On July 30, 2011, 30-year-old Lisa Cecilia Harnum died, after falling from her 15th floor balcony. Her fiancé, Simon Gittany, was arrested and charged with murder. Thank you to Melissa for suggesting this case, and a special thank you to Andrea Alden and Amy Dale, for helping me out with this episode. Follow Amy Dale on Twitter: @amydale_tweets Check out Amy Dale's book about the case, The Fall: https://www.amazon.com/Fall-Amy-Dale/dp/1459687906 Please consider supporting Court Junkie with as little as $3 a month via Patreon.com/CourtJunkie. Help support Court Junkie with $6 a month and get access to bonus monthly episodes. Follow me on Twitter @CourtJunkiePod or Instagram at CourtJunkie. Music featured in this episode: Never Too Late To Change Anything by Nuno Adelaida - http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Nuno_Adelaida/none_given_1662/Nuno_Adelaida_06_Never_Too_Late_To_Change_Anything Amor e ódio by Nuno Adelaida - http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Nuno_Adelaida/none_given_1662/Nuno_Adelaida_01_Amor_e_odio Sofia 30 by Nuno Adelaida - http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Nuno_Adelaida/none_given_1662/Nuno_Adelaida_09_Sofia_30 Don't Lie To Inner Child by Sergey Cheremisinov - http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Sergey_Cheremisinov/The_Signals/Sergey_Cheremisinov_-_The_Signals_-_05_Dont_Lie_To_Inner_Child The Signals by Sergey Cheremisinov - http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Sergey_Cheremisinov/The_Signals/Sergey_Cheremisinov_-_The_Signals_-_06_The_Signal