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The Jordan Harbinger Show

What makes the annual pageantry of The Academy Awards (aka The Oscars) so alluring to millions of everyday folks? Are we transfixed by the film industry's recognition of its worthiest, or are we just voyeurs glimpsing a glamorous world a scant few of us will ever experience? Award-winning journalist and podcaster Andrew Gold joins us for this Skeptical Sunday to demystify the mystique and break the spell behind one of the world’s most celebrated events. (And don't worry, David C. Smalley fans! David will return soon for future installments of Skeptical Sunday!)

On This Week's Skeptical Sunday, We Discuss:

  • Who decides who's worthy of winning an Oscar?
  • How does someone become a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences?
  • Were Will Smith and Chris Rock paid big money to stage that infamous slap in 2022?
  • Why is the number of people tuning in to the annual ceremony dwindling compared to its heyday?
  • Why would anyone object to shortening the length of the ceremony to suit the attention span of a modern audience?
  • Connect with Jordan on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. If you have something you'd like us to tackle here on Skeptical Sunday, drop Jordan a line at and let him know!
  • Connect with Andrew on Twitter and Instagram, and check out On the Edge with Andrew Gold here or wherever you enjoy listening to fine podcasts!
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I've Had It
00:44:21 4/4/2023


So are we supposed to start the podcast when ready, ready, ready? Okay. That's a dead sack. One, two three. That's all right. I mean, it's just not my day. It's not it. I mean, that's really bad. You have caught later. Yes. I mean, it's ominous that I can't clap. I know that's kind of my special skill. Are you going to trot down to the courthouse? I'm going to trot down to the courthouse after this. In front of a judge. Yes. So, listener, you know, perhaps as a divorce attorney, so when she's not doing this podcast, she's trolling around the courthouse right with the SAG and Dragons, which I have to say to they like extra big. Oh my God, that rack on you too. It's awful. It's gigantic. I would give anything for like a flat chest, like in a. Well, you know, you can go to a plastic surgeon. I know, I know, I know I need to do that. Yeah, yeah, that needs to go up on my list. Well, what have you had it with this week besides your oversized double d and dragons? I've had it. With people that back their car in two parking places, I know it's just like a nothing deal. But if you're behind him, it takes forever and I'm like, You're not f**king Batman. I mean, what are you doing that you have to get out of this spot so fast? And the biggest offender in the back 10 parking place is my youngest. He backs into our garage. I'm like, What are you doing? He backs into the garage. Yes, like a weirdo. So it's interesting that you bring this up because in everybody's spare me the f**king eye rolls, OK, but I play pickleball every day as everybody painfully is aware, fully aware of your painfully aware. But there's a lot of a*s and nose out parkers pickleball. Why? I have no idea. There's a lot of Ford F-150s and Ford F-150s in particular. It's an a*s and nose out. A couple of girls that I play with do a*s and nose out, and I asked one of them, Why do you do that? And she was just like, because I like whip in my car round. And so I just I didn't inquire much further about the psychology behind the a*s end. I was out, but it is rather fascinating because there is no way I'm going to a*s and nose out my car. No, never. And it's I'm a terrible reverser like every wreck that's been my fault has been in reverse. So I just spare the other patrons in a parking lot, right? And like my neighbors. That's a whole different story, right? But I'm like, Seriously, are you going to get arrested? Are you on the run? Like, why do you have to do this? And I've asked people, and they're like, Why can get out faster? I'm like. But it takes you longer to get in, so you split the difference. I mean, it's the exact same and you look like a bozo a*s and nose out, Richard. Do you? How do you park? Are you ascend nose out or nosiness out? I'm just like, you guys. Just a normal pass, straight forward and back up. Kylie, how do you park? I park normal like a normal person. Nosiness out. Yeah, right? I can't imagine backing into a spot. The a*s nose out. I mean, I need I wonder what the psychology is behind it. I know it's interesting because I'm just seeing it more and more. I wonder if these people think like it's like an early bird catches the worm type mindset, like, I'm going to go ahead and take the extra time on the front end of this. So on the back end, I don't have as much time. I get that like if you're at a football game with thousand people or like a basketball game with 20000 people. But when you're just at Apple Crest for Pete's on a Wednesday night, there's really no reason for it. And I notice three cards there at and I'm going to go with the people that do this. Asin knows out at pickleball are ready to get the f**k out of there after the a*s pounding that I just handed them on the court. That's that's probably exactly why they're scared. That's what I'm going to go with, even though I'm an average pick a ball player at best. I'm going to tell myself, right? That's why they're doing. They're licking their wounds and having to limp. They've got, I mean, they have got to just get out ASAP, right? Mm hmm. And you know, have I told you about my neighbor now? OK, so my driveway backs? I mean, it's like a straight thing. It's not. It doesn't go into my neighbor's driveway. My across the street neighbors have parked their car exactly where my car goes out and I've hit that car three times. Wait, wait, wait. They