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Barely Famous

This week on Barely Famous, Kail floats the idea of becoming a game show host, Kristen gets attitude in first class, both discuss staying in relationships during frustrating times, and the mysterious details around Aaron Carter's autopsy report. Please support the show by checking out our sponsors: Fabric: Protect your family today with Fabric by Gerber Life. Get your personalized quote in seconds at meet Ibotta: Right now, Ibotta is offering our listeners $5 just for trying Ibotta by using the code BARELYFAMOUS when you register. Just go to the App Store or Google Play store and download the FREE Ibotta app and use code BARELYFAMOUS. Angi: So get your next project done with the help of a pro from Angi. Download the free Angi mobile app today or visit

Coffee Convos with Kail Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley
01:25:22 4/22/2024


I hate gift giving and receiving receiving gifts is so weird. What do you say? Thank you. This is coffee convos with Kale Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley. I really want you to be in your field scale. That does not interest me whatsoever. I feel very attacked by you. A spirited discussion about motherhood, friendship, family and life in the public eye. I'm just not with the fakery anymore. There's a fakery bakery around here. Here's Caitlin Lindsay. Good morning, Lindsay and morning. Welcome to coffee. Combative podcast looks like we're both wearing graphics today. Yes. And we're also going to start with an alarming convo today. So I took all the babies to target really quick and not doing that again. There's a reason why we haven't left the house with all three of the little ones, but we had plans on Sunday to go to Legoland and then we had plans to go to dinner. We got back after I was getting the other kids right, so both people invited us right. Like they asked us, Do we want to go cool? Love that for us. Both cancelled. So we were like, What do we do? Because it was two different families, right? So it's fine. I'm not mad, but we're like, I'm already have hair and makeup, like I was fully dressed, whatever. So we go to target. And not only do they have Stanleys there, but they also had the Stanley. I have the brunette, Audie. Oh, oh, see, I've seen those, but I never saw a Stanley one before, so I got the matching Stanley because Elijah also likes the the other drinks that are this size that fit in here. Yeah, like the white claws and Julies. Yes. So I was like, and I have this sitting in my office, but it's like it's a short one. But if it was bigger, I don't have a fridge in here because I moved with the mini fridge into my bedroom when I was like, I need this to keep it cold because I don't always drink it. Listen to me. I need to get that one because you can see the top of the Ahwahnee like better than you can. And this one, I feel like, like, you see more of it. Yeah, how many times I've been strolling around town with my Ahwahnee like this and I'm pretty sure people are looking at me like I am walking around with like a throaty white claw. Oh, 100 percent. Because if I saw the baseball field where you could barely see it, I'm like, Oh, she's she's drinking. She she drink at o'clock because there's no laws when you're drinking claws, are you looking at me like that? OK, now, first of all, I got a couple of things to tell you. Please tell me why I thought there was gunshots outside of my house this morning and it was a lawnmower. I'm pretty sure backfiring. So that's number one. Do you guys hear one backer? Don't know why they started weed whacking at this time? Not very convenient. Second thing I would love to read text messages from one of my girlfriends this morning and very much related on so many levels, she said. How is it that men just get dumber and dumber? I can't deal with my baby daddy anymore and his stupidity? Sometimes I would honestly pay for someone to slap him just for my own satisfaction. I'm glad that you didn't say names because I'm pretty sure that would be like a tick against them if they were like, Oh, I feel threatened. You know what I mean? Like, Oh yeah, oh yeah. Look, that's just the baby daddies is not. I don't wish upon my worst. I did this and I'm like, This is truly not how God intended for life to be. The intention is to get married, have children, stay with the significant other that you had a child with, and then we wonder why our life is absolute f**king chaos. Speaking about co-parenting really quick, though, yeah, I think I've noticed that it is a lot better and we have way less problems going on at Will's house when I'm in less communication. Oh, 100 percent. Harvey and I have never been in a better place. It's the same, and I think that's the same situation as you and will, and we strictly email. I mean, Kristen sees it. She oversees everything and no issues. What sort of like, there is no f**king issue. I can't tell you the last time. And truly, yeah, we've all, like all my co-parenting relationships, have gone through the trenches. But I think for all intents and purposes purposes and truly also speaking of that phrase, did you know that I just learned that it's all intents and purposes, not all intensive purposes? Wait, what? You thought it was intensive? Mm hmm. Rigor mortis indicated intensive purposes. So given the circumstances of like four three baby daddies plus an ex-husband, truly I could it could be way worse. Like, my situation is, people that have one baby daddy have had worse situations than me with four. So when people try to come at me about that and they're like, I don't know how she juggles setting. Kids enforce schedules and this fight in the third, it's like there's no I don't know, I say the same thing, I say this to everybody. I'm like, I do not know how she does it with that many people involved, but it could be so much worse, like it could truly be three of the third. You know what I mean? Yeah, but explain, like, do you feel like it's because you guys have already been through the trenches that you're just like, you fought it out and now it's good? No, I think that Joe does the best he can. I think that Harvey does a really good job, and I think that Chris does the best he can. So I think that with that being said, I think that Chris and I are moving towards co-parenting without personal feelings, and I don't mean personal feelings in a way of like romantic feelings was just like no resentment, animosity, those types of like, we're working towards that. But you know, Joe and I, we don't have we don't argue there's nothing to argue about at this point. It's just like, you feel how you feel, I feel how I feel and we just do the damn thing. Same thing with Harvey. And you know, I just, yeah, we've already been through it. I think for me specifically in my third situation, it's like I've already been through it. So now it's like we did our fighting and now it's just a one sided. We're not I'm not going back and forth. You know, like every situation is different, too. So I feel like some people who are out here co-parenting, they don't deal with some same things that other people are dealing with and with you. You have three different situations with three different personalities that you're co-parenting with. That would be very, very, very hard for me. I said I will absolutely, under zero circumstances, have another child unless I am married and we are not like divorce is not an option. I totally get it. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I'm just saying it could be way worse, you know what I mean? So we have a little bit of an update. This is a listener, a follow up to spousal support conversation from episode three. Forty three. And if you guys remember or you didn't listen yet, I basically was asking Lindsay how she felt about spousal support if there are no kids involved. And so this listener said, I had to comment on the spousal support issue. I was married to my second husband for 13 years. During this marriage, I worked full time. I was hurt in a motorcycle accident that he was at full fault for four years into my marriage. I literally had to file a claim against my husband's insurance and after a year was awarded a settlement. Needless to say, this man who caused me to be permanently disabled squandered my settlement money, saying it was our money. When we divorced, I got 50 percent of our assets and he had to pay alimony for three years. I think looking back, I should have hired my own attorney and fought for more than five hundred dollars a month for three years. White I became disabled at 50 years old. Now I have no money other than that $600 a month disability. I think he should have had to pay me unless I remarry. I did not ask for his retirement either, so he got off really easy. OK, I'm going to say the exact same thing that I've said before. If you were in a marriage for 13 years, I don't care if you had children, if you did not have children in the event that you had a child with that person and that person made significantly more than you and you were accustomed to a lifestyle. And then the other person that made more than you, regardless child or not, was at fault for the marriage ending. Yes, they should have to pay. And I think that you kind of open you kind of gave me perspective with that because I agree with you in that, you know, it didn't even. This even opens my eyes further than that last conversation because we had said, Oh, if that person that makes more cheated, they're at fault. That wasn't a mutual decision for them. It wasn't an amicable situation. It was. It was essentially contested, right? So same thing for an accident. I'm sorry. Elijah loves motorcycles. If we were in a situation and something happened that you know, he had to pay out somebody, you know, millions of dollars or he, you know, I get an accident and he squandered my money one hundred percent. You're going to figure out a way to pay alimony and it's not going to be five hundred dollars a month because honey, I will go see a lawyer. Oh, I thought, my question is somebody hurts me on a motorcycle, and I understand that accidents happen like you have free will. She chose to get on the back of that motorcycle, right? So you know what could possibly happen when you get on it? Mm hmm. If it truly was an accident, then we're not going to blame him for the accident, right? But what we are going to blame him for was saying It's our money. She is disabled. Correct. So that's f**ked up. I agree with you. Yeah. And I and I I do think there's always, you know, is it nuance or caveats? Or maybe either word consent, but like there's always like nuances to the scenario or, you know? Special circumstances where I, you know, I would feel like, OK, that kind of go against what my overall theory is, but one hundred percent, if I was disabled and someone's whether it was allies or anybody else. I don't want to just make it seem like it was just him. But, you know, I spent my money. I know that's not OK. And you should pay in completely unrelated news. I need to ask you about the eyebrow. What is it called lamination? Hey, I just got that. OK, so it's weird that you just got it, because in the same week I had posted on my Instagram Stories that like, I don't like the trend. You don't. But I think if it's