Iris is back! She joins Lindsie this episode to talk about the possibility of Lindsie going back in to reality TV, how often she sees her family, how she planned her divorce the second time around, and dealing with old boundaries in her new relationship. Iris and Lindsie also give their advice on dealing with problematic in-laws, victim mentality, and how when women say "nothing" it DOESN'T really mean nothing!
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All right, guys, welcome back to another episode of this other A.. Good morning, Katie, how are you? Good morning. How are you? Oh my gosh. I just feel so under the weather. Oh, I'm sorry. If you guys hear me coughing and hacking, then thank goodness you can't get anything through to Mike. So I am here alone and and actually in my bedroom, so I'm not spreading the germs everywhere. I don't know bad, though. What are you? What are you feeling like? Well, whenever we were supposed to record originally, I woke up that morning and just felt like. Hi, and just like not good, like very like clammy, I would say. And I was like, Oh, no, like, this isn't good, like it's either food poisoning or like something's not right. And then I had the congestion and then that went away, like the next day and then it came back and then I got throw up sick, and now I'm like coughing and carrying on. So I'm just hanging out in my house and doing laundry and cleaning, and I hope and organizing. And I did sleep until 8:00 this morning, so that felt good. OK, good. Yeah, you need to be rested. I feel like you're someone that I have to like. Be on you about it. Oh my gosh. Well, I get bored. I'm like, Oh, I should be doing this. I should go run a marathon. I should go do 12 loads of laundry. I should walk up and down the stairs 100 times. I should clean my kitchen so I should clean my stove. It's like, Oh my gosh, no, just rest. Watch TV and rest. And I hate nothing worse. OK, I need to know who would rather be like. Neither of these are good options, but like, who would rather be throw up sick and who would rather have a cold? Oh, I would rather be. I would rather have a cold. I would rather be throw up sick because I feel like you just like, get it over. And it's not just like you're hopefully like projectile vomiting everywhere for like hours on end. Like, normally it's a couple of times and then it's over with with a cold. It lingers and it's so annoying. Yep, I get that. Can't breathe. Can't I mean, it's literally like you're sitting up in the bed at night and you're like looking at the sky and hoping that like, you don't turn over because you won't be able to breathe. Like I will say, though, throwing up is awful. Oh, it's the worst. Awful, like I remember, I remember not that long ago when I got sick randomly. Yeah, yeah, it was. It was terrible. But I remember this one time I had a stomach bug so bad. It was probably like five years ago and I had to leave work. And I remember not even making it up our stairs and I threw up everywhere. And I think I threw up for the next, like 48 hours. And every time I would start to throw up, I remember thinking like, Oh my god, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, and then I would get hot and cold, hot and cold. It was, Oh my gosh, that's so that is literally the worst. Like a sudden sickness like that is so bad or another sudden sickness that's like really bad is food poisoning like, oh, I don't know if I've ever truly had food poisoning. I remember as a kid specifically getting food poisoning twice from somewhere called wedgies pizza wedges. If you're listening to this, I apologize for outing you, but I got sick and my brother got sick, and it was like awful sickness. Like anyone who's ever had food poisoning is so bad. It's coming out of both ends. And I'm just like, like, no. Yeah, it's terrible. So what have you been up to? Oh, just I had a pretty productive morning. Already got my workout in. Good for you. I did it well, you shouldn't. Because you're sick. You like good for you, Katie. Wait, that was my question. Are you still working out? Yeah. What do you mean? Are you still working yet? I'm I have to come over there. You mean like what you like? Yes. Oh yeah, that's good for you. Because then you get it, then you sweat and you feel like you get it out. Yeah, I hope I don't have to come over there. This be like your mom over you making sure you're sleeping all day and not leaving. Oh my gosh. Yeah, I actually I'm going to go on walk in nature today. I think, yeah, that's better. Just go on a little walk just like maybe a three or four miler. And oh my gosh, that'll be good, Katie. You're like, I don't walk. So you are super dedicated and I'm proud. You know me. I just do like BBG and Peloton. Not that. Are you guys we're going to take a quick break to talk about one of our partners, Shell Water System, and I have a quick question. Has your water ever had a funky taste or smell? If so, it could be chlorine and other contaminants in your water. And do you know that it takes seconds for our body to absorb the harsh chemical and it could cause serious health issues? We also breathe it in when it evaporates in the air. I personally have experienced this, and I began to do some research and discovered an affordable solution at Shell Water Systems dot com. I recently purchased a whole house filtration and salt free conditioner and UV light from shell water systems dot com. The whole house filtration targets chlorine taste and odor and other contaminants in the water while they're salt free conditioner conditions the water and protects your plumbing