park on the street where they're in the street, but blocking your driveway? Well, I mean, they're across from across the street, from my driveway. But on the street, if you hit a parked car, that's 1000 percent your fault, according to the insurance company, you are correct. I agree with the insurance company. If you hit a parked car, that's 1000 percent your fault, right? But I'm like, Why are you parked at the end of my driveway? Basically? Here's the deal. Back in the day when we learned how to drive, there was no camera. Now you have both your eyes. Actually, if three things, it's a trifecta of prevention, right? And you've got your eyes, you have the rearview mirror and then you have the camera and the beep. So it's a four. It's a four. Right? So if your a*s is hitting parked things, that's 1000 percent your fault. I'm not saying that your neighbors aren't a*****es because I'm sure they are typically neighbors are. But that's 1000 percent. I know it's my fault that it was funny because the first time they sent it into the insurance and insurance called me, and I was like, I know this is going to go against me and it's my fault, but it's bulls**t that they park like their car there. So then the next two times I hit it, they didn't turn it into the insurance, but they haven't parked. I've heard enough. I've heard enough. The verdict is in You're the idiot a*****e, period. No doubt about it. It's time to move on to me, right? OK. Speaking of idiot, a*****e. What if you had it with I in the spring of 2023? Have had it with COVID because currently young Josh has COVID and Roman has COVID. And here's the deal I am more of a nurse ratchet. Yes, you're a terrible person to have around when you're sick than I am a nurse, Nightingale. You're the worst. I am pretty bad. I just don't think there's anything worse than a sick husband. I could not agree more. Multiply that by the fact that Josh Walsh is the most compulsive person on the planet, right? Yesterday, so he tested positive for COVID on Sunday, came back the next day, he took three at home COVID tests, three y all positive. The day after that, he took two at home COVID tests, both positive, went to the doc in the box for confirmation again positive. What is wrong with him? That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard yesterday. Two at home COVID tests positive and then went to the clinic and another positive test. It is just like this addict brain, and it's like if there's one COVID test, 2500 COVID tests are better. It's unbelievable. Maybe just like some stick in that s**t up his nose. So I face time. Dylan, our oldest son, is at Syracuse and I told him about it. His response is exactly like yours. Why is he so insane? It's nuts. Well, then Roman's got covered up. Who is as tough as nails and delightful all the time? I can't see Roman right now because I don't want COVID, so I miss him. So I face time him last night. And like Roman, since you test positive for COVID the first time, have you taken any further COVID tests? He's like, No, why would I until my symptoms are gone, right? And Mike, your dad has taken three to four COVID tests each day, and his response is why? And I'm like, I can't answer these questions. There's no rational explanation to irrational behavior. This morning I get up and I go into the kitchen island and there is a COVID test sitting there. No, that is negative. Oh, so he's out of there. So I looked over at him and I said, Oh, is this your test from this morning? He goes, Yep, it's negative. I was like, You still need to wear a mask around me, right? But I will say I did think it was funny when I when you called to tell me that Josh had COVID and I go, Well, where are you putting them? And you go, Well, he just can't be in the bedroom. I mean, I can't give up my bedroom. I cannot give up my bedroom house. Josh is a sick husband. I would think terrible if I guess since you can't be around him, it's better. Nobody wants to be around me. So he follows me around with a mask on and he stays like twelve to fifteen feet away. What are you doing? Oh my god, that's the worst husband question on the planet. And I'm like, I'm about to pee. And it's just it's just and he's lonely. And I remember when I had it and I was in quarantine, I was lonely. I came around the back and saw you through the glass door. But I found comfort in Netflix like a normal person, right? You know, I didn't try to find comfort in somebody that was COVID negative. Yeah, I'm surprised he had time to follow you around with those COVID tests he was taking. Well. Oh, my God. Welcome to I've Had It podcast. Oh yes, I'm Angie. She is the star of our show. You're so ridiculous. I am a supporting member. I am Jennifer. Kylie is here today. She's our producer. And Richard, OK, perhaps today we are in for a treat. Our guest is Olympic medalist Adam Rippon. He's a figure skater. He is the self-proclaimed America's sweetheart. I love him, which I think you should totally start proclaiming that as well, because I can't bring Florida. What about the hot one? The self-proclaimed hot one, but I didn't proclaim that. And he is the host of normalized this podcast. Without further ado, let's say hello to Adam Rippon. Hello, Adam. I'm so excited to be here. I'm very looking forward to it. Well, good because I want you to know that this is a place where we just do nothing but trash talk. OK, we're going to get s**t off our chest with you, Adam. That's the goal of this because we oppose toxic positivity in all of its forms. You know, I did. Yeah, I'm like medically allergic to it. So this is you're in the right spot. Yeah. So I want to talk about in 2018, you were in the Olympics, and that's true. And you got a medal, right? Mm hmm. What? What medal did you get? I got a bronze medal. See, here it. I've had it podcast. We would call that hashtag almost. Hmm. You're I mean, that's how it is. Now that's what my mom calls it. No. Oh, no, no, no. Honestly, that's amazing. I will tell you my favorite things in the Olympics are figure skating, figure skating and gymnastics, right? Yeah, yeah, I will. I think that's because you have good taste. Exactly. Those are my favorite. When I was growing up, figure skating was my favorite and I loved gymnastics. It's because I it's because I trust you that I now know that like, OK, I'm in a safe. I'm in a safe place. I'm in a safe space. Yes. Let me ask you, I have to ask you just first run out of the gates. What have you had it with lately? Right now, off the top of my head on social media, I've really had it with like the tiny microphone. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah, we have. Um, we own them and we are offenders of that. But listen, we we are hypocritical habits, right? I mean, I've had it now that you bring it up, I've had it with those two, right? I'm still going to continue to use it because it makes our real son good. But let's let's rag on them. OK, I want to go in because I think like at first, this isn't directly like, this isn't a personal attack at you. When I get there, I'll let you know. OK. Right. So, OK. And first of all, I love you. So we love. That's OK, right? We're on the same page now. Tiny microphone. Uh, no. They make them real size, and they're not so large that like, we can't be using real size microphone. I have a problem here. Your vogue, right? Let's say that we're vogue. We are Vogue magazine. OK? We go to a red carpet and we have a Vogue tiny microphone. No, I really. That actually makes me feel sick to my stomach. It makes me want to get COVID tested. I don't like that. Your vogue. So don't use tiny microphone. Use real microphone that you own, right? I'm kind of done with tiny microphones. I'm totally Aunt Kylie. Immediately order us new, bigger size microphones immediately. It's not so. Wait, they make tiny microphones for your shirt like a livelier mic. Right, right. I'm not being fooled by changing the shape of a lava leer into a microphone for an American doll. I know it's still a livelier Mike, but it's for a mouse. I don't want that. I want to speak into a human sized platform. Let me ask you this Do you think this is somewhat Freudian that maybe you're just kind of like size matters? Kind of, dude. I mean, it could be that because, you know, trauma really echoes kind of right back at the person doing it. It could be that and that's kind of a conversation that I'm going to have with myself right after this. Right. But in the current moment, I'm thinking. It's just it's I don't like this is what I don't like in front of my face this pinch. Yes, yes, because that's what it is. I don't I don't know what that is. That could be a weapon. It really is a micro micro microphone. Yes. And I agree. Size does matter. Yeah. We're big size girls over here. We like a lot of stuff that we need to get bigger microphones. I cannot thank you enough for bringing this to our attention. We are going to correct it. We've been so dorky until now. We're going to post our new jumbo sized microphones and dedicate the post to you to you. I would. I would really like that. That would make me feel really, it would make me feel that like if I've done anything on this earth. Yeah, right. I've done that. I saved us. Yes, because I'm all about like, you know, we're kind of f**ked up. We're going to fix it. We're going to about flipped around and told you, I mean, like, we're going to fix it. I don't feel like you f**ked up. And I want you to know that, like, I don't feel like you f**ked up. I think that you got swept up in the emotions of seeing people with tiny microphones. Because I'll tell you with the first few times I saw it, I went, Oh, that's cute. And then I also saw that. Did I look it up? Because maybe I was thinking about getting one? Yeah, I went on Amazon and went, Oh, it's five dollars, right? Right? So it's cute. It's five dollars and people are using them. I like it, and then I just keep. I kept seeing this right in interface and I went, I want to see this face. See, I'm telling you, I think there's some Freudian sexual undertones in this argument, but we will save that for another podcast because I want to tell you one of the biggest I've had, it's that I think has ever manifested. See what we try to do on this podcast is prevent bad things and a homicide. OK. That's the goal. And classically, homicide is not categorized as bad. Right? So anyway, we grew up. So when in 1994 I was twenty pops was significantly older, but that's neither 24. It wasn't that old. And that is when Tonya Harding had had it with Nancy Kerrigan. And so I mean, that is like total. I mean, she had had it with me. I mean, she had it, and then they made the movie later. So people younger than us kind of know about this. But what I want to know is the ghost of the Tonya Harding Nancy Kerrigan. Does that still kind of permeate through the figure skating world? I mean, are you always kind of like when you leave the rink? Are you like, who's that over there? Am I going to get my knees bashed in? Does that does that ghost kind of haunt you? So there's like little things like, I don't think anybody thinks that they're going to get attacked. At least I didn't, which is maybe why I'm like so traumatic about the size of things. Or I wasn't. Why wasn't I attacked? But there is definitely this like. So in the skating world like Tonya, Harding is like the boogeyman. Like I can, don't you do not talk about her. You do not mention her. Like they only talk about like the first time she landed a triple axel. Like, we talk about that and then like, that's it. We don't ever bring her up. And after the Olympics I competed in, she competed on Dancing with the Stars with me. Which you won? Yes, I did. I did win, and I actually didn't get bashed in