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Hello, hello, hello, welcome to late Agang, I am Becky Tobin here, who Jac VanEck and Keltie Knight. Good day. Can I start? Yeah, yeah. Are you just going to jump right into it? Yeah, yeah. Oh, OK. Well, it's time for. No, actually sorry. What I wanted to say is welcome to the late gang. Well, Becca said that part already. But I what I want to say to everyone is this is part two of our Sharon Stone interview. So Sharon came, and we really only had her for thirty five minutes, but then we ended up sitting and talking to her for an hour and 20 minutes, and it was all so good that we decided to split into two parts. So if you haven't listened to part one from last week, go back and listen to part one and then come back, or you could listen to them in any order. But I just want to say welcome back to Sharon Stone epic ness. If you're going to love it now, I'm ready. Wow. Now it's time for a good week. Yes, it is bad week. Oh no. OK, bad week. I'm officially at reading glasses age, and I even packed my reading glasses to read my Sharon Stone introduction Beccause it was printed in twelve point and I can't live like that anymore. You need to start printing in big font. I know. But then but then my printer goes through kilted. You also know they're doing it for you. Oh s**t, my printer goes through so much ink and ink is so expensive. This is what I'm here for real right now. Ink is my printer. I have the HP Tango. I don't know what is going on or whatever it goes through ink like I have to replace it weekly. It's crazy and I'm printing print the Paint LadyGang podcast that much. I know and I print a lot of shipping labels Beccause I'm always shipping stuff to my friends. It's anyway, so I'm just telling you I am. I'm not a good friend in real life, but I'm always sending gifts to my friend. Never received a single gift for me either, but I see you in real life more than I see anyone in my life. I just sent my friend a whole bunch of athletics for the Rockettes this season anyway. So I wear reading glasses now and so much so that I need to wear them like pretty much all the time. I'm even thinking of getting the ones where when you see out, it's normal. And then when you look down by a bifocal, as you know, before Sharon Stone came on our podcast, my most famous encounter with anyone was when I was a magician's assistant in Las Vegas. And the magician I was friends with was friends with David Copperfield. And one night we went to the Palms Bar and I was like, Oh my God, I've made it. I'm around a celebrity. It was David Copperfield. So we had a lot of swagger, wasn't cordial. We were like, No, I don't think so. Not anymore. Anyway, what's crazy? I think that's a celebrity. Yeah, he is. But I love him. Definitely is a celebrity. So what's crazy about it is this whole time I was like, David Copperfield, what a guy. And like, you know, he's used the same promo photo for 45 years. Like this kind of firm? Just say that man looks like that. Like, that picture is from eighty six. Like what's going on anyway? But then I was reading a book and the book was talking about a book called David Copperfield. David Copperfield is a book, a very famous book, and he stole that name. David Copperfield is not David. Like, he's not just David Copperfield. It's a fake name. His name is not David David Copperfield. The magician took the name the name. The book name is David Copperfield. It's his name, not David. Something. Let me look it up. I have no idea what his real name is, but I had no idea there was a book called David Copperfield. And so now I'm like, Is everything a lie? What's the weirdest? I'm just telling you I was shook. OK? David Copperfield actual name is David Seth Corkin. Yeah, exactly. And he took it. Did he take it from the book? I am assuming so anyway. David Copperfield is not real. Nothing is real. Nothing is sacred. Mission. What do you think? Everything's fake? No, I didn't realize it based off a book. OK. Is the person in the book? A magician adopted the stage name David Copperfield, taken from the famous Charles Dickens novel Beccause he liked it. Sound? That's it. Just Beccause you like the sound of whatever. Anyway, David Copperfield, you're a book, Becca. You're a book. OK. Well, Sharon, if you're listening to this, fast forward to your part, don't listen to my idiot. Do you ever give it a copy? There are times that we have guests that I so don't want to disappoint, and I get worried. When you're really amazing, people come on. And if for some reason they listen to the podcast that they did that they have to listen to this show for 20 minutes. I don't think that anybody that we are really, really, really impressed by is going to listen to the podcast. And that's the thing that I think Sharon loved us, and I think she will listen to the podcast. I think she will listen to her while she's painting a painting. I don't. I don't think it's not soothing. We are not. She's very soothing. I've never felt, but we're not so soothing. Feel very comfortable with the next 40 years of my life. Wow. She's 61. I'm 41. I'm like, I'm still going to be wearing cool jeans. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, I definitely swagger. Yeah. I think we have up. I don't have any sweaters anymore. I don't have fever now, but I will get swagger. That's I always am. Like, later in life, I'll have way better style and I'm like, I don't think so. I think the. This is it. OK, so my good week is that I have really made incredible strides in not giving a f about Hollywood. Oh OK. Amazing strides. I went more so than regular before. I mean, I cared about what people thought they were in positions of power. For sure. I like did not ever want to have a bad change. What I want, right? No, you were like, you were like a badass on the leading podcast and then a little more meek in like needing to be liked. But yeah, totally like the people that made decisions in Hollywood. Yeah. So I was recently at an event and I had I had the pleasure of being around a lot of very important people in the business. I think I like talked about it a little bit in a couple of episodes ago and I was sort of anxious. But I I was like, But I feel like I don't care anymore, but I have this thing where I can do that. Like, before an audition, I'm like, I don't feel like I care. But then I'll go into the room and suddenly I'm like, OK, I do care. Yeah. So I don't trust my feeling of not caring anymore. So I was like, I don't think I care, but I'm going to see how awkward I am at this experience of having interact. But you could also just be awkward Beccause that's an uncomfortable position to be in, right? Which I was super awkward. Yes, which I was. Incredibly awkward. I was so ing awkward. I looked at one of the most powerful women in television and haven't seen her in a long time, and she looks amazing, she looks great, she's she should. She has access to like she's a beautiful woman. And I was like, Oh my God, it's so good to see you. And I just Beccause I have nothing to talk. I we have nothing in common. Nothing to talk about. I was like, You look amazing. You have not aged since the last time I saw you, which was quite a while ago, and I asked her if she was drinking baby's blood. Wait, why not? I was like, You know, how do you look so young? Like, Are you drinking baby's blood? Like, I? Something like, really? No, something like, how did I did? And then I had another experience with somebody else. It was so awkward. But that's my bad week. My good week is that I didn't care. I didn't care at all. Somebody actually didn't say goodbye to me that I knew very well and like, had like whatever Irish accent. No, he chose to say goodbye to a lot of other people and not mean important and not like I wasn't important enough. And in his world, I'm not right. So I was like, that would have been really devastating. And I would have been on my high horse about like. And like, I whatever worked so hard. What I didn't give a. And it was like, I don't know what happened. I hope it never leaves me, but I just don't care anymore. Yeah, it feels good, right? So you know what? You're in what? You're Sharon Stone era. Oh, really? She's already rubbed off on you. I mean, if only like an ounce of that. But no, I love that for you Beccause I think it is. It's like a scene, right? And it's here. I should. I have a dark side, so I should care more like it's I. But Jac, your livelihood didn't ever depend on these people liking. No, I know, right? Yeah. So it's like, so it's like, think about something. There's there are people in your life that you care tremendously or have about how you come across or what they think of, you know, for sure. I'm just saying it in Hollywood. Yeah, OK. Yeah, it's more fun. I I just don't know. I just want to go in and make my money and do my job, and I just don't know like. I. I used to think like the other day, I was reading some of the reviews of the podcast and like I used to like, remember ways to read them? It was like mean tweets and stuff. And like, I used to think it was so funny Beccause, like, it really didn't faze me. I was like, These people think I'm an idiot, and it really didn't faze me. And then I went through a period where, like, it did actually faze me. Like, I was really sensitive about it. And now I'm like, I actually hated the way that felt. And so like, I refuse to even let you in. Hmm. Like, I'm well, that's why I don't even I mean, I do. I get fazed by s**t. But that's why I don't look at it Beccause it's like it would literally crush. We're the same. It would crush my soul. But it's like I used to reading the boundary. I'm not anymore. That's OK. Well, then don't read the reviews. I'm excited now. It's like it's better not to care. Like, it's really freeing. It's freeing. It's scary. It's like, Who am I? Does anything matter? But also, I'm down for it. Nothing matters. You're good. No one. I'm doing a new thing that any time I leave and go out of town, I'm taking the first flight home. No matter how much I've partied, no matter how hungover I am, I'm getting on the six o'clock flight. And it has changed my life. And Beccause I have really bad anxiety, like when something is over, I don't want to linger. I'm like, I want to get home. I want to like, take a shower, do a hair mask, like, lay around on the couch. Yeah. So like, getting out first flight