done properly, then it can look good. But. I've seen, like multiple people on the ground that have this lamination thing going on, and it honestly scares me. Does mine scare you? No, they don't. They just look like how they're supposed to look just in place. Where did you brush them this morning? But like, what is the lamination do? So you know how when you get did you ever get a perm when you were a kid to make your hair? Absolutely not. Oh, OK. Wait, wait, wait. Why were you got a perm? My mom is a cosmetologist like she's a hair stylist, and so she I was the guinea pig of everything. And so she calmed my hair. And yeah, but anyhow. And so it's perm solution that makes it easier, I guess. So it's not what I expected. This is the first time I ever had my eyebrows laminated, and I will say that I thought that they would be permanently brushed up. I didn't know that you would still like what is the purpose if I still have to brush them every day because my eyebrows stay like this with brow gel? So I didn't realize and I was still going to have to shape them. I also think that my they're very thin now. When I when they're not brushed like the this part right here is like so thin because when you brush it up, it like thickens them a little bit. So it's not necessarily what I thought. It's it's a I probably will go back and forth with it, but I think I know what you're talking about when the little hairs. Yeah, that I don't personally like that look of eyebrows. I think it has to be on the right person or I like it when it looks like they're fluffed up, like they're brushed up, but not the hair sticking out all over the top. That's exactly what I'm talking about, and it scares me to death. And I'm like, What does your husband think? Whenever he wakes up and sees like the caterpillars are crawling on your face? Truthfully, don't even know if men like, I don't even know if they notice. And also they do do do a f**k because I've looked my absolute worst and not showered for three days and I've had men try to f**k me. So it's like, I don't know what you got going on between those legs, honey. But yeah, like, I don't know. All I will say is this was like months and months ago. I had a conversation with Trent and he was like, I hate that thing that girls do with their brows. And like, we would see somebody out with the brow elimination. And he's like, I just hate those brows. So I think that it just depends on the type of man that you're with. Also, it I will say it's it smells really bad to get them done, and it takes a really long time for minimal results. Like, like I said, if it was going to like plaster my eyebrows up into the shape, I'm going to get it every time, but it doesn't. So I probably will go back and forth kind of like what you did with your eyelashes, like when you were getting them done and then you weren't and then you were. I'll probably do that with lamination. Maybe like for this, I don't know, but I feel like we're influencing like at this point here, like and I love the girl who draws my eyebrows, so it's nothing against her at all. Like she tinted them because I have in the summertime, as you know, my eyebrows are like, nonexistent. Oh, she tinted them too, which was nice, and I like the color. So that's fine. I just don't know. Like lamination is I feel like hit or miss. I think I'm at this phase of my life that I just want to do the maintenance stuff that's going to give me the long term results. But I don't really care to be in a salon doing stuff just for the sake of doing it, like a lamination appointment. Lash extensions Do you feel like lash extensions are going to be a thing from the past at some point? Yes and no. I think they're going to change. They're going to evolve. They're going to it's not going to be these, like really long lashes anymore. I think it's going to be like the very natural, more full, lighter, you know, because I'm missing lashes from when we went on vacation. This I've specifically I think they're going to be different. I think they're going to evolve and they're really different, but I don't think they're ever going to go. I saw this thing on Instagram where somebody was posting about lash extensions, and I had also said something about it on my Instagram Story that I used to do them. I would not do them any more because I think it's so damaging. And how do people keep up with the appointment? That's what that's where. That's where I had to draw the line because I love the way they look. I love it. But my I was going once a week because the gap like they would the shedding, I guess, or whatever, and like doing my makeup and like doing all my regular day makeup and stuff was and like being in the pool. And like all of that it was, I had to go one. So weak, and I don't have time for that, I mean, I'm getting my nails done every three weeks now, and that's not normal for me just because it's a lot of maintenance and it takes a lot of time. This episode is brought to you by better help give online therapy a try, I'd better coffee and get on your way to being your best self. I think over the last two episodes, we've talked a lot about self-reflection, really the relationships we have in our lives and also our social battery, right? Like some things that involve friends. And so it can be easy to ignore our social battery, right and spread ourselves really thin amongst all these relationships that we have to maintain in our adulthood, especially with social gatherings picking up after the winter. But what's the right amount of socializing for you? How much do you invest in relationships? In what relationships? You know that you should invest and not invest? So therapy would be a really good option for you guys to kind of get perspective on what to put your energy into and just give you the social awareness to be able to build a social life that does not drain your battery because I regularly deal with that issue. I've said a million times I will continue saying it. It's helped so much with coping skills, boundary settings, just empowering me to be the best version of myself. And you don't have to experience major trauma to invest in therapy and yourself. And if you're thinking of starting therapy, you can get better. Help a try. We love it. It's entirely online. It's designed to be convenient, flexible and suited to your schedule. And all you have to do is just fill out a brief questionnaire to get match with a licensed therapist, and you can switch therapists at any time for no additional charge. Find your social sweet spot with better help. Visit Better coffee today to get 10 percent off your first month. That's better help coffee. I also, while we're on the topic of the influencing and maintenance of beauty, this woman gets on tape talking, she's talking about how like influencers will never influence me to do this, this, this and this and one of them was just poor and botox. And she's like, I just don't understand. Like, why are we in our 20s getting this like I? You could never convince me to get it. And I commented and I was like, I don't know that that follow up falls under the same category. I said, because there is a reason like people are not just getting Botox, just to get Botox, they're not getting desperate, just to get desperate. That is a preventative situation for deep wrinkles. And I said that I'm like, you know, genetically speaking, my family wrinkles and sags so early on. But it's like, you know, my mom started to sag and get the alcohol and other things contributed to that. But also like my grandmother, my great grandmother wrinkle really quickly and just, you know, whatever. And so I was like, No, I think genetically speaking, people are prone to like, you know, this is preventative so that that doesn't I still don't get it. What's the point? And I and I was like, at that point, you're just committed to not understanding that it is preventative getting botox or just poor. Yeah, unfortunately, people do start earlier and earlier, but it's not. I mean, yeah, if you don't have them at all, when you lift your eyebrows and you don't see the lines and you're not noticing fine, don't do it. But if you start too late, you can't do any amount of correcting. No amount of botox filler despair is going to correct damage that's already been done. Oh, I was having this conversation when I remember me telling you that I went to like this new skin place and I did this whole. They had this whole machine and you put your face down in it and it shows you like multiple layers of your skin and the damage that's been done. And then the machine says, like, these are the types of things that would be recommended as care for like this client, she was talking to me about people coming in, wanting, seeing girls like on Instagram with these flawless faces, no wrinkles, whatever, and somebody trying to start that process at 40. And once that deep that wrinkles get in, you're never going to get the same result as somebody who started early and kept up with it. Also, I think that's part of, you know what? I also think there's a huge misconception between fillers and Botox are desperate because people will comment on my stuff. Stop messing with your face. Stop messing with your face. Why does she have so much fillers? I don't have fillers in my face aside from my lips, and I got one time in two years. I do not have fillers on my face disparate, and I think that was part of like the video that I'm talking about where she is, like confused. I think she doesn't even know what she's talking about because getting fillers and getting just despair and botox is to prevent wrinkles and sometimes headaches and other things and sweat. Some people, you know, if they sweat really bad on their nose or on there for how they can get that to not do those things. Fillers is injecting your skin. This is for people that don't know because Lindsay already knows how to put collagen. Or is it collagen like it's to put filler to, you know, make your lips bigger, make your cheeks bigger, make your, you know, pull back your face or, you know, make a jawline. I don't have that. I want that guy. So I think when you're talking, don't spread misinformation about fillers, Botox DSport because they're very, very different. And like Lindsey said, you cannot go in at 40 years old and try to put all of this botox and fillers in your face and think that you're going to look. Kristen said, Me, I shoot up my nose. She's talking about just that. It's just so infuriating because if that's who they're talking about, it's a different conversation. And I just want to be very clear and transparent that I've been doing Botox since will actually do just for now. But when I started, I don't believe DSport was on the market. So my parents doctor use Botox at that time and I started minimally at twenty five years old. And while that sounds really young to start, it was a very minimal amount. And I also want to say I get tired of seeing comments from I'm going to call them spectators or viewers or whatever way. I love spectators. That is actually really funny. The haters that are just watching and complaining, it's like, this is not a f**king spectator sport. Like, I don't know who told you that, and I don't know who told you that you needed to f**king comment. But here we are. I get really tired of seeing on people's