and appliances, and it also makes your coffee taste delicious. It protects my Keurig from all the funky build up, and we have all tasted ice that just tastes really bad, and my ice tastes absolutely amazing. I noticed a change in our water, especially while drinking my coffee. I came across an article about how shell water system makes your coffee taste so good. I went to shell water systems dot com and picked out my water problem taste and odor, and a site made a suggestion for me. I feel so much better knowing that I am giving Jackson a shower and clean water. I ordered a shell water system, whole house filtration, salt free conditioner and UV light filtration called my local plumber and had it installed for the entire home. And now I feel better knowing that we are brushing our teeth, bathing and drinking and clean water right from the tap. It's amazing and one less thing to worry about and even better, a lifetime warranty. It was so easy to order right online at Shell Water Systems XCOM once again that shell water systems dot com added my combo unit and added a UV light to the car checked out easily and everything was delivered to my door within 10 days. And we want you to have clean, affordable water too, so you can use our code Southern Tea for an additional five percent off and free shipping at Shell Water Systems dot com. This is a special offer for our listeners. Get clean water today. Shell Water Systems dot com code seventy four five percent off once again Shell Water Systems dot com Choose your water problem and enter code seventy four five percent off and free shipping. I was actually talking to one of my girlfriends the other day about how now as a single mom doing my week like when I have Jackson, I want, I don't. It's confusing because when I have him, I go to the gym super early. It's like I go to school, drop off and then I go to the gym and that's the best. But when I do, you have to like, you know, you have to go early well, because otherwise, once I pick him up from school, it's not happening. So all right, I have to go early. But on the other times, when I don't have him, I find myself like. Not going as early or maybe sleeping in like an extra hour and then getting up and going, and I was talking to kill about this. I think it was yesterday that I feel all out of sorts on my time off and my time on because my schedule looks so differently. Mm hmm. Yeah. How has that been, by the way? Like not having him every single day? Has that been hard? Horrible. Oh, I know that. Yeah, I mean, that's the short answer. Just been horrible. And I in the past week, I've just struggled a lot going from being basically like a stay at home mom. Like, yes, I worked, but pretty much being a stay at home mom and having him every hour like whenever I wanted to have him and staying home with him all the way up until he started school at five years old. It's been a unique situation. I think any person or any mom who. Is now in a co-parenting situation when they were a stay at home mom with the child, that that is like a tricky. Dynamic and Jackson struggled with it a little bit, too. He often like face times me and sends me videos and calls, and you know, he's very right now concerned with what day am I your house and what day am I? Dad's house. And it's been helpful for us to just let him know that, like, these are the days that you're here and these are the days that you're here and just having that open communication with him so that he knows what to expect because I do feel like it's easier to transition and easier to look forward to when you have an expectation. Yeah. Oh, I know I've been thinking like, how hard that must be because your whole entire I mean, you spend so much time with him every single day, you know, ever since he was born and all of a sudden not have him during the week like you're used to. I feel like that has to be such a hard change to navigate. It has honestly been a very humbling experience for me, like realizing that more so with the control aspect of it. I think just knowing that like I am not 100 percent in control, even though I thought I was for the longest period of time and knowing that a child is a make up of two people and he is just as much Will's as he is mine and and that's hard. And we actually talk a lot about this on coffee combos because, you know, Kel also is in co-parenting situations and it's hard to share your babies and especially as a mom, because you feel like they are yours and you gave birth to him and brought him into this world. And for a lot of people, you know your primary caregiver and you just feel like more sense of ownership to the child, even though that's definitely not the right words. But you feel, you know, like, OK, well, this child is more mine because I did X, Y and Z. And the reality is is it's not more yours, and that's been humbling for me. Yeah. Well, I do feel like it will get better with time and you'll kind of have your own little schedule, you know, going on the days you don't have him. And I feel like once you get in like your norm, it will, you know, be better for you. And lucky for me, I'm just counting down the days. I have an 11 day stretch coming up with Jackson because the way the holiday fell. Mm-Hmm. And so I'm so excited about that. I'm like, Wow, I get 11 full days like uninterrupted. Yay. It's like it's a good feeling. I'm sure a lot of people listening can relate, which is so great for you. Like telling your story? How has he been doing with like just the whole divorce thing in general? Like, how do you even tell? Like, how did you how do you even