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The Jordan Harbinger Show

Elie Honig (@eliehonig) is a CNN senior legal analyst, former federal and state prosecutor, Emmy nominee, podcast host, and columnist. He is the bestselling author of Hatchet Man: How Bill Barr Broke the Prosecutor’s Code and Corrupted the Justice Department, and his latest book is Untouchable: How Powerful People Get Away with It.

What We Discuss with Elie Honig:

  • How the rich and powerful exploit flaws in the justice system to evade accountability while being able to afford lengthy trials and secure better plea deals.
  • Why using wiretaps and flipping complicit parties are essential tactics for gathering evidence against the people at the top.
  • How intermediaries are used to shield the rich and powerful from being held responsible for crimes committed in their name.
  • Why donations to political candidates can lead to special treatment during prosecution, indicating potential corruption.
  • Why we shouldn't completely abandon faith in the justice system despite its numerous imperfections.
  • And much more...

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Dumb Gay Podcast with Julie Goldman & Brandy Howard
01:28:32 12/17/2024


Uh-huh. It's all s**t. It's all just dumb gay politics. America's gotten kinda white, but we're not gonna let it go down like that because we got a dumb gay podcast, a dumb gay political podcast. We probably don't have all the facts, but we got opinions and we'll probably backtrack. That's why it's a dumb gay podcast, a dumb gay political podcast. Oh, it's all s**t. It's all s**t. Oh, it's all s**t. It's all s**t. I mean, are we gonna die? I don't know. I you're extreme. I am extreme. It's all s**t. Uh-uh. This s**t is bananas. B a n a n a s. This s**t is Trump's s. T r u m p a n a n e s. What? I don't know. I don't even know. Hey, everybody. Welcome to our Dumb Gay podcast. I'm Julie. And I'm Brandy. And this is the podcast where we talk about all the dumb gay s**t happening in the world like we're talking about reality TV. Well, apparently, the reality show, this week is a drone competition show, my mom. So I don't know which drone is gonna win and which ones will have to pack their knives and go. Dancing with the drones? Yeah. Dancing with the drones. Dancing with the drones for the mirror ball. Okay? I, like, barely am following it. I'm like, if I'm I just have to assume if we're seeing drones going in and out of the ocean apparently and they're going all around the sky and doing everything that it's I mean The main first place was, I think, was New Jersey. Right. There was a bunch of sightings over Alabama. And then, you know, for me, I'm doing exactly what I do with, like, Amazon reviews or reviews on Sephora Yeah. Or even reviews on, like, Reddit. I assume half of them are fake. So these f**king pictures and videos, I assume, first of all, half of them are fake. Oh, that's true. I do know that Alejandro Mayorkas went on TV and said they're just airplanes, and it's like, girl. Okay. You're you're you're you're coming up a close second to, like, flops to Merrick Garland. And, I mean, I like I do like really like Alejandro Mayorkas, like, personally. Yep. He is our current Homeland security? Because who's our secretary of state? That's, Ale Alejandro. That was supposed to help us remember, and it did help us remember his name. Oh, yeah. Homeland security. Oh, I know. Anthony Blinken. Anthony Blinken. That's right. Anthony. Anthony. Right. Anthony Scalia. Okay. So people really don't like Alejandro Mayorkas. I know. They really don't like him. And it's because it's the immigrant. He got really thrown under the bus with the immigration. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, you're already hated. Why are we going on f**king whatever news? And I only saw this in a clip because I don't watch any of that news and saying it's airplanes. Like and then, you know, Meghan McCain and her f**king bag of bulls**t Oh, no. Talking about. f**k our government for not telling us to check with the jobs. Oh, god. What do you need? If it was a Republican administration and somebody said f**k our government, you wouldn't like that. That's right. So Of course. Of course. And, also, they may be we can't no. I mean, I hate to say it, but, like, there are some things that we just they're not gonna tell us. No. They're just not going to oh, is this thing on? Hey. Welcome to press car. Hey, everybody. Russia is sending in spy drones, and they're working in conjuncture with China, and they're going over and taking all your data because they're worried that the nuclear bomb that they had in the submarine that they had sent over 57 years ago is actually leaking. So Right. They have to go to see if there's any radiation that's on leaking from there and maybe the alien that they put in a in a chamber that's 50 leagues under the journey beneath the sea. And, so so they're just looking for them, but don't worry about it. It's fine. What do you do? We can't be doing that. No. We're not doing Just be like, yeah. It's drones and it's none of your f**king business. How about that? I I would say that. How about from what we can tell right now, it's drones and we're not entirely sure who where they're coming from. So we need we're trying to figure it out, but we can tell you this. They said not if they want them to shoot them out of the sky. Oh, okay. Well then So the what you say is, that's classified. So everybody can sit the f**k down. And if you see it flying overhead, go on and go inside if you don't like it. Right. That's if it's classified, then tell us it's classified. Right. But it's gaslighting, and Alejandro Mayorkas didn't need any more f**king smoke. No. I'm really impressed that I managed to forget who the secretary of state is. I have been really not paying attention. Am I getting back to being my old self? Maybe. I know. I've definitely I just don't wanna pay attention. I just wanna sit and be mad Mhmm. And also know that they're gonna f**king what what are we supposed to do? I I don't even They're just, like, throwing a Hail Mary to do anything they can do to still try and talk s**t about the Biden administration. Yeah. All of the f**king maggots across. It's like, let it go. I actually don't care if there's drones. Anything going on, go blame Trump. You're not gonna get his last 2 weeks Right. And still blame Biden and Kamala Harris and f**king it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. All of it. Yeah. Just what do you want? I'm just like I'm like, what I you know, I don't I don't even wanna tune in until Trump is president. So that at least at that point, I go, alright. Let me enjoy the systematic takedown of the country Mhmm. So that everyone who voted for him loses their health insurance, their homes, their education Their vet yeah. Their Their veterans. Their benefits, And that they they just their lives get destroyed. And I'll just sit back and, I'll go ahead and buy the eggs that are $2 more a carton with a smile on my face. Just like we've still done been doing. Okay. So I did wanna say do a happy birthday shout out to Amy Jackson. Amy Jackson. She's one of the, contestants on our Patreon dating game, that we're doing all month, all Yeah. Whole month of December called the Butchlorette. The butchelet. I mean, it's your standard it's actually but it's not standard. It's contestants vie to be chosen as the butchlers. No. The butch because it's the butchler And the butchlerettes. We've got our butchler. We've got our butchleorettes. They we've they're we're watching a Zoom date. We're doing I mean, the s**t is f**king I'm sorry. You know, it's it's warms the the c**kles of the cold dead heart. It really does. And that's why we did it. It's all inclusive. We've got gay. We got straight. We got girl. We got guy. We got and that's a great thing because it's not, like, doesn't who knows? Maybe maybe one gets chosen as a friend. Maybe one, you know, it doesn't it's not all romance, but I think we did see a little romance. You know? Yeah. I feel like, you know, miss Amy Jackson, if you're nasty. You know what I mean? God. How she must have to hear that her whole a*s life. To have. She did seem like she kind of went out as a front runner simply because she was sporting some side boob cleavage. Yeah. Came in very flirtatious. Uh-huh. Front side. Front side. Yeah. Because I could see the side of it a little. Oh. Right? This front side. All I remember is the is the sort of front cleave. Yeah. Front cleave, but it was A little on the side. Yeah. I mean and that's a hey. Listen. And that's a that's a tactic. It's a tactic, and it worked for me to work on. That's a tactic. And she was also being verbally flirtatious, said she had been kind of crushing from afar on her butchler. Yep. And, I mean And then later on it. Listen. The next day when I answered the door and you came over, I was in a robe That's right. And my boobs were out. Yeah. You you haven't stopped wearing robes since stopped wearing robes. We saw Amy. I'm like and I'm around the corner, like, wait. What? Oh, I'm sorry. I just I have to get dressed. I I just I've just been so busy. So happy birthday, Amy, and thank you for for, participating in our Butchlorette special. We love her. She's really, like it's been fun getting to know our patrons. Do we really they're like a family. They really are a community. If you're as our our guest that we have on today said, like, you've gotta you've gotta be in your communities strapped down to your communities. And and if you're here listening to this podcast, then you're of like minded with the people on our Patreon, and they really are a community over there. And it's and they're a whole thing. Like, they're we're like the parents that they talk s**t about, like, behind you know what I mean? Together. And they're like they're like our children, and they're like, ugh. Mom and dad are being annoying or whatever, but Yeah. We love them so much. And we we now you can buy annually. Oh my god. All of Patreon has changed, so it's so great. Not only can you buy, you can do monthly. You can do annual annual. Annual. Uh-huh. And we just learned you can buy it per episode. If you can If we make that available. Yeah. Which we're going to make it. We're gonna make any any possibility for you to be able to involve money. To yeah. For us to survive. We're going to it'll be per episode, per one time, per week, per month. You could do anything you want. Can't do per week. You cannot do per week. So how about that? But but the main thing is you can go there. You can if you join for a year, if you pay up front I mean, literally, we have tiers as low as $4 Yep. You guys. It's Christmastime. And if then you get a discount. If $4 a month, now you're gonna get a discount that gives somebody 1 hour long podcast a week every Wednesday. You could buy somebody a f**king gift of content for, like, $36 or something crazy, like, with the discount. That's so inexpensive. You know what? If somebody came through and I'm talking about this is across the board. You can go buy someone someone else's Patreon. We just think it's a great idea. I'm like, somebody rolled through and said, guess what? I paid for your Netflix for the rest of the year. I'm like, f**k yeah. High fives. Amazing. That'd be incredible. Absolutely incredible. So if you could do $8 a month Mhmm. Also, you can buy that annually and get a discount Yep. Which will put it under a $100. What it's already under a $100. You pay full price, for a year. And that's 3 shows a week. But and that gives you 3 shows, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. And we don't miss, and we don't we do we do the shows. We do the work. So and then there's a video chair for the video, Queen. So but you can buy it now annually, and that's something that's very new to our page. We didn't used to be able to offer that. Yep. And annually, you you can get