is almost like I left the night before I'm home by 8:30. Like, I'm doing. Do you have a whole day or? Yeah, like I'm decompressing somebody who gets hangovers. I don't understand how you do that Beccause even no, it's just, I mean, I'm I'm going to be hung over the whole day no matter what. So I might as well just like, suffer through the first thing I wake up and I'm not even thinking about it. So that's what we did recently on a trip. And my bad week is I don't eat spicy food really like I like, like a three out of 10. Just like add a little something and Jerrod and I want to eat the night before a flight. And it was at a place that were like everything spicy. But they don't tell you. It's just like everything you get is like a spice level of like an eight. And I never thought that like spice could affect my body. My God. Now I understand. I never actually have experience the spice or I would never do. I haven't had spice career either. I don't believe a word of it. It was the first time I butthole has been on fire. And Jared always talks about it Beccause every time we go to Tripoli, he gets the red sauce. Oh, I know about it. OK, wait, Tripoli is the place where I get it, but I don't think it has anything to do with the spice. I think it's the food. Well, it's definitely the food, but you get the red sauce. Yeah, I do. It's the red. It's just the red. So it is just the right. It's really spicy Beccause Jared, every time he goes, he's like, Oh, I could do the red sauce. And I'm like, Jared, you know what happens when you eat the red sauce? You're like, there's fire in your a*s or coming out for the next 24 hours, and he does it every time. And I never understood that until a Level eight spicy food, like a lot of it, a lot of it, and I was still recovering from it. Still, Ray Rice for you, Beccause like somebody of conservation, I'm like, There's no way. It's like nothing now. You know how to now you know how to get things moving. Red sauce from Chipotle red sauce. Jac really is a s**t pills, and it's just it's foolproof. I never knew learning something new. While you're welcome, Sharon, if you're listening. Whereas Hall was on fire, and so are you. This episode of LadyGang is brought to you by Jenny Kane. We absolutely love Jenny Kane. They make so many beautiful things for your home. Throw pillows, throw blankets. But really, the creme de la creme of Jenny Kane is they're insane sweaters. They have the most beautiful cashmere fisherman type sweaters, and they will last forever. They are so beautiful, they look incredible. You need to check out the Flynn cashmere sweater. It is perfect to wear with anything. It's a V-neck. The half zip is like a very Becca Tobin thing, and for a limited time you can get 15 percent off your first order at Jenny and use our code LadyGang. Fifteen, by the way. The shoes are amazing to the Brooklyn Lug Boat is a cold weather classic. 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That's Cozy Earth dot com with code LadyGang, Cozy Earth dot com. Now back to the LadyGang before I want to talk about I have folded every page in this book, I want to bring up a bunch of things that you said in the book. But before, since we're on the topic of significant others, I I would love to be an owl or something and be a spy on the wall and watch Chris Knight do his life without me around Beccause I'm just fascinated by him. And I know he's different when I'm around Beccause he just like, goes into mute mode. But I want to know Beccause you're like, I know you guys have a friendship and so kind. I know what. Like, what is he like? You guys met, I think, on an airplane with coming back from Vegas or something. He was very kind. Yeah, he's very thoughtful. He's really open to. Just whatever. You know what I mean? I remember saying to him, I have to. People to very diverse talent that both need representation, and I'd like to mention them to you. Yeah. And I think that you might like both of them, even though there's so oddly different, but they both need representation right now, and I think for some reason they'd both be interesting to you. OK. And I and I entered a told him who they were. And one was a very famous sort of black person. And one was a person from who was started as a kid star and was an older man now who was kind of a legend, but but old now. And I explained to him why I thought that he would understand both people. And he was like, Oh, that's so interesting, Sharon. I really sort of get that. And I think he ended up working with both of them. Wow. And. You know, it was just his ability to have this emotional intelligence along with the business sense of how he could. Both economically make money and and psychologically work with both of these extraordinarily diverse people was fabulous. He has no ego, no. And that is what is so surprising with him being a music manager. Your idea of what that is is so different from who he is. But that's why he's so successful. But he was also able to have this business conversation with me so smart about music and not say to me, like, you know, what the hell would she know, right? You know what I mean? Why would she be meddling now? Would she think that she should know