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When Reality Hits with Brittany Cartwright

Jax answers all your hard-hitting questions! Why do guys ghost? Did Jax ghost Erin Foster? Is he going back to House of Villains? What happened to the famous white sweater? Who would play Jax in the biopic of his life? What's the best way to deal with anger issues? What's Jax's relationship like with Tom Sandoval? And does he think he's able to have a healthy relationship? PLUS: Jax briefly addresses recent news about his divorce proceedings, how he's holding up, and how he's treating his Bipolar II diagnosis.

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On Display with Melissa Gorga
01:02:31 6/8/2023


And you know what, the world doesn't revolve around you, it's not all about you, and that's that. Typekit. Hi, everybody. Welcome to another episode of On Display with Melissa Gorga excited to talk to you guys all today. I have my better half with me today. I'm just not going to let you interrupt me. I'm just going to introduce you right off the cuff this time. I have Joe Gorga. I was waiting for that. So I just, you know, half the time you're pretty rude and you just like, interject all the time. So instead, I just boom. Here he is. I got Joe Gorga today, everyone. Hi, everybody. Hi, Joe, how's your Invisalign doing? I could see you play with it on your teeth all the time, and it drives me insane. Well, Frank Itani, you got new teeth. You know this new light choppers? Yeah, he got choppers. They offered to give you choppers, but you don't need them. You like I need them. You know you have good teeth. You just are getting, you know what happens as you get older? I feel like teeth start like, especially at your bottom. They start to like, get a little crooked as you get older. Everybody keeps everyone I know well. I never had braces. We didn't have the money. You know, we were Italian. My father was a shoemaker. My mother, you don't have braces. You're really good teeth for not having braces because my mother used to say when my teeth used to fall out, she's like, Don't touch your teeth with your tongue. So I used to sit there, my tongue barely touching my teeth. She's like, It's going to make it crooked because they didn't have the money to get braces. And now all I do is, why don't you touch your teeth with your tongue? Because of the Invisalign? It's crazy to get jealous when that happens, don't you? No, not at all. It's actually a turn off because it's weird to see you constantly a little excited. Now it's weird to see you like constantly fidgeting with your mouth because you're like, I know what you're doing, you're feeling all the little things and everything. But you know, I think by getting veneers, it might be better in the long run because there's no more cavities, right? No, there's definitely no teeth. You're not getting any root canals and all that stuff. So I don't know. I'm thinking about it. Now, listen, they also take your beautiful teeth, right and shave them down to zero. I'm just so afraid. Do I look like? You know, I got these bright white? No. And then a lot of people have some of them. They look great. In some people, it's a dead giveaway. Like, I see the fake teeth. Like some of my girlfriends, they're smiling now and I'm like, I don't even see you. I just see your teeth. You see Frank Danny's teeth before you see him now. But he looks good because the teeth come in and there's Frankie. You know, you can't miss him. Yeah, but I'll be honest with you, he looks so much younger, doesn't he? He looks great. Let me tell you something. He blew it up on that reunion. Who came out of nowhere? Frank. Oh yeah. Well, we're going to talk to you again in a minute. How many years? How many years is Frank Catania? But I'm a show that he's been on as long as the lawyer. So I don't know. I don't know how long his lawyer is. Five years, five years. Well, we're going to get to reunir. We're going to get to reunion. We I obviously, we have a lot of reunion to talk about. But before we do, I want to talk about Antonia's prom. Joe, how cute was that? So sad. I don't know. I don't know whether to be happy. I'm happy. I'm sad. I know, you know, it's depressing. It really is, you know? Then you go see, because she just had prom with her Montvale kids. Right. So Antonia, as you guys know, you saw on the show, I, you know, she split high school's up after her. It's like basically her sophomore year. So she went to her first year and a half of high school at one high school. And then we moved her. And now she's finishing high school the last two, three years here because of COVID, I feel like she didn't even get to go to the original high school either. It was just like insane. Yeah, but but either way, those were the kids that she grew up with her whole life and it was so nice. One of the boys took her to that prom, so she was able to go to the high school prom with all of the kids she grew up with. And then next week she's going again with the Rampaul High School, you know, with her high school she's at now. So she's she's actually lucky. Everybody was so distressed and moving my daughter in high school. She's very happy. So. So even her like even, you know, she's great. She's got two sets of friends. I mean, it's insane, right? Two sets of friends, two sets of schools. She knows so many more children because who's going to college here? Who's going to college? So she has all these friends now. Antonia officially officially chose the University of Delaware. So we're very excited about it. I was going to get to something and you keep talking. You don't make me talk, OK, what do you want to say? Respect me as a guest. Oh, I'm sorry because I was talking about, I mean, my god, you just keep going. I know you do you? Here's the thing if you keep talking this guy who loses his train of thought, you can't. You can't stumble him too much. Yeah. Then he's like, Oh, what was I going to say? Oh, because when I got it on my mind, I want to talk about it as I was getting emotional talking about Antonia. Yeah, Antonio. So we went to Petra. Dang, what is that prom pictures? Well, the prom pictures. Yeah, there was like 80 kids there. And then I go in and I haven't seen these kids. I used to be their coach, the wrestling coaches, and now they all grew up. So everybody's just, you know, big teenagers going to college. And now here I am. I'm like, so. I wanted to cry, and my daughter in this dress looks amazing, looks gorgeous. All the girls, they all just grew up and are just young adults. And this is just it is sad. It really is. It's a happy moment, but it's more of a sad moment, you know, and we are getting older and they're just going and they're gone and I'm going to go to college. Yeah, and it's just it's crazy. And she had a lot of great colleges to choose from. I mean, she got into she got into Penn State, she got into Rutgers, she got into Charleston, she got into Rhode Island. I wanted to go to Penn State cause I wanted to go to all the football games. That would have been my excuse. And I would have been hanging out with the frat party. Here's a fun fact. Delaware plays Penn State this year in football, so that'll be a fun little game to go to. Yeah, I know, because it'll be fun to Delaware. Yeah. You know, I'll be hanging out with you. University of Delaware it's only two and a half hours away. If you can't find me, baby, I remember frat parties with your daughter. Yeah, OK, you. That would be creepy. You think we got other creepers around us now? That will be all to freaking. Definitely. Tonia, why is your dad here at the frat party? No, no, lovely man. I guarantee you. By the time she graduates in a four years, they'll make a statue out of me and put her right on campus. Oh God. You sound ridiculous. You're watching that movie too much. That one, that one where he goes streaking. My favorite guys. This is a fun fact. My one of my favorite actors, I have a couple of favorite actors. Let's see it. Let's play a game. Do you know who my favorite actors? I do? Vince Vaughn. Yes. T, I literally know that he's not like like the I don't know something about him. Any movie Vince Vaughn is in. I