a discount, and you can buy you can give it as a gift. Yep. And it's Christmas time. And you know what else you can give as a gift? Our t shirts, if you're interested in that. You can go to our website,, and, check out our t shirts. They They don't you don't have to get somebody a f**king julianbrandy shirt. We have a shirt that just says drugs, or we have a shirt that says, I don't need your notes, babe. You What more could you want in a shirt? I mean, I'm sorry. I opened my present. Right. I open it up. What what is it? Oh my god. It shows that's drugs. I mean, it's And it seems like you could get a doctor. Yeah. I mean, why not? Or a lawyer or a police officer. Well, I mean, doctors because they prescribe drugs. Well, yes. I like a police person because they, would arrest you for drugs. Mhmm. You know what I mean? So I don't think they'd enjoy the shirt. They might in their what like a lawyer. Listen. I've known a lawyer lawyers in the world who are like, oh, man. When I get my pen when I retire, I'm gonna f**king do drugs. I can't do drugs now because they Why can't they do drugs? Well, my friend who was, like, a prosecutor with, like, the state, he was, like, good for the state. Right. He could But regular lawyers can. That's true. But if you work for the good, I'm sorry. I mean, I'm quite sure f**king sweet James dabbles in a time for him. Definitely. But go so go to our website, There's information on the Patreon there or there's and there's a link to the T shirts in this description of this podcast. And, you know, it's the season of giving, and we have the stuff to give. You know, it's Christmas isn't a good time for cameos. We have cameos too. Cameos are better for, like, Valentine's Day, f**king anniversaries, birthdays. But for Christmas, I'm telling you, if you've been really wanting somebody to get into the podcast and you're just, like, trying to convince them or, you know, f**king buy it. f**king do it. Hey. f**king live it. Now I would we got our annual holiday Ursa Major face wipes from Quinta, Quinta. Yeah. And this and we love them so much, and they send them to us every year for Christmas, and and we wait for them. This year, they came with, like, 2 little it came with a lip balm. It's called that they Ursa Major makes called Going Places. Oh. And, I like these thick lip things. Yeah. You push from the bottom. Oh. Let's see what you think. It's like Bethany Frankel. They had to start doing lip balms like that because everybody has their big, old, injected f**king housewife lips. Yeah. I mean, I noticed from watching Even the lady at the Viking post office today had Yes. Had, like I'm like, how are you? I just I don't even know. I don't I I don't know either. But it's funny that they're that you're right. I guess that is why because I noticed that lip like, the these things are, like, round bigger and thicker and That lip balms are getting bigger. Yeah. They're big. Like, round. Fat. These big a*s lips floating around everywhere. So thank you guys. Quinton and Ximena, we love you so much. Thank you. We got an email, my mom, from a guy named Rick Austin. Rawr. K? Now, apparently, Rick went went over to our website because Rick wanted to give us money, and he didn't see how he could give us money on the website. And he sent us an email, and I just wanna read it here. I want you to read it here because it really was funny and cute, and it was touching. Okay. Good morning from 15 miles outside of Washington, DC. I'm not well versed in how to send a congratulatory email. Is it okay to draw a chalk outline around a father, son, and husband who has spent the last 30 years living in a suit and tie, trying to serve his country and his employees and his shareholders with integrity, but never learning the contemporary means of social media or chat GPT or TikTok nonsense. I'm an old crusty curmudgeon by any measure. But we paid $200,000 for our 2 children to go to university, and one of them found their way to your podcast Oh, that's my favorite part. For me. They dropped it on my phone so I could ignore the wailing children on the flight from Orlando to Washington DC. My wife had to pee a lot, so we always buy her an aisle seat. But I flew solo, and for 2 hours and 20 minutes, it doesn't matter where the hell they put me. Although smelling diaper waft from the bathroom in aisle 36 is not ideal. Your show grinned me from ear to ear on that flight. I wanted to say thank you. I looked on your website for some kind of pay button or way to compensate you for the laughter you've already given me. I failed. I see the Patreon apparatus and will have someone navigate the system presently. I don't understand any of the references within your biographies or collective works, but I understand perspective and laughter and the consideration of any topic beyond the words on a bumper sticker. This has evolved into a ramble. Sorry. Who cares about anything other than the cold hard fact that you make me laugh? That is refreshing. So I wanted to compensate you for it and say thanks again, celebrate your freedom, and blast it in all directions. It is what we fought and died for. Best in health and freedom, Rick. Rick sounds like he's a veteran. Rick sounds like he's a veteran or. Or is he still working for this? No. Because at the so there's so much to unpack here. We're obsessed with Rick. Oh my gosh. He has shareholders. Yes. He's giving CEO he it's CEO coded to me. And the words of freedom and fought and the country fought for this country. And that's like and he's not f**king MAGA. Like, Rick, it's too bad you're married. Rick. Rick. You could have 2 new wives. Rick, will you oh, Rick. Rick, pick me up, Rick. Oh, Rick. I mean, I guarantee you every, like, straight woman listening to this podcast, if Rick wasn't married, would be like, I love a rich curmudgeon, honey. I'll do all your social media for you. Oh, I know what you I'm laughing, but I don't know any of the ref I mean He said he made a grim ear to ear. He sounds rich. Yeah. He has shareholders. I mean, maybe he's in Potomac. He gave his kids seriously, he he Or Arlie didn't reach him. Paid $200,000 for his kids to go to college, and then one of them, a college educated a $100,000 college educated child likes our podcast, it always just shocks me. That isn't him raising. And then when when their dad had to fly for 2 hours without his wife with a child, we don't know. They put it on Rick's phone Uh-huh. Our podcast. And I'm just like, somebody give that person a f**king, like, medal of freedom for that. It's like, this is what made me think about, like and I'm like, Rick, please do have someone navigate the Patreon apparatus. We just went through how you can give us money. I don't know that Rick would like the Patreon as much because I think he likes the political content. Well, Rick, I gotta tell you. In my running list of men that are allowed to live Right. Okay. It's now Craig. Now we've got Craig. Hold on. Craig. Hold on. It's a it's a it's a okay. Let me write this down. It's okay. Hold on. Okay. We've got Craig. Uh-huh. Okay. And And Rick. The other ones are gay. I mean, that obviously, the gay ones are different. But I'm talking about heterosexual men Right. Who are allowed to That aren't related to us. That aren't related to us. Right. Right. Right. So so far, there's 2. Yeah. And with No. No. We've got there's a there's our new friend there's a new friend who's who's gonna fight Nick Fuentes. Oh my gosh. What was his name? He may live. Yes. Jonathan. Jonathan. So we've got 3. We've got Fred. Jonathan. Rak Yeah. And Jonathan. I mean, I'm just Now this is we're maybe the fight club right here. Here's the And this is how it goes, people. f**king maybe if everyone had done their job, f**king Trump wouldn't be in office. But now that Trump's there, we need you all to be putting our podcast on people's phones. Okay? Please, please, either buy them if they don't like politics or they wanna break, buy them our Patreon. Mhmm. You can they can start with 1 a week. You f**king spend $36. And or if they do like politics and they're liberal, put our podcast, put the RSS feed into their podcast app, show them how to use it. I need to let Juan and Jimena know that now the the lip balm has now become, knuckle balm, and that's amazing. I know. I just thought nothing has worked on my psoriatic, whatever it's called, the when your skin has arthritis outside the skin. Yeah. Nothing. My knuckles will not not be, like, dry and No. I know. I want it to So now you gotta get you gotta do the moisture barrier. You know what I mean? Yeah. We'll just use well That I'm gonna use this as I'm trying it right now on my knuckles. Yeah. That's great. And it's the perfect size for your knuckles. It's like yeah. It's knuckle bomb. Knuckle bomb. Look at that, Quinn, Humana. Anyway, thank you, Rick. Last but not least, ma'am, I know we're out of time, but the mystery of Kathy Martin. Okay? We got an email again into Julie Brandy podcast that said your your order from Claremont Lounge is being delivered. And I was like, we don't have an order from Clairemont Lounge. It showed up. It says Kathy Martin, and we don't know Kathy Martin. And we stayed at the Clairemont Lounge in Atlanta. It is absolutely our favorite f**king hotel in the world. There's a strip club in the basement. Julie and I, like, I ordered a whiskey me and or Jack Jack. Uh-huh. And when I tell you they gave me a plastic cup filled to the top of Jack Daniels, and I was like, oh, we're f**ked. And it was so f**king fun. Yeah. Like, we had the best time. Best time. I mean, Atlanta is like heaven on earth, and it is a strip club capital, but the Claremont lounge Lounge takes the cake. And now we have a hat, a shirt, and a sticker. Oh, I want a sticker. Yeah. Don't lose that, my mom. Now that's going right So, Kathy, I don't know if this is from you whose name is on the box. I don't know if it's from someone else, but we are living, laughing, and loving. And you look so good, and you love black shirts, ma'am, ma'am. This is for you. And it has strip strippy ladies on the front. Front. I I remember so clearly. Oh, it's great. And it's we we stayed in bunk beds. This is a story that we told on the Patreon. There's bunk beds. Yeah. The room was so inexpensive. And when I got up to the top bunk to my bunk, there was a f**king power drill Yes. And that I put into my luggage and stole. Yes. And I also remember when we checked in to the Clermont Lounge, there was a candle sitting there. Number 1, the smell of it, there's, like, there was candles that you could buy. And the smell of it reminded me of the Gwyneth Paltrow vagina candle. And I remember telling the lady, you should have named this vagina candle as this is the Clairemont. There's a strip club here. Right. You know? That's also when I fell asleep in all my clothes, I think. Right? That's correct. And I forgot my f**king toiletry bag. Right. And we had to go We had to go Yes. Walk at night and go just, like, buy, like, a shower cap and s**t. Like, it was beyond. Anyway, we did a live show in Atlanta. We were on Mary De Medicine, and it was heaven. And we've been to Atlanta before, and we just love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. And we love the f**king Claremont lounge. So whoever sent us this, and if it's you, Kathy, you broke the rule. No gifts without pics. We need your picture for the drug done bulletin board, so get it in here, Kathy. Oh. And you too, Rick. Get it in here, Rick. This episode is brought to you by Squarespace. Squarespace websites are the f**king business. Okay? I know we've been talking about it every other week for a month now, but we're gonna continue talking about it because we love it. Squarespace, if you don't know, is the all in one website platform for entrepreneurs to stand out and succeed online. Whether you're just starting out or managing a growing brand, Squarespace makes it easy to create a beautiful website, engage