35-year-old Kendra Hatcher was tragically gunned down in the parking garage of her high-rise apartment building in Dallas, Texas, in September 2015. The investigation into her murder would uncover a sinister plot to have her killed. Would all the suspects be caught and be brought to justice? Sponsors in this episode: First Day Back - a really great unique podcast about people returning from the hardest experiences of their lives. Make sure you check out First Day Back in your podcast app now, and then subscribe so you won't miss an episode. LOLA - LOLA offers complete transparency about the ingredients found in their tampons, pads, liners, and wipes - all of which are 100% organic cotton with no added chemicals, fragrances, synthetics, or dyes. With Lola's customizable subscription, you get to choose your mix of products, mix of absorbency, number of boxes, and frequency of delivery. For 40% off all subscriptions, visit mylola.com and enter code COURT40 when you subscribe. Please consider supporting Court Junkie with as little as $3 a month via Patreon.com/CourtJunkie. Help support Court Junkie with $6 a month and get access to bonus monthly episodes. Follow me on Twitter @CourtJunkiePod or Instagram at CourtJunkie.