tell a child? Like, I don't even know I actually was doing this divorcing parents seminar the other day. And it gave such great advice, and I went into this divorcing parent seminar. I know a lot of people take these types of seminars that are required through the legal system to actually get divorced. And it's just like a requirement. You have to have a certificate that you did this. And in one of the sessions, it was talking about how to explain to your children why you're getting divorced. And it was so interesting to me and sounded like such common sense. But I think a lot of people don't think of things this way that the why and when you're explaining to your children that as adults, your children aren't interested in the romantic part of the relationship. So going into details about that part of it is not important. Going into details about how the life is changing and how you're going to be co-parents is what is important and not the nitty gritty details of the divorce, because that is traumatic to children, because they always feel like they have to choose a side. When you do it like that and a child is make is the make up of mom and dad. And so with that being said. When you go into details about things that might not be glowing about the other person, oftentimes it makes children feel bad about themselves because they know that they are 50 percent of that other person. And so when we were explaining this to Jackson, we let him know like this is a mutual decision, and this was a decision that has been coming for a long time. And this wasn't something that we thought about overnight and then just did. We did it when we were comfortable enough. I feel like we went through a lot of the stages of grief, still living together and still being together before we actually amicably split. And so I think that that's been a unique aspect of our situation and why we've been able to navigate things a little bit differently than other situations that probably a lot of people who are listening have either been in or seen because we kind of grieved together in a sense prior to making that decision. And so not that it's made it easier by any means because I don't think that any situation that you're going through a divorce, whether you have children or not, when you have children, it just complicates the situation more because there's more feelings to navigate. Right? I think that, you know, we've we've done the best that that we can do, and we're going through it every single day and just taking whatever is thrown at us each day and taking it in stride and being there for each other. And I was actually telling Kail that Jackson had asked why his dad still gives me hugs, but he doesn't kiss me anymore. And it was so it was so cute, but also so sad. And Will was like, Well, I mean, I've hugged your mom for like 12 years, so I don't like think that's weird. You know, it's just not. We can be friends and like, we've been with each other for so long, like almost half of our life that we've been together. So there's just not a lot of hostility there. I don't want to say that we haven't been in arguments because that would just be a false depiction of the situation. But we've done the best that we can do, and we've tried to give each other grace. And I think that's that's been the key for us. That's awesome. Oh, I'm so glad that you all have been like still getting along and stuff. I think that's great, and we'll make it way easier for Jackson. Well, nobody benefits from negativity, whether it's. In a divorce situation or whatever situation you know that you find yourself in after going through this, I feel like I have a different perspective on. Everything, because I have been heartbroken and been in like a very sad place, and it's allowed me to really like rely on my faith and maybe rely on it more. And it almost makes you feel bad. It's kind of like I told my pastor a couple of years ago that you feel bad, that you go to God when you feel like he's like, you need him. Mm-Hmm. You almost feel like a user, right? Like, Oh wow, I'm I'm now using God because I'm in a sad place in a place of need instead of going to him when I, you know, I'm only going to him when I just need him, not when I want him. And so that's been that's been good for me and very eye-opening, and I feel like I look at all situations way differently, like I don't need to be confrontational in a situation I can still get my message across the same way. Being non-confrontational and it's been good in a lot of areas, I've been able to grow. That's great. I feel the same way, too. Speaking of what you said about, you know, going to God and your downtimes and your hard times and kind of feeling like you like, especially for me, like I only. Feel like sometimes that I'm close to him and seasons where I'm hurting, or I'm going through like a rough season and I've dealt with that same struggle of why, like, I think everyone could kind of relate like, you pray more when you're in a bad season, right? And you. You know, you might be in your devotional every single morning because you need that your heart needs that, but then when everything's happy and everything seems to be going great in your lives in a really good season, sometimes I find myself not making all of that a priority, and that's something I really, really, really want to work on. I want to be that Christian that reads my devotion every single day. No matter what season of life I'm in, I want to, you know, pray every single night, no matter what, and I just feel like that's probably something that so many people can relate to and