with your audience, and sell anything from products to content to time all in one place all on your terms. Squarespace is the best. To me, it's the simplest to do if you've, Timmy, if you've ever, Timmy, if you've never made a f**king website, then you don't understand that they're all f**king hard. And Hard. Like, we had our website done by some disgruntled fan who hates us now. And now we are in charge of it, and it's so hard and it's so complicated. And I would do anything for it to be on Squarespace. We are friends. We saw our friend's website. And then just recently, I was, like, trying to find out this outfit that Bronwyn wore on Salt Lake City. Okay? Uh-huh. And it has been haunting me, and I can't f**king figure out. And Bronwyn herself has a website. And I went on to her website, and I f**king emailed her and was let through the website a message. And I was like, Bronwyn, I've got to know. Like, of course, she's never gonna get back to me. And Bronwyn was trying to make a name for herself, you guys. This isn't a website about her whatever f**king finance job she had. No. This is those pictures of Bronwyn and her clothes at f**king Paris Fashion Week and New York Fashion Week. Bronwyn knew she wanted to get on Housewives. Yeah. And she made a website because that is what you need to do if you're in this world doing things. Yeah. It's so simple. It's inexpensive. Squarespace makes it so that anyone can do it. They have design tools where you'll have your own completely bespoke website that is unique to you. And then with their AI like design tools, like, it makes it so much easier to just do it and do it quickly. You're not, like, writing code and being timid. Can't do it. Can't do it. And so that's just right there for somebody just to have a profile. But with with Squarespace, if you wanna start a little business, like, they have all these ways, easy ways to, like, connect and accept payments. You could do, like, Apple Pay, Afterpay, Direct Debit, Clearpay, which is in the UK because this accounts for the UK too, guys. Yay. So you're setting up payments so you can get paid for whatever you're selling, and then they also make it so that you can sell content. So, like, for example, when Patreon goes down, we will be getting our our Squarespace together, and we will be putting our content behind the paywall. Like, what Louis CK did when he used to sell his comic strips. He didn't go through somebody like that where they took a fee Right. Where he pays them. No. He hosts it himself Right. And he takes the money himself for the comedy websites. Right. There's so much you can do with Squarespace, and I just think in 2024, like, you think it's all on social media, but I'm telling you, it's all about having a website. I really do think it. I agree. Because you know what? There's also a thing too where where there's a lot of catfishing going on. There's a lot of catfishing going on and people saying there are people that are not. You know what I mean? All over the Internet. And it's like, let's do a website. And that way, when you, you know, you would appreciate if you're going on some f**king date and somebody had a website. You go, let me check the website. That's true. So you Google someone, and then there's the website. Yeah. That's I love it. I love that you have a website just just to just as a So you to know you're real. Yeah. It's a real person. Yeah. I love that. I love that. I love that. You know what? If you wanna prove you're a real person, go to right now for a free trial. And when you're ready to go, when you're ready to prove, when you're ready to show that you are who you are, you're gonna go to pod to save 10% off your first purchase of that. Now that's of a website or a domain, meaning that you can get your website completely done, or you can just purchase your domain. You could be like, I'm a real person dot com, and you can buy that domain. Yeah. So get your 10% off. Do it now. Okay. Now we get to hang out with one of our favorite comedians and talk some s**t. I do whatever the f**k I want. That's how I got famous, talking s**t. And I'm a keep talking s**t. I'm a keep talking s**t till that day I die, b***h. Matter of fact, I'm a record something. So when I'm dead and I'm in a casket, I'm a be on a f**king radio talking s**t like, yeah, at my funeral. Let me tell you about these motherf**kers. Alright. This is our segment called Talking s**t, where we hang out with comedians and talk s**t about all the dumb gay stuff going on in the world. Why? Because talking s**t is fun, comedians are funny, and 2 weeks from today is the last day of Karma 24. So crazy. And the a*****es in this country, and I include us in that, must have had some bad karma coming, Maumau, because we all got paid in full on election day. Okay? Which is why we are so excited for our guest today. He's a performer, writer, stand up comedian, actor, and one of our most popular guests on this podcast. He hasn't even been on in over a year, which is Insane. That's how crazy 2024 has been. He's been supporting us in doing our show for free since the week Trump was inaugurated way back in January 2017. So without further f**king ado, please welcome back the Stevie Nicks of our hearts and the Chardonnay of our souls, our good friend, Brad Chardonnay Locally. Hey, Brad. Hey, girls. Hello, Mary. Hey, girl. Hey, girlfriend. Hey, girlfriends. Mammal associate guy. What a wonderful human. I love just a good human. Just a good lactating human. Oh, no. Those days are over. Yeah. Those days are over. Yeah. No more lactate. Okay. So, Brad, have you been on the podcast yet this year? I don't think I have. Oh my god. We went a crazy 2024. Wow. The world just tore us all apart. Maybe that's why Trump won. Yeah. I think, you know, because when our forces are together yeah. Maybe It's just like Elphaba and It's our fault. It's glibber. Maybe 2 white women and the white cis Hendrick who become a sexual man. I am gonna get sentimental because the first, like, what right when Trump was elected the first time, his inauguration, we went on that we went on a trip and the Muslim ban happened and we were all together. Yeah. We hid that one guest for a while so we can make sure there were lawyers on board. And it's like, and now See, see, we've done this before, everybody. We're in reruns. Well, what's syndication. What's gonna happen? Well, what's gonna happen is, you know, as an expert as an expert, gay person who definitely didn't just do, 2 shots of gay people before this impromptu podcast Mhmm. Podcast, after seeing the movie quickest Yep. With the 2 And we're definitely not parked on the side. We're definitely not parked on the side of the road in perfect place to a gay bar. No. What I would say is I was definitely shocked by the election. I thought it was going to be a close election, but I certainly thought, was gonna win. I certainly didn't think we would lose all seats of power and all balance of power. And so what here's the thing. For the next 2 years, anyone who thinks, and believes the way, all of us do in this in this car, and many who listen to this podcast, we're in essence an opposition party now. We don't really have any federal authority. Uh-huh. And I think everyone should focus on their states, and I think everyone should focus on communities, and I think everyone we should focus on each other. We have to protect women state by state. We have to protect trans people and all LGBTQ people. We have to protect the poor because they are going to be f**ked. They're the ones who are going to hurt the most. But wait. I thought they were gonna, like, get jobs and take their health insurance. Strawberries are gonna be cheap, guys, except they're not because no one's gonna pick up because we're gonna maybe deport 1,500,000 people. And Canada's probably cutting off power to millions of homes. But what I would say is don't focus national. I know national tensions get a lot of get us all jazzed up, and that's kind of what democracy does. And certainly a lot of harm can be done and probably will be done. But at the end of the day, you live and die for most of your life within a 100 miles of where you live. You live and die in a community. You live and die in a hometown, a city. You live and die with your family of choice or your blood family or a mixture of both. And I think if we all pull together and we all actually just start taking care of the person to the left and right of us, more and ourselves more, that goes outwards because we're not gonna fix any of this a 100%, at least until a midterm election when we can maybe swing back some checks and balances. It's gonna be what it's gonna be for the next 2 years, and we don't know what it's gonna be. There's a lot of red herrings. He and his people are really good at throwing a red herring to distract you from one thing, to get everyone so worked up. What I don't want is people literally having stress heart attacks Mhmm. Over every single thing on the news. Turn the news off and go do something Not this. Sell because this is a news. This is not news. This is not infuntainment Yeah. Or whatever they call whatever the kids call it. Exactly. This is but, you know, turn off television news, stop reading the you can't do anything about that. You are not a secretary of state. You are not a joint chief of staff. You know, get out of the house. Go out in your community. Go out in your family. Go out in your friends. Help each other. Helps help your neighbors. You know what I mean? And I would argue too that the news is also kind of what got us into this. Absolutely. When you see something on social media, we were just talking before we started recording. I've just and it's not like I have a ton of money, but, like, I've seen a lot of people doing very simple basic fundraisers because they're like, I need to get out of a a red state. And I have a job offer, and I have an apartment lined up, but I need, you know, $5 or $10 to make that move, so I'm doing a GoFundMe. If everyone who can give $5 or a dollar gives to one of those, you're we're gonna get 100 of thousands of people who need to get to safer places with with more protections there. That's how you do it. And that that's actually also an argument for if you're gonna give money, let's say, some you you give money to the DNC or to a big huge whatever. The f**k that. Give that. f**k that. Don't be doing that. Now is not the time for that. The people who need it, who need to move, who need to get jobs, who need it. So it's Especially before election. We're talking about people who are trying to get out of red states before Yeah. Before inauguration day. Sorry. Before inauguration day. These are people who are trying to get out before laws start taking a a fact that will impact them directly. Now the so the night of the election, of course, we were became blackout drunk. What right, you know, as as as it turned. And then I was texting with, you know, friends and just like f**k it. Like he was president before. Nothing consequential happened really except for like he changed the tax laws and helped all the corporations. Yeah. And the super So I'm like f**king we can do this for another 4 years. We can do it. We can do it. And then all the people texting me were like, no. He's gonna change the law so that he's they there's no term limits. What do you think is the term limit? Is presidents don't change laws. The real danger here is that the the the Republican Party has control of all branches of government right now. They, in essence, control the Supreme Court. They control the White House. They control both branches of Congress. It the it's, I mean, it's And together, they all change laws. Right. Right. Right. So and that's how things and that's the problem. That's the real problem is that. And and listen. You know, the the the other side of the eye would be terrified if if all progressive liberals had sudden control of all the government. And