Is a trip ever complete without a minor (MAJOR) hiccup? Kaitlyn and Clio share their recent extremely long and traumatic travel experience while making their way to Maui (and back again) for their annual refresh/reset/goal setting business partner trip. Body temperatures rose, tears were shed, disbelief subsided and Positive Patty a.k.a. Clio has rubbed off on Kaitlyn who rallies to make the absolute best of a very unfortunate situation... turning a negative into a positive. A special guest helps make the last leg of the trip 'A Flight To Remember' with unexpected kindness and support. Once in Maui, people were caught peeing in bushes, card games were won and wine was lost but most importantly, the hours spent actually on vacation were filled with serendipitous events and lots of laughs. Where is the Sisterhood of the Traveling Book off to next?!
You can find Clio and Kaitlyn on IG at @cliodelallave @kaitlynbristowe @dewedit @spadeandsparrows