enjoy. I'm funny. He's entertaining. He's just so real. It's like, it's like, you feel like you're watching your friend. It's almost like he's a reality show talking about your husband right now. No doll. Not now. Exactly. Boy. So first of all, Antonio look beautiful, so I'm excited she actually had the best night. I'm so happy for her. She enjoyed it. They, you know, she got to see her cousins, too, which was really sweet. I loved that. And then she went to Prom House after. And oh my god. Oh Lord, we don't want to talk. I, I forget, I don't think I did the prom house. I don't think I was allowed to do it. There's like these prom houses now where all these kids stay together. There was 50 kids in a shore house together. Just fun. You know, it must be time of their life, but they they all respect each other. They all grew up together. It was cute. Let's talk about how my family thought it was so strange that Antonia. So while my daughter's at prom house, my sister's like, Why would you allow her my sister grow up like me? Very strict. We weren't allowed to do these things. So my sister was kind of getting on me while she was there for the weekend, and she was like, Why did you allow her to do this? Like, what is this? Why would you? Melissa? No, I don't like this. And I was like, No, this is how life is now. So this is what they do. And she's like, Well, I don't like, I'm like, Look, she literally is sending me videos, live videos of like what they're doing there. And my sister was like in shock because my kids are so honest with us. They tell us everything, right? I just trust my children. I really do. I just put a lot of time into them. I raise them right. I think, you know, right now they're doing great, so I trust her 100 percent. And if I didn't trust her and let's say she was a wild kid, then I, you know, never say never. I get nervous saying she was good because we got lucky so far. We don't want anything to change. So let's just keep it as is. That's why I said I mean, well, but I also put the fear God into their bodies. If anything happened, I give them the fear of God. Oh yeah, my dad put the fear of God. I was scared. One time, I'll never forget, I was tying my shoes and I was probably like Joe, 11 10. I don't even know, and I was like, I can't get this freakin shoe tied. He's like, Why did you just say and I was like, freakin? And that was like, very unacceptable that I said, then it was like that. Yeah. Like, he did not like that. I said, for father, we couldn't swear, Oh my God, he never swore in a house, either. He was so proper. He really was wearing no look. He was so proper. I don't know what happened to my sister. No. He was so good. I mean, my prayers are great. Oh my God. I mean, she complains, Why are you two so crazy? You get crazy. I get crazy because I get emotional and I do get crazy. Like guys is so emotional that drives me, frigging. I grew up as I grew up on sports wrestling football stuff in the hood. You know, I had to be tough to hold my own, you know, but my parents are great. I mean, I know my sister. You know, one time she had an episode where she went and she was complaining that he he yelled a lot or I don't know, she's like, he was had a bad temper. I am so happy he had that temper because he kept me such in line. If it was, if he didn't have a temper and he wasn't a hard man who knows who what I would have done. I had no fear. I mean, I had fear, but if I had. Had no fear what I would have gotten so much more trouble. So we were talking about prom, did you go to the prom? I mean, you just cut me off. I was just talking about something else. I know, but I really want to know if you went to the prom. I did go to the prom and I really when I was when I was through high school with who girl? Well, let me finish. When I was in high school, I didn't. I really didn't hang. Go to school dances. I always hung out with the older kids at a high school. My friends were 18, 19, 20. I didn't hang out with high school kids. So when it was prom time, my football coaches like, Listen, you, you got that valedictorian thing? No, no, you're definitely were not Val. Victoria What is that? Oh, MJ, MVP, most valuable player. You were not valedictorian. What is evaluating? What is the most the smartest person? I wasn't the smartest person in the school. No, I was. Oh, what happens on like Thanksgiving Day? The hardest worker? I will give you the hardest worker statue in that school year by work the hardest. What? What happens at Thanksgiving Day, when at the football game? And then they take the king and the queen, I guess, and a program around the state. One prom king that's very different than winning the prom king. Yeah, there's a prom king and queen. That's old school in that. So because I won that, my football coach is, you got to go to prom. So I went to the prom. Oh God, we like the yearbook staff. I went with this with this girl named Jasmine. They call, they call their mini mini. Yeah. Now you got Mimi, you got Missy. You went from many to Missy. Good job. I worry. I wore white tux with those fish tails, you know? Oh my god, you're such a guido. Red red bow tie. I had a cane and white gloves on and over my gloves. I used to wear pinky rings and rings because it was Guido days. You know, the gold chains. So my gold chains out and I had my my white gloves on with the finger, with the rings all over the white gloves. Oh my God. Oh my God, you were such a little Guido. You had hair. Lots of curly hair on your head at the time. Yeah, I look like Jimmy. I think I've seen you in prom pictures. Once you really do. It's weird because your face when you were younger looks like Geno, but like his body? No, your body's Joey. Your face. Is she now? Oh, come on. I got pictures real. Show you like your face are yelling in the back. Yeah, the kids are at home doing this. We're home today, guys. You're too loud. The people on the podcast are going to hear you say, Hi guys, you want to say Hello, Antonia. Come here. Let's talk about prom. Come here, Tony, to tell us what amazing day you had. Come on, let's talk about University of Delaware, Konya. She's now there. Quiet? Oh, she's gone. OK. OK, guys, I have to tell you about Angie. It's your home for everything home, and they've made it easier than ever to connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done right. You know, like redoing something in your front yard because your husband doesn't want to do it for the fifth time. Joe, guys, I have been waiting for an app like this my whole life. You literally can find everything on there. Anyone who can fix anything from paint to electricians to landscaping, you name it, and you'll find someone to do it on this app. I think it's genius. If you own a home, you know how much work it can take, whether it's everyday maintenance and repairs, or making dream projects a reality. 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Anyway, today sometimes were record in my studio, but today we're recording in the house whenever I'm recording with Joe, it's kind of easier to just bring this stuff home and do it from home because we like eat dinner, we put our sweat sign. We usually do it late night and then we'll like head to the couch after this and watch a look at the dog. Look at the dog. He's lifting his leg, trying to pee. He's got a diaper and we've got a dog with a diaper on. He's trying to pee. Yeah, we do. We literally have a dog that I know in Saigon. He lifts his leg and he's still with the diaper on. If you guys could see this visual, you know he's been on the Housewives. He's been on the show a bunch of times, but he was never wearing diapers prior to us living in this house because we moved him into this house and he just decided he likes white and he wants to pee on every single thing that's white because this is a very White House. And he just lifts his leg. So now he wears a diaper. I feel I must. I lift my leg, too, because you make me nuts with this house. Oh my god, guys. If you only know if you follow me on Instagram, you know that we have been doing the landscaping thing and it is. No, I've been doing the landscape. You don't know what you're doing and it's