that's also what we've built a system. I know we could fix so much so quickly. But it's also why we built a system where usually the public does kind of maintain a check of balance. But you know, usually the public says, we'll keep the house democratic. We'll keep, you know, and then the president's Republican. Usually, a president is is in in conflict, in the health of the constitution. Check. Yeah. It's a checks and balances system. Yeah. We have no more checks and balances, and the full guardrails of constitutional law will now be challenged for at least the next 2 years. So, again, for the next 2 years, other than full civil war, which I don't think we'll get to because we're all just too we're too old and we're too fat. We can't be civil warring anymore. Ugh. It's too old. The same. Julie and I want a war. I do I do have blood bus. Go play war games. I do a blood bus. I would say for the next 2 years, you do that work in your communities. You help people in the most dangerous areas individually as best you can. You get where you get f**king, birth control to women in red states. You know what I mean? You just Yeah. Be to women in red states. One one national charity I still give to is the National Abortion Fund because they really do distribute grassroots across the most at need areas. You know, and it's not like we're gonna be able to move every single woman who wants to move out of a red state to again like, it's just, you know, women are just a massive physical population. But I would say for the next 2 years, focus on the communities at risk, focus on the people you care about the most and the causes you care about the most. What are you scared of? Like Am I scared of that I will? Do you think that anything of consequence is gonna happen or they're just gonna f**king sit on their a*s like they always do and be like, it's the immigrants. It's the Democrats. So the one thing we have in our favor is the fact that he only wants what's good for him. The problem is you now have a full congress and supreme court who want what the GOP wants. So you have Mitch McConnell already talking about some ridiculous tens of 1,000,000,000 of dollars increase to the military budgets. And you know what I mean? The the the advantage to any narcissist if you know how to work with them is that they just care what's good for them. So if you can appease them with what's good for them, they won't do too much damage. They're a bull in a China shop. Shop. The problem is, in my opinion, as the opposition, the GOP in its entirety Is a narcissist? No. No. No. It's wants to do institutional structural harm. They want Yep. An authoritarian state that they can maintain permanently. I don't think he really does. I don't think he really cares. But they are all funded by the religious. Right? Old man with dementia Right. Who is now being funded by people like Elon Musk and were and worshiped by corporate giants, and those people have agendas that are institutionally dangerous to unions, to the minimum wage, to health care, to health safety, to physical safety, to property values, to global economic skills. So but, again, for 2 years, we can't do much about that. Do you think in the 2 years that She didn't even have a shot. I do you think in the 2 years, Brad? I'm leaving God for a while. Do you think I don't know. I don't know. I'm I I'm obsessed with the, like, the fact that the environment, that the atmosphere, that the toxic, rape that basically rape culture is now running the the country. Absolutely. And what how do we is there a way or is it futile to try and change, you know, the whatever, 70,000,000, 80,000,000 people who are into this currently? Or is it gonna take my hope anyway, and I just don't know if I can even believe that this would be true, that they're all gonna get so f**ked so hard. They're the eggs aren't gonna be cheap. No. Correct. These are peep these are people who who who chose the, the concept. No plan. The man presented no plan. The concept that eggs would be $2 cheaper in exchange for all other people's human and civilized. Yes. And I don't say this maliciously. It's not it's not coastal elitist who will be harmed if eggs go back up to $10 a dozen. Right. It's not us who's gonna it's you who's gonna be heard. And sometimes you have to let a child burn their hand on the stove Mhmm. Because after you've told them 300 times, don't touch the hot pot Right. Don't touch the hot pot, and you've put child safety devices Yes. On the stove. You've done everything you can as a logical person Yes. To keep another human being from a logical person Yes. To keep another human being from harm. Yes. If that person needs to burn their hand on the stove to understand what hot is Mhmm. Then they do. And then when they burn their hand, you treat their hand. Yes. You say, I know that hurt. I told you. Right. But then you also take care of them. But won't they say the immigrants did it? Right. Well, no. Because we won't have them anymore. We won't have them anymore. Because my fear is that they wanna f**king talk about the price of eggs, and then he does the tariffs, which she's been jerking off of them. Proud of his Canada has already said. We're we will cut off your power on his inauguration date. If he is instating these tariffs, the Canada supplies 1,500,000 households worth of electricity to the US. Remember, America is households worth of electricity to the US. Remember, America imports a lot. Everything. A lot. Now if Canada who is, I believe, still to this day the only nation that was ever founded without war or conflict. It was actual if someone can Google me on this, but they have a history of politeness. That tracks. Right. So it doesn't say that if Canada has said, we will freeze out Wisconsin, New York Right. Michigan in January. We will cut off your f**king power if we get a a 50% tariff on us. Period. Period. And he is and he literally said, he goes, it I it pains me to say this. I have no desire to be this trade war. But if your president's gonna do it, we're not doing it in 10% increments. We're doing it in the faucet is turned off. That to me is touch the stove then. Touch the stove. Well, that burn your hand. I understand. True. So I understand. Is feeling that way. Honey, Mexico. Yeah. Mexico's gonna spit in our mouth and not go by 1. They'll never admit that the price of eggs didn't go down. No. No. No. And listen. There are zealous. There are people who believe that Trump is Jesus Christ. Yeah. You cannot argue with those people, but I do not believe that's 60,000,000 people. I think as usual, the democrats were very bad. The first of all, Joe should not have been running up until 90 seconds before the election. It It shouldn't have taken the whole democratic party spending months saying you cannot run someone who has cognitive issues, who is 300 years old if we're the party of logic inside. But okay. But but just to let's, to play devil's advocate, though. Their party is a crazy person too, but they're evil. But but here's what but here's what here's what I would say, though, to that. Joe Biden was a president. We're in a terrible situation. They have Trump going on. They keep pounding about how Biden is. Wait. And that all of that and all of that. Listen. We we love Joe Biden, and but we also will acknowledge Yeah. The motherf**ker, we couldn't even watch a speech. It was too painful. However, why wasn't there the argument though? Because we were so deep in it, so deep in the s**t with him. We have why wasn't there a thing of, like, we're gonna we have a great party. Kamala Harris is there. The power structure is there. The right people are there. That's what the party was saying. We're very bad at getting the f**king message out. The message was terrible. We're very bad at getting the message out. The other thing is they hid Kamala Harris for 3 and a half years. That's right. That yes. He did. He was elected and said I am a transitional president. Yep. And that's why, that's why a lot of young people, middle aged people, a lot of people said, okay. Great. If we could get Joe over the finish line, he's admitting strategic. Yes. He's admitting that you're trying to be a one term president Yes. Just to keep it away from that f**king monster. Right. And then we did it, and then he got in there, and his old man dick got hard again. Yeah. And I love him because nobody gets in that office and wants to leave. Right. Clearly. No. Because no one gets in that office unless they're willing to do with the million horrible things. Yeah. And he just doesn't wanna leave politics Sure. At his time. You know? He doesn't wanna admit it's over. Listen. That whole generation grew up where the most popular poem that all those white men read was do not go gentle into that good night. I could go back in a time machine and kill the f**king author of do not go gentle into that good night because it has made every boomer white man Right. Decide and silent generation white man decide that That's a good plot to a movie. Forever. Because I'm telling you right now, when someone wins the lottery with the numbers, I go like this, oh my god, we found the time traveler. That person has a f**king time. So there you f**king are. Or the, you know, the the the The first thing they do is get out of here and they're like, I'm not f**king with the time. I am just leaving all of you. But we can do the movie where Brad, the only thing he wants to do is just f**k that book. That do you know, Kajet, every That poem. Powerful white person in America has lived by that power. Rage. Go towards the, like, Carol Anne. Go towards the f**king lies. We did so the democratic party s**t on their own selves, though. They're so divided. Love to fall on our own story. We love to fall on our own. We we fire martyrs. That too. We have donut. We have to own the fact that I don't understand I could never vote in a post Roe v Wade world for any candidate that was not staunchly in support of protecting women's autonomy to their bodies. The fact that there were that many women who were like, but eggs. And that's your eggs? But even exactly. That's right. But even in our own party, like Your daughter's eggs, your sister's eggs, your neighbor's eggs. All all the eggs. All the eggs. All the eggs. All the eggs. But even in our own party You know what I mean? I just don't understand that. Well, I don't I agree, and I also lesser of 2. I don't wanna choose between the lesser of 2 people. Lesser of 2. I'm like, what? That's all life is. But also That's right. But also, maybe that's all life is. But also, between a rapist and somebody who is slightly has dementia got a lot of space in between them. There's not much of it. Not a 1% difference. This is not a 1% difference. And plus, we had Kamala Harris who also This is a one for people who are like, well, I decided I've was gonna vote for Trump because I'm concerned about Palestine or Israel. I'm like, well, great. Just so you know, neither one of those conversations is gonna go better with him in offense. No. In fact, they both say They're They're They're They're so you so it's like so you chose based on an idea where you literally made the choice that's gonna make both of them worse. And in in addition, I then for with Palestine and Israel, don't get get me started. For Hamas and Israel, if you will, I Oh, god. I do I the Democrats made that f**king even worse. Of course. They made that worse. Of course we do. Harris and Joe Biden or the genocide party. Like, you f**ked you f**ked us over. Wanna see the genocide party. Well Here it is. Yeah. Here it is. Here it is. Here it is. You were worried about a genocide? Right. They literally want a genocide. Right. I can't. I don't. So kids, for 2 years, look to the left of you, look to the right of you, look in front of you, look behind you. Yep. These are the people in your life. These are the people in your world. Thank god we still have some social media. We have some