struggle with. It's just one of those things that's hard because you don't want to feel like, like you said, like you're almost like you're using God when you need him, you know, it just it's not the greatest feeling. And I was just like booing with my pastor about. Just feeling like, well, I am only coming to him during the really hard seasons of my life and when things are good and things are great, I'm not allowing him or I feel like I'm not allowing him access to me and I'm not accessing him. And so it's been eye opening and self corrective as well. I feel like I'm definitely on a completely different path than what I was even six months ago. And it feels good, and I know that we talk a lot about devotions on here. And I feel like truly that when you put God first in your life, that everything else. Falls into place, and I have been told that by some of the people in my life that I would say, like, are the most Christian Christians and, you know, whatever that means. And they've told me for forever, as long as you're putting God first, you would be amazed at, you know, how your life is so much better. And it's so true, so intentional, right? Like to have a relationship with God has to be so intentional, just like how you and I were so dedicated to working out. Like we work out pretty much every single day. And if we don't, our day isn't the same. That's how it has to be with God, like you have. Like, I have to be so much more intentional about it than I have been in the past. Like, I need to look at it the same way, like just like I have to eat. I have to work out. I have to do my job. I also have to have quiet time with God, and I feel like that is such an important thing and something that's so easy to kind of put in the back burner. But if we make it a priority, like you said, like everything else in your life will fall into place. Well, and I think a lot of times we just all get wrapped up in the rat race of life, right? It's like, OK, I need to get my kids here, and then it's sports and I need to complete my work. And then, you know, I've got to have time for my significant other and then I've got to do this and then I need to work out. And then it's like all of these things that are like checklist every single day. But I was fallen short every single day. Like nowhere on that list was I taking time for my devotional to start my day intentionally, like just trying to go through the motions every single day to get tasks done and feeling like a TaskRabbit. I personally don't feel that that is healthy, and fortunately for me, I've realized that now and I'm able to self-correct that, but I've been super intentional too, that every night I am not quick to get back at my text anymore. Like, if somebody text me and it's after a certain hour, like, I'm just not really that great unless it's I feel it's urgent or like super important to start my next day, then I'm not quick to get back. I'm trying to spend time like alone by myself and doing things that I enjoy doing and kind of ending my workday because for a long period of time, it would be like, OK, one work thing would fall into the next work thing, and I know that you can relate to this. And then you're like, OK, well, at some point you feel like you've never really put work down. I know it's crazy. And then you also mom all day. So then it's like, OK, well, I've been all of these things all day, all these titles, I've been all day. But what I haven't been is I haven't been anything for myself. And so I think that a lot of people find themselves in a place of like feeling lost and not having an identity outside of a job or outside of being a mom or outside of being a wife. And that's just a hard and like lonely and sad place to be. And again, I think that's why it's so you know anyone who believes it's so important to make sure you spend that time with God in the morning, because that right there will change your perspective on the rest of your day. And taking taking time to like, be intentional about it, you know, it's not about like, Oh, I need to put a timer and, you know, get my devotion, and I just need to read it really quick. Like, those need to be intentional moments that you're actually spending that time and and taking the time to absorb what you're reading and applying it to your life. Exactly. And I know there's been times where I've read, um, a devotional and then something, you know, I may have gotten a nasty message that day or something horrible happened, and I swear that I reacted to it differently because I spent that time with God that morning, and my perspective on that day was so different than it would have been if I hadn't have done that. One hundred percent, I it is crazy how it affects your life for such a positive way. Absolutely. And it gives you more grace with people. All right, guys. So I personally feel like when I was in my single days, the hardest part of Christian dating is meeting new people. You don't want to go out to a bar and meet someone I don't know. It just seems like when you're a Christian dating, you want to meet someone in a different way. So there's life groups, Bible studies, volunteering, but if you're still not finding the one, it can be super, you know, not the best you can get down, but don't get down and get up upward. Is the new dating app. Just for Christian singles, it's fine, free and easy to use. So if you're single Christian and looking to date but you don't know where to start, you can check out upward. So the free app is super easy to use. You can download it, make a profile in minutes, and chat with other faith. 