anything? You know, which is so a common reaction when you try to talk to men about business? Oh yeah. Oh, it's so true. So where do you think you would be now? Had you been a man? I really am curious Beccause you obviously are in a very wonderful place, you'd be running. I'd probably run a studio. Yeah, you're running a studio. I'd probably be running a studio. Yeah. It's not too late. Yeah. Lady Gaga studios, it's a film, it's super great, OK, the last thing we're ask and we can definitely take this out is I just want to tell you a little story. So I think at some point Chris came home and he was like, Look what Sharon gave me, and it was just this giant bag of weed, and it was like this one. She quit like so much we like her own. It was this really funny gag Beccause we were not. We're, you know, we're mushroom people. And so we had an every time I opened the safe. Yeah, Sharon Stone's weed would come what we'd be. Anyway, thanks to the weed, I gave it to my friends and I just wanted to. I think that was so funny. OK. When we come back, we're going to talk about the book. OK, so Sharon wrote this book, The Beauty of Living Twice. It came out last year, a year and a half ago, right? And since sold in 22 countries, 40 countries New York Times bestseller bestseller across the world. I love the cover, by the way. It's chic. Yeah, and people might. If you don't know Sharon's story, the beauty of living twice is Beccause you essentially died and came back to life, right? Can you talk briefly about what happened to you, what you felt before, and how it changed your life? I had a massive stroke and a nine day brain hemorrhage and. I had a really hard time getting anyone to believe me that I was having a brain hemorrhage even at the hospital Beccause. This is so crazy at the same thing, when I was in menopause, I kept going to the doctor saying something is terribly wrong with me and I was getting so skinny. I was like teeth on a stick and I was sweating and I was so sick. And all these men were like they were testing me for leukemia and M.S. and all these diseases, and I was just sicker and sicker and sicker. And finally, this amazing Iranian lab technician woman turned around and said when they walked out of the room, You're in menopause. And I said, what? And she said, You're in menopause. And then the men walked back in and she turned back around and they were like, Well, you know, we're going to test you today for, you know, leukemia and M.S. and all this stuff. And I kept thinking, you know, I'm dying like and I agree lot getting lost on the way home. And I was like, I'm losing my mind and I don't know what's going on. And I laughed and I called my gynecologist and I said, I think we should test me for menopause. And she's like, Sure, come on over, I'll give you a blood test. I mean, I was 61 or something. Sixty two was that late early. That's late, very late. But Beccause I'd had a stroke and I'd had this really intense brain bleed, my vertebral artery had ruptured. At a certain point, I couldn't have periods Beccause I would pass out. My body couldn't handle it. Sure. So I'd had what's called a uterine ablation, which is basically they microwave the inside of your uterus so you still have your cycle, but you don't bleed, which I highly recommend to anyone who doesn't want to have kids anymore Beccause this is the greatest thing that ever happened. I mean, truly, I'm just sitting here and being like Queen. That's different than, like a hysterectomy. They take the whole unit out. They take nothing out. But you just don't bleed anymore. It's the greatest thing that ever. And you can do that just like if you want to. It's an in an outpatient. Same day, it's the greatest thing that ever happened. And so I didn't recognize that I was having menopause Beccause I had already stopped bleeding. You know, 20 years ago. Right. That makes sense. That makes sense. And so. I went and had this test, and of course, I was in menopause, but you know it mansplaining was happening to me for like a year where I was being tested for Beccause, you know, Sharon Stone from Basic Instinct probably never goes into menopause, right? She definitely doesn't. And so it was just and the same thing was happening to me when I was in the hospital. I was in there on a Dilaudid drip for days and days and days bleeding into my brain. And they had given me an angiogram and missed it, and I was still just hemorrhaging into my brain, hemorrhaging into my brain. And finally, they said that I was going to have to go home Beccause clearly I was faking it. No. And I said to my best friend, I'm dying and you have to get them to do something. And so, as she says, maybe she went out and she said to the front desk that she she told me she pulled a full Shirley MacLaine, that they agreed to give me one more angiogram and then I had to go home. And I was like, OK, right? But she said nobody sleeps 22 two hours a day. She's in a coma, right? Right. And so they did it, and they discovered that my vertebral artery was completely ruptured and hanging by a thread and that I had my whole subarachnoid pull, which is your face, your neck, your spine was full of blood and they couldn't wake me up Beccause they