the knees by Tonya Harding, which was, again, why not me? So, you know, I'm holding the trophy and I'm going, This doesn't feel right. This doesn't feel complete. When you're on Dancing with the Stars, they own this Big Lake studio space or like dance studio space. And so you can kind of go in to the studios, like when you're like training and other couples will be there. And I remember somebody was like, Oh, Tonya's and like that room? And I'm like, like starting to like fully sweat because it's like, I've never I'm going to right now, I'm going to meet Tonya Harding. Like, I can't believe this. So out walks this like trailer trash. Like smokers teeth, leopard like giant leopard print purse holding woman, and she just walks out and she's like, Oh my God, I saw you on TV to me and I'm like, I've seen you on TV. Oh yeah, oh yeah. And she was honestly, I mean, she's just she unfortunately reminded me of a lot of people that, like, grew up around me. Right, right. I'm from Pennsylvania. We had a lot of knee bashers over there, right? I think that that is the one thing when I think about figure skating and having it like Tonya had had it had it up to her. Oh yeah. With Nancy C, I saw that movie. I, Tonya, and it made me have a whole different perspective of her. Like, I felt really sorry for her because she had the abusive mother, the abusive boyfriend. I think that then that's not my thing, Adam. That is my thing. Cry me a river. You do not have your boyfriend. I hire a hit man to go back in, but I don't think Denise. She f**king knew. She f**king knew. She f**king knew. You are so gullible. It's way. I had it with her. OK, OK, this is what I believe. I believe that like. Her husband and their leg bag of Goonies, they I believe that they were like, we're going to kill Nancy Kerrigan because this is how she's going to win. And I completely believe that Tonya was like, because she's I can tell you as somebody who's from Scranton, Pennsylvania, what it's like to be white trash because I know people who live in trailers, right? Right. And they love that, and I love that for them. Right, right. That being said, I know that when Tonya heard, Oh, we're going to kill her, she's probably in her mind. She's going, Oh my God, we'll scare her, but we're not going to kill her. Right, exactly. Huge difference, because that's reasonable. That's reasonable. I think she had heard everything and was like, you know, they're not they're not going to do that and never actually thought it was serious. But I think she knew but didn't know that they were being serious. Right? Yeah, right. I mean, I did not walk away from the movie with like loads of empathy towards Tonya, so I did. I think you are. You are. Look at your picture now and look at your track record. I know I'm gullible. A lot of people have s**tty parents and then they do not go in ice skaters knees. OK. Defending it. I'm just saying I did have empathy for her. OK, yeah, she's had it with me. Totally had it with her. Which brings me to a subject I really want to drag out and beat. Adam Levine and yeah, the subject of inspirational quotes. OK? First of all, how do you feel about inspirational quotes? I feel bad about them. I do, too. They really irk me. They me too. It's this toxic positivity, and I'm going to read some inspirational quotes to you all, and we're going to get feedback, OK? Most inspirational quotes are just English words jumbled together in a poetic manner. Right, right? Yeah, right? Here's one right here. The worst part of being strong is that no one, no. If you're OK, and here's what I want to say. The best part about being strong is that nobody asked me if I'm OK because I don't want to have unnecessary conversations, right? So I want to give off the don't f**k with me vibes because then I don't have to have mindless chit chat with people that I don't want to have chit chat with. Right. And you know, I also believe that like a quote like that really appeases to someone who's not strong at all correcting, say, are strong going right? Nobody asks me if I'm OK. No, that's because they don't care. It's not because you're not strong, right? It's because they don't care. And it's probably because you run around talking about it 24-7. And everybody's sick of hearing about it. Right? You're probably telling people that you're not strong and they're not asking about it. So. There you go. Let it go. OK, how about this one, you guys? That which does not kill us makes us stronger. You have heard that one forever. Here's the problem with this guy's heart disease. Losing a limb. Right? That's actually going to make you weaker. Exactly. I mean, this is just patently false propaganda. It's propaganda, false property, you know, and and people talk about the gay agenda, which I supported, by the way. Thank you. You're welcome. But I think that there is a toxic positivity agenda and they're circulating these quotes out there to people and people fall prey to this weight on a on a real serious note. I hope that's exactly whenever I hear that quote I hate. That's my least favorite positive quote, because there there are so many things that are like bad for you that they don't kill you, but they like slowly, just they are not good for you, right? Death by a thousand cuts. Yes. OK, so what about this is my I mean, this one gets me wound up like a cheap clock. Okay? And I'm just OK. And it's overused. You can barely go one day without hearing. It wound up like a cheap cloth. That's right. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. I'm writing it down. I'm stealing it. Okay. It is. Everything happens for a reason. That does drive you. Bananas sends me into orbit. I mean, to horrible like, look at Tonya Harding. What was the reason for her mom being crazy with the bird on the shoulder? Right? There's no good reason for that. And look at how it turned out, right? She beat up. She had the goons beat up the pretty ice skater. Right? But when I hear people say everything happens for a reason, it's just like, No, it f**king doesn't. Sometimes, I mean, there's bad s**t is ubiquitous and it happens all the time. And bad things happen to really good people that try to do the right thing. And it's just this, you know, it's dumb luck. It's right if everything goes your way or not. And so that everything happens for a reason. Movement. It just it absolutely irks me. I'm yeah. Well, it is a movement for that, I believe. I completely agree with you because I think that when things happen, I don't like the LRA happens for a reason. I think that like whatever situation you find yourself in, you can make the most of it, right? Or you can try to find some sort of silver lining. Right. But I don't think everything happens for this, like for a reason. That that makes also makes me feel like I wasn't in charge of anything. Right. I really like to be in charge. Why would you take that? My only joy away of being in charge? And it's not just being in charge, just being the boss of you. Yeah. Yeah. Because. Exactly. I'm kind of bossy by nature, and I love to f**k off. But yeah, I don't like that one. How do you feel about Yarmouth's? Unfortunately, I feel like I attract them and I get stuck and in my. And the reason I get stuck is I keep adding to the conversation that I wish would end. I kind of do that to Adam this way, and I'm like, I don't want to be here, and I'm like, Oh my God, you don't like what happened next? I don't. I don't know what's happening. An evil spirit takes over. Yes. This is what I call feeding a stray cat. You start feeding those cats and then they just keep coming back. This one will go off. I mean, four hours about how much she hates Jack Mouse. And then we get into a situation where a yak mouth is present. I immediately start shutting down. I'm sending non-verbal cues that I need for this person that you come off rude. I do not. You do come up for it. Yes, you do. You come off like you want a French. Kiss him and then you are right back behind her back. Oh, you, that is there. But it's like it's the open energy versus the closed energy, right? Right. We see each other because I'm not putting it out there, but there's something about me where a stranger can look me in the eyes and goes, I should tell them about my mom. I just I don't know what it is. I have the face that says, Please tell me your life story. Yeah, I would much rather if I'm begging somebody them, send me non-verbal cues so I can not annoy them, then somebody feign interest. I like authenticity. I don't want anybody to feign interest, and I wouldn't consider it rude at all. But I'm super thick skinned. I would rather the feigned interest. Look, I'll deal with the consequences and I go home right away. I would rather the feigned interest. Do you want to hear what my favorite quote is? Let's hear it. You can't fix stupid. I mean, I just think that's words to live by. You just have to ignore stupid people. You can't fix stupid. I think that's probably true. Yeah, you can't. You can't. There are just some people that are so you just have to write them off. Breathtakingly stupid. And, you know, I feel like sometimes I'm totally with you on this. Sometimes I feel conflicted because it's like, should I try to educate this person? But they don't want to be educated. They don't. They don't. I used to want to try to educate them, and I used to try to feed the stray cat. But all it does is get you all worked up and there is comfort in knowing that you have read the fact and then you've got, you know, Dan over on Facebook that thinks he's got, you know, crack the case. It's always a Dan.. Yes. And you just cannot argue with Dan. The people who are so susceptible to like misinformation is that that terrifies me, almost not us. I would never I would never believe anything that was not true, ever. She is the most gold I probably would ever. I am pretty gullible. I mean, absolutely gullible. I'm always skeptical. But I'm open to believing. I'm with you on that. I'm very skeptical. But I like, I mean, like UFOs. I'm skeptical, but I want to believe, you know, like. But I require pretty hardcore evidence to believe an extraordinary claim. OK. I don't know. I think I just see it. I think I need one really kind of good YouTube video and I'm I'm halfway there. If I'm being honest, I feel the same. I have to say, OK, we have just made up a new game and we're rolling this out for the first time on our podcast and it's a game called Had It or Hidden. Oh my god. Welcome to had it or hit it. I would hit it at it. I hit it every day, sometimes twice a day. So had it or hit it. Mm hmm. Pedro Pascal hit it for sure. I would hit it. Yeah, I would. Totally. Yeah, he's cute. Inspirational quotes. Had it totally had it. Oversized beverages, I had it. I just like, Can we just drink normal? Yes. Yes, yes. Yes. I've had it hanging up on me now. She carries these Stanley Cups two at a time. Where are you going? Swimming ban? It's a gallon of water. It's ridiculous everywhere. It just it disgusts me to really irritate of my being. And it's not one she has to have to. She has one and then a backup everywhere we go. She Bogart's all the cup holders, right? Everything is centered around her having a beverage. You can't enjoy one f**king thing without the beverage coming into it and then this reusable straw and all the mangy lipstick stains on it and iced tea stains on it. I had it OK. I think people who wields water bottles with them at all times are the most powerful kind of person because I don't have that kind of inner strength to carry around water. I don't, and I'm never going to acquire it. What is in both of these Stanley 65 ounce containers? What's in them? I just I'm dying to know, is it just sweet tea? Sweet tea? Yeah, not water. I