comments, including mine. Oh, this girl's face is like completely changed. And it's like, no. Yes. But like also, no, because no one I've aged. Number two, I take care of myself. Number three, I feel like we know way more about skin care and preventative things now than what. We would have years ago and I saw on this one girl's page that they were like, your entire face has just completely morphed into a new human. And it's like you would be very surprised at this small revisions that you can do with like a product like Botox or despot. I get the lips comment all the time. Actually, you know, told Diane on my Instagram last night to back off. Like, if you've got some s**t to say, then maybe go and look in the mirror and say to yourself and like, stop saying it to me, because quite honestly, I don't give a f**k. It's just so interesting, like what people choose to pick apart, like if I want to mess with my face and even if it looks bad or funny, like, let me handle it because I'm looking at my mean if I get a bad job on something and it looks funny because I really wanted to do so when I watch, just follow around and we'll hear these lines right here, they kind of more so point down, right? Instead of being like, oh, not like just the slightest like because I look like I have resting b***h face. And so I'm always it looks like I'm frowning or pissed off, right? So one of the options when I went to my last desperate appointment was for them to be more neutral or slightly curved up instead of down. And I said, you know, like what? You know, what are you thinking? And she was like, Well, she was like, I do want to let you know that like in the event it's not put in the same place, it could actually be worse, like it will be you even worse. And I said, that's not touch it. Like, let's not even I'm not even going to attempt that. But in the event that I did and it went wrong, I'm going to be harder on myself than anyone else. So just like, mind your business, if I get something to my face and it doesn't look good, I'm the one that suffering, not you. So you don't need to comment on it. It's like, I don't know who gave people all these rights to go out and just say whatever the hell they want to say about people's physical appearance. It literally blows my mind. Speaking of like the frowny face situation that you're talking about. Do you remember the girl off of love is blind Chelsea that compared herself to Megan Fox? Yes. Yeah. Well, people were saying that she should do what you're talking about doing, and it's like, OK, I'm pretty sure. When she went on Love is blind, she really didn't go on there to get told what she needs to do to her face to correct her face. Megan Fox were like, Wait, I did, and then I saw that, but I didn't see what she said. She was basically like, first of all, everyone was praising her with how she handled it. Like Megan Fox was like, Oh, like a true class act. She handled this so well. Like, she's so nice. She's a girls girl. But it really rubbed me the wrong way because I feel like I could see right through her. Like, You can't bulls**t a bulls**tter. And she was like, the interviewer was like, Did you watch it? And she's like, No, I just don't have enough time to watch TV. And then the interview after the person interviewing her a*s again, she's like, Like I said, I didn't watch it. Like, you didn't need to read it. Why are you reiterating the fact that you didn't watch it? Like to prove a point that you didn't f**king watch it? And then she knew what was going to make her sound good. Yeah, you know, whatever she said was going to make her sound good and try to be like a girls girl. It just rubbed me the wrong way because I was like, I see through you. Like, I don't and I don't like that the way that she said. It just irritated me and I don't know. Like I said, I didn't watch it and it's like, OK, nobody like why you already did that in the first part of the interview. So I'm confused why we're bouncing back to the same thing. We f**king got it the first time. Speaking of Girls Girls, I saw this article on parents dot com and it says, What is it, girls girl? And why is it not always a good thing? And this was so interesting. Like, I immediately clicked on this article because I was like, I've always been told, like, being a girls girl is the thing to be OK. But before you even read me this article, let me tell you a scenario where I'm not going to be a girls girl, OK? I'm not telling you unless you're my best f**king friend. And this has been an ongoing conversation across the board. Don't involve me in your cheating scandals because I'm not telling so-and-so's husband or I'm not telling you about your like unless it's like you and you explicitly tell me to do a kill. If you see so-and-so cheating on me, I want to know right now and I'm not going to hold. Hold it against you. OK, maybe I'll tell you. But other than that, I'm not. That's not my f**king business. If I see your man out on the street and I hardly know you, I'm not going to go tell you because that's not my f**king place and it's not my business, OK? If this was somebody who was in like my core friend group and I saw this friend's boyfriend, husband, whatever you want to call him out, run in the streets with another woman. I am absolutely telling her, and I don't care if it wrecks the friendship or not, because that's not going to be on my conscience knowing that I saw something. Letting a situation continue with her thinking that things are fine. No, absolutely not. Like you do with information like what you want to do. But this is exactly what I saw. This is where I saw it. And well, what about like a regular acquaintance, like someone that you know, you might say hi to her, but it's not someone that you text on a daily or weekly basis. What about no, I'm probably not telling because I don't know enough about their life to know what would be going on, how she might be doing the same thing to him. So. So perfect example. And I'm not going to tell you guys who in case you're Smyrna Dover, Delaware area, I know what I'm talking about. I don't go there anymore. But I was going to this nail place and someone was like, Oh, like, where do you get your nails done? And I was like, Oh, this is where I get my nails? And she's like, Oh, you know, the one where so-and-so's husband is cheating on her? And I was like, I don't want to like, Why did you do that? Like why? Because you know what I mean? You and it's not like the whole town. Also, it's just like, I don't know you well enough to tell me that. And then secondly, now you put me in a position that I don't because I was seeing her weekly. So it's like, you know what? And like, we didn't text outside of that, but it's just like now. And even to this day, I'm like, Are you f**king kidding? Like, now I'm uncomfortable. And to your point, she could be doing that to him, too. I don't f**king know, and I'm not going to involve myself in people's business. I'm just like passing acquaintances with That's not my place because I don't know enough to know enough to say something, right? Right? So what did the article? This article says as a mom of three daughters and trending term that has to do with girls gets my attention immediately. One of these is the label Girls Girl. If I'm being honest, the idea is always made me uncomfortable. I don't like the suggestion. I don't like the suggestion that as a woman, we have to be on another female side no matter what, even if we don't agree with what she is doing or saying. But upon doing a little digging on social media, it turns out for many there's more than being a girl's girl than that. In fact, Tik Tok, her share a lot of qualities of a girls girl that are that are highly desirable and one widely watched explanation this creator says the opposite of a girls girl would be like a pygmy girl or one who behaves differently, typically around boys, to get attention. Often low putting down other girls in the process. Instead, the creator, a girls girl, is someone who views other girls as allies instead of competitions, and it's hard to find fault in that. Meanwhile, in another video, a TikTok user shares an example of a girl's girl, pointing to moments where this person is helpful and protective when needed. Another popular creator explains that if you're not a girls girl, if you let someone talk about your friend behind her back, don't stick up for her. Or if you can't handle your friend getting attention supporting friends, yeah. Count me in. The popularity of the term and what it means can cause issues including bullying or feeling pressured to always support peers. Doing anything blindly is unhealthy. I have definitely, in my 32 years done things unhealthy and in an unhealthy way like, but I just didn't have business like being a girls girl in that situation and kind of involved myself in things that weren't necessary. I've done that. I think that comes with it, you know, just life experiences. But like now at thirty two, I'm not. It will only be in a situation where it calls for me to do so. Recall, all this episode was sponsored by Dreamland Baby, and I did just place an order with them, they have a really popular product called the Dream Weight and Sleep Sack, and you guys know that I have used somebody for helping me with babies and sweet before. And this is perfect because I knew that I needed a weighted blanket as an adult. So I thought, OK, my kids definitely need wearable weighted sleep selection, and this company has come a long way since they first started with their own experience. They started Dreamland Baby in twenty eighteen when their son was six months old and was kind of waking up every hour and a half, and they were just completely exhausted. And so they have actually made a deal on Shark Tank and have been featured in Forbes, which is crazy. So that's awesome. And I definitely wanted to give their product to try, and I ordered the weighted sleep sack and I cannot wait to try. You guys can go to dreamland baby kokum and enter our code coffee combos at checkout to receive 20 percent off sitewide plus free shipping. This offer is for new and existing customers, and I will keep you guys updated when I get my products. OK, let me give you a scenario of something I thought about whenever I read this article and I want to tell you, I want you to tell me what you would do in this situation. OK, let's say you are with somebody that you were dating because this happened to me, like in the past, I was with someone somewhere that I was dating. One of my best girlfriend shows up. There were some words exchanged between me and this person that I had been dating. And the tone of this person kept escalating and I was just sitting there eating pasta and like ignoring the tone of the person you were dating or the friend. The tone of the person that I was dating. And because I would not engage and I continued sitting there in a public place, just eating my food, thinking, OK, if I don't engage, then he'll either just go away or he'll stop doing whatever he's doing. It's making me feel uncomfortable, right? While this person kept doing what they were doing, that made me feel uncomfortable that I clearly was not wanting to have the conversation. So my girlfriend steps up kind of leans forward because she's on one side of me. I'm in the middle and