Florida, Florida, Texas, you know, somewhere I want to go, I want to be. Now, are you getting crazy, at least? How people in Florida? I don't know anybody in Texas. Yeah. All right. Well, Joe sees himself in Florida in and I'll still be doing developing buildings in Florida, even if it's in Jersey and I live in Florida. My children will be working and developing those buildings while I'm chillin on a boat in Florida. They might not want to work with your building. Trust me, they're going to work with these bills, and they're 100 percent say, it's funny. A lot of people think that like after we get off Housewives, there's nothing. It's like our life. And what are you going to do with guys going to Dale? Oh, I don't know what they kids like if they only knew, like, it's it's not a gold digger. You know that their visas and they're way out there. Oh, let's talk about the fact that you are going to officiate my cousin's wedding. My cousin Nick is marrying Mike, and Joe has been asked to officiate the way. Call me Father Joe, baby. Or do you think you're actually going to be able to do that? Because like, you just tried to do this little introduction and it was hard for you on my podcast? It wasn't hard. I couldn't see. That's going to come from the heart. I know what I got to do. Don't worry about it's going to be great. I can't come now. Are there specific things you have to say when you're officiating a wedding? You have to be skilled and trained to do that. I'll be fine. Don't worry about training. When I go on stage and I do my comedy act, I'm trained and skilled and I kill, Oh, Lord Jesus, and I'm going to do a great so that way. What an honor. Shout out to Nick and Mike. I love you guys for really thinking to me, that was so special. You are not. You're not officially an officiate her yet. I got to get a license, so you need to get your license, which I think we're going through the steps now. Yes, because you know, that's going to be the wedding of the year, by the way. They both are decked out. I went with them to get their Dolce and Gabbana suits. Oh my God. Like, these two are going to look like impeccable walking down the aisle. I can't wait for that wedding. I'm a bridesmaid. But when it came out, you made it all right. Me and my sisters and my cousins. So it's going to be the most fun wedding. And it's it's a beautiful weekend extravaganza. It's not just one night, it's like a whole thing. So it's going to be see that it's just a nice family, nice wedding. It's going to be great. And I can't believe I became I became father his wedding. And it's such an honor. Well, you have yet you haven't yet. What do you mean? You haven't? Yeah, you got to get your license. I'll get the license. You better. Not you better do good. I'll just be sitting there giggling the whole time. Like, I'll think this is so my goal is to make it very emotional, very emotional. You want everyone to cry. I want people to cry. And then I want to end up with everybody laughing. That's my goal. And if I do that, then I knocked it out of the park. So I want. Yeah, that's my goal. All right. All right. On display with Melissa Gorga is brought to you by progressive insurance. Most of you listening right now are probably multitasking. Yep, while you're listening to me talk, you're probably also driving, cleaning, exercising or maybe even just grocery shopping. But if you're not in some kind of moving vehicle, there's something else that you can be doing right now. 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Let's talk about made out of the park, I just saw John Futa calling your phone, you didn't answer, but I'm dying because this episode this week was absolutely hysterical. It was. Guys, I'm so glad that you guys got to be at Messages Shore House for Messages Birthday week like you got to see our shore house. That episode was so long and it was so much fun. They gave us the full episode of the party. I'm so glad you guys got to see it. I know there was some like negative. Hold on. I'm doing a podcast for Melissa. I'm John Speaker on SoundCloud. OK. Hi, John Food. Yo, what's up? We just want to know my listeners want to know how bad did it hurt when they waxed your chest off? Like, did it hurt? And were you intoxicated while this was happening? I was intoxicated. That's why he didn't feel it didn't. I didn't feel a thing, and I recommend everybody get intoxicated before getting whacked. Oh my god, I actually felt bad for you because it looked like it hurts so, so bad. Did you like, did you stay clean shaven there now, or is there? Do you have chest hair again? You know, my skin is still irritated. Believe it or not, I left my I let my chest hair come back out, especially because it's the winter time and I love it. Oh my god. Does your wife want you to have chest hair or not? No. She's already telling me about a shave for the spring. Yes. I told you, you got to just use a buzzer because it won't hurt as bad. So you got to like, buzz your chest. I'm also going to just be the first one to let you know that I have a lot of listeners that would like you to shave your beard as well or bring it down. Would you be interested in doing that? I started taming the beard, I keep a five o'clock shadow now and got away from me. You know, I joined a few of those. The thicker beer. Don't touch your beard. I'm shaving it with you on camera. So not to shave myself too at the same time. All right. Joe decided. He wants me. I got irritated skin. Now I do go abroad, do karate chop. I put my, I put my nice warm on you. I know what to do. I take care of your brother, John. He wants to wax your beard. He wants to wax your beard. I don't know about waxing the beard. I'm not OK. I like my beard, and I was like, Well, you know what? I saw you. They flash pictures of you when you were younger without the beard, and it was very low shaven and I thought you looked so handsome like that, too. Maybe we should do a vote. I would consider it. All right. We got to do a vote and see what happens. Anyway, we're going to get back to the podcast. We just wanted to say hi, and we were just discussing shaving your chest as you called before, so we decided to get your point of view on that. Are