mean, I have one for my workout class I take with water, but everything else is sweet tea. So you're having a hundred and twenty ounces of sweet tea. Adam, are you filling them from? Oh yes, entertaining them. She has more than there are five times a day four to five Stanley Cups of sweet tea per day. Yeah, but it's stevia. It's not Splenda anymore. It does. It's not the stevia worried about. It's your kidneys. No s**t. See, yeah, I'm telling you. I know that's a lot of tea. I know her one woman. It is. It is a problem. It is a huge problem. OK? Had it or hit it. Pickleball, I want I. OK, I've had that. I haven't done it because I want to do it. I feel like it would be fun. And then I think once I've done it, once I'm going to have it, OK, I'm going to be done with it. It's small tennis. I hit it every day, sometimes twice a day. Do you like get it? We love it. Oh my God, you ask the wrong question. Love it. I love it. Yeah, I just there's like a there's a place to play pickleball near my house and I'm like, Oh, I should go because it looks like it would be so much fun. I do love it. I think you would love it. And I think with your athleticism, you would, you know, probably be great, actually. Adapt to it very quickly. OK, now you're you're really selling me on pickleball. Here's the thing with pickleball, I think it's fun, like for a just a novice person, it's like a great family activity, good couple's day, something like that, but you just take it to the Olympic level every day. I'm very good. I'm an athlete. She's in training, I'm an athlete. And you know what he talks about? You know what he does when he was in the Olympics. I may not be in the Olympics, but every f**king day I have a match at chicken and pickle in Oklahoma City, and that match is every bit as important to me as his Olympic training. So it's all relative. That's it's all relative. Moving along had it or hit it baby showers. Oh, he had it. Shower your own baby gender reveal parties had it know had it genders. So dead children outside the church. It's true. It is totally true. Yeah, no. It's just like it's so dead. That's right. So the lines are blurred. I have a client and she just had a baby. And instead of sending the baby a gift, I sent her a gift because I remember when I was pregnant and had my kids, my kids got all these gifts. Well, they don't f**king remember because they're infants. They don't remember receiving the gifts. But one friend bought me a gift just for me, and I was like, Oh my God, this is the best thing ever. It was a great pair of pajamas. So now I am not buying any more baby gifts. I'm only going to buy the mother gifts. I think that's a great idea. The baby I really like, right? Idea. And here's here's the thing this baby's not done anything in their life yet. Tomorrow, all these gifts? Absolutely not. They haven't gone to the Olympics and won medals. That's right. You know, or dancing with the stars or dancing with the stars? No. Even if it was just the almost medal they have not, they haven't gotten that hashtag the most. Yeah. Oh. Hey, Paul. OK. How did her hit it? Bronze medals? Hit harder, get better, get better. That's what I have to say. Bronze medals are done. Get better. OK, had it or hit it, bangs had it. I'm done. Yeah. Why is some hair shorter? I don't know. But you know, I'm getting ready to have to get bangs when I'm 60. I don't think you can wear no bangs when you're 60. I mean, I have seven years. What what? What where'd you get this? Don't you just think a 60 year old has to have bangs? You Oh my god, what 16 year old has? I can't even think of one. What are you talking about? Like, that's kind of when you're getting, are you OK? Mean having an aneurysm? But you don't. You think you can wear no bangs your whole life until they put you in the ground? Yes. I mean, what do you think the bangs are protecting you from? At 60 I osteoporosis, I mean, why did you take this up on the fly? No, I've done that before. Like, I've only got probably like seven more years of decent hair where I can have longer hair. I just to when I get older, I'll have to do short, you know, short hair. You know, what really irks me about you is just how easily you caved to aging. I kept botox and filler and all I know, but it's always just like, I'm of this age and I see, like, I still feel young and like, I don't I would. I still, I think, 60s, fairly young. Like, you could. Still, I have women that kick my a*s on the pickleball court that are secure over if you and they don't have bangs and they don't act like old ladies. And they never would get them. Exactly. So what you're saying is I don't have to get a mom haircut. Grandma thing is, when you turn 60, this friendship is over, as is the podcast. If I wait, this is the thing. This is what I have. I need to have like a moment together with you. Why? Why, I guess I just don't want to be one of those women that's like, look, trying to be too young. You know how you see those women and you're like, Oh my God, she's too old, so you're going to go full dork to have him. But just got that 60 was the cut off I really did in my mind. No, no. Okay. So I can still, I mean, look at Jane Fonda. She does. She bangs fabulous. No, she does not have banks. I think she does her bangs. I mean, does Jamie, I mean, Jamie Lee Curtis kind of like small hair is a battle over you, right? Yeah, same length all over. Which was Adams. Jodie Foster amazing. No bangs, right? Okay. All right. Mm-Hmm. I've got seven years to contemplate it. Yeah, I think like if you functionally need them, like if the hairs is breaking off at bang length, right? I think that's the universe going. It's time. But until then, I think that you could be in charge of your own length. Okay. Okay. Had it or hit it. Gwyneth Paltrow. Well, she hit that guy. OK, I've had it with the Goop. I'm heading the court case. I'm with you 10000 