In the early morning hours of October 17, 2015, two women accompanied 27-year-old Sasha Samsudean home after encountering her in the street after a night out on the town. They did everything right - they shared an Uber with her, they walked her to her door, and they waited until she was safely inside her apartment building, before heading home themselves. But the next day, Sasha's friends would summon the police, after not being able to get a hold of their friend. What happened to Sasha? Please consider supporting Court Junkie with as little as $3 a month via Help support Court Junkie with $6 a month and get access to bonus monthly episodes. Follow me on Twitter @CourtJunkiePod or Instagram at CourtJunkie. Music in this episode: Only by Alex Mason & The Minor Emotion - Astrisx by Blue Dot Sessions - R0 by Misha Dioxin - Tarnish by Podington Bear - modem by Kai Engel -