you happy we shaved it? Were you happy that Joe waxed it? I was happy, sir, in the spring and the summer, but I just came back from Texas and I realized real men have hair. I had a real man of hair. OK, bye, John. Brother, I'll call you when I'm done, I'll call you when I'm done by real men have hair, he said. I love. That's true. He's out in Texas. He's either is. I love that guy. He's a great guy. He took it like a champ. He's is a beast and he's very easygoing. He's just, he's a shell. He's so chill. He's a friend. You call him, he's there for you. You know, I just I love good people, man. I just I argue with no easy, easy. I never argue. And I know I know this last couple episodes, right? This last episode and frank continue to. You have such a great friendship. Well, Frank Catania, even Joe banning go and all my other friends, I don't argue, you know, I never argue with anyone. If you can't get a. The only time that you get crazy, icy and frustrated, you don't even do it here. It's just what it's like. If it's about family stuff, you lose your s**t. Yeah. Well, you know, what do you look like this last episode? Did they kind of flash back to me? And, you know, I get aggravated and they show my temper, but my temper is just with family and I can't help it. I want to love. I want everybody to love. I love my family. And if there's things that. I don't want to get into it, but I just I wear my heart on my sleeve. But, you know, I just got to figure out a way to help you with your emotions. You know what the problem is? I just I want to be treated. Like, I treat you, I want to be treated, and I just want to be honest, I want I want everybody to be fair, honest and real and just love, just love me back and I love you and that's it, you know, and I know and it does get people like, Oh, he gets great credit. Yeah, I will always get crazy when it comes to my family because I don't know how else to do it. I want to fix them if I can't fix you. So I maybe I show it in a different way. Right. And we're going to work on that. We have to teach you how to like, express your emotions because I feel like you guys are also used to that, you know, and just like spazzing out when you're very hurt and very upset, but there are other ways to handle it. I don't think they are. I don't think we were used to it. It just it comes out when it gets to that point, like you guys, all the whole fam does that. Well, I don't know. Maybe, maybe, I don't know, but I don't. I don't. But don't mistake your care for crazy. You do care. That's the thing. It's not. It's not. You like it's like you do care. And I feel like you explored in that situation because you never get another time to express your feelings as the only time it happens. Another way is if people try to make you out to somebody or not, and you very frustrated. It's frustrating. And you you. I'm not the type to talk about things. I don't like to talk. You know, I'll let you walk all over me, which is a bad trait. I will. I allow you to f**k me, but that's somebody. You let it go so long and we both have to stop doing this. Like we let things go too long. And then at then we get really mad that we're like, Well, you did this, this, this and this at the end instead of just talking about it the whole time. Yeah, there's a friend at John Ford says to me, he goes, Why are you still friends with that guy? I said, Because he's just, I've been. He's just jealous of me. And he says he just talks a lot about you in a negative way. But. He's he seems jealous, I said he is, but I've been friends for so long and I just let it go because, you know, he goes, I wouldn't stand for that. I go, It's OK. He has a miserable life. And I allow him to do that to me because I'm happy in my life. Is it right? No. But see, sometimes one day maybe I will snap because you hold it in and you hold it in until you snap. I don't know. It's just not right. I just don't like to argue. And then when I do, it comes out that way, you know? All right. Well, we're not talking about anything negative today. We want to be all positive. We want to have fun because it's just but that is that's positive. I can show you how to get it. That shows you. I love you. Sometimes you need to explain like where you're coming from. But getting back to this episode at the Shore House, I really thought was, I mean, there's nothing like a party. I like a message party. Sorry, I feel like I'm sure. Do you stop saying, let's just get over it? Why do I have to say that I bought the house? I built the house because you're sweet. Geez. OK, that's not Joey's. Is that you copying off of me? That it's messy? She's I've lost everything. OK, my nuts. My life. You just give it up already. How many times are you going to say it anyway? The mrg parties are always the best, and you know why we're going to call them the message part is, you don't know where the photographer that the photo booth, you don't know where that came from. You don't know where the cigar roller came from. You don't know where the guy who came from rolling the Connolly's came from, right? Did you book him? Oh, no, that's right. You didn't. How about the dancers? How about the hula dancers? How about the cups, the straws, the liquor? I got the liquor. And that's the most important thing, right? Well, you were in charge of this is why it's called a message party because MRG planned the whole party. How about we had a friggin prosciutto tower? Did you throw every night you know where the tower came from? Do you know? Because you don't know? Because it's not. It's a mrg party. You got me. You don't even know where your shirt came from. That had the friggin flowers on it because you didn't buy it. So therefore it look good. Actually, look, you don't want to wear it. I share it. You looked handsome like that. Yeah. This is how I dress you. But like, I'm so glad you guys got to watch out. That party was so much fun, and I love that it showed some of the good times. Like, that's what I want to get back to. Oh my god. It's what I love about the show is when you can show the fun times and like, even when there's fun times with our kids, like, that's really the icing on the cake for me of like everything that's