percent on that. I'm over Goop and it's just too much. But the court case and her outfits and the internet memes that are coming out about it and then like, did you see the opposing counsel when they interrogated her, how starstruck she was? That s**t is like, tap the veins. It's great content. I had to like, dig in and find out I'm like, Is this the opposing counsel? It's like saying, Oh, it's horrible. It's so bad. She's like, Well, I bet you're scared. It was pretty fabulous. I bet you're a good tipper. I mean, this has to be like a Netflix series. Totally. This specific course, this is if that was the lawyer that I hired, be a nightmare situation. Nightmare situation. No, I told Jennifer she's got the biggest complaint coming in the history of the world. If they lose this case, just like crazy basically couldn't quit complimenting her. Oh yeah, that I showed. I showed that video to paps yesterday. But I mean, the glasses Gwyneth is Gwyneth is wearing and she's so pretty. So everything this is off. It's incredible p.r. because like the goop of it all is like, well, because she's like Gwyneth Paltrow at this moment in time is like meat off the bone, like the meat is falling off the bone, right? And it's like she did something that was like was all over the place online. She did a podcast and she was like, I intermittent fast. And then for like lunch, I'll have bone broth. And then for dinner, I'll have a strictly paleo, right? Basically, she's like, I'm having hot water and carrots, and she's like, Well, I'm currently hooked up to an IV. Like, she's like, It's like cuckoo nuts. And I'm like, OK, it's over. And then she goes to court and I go, All right, maybe I do need a few carrots and some bone broth because this is a really, really good. Now it has been great, great content. I have loved it. I'm 100. I've had it with. The group would totally hit courtroom. Gwyneth is yeah. Five stars. Yeah, 100 percent. I did hear an interview, I think just today that she puts like hot ozone air of her a*s. Oh, she does all kinds of s**t to her vision and her a*s. Yeah, that that her pussy has taken a beating, but she's the one who's beating it. Like, that's that's what's so goopy about it. It's like insane. It's insane. Every other day, she's like, There's something up some orifice and it's never her mouth. Like, she's never eating, never eating. Oh, it's great. Well, Adam, you're so fun. This has been so fun. I absolutely loved meeting you, even though it's a hashtag, almost. This friendship is a hashtag for real. This is a for real. I would come back any time. I love it. Well, we definitely want you to. Definitely. And so, listener, you can find Adam, what's your Instagram? It's at a rep on Instagram. Adam RIP Oh, that is a ten out of ten Instagram Nancy. He's clever. He is sharp as a tack listener, right? Adam, thank you so much for joining us. My pleasure. Thank you, guys. Later, bye bye. Like, I want him to come over to my house and be a houseguest forever. Oh, he's great. He's so fine. And then just the I mean, when you think about like at Olympic training and the intensity, it's unbelievable that goes into that. It's just incredible how disciplined he must be. Totally. I mean, that's a level of discipline. I can't even wrap my head around. I'm a pretty disciplined person. Yeah, you like diet and exercise and sleep and. Any time the whole nine, but that is a level of discipline that is like goals for me, right? I mean, very well, I mean, very few people can get to the Olympics so right, but very few people are that just one. And I just want full credit that I didn't ask him how much sex was going on in the Olympic Village, which I was dying to. But she said, everybody has not. You can't. I think it's been covered. I think everybody knows everybody f**ks everybody at the Olympic Village. I didn't think it was a hot take. I know, but I thought the Nancy Kerrigan ship was way hotter. No, I know. But I'm just saying, Tonya Harding, that I didn't do it. See, this is the problem. That's that's the toxic positivity culture minimum. You want me to be proud of you that we both agreed. You wouldn't ask him about the f**king at the Olympic Village and now you want a trophy when you didn't do it? Yeah, but I have done it on other podcasts slipped in something you always do, but I didn't. Today she's going to be so mad at me. I just have to ask you this. I didn't do that. Today, I'm growing. Kylie Richard, are you proud of pumps today? If you say yes, I swear to God. So proud, so proud Kylie, says Richard. I'm proud of you pumps. Thank you, Richard. And it pumps. It's just hard not to love you unless you get bangs. But if I didn't miss the biggest, I just thought that that was the thing. Where where did you read that at the softball magazine? Now, I wonder if it's because my mom has short hair when she got older, but I guess she always had short hair. But this is not somebody who is like a fashion person. No, a fashion forward person. I love your mother. But this fashion is not anywhere near any right, but mine's not the greatest. I just I don't know where you got that in your head. I think you need to quit caving to aging. Equip making up made up rules about bangs. Yeah, that's it is made up. I don't know why you completely made it up and then you're schlepping it out on the podcast like that. Some unspoken rule that everybody knows. And it was news to Adam and me, and God only knows it's news to Kylie and Richard's listener. Listen up. We've got to go, but join us unpatriotic. Join us on YouTube Tik Tok Twitter Do you YouTube Ms? Oh yes, send us a voice memo of what you've had it with to our. I've had it podcast. Instagram direct message. That's right. Keep going and please join us on Patreon and then we will see you next Tuesday or Thursday because I can't. All right. Bye, listener. Bye. What I'm. They're at it with that.