then he's on the other side. She leans forward and she goes, OK, I've sat and listened to enough like, I'm not going to listen to this. You're not going to talk to one of my best friends like this. This is inappropriate. You're doing this in a public place. This is a private conversation. What would you do in that situation? Because I'm not going to tell you how I handled it from that point. What would you do to remedy now that you're one of your best friends? Said something to your man and he's sitting there talking s**t to you? Well, first, I think this the friendship has to be a specific sort of friendship for her to do that because now, depending on the personality of you, she could put you in a worse situation. Or you could have been like, you know, thank you. I really needed that. So I really don't know. I think it would depend on the friendship, right? Like, Oh s**t, I'm trying to think of like, Well, I'll tell you what I did. OK, let's hear it at this point. He starts coming after my friend, after she's defending me and says, Y'all are doing nothing but ganging up on me. At that point, have him leave. See yourself out. Now you're pissing me off. Now, just truly now we're not dating anymore. Like, there's more. So I'm like, This is not a ganging up on what you were doing was inappropriate. I chose not to engage with you. I was trying to do that to de-escalate like what was going on and your psychosis and whatever you had mentally going on and at a point that you would not stop. That's when she steps in and now you start attacking her. So not only have you attacked me, you have attacked her for defending me. So nobody's ganging up on you. Everybody's just calling it for what the f**k it is. Quite wank. Did you continue dating this guy for a while? s**t. OK, well, you know you live and you learn. I just, you know, you're living. You learn, because it's also just that weird. It's the same thing where, like, you don't know if you you just became like the messenger and it's like, don't kill the messenger. But also, to your point, in the beginning of the conversation, it's like, that's not on my conscience, like as a human being, whether you're dating or not, I'm not going to stand for you talking to my friend that way. But also, you don't want to put your friend in a weird situation. So I think it does. Being a girl's girl in that way does depend on the friendship, right? Like, I think that you can't just blanket, say, all my girls girl. Like, you just can't. Well, OK. I also want to say before anybody gets out on the internet, this was not. Trent Lott will be on Trent Lott. This was before Trent, if it was not him. This is a very toxic situation, and I'm glad that I decided to see myself out. But in that situation, I'm going to be a girls girl. Mm hmm. OK. Every single time, if I see somebody saying some sideways s**t to one of my friends that I'm close to and I'm sitting back observing the situation, I'm absolutely going to step in if it's gone on more than five minutes and be like, Hey, you need to back up. OK, question about girls girl. OK, OK. Scenario that happened to me. Mind you, you everyone knows I'm in a relationship now, right? This just came to mind. So you stuck up with this guy, right? Not a relationship. It could have been, but didn't whatever. Two of my friends hooked up with his brother. OK. Or I think one of them hooked up with the other one was going to. Long story short, there is like familial ties, right? Like, my friends are there, right? So the guy that I was like hooking up with then reached out to two of my friends on two separate occasions. OK. The one that the brother hooked up with and the one that the brother almost was. Going to hook up with both of them basically shut them down. It was like, Are you f**king kidding me? And they told me. Right? One of them didn't shut him down as hard as the other friend did. What would you do? I would be pissed at, said Friend, because I am in a relationship. But also like, Listen, I have this rule, OK, that if you have been with somebody and I'm not saying Mike, because you've got to consider now, like in today's time with like all these dating apps and stuff, everybody's kind of like dating everybody in the same area, whatever. If it has been more than a date, then I think that is off limits to your friend. OK. How hard are we shutting them down, though? Like, are we still talking to them and being friendly? Or is it not OK? We're not talking them, being friendly, because what do we need to be friendly for? Like for what? Because this is going nowhere. So I don't need to exchange niceties with you. I need to get busy and on my way. I need to get busy and on my way, right? We need, I say, as busy, big and then on my way, busy and on my way. Period. OK. Speaking of girls girls, wait, why did this episode just get so juicy? I don't know. But OK, this it gets even juicier. So on the internet, right? And there's this f**king wedding thing. First of all, we've already had our conversations about weddings. I'm not going big or going home next time can be small, intimate, whatever. So two best friends are getting ready for homegirls wedding, right? She's the bride. Having a Friday wedding? OK, she's like, Here, can you be my maid of honor? Maid of Honor. It's like, Yeah, you're doing all the things. You know, whatever. She decides that she's going to book her wedding the same weekend the next day. So original bride have a Friday wedding. Maid of honor then chooses to have a Saturday wedding. Same venue, same location. All the things so bride was like, Can you step down? I don't know how you know you're also used. Same vendors. I think it was the florist and the photographer, OK for her wedding and same guests. A lot of the same guests, a lot of the same bridal and groomsmen parties. And basically some of the people started coming to them and like, Hey, like, we don't think we can even afford to do both of these and have these responsibilities for both weddings. And then the original bride is like, Hey, also, by the way, I don't think that you're going to be able to fulfill all of the duties of Maid of Honor is supposed to fulfill or like be there for when you're trying to plan your own wedding. And so what would you do? Because I feel like that is so if I could use the same photographer and florist six months from now, but don't do it on the same weekend because people really like sometimes you get the save the date and the invitations pretty early, depending on the type of wedding and scenario. And if there's like heavy travel costs and things like that, but also just the gifts in and of itself and like an outfit, people budget for those types of things. Same thing for like a bridal party. If you're not paying for your bridal parties, things which I know some people do that and some people don't. People have to budget for that. So the fact that she thought that was a good idea, I feel like she was never your f**king friend to begin with. OK, I'm going to play devil's advocate, and then I'm going to tell you, like, really how I feel? Do we think that maybe the maid of honor started thinking like logistically and knowing that they had the same people that we're going to be in their wedding wedding parties and same similar type of guest list? Probably some variations, but like most people, the same that it would in the end be more cost effective for the guests that are traveling and being in there. And it's only like one weekend type thing. Do we think that she, like, maybe thought that or no? Because if if I'm that close with someone that I'm their maid of honor. OK? Because to me, that's a huge deal, right? We then we would have planned it together. We would have been like, Oh, you're you know somebody because Kristen and an alliance to talk about rings all the time. So I know that if Kristen and I were both getting engaged around the same time or she knew that I was getting engaged slightly after she got engaged and were as close as we are, we would have had that conversation like, hey, like, do you think that it would be, you know, if we're getting married in a city that's like outside of our town, it's like, Hey, we're going to have some of the same guys, like, maybe it would be cost effective for that. For us to just do weddings a day apart, we could use they could use the same dresses like we'll play at very different weddings, but similar. You know, that way, they can use the same dress and dress in both weddings. We can use the same venue, same, you know, whatever, whatever. And then these are the different elements. So to make sure that it's very different and then. Here are the things that we think that we could collectively use, like I can see that, but that is you are my best f**king friend and we're having that conversation before it occurs. Not I've committed to your wedding as a maid of honor. And oh, by the way, six months into planning, now I'm going to do the same thing. That's not your friend. All right, guys, kill, and I want to tell you about the vitamins that our kids take and they are from hire. These are kids vitamins. I have actually tried them when I first purchased them for Jackson many years ago, and he absolutely loves them. And these are the only vitamins that I've ever been able to get him to take consistently without giving me any type of issue. I found higher when I started saying stuff all online about children's vitamins basically being candy in disguise, just filled with sugar, unhealthy chemicals and other gummy junk that growing kids should never eat. And that's why they created hire the pediatrician approved superpower chewable vitamin. And I just I love the packaging. I love the product, and I cannot say enough great things. I love this, especially with having all the kids that I do. I can give everyone their own little personalized jar of vitamins, and they're able to decorate them with stickers, which is so fun for the small kids, especially. I also recommend checking out their new kid's probiotic and nighttime essentials. These will be a game changer for you. We've actually worked out a special deal with Hyatt for their bestselling children's vitamin. You guys will receive 50 percent off your first order. To claim this deal, you must go to higher copy combos. This deal is not available on their regular website. Go to H i y a h e a l t copy combos and get your kids the full body nourishment they need to grow into healthy adults. I have always very much struggled with if anybody copies me on anything like it used to piss me off so bad like all the way told you this before. Like all the way to jelly shoes and kindergarten from Payless. Like, it's been a big thing. I just bought valley jelly shoes from Target the other day, and she won't wear them for like a year, but I had to get them in case they're not a thing to like. Get her toddler size. So I love that she got jellies. I wish I had a daughter to get her jollies. You're so lucky. So I've always, like, had a big issue with that. But I think that if this happened to me, I would be very irritated by that because also, I wouldn't I wouldn't want my friend having like the same similar pictures as I had from my wedding weekend at the same venue. Even if the flowers are different, it's the same florist, so I would imagine they're going to look somewhat