had to do surgery or I would die on the spot. So I had like a seven hour surgery. My gosh. And I woke up and I had 23 coils instead of an artery, and then I wanted to pull the Dilaudid out and they said, you can't Beccause you'll go into a seizure. Now you have to go into and I was in this, you know, on this neurological wheel where other people were dying and it was right after 911. So everything was playing on these TVs, why they had TVs, playing that trauma while we were all in trauma. Still, I don't understand and people were dying across from me and screaming, and it was so traumatic to begin with while we were all having trauma. I still don't quite get it. Then they moved me into intensive care and I had to step down out of the Dilaudid, which I think is why it made me, why I was smoking so much pot. And I was trying not to have brain seizures Beccause I didn't want to have brain seizures in public. So I always kept pot in my purse Beccause I didn't want people to see me having seizures. And eventually I just decided, you know, I don't care and I can't smoke pot all the time. And finally, Selma Blair worked with Biden and finally got a Disabilities Act, which, you know, we didn't have any coverage in the business and everybody was so cruel in the business anyway, and it just Beccame stupid. So. And as as we all know, nobody wanted my opinion about anything anyway. So it was, you know, I was basically blackballed. So forget it. So I decided to just quit smoking pot, which was very difficult Beccause I had been on Dilaudid so long, which is synthetic heroin. Mm-Hmm. And so it was very difficult to totally stop smoking marijuana. And it it was hard. The whole situation has not exactly been a cakewalk. Gosh, you say after Basic Instinct, you vowed to be less weak on the outside and less available to be eaten alive. Oh, that's that's actually one of my favorite lines in the entire book. What did that mean to you last week on the outside? Beccause you don't say it last week, last week on the outside and less available to be eaten alive. I just love that. Well, you know, everybody really likes you when you do everything, everyone asks and tells you to do. Amen. And nobody likes you when you have boundaries. Mm-Hmm. And I had to learn to grow some boundaries. And the more I started to become self-possessed and the more that I understood what boundaries really meant through trauma therapy and PTSD therapy, the less people started to like me. And the more I understood how fantastic and healthy that was. Oh, OK. This is a this is something that I absolutely love, and it's very Sharon. Obviously, it's from her book. She said Style is what style is what you do with what's wrong with you? Barbra Streisand knows Danny DeVito, ci Cher. Let's face it, they're all loaded with style. Those tears begin when you're a kid and you don't get what you think of as the good thing and you suffer quietly and then you courageously figure out how to make the thing you've got so fabulous that it becomes the thing what everyone else has to have. Wow. Hmm. Well, school of Sharon, I know I've got like a master class on like how to be alive. Oh, it's so true. So what did you think the thing was that what's what makes you stylish? Well, I remember how when I was going into irreconcilable differences and I, you know, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Mayer were my neighbors, and they used to always notice how I wore my pants short. And then I'd wear high heels and they would go, Oh, that's just so cool. And then she was like, Look how your pants are always short and you wear high heels. You're like a French girl. And I would think I can't get pants that are long enough for me. You're like, I was a model b***h. But in reality, you couldn't. They didn't make pants long enough for me. There wasn't a tall size back in the day, so there weren't tall pants in the 80s, right, like pants that would fit me and Jacets. So, of course, I rolled up the sleeves of my Jacets Beccause the sleeves were never long enough for me and the pants were never large enough for me. So, of course, I wore my pants short, and the only way to make that call was to empathize. Yeah, you had to lock that in right here. I love it. I love it. I mean, it really is true. It's like, you know, did you ever feel ugly, like as a woman, did you ever have or as a young girl? Oh my God, I was this tall when I was 15. And then this is not as deep as my voice really is. I had to take speech therapy when I came here Beccause my voice was so deep that my vocal cords would rub together and I would lose my voice. Wow. So I had to raise my voice an octave so that I didn't keep losing my voice at work. So I had to go take this thing where they put a Kleenex in front of the microphone. And then I would have to do these lessons to raise my voice Beccause my dad's voice is so one of those voices, like where the guy sings the deep, deep, deep, deep voice. So all of our voices are really, really deep. So my voice was so deep and I was so tall at 15 that everybody thought I was a boy. So and I had a shag Beccause Klute happened and I thought she was the coolest thing that ever happened. And I thought Jane Fonda was just