The Jordan Harbinger Show

1036: James Sexton | A Divorce Lawyer's Guide to Lasting Love Part Two

Renowned divorce lawyer James Sexton reveals the secrets to maintaining a healthy marriage and avoiding his office altogether! [Pt. 2/2 — find part 1 here!]

What We Discuss with James Sexton:

  • Many people enter marriage without understanding its legal implications. James Sexton estimates that 95% of people who come to his office are learning about the marriage contract for the first time.
  • Social media has made infidelity much easier and more accessible. James notes that platforms like Facebook and Instagram create opportunities for inappropriate private conversations and flirtations.
  • Prenuptial agreements are becoming increasingly common, especially among younger people in their 20s and 30s. James observes a growing pragmatism and realism in approaching marriage.
  • All marriages end, either through death or divorce. James encourages people to be mindful of endings, as it can make them more appreciative of their current relationships.
  • Being open and honest about your concerns and fears in a relationship can strengthen your bond. Having pragmatic conversations about finances, living arrangements, and potential scenarios doesn't diminish romance — instead, it demonstrates care and foresight for your partner's well-being. Consider having these discussions and potentially creating a prenuptial agreement to ensure you're both on the same page about your future together.
  • And much more — be sure to tune in to part one of this conversation here for the full story!

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