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Coffee Convos with Kail Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley

99: The Masked Singer, Nipples, and Teen Mom 2 Update

This week, Kail & Lindsie are back together & they question how Lindsie is still surviving. Lindsie addresses rumors of her going on another show & why people think she is the ladybug on The Masked Singer. Kail talks about shows that she has been catching up on via Netflix & her current potty training journey. They talk about wacky ER stories & why Lindsie almost went to the ER because of a popcorn kernel. They talk about not wearing bra's in public & debate the social acceptability. They played would you rather about marriage, why Kail would never marry Javi again & why they think Lindsie has been married to Will three times. They talk about why they think marriage is going to phase out & become less common over time. Kail talks about why she would have a commitment ceremony & not legalize marriage. They talk about the importance of family photos in homes & children's artwork. Kail talks about an unsolved crime that was at the ball fields her kids play at & why it's so disturbing. Kail tells a story about her kids school & how Lincoln got lost & why this caused security concerns. They talk about how they feel about paparazzi & why it can be so violating. They talk about how they have almost been podcasting for almost two years & how they are going through a revamping phase. Kail gives a Teen Mom 2 update, her thoughts on the new season & why Lux doesn't film every episode. They talk about production approaching Kail about Briana being on the podcast. They talk about Lindsie's national daughter day's drama & why she was receiving so many messages about her dad's post. Lindsie talks about how she's been blocked from all social media platforms & why the stories don't match up or make sense. 

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