similar, right? Same style photography. Nothing is exciting for me anymore. At that point, my parents always used to tell me, Lindsay, it's not that big of a deal if someone might get the same thing as you. Imitation is the best form of flattery, and I'm like, I don't want to f**king be flower flattered. I don't want them to have it. See, that stuff doesn't bother me at all. Like, I have one of my really one of my best friends here. We just have very similar styles like I had posted about necklaces I had. And she also has them like that doesn't bother. We have very similar taste in clothes. Like literally, if I got something and then I would like word a couple times in the night, I'd ask her if she wanted wanted it, vice versa. I'm sure she'd like, you know what I mean? That doesn't bother me at all, even if like because she's also a single mom. If she was, like, told me that I would not care like that does not bother me at all. I would just want it to be a conversation ahead of time. Like, Hey, like, were, you know, I want, you know, if we have the same bridal party, we're going to use these like very neutral dresses. But her like added color to a neutral is like very different than mine. I feel like there are still ways to very much set them apart. I think the biggest thing for me is just like the effort that it took for this like viral situation, the biggest effort in the planning. You didn't have that because I basically did the work for you, and I hired the photographer and the florist and things like that. And so like, in that way, it would it would more so piss me off if it wasn't a conversation. Like I just did all the hard work and you got to basically reap the benefits of my hard work. That would be the part that bothered me. That would very much bother me as well. Also, if there's alcohol involved in this first wedding as the bride of the second one, wouldn't you kind of be a little bit alarmed? Like, is everybody going to show up to my wedding after like a bender? Here's another thing I just thought of when you brought that up. If the bride of the original wedding is the maid of honor in her best friend's wedding the next day, what if she's leaving for her honeymoon because some people leave that same weekend? Or what if the fact I don't want to? I don't want to be a maid of honor the next day, like I'm still on my high of my own wedding. I don't want to have to attend your wedding. Oh, no, no, no. I think that this situation is honestly tragic. I think it's very poor planning. I think it's a very selfish, in fact, and I absolutely would be pissed and I would invite you to my wedding. I think if I remember correctly, I think that's what ended up happening is that she was like uninvited and stop and think about how much drama that would like create within the friend group. Well, hopefully they're family because I guess they were like friends for a long time. I hope that families didn't feel like they had to pick sides. I hope that best friends that, like the other, the rest of the bridal party didn't feel like they had to pick sides because that's a place that I wouldn't want to be like, That sucks. OK. Completely unrelated. But I saw this on Daily Mail dot com, and it's slightly a follow up from the lunch bowl situation that we had last week. And it's this graphic that reveals the forever chemicals that are lurking in, like everyday foods that are linked to cancer and infertility. And I just feel like I have had personally. I've had two friends be diagnosed with the same type of breast cancer within the last year, the same type. And so I've gotten like really big into because I was talking to my friend Katie here, mimosa macaroons on Instagram, and she sends me stuff all the time just about the rise in cancer rates of younger people. And we regularly have conversations about like, Where the hell is it coming from, right? Like where? So this is a shot. A shark study revealed that lovers of lobster, shrimp and sushi may be at high risk for forever chemical poisoning. The researchers behind this study warns that seafood may be an under as. Estimated source of toxic substances which have been strongly linked to cancer. Then there's this like this graphic, which we can post to show you guys, but it's all these different types of products that you would get from the grocery store. And it says that these products that are in this graphic have high amounts of Filegate. Is that how you say it dilate phthalates? Yeah, it says a forever chemical used to make plastic, and it was found in Annie's canned organic cheesy ravioli, which contained, like all of these, this amount of that. And it says that it also can be found in lining of canned products and plastic containers can seep into the food itself. And it has been linked to breast cancer, reproductive and development issues, heart and respiratory complications and neurological and behavioral problems. That's so scary to me because we've had this conversation before about, like other countries banning things like this, and I just don't understand what the you. I mean, it feels crazy that people our age are getting these crazy cancers and it has to come from somewhere. Oh yeah. Well, I will host this like graphic or whatever and link the article. But it's really alarming to me and I think about brands like Annie's, for example, and everything that you hear is a consumer. It's like, this is a better alternative to, let's say, Kraft Macaroni and cheese like by nannies. And it's marked with an organic label at the top and as a a consumer and a parent who is trying to feed a child decently healthy. Mm hmm. Do you know many times I bought any products that I'm like, Oh, because it's marked organic, I'm going to choose that over something that's not marked organic. And then they hear reports that come out like this make me very alarmed. And at this point, what do you trust and how do you properly do the research to know what you're truly putting into your body? No, literally. And then even the websites that you think are reputable, they're not reputable or they're not backed, I guess, like it's hard. It's really hard to it's hard. I don't even. Same thing with sunscreens, right? Like, I feel like what people advertise for that it's like you truly don't even know. And even when you think you know you've done all this research, everything is like there was. There's something right now that I'm trying to figure out with magnesium. There's different types of magnesium. And then this one girl gets on Tik Tok and she's like, I make this spray and it's this and it's this, and it's this. And she has all this like information on her stuff that I'm like, OK, it sounds good. And then I go in the comments and people are like, Oh, that's actually not supposed to happen. Like, you know, you're you. And they they have their own research. And so it's like and they and they put it in the comments like what their stuff is. And I'm like, I don't f**king know what to believe in. But then there was this, this other graphic also that kind of shows you how it's like a graphic from like how basically these chemicals get into the food products, which I thought was really, really interesting. I'm kind of a nerd like about stuff like that. But what was really alarming to me was that there were these How do you say that word dilate phthalates that get that are in Cheerios in a plastic bag that's in a cardboard box that also contained it? And even baby food was not immune to these toxins? Gerber food in a jar and similar like baby formula and a can both had large amounts of these toxins per serving. No, it's scary. And then some people will argue, Well, you're supposed to have iron, you're supposed to have this, you're supposed to have that. And it's like. But how much? Because I don't know if this is like overkill. I don't know if this is like the type of I don't know, how do you really even like start to do the research to, like, know where to start? Somebody one time told me they were like, If you're going to try to like, live a healthier, cleaner lifestyle, then you have to do an extensive amount of research with the best way to do it is to clean out your entire pantry and every edible item in your house. And I'm like, That sounds good and great, but like, what am I replacing it with? And how can we be sure that there's not going to be things that come out later that this product that you said about next stuff is going to like if I do it because a lot of that stuff is more expensive than stuff that's like the unhealthy, the not bad, not all of those things, right? And so we're going to buy all these organic things and all of these things that are supposed to be better options and then more stuff comes out that, oh, that by the way, that isn't as good or it isn't as good as we thought it was. Karl, I would love to know how your Poshmark business is going, and if you have everything that you need with, I'm actually getting everything listed later this week. I just have a thankfully for Things are already prepared on that end, but on my end, I'm a little late to the game, so we're going to get that worked out this month. And when you're making decisions for your company, you're always looking for the no brainer is one of them. 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You can also order shipping and mailing supplies, labels, even printers from your supply store when you run low. So make sure you check them out. Make the same. No brainer decision is over one million other businesses with Sign up with promo code coffee for a special offer that includes a four week trial, plus free postage and a free digital scale. No long term commitments or contracts. Just go to, click the microphone at the top of the page and enter Code Copy. If anybody has any knowledge on where to start to try to become a healthier home, as far as you've really got to think to kill, it's not just the food that we're eating, it's the products that we're putting on our body that seeping into our skin. It's like you. You just need to start all over. Mm-Hmm. Like the sunscreen thing? Freaks me out. No, the sunscreen thing really freaks me out. Like, really, really freaks me out. Because all the ones that these major brands that you think are like, Oh, you know, we're better than like the leading brand. And it's like Sunbeam, actually not even good for you. And so it's like, what the f**k do we do? And why are they allowed to go out here and like, make all of these claims if they're just not true? And why aren't we like other countries that have more restrictions on the products that are put on our shelves? Wait, did you see the one? Did you see a video that went viral about how the sun rays are actually really good for us and that we need them and people keep their using Sun being poisonous and cancer and this that in the third to sell their sunscreens. But there's all you need is like whatever product it was, like zinc or something else, and it was like, You need this. Like, you need to sit in the sun, like you need the sun at which I believe that I think there's an extent. There's like a line, right? Like you can't you don't want to get sunburn. But also it's like, stop saying that you don't that you have to put this poison on your skin. It's just and I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist either. So