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And then I think about, you know, my dad and how I haven't talked to him in so long and will I? Will I ever be able to mend that relationship one day? I don't know. I just think about forgiveness, and I feel like it is such a hard thing in our society and it's not really talked about enough. I feel like actually, I get messages like this all the time in regards to my situation with my family and that we all talk about God and we all, you know, preach that we're Christians and this that and the other and part of being a Christian is also being able to forgive and extend grace. And I am in a place with that situation that. I can forgive because I know the truth. And so whatever someone else is struggling with, that's on them and that's a part of their journey and not something that I need to unload on my plate because that's not my burden to carry. So I think it's healthy when you can extend grace and look at someone as, OK, that person is a flawed person, just like I'm a flawed person and look at it as a situation that maybe that person is internally struggling with something that I can't understand. And maybe that's why. They've done these things to me, and I'm going to forgive them for that, not because they earned it or not, because they necessarily deserved it, because God gave me grace and so. I should extend that grace to another person, and that takes a lot of work internally to be able to get there. Exactly what do you think like you as a person growing up like? Do you feel like you've been someone that's like easy to forgive? Do you feel like you've been someone that like holds grudges like? Yeah, how have you been? A big grudge holder? And it's taken me a long time to get to the point that I'm at now, but I think I had to go through a complete state of brokenness. To be able to forgive. Period, you know, like to anybody like if Will wronged me in some way, I'm not saying that he did, I'm just saying if he did, I feel like through this complete brokenness, I've been able to have a different perspective on things. And at the end of the day, when you don't forgive and you just hold it in and its resentment builds and hatred builds, and it's not a healthy place for you to be in for yourself. And so, yeah, it's like her issue more than anyone. Yeah, you have to be able to release it. And just with forgiveness, I also don't think that it's very clear cut, right? So when you forgive someone, sometimes that means that you forget it. Yeah, but sometimes that means that you're able to and one of your situations that you know with your friend, you're able to start rebuilding that relationship with forgiveness. That doesn't always mean that there's a relationship rebuild. Just because you forgive that person doesn't mean you invite that person back in. Exactly, exactly. And you know, when things have happened, you definitely still have to have your guard up. Like in certain situations where I've forgiven people, I forgive them fully. But that doesn't mean I don't have my guard up. Yeah. So what's the situation with your dad? Oh, he just, I mean, I still haven't spoken to him. He did write me an email like a few weeks ago, and first of all, he it was a good email, but he called Harper Parker. Parker Parker, so that was kind of crazy and made me really sad because it made me realize, oh, wow, like he doesn't even know my daughter's name. Um, but he did say that he was in his own way. He kind of said sorry for the first time ever, and it just really had me thinking, Wow. Like, I wonder if he is changing, I wonder if he's turning some pages because apparently when my grandpa died, my mom was at my grandpa's funeral. I couldn't go because we were in Florida when all of this happened, but she was there and she said that my aunt said that he was doing. He was there, too. And he looked a lot better. But my mom asked how he was doing, and my aunt said that he was doing a lot better because he had had a really big scare. So I'm guessing that he almost overdosed and died. Wow. Because, you know, he's addicted to to he has a drug addiction. And I mean, my aunt didn't 100 percent say that's what happened, but I'm guessing that's what happened. And apparently he's. Been changing ever since then, and it was a really big scare, I mean, he must have really almost died for him to even think about changing because that's how bad and his addiction that he is. So I don't know that email just made me think, wow, like it does look like he's taken some accountability for things it does. He seems a little bit clear, more clear headed in this email than he normally is. He definitely did say that he wants a relationship with me and wants to be a grandfather and how he misses me and loves me and all this stuff. So his is something that I'm working through in therapy and trying to figure out what I want to do for me. Drug addiction is really hard and I don't want to invite him back into my life and left unless I know for sure that he's gotten help and. I think that that's so wise and erring on the side of caution because you have been hurt so much in the past that. It would be. Really hard for you to allow him around Harper and back into the fold of your life because in the back of your mind, you're probably thinking, OK, it's only like it's is a ticking time bomb, like it's only a matter of time before he messes up again. And it's sad that that's the way we view things and you can forgive him. But you also, I think in situations like that, you can't forgive him and then be negligent on the things that you know. Exactly. And