kind of global news sense. You if you want if you wanna do something, if you wanna feel like you did something today because the news take you out of power, go online and donate directly to someone in need in in some situation caused by this sociopolitical s**tstorm, a direct person. Give to give to yeah. If you're supporting trans rights, if you're supporting women's reproductive rights, if you're supporting the poor, if you're supporting people are online crowdfunding to pay their medical bills, to save their lives, to build a garden in their community, to rebuild. You know what I mean? When their state government doesn't, that it will do more. I wanna know where that it will do more. I wanna know where are you gonna where are you getting informed? Oh, I'm trying to be as uninformed as well. Well, you know the thing about Canada, and we didn't even know that. I do. Oh, of course. Looking at the news. Once a morning, I go on and I set a timer on my phone for 15 minutes, and I'm allowed 15 minutes to look at what's going on anywhere in the f**king world. Anywhere on the Internet. Anywhere on the f**king in no. Anywhere in the world. But where you go? So 50. Go to I start if, for America, I really don't trust either of them emphatically, but I look at, AP Okay. And I look at Reuters. But more importantly, what I do is I read American news from outside sources. So I'll read the BBC or Al Jazeera or Irish news. Oh, I love Irish news. Australian news they're putting out. I look at countries who have a vested interest in American government and strong sociopolitical and trade ties, and I see how they're reporting the same information. So you only read and you I only read. I do not watch news. And do you doom scroll? No. No. I doom scroll videos of, like, black titties and gays and shirtless guys that get sassy online. My Instagram is just torsos and strong black women. Just hairy f**k torsos and strong black women. I I already have 3 titles so far in my phone, but let me put that one in there. What was it again? Hairy torsos? Okay. And strong black women. Okay. Brad Lockley's how to scroll the internet like Brad Lockley. I mean, I don't know. My other 2 are the man presented no plan with Brad Lockley, or also life is life is a lesser of 2 evils with Brad locally. What should what should we do? Life is the lesser of 2 evils. I love that saying. Life is the lesser of 2 evils, period. That's every decision you're ever gonna make in your life. But do we do hairy torsos and strong black women with Brad? Okay. Yeah. Do they entice them? It's just it's just it's cook it's more it's clickbait. Yeah. It really is. It really is. It's a clickbait. It really is. For those of you who haven't learned my lesson yet to go to BBC. Yeah. We found you we found, Brad locally fixes miracles. Brad locally makes everyone trans. I mean, that was a good advice about about reading and, you know, Julie and I are still currently Read it. Just look at facts, then stop for a minute to decide you can't do anything about that, but then say, okay. I don't like what's going on there. Is there something I can do? Because if you look at it and go, oh, this thing just happened in Florida, you can donate to get books to kids in states that are banned books. You can buy books for you know what I mean? There are young, poor kids out there who have Amazon wish lists full of books. Go buy a kid an $8 book. I wanna know have you manifested like that giving that kid an $8 book is gonna do a lot Yeah. By giving the DNC a f**king penny. Right? Have you manifested any of this, like, physically, like you said, like, you don't want people having stress heart attacks. Have you did you when it was what happened right when you when it was, like, the next day? Were you, like, blackout? The election, I watched all my favorite movies in my room with the door locked. Eventually, I heard, Eric, my roommate, crying in the kitchen. He's a he's a grown man like myself, so I knew things had not gone well. And then I went out there and he was crying and then, you know, and then I had turned the do not disturb on my phone off and saw the text and everything. Again, America, not to sound jaded, America has never ceased to disappoint me, so this can no longer be a surprise to me. That's but the other thing I would say to people is stop pretending that this isn't America. Stop pretending that every time something bad happens in America, it's an anomaly. Because that's the America marketing That's right. And all parties are responsible for that. That is a unilateral problem of brainwashing that we have had since the beginning of this country That's right. That both parties rely on. This is not an anomaly. The truth is really great intellectual leaders are the anomalies. You I think I can put stop pretending this isn't America. The title says this FDAs. FTR's and JFK's And FTMs Barack Obama. And and WTF. Not even running for president is the anomaly in America. Absolutely. That is the unusual thing. The normal thing is career politicians with corporate agendas Do you feel get elected to office. I've 100%. We've been we're completely all times. Completely agreed. Do you feel I at all different? Like, I know we're and we, you know, we weren't that I was I was I have to say, I generally feel like that too. Like, I'm I'm never surprised. I always expect I'm always disappointed by my makeup. But I was the Democratic party that I've ever been to. And has it And not because of an issue, but because you couldn't get this brilliant woman across the finish line who busted her a*s. And, again, because you lost a year and a half before she was even put in the race. And so then she now gets to spend all of her time having people analyze what she did wrong to not get her there. She was supposed to be running for f**king president after his first 100 days. That's right. That was the f**king deal. Yep. That was the ticket. Away. You made us a party with your voters. Right. So you broke that promise to her. Yep. And if you weren't gonna run her, then somebody else. You know what I mean? I will say that that November of 2021, we did a live podcast. And one of the subjects of it so that was the year that they Joe Biden that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were in. They were inaugurate in 2021 January. By November, she was already missing. Yeah. And Julie's like, she's behind the scenes. Yeah. And we're like, preparing for the presidency. Googled it all. They sent her to South America for what had it worked out, been the largest international trade and immigration solution that the world had seen since, like, NATO. Yes. You know what I mean? And and s**t doesn't always work out. Right. And they wanted that to be, like, a crowning jewel of her and show that she was an international. But the minute that didn't work, that's like a year in, a year and a half in. That's when you should have realized you can't look for grand gestures to give her. You gotta get her boots on the ground. She should have been the one campaigning on behalf of the DNC in the Rust Belt for two and a half years. That's true. That's true. She's got the stamina. Yep. She's got the energy. Yeah. She knows how to talk to us. Stacy Abrams is more out there. Yeah. Yeah. If they had Stacy Abrams here Yeah. We she woulda like, we probably could have swamped. I literally was so I was so, I had belief, I guess. I had Hope. I had I had I know it's so unfamiliar. It is unfamiliar, but I did have because of her Hope betrays you. Yeah. Hope is all you have left No s**t. Nothing else. When you When you are Hope is the last There's another title. But, no, in Pandora's box, the term hope comes from in the in Greek mythology, in Greco Roman mythology. When Pandora's box is opened and all of the terrors of the universe are unleashed on the world, The only thing left at the bottom of the box is hope. Right. And that's what I What a larker. After Pandora. A f**king thirst. Lark. Why are you still in the box? Why don't you go f**king do something, dumb b***h? Get out there, you stupid b***h. You dumb slut. What are you doing? Get the f**k out of the box. You go f**k it. Don't people feel something. It's even less sweet. That's right. Grace was first out of the box. She pranced out right now. And you still betrayed us, you f**king lark a*s. Oh, I was I I believed, you know, because I I don't even know I believed it. But because I loved her so much and him and the fact that they're there. I was like, I knew that the vice president's not really seen. They go and they do the thing and they're Exactly. But then but you're what you're saying is absolutely right. And the Democratic party betrayer The Democratic party plays checkers once every 2 to 4 years for 3 months while the other party is playing chess every single day Every day. Relentlessly 365. Yeah. Even when they lose, they find a way to go. We were so late to the party on the judges. So late to the party. Oh, suddenly, we wake up during f**king traffic, like, oh, god. Just good enough. And then like People will when the f**k has that ever been the case? And you vote Steve. They've confirmed over a 150,000,000 judges since Obama. Wow. Who knew? And then we're, like, nobody, if we just tell people that's not a nice thing to do, people will vote for us because they want fair and justice. You know, people wanna win. People want cheap gas and cheap bags, and they wanna win. Yeah. And also, how about within your own party have some loyalty and be like, you know what? Kamala Harris is f**king awesome. Party. They're all f**king species. You're Right. Against That's right. Going to kill 100. I mean But you're talking about the left. That's what I'm saying. We're in by the time we get to midterm elections, we're gonna have, f**king, iron lungs back. Yeah. For sure. Because we're gonna roll back the f**king polio vaccine. And all the regulations. We can't wait for people in red states to realize that polio is not made up by trans liberals, and we stick them into your mouth and get no bread. When your f**king kid is in an iron lung, I will say, I think that iron lung should be provided free because I believe in universal health care. I am horrified this happened to your family. Unfortunately, you have f**ked around and found out. So what can we do to help you now if you put us back in office? Well, I'm gonna I mean, I mean, I have to say, you've kept your humanity. Yeah. You're I I because people don't feel that giving they take their lives away. But I don't feel that giving. I feel being I feel like I'm in a state of I'm in a state of being vindictive. It's a vindictive giving back. It's a vindictive Well, I need because the fact is there's gonna be a lot of poor kids who won't have access to the vaccine who aren't That's true. That's true. So iron lungs for all of them. That's true. And then you look and go see how fair we were. Okay. Everybody got the iron lung, including you. That's good. Piece of f**king s**t. Yeah. Hope. That's a good way to make it. We have to stamp on the side of the iron lung provided by the Democratic National Party. That's it. That's what it is. GOP stamps their name on missiles. Okay. That's right. Now that we should start stamping our name on medical equipment. Hospitals we find. Yes. Speaking of medical equipment Yeah. Should we get into the sexy claims adjuster? Hairy torsos. Hairy torsos abound. I thought I saw some hair on the chest a little sweetly. His name is Luigi Magnon. People were like, his eyebrows couldn't have grown in in 3 days between the photos. I'm like, you've never met an Italian girl. I have to shave between my eyebrows 4 times a day. I'm only a quarter Italian. I mean, what are your feelings and thoughts about Luigi? My feelings are on Terry Schiavo knows his feelings. Literally, Terry Schiavo is somewhere knowing Brad and how Brad feels about Luigi. A friend of mine is begging me not to commit a felony to get, in New York so that I don't go to jail next to him to protect. Oh, but listen. Once he's in there, you know you can write write him those letters. Oh, I know. I'm like, you think I don't have a JPay account? The peep the number of people I've known who've gone to state and federal prison? b***h, you think I don't have a JPay account and a JEmail account? I know who the f**k you're talking to, mister Garth. Will you accept a collect call? Because Luigi, Brad's like, I sure motherf**ker will. For Brad, don't think half the jail turn. That's who she won. Who's she into today? Who she into? And then it's somebody had called me. I don't know who it is, but his name is Brad. His name is Brad. Hello, Luigi. What do you want? Brad, I mean, not for nothing. You can throw the f**king outfit on. Oh, I'm gonna oh, well, I'll wear do you think I won't wear it? To do the thing I won't. You think I won't, and you think if I bail him out, I won't make him wear it? You do. Wear the the green, I wear the red? Every night. I'm gonna touch it. Touch it. Jump out of, like, a turtle shell. No. It's definitely hit not just hitting, like, your nether regions. It's also stimulating Oh, he's got game. He's got game. I just gotta tell you. And he's smart. And it's it's And I think he's versed. I think he's versed, though. Definitely versed. Well, what do you think of the actual thing? I mean, I always thought What I think is Like, what do you That's what I'm saying is I think it's not just that I think it's Brad's frontal lobe Yeah. That's really got a hard on for him. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I think you're just, like, loving his whole thing. I like any I like anybody who who who takes the Band Aid off of a a gushing wound. And this is health care in America is a gushing wound that kills tens of 1,000 and 100 of 1,000 of Americans a year who pay huge premiums and huge amounts of money. Health care, I think, is still the number one cause of bankruptcy in Americans. And we pay double what anyone in any other country pays for health care, and we get less than half of what they receive in actual care and benefits. Do do I think killing one president or CEO or doctor fixes anything? No. Do I think symbolic murder is a slippery slope? But I also think the fact of the matter is the health care industry has been knowingly and with capitalist malice, murdering millions of Americans for decades in the way they run health care for profit. And one thing I can tell you is if you take away any human being's reasons to live, if they have no other reason to live, if you take away their home, if you take away their food, if you take away their purpose in life, the ability to hold a job, if you take away their family, and then if you take away their health and they're facing death, you have made a warrior who will come for you. To quote I got chills. I got chills. I got, like, aroused. I think I might I might be aroused. I'm a pussy. My pussy has chills. My pussy has chills. I will say what Oh. I what my our gay ancestor, Gore Vidal, said to William h Buckley junior in the 1968 debate on TV. Okay. From from the I think it was the Democratic National Convention. Uh-huh. He said, I am telling you, you need to do better by the oppressed and the minority and the working class of America for your own good. Because if you do not let them have anything, they will come and take everything from you. Yeah. That's how the Russian revolution French revolution. How about that? And the problem is those revolutions were bloody not just for the people in power, but for the people at all levels. They left As all levels of billions of people stuck in the middle of that insanity. And it becomes a a sign of seeing red. Full faith. And then there's no And then you've gotta send a national guard, and now you've got to be fighting the national guard, and you've got it's a civil war. You have brother fighting brother, sister fighting sister, parent fighting child. Right. So the truth is everybody loses in that scenario. But what I would say to and UnitedHealthcare is one of the darkest medical companies in America by far. I will just just say that from my own research and and personal knowledge that, the the I don't think it's coincidental that this kid Luigi is alleged to have chosen someone from United as opposed to Blue Cross Blue Shield, as opposed to Aetna, as opposed to Kaiser, President and I take Or Humana. Yeah. Humana. Good one. It's Bill Jensen. Or Delta. Or Delta Dental. United. Right. Vision eye care. Or you know what I mean? Johnny vision plus. None of those. I but United has been up to a lot of stuff for a long time in in all facets of and not just in, how they treat patients or don't treat patients and how they affect our economy. And so I don't I also think he didn't choose unspecifically. This was not a crazy person who just walked up to someone walking into a wealthy corporate office building and shot at random. This was someone who believes that there is no justice being served to tens of millions of people who are sick and or dying, and something must be done. And so I though though I think it's a rash action that doesn't obviously automatically lead to policy changes and stuff, are we all just supposed to sit down and die? Right. They would prefer Right. Yeah. Yeah. Prefer it. But while they be They don't listen when we protest. They don't listen when we sue. They don't listen when we sit in. Right. They don't listen when we write our senators. And it's amazing that a Kyle Rittenhouse is elevated Oh, lord. To a to a hero. Because, again, our side will now have a huge intellectual debate. An intellectual Exactly. And autocracy take debate. An intellectual exactly. And autocracy take total control. Take total control. I would also say it to that point watch the water go above our noses where we can't breathe while we debate climate change. Look at the protesting so does not matter that even January 6th did matter. Even we didn't listen. They were sitting in the I saw a news article that said, is is Luigi Meleone's action the next occupy Wall Street? And my first thought first thought was, I hope not because occupy Wall Street Didn't matter. Right. They're all f**king top people now. A thing. And January 6th was so intense. All it caused was an encampment for 9 months where a lot of people got raped. And now they're Trump supporters. Right. But but January what I mean? Like, I was like, the idea that that's the American marketing is like, look at the Yeah. Because they wanna sell you fake uprisings. But even January 6th you a time share. My point is they they got all the way to the Capitol. They're hanging off. They have the news. Hang Mike Pence. f**king Jews, Jews, Jews. We are so f**king dumb that we don't even listen, and now try to get back. We should've paid attention. They were mad. But we didn't pay attention. We should've even show to a f**king gun fight with a knife. We show up with a cake. Exactly. We literally show up with a cake, and we're, like, did anyone bring a knife to cut the cake? Like, here's some indictments. So, Brad, tell tell the 14 listeners where they can find you. This was very productive and very good, and you guys can f**k you or you, Julie, can wait to have a shot. Brad and I did have 1. 37 do it. 37 minutes went no. I'm saying 37 minutes went by, and then we needed another one. But, Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I have a problem. Yes. I have a very clear problem. Julie's like, I haven't had one today. Is there any question on that? Just to be clear to your 14 listeners, I have problems. But if you wanna follow any problems, the great part is I don't really post political material. I only talk about it with people like you, who I think are fun to talk to and, actually listen to each other, and we all listen to each other. So if you come to my social media feeds, all you'll see is me wrapped up in a winter bike and saying dumb gay s**t. That is dick jokes. It's Brad Lokele, l o e k l e, on Instagram, on TikTok while it still exists, on Facebook, on blue sky. Where the skies are blue. At, you can find, where I'll be performing at, throughout the year. And listen, if you live in a red state and you have a f**king gay bar or gay event, or women's event or anything for you know what I mean to support, I would love to come perform in more red states in the next 2 years and kind of Check out his schedule, you guys. They need to see him live. Hey. Civil War comedy tour. Civil War comedy tour right now. Civil War commentary. Alright. Let's get sauced up and get this Civil War comedy tour started. This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. BetterHelp is online therapy, over the phone therapy Yes. That you can do from your f**king bathtub, from your car, from the comfort of your home. You don't have to have the pesky intimacy of eye contact Pesky. If you don't want it. And you can have it with a glass of wine. I I'm telling you one thing. Like, we've definitely let our therapy relax. I have been going through premenopause rages. Uh-huh. And, as as you know. Sure. Sure. And I need to get in back into therapy. So I feel like 2025, I think for all of us, let's just let's all just do that cliche thing where it's like, I'm not against f**king, like, New Year's resolutions or or goals. We still have to do our theme for 2025. And if it's thrive 25 or amplify 25 or whatever we're gonna do, survive 25. We don't even wanna be we don't wanna be surviving. We wanna be thriving. Wanna be thriving. You won't we know maybe it's healing and I'm thriving here. You know? Maybe it's a healing and I'm thriving 2025 and yeah. Maybe. I do wanna heal in 2025, and I do wanna thrive. And I think therapy and better and particularly BetterHelp I'm telling you I'm never stepping foot. Falling off or not, I'm never f**king stepping foot in a therapist's office again. I'm not driving somewhere. I'm not doing it. I'm not going there. I'm gonna find every excuse not to do that. Everything can be done over f**king Zoom or and I don't even wanna be you don't even need to do that? I just wanna be right on the phone. You can be right on the phone. Speaker phone or f**king earbuds in and watch. Best. Do your dishes. Do your laundry. Do nothing. Lay down. Yeah. You don't have s**t. BetterHelp, they've got, you know, gazillion licensed therapists. You don't have to stick with 1 if you don't like that voice, if you don't like the vibes. I remember my friend who listens to this signing up and just like and she's a very, very, very earnest person who's also very draining. And she she did not like her first BetterHelp therapist. And I was like, right. You need somebody who's gonna be very, very earnest. Right. And so she needed she has to find the right person who's going to do that. Mhmm. You know? So if you don't find the right person, right, I mean, it's just like you have to do that with in person therapy too. So don't give up. Don't don't get, you know, discouraged. Therapy sucks. It's it's mental work for your mind like physical workouts suck. But once you find that place, like, once you find that gym you feel comfortable in, you know you love f**king getting dressed and going there because once you start that workout, you feel good even if it lasts 2 months. That was a good 2 month workout. And that there's nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with that. You still get a lot of benefits out of that. Nothing wrong with it at all. So find comfort this December with BetterHelp. Visit better help dot com / dumbgay today to get 10% off your 1st month. That's Okay. So the matzo project, this is what's up, you guys. I just have to tell you. We're gonna go on this little journey together. So, basically, Mamau grew up in a home, and they are Jewish, and they eat matzo ball soup. Yes. And I had never had it. And we met, you know, a 1000000 years ago, and you had never made it. And through our glorious, beautiful, wonderful