guys you I know about. This will say this before we talk about the landscape because you draw about what would you say seven days away from completing our house are outside of our house. About seven more days will be will pretty much be done, maybe like seven, seven to 10 days, 17 days now. Yeah. Oh well, yeah, because I gave him, I gave him pressure. We're doing prospects for Antonio's school here, so that was a deadline for him to make sure that it gets done. So I was like, Joe, here's the date of the prom. Here's the date of the prom. Peck's house has to be done. I volunteered to do the prom pics here. I'm getting food trucks and candy trucks, and the house has to be done. And he promised, so there's that. Well, Saturday we have the sod coming and we have to we have to get it down to one day and you're going to be out there. No, I'm not. That's not that's not my thing. We need. Are you going to watch the day my sons are going to be out there? My daughter's going to be out there, you're going to see we do it ourselves. I keep this family humble. We need to stay humble and working hard for me. Get my hands dirty. Being in the mud and the dirt keeps me humble. I love it. So that's what we're going to do as a family. We're laying about sixty five pallets aside. We are buying. Yes. Melissa Gorga will not be laying sod this Saturday because I like, Why don't you have to do the laundry? Why don't you have to do the dishes? Why don't you make us dinner? Because I do make dinner. I make dinner. I made you dinner last. Can we talk about the beautiful landscaping first? I forgot about the last thing. We have been arguing guys over landscaping like you wouldn't believe. I never knew. First of all, first of all, Joe was a landscaper, and he's anyone doesn't know this. He was a landscaper before he was a developer, right? So that was his thing. He did landscaping. He used to cut the gra*s. He used to do plantings used to do retaining walls, waterfalls, you name it. I mean, right now we're putting in a pool in the backyard. Shout out to the pool boss is the best. Our pool is almost done. We have fire pots and we have waterfalls back there. We have pool loungers. I'm very excited. I don't know when we're going to use the Shore House anymore because we're going to want to be here all the time too. But shout out to the pool boss because I also put him on a very strict time limit and he's he's on. Yeah, but you don't get involved with him. You get involved. The main. She just so nice to him, to you. I scream him and you ask her every six that know me and you don't me in the pool balls for talking because he's going through renovations in his house. He goes, I've been doing s**t three times. I go, No, I go. Me too. I go. She tells me, Pop to plant here. I want, I want. I want to see hedges. It's like he doesn't understand there's a new way. My house, I want backwards in the front of the house. I said, No, we should preserve privacy trees up. I mean, everybody drives by our home. We need to be private. She goes, No, no, no, no, no, I want backwards and she drives me to a house. She's like, I want this. I put the box woods up. I put the trees up, right. She sits on the front porch. She looks after, I'm done now. Mind you, I did those that job. I did that three months ago. She sits on the front porch yesterday and she goes, We can have this. I need privacy. She goes, Take them all out and put privacy trees. I go, you nuts. Absolutely not. The sprinkler systems run on all these. The controllers are over there. She's like, she's like, Take them out. Then we go to the nursery. She's like, Pick these arbor. Vitals are provides the deer. Eat everybody. She goes, No, no, no, no, I want arbor bodies. I want this to look like L.A. I want our providers. I go, You can't have already. I said, Google it, the bears. We're standing, we are standing in a nursery Googling. I'm like, Hey, Siri, do the deer eat arbor right? Is what? What did she? We tell you that's their absolute favorite food in the world, they devour that devour them, you listen to that devour. And she I want them. I want to. I want them. I want them. I don't want them. You know, she's you know what they do in New Jersey because we have to have, I don't know some people, you guys that live out there in Texas or California or whatever. New Jersey is like deer everywhere. There's just deer galloping on our front yards. At any given moment, we have deer. Remember the one time? I'll never forget. I think it was like an uber driver dropping I saw from New York City and there was just two deer running across our driveway. Holy s**t, it's a deer. No, no, no, no. Something crazy was so funny. He wasn't. He was an Arab guy. Come, he was right. Right from Brooklyn. I never came into the suburbs. We took a we took a hoover home from New York City and we're coming up our street. And all of a sudden it is big deer. A bucket were big bucks. Hopson finishing. That guy goes, Oh, really? Well, holy s**t, it's a reindeer. Door slams on his brakes like he saw God. I can't, he said. It's a rain. These are two reindeer and we were laughing at what we we chased them off our lawn all day long because all they do is eat my hydrangeas, which is another favorite food. So basically, all I asked for was Joe to figure out landscaping with Box Woods hydrangeas. And I guess what, guys? I got all the hydrangeas God. I want to hear her mouth that deer eat them all. I would like I'm going to take a picture show I put on Instagram. It's like this big eight. All the hydrangeas. Thousands of dollars down the drain are divided. I am eating the arboviruses. I have to interrupt this. This is the funniest s**t ever. My sister is texting me right now because guys were recording this. It's Tuesday night and the reunion. I guess the second part of the reunion is airing right now, so everyone in my group texts is hysterical laughing. And my sister just rang my phone and I texted her back and I'm like, What is like, what's going on? Why are you calling me? I'm in the middle of a podcast. And she goes, she goes, No, I just wanted to give you the namaste so you can stick it up your a*****e. Oh my god, guys, that that is so funny because of what I said tonight on that I go, I'm looking for the now I'm a stay. And if I find the now miss mistake, I'm going to stick it right up my a*s hole. Oh yeah, I have to say, you know, you absolutely you just killed that you were funny. You were just you were great. And you know what? I'm just proud of you as just the person that you got somebody like attacking you and your calmness. And the way you can handle yourself was was, is I look up to him and that was great. No, really. Because I think, you know, it's not easy. I would've been like, f**k you, you know, I don't know. You would have God. We know, because, you know, it's hard to inspire the next episode that comes out. I mean, actually, we haven't seen the third episode yet, guys. So that'll be out next week. So that's when the men come out. But yeah, it wasn't easy. And listen, you know what, when you're sitting there and you don't have a million different stories that you're trying to remember. I just knew that I was going to say the truth and the facts. I didn't have nerves that day, right? And I know that, you know, your sister, whatever, sat down and she was like, Feel my heart, and she was very up. She was so angry and she was so mad and all right. She was going and going and going and her nerves. It was very clear that she had a lot of lines and a lot of things to remember, and a lot of she was there on a mission, right? So she had a lot of stress that day. She looked very like all over the place in her head, and I just didn't feel that way. I just felt very calm. Very ready. Very excited to face everything head on and be able to finally have a conversation face to face. I know you and I and all of my guests, really. We've been talking on this podcast for months about how there's so much chatter going on on social media behind the scenes. So many things that are aren't true about me writing about me accusations. The truth is going to set everybody free. This reunion was going to be vindicating for