he's dying. I mean, anyone who's dealt with drug addiction in their life, you know how bad it is. And he's the things that he's dying, the people he's lied to, including me and the people he's stolen, stolen from. Like, it's crazy. Like when you're addicted to drugs, you will literally hurt anyone and everyone to get what you want and what you need, which is drugs. And it's so, so sad and like, especially now that we have Harper, I can't just invite someone, you know, easily back into her life knowing that they could potentially really hurt her. Well, and that's what I was going to say that once you become a mother and you deal with situations like this, whether it be, you know, addiction or narcissism or mental illness or, you know, whatever the situation may be. That you have an obligation to protect your children and it's no longer just about you. Exactly, exactly. And for me, if he's really changed and he really has hit rock bottom and, you know, wants to make, you know, really wants to make a change, like with time, I'll see that. Hmm. Like, it's not just going to take one email, it'll be entertains. Exactly. And it will be, you know, it will be it will take time. Like, you can't just say that you've changed one day, like your show me what time type of thing. So yes, like I think, you know, I could easily like, forgive him. And in a sense, I have in my heart, but I still have to have my guard up and I still have to. I still have to see it with his actions. I can't just take the first thing and run with it because I know the damage that he can do and he has done. And he is like, really narcissistic in a lot of ways. And I just I mentally too can't have that in my life. Well, and I think as children like us being children. That you always want to, like, be accepted by your parents, no matter what, like whether no matter what the situation is really like, you probably crave to be accepted by your dad in some way and like you crave that relationship because it's biological and it's something that you want. But you get to a point after being hurt so many times that you have to look at it realistically and say, OK, yes, I crave this, and it's a biological bond. But is this healthy for me, right? And that's a hard place to be in. Drug addiction is so hard to because it's a disease. And I tell my mom all the time and we've talked about it that we actually probably should, like go to some kind of classes together and really learn about drug addiction because we honestly like don't know as much as we like probably should. But that is what makes it so hard. So my dad, the reason he's a drug addict is because he got prescribed OxyContin when he had rheumatoid arthritis. When he was, he was like diagnosed and he was like 30. Oh, wow. And yeah, so it's like the whole opioid pandemic where doctors are giving out. I mean, OxyContin is basically a pill form of heroin. And so like, of course, my dad got addicted and there's like all kinds of documentaries on Netflix and stuff that you can watch, like learn more about the opioid addiction. But it's scary because I'm like, Okay, this is a disease. But at the same time, having him in my life is super unhealthy. So it's just like a constant battle. Yeah, because you're like, well, this person's sick and they have a disease, and it's not his fault. But at the same time, he's hurting me and my family every single day, and I can't have that in my life. It's just a constant guilt in a battle. It's weird. Yeah, I mean, I can't understand the aspect of addiction, but I can understand other aspects of it and relate, and it is a constant guilt and also a heavy burden to carry. But you just have to give it to God and know that what is meant to be will be, and if he truly has changed, he will show you in action and not in words. Right? Like, I don't know. And I feel like God will show me that. So one thing I've struggled with my entire life, I don't know why, but I am so bad at making sure I drink enough water, I'm always trying to figure out ways that will help me drink more. Drinking water is so important it can improve your energy. It curbs your appetite, gives you mental clarity, clears your skin and helps you with your overall wellness. And did you guys know that drinking a gallon a day really could make a huge impact on your overall health? So I wanted to talk about hydro jog. Lindsey and I both have one and we love it. It's really cute. It holds half a gallon of water, has a leak proof seal and a wide mouth opening, which makes it easier to drink. It has a carry loop and an integrated handle. It has a measurement scale, which is awesome as you can see exactly how much you're drinking throughout the day. It's also dishwasher safe. It has this really cool sleeve that insulate your contents. It protects your hydrate jog. The sleeve has two pockets, one for your phone and the other for smaller accessories such as your keys or AirPods. It also has adjustable straps so you can, like, carry it around with you and keep stuff in it. So it just really makes drinking water way more convenient. I'm also trying to not waste so many water bottles and use a reusable water bottle. Just one person switching to a reusable water bottle saves approximately two hundred and seventeen plastic water bottles from going to a landfill, which is crazy so you can check out Hydro Jug at WW W Diet. The Hydro Jug dot com use discount code Southern Tea to get 10 percent off your order today. The hype is real. Hydro jugs are game changers for anyone on the go again. You can use code Southern Tea at WW W Dot the Hydro Jug dot com to get 10 