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Strange shadows in the night. Televisions turning on and off. Objects moving without any apparent cause. A tale better told in October? No, something far more terrifying.


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01:18:02 2/17/2025

We wrap up our coverage of the Pablo Velez case with a look at the evidence against him and answer the question--is an innocent man in prison?


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01:26:18 2/10/2025

We continue our look at the wrongful conviction of Pablo Velez, Jr.



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01:19:27 2/3/2025

When Pablo Velez, Jr. was convicted of a shooting outside a bar, he steadfastly maintained his innocence. Is he a wrongfully convicted man? Or just another murderer denying his guilt? You decide.


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01:13:10 1/27/2025

We finish our look at this mysterious crime and provide theories on what may have happened to Russell and Shirley Dermond.

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01:33:02 1/20/2025

It's an inexplicable mystery. Two elderly people, beloved in their community, brutally murdered at their lake house for no apparent reason. Who killed Russell and Shirley Dermond?

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01:19:47 1/13/2025

Hollywood star and true crime fanatic Alison Sweeney joins the show to discuss the mysterious disappearance of Brandon Swanson. One moment he's on the phone with his parents. The next? Gone forever. What happened?

And be sure to watch Alison's latest, Reality Bites: A Hannah Swensen Mystery, on Thursday, February 6, at 8 pm ET on Hallmark Mystery.

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01:29:56 1/6/2025

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01:10:59 12/31/2024

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01:14:52 12/30/2024

We had a lot of outtakes this year and things that we caught off mic and as we continue the holiday season we're sharing more of them!

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