the other side. I was just very happy that none of that was true and I hated it. I was waiting for the moment that I could sit face to face where there is no lying right. You do get caught in your lies. You do have to talk facts. You can't have other people do your dirty work. You do have to talk and answer the questions that Andy asked. Right. And I was very calm and very happy to sit there and just get it off my chest. And obviously, you know, it wasn't easy. Listen, when someone's biting at your neck for 10 hours, like a bulldog, trying to pull blood, trying to crack you, trying to make. You break, you know, it's it was obviously very sad, right, because at the end of day, this is a family and sometimes I'm taking myself out of the family aspect for a minute and just talking about human to human, having someone try to rip your neck off and get blood right. And it's it's not easy. It's rough. Hold that thought. When I was back there, the guys are back there and we sit and watch as we're filming backstage and we're hanging out. We're having a drink. And I at one point was watching and I got so emotional because I've watched the way my sister reacted. And she was just being so mean, which they cut a lot of that part out, and she was just being so nasty that it made me. It made me upset and I started crying. I was I was emotional backstage because I was so embarrassed for her and embarrassed for the whole situation. And then when I got out. And it was on that stage and I was on that platform, all that went away. It just went away because I really I was listening to somebody trying to hurt me. My own family and just trying to put me down and and trying to look just doesn't want any good for me and just constantly says nasty things or just started going away like all that love. And that's hurtful. I just sat there numb. I'm just like, OK. I remember at one point I came back to say hi to you for the 30 minute break that we got. You were just like staring at the wall, like you were in shock because you guys got to watch the monitors from behind the scene. And I think you were like, You look stunned, like crying. I was I was upset between you because I was embarrassed for her, and I was just embarrassing. The whole situation, like, my god, why do you have to be so? I mean, an evil like, what are we doing here, it's not that bad. You know what is going on? Well, the thing is, we're the ones who actually beat s**t and we were the ones that we were very upset that that. And you know, she kept trying to make it sound as if, can you just clarify this because she kept trying to make it sound like it was only Louis who called you to the house to sit you and talk? I mean, is that your side of the story? Because I that's not what you said. No, it was, you know, obviously was both on. But but the situation was we were the one saying, you sat down at a counter with both of them and they were both giving you the story like she was giving you what she heard and he was giving you some blame. Listen, she blames everything on everybody, and everyone knows that. So once you started saying that, it's, you know, it's hard to she was there. She was very lucky. She gets very lucky. I've never seen more people and this is where you can, like, take your hat off to Teresa. I guess I've never seen more people in my life do someone else's dirty work like multiple people for so many years, like if you pay attention to her and Jen's our little puppet? Well, yeah. But not only that, if you write like if you and this was very shocking in this episode that that aired this week, literally, Danielle goes into the back room and looks at her husband, basically tells her husband they set me up. She realizes that they that she got set up, which is very eye-opening for her. I don't get why she's I still see them hanging out together. Maybe she doesn't care that she got used her setup. That's on her. I know it would bother me a lot, but she did say that. So at least she does recognize that that did happen to her because it was all pre said. We all had the conversations already. It was known already that, you know, that they were not going to bring this to camera. It wasn't like a secret court thing. And that's why I got so frustrated with your sister because I was like, Wait a second. You guys purposely tried to say this on TV, so I look bad and to embarrass me and that and I'm pissed now I'm going to say why I'm really pissed, right? So it's just it's crazy to me how many people and if you watch the season, literally she doesn't talk at all, like she doesn't do much. It's like she sits there. Louie or her ex-husband used to it. Now, Louis says all of the bad stuff, and she just sits there and nods her head, right? Or it's Jenny, and she sits there. And Nader had before it was Penny. Or it was this one, or it was that one. It was. I've never seen a person where it was Kim, you know, like, I've never seen a person get so many people to just do her dirty work. Like, What do they think they're getting out of it? This is what I'll never understand. What is she? What is she doing for them? That makes them say, I mean, I get it from her husband and her ex-husband. They die. I get it. They want to help her out. They want to do it for her fine. But like this, strangers, I don't get it. And it's like, even on the housewives like Louis, you do. You already look like a moron pajama boy? You might as well keep doing it. I mean, at this point, I mean, really? I mean, the guy's a clown. I'm sorry. He's a clown. They just he is. I'm sorry. Yeah. Well, I mean, a Bo Dietl thing. He completely, you know, the whole with a we do the whole thing and then he denies doing it all. Or he says it, he demands it in two in two episodes, then he takes it back. Then he said, I'm I don't. I didn't do it. I mean, people are after us. I mean, it's just higher payroll because we got we Bedford deal does this whole thing on Instagram saying, I have nothing to do with him. He did not hire me. Then another article comes out with Bo Dietl. Admit admitting with his ex with Louie's ex, right? There's a new article that he did do it. It's just it's Bo Dietl is advertising his business at the same time. It's like it's like a reunion on the reunion night. He's he. His post comes out on that reunion night, so it's like, Come on, man, it's a big f**king game. It's it's seriously, it's like us. It's like a circus. It's literally and they want to blame everybody else. Oh my God, you put us in prison, really? I mean, who do you call? Well, I don't even know who to call it. Do you call the one 800 FBI call line? I don't even. Where's the number? No, I mean, it's a circus. 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Com Slash Melissa and download the Zach That app for free, then find and book a top rated doctor today. And here's the best part to me. Many of them are available within 24 hours. That's The O.C. Melissa Melissa. Anyway, I mean, we could go on and on and on with all of that, it's just it's crazy. The reunion had a lot of moments, but yeah, I you know, it's funny you say that that I was I don't even remember saying half of the things that I said, like, even like when I rewatched the reunion with everyone, I'm like, Oh, I don't remember saying that, you know, I know you hate me. Just try to control yourself. Which, by the way, guys, I made sweatshirts that because I have to admit even I love that saying, and I just love the way I was putting on my lip gloss. You made a sweatshirt. Yeah. So envy guys go to envy by There are awesome merch merch right now that says, I know you hate me, but try to control yourself and their awesome little hoodies and crewneck sweatshirt, so I had to make them. I friggin love mine. What about my my saying release? The poison came out. That's been in my head. Oh my god, what do you want? No one is wearing a shirt. Do you know what that means? No one is wearing that on there. I guarantee actually you have that on your shirt. This last episode, you have a T-shirt on that you should have a contact. Now let's put let's sell out the release the for now. No, anyway, so definitely not. But anyway, yeah, so I did end up putting that on a