it's like, where do you draw the f**kin line? Liz in Jackson is really bad. We used to use zinc all the time for sunscreen, and the older that he's gotten in out of other people have children like this. He just has no time or patience to like, sit there and let me put it on his back or whatever. And he demands. He's like, just use the spray stuff. And I'm like, There is no possible way that this could be good for you. But what is the alternative to sit here and let you get like, burnt up? Or I'm going to put this on you? That's the other thing. I've seen so much saying that the lotion itself is better than the spray, and the spray doesn't actually do whatever. The other thing I want to say is like sunscreen in general, to apply that every 30 minutes, especially when you're in water, is virtually in f**king possible. When we were just on vacation and I was like, All right, everybody out, I got to do your spray. I got to do this. I, I did. First of all, they still got burned. Mm-Hmm. They still get burned. And I did like clockwork, ask my f**king kids they were tired of it. Like, Stop, you do. And then every 30 minutes you're supposed to. Oh hell no. My parents really did that to me. I can't send them back to their dads with g*****n son's sunburn because I already had one of the dads. Oh, did you put sunscreen on as if I don't f**king know to put sunscreen on my f**king kids like I, I put you're the one that told them he didn't need sunscreen. So please do you know how many friends that I have that are co-parenting that have had that exact same conversation with their ex about why did you let my kid get burned up? Do you know what I mean? Is like, you're nit picking and you're you're being antagonistic for no f**king reason. I know that I need sunscreen, so I'm not going to let my kids walk around with no f**king sunscreen. Oh my god. Do you want to provide the sunscreen next time? My God. Oh, cinema of my requests. Yeah, I've done that, he blocked me and make it public way off. They make it private. It's so, so late. You've also been blocked on Venmo by an ex. Yes. Say OK, let's get into our listener topics. This is from an anonymous member and they say, what is a rule for your children and not a common rule? For example, a common rule would be like not doing drugs, but a rule that you will not compromise on. I'll go first. As a nursing assistant myself, I will not allow my children to become a nursing assistant until 18 years old. But can you become a nurse assistant before 18? I don't know. I don't know. It says on here, one listener says, Don't you legally have to be 18, but to become a CNA unless you go to tech, school and high school to obtain it? Allegedly, in some stage, you can become a CNA in high school, but I believe, she says, I believe you just have to be 16 years old. You can be licensed at 16. All I'm saying is if I have a parent in a nursing home, I'm not going to be cool with a 16 year old taking care of my parents, whether they have a C and a or not. Yeah, no, I just would. You know, my grandmother was in a nursing home and I wouldn't have one. Maybe I could see if it was like a receptionist job or like, you know, door, you know, front desk type of situation. But taking care of an elderly person at 16, I feel like it's a liability more than anything. I just feel like you haven't lived enough life to take on that type of responsibility, right? Is there other thing? Yeah. Somebody said Manners. You look at it, an adult in the eye and respond. For example, look at your face. For example, when a teacher says, good morning, you stop and look at him in the eye and respond. Walking away and not clearly speaking is rude. I don't care that age. People will always remember a polite, well-spoken kid. So many times I say hi to children that know me, neighbors or kids or friends. They are allowed to just ignore you. It's so beyond rude people. Skills are needed in life. More than math skills are reading. I think that's so important. I do not say this to teach go talk to strangers, but common manners are non-negotiable for me. I know that you've talked about this before. We've talked about this before, but also I'm going to take that a step further and the amount of knowledge now about kids on the spectrum, kids that have social anxieties, kids that I mean, I was a kid that was nervous to say, Hi, how are you? Or like, good morning or. And so no, I don't necessarily think that Boomer, the boomer generation specifically and even even people that are our age, they forget about the amount of people that we don't know could be on the autism spectrum, and we don't know why they're not talking to us. So shut the f**k up. Truthfully, I don't give a f**k if the kid doesn't say hi to me. I don't care like my friends' kids. I'm literally like, Oh, hi, so-and-so, like whatever. If they don't want to talk to me, they don't want to talk to me. And if I'm offended by that, then I'm the one with the problem. OK, so you want kids to say hi to strangers because they were spoken to, but you don't want them to get in the car with strangers? OK, so imagine the kid who social anxiety or or maybe they're abused and they have a child then and they're scared of authority like I was. I would have been a kid that probably did get in the car with the stranger because I don't know what the f**k. I don't know. You know what I mean? Like that would have happened to me. I don't know. You know what I mean? Like, I'm scared of authority. I don't want to say no. But like if they say they know my mom is like, so like, you want them to say hi to strangers? Be polite. Like, I just I can't. I think that there's lines and I think there's caveats, and I think there's nuances and I think there's a f**king gray area. So I don't know if it's just common in the south, but I was raised. You speak whenever you're spoken to. And manners were a big thing now at this point of life. I don't know that any of us really care, and most people would say none of the Chrisley kids have manners, but in fact, we do. We know how to act. If we choose not to act in that way, then it's become a personal choice. But it wasn't because we were not raised to have manners and to be polite. I think as a parent, I would be upset if I found out that Jackson was just like blatantly going out of his way to be rude to somebody that he knew. I'm never going to tell him that he has to speak to a stranger because he was spoken to, because I think that does the exact opposite. When you're teaching Stranger Danger and you're like, Oh, well, that person spoke to you and you have no idea who that person is. That's confusing to a kid. I would 100 percent agree with you on both points. You know, yesterday I went to at Lux the school you can like. Park in the parking lot and walk to the doors to get your kid or you can get in a pickup line. Yesterday I parked and I walked over and one of his classmates was saved by two him out of the window of her car. And he kind of said hi back to her under his breath. But she literally said she literally was like by looks like whatever. And he like she didn't. I heard it and I saw it. But like, it was in a way that he was like, not really being nice back to her. And I literally said I was like, That was really rude. Like she was saying, bye to you. And you know her, she's in your class like she's being nice. She was excited. And so I told them, I told him. I said, that was really rude of you. Like, if if you're going to say bye. Make sure she can hear you because if you say it on her, her breath, she doesn't under your breath. She doesn't know. She thinks you ignored her. No, I agree. I agree that completely. To your point. Yeah, but to a stranger. No, I don't agree. I'm like, if we're walking into subway and some random person like starts trying to talk to my kid, no, I don't care if you're just like trying to be polite, why are you talking to my minor child? Like, it's a little girl. So I agree. Like, I'm not. I don't like when my kids are rude. Like, Don't don't go out of your way to be rude. But also, I understand consent. And even if kids know me and I'm like, Oh, hey, Mike, how are you? Like, do you have a good day and they don't wanna talk to me? Kids are like, it also depends on the age too. Like, I feel like in elementary school, kids are not necessarily always regulated like they can't regulate their emotions are so many adults that can't regulate their emotions. And so sometimes if they had an overwhelming day at school or like an overwhelming situation and then an adult, even if they know them comes up to them and is trying to talk to them, they've already spent their their nerves are already shot, their social anxiety is through the roof. They're having a hard time. We don't know what a kid, how they're processing their feelings, no matter how polite or you know they are. So I think again, there's just there's gray areas to this. I'll give you an example that happened to Jackson. And you know, I've I've told you a million times. There's a lot of differences in the way I parent than the way I was parented. He was very young whenever we were filming on Chrisley Knows Best and there was lots of crew members on the Chrisley Knows Best crew. Mm-Hmm. And I'll never forget one time that one of the camera guys tried to talk to Jackson and he just kept walking. And my dad stopped him, and he said, Jackson, when somebody speaks to you, you respond to them. You stop and you respond, you don't just keep walking in ignoring somebody, OK? And Jackson said, Papa, I don't want to talk. And for me, I'm like, OK, well, he's only like two and a half or three years old. Like, it's not really that that big of a deal. And I don't really know why we're making that big of a deal about it. But I also understand my parents' point. And you do know this person. You do know that you should be stopping and having manners and being polite. And if somebody speaks to you, you speak whenever you're spoken to two people that you know. So I'm like, How do you? What's the right answer? Kristen has to play us a video because we were tagged in a video from a listener. OK, and we're going to play the Tik Tok video here. OK. I'm nervous. Have you do, boyfriend? Nope. Some of the craziest secrets. Typekit you never told your parents. If I find it crazy, I'll give those cash right now. How many followers do you have? Well, I'm just starting off right now. My parents don't know, is that I'm a sociopath? What do you mean? I go to restaurants and like, I poison like catch ups and like the condiments on the tables. It's what do you mean? You poison the condiments? What do you mean? I put rat poison in like the catch ups and the mustard and all that stuff. And then I like to watch the kids eat it. It's funny. I say, tell me, is you like pudding poisoning and like ketchup bottles, mustard bottles or whatever type of bars and restaurants? That's right. You could go to jail for this right is admitted to a crime. Oh, I bet. If you're passing this video, they won't. I saw that. Ma'am, I. She strikes. It's terrifying. It's terrifying. That person strikes me as someone who is saying that for attention and not actually doing it, but it also raises red flags and is very concerning. It's like, I want to know where she lives to make sure she's not in restaurants that I'm taking my kid to. I