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Coffee Convos with Kail Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley

Kail and Lindsie talk about their busy lives, and how they're nervous about podcasting via phone for the first time. The ladies discuss how it feels when a divorce is final, and you don't want to miss their answers. Kail and Lindsie talk about being guarded with their children and the relationships that they allow in their lives. Kail reveals how Issac was conceived after prom and spills all the details. Lindsie admits that she will be the in-law from hell and claims she and Will are polar opposites and parent differently. They agree that the relationship for moms with boys is different than any other. Moving on to silly subjects, Lindsie talks about how nasty it is to wear shoes in the house and they both say their boys' farting is out of control. Plus, they talk about the flu and Kail claims she's never actually had the flu. Today's show is brought to you by Bioclarity, for your first month for only $9.95 (plus free shipping) go to And don't forget to try Lindsie's new nut addiction (in all 3 flavors). Go to

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