sweatshirt, guys. The guys head over to me by and check it out. There's such cute sweatshirts. I'm going to be rocking them 24 hours a day. There's hoodie and then there's a black crewneck. So whichever one floats your boat. What did you think about Andy? I know they gave some people were giving Andy a little heat. You know what? I felt bad for him. If you guys were there and watched it and it wasn't just at Theresa, it seemed that way because she was really obviously in a mode of like Theresa came in like with her rehearsed lines that I know her attorney gave her because that's what he does. So he gave her her like five rehearsed things that he told her to say, and she just kept trying to receive them. And then she would think again and repay them. And any time I would come at Theresa and make a point right where I was actually making sense, or you're making a point, she would just get really loud and start yelling and screaming and try to like sway the cop deflecting right? But try to like, turn the conversation out of the way. And Andy, she didn't do it once, twice, three times. She did it for literally eight hours straight. So if you guys saw that, trust me, you're not seeing, you're only seeing three hours of a ten hour day. She did not break for a very long time. It was like she he did not let. She would not let anyone speak because they were making points on Louie or having receipts. They had a receipt. Or they had I was saying, No, Theresa, this is untrue, say the truth. And she would just start yelling and screaming and getting loud. And I think, you know, she's probably letting down a lot of her fans or all of the fans that she's been deeming or telling like, I'm going to be vindicated. This is Melissa is a liar. Melissa lied. And then clearly they see I'm not lying about things and that I'm coming at her with facts and I'm telling the truth and and, you know, I feel like they are her fans blindly, no matter what she does, will be like, it's OK. That's not how it went. Like in their own world, is it or is it all our fans or is it that PR smear team they hide? Well, no. There's definitely her group of like 10 that they all DM each other. They make like a little. They denied. They denied about. They denied that to. Yeah, we discussed that on the reunion. Their brother, the next. That's the next episode. That's the next reunion where we we do ask about the PR and like how they did hire a publicist that we all know, which is a fact. They hired them to do like this, like a PR, especially, you know, not. And it's OK to hire a PR, right? If you're going to promote a business. But they didn't do it. They hired them in a negative way to put out bad social on Joe and I, and for a minute, Frank Catania and Frank and Frank Catania and Margaret. Yes, and we do know that for a fact and we did approach them, and you have to watch the next episode to see their answers and and how that worked. But it's crazy. It's sad. I know we're talking to you about it like in a way that it's a TV show because it is a TV show. But at the end of the day, this was a family, and it's sad that all of these things go on, and I don't feel like there's a good enough reason. I just think at the end of the day, she will just never forgive us for accepting, you know, the role on on The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Like, we got offered a job and we took the job, and no matter what, she just wanted it for herself and she'll never let's move on from it, and that's sad to break a whole family over it. I mean, we've moved on for so many years. And you know what? The world doesn't revolve around you. It's not all about you. And that's that. It's like, it's just it's so sad to like, preach, but we can go on and on and on about this all day long. But those are just some of my immediate thoughts. Also having Joe, his poor guy. Joe Giudice, do this podcast to come out and try to vindicate her in sandwich of saying we put her in jail. I mean, what stuff? The first of all, just like Jack said, Where's Jacqueline? Jacqueline Teresa blamed Jacqueline for first revealing Caroline. Then she said, Never. I'm sorry. She started to blame Jacqueline. We all know it was the ex partner. That's what everyone was saying. Always. The ex-partner basically admitted that it was him. He doesn't even care. Not, he admits that it was him. And and it's like now she's on to it was us because Jacqueline told her it was us. But guys like Jacqueline know who's my god? The text that Jacqueline writes about Teresa, it was like literally only within a year of saying All this is insanity. I saw Joe about five or six months ago. We hugged it out and it was awesome. It was great. This poor guy, she broke. You got to do this podcast, Joe. You got to. Oh, for sure. She made a poor guy who went out there. He's out there. He's already struggling out there trying to live a life. He's not with his family. Leave the guy alone. Now he's got to. Yeah, we spoke to somebody. I know somebody and you have been me. Go my way. And he also, you know, he said a couple of other stupid things on that. And I guess it did him no favors, but I don't get why. I just don't get it. I don't get you there for me. So I talk about the FBI or the FBI is going to talk about like, who would know about that anyway? My God, and it's so funny that she a cartoon we could we can make this a cartoon. Well, they do. They do. They have some, they do make friends. They make you guys The Flintstones, sometimes where you guys, you told me too. I think I'm Wilma. I think I'm cool, but it's kind of funny. Like as if anybody would ever. First of all, I think I think on the podcast, the guy says to him, like, Well, where was Melissa? Where was Melissa when this was happening? Meaning like, you were calling the feds on your sister? You know, I wanted to interrupt, but like I was burping a baby, I was definitely home burping Gino. Like what? So listen what? These people are out of their out of control. The people who interview them are even funny, first of all, because they're like, used to line up to say hello and take a picture. I have so many tags and anyone to act like, Well, I have to clear was Melissa. I was home giving frickin Joey a bottle. That's where I was. While you guys are making up these stupid a*s story, I mean, really honestly, to cause some to call the feds on somebody you've got to know they're inside stuff, everything they're doing. I wasn't even around this guy. I don't even know what they were talking. We I never even saw them for years. I mean, it was only when they were filming. And that's like, how do I know what they were writing or signing or doing or I wasn't doing business with him, you know? I mean, it's ridiculous. You can't just call a one 800 FBI, how are you? I got some information on John Smith here. This guy, I think he does this FBI hang up on you. We're so busy. You better give these guys facts. Everything you bring them dirt have have the exact paperwork. Who the hell knows what you have to have? But I would, even regardless, if you were my worst, worst enemy, I could. I can never do that. Do you know I don't even write a bad comment on a social media? I've never wrote a bad comment, even if I hate you. I would never. I never done that ever in my life, and I'm going to call somebody an informant. I mean, are you sick? Really? Never. Yeah. I mean, I never call somebody I can never know. Nobody funny. It's just I got a touch of tiny bit, but nobody in their right mind thinks that put this in my comedy act. What do you think we were doing? Peeling garlic with the Goodfellas Y and no one in the right mind thinks that Caroline Manzo would do that either. I mean, come on. And then what about barrel? I'm mad. What about Jacqueline? It's like Jacqueline knew nothing about the show. And then they were trying to twist. Like, I spoke to Caroline. You spoke to Caroline Manzo, by the way. They were trying to twist what she said at Page Six that she was in the room. And to be honest, that was actually shocking to me, too, that she said she was in the room because I didn't know. That's like new information to me. But it was actually shocking to me because