percent off today, and you can start hydrating in style. It completely other news, Katie. What can you tell me about fallen down the stairs? Oh my God. So yes. So the other night, Cam's dad was over. He had like a spontaneous work trip in Charlotte. And so we were like, You have to come over for dinner. And then we opened one of our nice napa bottles of wine that we brought back with us since he was over and I honestly, like, was not drunk at all. I swear to you, I like sunglasses, I swear. Nick, you're going to say that I had like two glasses and he had already left and we were walking down the stairs. And I don't know what happened. Like, my foot just slipped and I busted it like. I swear it happened in point two seconds. I hit the stairs so hard I thought my leg was broken and I literally skidded down all the way to the bottom of the stairs. What was Kim doing during this whole time cam, like he went before me and he like was like, Whoa, like what happened? And I just sat like, laid there in like pain. And I'm the bruise on my leg is insane. I have to take a picture. Oh, and put it on stories. It is. I already bruise really, really, really easily. Like, I don't know why, but I do. And it is black and it's like a huge lump. And not only that, but of course, I broke our Napa wine glasses that we got from Napa. A broken, Oh my gosh, did wine go everywhere? No wine did not go everywhere. Well, that's because you drank it. Yeah, it was the and we're going to call it the drunk and spill. Right, right. It was funny how it shattered, too, though it didn't like shatter. Like you would think it shattered. I guess I hit the very bottom of it on like one step because literally the top part and the stem were just broken. Oh, like you, it looks like you could have like super glue to back together, you know what I mean? Oh my gosh, isn't that the worst? Like, whenever you fall and it's so unexpected. Like, obviously none of us expect that we're going to hear the crap out of you. Oh my gosh. So when Jackson was a baby, I was going down the stairs at my old house and literally busted it and hit my back. I thought I was paralyzed like, I am not even kidding. I quickly, I guess, like my mom instincts kicked in because I had him in my arms. I bear hug damn like on the front of me so that that part patted him as I was falling. I also scared all the way down the stairs, and thank goodness I had my phone with me out of call will, like while he was at work. Once I kind of got like my mind, I was like, What had happened? Yeah, because I didn't even realize what had happened for it felt like a couple of minutes. Mm hmm. And I also felt like I really was paralyzed because I thought I was going to throw up like I thought I was going to be sick. I was like, Oh my gosh, this would happen. Like when Will's at work and I don't have anybody here to help. I've got this baby by myself. But no, was Jack crying? Surprisingly, no, because I just moved him to the to the front of my body and he was patted pretty well. So he didn't. He didn't get hurt whatsoever. But I was I was in full shape and high quality will, and I was like, Well, like, you have to come home like you have to come home. I think I am paralyzed and we're going to have to buy a life alert. Do you remember those things? Oh my god. Yeah. Like, because if I am around this house, I started thinking about the craziest stuff. Like, what if I fell and got her? Or like something happened and Jackson was just like rogue around the house by himself? Yeah, and you couldn't do anything. Yeah, that's the most terrifying thing to me. Like what would happen? I've often also thought since I moved, like, what if something happened? I need to teach Jackson, like how to be able to call will fast, like if something happened to us and we can't call 999 because Jackson will be calling 9-1-1 and no one's going to go. So no, it's not going to go to anything. Not, no. Oh my gosh. Something that is so funny. It just made me think of this is Will and I do breakfast very differently for Jackson. And so yesterday he was telling me on the phone, he was like, If I have to have more of dad's nasty bacon and eggs, another time it's going to make me so sick. He does not realize I can just have oatmeal and fruit for breakfast because I fix him oatmeal and fruit, and he loves that so much. And he's like, I don't know why he won't let me have that when it's so tasty. And he just makes me have these nasty stinkin eggs and bacon and bacon. He hates it so much, and I just want to know how many other people's kids are, like, super particular in the morning about their breakfast. And if you have, like, go to meals or your kids because I know some people are like big on the bacon and eggs, and then some people are more of like. Pancakes. Oatmeal, maybe like toast with jelly on it or something like that. Jackson definitely falls in that category and then will forces him into the other category and it starts the day. Just sign you need to be eating bacon. Yeah, I'm just like to have your meat. Oh, wait, this makes me so I cannot wait until Harper can, like, talk and express herself. I feel like it's got to be just so cute and so funny. Everything they say. Oh my gosh, yeah. But then it goes out of the funny stage and then it's just like, OK, what next? Like, Oh my god. Wait, do you remember this is like, totally kind of off topic? But do you remember when we were talking about Disney and like rollercoasters and all of that stuff? Yeah, tell me, Oh my God, so I forgot to share this last week. But people are putting in their crazy roller coaster stories