it. So I cut my hair like that. And then I had this voice. And of course, none of the boys voices had changed yet. So I was like, Hey, hello, you know? And that's pretty weird, you know, Beccause there I am, flat chested, nine feet tall with a shag in this voice. Wow. Of course, I thought I was some kind of freak. Wow. This is. Sorry. And like, I don't want I want a Segway to freeway. But wait, I have a question in between. So. So from that to acting. So what is the. I guess, like, how did you end up being one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood like who discovered you? How did you get there? Like, I'm so curious what really happened was Ellen Mirage Nick, who did the costumes for Basic Instinct. She chose the color of my hair and she chose how my makeup would be done at. She, like the makeup artist, put way too much makeup on me, and then I'd go into my trailer and I take the makeup on with Ellen in there. And he said, and he would say, I'm just going to keep putting it on you. And I'd say, and I'll just keep taking it on this thing, you know, Beccause he wouldn't let me have an opinion, of course. And so Ellen and I, she picked this great color of hair for me, and she made all these color choices of my clothes. And then I had, of course, this amazing cinematographer. And all of a sudden I saw myself on film and I just looked amazing, right? And then they let me screen the movie on my birthday for my friends before it came out and I said, Oh my God, look how I look. And the person sitting next to me said, That's how you look stupid. And I said. It isn't, but I'm smart enough to know how to do that from now on. Wow. Right? Beccause I was like, I didn't know like the exact right hair color and how to do my makeup and how to get dressed correctly and. And then I had this friend who was a stylist, and she came over and she taught me how to hold my handbag. And she taught me what you do. And I was like, OK. And then she'd have me over to her house for dinner, and she would serve me and show me all the things Beccause, you know, I grew up, my parents were both child servants. My dad was given away when he was four and grew up in somebody's barn stall. And my mother was given away at nine and with somebody made housekeeper and laundress. So, you know, my dad made 14 grand a year. And we thought we were wealthy Beccause we grew up in really low or middle class farm country Pennsylvania. So, you know, we didn't know that we didn't have money Beccause everybody was the same, right? So I went to New York with $50. Manhattan. 50 bucks. Right. And so I go to my modeling appointments and go through every payphone, all the way back to Elizabeth in Houston, where I lived in a fifth floor walk up with another person in a studio apartment in bunk beds, looking in the phone booth for change to see if I could take the subway and get home or if I had to walk 80 blocks. Wow. You know what I mean? So saying yes and then is that is that like, I think so much has been made of like the halo dressing like your fancy. And then, of course, you like show up to in that gap turtleneck of all things, which is like your fashion one of you. And that again, was Ellen Neurogenic. Beccause was it a plan? Was it like, No, no, I'm going to be cool, I'm going to wear the gap turtleneck? Or were you literally like the too busy to care FedEx truck ran over my dress? No, and it had a giant tire track down the front of it. This is for what award show again, the Oscars right away. Have you heard of that Oscar? And I was like, Oh my God, no. And so I had this amazing bodyguard, Kristen, who passed away from neuroendocrine cancer. And I said to Kristen, I can't get Ellen on the phone. You have to go find her, find her somewhere, just find her. And she found Ellen, and I'm like, You got to get her here. I don't know what to dress like that got run over. It was pink. Really? And I was like, I don't know. And it had this huge black tire track down the whole front of it, I could have seen you making that work, though. And I was like, and Alan was like, Go get all your favorite things out of the closet. I'm like, I don't have favorite black tie things right? She goes, Just get the stuff you like it. Just anything. And so I just started throwing things all over my bedroom floor. And so we just put this thing together. Oh, and then I thought, Well, if I'm going to do this, I should do it for a reason. And so I called Mikey, what's his last name? Who was the head of the gap? And I said I'm thinking of wearing a gap T-shirt to the Oscars, but if I do, it'll cause a big sensation and I want to know that you'll give a donation to a charity. If I do that. Beccause I want you to give it to homeless children and their mothers, if I wear a gap T-shirt Beccause it's going to cause a big sensation to the gap, I didn't tell them I had nothing else to wear. Yeah. And he said, Yeah, of course I will. And I said, But I need a fax saying that you're going to do it. And he's like, You need a fax. I'm like, Yes, Mickey, I need a fax. And I gave him the fax number, which was in another room, and I had my mother standing by the facts of my sister standing in the hall and I'm on the phone. And so my