people tried to say, she's saying, it's Melissa and Joe. Meanwhile, Lauren Manzo came out and wrote, right on somebody like, we are not saying right on someone, it's Tick-Tock. We are not saying it was Melissa and Joe, like, we're we're literally just saying we might. We know who it was, but it's not Melissa and Joe. But then for a week, straight talk. Oh, she's saying it was, well, it was you. These this is like insanity. It's like, Let's let's just move on. Let's more we can. We pause? I really have to go the bathroom like I can't not go, Holy s**t, this girl, I have to go so bad. Anyway. Oh, what about that, Dolores Doyle looks at me, and I didn't even realize this because I would have answered her guys, to be honest, but she said to me at the reunion to sleep with one eye open and that I didn't catch that was it. Well, you know why? Because you weren't out there. But she said it on this reunion. She's like, Oh, this is not good for you, Melissa. Sleep with one eye open. A lot of people were concerned with her and like what she was talking about, she was referring to Jacqueline. So she was referring to the fact that, like Jacqueline's crazy and like, Oh, sleep with one eye open. Because now Jacqueline's going to make 15 fake accounts to attack you all day and she's going to spend the time to do it. That's exactly what waste your time. Go ahead. I know we reread it and push it all the same time. It's like wasting they waste their energy rebel. I mean, really, it's just a waste, a waste. But that's basically what Dolores was talking about, because a lot of you were like, Oh, why? And the truth is, if I would have heard her said that, I would have looked at her and said, I'm not scared of anyone. I'm speaking my truth today. So that's that. And she was not saying that towards me. She was kind of saying it like Wolf, be very afraid because Jacqueline's coming for you. I mean, it's a shame because we were nice to and we have never argued, never had a fight with Jacqueline. The only fight I've ever had with her is what you saw on the show and when she was like mad that me and Teresa made up and everyone keeps trying to say it's opposite that I was mad that her and Theresa were. Maybe I could care less about their friendship. They had a friendship before they before I even knew Jacqueline, like I could care less. It wasn't like, I'm going to say shame on her because we were always nice to her when I was Chris, her kids. Yes. And I loved her and I loved her kids, and I don't get it. I don't get what she said. If she wants to be that way, that's fine. But I listen. I hope she listens to a shame on you because we were. We always respected you. We did, because we did kids. Jimmy and I never turned away. No matter what she thinks, I know she thought that I was turning out. She said something, something on a podcast somewhere like, I didn't confess. There's a lot of things I don't know it was. But whatever she was saying and I said to myself, Oh, that's what she's married like, I don't even like, I didn't even mean it, that it was just like a misunderstanding. Like, I don't even know why Jack was that bad. But whatever I do wish Jacqueline and her whole family like health and happiness somewhere. I don't get why she's crawling out of this hole and wanting to. I mean, she knows better than this. I'm in shock with her. She knows there's nothing more stressful than dealing with this show, and she hated it and used to pull her hair out and worked overtime. And the fact that she's getting herself involved in it for no money when no one's even trying to hurt her or attack her. I'm baffled that why she would even waste her time like I'm sure she has better things to do. Like, it's baffling to me, but to each their own. If this is how she wants to spend her days like now, she'll want to defend this and that. I forgot about that. She was now brought up at the reunion. If I were her, I'd want to be in peace somewhere with my children not being brought up at The Real Housewives of New Jersey. When you're not being paid for it and you're really not friends with Teresa, I don't give a s**t. There is no way that tax like that gets sent to Jackie, Goldschneider and Jackie. Go ahead. You know, for them. To me, I've had them for a while. I've had no, no. That was hilarious. He didn't even read it. First of all, he didn't even read the worst ones on air. There's pictures of Jacqueline sending Jacqueline Jacqueline sending Jackie of Teresa getting flushed down a toilet bowl, her head spinning and like the ugly like. The worst picture of Teresa you could possibly find in the universe is the pictures that Jacqueline Laurita was texting her and calling her names that you wouldn't even like. I would never even think to call someone. It was beyond hate, it was beyond hate. And that's who my sister in law is deciding to believe and throw in my face. And I was not trying to be hurtful or petty at that point, actually, when I had every right to be honestly, said Teresa. I was trying to prove a point. I was trying to be like, Listen, that's whose word, you're going to take a look at this huge subject of you who put you in jail. I'm like, she was a man that you're going to take her word over hours. She forgives everyone, Teresa, except for us. Meanwhile, like the things that are said to her, the things that Jacqueline has done to her. Jacqueline has tried to, like, ruin her, basically called her out, saying that she was the one that said I was trying to like that I was a stripper. Jacqueline ripped her new a*****e for the last like two seasons. She was on the show, but Teresa's cool with her, but hates me and you. It's like baffling. Yeah, I don't get it. But Jacko became the pope because it's so credible. It's not the Pope. It's like the Pope St. Thomas, Jackson said. She was going to go against me. So now, Jack, I'm winning. It's like, it's like, So it's such an easy formula. You think Vanderpump Rules is messy now? It's always been messy. I'm Jack's Taylor, the OG paparazzi villain, and I'm Brittany Cartwright, wife of the O.G. villain, and we've got a new podcast when reality hits. We'll definitely be talking about Vanderpump Rules past and present an MRI scan of all, and you'll get a look at what life is like for us now as we figure out marriage and parenthood, little cruzi and friendships and definitely feuds. It's our real reality with and without cameras, and sometimes with special guests like our celeb friends, former cast mates and other veterans of reality TV. They'll listen to and follow when reality hits with us. Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright at Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Forget about that, let's talk about the serious stuff. What's serious that hello, Margaret. Margaret Sun, God. It was scary. This is scary and this is a real thing, and I think you'll hear more about this the next episode because the guys come out and. But yes, my son was called and he was threatened by Louis at work. And then the crazy part about this is that Louis, Margaret's son, doesn't film on the show. He doesn't want to be on the show. He wants nothing to do with the show. It's the oddest child to go after because no one even knows him. He doesn't care. He's not a drama boy, right? So it's like the fact that Louie's voice called his work land line. Do you understand me? It was a land line. This was not the kid's cell phone. It was his landline at his new very pillow is such and such. Dare you got to go through extension thing? OK, hold on. Pass it to this extension is now you get this guy. It was a big financial Kenshin Landline, OK? It was Louie's voice. It was Louie's number showed up on the caller I.D. and the guy said, What did he say? He did he say to the Sun, You should be very afraid, he said. I'm the guy. You should be around the guy. You've got to be afraid. So the guys on the coyotes, Margaret Song goes, Is this Louis Ruelas? Wait, what? What kind of guy heads up? What a f**king clown, right? Then he hangs up on him. I don't need to block your number before you threatened the child. I mean, I'm sorry, that's so dumb. Could you wait and then excuse at the reunion was all of