like just so much fun. Our parties are always fun because I feel like we host them. I never make anyone feel uncomfortable at my parties. So like if there's drama that's going to go on, it's not going to come from Melissa because I really want you to feel comfortable in my house, right? Oh, Bill really loves my parties. Bill always has a good time. Every time they come to our parties, they love it. And you know what? Bill always tells me he loves my sisters. He loves my family. Even even Jen always says that to me, like, I have a great fun family and everybody appreciates them and loves, you know what they didn't show in editing what I shop job for to wear a bow and arrow, and I'm going to post it on my inside. Oh, you did. And they did, and they didn't show it. So wait, wait, they didn't get it in. But you're going to. I want you to repost. It's so funny. Yeah, he took it like a champ, that guy. But what a great party. We have fun. One thing we do is have fun. Yeah, yeah. And people hate a couple things I didn't get to answer like that. The episode kind of left like unanswered, which was like a little annoying. The one thing about, like we say, I don't like a sleepover that was a little annoying. Like, that was a time that she wanted to sleep over the shore house with her friends. And we were out of town. So I was like, I don't even let my own daughter like, it's a honor because it's on a body. I mean, we're on the open bay. God forbid there's drinking or whatever partying like. I would never let any underage people like, there's a lot of accidents that happen on there. Yeah, and I hate that they didn't like answer that wire or that was kind of brought up in a negative way. That was kind of weird. That was like weird, right? Yeah, that and then the only other thing is, what else do I want to say? I mean, there was some tweets in there, like from my sisters from 2011, when everything was going down and people were calling me a stripper at the time. So they were defending me, which they should, and I would always tell them to back, you know, back me up again tomorrow. But like, they weren't even that bad of tweets and the fact that we're, you know, it's just proving a little bit of point that it's like we're still holding grudges from 2011. It's funny because we've had so many good times since then. All together as a family and you know, all my sisters with your sister all together, like within the last couple of years, amazing times together. So it's so weird that like that's being brought up. Also, there's just like it was a fun episode overall, but there was a couple things that I thought were a little like a little weird, you know? But you know. You know, Lois, what was your favorite part of the episode? Oh, the party, the whole party I which house husband do you have the most fun with? Which, yeah, who do you like really have the most wild fun with? Well, honestly, you know, I think you have fun with Evan. I think you and Evan Atlantic, everybody is fun to get to that point. I'm going to who I have fun with. I'm going to be honest. Here is Frank Joe. Go John, Fulda, Evan. Even Bill, we bill so much fun, too, I I have fun, even though one thing I really love everyone, the ones that are being corny, it's their problem. I don't I don't even do. I don't even do anything but I love. I can have fun when everyone you give it a bomb on a street, I can't take them inside. I'll clean them up. It's so great. I think Bill 18 is actually so funny and a lot of fun. And even though Jennifer, like, you know, even though his wife is so rude to my husband, like I feel like she throws a random dig at you constantly in every episode or whatever it is, I don't care. Like, I still, I'm not going to do that to her husband just to like, do it back. I truly like him and enjoy him. But anyway, I really do hope you guys enjoyed that episode. I thought it was a lot of fun to see my shore house, and I'm so grateful. We're very lucky to have that house. So we throw so many family parties there. So much like fun is to be had and am so excited that it's a where we chose April. It's almost time to go back to the shore house. She changed the chandelier there three times to. I think she can wait. I did. I did. I swear I did. I even thought about taking some of these chandeliers there. Well, anyway, I'm really looking forward to my little birthday week. We are gonna have a nice dinner with our kids tomorrow night, and then we're going to head off to Florida this weekend to spend some time with my sisters and my godfather and my mom. So it's just it's just love all around family time. I appreciate all of you out there. Oh, as always, another year goes by. I just, you know, I really just want to keep my eyes open and realize and just really be grateful for everything that is great in my life this year. Moving forward, I want to pay attention to the positive and really, really, you know, not pay attention to the negative. I want to be grateful for what we do have, you know? Yeah, I agree. You know, let's let's be grateful for what is what it is and live day to day and not worry about what's next and what's going to happen next. I want to. We have so many things in life to be grateful for that I don't want to worry about like anything but what's happening now? Don't sweat the small stuff. Remember, we're all beautiful in our own way. Think positive every day. Live life to the fullest, work hard. Work very hard because if you don't work hard, you cannot live life and love your others. Like I love you, baby and be happy. Give compliments. Carpets are beautiful. Don't keep the negativity apartment. Stop with the negative comments or give nice comments and you will feel better. I agree. You'll feel better. You know what? If you're one to give negative? Not to us, to anybody. Try to put five positives out there to the people that you give negative to see how that goes. Yeah, you have one rodeo. All right, baby. Happy birthday. I love you so much. Thank you. I do adore you. And I'm like a fine wine over here. You know I just you do aged like a fine wine baby. Get hotter and hotter. Oh God, thank you, everybody. 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Past Episodes