mother standing there and she's like, We've got the fax devices, just like, we got the fax and I'm like, OK, Mickey, we've got the fax. And I mean, it was like a half an hour before leaving. Wow. And so I felt like, OK, it doesn't matter what people say Beccause I did a good thing. Yeah. And so we made we got money for homeless women and children. And so I wore the gap T-shirt. But you looked fear. I know. So I was like, You wore the gear. So I was wearing my hair up in a French twist, right? And I was pulling the pins and I was in the car and I put my arm up and my mother saw that this underarm of the shirt was ripped out and my mother's like Jesus Christ. As she came running out with this needle and thread sewing the armhole closed through the window of the car. And then my mother's super psychic and the car starts driving out the driveway and I hear my mother go, Susan Sarandon. And I realized I wasn't going to win. Oh, right. As I left and I went, Oh OK, OK, I'm not going to win, which was good Beccause I was very grounded by God. Yeah, oh my God. Right? So when is the movie of your life coming out like? This episode of LadyGang is brought to you by, and I'm literally having a afternoon here at the Knight household, Steph Saocom is the most useful thing on the planet. You basically sign up when you sign up, by the way, you're going to get a four week trial plus free postage and a digital scale. But I'm sending gifts all over the world right now. I'm sending gifts to New York, I'm sending gifts to London, I'm sending gifts to Canada. I am mailing all of my Christmas cards and I'm doing it all from the comfort of my own home. automatically tells you the cheapest and fastest shipping options. 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Potential savings will vary discounts not available in all states and situations. You're listening to the Lady Gaga, who would be your idol like, I mean, now with air, you could probably play yourself, but like, it's true. I mean, she's like, I will make the decision. I know she has an eye for casting. I think we could leave it up. I agree. But if if you could like, if you could cast your own biopic, who would you want to like? Is there a young someone in Hollywood that you would want to play you younger you? And then you'll take over at thirty two, this is where, you know, I adore Margot Robbie, so probably her hair fall, probably. I think she greatest. She would do it. Oh, she think she's the greatest yet. So talented. After I saw her play Tonya Harding, I was like, You're you're you're you're. You're it OK? I want to go back to look sorry. There's some page 128. You say I could see you're talking about Hollywood. I could see how hard everyone else was working to be liked. And I frickin love that Beccause you walk into a room and everyone's trying to be the coolest, richest, most fabulous like scene talking in the high voice talking. It's like like when like, when did you realize that and then how have you and then my next question is literally when someone is an a*****e in Hollywood, how do you handle it? Beccause like you have, you're so grounded and lovely, but you do go like you run in this. It reminds me of this reminds me of of of a funny thing when we were in. Can. And we had total recall there. And it was such a big deal for me, you know, Beccause it was still so new and we were at the Eden Roc, which is this gorgeous, gorgeous DeKalb hotel, so beautiful. If you need a reminder of this hotel in our book, it's where you got kicked out. That's where I got kicked out of George Clooney's party. OK, so it is fabulous that we're having this party and the Gipsy Kings were playing OK. And like every I mean, the Rolling Stones were there. Eric Clapton was there. Like every DA you can imagine was there and the Gipsy Kings were playing in. The music was amazing. And Steven Seagal, who had been in this movie with who really is not a cool person. Yeah, and he's the kind of guy that like I was acting with him and I was trying to talk to him about this scene, and he told me I was standing in his chair. And I was like, Well, you know, I'm unfamiliar with that. How big is your chin? I didn't know what the hell was happening anyway, so I was talking to Sven Nyquist and Sven was Arnold Schwarzenegger's body double and Sven also in the movie that Ridley Scott directed, where Joaquin Phoenix played the emperor. Sven was the guy who wrestled the lion in the pit of the Colosseum. OK. Yeah. Right. So I was talking to Sven, who's like, the coolest at big, you know? So I was talking to Sven and and Steven Seagal came walking up and he's like, So what are you guys doing? As Van goes, we were just talking about what an arsehole you are. My God. Oh, yeah, exactly, yeah. Sven, for president, you know, and I think that was one of the absolute best ways I'd ever seen anybody handle it. I thought that was just fantastic Beccause Sven is like a wall, right? So do you just take a mental note and you're like, Are you just breeze past? I just, you know, when people are a*****es, I generally don't do anything. If I say, I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said, how could you? Could you repeat that? I didn't really