friendship Mhmm. You discovered that you have a you're a Cancer. You love to nest, and you love to cook, and you learn to cook many things, but I feel like one of the first and you lived in a place with a hot plate behind 2 gay guys. And that was really where you, like, cut your teeth cooking, which is really so cute because it's like, you know, almost like you were in the military or something. I don't know. Basically, one of the first things that you really learned to cook well was matzo ball soup. And since it was it was the first time I ever had it, so it's like, you know, for all of you, like, anytime you have the soup that your mom makes you or your mom's Thanksgiving. For me, my mom's matzahmal soup is Julie's because that was the only kind I ever had. So I'm very, very, very, very powerful to it, and I love it. And I have it when we go to Sherman's Deli in Palm Springs. And I'm always just like, well, it's not my mom's house. And, you know, and it just isn't. So Julie's friend, one of Julie's, like, best friends from college and, like, you know, basically, at this point, lifelong friends I mean sent this box of this thing called the matzo project, and it's basically a a sort of, like, soup kit to make matzo ball soup and then and then the ball kit to make the balls because makes the balls. And, I mean, whether you use a kit or not, you have to f**king do that s**t with your hands, right, and put them and make them and And that's from usually from a box kit. Yeah. This is like her own. But either way, sometimes they're too dense and, you know, not too or I should just see it for myself. Right. Some people like them dense. Some people like them fluffy. Some people like them whatever. So Exactly. And Ma'am knows how to do it perfectly. And sometimes we've had some misses. And just because this Well, I'm not consistent. Well, because the certain kind wasn't available. Right. Because if if it's all sold out at the store, you don't know what f**king Jewish holiday is going on. I mean, these motherf**kers, they celebrate, and they do it. And you don't know if everybody just decided to do Shabbat dinner or whatever the f**k, and there's no you know, the thing isn't in the store. So, basically, her friend sends this having nothing to do with the podcast at all. And Julie got excited, and we were like, well, let's try it. And so Julie made the soup with the balls, and it was so amazing, and we were so impressed. Also, the packaging is so cute that we were just I was like, we wanna tell the we wanna tell our 14 listeners about it. But then the thing was, it was like, we wanna give you guys a discount, and also through the discount code is how Julie's friend will know how badass our 14 listeners are. Like, basically, we just wanted to track. Yeah. We wanted to see who bought some of the s**t. Yeah. Who want who I mean, who wants to try it? Yeah. And the thing is that whether you're Jewish or not, you grew up with matzo ball soup or okay. So the thing is that they don't just do matzo ball soup. They do matzo, like, full matzo, and then they made these things called matzo chips, which are like regular it look it looks like a bag of chips. So you have you can have a bag of chips, but they're like matzo chips. And there's everything, and then there's cinnamon sugar. So we haven't even delved into the cinnamon sugar of it all. I haven't even had a chance to try the regular matzah. We had the everything crackers or the everything matzah chips. Those were great. Great. I ate, like, a whole bag of them, and they are matzah, so you can also have them with you can dip them with anything, like, literally anything. Because it's like a perfect it's the perfect crack. It's literally the perfect cheese, hummus, whatever, cottage cheese. I literally dipped it into the f**king, that yogurt butter that your mom introduced me to. I can't remember what it is. I'm like, I love it. I have now I have 2 things of it and the 2 tubs of it, Pam. Like, that's like butter, but it's like yogurt, so it's like low cal and low fat. And just f**king dipped, and it was delish. Anyway, the matzo balls are superior. I have to tell you, if you ever make matzo ball soup, there's the the thing that, Crystal is her name. What she told me is that and this is the truth, and you can go into any supermarket and see this. When you go into the supermarket to get matzah or matzah balls or whatever Jewish s**t, it's always, like, tucked away in a corner, and it's barely anything's there, And it's always with the death candle, the yurzeit candle that I get. I get that right next to the matzah. Why is a death candle in the super so it's just this weird so these people were like, why can't funeral food. Yeah. And it's it's like it's bringing you, like, it's just, are we in it's like a weird Israel thing. It's like all this old rabbinical s**t. So, they were like, why can't it be fun and funny, and why can't Jewish food be, like, cool and whatever? So they that's why the branding is so good. Very good branding. Very good branding. Jewish grandma. Jewish grandma. The matzo balls were great. They were better than manashevets, better than stripes, and I f**king loved them. The soup was great. So you're gonna go to matzo, order the things you want. They have full boxes of everything. You can just get the matzo ball mix. You can get the chips. You can get anything you want. And when you go to check out, they'll ask you for a promo code and put in dumb gay matzo. Dumb gay matzo, and you're gonna get 15% off your first purchase. Matzo, m a t z o. Don't forget promo code, dumb gay matzah. Dumb gay, m a t z o, 15% off anything on their website. I'm telling you right now, get it for your boss, get it for your lawyer, get it for your doctor, get it for your fashion, you know, your your interior designer, get it for your finance guy. Yeah. Get it for your, you know, your your in laws. Get it for whoever. The most important Your accountant. Yeah. The most important people flow through your your life. You'll look around. You'll be like, Wow. Get it for your agent. Agent is really good. Agent's good. Whatever. Your book agent. Oh. Whatever it may be. Any agent. Dentists, get it for your dentist. Oh, your dentist's strong. All all Like Jewish people do with the most important jobs in our lives. And you know what? They deserve this. It's you're you're gonna kill the game, and it's it's The packaging alone, that box, I'm telling you. And you know what you could also do is get it now with our promo code and then give it for, like, f**k Hanukkah and give it for, like Passover. Passover and really show up, like, happy Passover, and somebody will just, like, die. They'll die. No one ever gets a gift on Passover. You will they will literally drop dead. I mean and we all get invited to the Passovers. Yeah. So that's it for this episode of our dumb gay podcast. Thank you guys for listening to our stupid podcast. We love and appreciate all 14 of you so much. If you're new here and you like us, but you'd rather not hear about politics, please consider checking out our Patreon podcast. Our Patreon podcasts are completely different than this one. You know what that makes me think of too? I wonder which episode Rick listened to. I wonder too. I mean Like, what was funny? Yeah. I'm just, like, was there a guest? Was there not a guest? Will Rick like this one? I know. Is Rick, like, gonna call again? Or Rick Like, does Rick like does it just a one and donener? Do you think Rick is still interested? It's like a one night stand with Rick. Oh, no. Our Patreon podcast are completely different than this one. You can sign up for $4 a month. And with that and now you can do that for a year with a discount. You'll get 1 hour long podcast every Wednesday at 10 AM where we do the wrong side of the takes, which is basically just us giving our terrible opinions on s**t. Last week, we talked about Crumble Cookies and QVC. And this week, we're probably gonna do the Martha Stewart doc. If we don't do it on Wednesday, we're gonna do it at some point. Oh, yes. We're definitely talking about it at some point. No kidding. Plus, we have Wicked to discuss because we also have Patreons we do on Thursdays Fridays. Thursdays is a pretty much a free for all, and Fridays, we do, blinds. We do blind items, which is so fun. We love doing those. But this month, we're doing the Butchlorette on Fridays. So if you're not in, now is the time to get in because this is a very special time. But if you don't wanna f**k around with the butchelet, but you do like blind items, then you're gonna have to you gotta get on the tier where you can get all 3 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Patreons. You don't have to stress about it. If it's too much content, just get the Wednesday. You know? You don't have to listen to them all. You don't have to listen to them all. You know? It's like when the when the f**king Vogue show up here every month, and I'm just like, heard the Vanity Fair stack up, and I'm like, what am I gonna do? Just throw also, don't forget to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts if you haven't yet. We're over 3,000 on Apple Podcasts, but on Spotify, we're trying to get up over 500. On Spotify, they don't do reviews. They only do star ratings. Okay? If you listen on Spotify, then you know. It literally takes 2 seconds to f**king hit the stars, which I try literally every day to do. And it tells me on our own show, I try to hit the stars. It tells me only listeners to this show can rate it. Check out a few episodes, then come back and give your feedback. I'd rather go to Spotify every day and try to rate the show than have to listen to it. I don't wanna listen to it. I know we have a lot of listeners on spot Yeah. Spotify. So roll in, hit the stars, homies, and get us up over 500 so we don't look like total f**king tools on Spotify when we have over 3,000 on Apple. Yeah. And as always, it's been real and it's been fun. But mostly, it's been gay and it's been dumb. And Brad locally. Chardonnay. I'm Rick. Alright. How'd you do I? See you've met my faithful hand in hand. He's just our little broad dine because when you not, Keith thought you were the candy man. Don't get strung out by the way I look. Don't judge a book by its cover. I'm not much of a man by the light of day, but by night, I'm one hell of a lover. I'm just a sweet transvestite. From transsexual transcelphate art. Let me show you around here, maybe play you a sign. You look black. You both feel it groovin'. Or if you want something visual, that's not the 2 of us more. We could take in an old Steve Reeves movie. I'm glad we caught you at home. Could we use your phone? We're both in a bit of a hurry. Right. We'll just say where we are then go back to the car. We don't want to be any worry. Well, you got caught with a flat world. How about that? Well, babies, don't you panic by the light of the night. It'll all seem alright. I'll get you a satanic mechanic. I'm just a sweet transvestite. From transsexual Why don't you stay for the night? Bite. Or maybe a bite. Bite. I could show you my favorite obsession. I've been making a man with blonde hair and a tan, and he's good for relieving my tension. I'm just a sweet transvestite From transsexual Transylvania. Head, head, just a sweet transvestite. Transsexual, Transylvania. So, come up to the lab and see what's on the slab. I see you shiver with anticipation. But maybe the rain is really to blame. So I'll remove the cause. But not the symptom. Hi. I'm Stassi Schroeder. On my podcast, I share candid updates from my personal life, chat with some of my best friends about what's going on in our lives, give commentary on the latest pop culture headlines, and sometimes deep dive into random topics I'm obsessed with, like human design. It's a bit all over the place, but that's how I like it. And you will too. Listen to my podcast, Staci, wherever you get your podcasts.