a sudden Theresa. All the sudden Teresa's like, Oh look, Margaret, this just happens. The phones call each other, which, yeah, they call each other from numbers that are in. We did have this happen, by the way, from Housewives, like our phones would just start calling each other. Right. Because I guess somebody did like this phone hack where if you could make one phone, call another phone and so like Frank Attentes phone would just start ringing Joe's phone, but no one would be there when you answered it. And Frank was like, I didn't call you. And then sometimes we would call like Joe would call Andy Cohen's phone and Joe's like, I didn't just call your phone like, but it would ring, so somebody did a hack amongst the housewives. So Teresa was trying to blame it on that, saying, no, it's the hack, meanwhile. No, this is a landline. This is not. And no one has Margaret's son's landline phone at his new job store. No, where it's only numbers that are like stored in your phone. You know, I meant that guy. I met her son maybe once or twice bagel. I met him once or twice to. I didn't even know what he did for a living. Now I know, but it doesn't matter. The point is the point is, it's not. This is not. Margaret's son is not someone who would make this up. He's not a drama. Katie's not one of the ones who are on our show dolled up in confessionals, talking s**t. He is not this kid. He doesn't even want anything to do with the show. So the fact that he was called is bonkers to me and very scary. And we're going to leave it at that because you're going to have to see the rest of that in the next meeting will be called my son. It'll be over. Yeah, I'm not that guy. No, it was literally a man threatening a kid at work. I mean, come on, you guys, come on. This is like, Oh, you doing what you think this is? What do you think this is Goodfellas? It's scary, whatever it is. Guys, it's wrong on so many levels and we're joking. We're joking about it right now, but it's actually a pretty serious thing. And if you were Margaret, you would be livid. And this is a it's a crazy thing and it's out of our hands when people do this. Of course, it's, you know, being denied and and all of a sudden the best part was then all of a sudden and in nowhere, Teresa's like, Look, my phone's calling your phone right now. Margaret, my phone at the moment because they had the hack and she had, you know, her people making it go on. And that's where I grew up. They kept texting at the reunion to like, help give people clues of what to do. She told Gia when to call in. She told Joe Judy's going to call in. It was so it was the most rehearsed in a bad way reunion I've ever seen Teresa do in my life. It was so pre-planned that it was it was hard to watch to see. It was hard to watch to try to get through it on her own without all of her people who were on the other ends planning it with her. It was like cringe to watch, but that's why I get upset with my sister because I do not defend something that's bad. You're defending something that's really not right. Right? Just ignore it and don't say anything. You're defending this guy threatening someone's son, right? And that's shut the hell up. He's killing yourself. Sorry. Yeah, that's not who she is. I don't know what she's thinking. What are you doing doing? I don't. But we're going to let you guys watch the end. The third part of the reunion, you guys, you guys can make your own assumptions on that. We're just telling you, you know what? We know, it's really crazy. There's so many, like highs and lows from the reunion. I actually thought that this second one was funny in a lot of ways. There was some funny parts in it, the new girls arguing I feel like everybody just wants to see them get along. We thought the argument was kind of silly and doesn't make sense. It seemed like, you know, Danielle was reaching to argue with Rachel and Rachel. Like, just it just wasn't. It just seems like they don't need to argue this isn't the big enough argument for them. I would like to see them get along. But we do want to say thank you guys for all the support that you've got that we've gotten through all of this because we we do read your messages and we do see what the fans are saying. And you know, I have never seen more support ever on my 13 years of being on how I've got so many DMs and it was so beautiful. So thank you. Thank you. It was really nice. Yeah, it it. It means a lot. And it's just it's very, very sweet and kind and we do read them. So know that we do. We do read them and we appreciate you. And you know what, at the end of the day, it's about truth, and that's what the reunions are about. Listen, we had a lot of hard questions, too, that we had to answer, right? So it is what it is. I hope that you guys enjoy the next episode of the reunion. I haven't seen it yet. It's when the men come out. I'm assuming it's a doozy, but this is all our truth on how we feel about it. So we're going to get back to our landscaping and getting ready for Antonia's next prom and just getting this house done. By the way, the house looks amazing. It's really looking great. I know a lot of you want to know the deal with the House and why I know I touched on it. I just want to put this in here real quick so I can give you a little a little story behind that. The house I know I said it on the reunion with Andy, but I'm going to say it again. For all of you that are curious and wondering, when we first got our plans to the house, it was during COVID and we weren't happy with what our our first architect did, and we had to submit the plans we had to get out of the rental. They were close to what we wanted, but not perfected. So we we submitted them. We got into the house for all of you that are asking. We then went to a new architect plan architecture, by the way that I ab Dan from plan architecture. Shout out, Love you, you are the absolute best of the best. He he gave us a new plan with what we were working with and what I wanted, and it's coming out. Absolutely beautiful. It's way more of what I wanted, and I can't wait to show you guys because why not? I'm here for all of your hate and your love and everything else that you guys are going to say. But like I, I really love it. You don't. No one can say anything because what happened to COVID was on there has never happened before and trying to build through called it torture. Believe we could even get half the material that we wanted to get material everything and trying to deal with the building department. So at that point, we just had to get done and get in. And luckily, I do this for a living. So I said, now we're better, let's get it done and then we'll change it. And that's what we're doing, right? Right. So we just we extended our front porch. I said I wanted a big front porch because I like to sit with my coffee out on my porch. In the morning, we got the front porch. Now there was a couple of things that we changed with, you know, just not crazy. And we weren't we didn't do the backyard at all. So now we're doing the backyard. It's not a crazy change, but it is enough to make it like, Wow, that's exactly what I was going for. So I'm I'm excited about it and that's what we did. We did a little, you know, we did tweaking because we just could not do it and wait a whole nother year to submit plans. We rather have lived here during it. So that's that's the story for all of you that are asking, I love you guys so much. Thank you so much for listening to on display. Make sure you guys all head over to envy by Those sweatshirts are moving quickly and they are so cute, Joe. Thank you for chatting with me tonight. Pleasure, honey. Oh. Shall we go eat more Stella, Dora and have some chamomile, some camel meal? Let's go do what we got to do. All right, guys, we love you. Thank you so much. Thank you, Joe, for coming on display today. Welcome, baby. I appreciate you do it all landscape. Cook your podcast. Clean the House Laundry. Yes, you're a good co-host. Thank you so much. We love you guys. And just remember, always speak the truth, even if your voice shakes chow chow chow. Some. 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Past Episodes