get it. And then they repeat it, and I say, I just really still don't get it. You know, or or don't start doing that with or that I actually those genius or maybe explain that again. I guess that's over my head. Yeah, I don't. I'm sorry. I don't really understand that. You know, Beccause I don't. OK, so my last thing we have to let you go. I could keep you here all day. I want you. You know, we've had over over 47 million different women and men across the world have listened to our podcast, which is, you know, we're we're so excited and happy about our community. You've been in there, chair, we've been in there, she said. She is small, but people have stepped in it. If you could tell the LadyGang listener one thing about life from where you're at and what you've been through and how to live a good life like how to be happy. You know, when you what would you say, like what is the important stuff? What do we do? Beccause we our generation is in this like we're obsessed with the algorithm and the likes and the Instagram. And, well, maybe it's just me. But like the way like a good life is what I really genuinely believe that happiness is a discipline. Mm hmm. And that pleasure is something that is momentary. And that if you go three days and you're not in your happiness, you have to have something that you do that reminds you to stay in your happiness. I have a bracelet that I put on that's very uncomfortable and I put that on when I have gotten out of my happiness. And then I keep it on until I figure out what's happening. That's taking me out of my happiness, and I repair it if it means I have to exit people out of my life. I exit them out of my life. And I'm hardcore about it. I tell people, that's it, and I don't change my mind. I don't. I don't know if I really have to exit someone. That's it unless they come to the table with. I'd like to sit down. I'd like to discuss it. I'd like to take responsibility for my actions. And they do if they come back with gee well, and oh, and this and that, and I just block them. If I've done something myself, I make sure I take responsibility for it and handle it and get myself straightened out. If I'm missing sleep, eating right, exercise any of the basic, rudimentary things I straighten up. Whatever it is, I make sure I get it straightened up, but I only let a certain period of time go by now I make exceptions sometimes if I'm doing something out of respect for another like. I hired someone who was my best friend's kid, and I was trying harder Beccause I wanted to. Honor someone else, so I gave it longer period of time. But if I otherwise, I don't make exceptions to that rule. I only do things if. I keep this very specific. But happiness is a discipline, and it's a discipline that I keep. Beccause I believe that your own internal happiness, that you're the hub of a wheel of activity. And if you don't keep that together, it's life works in concentric circles. I know that the masculine identity is linear, but as a woman, I believe that it's concentric and that we have to stay. The center has to stay pure. Mm hmm. Oh. That is something that I just found out about being a mom, actually, I I realized that I had to be so good with myself in myself and energetically. Everyone in my house is good when I'm good. Exactly. And I just and everybody, all my friends who are like, I don't have the time to meditate. I don't have the time to do the work for myself Beccause I have to be there for my family. I always thought it was kind of like, I don't. I couldn't subscribe to it completely. And now that I see it with my own eyes, I'm like, You take the 40 minutes to exercise, you take the 20 minutes to meditate Beccause like, when you're good, you really are the center of that universe and everyone else is good. Yeah, it was crazy, wife. Happy life. Oh, yeah, yeah. Well, Sharon Stone guys was amazing. The beauty of living twice is available. We'll link to it. You should definitely read this book. I do hope you make a movie of it. I think it would be fantastic. And and I can say that Hillary and Chelsea Clinton are making a documentary about my life. Oh, no big deal. Buried the lead there. Buried. What if? Hold on. Let me open that up to the top. Oh, of course they are. Her documentary was so good. Wasn't it great? Oh my god, it was incredible. Oh, I'm so excited about seeing everything. OK, well, we will celebrate it in a big way. And if you need dancers, you need a cancan like a cheerleader can can girl at the premiere. I need you guys to feed my back. They're coming back. Their shirts were ready to go. Yes, you're fantastic. Thank you for your time and we will see you next Tuesday. Thanks for listening. The LadyGang is produced by Alex Ingber, Will Sterling, Steve Delimiter and Jared Monaco. Make sure you subscribe, rate and review our podcast. And if you love it, share with your friends on social media like, Oh my god, I just listen. Lady Gaga's episodes are great. Swipe up to listen. And if you really want to, which we know you do, please follow us on Social at Keltie, at back at Jac Bannock and at the LadyGang. Sign up for our newsletter at the Lady and join our Secret Facebook group. It's super fun. See you next Tuesday.