Past Episodes

#1 ACS #1453 (feat. Pauly Shore, Matt Atchity, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #2 ACS #1780 (feat. Ari Shaffir, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2016) #3 ACS #1794 (feat. Tyler Labine, Matt Atchity, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2016) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
02:59:08 3/16/2025
#1 ACS #1446 (feat. Mike O?Malley, Jo Koy, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #2 ACS #1337 (feat. Mark Cuban) (2014) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
03:05:58 3/15/2025
#1 ACS #1445 (feat. Patrick Warburton, Dr. Bruce, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #2 ACS #1364 (feat. Pete Holmes, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #3 ACS #2149 (feat. Jay Mohr, Russ Roberts, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2017) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
03:29:56 3/14/2025
Adam kicks off the show with comedian Kellen Erskine diving right into some hot topics like why people should not bring their dogs to restaurants, dogs crapping in airlines, installing a catalytic converter guard on a prius, renting a moving truck, odds and vegas, how the lottery is actually bullshit, and a new game Katy Perry vs. Katy Porter. Jason ?Mayhem? Miller then joins the show to talk about the news including stories about Rosie O?Donnell fleeing for Ireland in the wake of Trump, children?s books, Sara Mcbride gets misgendered, and Gavin Newsom spending money on his own bust. Get. It. On. For more with Kellen Erskine: MARCH 16 NEW BREMEN, OH - LOCK ONE COMMUNITY ARTS MARCH 20 PITTSBURGH, PA - SUNKEN BUS MARCH 28 BAKSERSFIELD, CA - TEMBLOR BREWING CO. WEBSITE: PODCASTS: The Book Pile INSTAGRAM: @KellenErskineComic TWITTER: @KellenErskine
02:00:38 3/13/2025

Adam kicks off the show with a recap of his recent trip back to Malibu to check in on the rebuild efforts and has a run-in with both a Karen and a cleanup crew.

Next, comedian Adam Hunter joins the show to talk about his new special, No Direction, his friendship with Mayhem, the wide world of sports, bad realtors, and a search for ?human dynamite.?

Then, Jason "Mayhem" Miller jumps in as the guys break down the latest headlines?Gavin Newsom twisting himself into knots over transgender athletes on his own podcast, a track relay featuring a baton to the head, an ongoing controversy over transgender women in women?s spas, and the tragic story of a repeat offender murdering a Good Samaritan trying to stop a catalytic converter theft. Get it on.

For more with Adam Hunter:

NO DIRECTION - new standup special available on Spotify and Apple Music






INSTAGRAM: @adamcomedian

TWITTER: @AdamComedian

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02:24:38 3/11/2025
Adam and Jason ?Mayhem? Miller are back with comedian Dave Landau and Joey McIntyre from New Kids on the Block. It?s a jam-packed episode covering everything from stand-up?s grunge era to boy band nostalgia. Adam and Dave Landau break down the evolution of comedy and music?why grunge wouldn?t exist without hair metal and how American culture demands constant reinvention. Plus, Adam sounds off on Randi Weingarten?s latest billionaire rant, Gavin Newsom?s painfully obvious attempt at a rebrand, and the absurdity of solar panels on churches. Then, Joey McIntyre joins the show to talk New Kids on the Block, his Boston roots, and what it?s really like to grow up in the biggest boy band on the planet. He shares stories from Broadway, his new solo tour, and even dishes on leaving Bill Burr hilarious voicemails. For More on Dave Landau: MARCH 22 @ The Roxy in Rochester, MI MARCH 27 @ Spokane Comedy Club in Spokane, WA APRIL 4+5 @Heyen?as Comedy Club in Dallas, TX APRIL 10 -@ The San Jose Impov in San Jose, TX APRIL 11-12 @The Comedy Bar in Chicago, IL WEBSITE: PODCASTS: NORMAL WORLD on Blaze TV INSTAGRAM: @dave.Landau TWITTER: @LandauDave For More on Joey McIntyre: FREEDOM? New solo album available now FREEDOM TOUR : PHASE ONE APRIL 4 - Houston, TX APRIL 5 - Dallas, TX APRIL 7 - St. Louis, MI APRIL 8 - Chicago, IL APRIL 9 - Detroit, MO APRIL 11 - TORONTO, ON WEBSITE: PODCAST: The Move with Joey McIntyre INSTAGRAM: @joeymcintyre TWITTER: @joeymcintyre Thank you for supporting our sponsors: ADAM?S LIVE SHOWS GROUND NEWS ROSETTA STONE OREILLY AUTO PARTS HUEL HOMES.COM HOME CHEF TIK TOK
02:29:47 3/11/2025
Adam kicks things off with comedian Elon Gold, breaking down the art of impressions, Jerry Seinfeld not knowing why Adam wanted to show him a Porsche 935, and why the best way for Democrats to upstage Trump at the SOTU might?ve involved volleyballs. Then, Jason ?Mayhem? Miller joins in as they tackle some jaw-dropping news?like a South Carolina convict facing execution by firing squad and a high-achieving student suing after being rejected by 16 colleges. Closing out the show, legendary comedian Carol Leifer chats with Adam about her incredible career, her new book How to Write a Funny Speech, and behind-the-scenes stories from working with Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David. Get it on. FOR MORE WITH ELON GOLD: SPECIAL : Elon Gold?s 40 Minute Comedy Special | The Laugh Factory - Available on Youtube NOW DATES: Go to March 19, 2025 - Aventura Arts & Cultural Center - Aventura, FL - FIRST SHOW SOLD OUT - SECOND SHOW ADDED TWITTER: @ elongold INSTAGRAM: @elongold FOR MORE WITH CAROL LEIFER: BOOK: HOW TO WRITE A FUNNY SPEECH written by Carol Leifer and Rick Mitchell available - March 11th DATES: Go to March 20, 2025 - Hermosa Beach - Comedy & Magic Club March 22, 2025 - Vienna, VA - The Barns of Wolf Trap TWITTER: @ carolleifer INSTAGRAM: @Carol Leifer Thank you for supporting our sponsors: Listen now to the up first podcast from NPR - we?ve done your homework!
02:25:30 3/9/2025
#1 ACS #1447 (feat. Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #2 ACS #1377 (feat. Dave Dameshek, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
02:52:25 3/9/2025
#1 ACS #1756 (feat. Vinnie Tortorich, Gina Grad & Bryan Bishop) (2016) #2 ACS #1781 (feat. Steve-O, Anant Agarwal, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2016) #3 ACS: #1802 (feat. Chris Bell, Mark Bell, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2016) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
02:38:01 3/8/2025
#1 ACS #1777 (feat. Anna Faris, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2016) #2 ACS #1457 (Joe Rogan, Cassius Morris, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
03:48:17 3/7/2025

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Adam kicks off the show with actor Seann William Scott, diving into his latest ABC sitcom, Shifting Gears. The conversation quickly turns nostalgic as they revisit the comedy classic Windy City Heat before Seann shares behind-the-scenes stories from The Dukes of Hazzard?talking car stunts, working with Johnny Knoxville, and leaving Minnesota at the ripe young age of 18 to become a movie star. Things take a turn when Adam and Seann discuss the recent chaos in California, from the devastating Malibu wildfires to the wave of Tesla arsonists. With countless classic cars lost in the fires and electric vehicles being torched in protests, the past two months have been brutal for car lovers. Jake Steinfeld then joins the show with an unbelievable story?losing his home, a lifetime?s worth of memorabilia, and, in what truly breaks Adam?s heart, his Ferrari 550. But the real kicker? California?s nightmare bureaucracy is stopping him from rebuilding. Adam and Jake go off on the state?s insane permit process, red tape, and government inefficiency that keeps disaster victims in limbo. But in classic Body by Jake fashion, he refuses to wallow, preaching his lifelong mantra: DON?T QUIT!?he even casually mentions a run for governor. Could Body by Jake become California by Jake? For more with Seann William Scott: ?Shifting Gears? season finale airs Wednesday 3/19 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on ABC and the next day on HULU INSTAGRAM: @Seannwilliamscott For more with Jake Steinfeld: WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM + TIK TOK: @officialbodybyjake
02:21:33 3/17/2025
#1 ACS #1453 (feat. Pauly Shore, Matt Atchity, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #2 ACS #1780 (feat. Ari Shaffir, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2016) #3 ACS #1794 (feat. Tyler Labine, Matt Atchity, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2016) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
02:59:08 3/16/2025
#1 ACS #1446 (feat. Mike O?Malley, Jo Koy, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #2 ACS #1337 (feat. Mark Cuban) (2014) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
03:05:58 3/15/2025
#1 ACS #1445 (feat. Patrick Warburton, Dr. Bruce, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #2 ACS #1364 (feat. Pete Holmes, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2014) #3 ACS #2149 (feat. Jay Mohr, Russ Roberts, Gina Grad and Bryan Bishop) (2017) Hosted by Superfan Giovanni Request clips: Subscribe and Watch Clips on YouTube:
03:29:56 3/14/2025
Adam kicks off the show with comedian Kellen Erskine diving right into some hot topics like why people should not bring their dogs to restaurants, dogs crapping in airlines, installing a catalytic converter guard on a prius, renting a moving truck, odds and vegas, how the lottery is actually bullshit, and a new game Katy Perry vs. Katy Porter. Jason ?Mayhem? Miller then joins the show to talk about the news including stories about Rosie O?Donnell fleeing for Ireland in the wake of Trump, children?s books, Sara Mcbride gets misgendered, and Gavin Newsom spending money on his own bust. Get. It. On. For more with Kellen Erskine: MARCH 16 NEW BREMEN, OH - LOCK ONE COMMUNITY ARTS MARCH 20 PITTSBURGH, PA - SUNKEN BUS MARCH 28 BAKSERSFIELD, CA - TEMBLOR BREWING CO. WEBSITE: PODCASTS: The Book Pile INSTAGRAM: @KellenErskineComic TWITTER: @KellenErskine
02:00:38 3/13/2025

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