True Crime All The Time Unsolved

Ep132 - Marlene Warren

In 1990, 40-year-old wife and mother of two, Marlene Warren, was shot as she opened her front door. The person who shot her was dressed up as a clown, holding a bouquet of flowers and some balloons in one hand, and a pistol in the other. Early on in the investigation, police heard rumors that Marlene's husband Mike was having an affair with a woman named Sheila Keen who worked at the used car business that Mike and Marlene owned. Witnesses said that Sheila looked like the woman who bought the flowers, balloons and purchased a clown outfit. But, the police couldn't put enough together to charge anyone and the case went cold. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss the murder of Marlene Warren. In the years after the murder, Mike and Sheila got married and lived what appeared to be a great life. But, as is happening more and more in these cold cases, DNA would catch up with Sheila in 2017. She was arrested and is now awaiting trial, and a possible death penalty, for the murder of Marlene Warren. You can help support the show at Visit the show's website at for contact, merchandise and donation information.

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