don't like doing that. No, I think she's actually doing it. Nobody is just admitting kill that they're putting a rat poisoning and stuff like on a video. Restaurants have, I'm pretty sure restaurants have. Where is she? So I don't know. I don't believe it's happening. I think it could happen. I think she's thought about it, but I don't know that she's actually done it. I still think it should be investigated. I. Really still think that he thinks about that. I don't even I don't know, because like the poison, like little innocent children or people just going in trying to put like ketchup on their fries. That makes me like, never want to use another, you know, like when you go to a place and it's got like the condiments, like in the middle thing and it's like it's got ketchup, mustard, hot sauce, whatever. I'm never using those again. I'm going to ask for packets because that is absolutely f**king alarming. I just I can't. I mean, can you buy rat poison? Like at the store? Yeah. Like Home Depot and s**t. I don't believe it. I don't buy it. People would. Somebody would have figured that out by now. And I'm pretty sure don't quote me on this. But for autopsy autopsies specifically for like children, I think they're always investigated. They would have found a link between poison because like when my grandfather poisoned my grandmother, they found those types of things like they wait. What? When, what did I ever tell you about this? No. Oh yeah. My grandfather and my grandmother had like this like Romeo and Juliet plot. Like, if one of them ends up in a nursing home, they would just, like, kill the other and take the other one like homicide suicide situation. This is for real. You're not making it up. No, this is like for a reaction. No. So like, did some who poisoned who my grandfather poison my grandmother? Did it kill her? No. Almost. What are you poisoner with? Paint thinners? I forget what else there was like. There was like a a few things that he was concocting and bringing into a nursing home to kill her. So what was he going to do to himself? He was going to so that their property was just like a bunch of acres. So he was going to go into the woods specifically, and I quote so that there was no mess to clean up. He was going to do it outside the house so that there wasn't a mess in the house. So they were just like going to go out together. Mm hmm. And actually, she made long before she got sick and she knew about this like poisoning and she just like, sat there and got poisoned. Oh no, she had Alzheimer's at that point, but this was a pact that they made before she got sick. So like, this was like, if this happens to you, this is what we're going to do. If this happens to me, this is what we're going to do. Like, it was a plan before either of them got sick. It's like Romeo and Juliet. And on that note, foul play. I had just broken up with my boyfriend at the time. Mind you, we were together for five years. Unfortunately, we were stuck in a lease and neither of us were in a position to pay the $4000 to break the lease. So we just made the decision to still live together until April. This was January at the time, so I moved into the second bedroom and let him have ours. I was in my hot girl era at this time, and I mean, so f**king hot you could not tell me s**t sounds like your divorce era. I was twenty seven at the time and met a guy at work. He was twenty one. He and I were hanging out and started really getting serious. My ex had no clue. One night I was laying in my bed in the bedroom and had moved into texting this man. But one night I was laying in my bed and one night I was laying in my bed. In the bedroom. I had moved into texting this man. It was like midnight at this point, and our conversation was getting very hot and heavy, if you know what I mean. We randomly decided to meet somewhere for a quickie. I went to walk out of my room and my ex was going into his room. He asked where I was going, and I replied to Kroger to get a Gatorade and a snack. He looked at me awkwardly and then continued to go in his room. Me and segun met at Buffalo Wild Wings parking lot, hopped in the backseat of his truck and pumped one out real quick. Wow ! He said. Wow, you went home, which, by the way, he lived with his parents at the time, so going to his house wasn't an option. I hopped out of his truck to get into my car, went into Kroger. That was right next to where we were. I grabbed my Gatorade and snack and drove back home. I walked inside of my exit from the kitchen and immediately said, You look like you just got done f**king. I said, What are you talking about? I went to Kroger for a snack and Gatorade. He said, Yeah, OK, I was with you for five years. I know how you look after. I didn't know anything and walked upstairs to my room and didn't come out until the next morning. Needless to say, me and that guy are still together five years later with two children living in our own house we just bought a year ago. Love you, ladies, and absolutely love the podcast. I feel I've been a fan of chaos and 16 and pregnant. OK. Wow, that's juicy. And truthfully, your guy definitely knew what you looked like after after f**king OK. I'm just going to say I very much understand that people get themselves in situations to where you wouldn't have the $4000. So stuff like this, I think, probably is a lot more common than we know, like somebody moving into another bedroom, whatever where I can't get behind. This is if you guys are only living together for the sake of not having the money to break the lease. We don't have to go into a full blown lie about going to get a Gatorade and a snack because what you're doing and what he's doing at that point should not matter. Oh, right, right, right, right. Because if she could have been like, I'm just, I'm going out like you like. To give football an explanation explanation, she probably just put that for context, I mean, I don't know. Maybe that was something that she. I don't know. Maybe it was like innocent at the time. But now looking back, it's like, no, she said. It was not innocent. She said that she was wanting to have a quickie so they might at Buffalo Wild Wings and did the quickie. She lied to him, the the boyfriend that she's living with. She lied to him about going to Kroger to get a Gatorade and a snack when actually got the Gatorade in the snack as her alibi in the parking lot of Buffalo Wild Wings. You're saying that she could have just been like, I'm going out like she didn't need to give like a full blown explanation? Yeah, because I just I am. I am big on OK, if we aren't together, then we aren't together. So what you're doing and what I'm doing, regardless of this living situation, which seems very much financial. That's all it is at that point. So why are we out here lying and just not being honest and upfront? Alright. Maybe she was like afraid of something that he might do. I'm not really sure. I'm just saying, once you start lying like that, then you got to cover your tracks and it just gets messy. It's just, we're not going to be together, then let's not lie about it. OK, that's fair, but fair. And I love that she's been watching you since 16 and pregnant. OK? Next person says. First off, I started listening last week and have gone as far back as 2020 to Christmas so far. Great timing as this week I've experienced the ballast of foul plays. First of all, love to have new listeners love that you've gone as far back as twenty twenty two. That's a lot of dedication there. My boyfriend thirty seven. So I took Tik Tok about parasites and worms. So of course, now he thinks he's got parasites and worms. That sounds like me. Answer Mean Girls reference here. He ordered a parasite detox online and started taking it Sunday. Yesterday, Monday we were sitting on the couch with company over for a couple of hours just to make. That's the first mistake. If you're going to do any sort of detox cleanse f**kin anything like that. You don't have company ever. You don't even need. You need to go to a hotel. Yeah, you know, I like go to a hotel. We're sitting on the couch with company for a couple of hours, got up to make dinner and said, I got to go. And he said, I got to go wipe the sweat out of my a*s. That's when it happened. Sheer panic. Oh my god, I'm bleeding. Please come help me. I don't know where it's coming from, y'all. I thought he had a hemorrhoid or something. We're talking as if a woman started her period on heavy flow blood everywhere. So I'm inspecting, trying to figure out where it's coming from. His balls are bleeding, so I'm like, What the f**k is coming from your balls? I thought the cat might have scratched or something. I'm not touching them. He can figure it out. From there I looked. I saw said, You're on your own. I'll be damned if he didn't put a whole a*s worm out of here. I'd be damned if he didn't pull a whole a*s worm out of his underwear and have a hole in his balls where we both think that it came out of weight. How would a worm crawl out of your balls? Well, that's probably where it was somewhere in that track. Maybe like the urinary tract, maybe somewhere in like the what is it, your testes? I don't f**king know. But like, I don't I know other countries. Probably Europe does, like by bi yearly cleanses and like deworming. I don't think that I would have the stomach for it because if I had a worm coming out of my body in any out of any crevice or hole, no, truly, I I don't think I would have a psychotic break like that type of stuff grosses me out, so I would have to be put to sleep or something like that. OK, well, she says he probably bled for an hour, so no plan, no pain, just bleeding, even after her shower. So needless to say, I've set up camp on the couch, told him, Do not touch me, do not use my blanket. My pillow. Not a g*****n thing of mine until you your time taking the nasty stuff. Taking that nasty stuff and don't have literal bugs coming out of you. I can't even hug him because I get the heebie jeebies. So anyway, there's your foul play and don't worry, there will be zero sex because I'm not chanting having a parasite cum having parasite come being anywhere near me on a normal day, let alone in fact, that I'm pregnant and that will majorly mess things up. Keep on keeping on. Girls love everything that you do. I am just confused. I need to know from anybody who has done these types of cleanses. If you've ever had a worm, just crawl out of your ball sack. And if I ever had a worm crawl out of your ball sack, I mean, like the two guys that listen to this podcast, Elijah, have you ever had a worm crawl out of your balls? OK, f**k you walked. You should've seen my face, Pizzagate. He probably me lunch and he literally looked like, What are you all talking about? Perfect timing or. Ask Elijah what he would do if a worm crawled out of his Balzac sack water doctor. He said he's going to the doctor. Good. I heard if he said, I go to the doctor, but I cannot. And on that note, just want to say thank you guys are always supporting our show. Please subscribe and review on the Apple Podcasts app, follow and rate on Spotify or listen wherever you get your podcasts. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and join our Facebook group to connect with us in our community. Hope you guys have a great week and we'll talk to you soon. See?