This week, Melissa welcomes her favorite guest, Joe Gorga, to the podcast to discuss the challenges of parenting teenagers, including some tough decisions they?ve had to make recently. Plus, Melissa celebrates a sweet victory with her now-famous sprinkle cookies and teases some exciting new products on the way.

They're later joined by a surprise guest, Frank Catania, who gives us the inside scoop on his son?s engagement, shares his thoughts on Dolores and Paulie, and drops spills a major secret about his own engagement to his fiance, Brittany. Tune in for some juicy updates this week! 

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00:51:33 3/6/2025

This week Melissa invites the amazing momager and one of the realest girls in Jersey, Danielle Cabral, to talk about the one and only moment that Danielle requested to cut from RHONJ, why the dirtiest castmates on the show really have nothing to fall back on, and what she thinks is next for the beloved franchise. 

Melissa and Danielle also share their thoughts on how Dolores is playing The Traitors game, whether they would want to be traitors or faithfuls, and why Danielle would have a hard time playing a low-pro game. 

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Sono Bello - Winter Savings Event:

01:09:19 2/27/2025

Star of Netflix's Selling the City Eleonora Srugo chats with Melissa about the casting process for the show, her falling out with Jade Chan, why Steve Gold is such great eye candy, the crazy real estate market in Manhattan, the sacrifices she made in her social life to get where she is, and dating life in the city!

We have deals for you!!

  • Naked Wines: Get 6 bottles for $39.99 with shipping included at - click Enter Voucher and use code MELISSA for both the code and password!
  • Orgain: Want more protein? Go to and use code ONDISPLAY for 30% off your order!
  • AquaTru: Stay hydrated! Get 20% off any AquaTru purifier with code MELISSA at 
  • Need a place? Head to - THE place to find a place!
  • Traveling? Head to - Booking dot YEAH!
00:54:05 2/20/2025

Melissa invites celebrity best-friend, CEO, and author, Loren Ridinger, onto the show to share her heartbreaking story of losing the love of her life, the very powerful way that she views grief, and her incredible advice to anyone who has dealt with the loss of a partner.  

Loren?s amazing story of grief and growth is all in her brand-new book, Scrambled or Sunny-Side Up?: Living Your Best Life after Losing Your Greatest Love, available now.  

This week?s sponsors: - The Place to Find a Place:

Belle Vitale ? Improve Hormone Health and Well-Being: or , promo code: BV15 (15% off) 

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

Prolon - Fasting with Food: (15% off + $40 Bonus Gift) 

Pluto.TV - Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV (Free)

Rula ? Quality Therapists Who Specialize in You: (Patients typically pay $15 per session)

01:07:06 2/13/2025

Melissa invites the always entertaining Joe Gorga back onto the show to talk about Joe?s strange obsession with the local news weather segments, the many phases of Melissa Gorga (according to Joe), and their new obsession with The White Lotus. 

The two also share their plans for the Superbowl, and discuss the dilemma they have when trying to pick which team to root for this year.   

This week?s sponsors: ? The Place to Find a Place:

Belle Vitale - Hormone health that will change everything!:

Quince ? Luxury Essentials at Affordable Pricing: (Free shipping and 365-day returns)

00:47:16 2/6/2025

This week Melissa catches up with the always lovely and always faithful, Dolores Catania, to talk about how she used her own private detective skills on the latest season of The Traitors, the one competitor that the jury is still out on (even after the show), and why a life on RHONJ perfectly prepares you for a reality competition show.

Dolores also gives us an update on her amazing family, how she and Paulie are doing, and why she?s loving this stage of parenting.

This week?s sponsors: ? The Place to Find a Place:

Belle Vitale ? Improve Hormone Health and Well-Being:

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

Naked Wines ? Amazing Wines at an Affordable Price: , click ?enter voucher? and use code MELISSA for both the code and password (6 Bottles for $39.99)

Orgain ? Clean, Organic, Plant Protein Powder: (30% off order)

PlutoTV - Free Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV

Sono Bello ? Lose Stubborn Fat in One Visit:

01:07:02 1/30/2025

With Traitors back in full swing, let's revisit a chat with who ALMOST won it all last season.

Melissa invites the fan favorite from the latest season of The Traitors, Mercedes Javid (MJ), to talk all about the the pros and cons of being married to old-school men, what happens when two famous partners react to fame very differently, and the behind the scenes secrets of the hit reality show, The Traitors.

This week's sponsors: - The Place to Find a Place:

Pluto.TV - Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV (Free!)

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Prolon - Fasting with Food - Join The January Challenge:

00:48:45 1/23/2025

Melissa invites the always hilarious, Joe Gorga, back onto the show to talk about the parental dilemmas with Apple Pay, Joe?s NSFW idea for his own cookie business, and who, out of the two of them, would make the better employee. 

Melissa and Joe also give us their take on the latest season of Traitors, the team they?d want to play for on the show, and why Joe would probably blow up his game on Day 1. 

This week?s sponsors: ? The Place to Find a Place:

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

PlutoTV - Free Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool: 

00:46:21 1/16/2025

Melissa welcomes mom, hustler, and pod host, Amanda Hirsch who also happens to run one of the best Instagram accounts out there to talk about the future of RHONJ, whether that includes MG, what Andy Cohen has said about it all, and where Melissa stands with her castmates! 

They also chat about the RHONY reboot, who owned the most recent season, who got a little off course, and how these ladies stack up against OGs like Sonja Morgan and Countess Luann de Lesseps.

Plus, Sprinkles by MG and how and when you can get some! 

And which Bravolebrity is killing it on Cameo!

Thanks for supporting our sponsors!

Dime Beauty - Clean, Luxurious, Affordable Skincare:

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Prolon - Fasting with Food: (15% off 5-Day Nutrition Plan)

01:02:10 1/9/2025

Melissa is joined by the always hilarious, LadyGang, to talk about the "cheugy" (or "chuggy") feud between Millenials and GenZ, how Keltie is owning the term, "Sexy Mature," and who, out of the crew, would make a great addition to The Real Housewives. 

This week's sponsors:

Babbel - Language Learning that Actually Works: (Up to 60% off!)

PlutoTV - Free Streaming TV: www.Pluto.TV

Progressive - "Name-Your-Price" Tool:

Prolon - Fasting with Food: (15% off 5-Day Nutrition Plan)

ZocDoc - Trusted Doctors Just a Few Taps Away:

00:59:26 12/26/2024

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