and they are whole area, so I feel like I have to read them. OK, go. OK, so someone said that their brother crapped his pants on the Tower of terror. I wonder how many times that happened. So yeah, I have it and I got it. So one person said almost flew out of one of Canada's wonderland rides when I was a kid and my dad had to hold me down. I took my husband a worlds of fun in Kansas City. He is scared of heights, so of course I made his first ride, the Mamba, which is the highest roller coaster in the Midwest. He passed out, going down the first highest drop. I was laughing so hard I peed my pants and then had to walk around with PE shorts for at least 45 minutes. She said. Joke's on me. That's hilarious. Oh my god. Oh my. There are just so many ones of people getting stuck. And yeah, so they went. I used to see it on the news rollercoaster. Yeah, white people getting stuck. Yeah, like I used to. Yeah, all the time the news. Yeah, someone just said they got stuck upside down. That is my honestly, that's my biggest fear. Yeah, I'm always when I go on roller coasters, I always like say to myself. Please don't get stuck like. Make it through the ride smoothly like, and I'm always checking the people to you that are putting you on there, seeing like their demeanor and if they're like calm or if it seems like something's wrong. So I know like not to get on or whatever. Yeah, but it is truly my biggest fear like to get stuck somewhere really high. Or upside down. Have you ever done the pirate ship where you literally are kind of like float upside down for a second before it goes the other side? No, that wouldn't be like that. That is the scariest one. And someone said legit fell out of one of those pirate ships that goes upside down and was caught by the row in front of me. No. Wow. Hmm. OK. You're making me real scared on rollercoasters again. I can't, I? I think the older that I've gotten to, like I used to love to go on roller coasters and stuff. But the more. I've gotten older, I just feel like they make me sick or like, it's not as fun. Yeah, well, I feel like that's the beauty of being little, right? You're so naive to literally everything. The world is just like rainbows and butterflies. You just, you know, you have trust in everything. And then when you get older, you realize, Oh gosh, you like, know too much. It's kind of a thing that could go wrong. It's kind of like our children with us or us with our parents, like when we're younger, but then whenever we get older and we know better. Then we want to do better, and so the mindset is just totally different because I would have never thought about like. Being scared or anything being able to happen or anything like that as a child, like riding rides or anything like that, but now as an adult, I think about all of like the morbid things that could possibly happen. Yes. And it like sucks. Like, I wish I could go back to being that little naive kid who didn't have a care in the world. But unfortunately, we got to grow up and then we see everything for what it is. Oh, my gosh. OK, so before we go, what are you doing this weekend? Are you in camp going on trip? Why are we doing this? We can. No, surprisingly not. Oh, Harper's getting dedicated on Sunday. Oh my gosh, that's so exciting. Yeah, so I'm so excited. Actually, I know we're running out of time, but we had like a little class last Sunday to, like, prepare us for it. And I wrote down some, really. It was like a really good session. I wrote down some really good notes and it was just like, really good life lesson. So I'll have to like talk about some of those. I'll next week's episode. But yeah, and we need to post them to. Yes, yes. But yeah, I'm so excited. I just feel like, you know, this is Cam and I are taking us really, really seriously. Like, we're not just like, Oh yeah, like, we're going to dedicate her to our church because that's like what we're supposed to do. Like, No, we're taking this like really seriously, and we are promising how we are going to raise her in church and, you know, raise her the best we can to believe in God and stuff. And my church believes that baptism is like something that you choose to do. So whenever you know she's old enough to decide if she wants to do it, and that's when you know, she'll get baptized and stuff. But we're really excited and we're having our friends and family come and then we're going to do like a little celebration after so, so sweet. I love that so much. What are you doing? I am hanging out with Jackson. I think that we'll probably just find some stuff to do around here. And then obviously he'll have school for the next week and then he and I are going to go on like a little. I don't want to say where I'm going, but we're going on a little mini vacation for Labor Day. So I think that'll that'll be fun. And then I also wanted to say before we get off here that I had a ton of people send in prayer requests from my Instagram. So I'm going to post some of those prayer requests so that we can all be praying for these people that wrote in and shared. And I won't be posting the people's names that requested these prayers. Just know that we're praying for you. And also, if you guys have not followed us on Instagram, make sure you do that. The Southern Tip podcast on Instagram. And if you have not subscribed to our show, you can do that by searching the Purple Podcast app on any Apple device type in the Southern Tea. Click Subscribe, click the FitStar and leave us our written review. You can also find us on Spotify. I hope you guys have a great week, and we'll talk to you soon. Hi, guys.