Past Episodes

CC402: Lindsie and Kail have some obvious thoughts on Casey Anthony trying to make a comeback on Tiktok, Kohberger claims he's on the spectrum and Lindsie finds a new serial killer in chicago. A viral video of someone explaining how to sell used panties for money has Kail contemplating a new business but Lindsie only wants to know if this is a biohazard. A listener asks how to talk to their 12 year old daughter about their weight and Kail is not having it. Lindsie explains how she creates healthy habits with Jackson and Kail shares some recent struggles with picky eaters. We finish it off with a very FOUL Foul Play. Clasp those butts y'all! 

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01:19:05 3/6/2025

CC401: Kail gives Lindsie the rundown on the Alabama Barker Bhad Bhabie diss track drama and, wow, we are gonna need a chart for this one. Kail also gives an update on why she stopped taking her ADHD meds, Lindsie shares how she had some kind of post partum OCD or anxiety that definitely wasn't okay, and Lindsie also talks about getting Jackson on medication but not always having it be a consistent need. A listener asks how she can better herself and "fill her cup" after realizing that she doesn't really have any hobbies and it's causing a strain in her marriage.

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01:15:22 2/27/2025

CC400: To the surprise of no one, Lindsie reads that oatmeal is the healthiest breakfast food for you.. But Kail will not be participating in that. What Kail IS interested in participating in is babysitting swaps with BFFs or family members after reading about another mom's experience with this hack. A listener shares a situation that many may relate to when it comes to friendship dynamics changing during pregnancies and after birth. Kail explains how she also experienced a sense of loneliness throughout her pregnancies and how they differed. Lindsie talks about her struggle when she first let Jackson see her cry and lose her cool. Today's Foul Play is giving foul but in a good way!

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01:17:35 2/20/2025

CC399: On this month's bonus episode.. Lindsie is saying very suspicious things and one of Kail's kids unexpectedly drops a swear word during the Superbowl watch party. Kail addresses the speculations as to why we stopped hearing from Kristen all of a sudden. Because we recorded before Valentine's Day, Lindsie and Kail share their plans for Valentine's. Lastly, someone asks AITA in the Facebook group and today's Foul Play has the marriage relationship we all strive for.

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01:16:39 2/17/2025

CC398: Kail and Lindsie give their experiences with giving and receiving the silent treatment but are flabbergasted at the idea of anyone doing it to their children. Are you a LawnMower parent? Today we learn a new parenting term that Lindsie might be a part of and Kail explains how she wants self sufficient kids. And speaking of kids, another parenting article mentions the importance of teens balancing their family time which resonates with Kail. News of a lady sending fart videos to her boyfriend's ex is so unhinged and we are NOT here for it.

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01:15:42 2/13/2025

CC397: Kail and Lindsie are ready for this week to be over. Kail gives an update on her boob job and how she's been navigating co-parenting scheduling conflicts. Lindsie has ALSO been having co-parenting problems, and speaks on the Disney Dad theory that one parent always gets to be the fun parent while the other does not. A listener's daughter doesn't like swearing, and today's Foul Play makes us glad we're not school bus drivers.

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01:06:55 2/6/2025

CC396: Lindsie is having co-parenting issues that is on the verge of escalating, which Kail can relate to. Kail talks about the faux coochie emergency, their thoughts on the Blake Baldoni scandal, and is unconditional love a good thing? A listener asks a super sus question that has Kail and Lindsie concerned about the listener's relationship.

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01:20:34 1/30/2025

CC395: On this month's bonus episode... Lindsie and Kail ask their children to do as they say, and not as they do. Kail talks about new tax breaks and her stance on them as someone who came from poverty. Lindsie goes through her recent Instagram stories that had Kail and Elijah laughing in their beds the night before. Kail explains to Lindsie a new term, but not a new concept, called future faking. Listeners ask, how long should an engagement should last? And today's Foul Play teaches us about Colposcopy..

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01:25:12 1/27/2025

CC394: Lindsie gives an update on a beloved family pet and Kail plans to stay on RedNote forever. I'm sure many parents can relate to this article on Parental mental load, just as Kail and Lindsie have. They give their experiences and thoughts on how to deal with different issues. Lastly, we have listener questions and a Foul Play that has our coochies cringing. 

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01:12:16 1/23/2025

CC393: Lindsie and Kail are all in for a potential return of Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag - aka Speidi. Both of them double down on their opinions on last week's topic about spending separate time with OG family members. News of insurance companies dropping fire coverage in California months before the devasting fires has Kail and Lindsie feeling some type of way... And this Tiktok ban isn't helping. A listener asks if they should tell their BFF that they don't like their husband... Oof, we've all been there! 

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01:15:08 1/16/2025

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Premium Episodes

CC403: An article about a mom asking for extra gifts for the birthday kid's sibling has left a bad impression on Kail and Lindsie. They talk about what they'd do and what they usually do when it comes to birthdays with multiples and during the holidays. A video of Bethenny Frankel saying she sometimes has to use curse words in an efficient way with her kids sparks an interesting conversation around why this generation of kids don't listen like previous ones. Also, a listener asks if she's wrong to feel upset after her step kids asked to bring food to their mom's house only to find out that the mom got mad and threw it away.

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01:06:01 3/13/2025

CC402: Lindsie and Kail have some obvious thoughts on Casey Anthony trying to make a comeback on Tiktok, Kohberger claims he's on the spectrum and Lindsie finds a new serial killer in chicago. A viral video of someone explaining how to sell used panties for money has Kail contemplating a new business but Lindsie only wants to know if this is a biohazard. A listener asks how to talk to their 12 year old daughter about their weight and Kail is not having it. Lindsie explains how she creates healthy habits with Jackson and Kail shares some recent struggles with picky eaters. We finish it off with a very FOUL Foul Play. Clasp those butts y'all! 

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01:19:05 3/6/2025

CC401: Kail gives Lindsie the rundown on the Alabama Barker Bhad Bhabie diss track drama and, wow, we are gonna need a chart for this one. Kail also gives an update on why she stopped taking her ADHD meds, Lindsie shares how she had some kind of post partum OCD or anxiety that definitely wasn't okay, and Lindsie also talks about getting Jackson on medication but not always having it be a consistent need. A listener asks how she can better herself and "fill her cup" after realizing that she doesn't really have any hobbies and it's causing a strain in her marriage.

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01:15:22 2/27/2025

CC400: To the surprise of no one, Lindsie reads that oatmeal is the healthiest breakfast food for you.. But Kail will not be participating in that. What Kail IS interested in participating in is babysitting swaps with BFFs or family members after reading about another mom's experience with this hack. A listener shares a situation that many may relate to when it comes to friendship dynamics changing during pregnancies and after birth. Kail explains how she also experienced a sense of loneliness throughout her pregnancies and how they differed. Lindsie talks about her struggle when she first let Jackson see her cry and lose her cool. Today's Foul Play is giving foul but in a good way!

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01:17:35 2/20/2025

CC399: On this month's bonus episode.. Lindsie is saying very suspicious things and one of Kail's kids unexpectedly drops a swear word during the Superbowl watch party. Kail addresses the speculations as to why we stopped hearing from Kristen all of a sudden. Because we recorded before Valentine's Day, Lindsie and Kail share their plans for Valentine's. Lastly, someone asks AITA in the Facebook group and today's Foul Play has the marriage relationship we all strive for.

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01:16:39 2/17/2025

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