This week, Melissa welcomes her favorite guest, Joe Gorga, to the podcast to discuss the challenges of parenting teenagers, including some tough decisions they?ve had to make recently. Plus, Melissa celebrates a sweet victory with her now-famous sprinkle cookies and teases some exciting new products on the way.

They're later joined by a surprise guest, Frank Catania, who gives us the inside scoop on his son?s engagement, shares his thoughts on Dolores and Paulie, and drops spills a major secret about his own engagement to his fiance, Brittany. Tune in for some juicy updates this week! 

This week's sponsors: - The Place to Find a Place: - Find the Stay That's Ridiculously Right for You:

Happy Mammoth - Feel Like Yourself Again: , promo code: MELISSA (15% off)

Pluto.TV - Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV (Free)

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool: 

00:51:33 3/6/2025

This week Melissa invites the amazing momager and one of the realest girls in Jersey, Danielle Cabral, to talk about the one and only moment that Danielle requested to cut from RHONJ, why the dirtiest castmates on the show really have nothing to fall back on, and what she thinks is next for the beloved franchise. 

Melissa and Danielle also share their thoughts on how Dolores is playing The Traitors game, whether they would want to be traitors or faithfuls, and why Danielle would have a hard time playing a low-pro game. 

This week's sponsors: - The Place to Find a Place: - Find the Stay That's Ridiculously Right for You -

Happy Mammoth - Feel Like Yourself Again: , promo code: MELISSA (15% off)

Pluto.TV - Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV (Free)

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Sono Bello - Winter Savings Event:

01:09:19 2/27/2025

Star of Netflix's Selling the City Eleonora Srugo chats with Melissa about the casting process for the show, her falling out with Jade Chan, why Steve Gold is such great eye candy, the crazy real estate market in Manhattan, the sacrifices she made in her social life to get where she is, and dating life in the city!

We have deals for you!!

  • Naked Wines: Get 6 bottles for $39.99 with shipping included at - click Enter Voucher and use code MELISSA for both the code and password!
  • Orgain: Want more protein? Go to and use code ONDISPLAY for 30% off your order!
  • AquaTru: Stay hydrated! Get 20% off any AquaTru purifier with code MELISSA at 
  • Need a place? Head to - THE place to find a place!
  • Traveling? Head to - Booking dot YEAH!
00:54:05 2/20/2025

Melissa invites celebrity best-friend, CEO, and author, Loren Ridinger, onto the show to share her heartbreaking story of losing the love of her life, the very powerful way that she views grief, and her incredible advice to anyone who has dealt with the loss of a partner.  

