17-year-old Alexis Murphy was a popular teenager from Shipman, Virginia with her whole life ahead of her. In August 2013, she was looking forward to her senior year of high school when she had an encounter with a man at a local gas station that would change everything. Although Alexis is still missing, the Commonwealth of Virginia went after her accused abductor and charged him with murder. Can the Commonwealth prove their case without a body? If you have any information about the whereabouts of Alexis Murphy, please contact the Nelson County Sheriff's Office at (434) 263-7050. Please consider supporting Court Junkie with as little as $3 a month via Patreon.com/CourtJunkie. Help support Court Junkie with $6 a month and get access to bonus monthly episodes. Follow me on Twitter @CourtJunkiePod or Instagram at CourtJunkie.