Loren?s amazing story of grief and growth is all in her brand-new book, Scrambled or Sunny-Side Up?: Living Your Best Life after Losing Your Greatest Love, available now.  

This week?s sponsors: - The Place to Find a Place:

Belle Vitale ? Improve Hormone Health and Well-Being: or , promo code: BV15 (15% off) 

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

Prolon - Fasting with Food: (15% off + $40 Bonus Gift) 

Pluto.TV - Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV (Free)

Rula ? Quality Therapists Who Specialize in You: (Patients typically pay $15 per session)

01:07:06 2/13/2025

Melissa invites the always entertaining Joe Gorga back onto the show to talk about Joe?s strange obsession with the local news weather segments, the many phases of Melissa Gorga (according to Joe), and their new obsession with The White Lotus. 

The two also share their plans for the Superbowl, and discuss the dilemma they have when trying to pick which team to root for this year.   

This week?s sponsors: ? The Place to Find a Place:

Belle Vitale - Hormone health that will change everything!:

Quince ? Luxury Essentials at Affordable Pricing: (Free shipping and 365-day returns)

00:47:16 2/6/2025

This week Melissa catches up with the always lovely and always faithful, Dolores Catania, to talk about how she used her own private detective skills on the latest season of The Traitors, the one competitor that the jury is still out on (even after the show), and why a life on RHONJ perfectly prepares you for a reality competition show.

Dolores also gives us an update on her amazing family, how she and Paulie are doing, and why she?s loving this stage of parenting.

This week?s sponsors: ? The Place to Find a Place:

Belle Vitale ? Improve Hormone Health and Well-Being:

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

Naked Wines ? Amazing Wines at an Affordable Price: , click ?enter voucher? and use code MELISSA for both the code and password (6 Bottles for $39.99)

Orgain ? Clean, Organic, Plant Protein Powder: (30% off order)

PlutoTV - Free Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV

Sono Bello ? Lose Stubborn Fat in One Visit:

01:07:02 1/30/2025

With Traitors back in full swing, let's revisit a chat with who ALMOST won it all last season.

Melissa invites the fan favorite from the latest season of The Traitors, Mercedes Javid (MJ), to talk all about the the pros and cons of being married to old-school men, what happens when two famous partners react to fame very differently, and the behind the scenes secrets of the hit reality show, The Traitors.

This week's sponsors: - The Place to Find a Place:

Pluto.TV - Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV (Free!)

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Prolon - Fasting with Food - Join The January Challenge:

00:48:45 1/23/2025

Melissa invites the always hilarious, Joe Gorga, back onto the show to talk about the parental dilemmas with Apple Pay, Joe?s NSFW idea for his own cookie business, and who, out of the two of them, would make the better employee. 

Melissa and Joe also give us their take on the latest season of Traitors, the team they?d want to play for on the show, and why Joe would probably blow up his game on Day 1. 

This week?s sponsors: ? The Place to Find a Place:

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

PlutoTV - Free Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool: 

00:46:21 1/16/2025

Melissa welcomes mom, hustler, and pod host, Amanda Hirsch who also happens to run one of the best Instagram accounts out there to talk about the future of RHONJ, whether that includes MG, what Andy Cohen has said about it all, and where Melissa stands with her castmates! 

They also chat about the RHONY reboot, who owned the most recent season, who got a little off course, and how these ladies stack up against OGs like Sonja Morgan and Countess Luann de Lesseps.

Plus, Sprinkles by MG and how and when you can get some! 

And which Bravolebrity is killing it on Cameo!

Thanks for supporting our sponsors!

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Prolon - Fasting with Food: (15% off 5-Day Nutrition Plan)

01:02:10 1/9/2025

Melissa is joined by the always hilarious, LadyGang, to talk about the "cheugy" (or "chuggy") feud between Millenials and GenZ, how Keltie is owning the term, "Sexy Mature," and who, out of the crew, would make a great addition to The Real Housewives. 

This week's sponsors:

Babbel - Language Learning that Actually Works: (Up to 60% off!)

PlutoTV - Free Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Prolon - Fasting with Food: (15% off 5-Day Nutrition Plan)

ZocDoc - Trusted Doctors Just a Few Taps Away:

00:59:26 12/26/2024

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